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Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Kyoto Douran
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Kyoto Douran
Yesterday, 4:01 AM
On-Hold 20/23 · Scored 7
Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
Mar 23, 8:48 PM
On-Hold 12/13 · Scored -
Mar 9, 4:00 PM
On-Hold 23/167 · Scored 7
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Apr 29, 2024 3:13 AM
Dropped 3/238 · Scored -
Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist
Dec 17, 2023 1:32 AM
Dropped 1/116 · Scored -
Uchi no Pii-chan
Uchi no Pii-chan
Jul 27, 2023 8:08 PM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 6

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SaiteiDaOrette Dec 6, 2024 9:05 PM
Happy birthday!!! 🥳🥳🥳
Hope you're doing well!
SaiteiDaOrette Aug 10, 2024 12:31 AM
Oh yeah, I’ve heard good things about Planetes - I think I have it on a USB somewhere. Didn’t know it was by the Vinland Saga guy though! Cool you're going through Dragon Ball, the episode count is too intimidating for me haha (and now you’re watching One Piece too!?!!). I remember watching a bit of DBZ at my cousin’s house though when I was very young, it kept me entertained.

I’d be interested to see what you think about Oshi no Ko S2, let me know if you ever watch it. I think it’s alright so far, plenty of good moments. I do have some more thoughts on it, but all I’ll say is that I’m not finding it as electric as the first season (so far at least, it’s not even been halfway through yet haha). Although I think I can be a bit nitpicky towards second seasons sometimes, especially if I liked the first season a lot - do you ever get that? xD

Yeah, I heard they made a Urusei Yatsura remake with fewer episodes… probably for good reason too. The original version has plenty of funny gags and interesting episodes, but some episodes feel like filler and it is pretty formulaic. So formulaic in fact, I made a bingo card to keep myself occupied haha.

It is pretty fun though, and it has fun recurring characters that I always look forward to whenever they pop up. Great voice acting as well. I originally wanted to check it out as it was one of Mamoru Oshii’s first gigs and I thought it was funny that he would go on to make some really dark stuff haha. I’ll keep going with it, then I’ll watch YYH and find that boxer guy haha.
SaiteiDaOrette Aug 8, 2024 6:27 AM
Heyyy, how's it going? We haven't spoken in a while! Watched anything good lately?

I've still got your Yu Yu Hakusho dub recommendation on the back of my mind. I will definitely try and make that the next long shonen anime I watch (come to think of it, it's been about a year since I watched HxH). Although recently, I've been curious to check out Rurouni Kenshin as well. I recalled that you had it in your favourites - how does that compared to YYH, do you think?
CursedWomb Jul 13, 2024 12:07 AM
Hey, thanks for accepting! I typically go to community -> users and it shows users that have recently logged in and that's where I find most of the people I add :)
Twirox Jan 13, 2024 12:48 PM
So I just finished ReLIFE manga and I have to say it's way better than the anime (while the anime wasn't bad at all)
Olde-Jo Jan 1, 2024 8:31 AM
Happy new year to you, my good friend! I hope you enjoyed new year's eve (you seem to have made finishing Legend of the Galactic Heroes your first yearly resolution, haha).

I hear you on the "long shows being less hassle due to having to do less thinking". I went through that stage myself relatively recently. I'm also thinking about going on another one soon (I still have to get Dragon Ball Kai/Super, Black Clover, Hitman Reborn, Hikaru no Go and Hajime no Ippo out of the way-- as seeing those long shows on my list unfinished is killing me).
And yeah, Yu Yu Hakusho's dub is excellent-- it's known for it. It isn't often we get dubs that severely enhance a show (the only other shows I can think of that does that is Space Dandy and Ghost Stories).

