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Hi, I'm DeadBored 🙋🏿‍♂️👋🏿

I'm extremely indecisive, so my favourites lists aren't top 10s (mostly random picks due to the limit).
As such, I'm constantly revising my scores. Anything I rate a 6 or higher is something I'd revisit.
I love Avant Garde anime, but can find enjoyment in anything with well-written characters & story.

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literaturenerd Feb 28, 12:53 PM
Thank you!
Enivlens Feb 26, 6:52 AM
Man, that's great!! Congratulations! I know how the much of a hassle dealing with the government can be, but hopefully soon it'll clear up and you'll end up liking your job a lot! Also it was no problem at all, I found it looking to see if maybe someone made a fanmade edit, and surprised myself with an actual result! I guess I shouldn't underestimate Tally Hall fans! x'D I'm glad they're still active.

Precisely! I felt like I had some sort of revelation about how mechanics and game design play a large role in determining which fighters stand out when I was comparing Brawl to Melee. Mang0 and Hungrybox have such interesting and diverse playstyles, its really cool that people can carve for themselves a style of fighting like that in games! I remember watching a guy years ago who mained Luigi and Ness in Melee.. At the time, I was struggling trying to main Luigi and was absolutely hypnotized by the way he turned the goofiest characters into war machines x'D Very inspiring stuff honestly. I've been trying to find a video of his for over an hour with no luck, so I'm sadly not able to provide you with anything fun to watch, but I'll keep looking!

I's be lying to say that I didn't really enjoy playing Origami King because it was the closest Nintendo has gotten to the amazing first three Paper Mario games, but it still lacked all of what made the originals so great... I miss the wacky and vibrant characters and grand storylines.. It just feels so uninspired that they made all the games themed after paper and art supplies when the first three were just... epic adventure stories?? I don't understand why they'd turn the plot into a joke about paper x[ Oh well.
That's a good way to think about it! Some concept art for Dreaming Machine was released too and just being able to see those small snippets (and the power of imagination) is practically a movie itself. Wait a minute, maybe Kon intended for us to be the 'dreaming machine' all along...

Ah man! I'm SO stoked you liked Nana!! I can't think of any manga/anime with more humanistic characters, and its crazy because shoujo are so unrealistic and floaty-floaty at times hahaha! I think the manga is genuinely worth the time to read, it adds so much for to all the developments shown in the anime and continues on with the story for quite a while afterwards too! I don't blame Ai Yazawa for leaving it unfinished since her work is so masterfully done- I think anyone'd feel extremely daunted, and of course the mangaka should put their well-being first! Across all our comments I've noticed you're really considerate about things like that, it honestly makes me really happy to talk to someone so kind and understanding like you, so thank you so much for that! ^u^ Anyway, I'm really happy you enjoyed the series to the point where you want to read the manga! A lot of manga aren't worth their time, but Nana is definitely not like that to me!

Thanks so much for all the kind words, jeez! You're hyping me for my own projects x''D Just proves how you are really just so, so kind. Gah! xD Thanks so much. I too hope that all goes well for your new job, and that you have a great week!! Tell me about anything fun if something arises!
Regular_Viewer Feb 12, 3:50 PM
Thx you too!!
Enivlens Feb 12, 2:07 PM
Thank you! I would as well! x'D Someone made their own HQ edit of Another Minute which fulfills my needs pretty well, but dang it would be awesome for Tally Hall to bring it back! Here's the HQ version: Haha yes! You certainly did a great job with that recommendation! I'm still going through some of the Unicorns albums, but I've written down my favorites!

Hah, I thought that the release of the alarm clock was extremely unexpected, but now that you've pointed out that they might be trying to avoid their 'curse', it does make sense! Oh yes, people really have to give credit to the developers of fighting games for designing the mechanics so well. It must take a lot of time and calculation to make players' experience fluid, immersive, and dynamic for so many different types of players, while still leaving room for the fighter characters to have their unique and individualized quirks. I can't imagine the time it takes to design a combat system like that! Speaking of which, Ryu is totally going down >:^] Ooh I'm glad you brought up Melee, it is one of my favorites too! I love pretty much everything about it from the goofy yet respectable polygon graphics to the slippery controls that are oddly just so pleasing! :D The community is great for it too, I'm also glad that people have kept it alive for so long! Youtube recommended me a spoof yesterday for it and it gave me chronic nostalgia. That stuff was so much fun!

Yeah... People seem to forget that HD doesn't mean "better game" at all <:'I I would absolutely kill for Nintendo to make a characterized Paper Mario game again, like the original three releases. They tried making Origami King a bit more like TTYD than Color Splash and Sticker Star (THANKFULLY), but it was still so... average. I felt like no one cared too much about it.. Though it did have a few good points, it is very cookie-cutter and standard. I'm trying to hold hope for the industry with the surge of indie games at least!
I definitely wish Kon could have lived long enough to see his last movie, Dreaming Machine, finished! I feel so bad about all the effort that went into it and great ideas it could have held. Such a shame that no one could take Kon's place to finish it ;__; I'd finish animating it myself if I could, hahaha!

Ah, that's so cool! It'd be awesome to work near a friend. I do hope you get the position! :D I'm really glad to hear that the other job opportunity is something you won't be disappointed with too, that sure does minimize losses. Als mMy game's going pretty fine too! Just reviewed the bare-bones script with my sister, now I'm making edits and writing some more content into it. I don't want to spend too much longer writing though, or I'd just be wasting time being a perfectionist for things that I'll probably change in later stages :P
Enivlens Feb 11, 7:41 AM
Aw! thank you so much for saying that, I really appreciate the wishes!! I'm sorry I haven't responded to your comment yet since I've been really busy, but I'm almost there! I hope you have an absolutely fantastic day too! :^D Thanks again!!
Rhyzxx Feb 4, 10:54 PM
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes, Bro! I really appreciate it!

