All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 78.0
Mean Score:
- Watching12
- Completed138
- On-Hold10
- Dropped10
- Plan to Watch121
- Total Entries291
- Rewatched0
- Episodes4,651
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 20.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries59
- Reread7
- Chapters2,849
- Volumes150
All Comments (3) Comments
DBZ's fans constantly wear nostalgia goggles,
HxH fans rant and rave about how the series is a deconstruction of everything,
One Piece fans have an elitist ideology over how the series compares to anime in general,
Naruto fans actually understand the flaws but fight with each other over how to fix those problems,
MHA fans place the series as the definition of perfect execution of all the clichés,
and Bleach fans... have basically committed Jonestown.
In other words - FANDOMS ARE CRAP.
Introducing NAKAMA POWER by the pioneers over at Shounen Tropes Ltd.
Order it now and get not one, not two, but three random asspulls to stuffed into one chapter to “boost” your ranking.
Warning: Maycauseadecreaseintheoverallqualityofyourwork.ShounenTropesLtddoesnottakeresponsibility.