Now, onto Legend of the Galactic Heroes. I can't believe you've rated it a 10/10 and have claimed it as your 'favourite Anime of all-time'. That's great to hear. It's a top 3 show for me as well (as I may have mentioned in the past). If I'd have known you were tolerant of watching shows subbed I'd have recommended it to you LONG ago. I thought getting you to watch 110 episodes of a subbed show would be too much of an ask, haha. Be prepared for your entire perception of Anime to completely change now you've finished that show. You'll constantly be comparing other shows to it (especially on the characters and lack of plot armour departments). Seeing characters "die" in other Anime shows, only for them to show up later again completely unscathed, now hurts more than ever...
I see you're team Reinhard as well. Reinhard had a more interesting arc for sure (his backstory, goals, etc), but, Yang's personality and friendliness is what really elevated his character for me.
Oberstein is also one of my favourites. He's arguably the greatest calculator in the entire show. And I really like him for his consequentialist mindset (sacrifice the lives of the few during Westerland to end the war earlier, thus making the total lives lost less in the long run). It's also fun to think that he might of had a hand in Kircheis' death, since he was the one who, shortly before the attack, made it so Kircheis couldn't hold a weapon. It'd make sense since it'd allow Oberstein to become Reinhard's right hand man. That scene where he rejects Reinhard's orders and grills the other admirals, stating something akin to: "the empire isn't Reinhart's private property. And the fleet isn't Reinhard's private force. Is there such a law that states Reinhard can meaninglessly sacrifice the lives of soldiers for his personal pride?" is one of my favourite scenes for some reason. I just love his character.

Also, I'm still getting my account set up on the other website (I've been incredibly lazy with it). Once I'm done, I'll be sure to swing a link your way.

Anyway, glad you enjoyed Legend of the Galactic Heroes. Enjoy your week, pal.
Olde-Jo Dec 25, 2023 6:35 AM
Hey, pal. Just wanted to quickly throw you a message wishing you a Merry Christmas (though, accounting for time zones, I'm sure Christmas is already over for you).

Also, a bit late, but, I hope you had a good birthday, pal.

I still haven't gotten around to the final chapters of Attack on Titan yet, but, when I do, I'll still be sure to let you know my thoughts on it.

I also see you have recently watched Yu Yu Hakusho (great show. Chapter Black is the best arc, in my opinion). And you are also halfway through the juggernaut know as 'Legend of the Galactic Heroes'. I hope you're managing to enjoy it. It's incredibly dialogue-heavy, thus, try not to burn yourself out with it.

Take good care of yourself, my friend.

PS: To answer one of your questions: getting banned on the website is sitewide. Whenever you try to view the website you just get a white screen with a moderation message telling you why you've been banned. Thus, you can't really do anything on your account. Though, if you have a VPN you can still use incognito mode to view the website.
SaiteiDaOrette Dec 7, 2023 5:28 AM
Wow that’s interesting to hear - I’m curious to check it out (maybe sometime next year). Yes I don’t mind watching dubs, I’ll certainly look out for it.

Although I’m certain there won’t be a character in it as good as Bisky >:D
SaiteiDaOrette Dec 6, 2023 4:02 PM
Happy birthday!!! 🥳🥳🥳 Hope you have a great day

Oh wow, you finished Yu Yu Hakusho! How does that compare to Hunter x Hunter?
Olde-Jo Nov 15, 2023 5:10 AM
I'm truly glad to hear you got even a fraction of enjoyment out of that show. You actually rate it on-par with what I do-- which I wasn't completely expecting at all. The show can sometimes feel quite 'villain of the week', at least, from what I remember. Thus, I had a feeling that a 7/10 might have been the best you'd end up rating it.

It has been so long since I've seen that show at this point (2019), thus, I am unable to fully comment on the finer details, such as the ending. However, I do recall being (like yourself) thoroughly satisfied with the ending; and the show in general. I also understand where you're coming from with your Mushishi comment. The show (despite being quite action orientated) was rather slow and relaxing at times.
The point you brought up about the show not quite hitting a pinnacle for you is, once again, akin to my own beliefs. I'm just happy my recommendation wasn't a complete dud, haha.

Also, I wish I could comment in support of your 'Led Zepplin' analogy. However, sadly, I'm not much of a music person (outside of soundtracks). I tried going through some of the top rated albums of all-time a few years back in order to better educate myself on music, but, I only managed to make my way through about 20 of them (and 'Led Zepplin' wasn't one of them, sadly).
I especially bring this up because I can see you're a big music fan, with you having linked a 'rateyourmusic' page. I might create one of those myself soon and try to get into music again. Thus, if you can be bothered, let me know some of your favourite albums-- and I'll be sure to come back to your comment later on down the line and take note.

