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May 26, 2010 4:02 PM

Jan 2010
Thought this episode really tugged on the heart strings... I'm starting to wonder if this show will end on a happy note, but I hope it will. Keiko is such a great character.
May 31, 2010 7:18 PM

Jun 2008
Keiko's importance in the show has taken a drastic fall but her relationship with Yusuke keeps coming up and I think it's really important to the fans, at least it is to me.

Oct 5, 2010 8:29 PM

Mar 2010
this really got me thinking

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
May 25, 2012 4:06 PM

Jun 2010
I guess this was supposed to be sweet but it actually just made me sad.

As usual for a love interest in a shonen show, Keiko hasn't really had anything to do. So all she's ever done is stand around being worried that Yusuke is going to die. Actually paying attention to the romance angle highlights this. Keiko has never gotten anything but heartache from Yusuke. Trying to make up for this by proposing strikes me as a little cheap unless he means to give up his dangerous life like Kuroko did but he doesn't say that.

I'm left wishing Keiko was able to sincerely dump this punch-drunk punk and actually get herself a new boyfriend.
Jul 19, 2013 1:12 PM

May 2012
Three years of waiting. Good thing Keiko dumped him.
Nov 25, 2014 10:42 PM

Sep 2011
I would wait for Yusuke ;) is he going to turn 15!?
Feb 2, 2015 11:17 AM

Mar 2012
I really respect Yusuke now. He isn't a hypocrite. Demons need to consume human flesh for survival, whereas most humans merely consume animal flesh for the taste, enjoyment, and convenience. The only exception to this are people who have no access to other protein alternatives and people who have specific medical conditions that require meat in their diet. If he condones the unnecessary slaughter of innocent and sentient beings, why should he regard the demons with disdain for their diet? Yusuke was aware of all of this, so he knew he was not in a position to criticize the demons.

This reminds me of Togashi's other series, Hunter x Hunter. In the Chimera Ant arc, Meruem asked the people who were begging him to spare their lives, "Ha-ha these humans are definitely foolish creatures. Think as hard as those weak brains of yours can manage. Do you humans ever listen to the cries of mercy coming from pigs and cows you slaughter?"
Feb 15, 2015 4:16 PM
Aug 2007
that was nice.. finally an episode that concentrates on the characters and has a bit of a slice-of-life feel to it.. made a nice change from the constant jumping from one evil enemy to the next.
Apr 26, 2015 8:25 PM

Aug 2013
Keiko has been sidelined in the story for too long, making this added on personal struggle feel somewhat tasteless.

Nevertheless, I still appreciate it at this moment in the story.
Jan 7, 2016 11:14 PM

Dec 2012
Being Keiko is suffering
Jan 17, 2016 1:17 AM

Jul 2013
Truly a great episode. Can't wait to see which side everyone will take!

╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭

Dec 1, 2016 2:37 AM

Dec 2014
There was never any development in Keiko and Yusukes relationship so why would I care about it now? It just felt tacked on.
May 1, 2017 12:26 AM

Dec 2013
That was a sudden proposal...
Jun 23, 2017 2:22 PM

Sep 2015
Lol nice episode! The promise will be fulfilled when hes 18 huh? But dam im pretty sure the Bf part was just a lie.
Feb 9, 2018 4:19 AM

Oct 2012
A middle-schooler proposing? That's a rare one xD
"Signature removed"
Apr 7, 2018 3:21 AM
Jul 2018
the romance is so unnecessary
May 3, 2018 6:52 PM

Jun 2010
For some reason I always liked this ep more than I should.. Given the nature of what was happening. I guess because I always knew the outcome and didn't have to worry. It was both sweet and emotional, yet at the same time foreboding.. but in a 'good' (?) way, to what was to come. I only wish this arc was given a lot more time. Especially with the vastness that demon world was ascribed. (I mean at some points they made it sound as if it was more of a multiverse than a world or realm.)

Maelstrom said:
the romance is so unnecessary

As are your complaints.. See the sig pic of the post above yours..

That kind of thing (romance plot or sub plot) is what adds life, heart/emotion and depth to a story. It's what most series of this type have been doing so poorly and deficiently of lately, and what a lot of "mature" series have been near completely devoid of. (15+ years) Still not as bad as the bile coming out of the west for so long. But that's not saying much at all.

The day that romance, non (story) important love interests, or sudden seeming feelings (such is love in many cases in RL) between two characters, is seriously (by more than edgelords, grimdarks and butthurt shippers) seen as bad or "cliche" writing.. Is the day we should just give up writing completely and start using a dart board or truly just hire some monkeys to do the work.
Nov 1, 2018 11:01 PM
Apr 2012
Man was that scene with Keiko a tearjerker
Apr 7, 2019 8:09 PM

May 2017
wow man. this episode had me choking. Top tier episode. The emotional weight in this episode was heavy. Seeing Keiko so broken inside knowing that she can't really do anything do stop yusuke from potentially leaving her forever was pretty damn sad.

