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Sound! Euphonium (light novel)
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Jun 23, 2024 12:03 PM

Apr 2020
Oh God, Kanade crying was fucking painful…
Jun 23, 2024 12:05 PM
Jul 2020
Liked the first one more, it sounded more in sync with reina rather than "clashing" with her like the second one did sometimes. But im still gonna kms for choosing mayu over kumiko, also if they really did change the source material its just a bad way to get reactions
Jun 23, 2024 12:08 PM

Aug 2020
This is a very touching episode. The decision that will change everything, the solister choice. It went in a way I didn't expect... I just hope for the best performance possible. A part of me still wants a positive change in the last minute.

And so, the next and final piece begins.

Jun 23, 2024 12:09 PM
Apr 2019
Reply to mo_lave
Absolute cinema. The buildups paid off wonderfully.

Sound Euphonium is more of a Kumiko anime than a music anime. Thematically, Kitauji winning gold in Nationals but Mayu in the soli is the strongest statement of Kumiko's character development. Can safely say that me rooting for this outcome was an unpopular opinion. I thought KyoAni would not proceed thinking (rightfully) it's too risky, but these madlads actually did it.
@mo_lave my thoughts exactly. Since I was spoiled a long time ago I had always wondered how they would proceed with Kumiko getting the final soli, I had thought a more bittersweet progress would have been the best. Now thankfully we are getting it! (Probably, I hope they don't change further things)
Jun 23, 2024 12:09 PM

Jan 2022
Reply to Azenime
Kudos to kumiko.. Who stayed strong as a leader and a senior..

I know some ppl hate mayu but she doesn't deserve this.. What can she do about it? She doesn't want to become soli and always try to find a way to make kumiko agree but kumiko ask her to do it for the club everytime.. Then, ppl in the comment start to get noisy saying "Mayu is the cause, F her... Blah blah blah"

It pain seeing a character get undeserved hate like this.. Kudos to mayu and kudos to reina for staying true to herself even when she knows her best friend playing..
It pain seeing a character get undeserved hate like this.. Kudos to mayu and kudos to reina for staying true to herself even when she knows her best friend playing..

@Azenime The artist choice for the OPs is no coincidence
Jun 23, 2024 12:10 PM
Jan 2020
GOOOOOOD !!!!!!!
Jun 23, 2024 12:11 PM
Nov 2018
what a masterpiece and what a plot from kyoani studio never thought they would make kumiko oumae loses the audition , i actually wanted that to happen since most of the animes are basically easy to see whats happening next but kyoani did exactly the opposite , i know this will sound conflicting but i also wanted kumiko to win
Jun 23, 2024 12:15 PM

Aug 2020
Oh this episode is hitting more in the feels now

Jun 23, 2024 12:35 PM

Feb 2014
You know that feeling inside of you, the sort of thing that you dread about think it'll happen and you do your best to suppress it while sticking to what you want to see happen, but then it doesn't?

It's probably not the best way for me to explain, but even then, I knew that the choice of the euphonium soloist would be in a tense situation similar to what Reina went through during her first year. Only this time, a partition was held up so that no one, not even Reina, could see who was performing at the time, so that the choice would be purely on sound alone. Kumiko's suggestion for this ideal so that the result would be as impartial as possible was a wise one. With that in mind, it still pained me to see her lose out to Mayu, who was the overall winner by one vote.

Kanade breaking down crying in front of Kumiko was truly saddening and I can't blame her for feeling that way. Kumiko being there and comforting her in response was really sweet of her to do. She might be sassy at times, but I do see Kanade being an important figurehead for this club when her senpais all graduate.

If I thought that scene in particular was a teary one, the following scene hit me VERY hard, with Kumiko meeting with Reina at the all too familiar spot overlooking the city at night, where Reina couldn't hold back her tears and emotions. I was teary at this point, but then the tears doubled when Kumiko herself broke down crying in front of Reina. Heartbreaking almost feels like an understatement to describe the sadness here, it really does. Props to KyoAni for making this scene a visual masterpiece as well as one of the most emotional scenes that I've seen in a long time.

