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Aug 29, 2024 1:54 PM

Nov 2020
It's great that this anime is aware of the whole paradox related to time travel, but despite this awareness we still have this plot and not another, i.e. Eiko moves to another reality leaving hers to its fate... Skynet sent terminators in time even though they would change something, even though it wouldn't affect the time they were sent from in the slightest, it doesn't make sense but they do it anyway to keep the plot going.

I like Misaki's storyline, MC didn't give a damn about his children/made it seem like he didn't, Misaki always took care of them, even though she's a machine similar to the murderer who's chasing them, she's a real family to them.

Ehh... I hate plots based on time travel, unless it's something as complicated as Dark, then I watch mindlessly and don't bother wondering about the plot's meaning because I wouldn't be able to handle it anyway xDD
Aug 30, 2024 2:19 PM

Mar 2023
Reply to Ba-Cii10
It's great that this anime is aware of the whole paradox related to time travel, but despite this awareness we still have this plot and not another, i.e. Eiko moves to another reality leaving hers to its fate... Skynet sent terminators in time even though they would change something, even though it wouldn't affect the time they were sent from in the slightest, it doesn't make sense but they do it anyway to keep the plot going.

I like Misaki's storyline, MC didn't give a damn about his children/made it seem like he didn't, Misaki always took care of them, even though she's a machine similar to the murderer who's chasing them, she's a real family to them.

Ehh... I hate plots based on time travel, unless it's something as complicated as Dark, then I watch mindlessly and don't bother wondering about the plot's meaning because I wouldn't be able to handle it anyway xDD
even though it wouldn't affect the time they were sent from in the slightest, it doesn't make sense but they do it anyway to keep the plot going.

To explain how the author though about this part. In this story, the way Skynet works is: it only understand things logically
Time paradox is NOT logical, so it can't understand it. (in the context of the story) You could say it would be a matter of faith, but Skynet only works with logic.

Hence Skynet determines that it should send someone back in time.
Skynet can't understand time paradox, so it thinks sending someone back in time is a good move, it will help
Even after sending someone back in time, it won't understand why it's plan failed. Since it can't understand a time paradox, so it has no idea what went wrong.

Not really a fan of this part either.
Sep 1, 2024 3:18 AM
Aug 2023
Well, I'll give the show least it's trying to do something new by applying the multiverse version of time travel to the Terminator franchise. But I suppose Genisys tried that first though with Matt Smith's "I'm Skynet"...which is what I think it was suggesting was going on (Skynet from another timeline meddling in this timeline while knowing it's not their own)

Misaki just messes with the tied up Inno for no good reason, causing that mess. smh. But now she's got access to superhuman abilities instead of acting like a wimp all the time, and just brutally kills people without remorse. While I like the upgrade to her character, it was kind of stupid how they got there.
Sep 1, 2024 12:07 PM

Nov 2013
Reply to watsym
even though it wouldn't affect the time they were sent from in the slightest, it doesn't make sense but they do it anyway to keep the plot going.

To explain how the author though about this part. In this story, the way Skynet works is: it only understand things logically
Time paradox is NOT logical, so it can't understand it. (in the context of the story) You could say it would be a matter of faith, but Skynet only works with logic.

Hence Skynet determines that it should send someone back in time.
Skynet can't understand time paradox, so it thinks sending someone back in time is a good move, it will help
Even after sending someone back in time, it won't understand why it's plan failed. Since it can't understand a time paradox, so it has no idea what went wrong.

Not really a fan of this part either.
@watsym Hmm... I guess I'm no fan either. The way they explained it kinda makes sense, but isn't satisfactory. I like it more when someone goes back in time, fixes a problem, thus changes the future, thus the future they came from basically gets erased and the present becomes canon. Meaning, there's just 1 timeline in existence. Going back in time BUT in a DIFFERENT timeline sounds way too convoluted as you can have INFINITE timelines. Why not? As for the time traveler... Some believe that by changing the past time traveler should get instantly erased due to paradox of "no longer getting born" in the now-erased future. I believe, the erasing shouldn't happen since time traveler already became part of the "present in the past". The moment they arrived in the past (time traveling to future is impossible), the future they came from gets erased immediately anyways. I mean, if you can't go back to the future, how can you claim that the future you came from continues to exist, right?