Speaking of recommendations: I did watch 'Oshi no Ko' about 2 weeks ago (my list is private for right now, thus, you likely didn't know), and... I rated it a 6/10... a whole 1 point higher than your predication.
Honestly, it isn't terrible. I do enjoy the murder-mystery aspect. I just find how the show focuses on idols to be a rather unappealing to me. It's not a genre/industry I've ever given care to.
The main, male character is decent enough. He's rather stiff and not exactly bursting with personality, but, he does suit the show. The other characters just feel so out of place (with the female characters feeling bland as all hell, and nothing more than "cute" waifu bait), and it really drives the score down for me.
I am open to watching the next season when it comes out, but, if it starts to focus way, way too much on idolization for seasons on end, it'll definitely be a flop for me.

On the topic of Attack on Titan: I have only just finished parts 1 and 2 of 'the final season' 2 weeks ago; and have yet to see the 2 'final chapter' episodes.
I haven't been spoiled yet (somehow), and I plan to get around to watching them shortly. However, I have heard some very controversial things about the ending, which only serves to excite me honestly. It means we got an unexpected ending.

Yeah, pal, I quit the team. I was far from happy with how they were handling the website. As an example: for about a year now, we had a guy who kept creating new accounts to spam the forums/review section with very harsh comments towards LGBT people. The admins couldn't manually deal with him, so, they instead implemented a system which ended up constantly getting innocent users banned. The system was essentially a black list of key-phrases, in which if the automated-bot detected ANYONE using said keyword in the forums/reviews, they'd immediately (and automatically) have their account permanently banned. The system's primary problem was how it even targeted general terms that could be used innocently in day-to-day conversation (like synonyms for 'illness of one's mind').
The system was designed to target ONE, SINGLE user, yet, it ended up constantly punishing those who did no wrong. I raised my complaints and left the team. I also posted in the forums a few days ago letting people know about the key-phrases-- in order to prevent them getting banned. But, this lead to my account being banned for 5 days (unsurprisingly. I was expecting it). There's also so many other reasons, but, this comment would be a bible in length. All you need to know is that, including myself, 5 moderators resigned in the span of 2 weeks, which has been unheard of since the website's inception.
Also, in relation to you: I was supposed to warn/ban you for your profile picture (showing a nipple/areola... dead serious), but, obviously, I didn't bother. I've been meaning to tell you to look into changing your picture for that reason.

Yeah, I'm actually doing really well, pal, (despite how it might sound with my above paragraph). I've actually been migrating over to a different website this past week (anilist), because... obvious reasons. I didn't realize I'd like the site as much as I do. Being able to:
- Have 25 visible favourites on your profile without having to pay (along with up to 50 favourites only visible in the 'favourites' tab on your profile),
- The ability to set a different colour to your stats without having to pay (though, it's all one colour),
- Higher quality profile pictures/banners,
- The ability to use decimals for ratings (so, 9.5 is now possible),
- Adding your own 'advanced score sub-categories' that automatically adjust the 'main' score to help you determine an accurate rating based upon how you rate each category, as seen here,
- Being able to add your own specific 'list' category (as seen here where I've added a category for shows I want to rewatch, as well as shows I think are underrated).
All of this makes the website really visually-appealing and user-friendly. The profile layout is also superior, in my opinion.
The biggest problem with the website is that the forum is difficult to get used to (it's sort of like Reddit-- in which you can reply on other people's comments on the forum, and your reply will be DIRECTLY below that user's comment (rather than just being the latest overall reply in the thread... if any of this makes sense, haha).
Luckily, I could import my list (having to re-add 1200 entries by hand would have been agony), but, there's still some tweaks that have to be made (like re-rating certain shows with decimals in mind, and being able to make tags/comments longer; allowing me to be more detailed in my 'mini-reviews'). Thus, I don't know if I'll have time to watch any Anime for the next few days.

Thanks for the comment, buddy. Take care of yourself.

Edit: oh yeah, how are you liking Kenshin by the way? I'd like to hear your thoughts on it thus far. I know it hasn't ended yet (and that you can't compare it to the original), but, do you think it's good? Could it rank higher than Dororo?
Olde-Jo Oct 3, 2023 12:26 AM
Saying nothing at all is enough-- let alone bestowing condolences. Your kindness is most appreciated, my good friend, truly.

Pommy? That's a term I haven't heard before. According to Google: it's derogatory... that's code for "get offended NOW". I kid, haha. Such terminology being deemed "offensive" has never made sense to me... mayhap I'm just too thick skinned for jumbles of letters and vocal hums to offend me.
Well, well, well, it seems you have two countries trying to win over your love (England and America). Choose wisely.

