All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 33.1
Mean Score:
- Watching3
- Completed117
- On-Hold16
- Dropped29
- Plan to Watch145
- Total Entries310
- Rewatched0
- Episodes1,954
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 21.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries226
- Reread0
- Chapters3,905
- Volumes342
All Comments (46) Comments
found it interesting u slowed down considering that u were like a freight train.
whats the matter?
On another note, seeing that you have added Origination to your PTW list, I would highly advise watching Animation and Natural prior to it, as Origination is actually the 3rd and final full season of Aria. It makes sense to assume Origination is first since "origin" pertains to where something begins, but yeah, Animation is first.
Dangaronpa is a game. The 1st season covers the first game. But there is no Anime that covers Danganronpa 2. So you should play Danganronpa 2. After that there is a Danganronpa Anime that happens after Danganronpa 2. And what happens during Danganronpa 2 is very important.
So, you can't really watch these Anime without major spoilers.
Oh, so you're already planning to watch Deadman Wonderland, that's awesome! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.