Time travel can be such a pain in the ass. We love talking about it as if we can prove shit :D. I mean, it also makes sense why someone would assume time travelers don't go to the past of the same timeline. Eiko in the future should ALREADY not exist as she's "destined" to go back to the past and change the future. If she succeeded after time travel, her future self (before time-travel) should no longer exist to begin with! To avoid a paradox, it makes sense to believe that she failed (lol), or she continues to exist because she's not actually changing the past of her own timeline but of an entirely different one. That makes you wonder what's the point of going to the past then. I mean, ok, maybe you save some other timeline, but your original one gets destroyed and maybe million other timelines too. Isn't that bullshit in a way?
To make it less bullshit, I believe that the time traveler must have privileges and some rules must NOT apply to them. They basically become a "god" or MC of the timeline. They'll be the only person who'll remember. Basically, by time-travelling they already erased themselves from the future and brought it to the past.

Speaking of which, if time travel isn't actual time-travel but hopping to a different independent timeline, HOW COME events in Terminator 1,2,3 happen in the same timeline??? I mean, when T1 ends, there should be no other time-traveling terminators appearing in the same timeline any longer, no?
Liquid terminator from T2 should have arrived in a TOTALLY DIFFERENT timeline where events from T1 never happened! Same with the chick from T3!
If Skynet is sending terminators in the past without realizing they're sent in different timelines, how come it's sending them in the SAME other timeline instead of a totally different timeline every single time???
Sigmar-UnberogenSep 1, 2024 12:10 PM
Sep 1, 2024 12:19 PM

Nov 2013
Reply to Garrett_Dark
Well, I'll give the show least it's trying to do something new by applying the multiverse version of time travel to the Terminator franchise. But I suppose Genisys tried that first though with Matt Smith's "I'm Skynet"...which is what I think it was suggesting was going on (Skynet from another timeline meddling in this timeline while knowing it's not their own)

Misaki just messes with the tied up Inno for no good reason, causing that mess. smh. But now she's got access to superhuman abilities instead of acting like a wimp all the time, and just brutally kills people without remorse. While I like the upgrade to her character, it was kind of stupid how they got there.
@Garrett_Dark Agreed. I didn't like the eldest son last episode but this time he made the most sense. Humans were just trying to save kids from crazed robots. Misaki didn't have to murder people left and right. Especially considering how she seems trained in martial arts and could have easily disarmed them without getting all psycho-killer mode. But I guess that looks cooler on screen. Fuck Misaki. I'd hate her less if she showed remorse for going "berserk" all of a sudden, but apparently she saw nothing wrong in murdering in what she believe was "self defense".
Sep 1, 2024 11:53 PM
Aug 2023
Reply to Sigmar-Unberogen
@Garrett_Dark Agreed. I didn't like the eldest son last episode but this time he made the most sense. Humans were just trying to save kids from crazed robots. Misaki didn't have to murder people left and right. Especially considering how she seems trained in martial arts and could have easily disarmed them without getting all psycho-killer mode. But I guess that looks cooler on screen. Fuck Misaki. I'd hate her less if she showed remorse for going "berserk" all of a sudden, but apparently she saw nothing wrong in murdering in what she believe was "self defense".
Sigmar-Unberogen said:
Fuck Misaki. I'd hate her less if she showed remorse for going "berserk" all of a sudden, but apparently she saw nothing wrong in murdering in what she believe was "self defense".

It gets worse when you learn more about her, and it would have been more logical for her to be remorseful, or held back the lethality. This show is just kind of dumb, like how Eiko overpowered the Terminator in hand-to-hand and threw him down an elevator shaft.

Sigmar-Unberogen said:
Speaking of which, if time travel isn't actual time-travel but hopping to a different independent timeline, HOW COME events in Terminator 1,2,3 happen in the same timeline??? I mean, when T1 ends, there should be no other time-traveling terminators appearing in the same timeline any longer, no?
Liquid terminator from T2 should have arrived in a TOTALLY DIFFERENT timeline where events from T1 never happened! Same with the chick from T3!
If Skynet is sending terminators in the past without realizing they're sent in different timelines, how come it's sending them in the SAME other timeline instead of a totally different timeline every single time???

