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Jul 2, 2016 7:06 AM

Oct 2015
unlike some animes of the same type, this one actually ended & am not disappointed at all about how things turned out,BTW did those twins go incest? in any case, I loved this anime
Aug 18, 2016 8:47 AM
Oct 2012
i know it is way tooo late for me to post a reply here.
but now that i have watched this for more than four times i have to say that i still despise that woman(nanakas mom). that kinda woman needs to suffer more. nanaka has pure n innocent heart but not his mother. but his dad didnt behave good either though.
finally i have to say that i like the end.
love caramel sensei
Sep 5, 2016 3:22 PM

May 2014
Garbage series overall, oh well
Sep 13, 2016 4:11 AM

Mar 2015
OP Song: 3/5

OHHHHHHH, the wrist watch secret, damn I never thought about it.

Shuu X Shuri confirmed, YaY :D

I see Naruhodo. Thats what the anime title came from Nanaka violin music. Awesome!!


Overall: 7/10
Sep 21, 2016 1:42 PM

Dec 2014
well I was expecting a little more closer of other characters...bit it was still satisfying nonetheless
Oct 14, 2016 12:13 AM

Aug 2014
Good story, with some memorable moments, like the twins escaping together, but the pacing at the end was terrible, the last episode felt really rushed. The scene where Sana took off his wristwatch barely had any impact. Also the lack of development for Sana/Nanaka relationship, they rushed the ending so much we couldn't even see a proper confession or kiss between them. Really, so much wasted potential for this anime. Still give it 7/10.
Nov 18, 2016 3:55 PM

Aug 2016
What an abrupt ending lol, i was close to giving this a 9 during eps 9-12 but the ending kind of killed it for me, it wasnt a bad ending but everything ended how you expected it to, i still think a 10 year jump was a little too much lol, but im pretty sure they did that so the two kids would be adults after the jump and it wouldnt be awkward seeing them together lol,

Still 8/10 because this is one of the few anime where i actually really cared how the story was going to end.
Dec 14, 2016 4:19 PM

Jun 2016
Meh didn't really like the last few episodes, 7/10 for me.
Dec 21, 2016 10:35 PM

Feb 2014
Well, that was jarring. The episode quickly went from an intense monologue to a timeskip, complete with a peppy jingle. Still, going by what I read about the show, I was expecting the ending to be even worse. But glad Shuri and Shuu are doing alright. Seems like they have completely gone down the wincest route, which I approve (even though I didn't want that happen at first). And loli Hinako hooked up with the shouta.

And Nanaka's mother did cheat on the dad, but at least it wasn't after their marriage. But man, was she a bitch. She didn't seem the least bit apologetic about it. Makes me wonder why she even married Nanaka's dad if she cared so much about the instructor, and was so nonchalant about keeping the dad in the dark.

All in all, I think I'll give this a 7/10. I don't think I've watched an anime that had such a bad start that I felt like giving it a 3/10, and then drastically improve during the second half.

Also, I don't get the censorship of blood in this show. With all this cheating, murderous psychotic grandmothers, attempted suicide, and incest going on in the show, this is obviously aimed at an older audience that should be able to handle the sight of blood. So I don't see the need for changing the color of the blood and making it look as if the characters have pitch black tar running in their veins instead of red blood.
VhailorDec 21, 2016 10:41 PM
Jan 28, 2017 3:48 AM
Jan 2017
TBH, I couldn't stand the last episode! I enjoyed the series (mostly Aoi's voice lol) but i definitely won't watch it again. It got insanely dark and I was hoping for a little more romance and comedy in it. Plus, what was with the twins? are they together or something because if that's what the directors were implying, i hate it. no incest please! also both sana and nanaka going suicidal? well like sana got better and i suspected his watch was covering up a suicide attempt but it really broke my heart to see nanaka do the same thing and attempt suicide. it got very dark and then they rushed to the end. suddenly, 10 FREAKING YEARS LATER nanaka and sana are engaged. like come on we didn't see any of the romance or build up. it wasn't a heart warming ending i desired. i wish the twins came back and they all went back to normal and nanaka'a case would be closed.
May 17, 2017 7:36 AM