Although I don't see some people ever liking Mayu, at least her talk with Kumiko before the auditions explained her personality habits due to having a fallout with a friend over her music success of always being picked over her friend for performances. It showcases the flaws of human nature of acting on assumption about someone without fully knowing as to why they act that way in the first place. She hasn't made the wisest of choices in this season, but at least with this explanation, you can't call her a nasty person whatsoever.

All I can hope for now is for Kitauji to go and win gold at the Nationals. Not every ending is going to be a happy one, but I REALLY hope this one ends on a happy note.
Jun 23, 2024 12:37 PM
Mar 2018
10 years.

10 freaking years waiting for this moment for them to to just crush us like that.

It just feels like it all was for nothing.

I mean the whole point of the show since season 1 was to get gold.
Gold, gold, gold. That was the main objective all these years. And all of the drama in the show surrounded that.

But what's the point now?
It feels like that objective has become completely meaningless.

Now only the conclusion remains and Kitauji will probably win but who cares? It's just so underwhelming.
Jun 23, 2024 12:45 PM

Jan 2011
Reply to heinzmostarda
10 years.

10 freaking years waiting for this moment for them to to just crush us like that.

It just feels like it all was for nothing.

I mean the whole point of the show since season 1 was to get gold.
Gold, gold, gold. That was the main objective all these years. And all of the drama in the show surrounded that.

But what's the point now?
It feels like that objective has become completely meaningless.

Now only the conclusion remains and Kitauji will probably win but who cares? It's just so underwhelming.
@heinzmostarda this is the thing for me. Now I just lost all interest, after 10 years watching the growth of Kumiko and the band subsiding thanks to her effort behind the curtains. And just because of drama in a show that ended in a sad no "sound!euphonium" at all (because there where not any concerts) they punish her like this??? in such an unjustifiable way?
I could care less now for what happens with the concours, they could as well get bronze and I would enjoy that.
A great reward for Taki and his blind fan Reina...

And this because Kyoani wanted, because even if the Novel author agreed, she knew this was gonna happen, that is why she went for the Kumiko Solo route on her works...
Jun 23, 2024 12:54 PM

Jan 2021
I cannot tell at all which one is better

e: Dang bruh that was sad
mtfunkyJun 23, 2024 1:03 PM

Jun 23, 2024 1:00 PM

Mar 2020
The last audition of Kumiko's time at Kitauji, and it comes down to one final choice...

That episode was a lot to take in, but one thing is for certain. I teared up, hard. My favourite anime of all time is Liz and the Blue Bird, and this was the closest it ever got to that. In that film, Nozomi was holding back Mizore, and here, Kumiko was kind of holding back Reina all along, and as Mizore soared like the bird, Reina will surely do the same now. The fact that Reina chose Mayu by her own hand, is perfectly consistent with the messages of Reina leaving Kumiko for music school. They might still be friends at the end of the day, but their paths will differ. Frustrating as the result might be for Kumiko, Kanade, Reina herself, and for the band, this was a good choice.

The original source material did not have the same result, however, as a second callback audition never happened, and Kumiko ended up making it into the soli. They flipped the script on us, and it's better for it in my opinion. There are still arguments to be made about the pacing, as I admit the drama dragged and felt rushed at the same time, but the more important thing is, this adaptation has its own identity, and the story has a new life of its own.

And the (likely) last piece begins...
Jun 23, 2024 1:06 PM
Oct 2020
While everyone is whining about how they changed the script and all, And how, in LN, Kumiko got the part in lieu of Mayu?

Imo, the conclusion for Kumiko in Anime was great. It made the whole scene more impactful for me and for Kumiko as a character as well. Even with all the efforts she has been putting in, she is not made for it; natural talent wins. That's it. I really like it. Also, the way they replicate the scene between Kumiko and Reina from S1 comes out just amazing.
I look forward to the finale.
Jun 23, 2024 1:27 PM

Jul 2016
Free tickets to the water park for everyone courtesy of Kyoto Animation.

No OP or ED to make up for the audition scene. Still fairly slow and was made up of mainly 2 gigantic scenes across each half.

Taki sensei and Michie sensei already knew what Kumiko was going to hand in on her career survey shows how much they learnt from their students. It's a nice theme for this episode - that both student and teacher can help each other reach their ideal selves by inspiring each other.