As for your one timeline vs multiverse timeline discussion. If it is actually the multiverse timeline time traveling in the movies, I assume the skynet from the other prior timeline just kept sending more Terminators to the present timeline because it kept wondering why nothing was changing. ie. Skynet thinking "oh my T1 Terminator must have failed because nothing happened...I better send my T2 T1000 back now. Oh nothing happened either, well I better send my T3 T-X Terminator then.", and so forth. You'd think at some point this Skynet would consider the sunk cost fallacy and give up. But I guess Terminators to it are like pennies, and it already has the time travel why not.

In other words, their time travel machine didn't make all the travelers end up in different timelines, otherwise Kyle Reese would have ended up in a timeline without the T800 trying to kill Sarah Connor, their time machine made all the travelers end up in the same different timeline.
Garrett_DarkSep 2, 2024 12:04 AM
Sep 2, 2024 7:26 AM

Apr 2016
Terminator kidnapped one boy and go to watch the father!!!
Sep 2, 2024 10:28 AM
May 2021
Sheesh this episode went all in with the intensity and ya the time travel theory from the Original movie series 🔥. And how tf that terminator came to cat land so quickly lmao, that kinda caught me off guard when he appeared suddenly lol
Sep 3, 2024 1:50 AM

Aug 2019
This episode answered my previous question regarding Misaki's fighting capabilities.

I know the kids are always going to act irrationally but man does it get annoying when they do it when they shouldn't. Kids are going to be kids I guess.
Sep 4, 2024 7:00 AM
Feb 2016
Man... Kenta is seriously irritating one little shit, I get that he's a know it all kid who his brother has accurately described but damn was he annoying here, moreso than he was in the previous episode.

For all yall blaming Misaki with some of the dumbest criticisms I've ever seen, have ANY of yall stopped to consider that:

1. The people are in a crisis state and will literally do anything to protect what's important to them, including showcasing outward yet understandably justified hatred towards machine.

2. Misaki has clearly BEEN having an identity crisis, all the while making it clear Yet Again that she will do anything to protect the kids. If they went to those humans for safety do you think that they would have treated ANY of them warmly considering what's going on? She should have simply disarmed them? Those people were in fight or flight mode even before the trio got there and only cared about protecting those that looked like them. She HERSELF didn't even know that she could do all that stuff until she was stopped by the dude literally threatening to blow a child's head off

Yall stay only glancing at the big picture of this series all the while continuing to take an idiotic side - yall are acting exactly like Kenta when half the point is that neither he nor those people know better and are in fact only making things worse just because you think it's the human thing to do
Sep 5, 2024 4:55 AM

Sep 2019
kenta is really ANNOYING
Sep 7, 2024 12:16 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Kokoro is a much more interesting AI than your typical and comical "kill all humans" AI that you usually get in movies. Right now, she is the most interesting character imo and she's not even technically a character I guess lol

Not exactly an interesting character, but the one I'm still rooting for hard is Misaki. Honestly don't care if anyone else dies, I just want Misaki to survive all this.... but something tells me I might be speaking too soon. ;(

anyway I love how the world's on fire but meanwhile Malcolm is just chilling in the vegas sphere and chatting with siri
BetaMaleUltraSep 7, 2024 12:24 AM

whiskey tango foxtrot

Sep 15, 2024 7:13 AM

Jul 2013
First Malcolm created Kokoro to have different personalities and is now trying enslave the Japanese and now Misaki feels sympathy for her fellow robot? If he really did create Misaki that is. Sometimes the smartest people are also in a way the dumbest aren't they. Misaki murdered humans plain and simple.
Sep 16, 2024 1:29 PM