I liked her character at the beginning of the show when the anime emphasized on their relationship but her character and her position in the show became less and less vital for the story and the characters around her as the show progressed. But this episode definitely hit home, knowing how much she cares for him and how much he cares for her.

Man even the short scene where Yusuke was in front of Kuwabaras window was so damn good. I wonder if he planned on telling him but decided not to because he didn't wanna involve him any further in this because he is so focused on his normal life now or if he just wanted to see his best friend one last time before departing.

a little critic at the end though lol, the plot with hiei and kurama being also called all of the sudden by another of these demon kings is reaaally convenient to set up for a fight between the friends, but I'm not really complaining since I like the general idea behind it.

This show stepped up tremendously ever since the black chapter saga. Its incredible how clean this show is split into the good and average sides. Its not like we had a great arc at the start of the show and then it became less and less interesting over the course of the anime and now it suddenly started to pick up again no, this show showed clear improvements ever since the black chapter saga. I'm excited to see how this show wraps up.
Jun 3, 2019 7:35 AM
Apr 2016
So, Yuusuke is actually going it seems, no choice. This episode was really strong, Yuusuke's making a lot of hard decisions. Poor Keiko though, all parts with her this episode were amazing, so cute and heavy. Really good episode.
Jul 15, 2019 11:55 PM

Jul 2017
Great episode with awkward comedy covering up the sad farewell between Yusuke and Keiko.
Oct 16, 2019 3:00 PM

Jun 2015
shin-angel said:
I would wait for Yusuke ;) is he going to turn 15!?

17. He's currently 14.
Oct 16, 2019 3:10 PM

Jun 2015
bdsbff said:
There was never any development in Keiko and Yusukes relationship so why would I care about it now? It just felt tacked on.

Then you were completely spacing out while watching the other episodes
Oct 16, 2019 3:11 PM

Jun 2015
A bittersweet and foreboding episode
Jan 14, 2020 4:50 PM
Dec 2019
As much as I would have liked to have seen more of Yusuke and Keiko's relationship develop, it doesn't strike me as odd that the two have made it to the point of proposals and I-love-yous for two reasons: one, they're young and haven't experienced much in terms of romance and relationships, and two, much of this progression happened off-camera (off paper?) to keep the story focused on the primary conflicts of the show. But that's just my take on it I suppose.
Mar 10, 2020 5:15 AM

Apr 2018
OMG Yusuke Finally proposed that was such a sweet and and cute scene idk If I can handle that much sweetness lol. Anyway this is one of my favourite ep of Yu Yu Hakusho and I am glad they didn't stretch this love confession part and I love how Keiko responded to Yusuke like she don't care when she was the one who is most worried about him throughout the whole series even more than his mom
It looks like Hiei, Kurama and Yusuke will fight against each other that's interesting
Kuwabara is busy studying I mean 2x2=8 I didn't knew that he is so genius
ArshjMar 10, 2020 5:37 AM
Apr 8, 2020 12:30 AM

Jun 2014
Actually Kuwabara and Yusuke have more developments than Yusuke x Keiko. But it was implied that the latter were a childhood sweethearts. Also we've seen more forced romance in a battle shounen compare to YYH. (Naruto, Bleach, DBZ etc)
May 2, 2020 5:59 PM

Mar 2020
Yusuke vs Hiei vs Kurama would be lit, probably won't happen tho smh
Floyd Mayweather English Tutor
Jul 13, 2020 6:14 AM
May 2018
Wow, one of the most emotional episodes I would say.

It made me more sad than anything though.
Aug 24, 2020 1:04 PM

May 2017
Seriously bawling over this episode. Teared up so hard during the goddamn proposal scene, and then it turns out that Yusuke is just being a little shit. And then he tells her, "you know I love you, right Keiko?", and I'm crying even harder.

I agree with a few of the commenters about Keiko not being as integral to the series anymore, but I think that she remained as an integral aspect of Yusuke. Like, she really represents Yusuke's humanity, especially now. She has always supported him and wanted the best for him, something that his family never did. So I do think that this goodbye was incredibly important, and really heart wrenching.