Apr 2012
Raijin-sama619 said:
Shuu X Shuri confirmed, YaY :D

In fact, no, the end is open and does not give an exact answer. This is a kind of gift to the fans of the original game, where they could not be made a couple, but Shuu confessed to the romantic feelings for his sister. So, officially in this series there is no incest, becouse in the game of his love interest - Asami Hoshino, although the authors decided to please the fans, making an ambiguous hint.
RobertBobertMay 17, 2017 7:54 AM
May 22, 2017 6:03 AM
Aug 2016
After someone recommending this on a facebook anime page i decided top binge watch it, And it was imo worth every minute. It brought smiles, laughs and tears to me throughout the entire series. For a anime based off a game it develped well with charecters and story. And thank you unlike a couple others ive watched lately a non open ending whicj i very well needed. Watch it draw your own conclusion....
Jun 10, 2017 4:35 AM

Oct 2012
Oh, God I really enjoyed this show. I thought it was gonna be really boring, your typical harem or love triangle situation. But it was great! Overall I have very few complaints about it.

The final episode is one of those complaints. Why do these short series tend to have such dull finales? They left so many questions in the air it felt a little dissapointing. I really wanted a little more closure for Hinako even... I feel this episode should have been split into two. And leave the 10 years later for a special OVA...
Nov 23, 2017 3:38 PM
Jul 2015
winsomemastix said:
I'm sorely disappointed to be honest. I loved the series, it was great. Up until episode 11 it was wonderful. Episodes 12 and 13 were, I suppose I'd say mediocre. The conclusion made me happy, but it was weak. I felt it could have been really powerful, but didn't quite do it. All and all, I think it's been a great anime, but I expected it to be better in the end there.

Yea this is supposed to be good anime. I like the conclusion, not bad, love how Sana finally gonna propose to Nanaka. Saw twin Wakatsuki return to their hometown.

But... somehow it feels weak. When Sana tell Nanaka about he was wanted to suicide, then it skipped 10 years. Everything is already ended like there's nothing happened between that 10 years. And then I think "that's it?"

Well, 7/10. I like the story, drama, except for how it ended.
Jan 15, 2018 9:51 AM
Jun 2014
WoooooW... A 10 year gap before they decide to get married. I don't think visual novel writers can write anything else. It's always a long gap. They didn't explain why, but if i judge by the novels i've read i bet it's because of her violin. It's always travel abroad to learn artistic traits if heroine has any kind of artistic talent in visual novels, which takes many years.
Feb 15, 2019 5:46 AM

Feb 2018
I think the was die xD, good ending Sana get married with Nanaka? In scene Sana propose him, the song myself yourself Its good too.
Apr 21, 2019 11:12 PM

Feb 2016
Man this show is awful. There's nonstop drama to the point of feeling forced and overwhelming. It's like a a really bad soap opera (which are already bad to begin with) featuring highschool students. And don't even get me started on how incredibly annoying and cringe Aoi's voice is.

Show was so bad that my entertainment came from making fun of how bad it is and to see if it could get any worse, which it did after each episode. The first few episode were alright, but man, eventually one episode after another it went downhill to the train wreck it is now.
CareBearApr 24, 2019 10:16 AM
Nov 26, 2019 12:24 PM

Aug 2018
Well, I had feeling Sensei could be Nanaka's father..
So.. Nanaka's "father" probably killed wife during rage, and then decided to commit suicide.. I honestly can understand this man.. I mean, whole life he was thinking he left offspring, and now what?.. It's just evolutionary shit, instincts would kick in like crazy..
Well, at least now we know that it wasn't uncle, right?.. So maybe it's even a better thing she remembered?..
Honestly, I can't believe that later Nanaka's mother didn't make a second child with Nanaka's father for all these years.. It is so selfish from her side.. She got a child from one man, her husband gave her material support.. Such a selfish bitch, to be honest..
Sana gently opened the door (to Nanaka's room)..
Just why can't I be serious in these situations, and more respectful somewhat.. Maybe because I just see where it goes (to possible suicide), and just can't sit still with shit going down, and Sana waiting..
So Asami saved the park?.. Well, nice girl is still nice girl.. ;p It seems she is still hard to open, though.. Too relatable of a character she is.. Maybe I'd like to play visual novel to see her route..
Overall, I really liked anime.. Art style is very attractive, comedy is easy to watch, I'd like to learn about and see characters more.. I think I'll consider visual novel, at least will give it a look.. Also will like to search for melody Sana played on piano - Nanaka's one, just piano version, maybe with both intsruments?.. Anyway, yeah.. Enjoyed anime a lot..
Jan 11, 2020 5:52 AM

Oct 2012

I wonder how the actual game was

cuz the anime adaptation felt soo weak.

no kiss

no showing sana proposing. the last ep felt so rushed. I wish there was a playable version on steam.

are the siblings I love with each other?

so many questions. 6 out of 10 for me. I'm glad future adaptations were done right cough steins gate.
Jan 16, 2020 3:41 AM

Aug 2017
It was a decent last episode. Pigtails was best girl and she lost unfortunately. I'll give this one 5/10 as it was not a very fun show. Kind of serious and a drag. No kissing, no ero, no ecchi or fanservice, no humor. Just dark scenes and brooding.