- I've actually seen 'Milo' in our Supermarkets. It says "Singaporean" on it, thus, I had no idea you Australians loved it so much. I'll be sure to pick up a can of it, as (by the looks of it) it reminds me of Ovaltine; an old person's drink that I quite enjoy for some reason.
- 'Timtams' I've heard endless discussion about (especially the Penguin vs. Timtam debate our two countries have), thus, that's definitely on my list already. There's about 20 different flavours though, do you have a favourite?
- 'Golden Gaytimes' look delicious. I'm going through an ice cream phase right now, but, I doubt I could get frozen items imported. Also, with a name like that it'd be right at home in our country. We have meatballs called 'Fa**ots' (slur for homosexual; censored in case it sets the alarm off on the mod end) and a cake called 'Spotted Dick'. If we joined forces (me with my 'Fa**ots' and 'Spotted Dick', and you with your 'Golden Gaytime') we'd be unstoppable.

'Oshi no Ko' is definitely on my list-- especially with how well-rated it is. I'm glad to see you enjoyed it. The only reason I've been avoiding it is because the community's talk about it has somewhat jaded me from watching it. As I'm sure I've mentioned before, new-ish Anime is really unappealing to me for that reason. Only when the show becomes irrelevant do I enjoy watching it. However, since you recommend it I'll be sure to get on that as my next show (either after I finish Zetsuen no Tempest or before).
And I find it funny that you're now scarred from how I rate shows; to the point where you're now predicting (without basis, allegedly) that I'll rate shows incredibly lowly before I've even watched them, haha.

I've never watched 'Seinfeld', thus, I can't comment on that style of humour. It doesn't sound like it'd appeal to me, but, you can bet your ass that won't stop me from watching it. I need to see everything, damn it... everything. Help me, it's a problem.

I have a feeling you'll enjoy 'Dororo'. I don't expect you to like it as much as you like 'Trust and Betrayal', but, hopefully it gets above a 5/10 for you.
Golden Kamuy features fairly accurate history (and historical figures), as well as exploring the culture of a real tribe of people in Japan to great detail and accuracy. It's a great watch for someone like me who is obsessed with history and historical accuracy in storytelling. And based upon your profile pictures and favourite Anime, I'd say you'll like it too.

Thanks, buddy. You take care too. Be sure to let me know how you like Dororo/Golden Kamuy if you get around to them in the next few weeks.
Olde-Jo Sep 28, 2023 8:31 PM
Excellent to hear you've got your head in a good place, my friend. I'm currently battling a bad stage myself (as of yesterday). A close family member died, and it's somewhat of a struggle to be motivated. Though, thinking about their age and accomplishments lets me rest slightly easier.

I suspected you may of been sensitive due to your past comments with 'Made in Abyss' and 'Mushishi', however, I neglected to bring it up in case of offending. One thing is for certain, any Anime fan who's sensitive will seriously have that challenged, haha.
I'm not a sensitive person in regards to fiction. I generally only get put off via weird fetish material. 'Banana Fish' made me feel slightly uneasy though, which is saying a lot.
I believe that if you can survive the first 3 episodes of 'Banana Fish' you can survive the rest (depending on your tolerance of Yaoi).

Honestly, pal, don't take my word for it in regards to 'Kenshin'. You never know what you're going to like or dislike via second-hand opinions. I was bored by it, simply because EVERY Shounen I've seen has done the formula better... to me.
Do try not to go into it expecting it to be tonally similar to 'Trust and Betrayal', however-- as you'll be severely disappointed.
You might like the tone of 'Reflections' though, as it's very similar to 'Trust and Betrayal'; in the sense that it's darker. Though, it is the ending of the show, thus, try not to watch it until due time.

Nothing wrong with liking Odd Taxi's art style. It's just nice to see something that isn't the copy-pasted shite we're used to seeing. The ending revealing that they were humans all along was too little too late for me. I recall the human designs being quite terrible, and thus I speculate that they may of made the characters animals simply to get away with using a lower budget (as you can draw them more basically). Though, that is nothing but speculation.

Yeah, your upside-down brother said it about Lucky Star. Something along the lines of "it captured the otaku culture well at the time, but, is now dated". Joey has been known to say things he doesn't mean though (as in, contradict himself merely weeks later). I do like those guys though, even if they don't really know much about Anime anymore, haha.

