All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 105.7
Mean Score:
- Watching10
- Completed488
- On-Hold30
- Dropped114
- Plan to Watch102
- Total Entries744
- Rewatched57
- Episodes6,130
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 69.4
Mean Score:
- Reading15
- Completed145
- On-Hold17
- Dropped12
- Plan to Read91
- Total Entries280
- Reread5
- Chapters10,119
- Volumes1,063
All Comments (614) Comments
Dokkan is by far the best season of Doremi imo. Not only is the overall quality of each episode higher than every other season but its peaks are as well. It genuinely feels like for every one amazing episode in other seasons there’s like three in Dokkan. Also there’s a couple episodes, particularly near the end, where it almost becomes an entirely different show because of how incredible the visual storytelling becomes and where it feels every frame was meticulously thought in order to express the absolute most from each scene. Also also there’s an extremely good episode involving both Yada-kun and Shiori (the two from the mothers day episode) and their relationship pretty early on into Dokkan so look forward to that. I look forward to hearing what you think about it!
Anyways, enough of me rambling. How do you like Doremi so far?
It's funny you mention that. I'm gradually making my way back into anime. This has been a neat year for anime, so far. Two shows that I really like, Konosuba and Slime, are now getting a third season. I'll definitely be watching those. I'll admit, watching anything that I'm not already familiar with is a bit tough. I have to push myself quite a bit. Let's see if I can go another 7 years on MAL.
( ^ω^ ) I have a list of highly regarded anime that I rarely pick from, so I can drag myself back into the anime sphere. It's an emergency protocol. What kind of TV shows and movies are you watching? I almost exclusively watch anime. If I'm not watching anime, I'm probably watching reruns of Frasier. Not the healthiest lifestyle. I still haven't watched Hibike yet. All I know is that a specific anituber I use to watch was upset about how it wasn't gay. That's all I know about it. One day I'll watch it. Ojamajo Doremi is pretty good, but very long. I can't remember exactly where I left off. The last time I watched it was in 2021, and I had a lot more freetime back then. I have no idea if I'll ever watch Gintama again. Probably noooot...
I'm currently watching Baccano. (a pick from my list of anime I mentioned.) I held off on watching it for about 11 years because I was aware of it's reputation. People I use to look up to praised it like it was the second coming of christ. I wanted to save it for a rainy day.
That's sad to hear. Hopefully you can find some way to get back into it. I do agree, however. Modern anime feels like it's missing a crucial piece of something. I don't want to call it "soulless" but it feels "soulless." We might have to rewatch and reread Otaku no Video and Genshiken to get our spark back lol. Frieren was most certainly a gem, but I ended up giving it an 8/10. I won't explain why though. I think you should give it a watch as soon as you can. Very interesting show. Just don't go in with extremely high expectations.
And you finished Honey and Clover! That's great to hear! Yayyyyy!!!! I'm glad you were able to have that experience. Projecting the characters off of real people you know. The last time I fully read Honey and Clover I was 18. I was hoping I could have a group of friends like that in the future, but due to some dumb life choices and my personality, that never came into fruition. Shuji. I remember really liking his character design because he looks just like Spike Spiegal hahaha. And yes, I remember that confession. Hindsight is always 20/20. Looking back, the manga did give some subtle hints about his feelings towards Hagu. Regardless, it felt ham-fisted. I don't care about age gaps and they don't bother me, but Shuji is the last person to be confessing to Hagu. Considering they're related and Shuji was always a caretaker, it feels wrong. It was never going to happen or work. Morita and Hagu was probably the best case scenario.
Hey, it's alright. Take your time, we all get busy. Although, I was beginning to think I said something wrong XD. I can't wait to see your artwork. And it was nice hearing from you again. It is starting to warm up here. It's going to be in the 80's next week. Not exactly sure how I feel about that. I have a lot of hair, so it's gonna be warm and toasty for me. Hehehe
I'm not 100% sure of that, but it has to be true. It can't be a cowinkidink at all. :D
Too much of it adds up, and it's not even subtle once you're aware of the ending. Kumeta, or someone who had close ties, definitely told Shaft about the ending and the consistent foreshadowing throughout the manga.