Kuwabara and Keiko are both moving on with their lives, and Yusuke just can't. His mind is trapped in an unhuman realm, and bot only that, being he's found out that he's been part demon the entire time! He's struggling with where he belongs, but because of his friends, he's tied to being human. That's kind of what we've been seeing in these episodes that lay out the end of the last arc, and then the beginning of the next. He doesn't know what his future may be, but his commitment to Keiko, that he will come back when he's 18, really cinches it for us that he wants a future full of happiness, whatever it takes.

I'm so excited for the next episode, as the preview lays out his goodbye fight with Kuwabara haha
demisionAug 24, 2020 1:15 PM
Sep 12, 2020 2:14 AM

Apr 2020
This episode got them FEELS.

Hopefully some crazy ass battles are coming up.
Jan 13, 2021 4:34 AM

Dec 2007
yusuke character in the development of the overall story really shines in this episode, together with keiko this series is one of the best shounen~

kuwaara: "2 x 2 =

the proposal was very cute and done well.

what surprising me is that the unchanged pace, as i checked the manga has ended 10-15 episodes before this episode air, but pierrot don't change the pace to end it faster or something, or the opposite - to slow down to make more money, really one of greatest works of pierrot :D
May 10, 2021 11:35 AM

Nov 2018
10/10 episode. I wish I had a Keiko in my life too.
Aug 21, 2021 12:04 AM

Aug 2018
Sad episode.... the proposal was very nice to see..

It was obviously a hard decision for Yusuke to make... to leave his friends, Keiko, and his life just to go to demon world... I really hope they end up getting married when yusuke gets back!

Jun 7, 2022 11:57 PM

Sep 2018
I hate this "Let's get married" trope shit, which happens far before even getting together. Also, throughout the whole anime there have been obvious signs of affection from one another, but nothing that would be worth a casual "Keiko, I love you", come on... Though I guess it's Yusuke we're talking about.
Jul 8, 2022 4:53 PM

Nov 2018
this ep watered my crops and fed my children
Dec 5, 2022 2:41 AM
Nov 2022
S tier episode, super important for yusuke and keiko
Dec 4, 2023 1:43 AM

Sep 2020
Didn't expect the show to tackle their relationship so ridiculously well in this episode. The show has it's great moments but this was still unexpected.
Mar 31, 2024 1:31 PM

Apr 2017
So the three kings of the underworld have called on Kurama, Hiei, and Yusuke. That's an interesting conflict.

Oniisama e... reference with that railroad light! I like seeing those references in different anime, especially Shonen.

Kuwabara looks to be taking school seriously now.

And Keiko sees no future with Yusuke. :(
Apr 19, 2024 2:34 PM

Mar 2022
Keiko, you were always with Yusuke through thick and thin and I really feel like the decision to leave the human world for the demon world was probably a hard one to make there. Man he really wants to get back to her when he becomes 17. It was so sad to watch there, yes it's true that Keiko's importance in the story is kind of not as important as it once was now that we are reaching the end of the series but the relationship that Yusuke has with her is still important to him. It's definitely a brilliant episode for sure but I'm kind of gutted that Kuwabara is kind of being reduced to just a background character when he only just about got his powers back in the Chapter Black arc but studies for him are essential to sustaining a career I guess.

Definitely an emotional episode there and I really, really hope that Yusuke and Keiko get together at the end. God the feels, the feels man, so many feels for this episode.
Jun 11, 2024 7:00 AM
Dec 2019
I think this is probably the most normal comment section for any anime on this site. I haven't checked every thread but coming into this one and seeing the episode rated super highly and lots of comments like "I didn't expect the show to tackle Yusuke and Keiko's relationship so seriosuly, damn" instead of "Turbo chad Yusuke should just kill Keiko and slam some demonussy when he's king of demon world! Kuwabara is so shitty now too!". Yu Yu Hakusho deserves to be popular forever but seeing that its mostly just normal people with normal brains and good taste commenting on it here is a good thing too.
Sep 18, 2024 3:38 AM

Jul 2022
Wow, this episode was weirdly depressing… This felt more like a farewell rather than a goodbye.
Oct 9, 2024 4:38 AM
Jun 2020
The ending theme hits differently at the end of this episode T.T

yologangstafromdOct 9, 2024 5:46 AM
Jan 21, 8:11 AM

Jun 2017
I neither like nor dislike Keiko. I felt she wasn't important for the show and just existed as a bystander. This episode however has an impression on me. She wasn't being whiny when Yusuke told her he was going to the Demon World. And her acceptance that Yusuke will be gone for 3 years was admirable. But quite honestly, any person in love would be willing to wait. In fact, 3 years seems very little for a sacrifice. I suppose it's "missing" the person you love is the real challenge here.

She got him back. If you understand the characters well enough, you'd know she did!
Mar 10, 9:06 AM
Sep 2021
Esto lo espere por mucho, peak.

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