I love your reaction to Sydney getting obliterated: "that's fantastic to hear". It gave me a good laugh.
Canberra as the capital of Australia has never made sense to me. Sydney and Melbourne look huge-- meanwhile Canberra looks like... nothing. I could be wrong, as I don't know much about Australia (as should be apparent), but, I can't lie when I say that I always have to catch myself when stating what the capital of Australia is.
I love you guys over there though; your accent and sense of humour. You crack me up. You're like less annoying, funnier, more educated Americans. And I do want to take a trip there one day, but, it's so far, pal... so flipping far.
Also, let me know if there's any Australian snacks you like, as I really want to get some imported due to me loving to try trying foreign foods.

Haha, that's right, pal. I signed up to be a moderator. I'm currently in training with the other mods, and I'm enjoying it thus far. However, it is slightly stressful as I don't really like making mistakes that others have to clean up.
I just ban spam accounts/accounts used strictly for trolling mostly. I also have to delete threads/lock them depending on what rules the thread breaks.

Also, a bit random, but, do you have any Anime recommendations for me? I'm stuck in a stalemate right now, and I am looking for any excuse to break out of it. Don't stress about me liking the show or not (if you have any recommendations, that is).

You take care of yourself too, my friend.
Olde-Jo Sep 21, 2023 5:02 PM
Hey, buddy. I'm doing fairly well, as per usual. Hopefully, the same can be stated of you? It has been a while (over a month), and I recall last we spoke you mentioned how juggling Anime with your real life responsibilities was taxing for you. Though, I've seen you're still watching Anime semi-frequently, so, hopefully that's a good sign.

Banana Fish is undoubtedly worth a try. I will say, however, that its themes are something that I can not recommend to everyone. It hosts a lot of child abuse (specifically, sexual)-- which can be hard to overlook for some.
In terms of what I, myself, found bad about the show: many of the supporting characters feel like they merely exist to sexually torture the main character, and that's about as far as their arc goes (every character is somehow gay and wants to have sex with the protagonist; consensual or otherwise).
The deuteragonist (the main character's love interest) is also incredibly boring, as it feels like he's nothing more than a plot device, rather than an actual character.

Yeah, Kenshin's main series sadly wasn't for me like I was hoping (I had watched the first 20 episodes many, many years ago, and mildly enjoyed it).
The worst offender for me is the characters. I couldn't take a liking to any of them. Some are obnoxious, some ridiculous; all incredibly boring. I won't go into details on their characters, but, just know: Kaoru = The Girl, Sanosuke = The Tough guy, that's about it.
The show also drags, which isn't unlike other Shounen of its time. People state how excellent the Kyoto arc is, but, I couldn't wait for it to end (especially with that incredibly lame villain).
I'm still interested in Kenshin's reboot. I'll be sure to watch it when more of it has aired.

Yeah, I had seen you loved Odd Taxi. It was nice to see you rate a show so high.
As you stated, I enjoyed it a lot. My one criticism of it (which is also something I regard as a positive about the show, weirdly enough) is how the characters are anthropomorphic animals. It's quite unique, but, also quite hard to get invested in-- at least for me it was.
Be sure to watch the movie as well... not all the way through, though (it's mostly recap). Just skip to the end of it and watch the scene (it's not really too special a scene, but, at least it'll be a free entry on your list, haha).

I have indeed seen the new statistics tab. It's a great addition to the website. It has, however, exposed that I've seen less than 200 days of Anime now, haha (due to the fact that it seemingly doesn't take into account rewatches); I'll have to fix that soon...
And agreed on it (hopefully) replacing at some point. The less external/third-party sites we have to deal with the better.

I see you recently finished 'Made in Abyss' as well. It isn't often I see someone rate it as low/average as you do.
I also wasn't a big fan of it (and, in my opinion, the movie/next season only makes me dislike it more). People often state that its selling point is: "it looks cute, but it's far from innocent!" whereas, to me, that's what ruins it; especially with how the author has a serious problem with his love for Shota/Loli content (so many scenes are weirdly fetish-y).

Also, it gave me a good laugh to see you enjoyed 'Lucky Star' as well. I heard its humour is quite dated (according to 'Trash Taste'), though, I'm still interested in watching it. Seeing that you enjoyed it makes me even more motivated to give it a go.

Finally, off-topic, but, shortly after I sent you that last message about me never seeing/hearing Australia mentioned in an Anime... REJOICE! I watched a crap load of Gundam and Australia is quite a major part of the story (Sydney gets obliterated during an operation called 'Operation British'. Thus, I feel like I must apologise; and hope you survive, if you're from there...).