Funny you mention that, because I haven't done a full rewatch of SZS since 2018. I haven't done a full reread of the manga since 2020. I actually wanted to consume more anime and manga to better understand the very obscure references. I also believed that I would have a more enjoyable experience going through SZS again with more age and maturity. So I took a step back from it. Crazy, I know. I still can't believe I was capable of making such a massive iceberg that like. A good chuck of the entries is just from my memory alone.
Awwwwww you saaaaaaaawwww. Oh well ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌. And thank you so much!!! I greatly appreciate the kind words!!! I love how it turned out, but I think the overall iceberg is a bit bloated. I could've added another layer or two. If you want to learn about a specific entry I can definitely give you the info on that. I can also summarize a small amount of the iceberg through images, screenshots, and specific videos I can send you. (Keep in mind, some of the entries near the bottom are joke entries made entirely to throw people off) I'll probably PM you the information. If you have any questions just ask. :)
I'm so glad you're enjoying Honey and Clover. It definitely appeals the the 18 to 22 demographic. That group of young adults that may or may not need more direction in their life. I got into Honey and Clover near the end of highschool and instantly fell in love. I even wrote a review in early 2018 for the manga. I ended up deleting it because it was mostly just me rambling for a while. It wasn't good at all XD.
I'm older than most of the cast now. I'm not exactly sure how I would react to the manga these days, but I'm sure I would still love it <3. Morita was always a personal favorite for me. His relationship with Hagu is adorable. I'm not exactly sure where you are in the story, so I won't say too much. The interpersonal relationships of the characters, and seeing the chemistry they have with each other was so intriguing to me. Makes me wish I had a friend group like that. It never happened, but a man can dream. :)
I also need to read the Sangatsu manga, too. There's so much to read, but not enough time. Ughhhhh....
I didn't know you were in art school. I hope you're enjoying it. I'll be rooting for ya!!! Maybe one day you can share your pieces. I would love to see. I bet they're lovely.
I know, that plot twist was very shocking. But it makes perfect sense once you go through the series a second time. All of the girls give some sorta hint towards what's truly going on. The amount of foreshadowing is insane. It even changes the way you view the OP's and ED's of the anime. And yes, my project. I'll send it to you.
I've been getting back into watching anime a little bit recently, starting with all the Monogatari clones. So your lead may not last forever... You're at the edge of 100 days watched, wow! I'm in a perpetual state of amazement.
I'm glad we've been able to preserve the tradition of pen-pals through the internet lol. At least the time between messages makes them that much more enjoyable when they occur :). I consider you a close internet friend too, such strong bonds don't break from a little bit of separation!
Elliott Smith seems to be my newest obsession, I keep listening to his albums on repeat. I love his voice, and how it breaks. Surprisingly catchy too. Good Will hunting was good (even if it's Matt Damon's power fantasy lol). I'll have to check out Dead Poet's Society as well.
I want to re-read it as soon as possible, but I'm in the same boat as you. I'm juggling class and work, so I just don't have the time or energy to get back into it. Each page is so unbelievably dense with information, jokes, puns, and obscure references that I wouldn't be able to process it all now. The last time I finished the manga was in 2019. So my memory is fuzzy with that midsection of the series.
Oh, the notes at the end? Reference guides? Are you reading the Del Ray printed copies? Or reading a fan translation online? Eventually I had to do both. I started reading and collecting Del Ray, but they stopped translating it after volume 14 due to low sales. Eventually, the manga also went out of print. :(
Yeah, I like it too. That artwork is supposed to be a reference to the Logan Paul Aokigahara forest situation, a few years back.
I'm very tired. Just a lot of stress. Things haven't been great, but I'm still keeping on. :) I can't watch anime like I use to, though. Burnt out on everything.
Yeeeesss! Finally, you're gonna finish it! Your mind is going to be blown when you get to the ending. Tell me your thoughts and opinions when you get there. I also want to share with you a project I made when you do finish. Just to hear your thoughts. It's SZS related, but it's spoilery. I mean, it's online, so there's a chance you've already seen it. Lol
I might also have to re-read the manga soon. A re-read is overdue for me. XD