Finally the show is finally coming to a close. Mayu's story is a simple one. I'm glad Kumiko finally gave Mayu the chance to open up to her. I believe that the lack of a flashy or heavy reveal was correct. All that she has experienced and what she feels has already been given to us in previous episodes with the various dramas and struggles of the characters. She loves playing with everyone else as much as Motomu does and she's honest to her music as much as Reina. We don't know exactly what she experienced and how she took it but she seems to have made peace with it with the help of Kumiko. And that's the best result.

The soli audition was tense but not in any dramatic way. I just wanted the characters to be the best people they could be in that moment and they were. Kumiko and Reina reconciling with each other at that one special location was an excellent callback to that famous scene. Kumiko breaking down was the first time she was truly frustrated with herself. Previously only Asuka made her feel an emotional moment this deeply but now it's for her own shortcomings and she's growing from it.

The music in this episode is ON POINT. Bringing back season 1 music at the end was unfair. And playing the Sound! Euphonium piece during the voting was heart-breaking. Truly a worthy and appropriate title and piece for that moment.

I can't believe it's all coming to an end next week. Time sure flies...
Jun 23, 2024 1:27 PM
May 2023
gutted. oh so gutted.
Jun 23, 2024 1:29 PM
Oct 2014
never felt so scammed after so many years
Jun 23, 2024 1:32 PM

Jul 2016
Reply to lycoping
I found Taki's comment, "I still have a lot to learn," to be interesting. I don't think that occurred to him and he realized at that moment how he screwed up in Kumiko's first year. if he had been more experienced, he probably would have done that and spared them a lot of unnecessary drama.

In fact, the auditions should have been blind from the beginning, then he wouldn't have been accused of favoritism to Reina and have been forced to redo the auditions.

In spite of what reina thinks, Taki is learning along with them.

I don't really know how I feel about this season extracting the maximum amount of drama possible for any given event. On the one hand, it makes for great anime, on the other... they have been at each others' throats all season, Reina and Kumiko included. Reina was forced here to make a decision, and she chose being special, and Taki, over Kumiko. I think Kumiko understood that, in fact, she would not have expected any less from Reina. It's funny, though, how all this time, Reina was putting the responsibility for playing with her on Kumiko, and she ended up being the one who had to decide.

Ultimately, though, I think this was a good bookend for their relationship. the first time they ended up on daikichi, they became close friends. the second time, they mended their relationship. this time, they began to say goodbye to each other. mount daikichi... the place where they found, and lost, love. I mean, maybe they'll stay close their entire life, but... what they had here, they'll never have in the same way again.

I have never thought their relationship was intended to be yuri-baiting, at the most, a hamhanded attempt at having their cake and eating it too with the yuri crowd. I did think that it's intended to show a very close female friendship, and it was always intended to end someday, at least in this form. that's realistic. I wonder how Shuuichi will turn out. kumiko and shuuichi never seemed a great fit, so they'll probably end up together. but then kyoanimjust shredded the light novels, so who knows anymore.

Very good episode. I still don't think this season measures up to season 2, but maybe it's not supposed to. it has its own reason to be.
lycoping said:
I have never thought their relationship was intended to be yuri-baiting, at the most, a hamhanded attempt at having their cake and eating it too with the yuri crowd. I did think that it's intended to show a very close female friendship, and it was always intended to end someday, at least in this form. that's realistic. I wonder how Shuuichi will turn out. kumiko and shuuichi never seemed a great fit, so they'll probably end up together. but then kyoanimjust shredded the light novels, so who knows anymore

I actually started rewatching some parts of season 1 in the time between each new episode and I always believed that the community was memeing up the yuri bait because that's what Kyoani do. But I stared to realise that they were probably right. Season 2 has her almost disappear. So yeah Kyoani have definitely moved on from giving Reina that much presence in the show even if she is an important character.
raisin-kunJun 23, 2024 1:36 PM
Jun 23, 2024 1:43 PM
Nov 2023
Reply to raisin-kun
lycoping said:
I have never thought their relationship was intended to be yuri-baiting, at the most, a hamhanded attempt at having their cake and eating it too with the yuri crowd. I did think that it's intended to show a very close female friendship, and it was always intended to end someday, at least in this form. that's realistic. I wonder how Shuuichi will turn out. kumiko and shuuichi never seemed a great fit, so they'll probably end up together. but then kyoanimjust shredded the light novels, so who knows anymore