Apr 2, 2020 5:29 PM

Jan 2013
at least weird-beard uncle is a good (just frustrated) man

while the main two’s stories have been answered, not feeling that they completely ignored that random creeper watching Nanaka on tv, unless i missed it, and what happened to the twins’ dickhead pop’s reaction then jumped to a timeskip where it kinda-sorta implied that they twincested. i guess thats what the PS2 VNs are for ¯_(ツ)_/¯

started off rough especially Aoi’s voice throughout but (outside of that girl’s half episode long monologue about her outta nowhere revenge plot) they picked up up until the last half of the final. 6/10
dannymilkApr 2, 2020 5:48 PM
Oct 2, 2020 10:44 AM
Apr 2019
I had some doubts about how could they wrap up everything in one episode, but it was mostly well done, at least that concerning Nanaka and Sana. So Sana tried to commit suicide, well, it was the most convenient I guess -- a 2 minutes explanation was enough. I wonder how his mother let him to live alone though, it seems to me it isn't the best decision one can make in such a situation.

The 10-year jump didn't quite convince me, I would've preferred a second season or an OVA. I wanted to know more about the twins and the reactions about them leaving. They were holding hands, are they a couple now? So it turns out that the rumor Asami spread about them being lovers wasn't that far from be true after all.

Overall I liked the series, but I think they tried to convey too much in 13 episodes. I thought it would be the typical school rom-com, but it turned out darker than expected, what I liked. Great OP too.

In summary: interesting plot with a convenient closure, but irregular pace and too many side stories without clonclusion that diverted the focus from the main plot.
Jan 24, 2021 5:53 AM
Apr 2020
They did a huge time skip just to go to a satisfying conclusion. Really liked that :)

Never thought that I'll enjoyed this anime cuz I watched it in low quality. The story of each character would've done more but it's okay. The important part is the ending. 8/10 overall for this :)
Feb 11, 2021 10:55 PM

Aug 2014

The anime does give off a "creepy" vibe every now and then, which I liked.

It tackles issues that you rarely see in anime, so plus on that.

This anime also has something captivating about it with the small town country scenery.


It felt like the anime didnt know how to solve the issues of every character so they just did the running away and timeskip techniques, so thats a meh. 

And seriously = ten year timeskip??? Couldnt it have been just 3 years so you wouldnt feel so detached to everything?. 

I also really wished the anime would have done more with its creepy aspect.

Its an ok anime.
oooo3333Jan 6, 2024 7:44 PM
Feb 17, 2021 4:36 AM
Sep 2020
The whole series was just a 4/10 for me. There was no point in the anime where I thought.. Damn that makes sense. The whole story telling was outta mind. I think for other people it is a decent anime but for me it's just a 4/10... Especially the last episode wasn't that good^^
Feb 17, 2021 4:37 AM
Sep 2020
The whole series was just a 4/10 for me. There was no point in the anime where I thought.. Damn that makes sense. The whole story telling was outta mind. I think for other people it is a decent anime but for me it's just a 4/10... Especially the last episode wasn't that good^^
Dec 10, 2021 7:59 AM

Aug 2018
I expected a tearjerker along the lines of Clannad but instead what I got is basically an anime soap opera. Characters and story were fairly mature, grounded and believable throughout. Most of the plot twists were interesting. I do feel like the loli was unnecessary to the story and the friend-group's individual stories could have blended together into something a little more climactic, but overall it was pretty entertaining.

Jan 4, 2023 11:34 AM
Dec 2021
great anime. I loved nanaka. She is cute.
Jan 16, 2023 8:29 PM

Dec 2022
winsomemastix said:
I'm sorely disappointed to be honest. I loved the series, it was great. Up until episode 11 it was wonderful. Episodes 12 and 13 were, I suppose I'd say mediocre. The conclusion made me happy, but it was weak. I felt it could have been really powerful, but didn't quite do it. All and all, I think it's been a great anime, but I expected it to be better in the end there.