Enivlens Feb 3, 7:59 AM
I couldn't find I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You's video either.. I completely trust your word though, so its all good, haha! I love Ruler of Everything so very much, but my favorite Tally Hall song has got to be either Taken for a Ride and Another Minute! I'm a complete sucker for goofy songs with a tinge of sadness, or the opposite. I think that unintentionally describes my taste xD

Yeah, entirely! Emulators are a great way to truly re-live and experience older works as they should be. I really like how Nintendo released a lot of their games for the Switch with the Switch Online subscription, but genuinely, I get so much more when I play those same games on an emulator. There's just a tinge of unruly-ness to it that makes it feel more authentic than even the official re-release. And I swear I'll get to Metroid real soon, it displeases and shames my Nintendo-obsessed self to not have played it after all this time xd Speaking of Nintendo, I'm pretty bummed out that the Switch 2 will have games exclusive to it, it looks the exact same as the Switch so you KNOW it's just for money's sake x'U Yes!! I love how excitable everyone becomes at fighter game competitions, plus the absolute skill that some of the players have. I participated once in a SSBU tournament once but I was beaten to a pulp by round two. Luckily I prefer being a spectator hahaha. But the community genuinely is the best part of fighter games, not only the game itself and fighting with friends, but also the online base where people make interpretations of the characters in animations or edit together scenarios using mimicking he in-game dialogue! It's so cool how dynamic people can get with a simple game. I mean, I cannot deny that even I grow a strange attachment to the characters I play as on a personal level, coming up with barely-tangible storylines to go with my wins and losses x'''D I still hold a grudge against Ryu from the way his CPU destroyed me over and over for hours one time lol

I too never really noticed the quality difference between old and new games until I was watching someone play Super Mario 64 once and some spectating kid nearby was asking his parents how the "box thing" was supposed to look like Mario. That rocked me so hard, I didn't even realize it was possible that anyone COULDN'T see Mario in the games I grew up with ;__; Made me feel old and damaged my soul, but also got me concerned for the future of humanity. I can't believe people honestly think stylization like looks 'bad' or 'wrong'?? Can't relate to that at all. I'd like to think that since indie games are so upheld though, people can still appreciate stylized media!Also I'm genuinely so glad to hear about the successes of lesser-known series, that's genuinely poetic! I too hope that more AAA names get more stylized in the future. It'd be cool if they recognized how many people want media to resemble the good 'ol days again C:
Having a stylistic taste of anime applies to both of us, I think! Like, I know that A Silent Voice and Your Name are without a doubt beautiful works of animation, but Yuasa and Satoshi Kon's works I remember so much more. Not saying they're either movie is bad or anything, but there's a certain charm about those artists' works that makes them unforgettable! It's sad to think there will never be something quite as absurd and fun as Cat Soup or Tokyo Godfathers again...

Oh man, that's swell!! Congratulations for the job offer!! :D I'm sure you'll be just fine, but I'll be wishing you all the luck I can!!
BeastyAnimefan Feb 1, 1:01 AM
indeed a very cool penguin
BeastyAnimefan Feb 1, 12:52 AM
eblf2013 Jan 31, 6:24 PM
Many thanks! It's still 31st here though, at least in 1 hour and half when I wrote this comment.
eekeen Jan 29, 5:28 AM
Hey, thanks for the friend request!

You got great favorites! I can see avant garde is your cup of tea! :D
Enivlens Jan 26, 6:20 AM
Ah, yeah I can really see how you related it to Tally Hall now that you mentioned it! I love their music and videos as well! (Ruler of Everything especially is so darn good! :U) I checked out Black Kids since I haven't heard of them and they're super cool too! I really liked the unique structure and instrumentals in their album Partie Traumatic. The music videos have a neat surrealistic tone as well, thanks for introducing me to 'em!!

Knockoff NES and SNES emulators are popular xD I appreciate that they allow so people to experience older media in a way similar to how it was first released! Oooh, Metroid is awesome! I've started it before but never beat it. I really hope to do that someday! Also I've heard a lot of good things about Double Dragon too, looks fun! I'm kinda addicted to fighters right now since I went to an arcade recently and spent a few hours knocking around opponents on Street Fighter II Alpha and Garou: Mark of tht Wolves x'D I swear, those animations pack so much personality! I might have to try out Double Dragon with my sibling sometime soon though... Anyway, I'm so glad you got to enjoy some high quality classics from an early age, it certainly sets the stage for appreciating the growth of quality for modern games! Kids these days who grow up on newer games fail to realize the value of older media, its a bit sad. They don't realize the subtleties and intent behind each pixel when they're used to the crisp and clean graphics. It helps that a lot of indie developers are trying to stylize their games to look retro though, if even a bit!
abystoma2 Jan 22, 2:29 AM
Alright, "Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Yotarou Hourou-hen | Descending Stories OVA 1-2 (DVD 480p)" on nyaa.
_Fangg Jan 21, 10:01 AM
Thank you! Appreciate it

abystoma2 Jan 19, 11:51 AM

I got it from, but as far as I know the OVA version specifically was never subbed, though iirc there was not much difference from the first 2 episodes of the tv series.

That said, if you still want the raws and need help with seeding, let me know. Also I think I have machine translated subtitles file for somewhere it if you are fine with that.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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