I actually started rewatching some parts of season 1 in the time between each new episode and I always believed that the community was memeing up the yuri bait because that's what Kyoani do. But I stared to realise that they were probably right. Season 2 has her almost disappear. So yeah Kyoani have definitely moved on from giving Reina that much presence in the show even if she is an important character.
raisin-kun said:
I actually started rewatching some parts of season 1 in the time between each new episode and I always believed that the community was memeing up the yuri bait because that's what Kyoani do. But I stared to realise that they were probably right. Season 2 has her almost disappear. So yeah Kyoani have definitely moved on from giving Reina that much presence in the show even if she is an important character.

I'll grant this: it's very ambiguous and a defensible conclusion. I just don't think that's what they were really going for.

They sure have never seemed to know what to do with Shuuichi, though. I wouldn't be surprised if they still don't, right up to the end.
Jun 23, 2024 1:52 PM

Jan 2024
I can understand this outcome but it definitely doesn't make me excited for the last episode
Jun 23, 2024 1:55 PM

Dec 2019
Absolutely brilliant.
This is good. This is growth, this development and this episode solidifies this show as AOTS for me.

If you're upset over pining for the last decade only to have real victory pass you by, just consider how Kumiko must feel. This has to hurt worse than anything she's ever experienced, but the difference this time is that it hardly comes as a surprise to her. Like she explained on the hilltop, she half expected things to turn out this way. And if you go back and consider the rest of her final year, you should too.

This whole season has been constantly bringing Kumiko's passion for playing music into doubt. Kumiko herself knows it's not what she wants to do, even if it's hard for her to admit it. Reina hates that it's the case. Mayu is constantly questioning it, and in one of her confrontations with Kumiko she even says as much. Mizore's answer to Kumiko about music school, devastating as it was, confirmed it for her. At this point, there is practically no reason for her to be the one to get the soli and bring home the gold. It's hard to accept that what she's been doing for three years, what we've been watching for ten years, isn't what she's the best at or what she will continue to do. I think having her lose the audition is something necessary for her.

Kumiko has spent her entire third year waffling about it but this final, painful, cathartic failure is perfect for pushing her to pursue another avenue for her future. Reina knows it, she can hear it, and that's why she made the choice she did. I think it's fantastic how mature this development is - genuinely bold and top-tier writing.
Jun 23, 2024 2:05 PM

Aug 2023
At this point, this is just really frustrating to me. I haven't been a huge fan of this season so far, but man this just really... ugh. While who is better is subjective, without knowing who it was I thought that Number 2 was much more heartfelt playing, with a nice vibrato and better sound combination with Reina. Finding out it was Kumiko while also personally having thought this was the better choice is insanely frustrating.

EDIT: Hold on I just read through the comments. Did they actually change it from the light novel? Was she supposed to win? Are you kidding me?
My Candies:
Jun 23, 2024 2:09 PM

Jan 2018
It's joever, Kumiko lost the soli. No hard feelings to Mayu but come on how am I not supposed to be team Kumiko. And we only have one more episode left. Its so joever
sezbian lex
Jun 23, 2024 2:26 PM
Jan 2016
I really don't now How to feel about this outcome. I'm really pissed, sad and disapointed on the whole audition thing, but at the same time very emotionally struck by the sensibility of the scenes between Kimiko, Mayu and Reina. The impecable animations and direction that only KyoAni can give us really ads up to the screenplay. I am still sad for Kumiko, but the development was certainly very unexpected, shocking and emotionally strong. That must be take in account with so many animes with generic plots and developments out there every season.
Jun 23, 2024 2:29 PM
Oct 2020
Ok probably the best episode so far. We finally got more on Mayu though it was just a bit. So because she was always better her friend quit even though she always said she's fine. That's why she constantly asked Kumiko if she should forfeit over and over. I really thought Kumiko would win the second audition but I was also fine with Mayu winning if she was better and she did win because she was better. Kumiko until the end still just had a little bit of hesitation and that resulted in her loss but damn that speech was awesome. I actually listened to both of them twice before deciding which one was better. I chose the second one and that one was Kumiko but it wasn't the winning one. Still damn that must've been heart wrenching for Reina. To be the deciding factor and having to choose between the one you want to play with so so much or the the other one who's just a bit better. She easily could've said the second one since she knew it was Kumiko and nobody would've complained but she still went with the one who was better.