I pretty much agree with this. After episode 11 when Hoshino confesses and the twins leave, it pretty much went downhill. The writers had to rush Sana and Nanaka's relationship and their past trauma plotlines. The final punch just didn't hit hard, I didn't feel much joy or emotional attachment to the ending. It was just kinda disappointing. I gave the final two episodes a 2/5 respectively.

And I cannot believe that they had Sana propose to Nanaka off-screen. What were they thinking??? I didn't feel any love between them in that final episode. It's a damn shame after the amazing build-up earlier in the series. And a 10-year time skip? Sheesh.

Overall, I have to give it a 7/10, but before the last two episodes I was thinking of giving it a 9/10. That's how much I feel they rushed the ending. Still a great anime regardless, but it could have been so much better if it had been given 24 episodes. Condensing that many plotlines and properly developing that many characters in 13 episodes just isn't fair. It's not fair for the writers and it's not fair for the viewers.
MiryyJan 16, 2023 8:39 PM
Feb 19, 2023 4:49 PM

Jan 2021
How could they used 2 episodes for Hinako and cram the MAIN CHARACTERS Sana and Nanaka's arc into half an episode? That's just bad directing. The last 2 episodes were so rushed felt like a waste, nanaka and sana  was supposed to be the focus of the story right? 2 things also struck me as incredibly odd; 1: they implied incest with the twins and incest is NOT okay and I feel like the directors didn't even want to outright state it. 2: Hoshino and asami's cousins relationship is in fact incredibly weird, hinako is like 20/21 during the timeskip and asami's cousin is like 15 lol never seen anyone mention this. Overall the anime is decent the characters were fun and you could feel the bond they had, however the directing was horrible and the animation and artsyle is below average the budget just wasn't there which isn't exactly surprising. 6/10.
Mar 10, 2023 9:25 PM

Dec 2022
So they didn't go for the uncle being the perpetrator, it was actually her (not) dad. I like how this anime doesn't let you think the easiest conclusion is necessarily the accurate one. The wrist cutting sequences in this episode felt a little contrived though, as if to add more drama for the sake of it. Even Hinako and Asami's shota cousin being seemingly paired up is surprising. I thought he was just a one-off character for the amusement park episode, but plenty happened offscreen. Was he in the visual novel to begin with? Shuu and Shuri make for a great couple; if that's what the timeskip was hinting at (which is just speculation, of course), then you love to see it.

This was a competent watch. The dull first few episodes impeded it a bit, as did some of the drama being cheap and lacking in proper build-up to generate emotional payoff. On the other hand; the characters were memorable and grounded, it was full of surprises, wasn't afraid of anything, had an agreeable artstyle, and had some interesting environmental backdrops.
Archean-ReturnJul 30, 2024 9:31 AM

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Aug 4, 2023 7:21 AM
Dec 2022
Alot bursted to my mind by this final episode they really packed it all in one episode. I'm not disappointed by it because it's a good ending.

I'm gonna talk about the suic*de part first. It was really painful for Nanako for remembering all of those things in her past especially that her father is her violin instructor and how her father burned it all to the end it was really sad and disturbing.

Also Sana's past being bullied non-stop not even like verbal insult of bullying they did it physical with made him think of ending it all. Although I'm glad that they both talked it out and has the same idea of ending it all which they didn't and I'm happy for it!

10 years later

We did see the twins together (Hopefully not incest) but they look wonderful because they visited Nanako's playing violin.

And yeah I want to watch more but it looks like it's the perfect ending by far, again it wasn't bad since it was wholesome and I'm satisfied by it. :)

(Aoi did really have the most cutest voice, not annoying at all!) <3

- Throughout watching this anime from 2007 I'm impressed on why I didn't found this treasure.
Aug 13, 2023 11:14 PM
Nov 2015
Completed it long time ago! Just updating my list!
Nov 3, 2023 11:49 AM
Oct 2023
An up-and-down roller coaster finale. The downs were the predictability of some (if not all) of the final plot lines. The ups were that the final plot lines were exciting and brought much needed juice to the anime. In an anime that for the longest time I thought I was going to rate 5/10, my official rating is 7/10. I consider that quite impressive. I may not watch it again for a long time, but it passes my eye test. Congratulations Myself;Yourself!
Nov 4, 2024 9:11 PM
Aug 2019
This could have turned out to be just as good and famous as Clannad. But 13 episodes was just too little for much stuff they wanted to tell.

Still. Man, Things escalated quickly didn't they 👀

Last half was like fully packed with a lot of emotional stuff that needed more proper time, but still was good.
And even if it's not totally well delivered, they should really put on a warning for triggering stuff in the last episode..

Nice watch.
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