Mar 2022
Misaki has got even more development in this episode and she apparently has superhuman abilities. She basically kills the humans without any mercy. Damn it why do I feel like Misaki feels more like the main character of this anime than Malcom has so far in this series alone? Then again I find it odd that you give the most development to a character who is supposed to be supporting cast essentially given more here than the actual main character I'm meant to care about at this point. Kenta really did piss me off immensely throughout this entire episode, not only is he back to being a complete fucking idiot but also the fact that he 180ed his apology in the previous episode when he thought she was Malcom's creation but as a result this scene of him pointing a gun at Misaki essentially paints him as even more of a prick than he ever was before because it basically makes his apology null void and not making his words sincere to her at all. Was I surprised he got captured by the Terminator at the end? No. Should I even care for him at this point? No. This show is basically on autopilot for me and considering how he's been in the past episodes, there's lack of enthusiasm for him as well. Which makes it harder for me to care when he's important to the main plot.

I'll give Terminator Zero that it's at least trying to give some new ideas to the franchise that haven't been explored before. Like the idea that a human could be a machine living amongst humanity and could face prejudice by other humans which is a novel concept at the very least but it's likely going to be unresolved considering we are only two episodes away from finishing. Really wishing she hadn't messed with that robot that was all tied up to discover said abilities though but hey I'll take that as once again character development on Misaki's part anyway I can. Whatever we are on the penultimate episode anyway please just give me something to grab hold of something, anything, before I finish this show at the very least.
Oct 25, 2024 4:53 AM

Jan 2018
So in this series, time traveling to the past just creates a new timeline that's different from the present. Good to know. But I'm pretty sure that's not how it worked in the original movies... This just means whatever Skynet or the human resistance does by sending people to the past is meaningless as people in the future will be screwed regardless. But in the human's case, you can say that them trying to create at least one separate timeline where Skynet doesn't kill everyone is noble. But I kinda doubt that people living in such a future would care about creating a brand new timeline where humans don't have to fight for survival. They'd most likely prioritize their own survival over creating an alternate timeline that they can't even see. It's just a massive waste of time and resources unless they didn't know about this fact. They just don't have the luxury. This gives me the idea that there should be a sci-fi story where human civilization discovers time travel and tries to use it for the "greater good" by going back in time and "fixing" major world events like world wars. Only for it to backfire and things end up worse than they began. That'd be a cool story. I hope it'll be a bit like Dragon Ball Z's Future Trunk storyline with Eiko going back to the future to save her timeline somehow. That'd make it better.

Anyway, Misaki does have combat capability after all. It would've been more useful if it activated when she was getting folded by the Terminator... Not in front of humans who were just trying to survive. She did not have to kill those people. I guess she just lost control. But the fact that she didn't even show any remorse for killing them just makes it worse. It just confirms Kenta's point that she's just a machine and she can turn on them at any point. It's not like she developed feelings like humans (or like how T-800 did at the end of Terminator 2) and wanted to save the kids because she wanted to. It's just how she was programmed.

I think the story just went off the rails after judgment day. It probably would've been better if it just focused on what made the first two movies good, just have Misaki and Eiko protect the kids from just the Terminator. Maybe save Kokoro until the very end if not cut that part out completely. But Ig I can give props to the show for at least trying something different. It's kinda cool to have a Terminator story that takes place DURING Judgment Day. Tho it doesn't seem like the story will do much with it.
Nov 7, 2024 9:00 AM

Oct 2010
Lol these humans die incredibly quick / Misaki and the consumer grade robots are realistically WAY too overpowered to be safe for their intended commercial purposes.
Feb 11, 11:43 AM
Mar 2019
Kenta gets kidnapped by the Terminator.
Robots are making everyone paranoid.
Mar 13, 8:40 AM

Aug 2017
- Skynet is a they/them hivemind.
- Kokoro didn't take over Cat Town, even with her 1NNO spy following Eiko there?
- Robomaid and the boys went crazy. Guess the show didn't need more racist rebel drama despite the local rebel actions being justified. And isn't robomaid bulletproof?
- Malcolm finally had a little heart to heart with the Animatrix guide.
- Hobo Terminator got Kenta despite his robomaid and others looking out for him. Guess the bit about them copying voices wasn't part of the dream or future intel worth sharing.
- Is Kenta is his own father from a different future, to be sent back by Kokoro?
XCT3Mar 13, 8:58 AM

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