Now they better win gold at nationals because if after all this BS with a second audition having everyone vote and they don't win damn then wtf was all this for right?

Well them not winning is fine but I really do hope they win.

Damn ok I just read some of the comments on where I watched this but apparently, it's different from the novels? If so damn Kyoani wow that's crazy. I think this is good too because Kumiko winning would've been a bit too predicable. Like if I of all people can predicate it it's probably a bit too obvious. Still man I wished we could've seen it how the novel did it too. Maybe an alternate episode? Like an ova or something? I'd like to see both.
RexnihiloJun 23, 2024 2:35 PM
Jun 23, 2024 2:30 PM
May 2023
as i said in the discussion thread for episode 8, it is now time to commit unspeakable acts.

@Ishitateso are you joining me?

i've never hated someone as much as mayu
Jun 23, 2024 2:35 PM

Jun 2016
«But after what you forced us to see, I have no choice but to move on.»

Kanade summed up very well all my thoughts about this season.
Jun 23, 2024 2:38 PM

Mar 2023
Between the once in a lifetime chance to share a much coveted moment and play with the one for you, the one whose bond with you is strong, choose the one percent better chance of... to win the damn gold.
Jun 23, 2024 3:04 PM
Mar 2021
I don't get why people hate this outcome. It was clear to me that the first solo player was far better technically, and seemed to fit the theme of the soli far better than the second player. I knew it was Kumiko who played second, it was clear Kanade and Shuichi felt so as well...Reina even admitted to it, yet of the three, only Reina had the conviction to choose who she thought was the better player. I'm actually quite happy with this outcome. Life isn't perfect, there will always be someone better than you, and sometimes, the path you may choose to take leads you away from other dreams you may have.

Very few series' have the balls to throw realism in your face. The Kimisomu manga did it, San Gatsu does it all the time, Madoka Magica did it, Shinsekai Yori threw consequences in our face, Clannad and Steins;Gate did it before giving us a happy ending, and the Girls last tour manga ended it all. All of these series' are my favorite largely in part because of that tragic realism.

That being said, the pacing form this season has been absolute dogshit. Ensemble and the first third of this season should've been season 3, or we should've gotten a film for this episode and the final episode. It all feels rushed and without substance, never leaving enough time for things to set in. For that reason, I don't think I can give this season a 10.
Jun 23, 2024 3:06 PM

Nov 2008
Reply to watsym
I like this idea better than what the novel did. Kumiko winning everything may have been a little boring and the resolution in the last scene was great. There's more important things than the short lived gratification of playing a solo in high school. (like becoming a better version of themselves, growth that can last throughout life)
Time to get the gold performance next episode.
@watsym I Dont know.. seeing a lot of people rage dropping or vote dropping after that episode. I tend to prefer KyoAni not* rewrite stories. I didn't like VE rewrite. *shrug* To each their own.
Jun 23, 2024 3:10 PM

Nov 2008
Reply to Johnny-Jay
I understand people's frustration, I mean my heart broke for Kumiko but please don't call this bad writing. This season was about growing up, figuring out what kind of person you want to be and fighting for what you believe in, no matter the cost. This outcome makes sense, this is the kind of president Kumiko wanted to be, this is the kind of club she wanted to build and hopefully her decisions will earn them the gold. And the whole thing has been a learning experience for Kumiko and helped her decide her future.
@Johnny-Jay My frustration is crapping on the source material and once again another KyoAni adaption going 100% anime original.
Jun 23, 2024 3:15 PM

May 2021
What a fucking uber based episode, nobody can do it like this, the goats

Jun 23, 2024 3:17 PM

Dec 2015
ngl I very much expected to end up choosing Mayu's solo the way it was going, but it turned out the one I preferred was indeed Kumiko's
Had a feeling Reina would be able to tell them apart by sound (If anything I'm surprised she's the only one that did?) which makes her choice that much sadder