Anyway, friend, take care of yourself. Talk to you later!
SaiteiDaOrette Aug 23, 2023 5:41 PM
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) · Completed 14/14 ・ Scored 7
Turns out I watched it in chronological order, so this is jarbled with season 1. I actually think this order works well. Good stuff, and the endless eight is endearing in a weird way, despite being the same episode 8 times over. Interested to see the movie.
Same here - I accidentally watched it in chronological order too xD

Tbh I can’t really fathom watching it in the jumbled order that everyone suggests to watch it in. Like you said, I think chronological order works fine as well.
Olde-Jo Aug 20, 2023 9:41 AM
Hey, pal. I was in France for almost 2 weeks again. I did try to reply on the mobile MAL app, but, if you've ever written out a wall of text on a mobile before, you'll know the struggle (thus, I decided to wait until I returned home).

Very much agreed on your statement about politics in media. It often feels forced; due to said media attempting to tell you the correct and incorrect ways of thinking, rather than letting you decide for yourself. It's jading, especially coming from those who merely exist to write a few short hours worth of entertainment, rather than those who have any grasp on economics, morality, and general human differences due to personal circumstances. Things are never black and white-- and portraying as such in media makes for the best approach.

In regards to Stand Alone Complex Season 2, my only issue with it (and honestly, my issue with the franchise as a whole) is how it often doesn't allow groups or individuals to act upon their own ideals-- instead often opting to hacking and viruses to force these groups/individuals to act a certain way and become a threat.
All it does is create a massive group of people who're copy/paste, which makes for less interesting characterization, even amongst minor characters (the refugees themselves).
Rather than seeing these groups as people, since they're now all exactly the same due to viruses/hacking, they instead become a cardboard cutout used merely to push a narrative.
Of course, GitS can get away with playing the 'hacking/viruses' card due to its setting, however, I still don't enjoy it and find that it uses it far too often.

I've watched over 1000 Anime, and I don't believe I have ever heard Australia mentioned (nor New Zealand). It's almost like Oceania doesn't exist according to Japanese people.
Honestly, it might be a compliment rather than an insult. Countries are never mentioned due to being passive, they're mentioned due to never shutting up and (often) being aggressive on the world stage. Australia is just too relaxed for its own good. You're all too busy eating bread with sprinkles, haha.

Glad to hear your interest in Mushishi remains. The great thing about the franchise is that, due to its structure, you can neglect it for years, return to it, and still easily continue on with it without the need for a refresher.
If you ever do get around to season 2 though, I expect it'll sit better with you than the first season did.

I do know that there's a dub for the new version of Legend of the Galactic Heroes. However, I can not attest to the quality of the show at all. I just know that I find the character designs to be boring and generic compared to the original; where the characters had a more realistic look to them.
I had no idea you were almost primarily a dub watcher though. I might need to rethink any future recommendations I give to you for that reason. Though modern dubs are generally good, the dubs of days gone are often... horrendous.

Gintama is a grower for me. I started off with mixed opinions of it, and I'm slowly (very, very flipping slowly) growing to love it. The show is mostly episodic, with each episode either focusing more heavily upon an emotional story or each episode focusing on extreme comedy.
There's arcs, but, the arcs are very short in the franchise (often lasting only 2-6 episodes). The problem with that is that many of these 'arcs' feel far too hasty, and don't have the excellent build up of... say... some One Piece arcs.
Also, when Gintama gets bad, it gets really, really bad. Some of the arcs (despite only being a few episodes long) can feel like they never end; as you're writhing in agony.

Haha, no kidding. I've seen every Naruto/Bleach/One Piece/Hunter x Hunter/Yu Yu Hakusho movie, and I can honestly say that 'Baron Omatsuri' is the only one I can suggest with a straight face. It feels exactly like an arc from the show-- unlike other Shounen movies where it feels completely different.

Agreed. That was one of the problems I mentioned about season 2 of 'Stand Alone Complex': the ending is terrible. They kill off the main antagonist in mere seconds of encountering him, and Kuze and the Major's characters/relationship went no where despite the build up (with them knowing each other since their childhood, due to the plane crash). Just two of the reasons this show doesn't sit at a 10/10 for me.

Thanks for the message, buddy. Talk to you later.
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