Beautiful episode

people apparently mad their rewrote (supposedly) the original LN, but I'm not gonna lie I kinda prefer it this way. This kind of series (with competitions - music, sport, etc.) often tend to be a little bit too much in favor of the main cast.
I'd prolly love it if they didn't win the next competition, but given how much pain they delivered by having Kumiko not getting the soli I honestly doubt they would have the balls to go in that direction
ChuuritsuTvJun 23, 2024 3:29 PM
Jun 23, 2024 3:32 PM

Nov 2008
Reply to ChuuritsuTv
ngl I very much expected to end up choosing Mayu's solo the way it was going, but it turned out the one I preferred was indeed Kumiko's
Had a feeling Reina would be able to tell them apart by sound (If anything I'm surprised she's the only one that did?) which makes her choice that much sadder

Beautiful episode

people apparently mad their rewrote (supposedly) the original LN, but I'm not gonna lie I kinda prefer it this way. This kind of series (with competitions - music, sport, etc.) often tend to be a little bit too much in favor of the main cast.
I'd prolly love it if they didn't win the next competition, but given how much pain they delivered by having Kumiko not getting the soli I honestly doubt they would have the balls to go in that direction
@ChuuritsuTv its not a supposition, the LN is entirely different especially in that uh 'outcome' Its fine that some like it - others likely will convince themselves they did if for nothing else the cost sunk fallacy time and emotion wise.. But to me.. im done. It doesn't even matter what happens in the anime original finale now, win or lose gold or not just don't care. The LN is the canon material anyway *shrug* so ill just re read it.
Jun 23, 2024 3:36 PM

Mar 2022
I cried... Kumiko is going to become one admirable adult I'm sure.

This must be how Kaori felt, and how Yuuko felt back in season 1. And yet I think it's even more difficult this time because of how close their skills are.

In terms of the actual performance on stage, I felt that the 1st player was more accurate and on beat, while the 2nd player was dragging a bit but it felt a little more expressive. I chose player 2, but absolutely acknowledge player 1 as the winner.

I heard this part of the story was drastically changed from the LN. Not sure how much exactly, but I'm very happy it's the way it is. KyoAni never dissappoints!
Jun 23, 2024 3:54 PM

Jan 2022
Reply to Maahir97
Looks like they switched things up from the light novel since apparently Kumiko was meant to win and I guess thats fine as long as they dont change the ending. I want to see the authors vision for the series not an anime original ending.
@Maahir97 Posting of X by the original author
I watched episode 12!
Kumiko! 😭😭😭
I cried when I first saw this episode. Everyone did a really good job 😭

Those who have already read the original work will be very surprised.
I hope you enjoy the different flavors of each work, anime as anime and novel as novel...!

Let's look forward to the final episode next week.

The post feels positive in terms of Japanese nuance.
I think the change was discussed with Kyoani and agreed upon.
Jun 23, 2024 4:10 PM

Jul 2017
That final scene. You can not tell me this isn't a masterpiece
Jun 23, 2024 4:17 PM

Mar 2023
Reply to kubo_2501
@Maahir97 Posting of X by the original author
I watched episode 12!
Kumiko! 😭😭😭
I cried when I first saw this episode. Everyone did a really good job 😭

Those who have already read the original work will be very surprised.
I hope you enjoy the different flavors of each work, anime as anime and novel as novel...!

Let's look forward to the final episode next week.

The post feels positive in terms of Japanese nuance.
I think the change was discussed with Kyoani and agreed upon.
@kubo_2501 yeah there was tweet where Jukki Hanada thanked the LN author and the season director for agreeing to this change.
Jun 23, 2024 4:21 PM

Nov 2008
Reply to watsym
@kubo_2501 yeah there was tweet where Jukki Hanada thanked the LN author and the season director for agreeing to this change.
@watsym I rather doubt the author could have said "nope"you script it the way the source canon material is or else!.

Jun 23, 2024 4:28 PM

Oct 2013
This is why KyoAni is one of the best studios around. Amazing direction and writing, the way they changed the original outcome makes so much sense.
Some people here should keep in mind that this show is not a shonen and that good character development doesn't only come from succeeding and winning.
Jun 23, 2024 4:49 PM
Feb 2021
Now we all know that the reason why Kumiko's euphonium performance isnt as good as Mayu is because she is "hesitant". What makes me curious is, why is Kumiko still hesitant about playing the euphonium? From the start of the 3rd season, I was already confused (?) with the way she didn't decide to become a musician like Reina. I always thought she liked to play eupho so much she would choose to play it again after graduating.
Is it because Mizore said "can't imagine Kumiko could get into a music university like me" ? Or...?
Jun 23, 2024 4:58 PM

Nov 2019
Reply to Ryner1989
Honestly, I preferred the second solo to the first one, I even felt more chemistry between them,and yes, I am sad that Kumiko didn't get a solo because it would have been a more beautiful ending to the story, but despite everything, the emotions tugged at my heart.
@Ryner1989 I'm inclined to agree. Speaking as a musician myself (guitar) I thought the difference was very subtle, but Kumiko's solo was slightly more emotionally in tune with the trumpet. But technically there was barely any difference between the two.

Jun 23, 2024 5:00 PM

Nov 2008
Reply to Radnitzky1890
This is why KyoAni is one of the best studios around. Amazing direction and writing, the way they changed the original outcome makes so much sense.
Some people here should keep in mind that this show is not a shonen and that good character development doesn't only come from succeeding and winning.
@Radnitzky1890 I mean.. as a LN reader it really doesn't make much sense to me. I read it, loved it, wanted to see it adapted.. instead I got whatever this is.. and it isn't amazing to me.
Jun 23, 2024 5:03 PM

Jan 2022
Reply to watsym
@kubo_2501 yeah there was tweet where Jukki Hanada thanked the LN author and the season director for agreeing to this change.
@watsym Jukki is involved? So it explains why I get echoes of Yorimoi's episode 12 here.
Jun 23, 2024 5:11 PM

Feb 2008
I'm beyond destroyed. I don't think I even have a single piece of motivation to watch the ending.

Horrible episode for me. What a sad way to end the series. Fuck bro
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum. They should really do their whining at manga forums."

Stolen from Janethan23. Add in visual novel readers too
Jun 23, 2024 5:12 PM
Jan 2021
Is the ep next week the final one, so is the anime fully finished then? And was this ending like in manga (is there even a manga)? And if yes can someone spoiler what kumikos future is so what will she do?
Jun 23, 2024 5:14 PM

Nov 2008
Reply to DuckCross
Is the ep next week the final one, so is the anime fully finished then? And was this ending like in manga (is there even a manga)? And if yes can someone spoiler what kumikos future is so what will she do?
@DuckCross source material is LN and its entirely different then this
Jun 23, 2024 5:17 PM

Dec 2019
Reply to 8334
Now we all know that the reason why Kumiko's euphonium performance isnt as good as Mayu is because she is "hesitant". What makes me curious is, why is Kumiko still hesitant about playing the euphonium? From the start of the 3rd season, I was already confused (?) with the way she didn't decide to become a musician like Reina. I always thought she liked to play eupho so much she would choose to play it again after graduating.
Is it because Mizore said "can't imagine Kumiko could get into a music university like me" ? Or...?
@8334 She always enjoyed playing, and I think she always will, but half the reason she wanted to continue being in the band was explicitly for Reina. Without her it's more of a hobby to her, and Mizore's comment just solidifies that.

I think Kumiko is finally starting to accept that her strength and passion lies more in leading and navigating interpersonal issues than it does in playing the euphonium. It's probably why we've seen a lot more of the former than the latter from her this season. She wanted to be good to help Kitauji and stay side by side with Reina and Asuka, not because the euphonium meant very much to her in particular. It takes a lot of strength for her to realize that, and now that her piece is done here, she's comfortable with moving in a different direction.
Jun 23, 2024 5:40 PM

Jul 2021
Episode discussion sure blew up this week, LOL.

I thought it'd be interesting if Kumiko didn't get it, but I really did not expect the show to take that route. What a ballsy move.

Kanade sounded so heartbroken talking to Kumiko. Surprised by the wonderful voice acting. I have no words for the final Reina-Kumiko conversation.

Lastly: I'm not a musician, but I thought Number 2 was better. But in the end I accept that it's Reina's call.
Jun 23, 2024 5:48 PM

Jan 2021
Reply to Gween_Gween
What a fucking uber based episode, nobody can do it like this, the goats
@Gween_Gween absolutely, KyoAni always finds a way.
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