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Sound! Euphonium (light novel)
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May 19, 2024 1:28 AM

May 2020
They've been building up a very visible tension between Kumiko and Mayu for a while now, and guess finally it’s at the point where Kumiko isn’t actually trying to maintain a safe distance from Mayu anymore, for reasons… I mean they’ll need to be on the same page coming nationals competition after all. Though that still doesn’t negate the fears of upcoming unneeded drama but still lol. Episode as a whole though, did try its best to give the last bit of peaceful times, if nothing.

They do pool episodes every year I guess, so as always thumbs up to the sight of all these girls in swimsuits. Like I said, the competitions are coming straight away after this, at least to them the period does seem small enough, but anyways they are kind of trying to make this little time as less competitive as they could, even with the appearance of old characters like Natsuki and ribbon girl. Wonder if we’d see Asuka as well, in the coming episodes. Anyways, the kind of hints they’re dropping which do suggest what Kumiko would do in the future is making things a bit obvious lol.

Competition is indeed coming, but can we please stop giving Mayu so much attention?
Softhenic03May 19, 2024 6:03 AM
May 19, 2024 1:29 AM

Dec 2021
Looks like these pool episodes are becoming a seasonal tradition now lol.

Having successfully cleared the prefectural tournament, the club members are enjoying a brief Obon holiday. Kumiko, in order to make the most of this precious break, balances her study schedule with leisure activities. On the first day off, Kumiko attends a university information session with Hazuki and Kanade, but despite visiting various booths, she struggles to clearly define her future aspirations. In contrast, Hazuki easily decides on her career path. Later, when Kumiko arrives home, she sees a special someone there: Mamiko.

Just as I thought last episode, they really are saving all the performances for the movie in typical Hibike fashion. Anyway, seeing Natsuki and Yuuko took me by surprise, but I'm glad we got to see them again. This entire episode was a nostalgia trip, and we even got to see best girl Mamiko make her return. She's looking as good as ever. Of course, we can't ignore the pool scene... KyoAni really made it obvious that Kumiko's wish for her boobs to get bigger has NOT come true—they even compared them to Reina's in that shot, lol. And yeah, they are really pushing the parallel between Mayu and Kumiko hard this episode.

Even though Kumiko understands Mayu's feelings now that she has experienced something special, they still can't fully connect.

May 19, 2024 2:28 AM

Nov 2010
It is said that episode 7 or 8 has the highest probability for pool/sea event. Even NHK has followed the rule.
May 19, 2024 2:51 AM
Jan 2021
IzanaSolos said:
Looks like these pool episodes are becoming a seasonal tradition now lol.

Having successfully cleared the prefectural tournament, the club members are enjoying a brief Obon holiday. Kumiko, in order to make the most of this precious break, balances her study schedule with leisure activities. On the first day off, Kumiko attends a university information session with Hazuki and Kanade, but despite visiting various booths, she struggles to clearly define her future aspirations. In contrast, Hazuki easily decides on her career path. Later, when Kumiko arrives home, she sees a special someone there: Mamiko.

Just as I thought last episode, they really are saving all the performances for the movie in typical Hibike fashion. Anyway, seeing Natsuki and Yuuko took me by surprise, but I'm glad we got to see them again. This entire episode was a nostalgia trip, and we even got to see best girl Mamiko make her return. She's looking as good as ever. Of course, we can't ignore the pool scene... KyoAni really made it obvious that Kumiko's wish for her boobs to get bigger has NOT come true—they even compared them to Reina's in that shot, lol. And yeah, they are really pushing the parallel between Mayu and Kumiko hard this episode.

Even though Kumiko understands Mayu's feelings now that she has experienced something special, they still can't fully connect.

theres gonna be a movie?
May 19, 2024 4:06 AM

Apr 2010
Kumiko is trying to get closer to Mayu now which is a good thing but there are still some things that need to be worked on like the fact that she doesn't like to be in her own pictures.
Well i can understand that part a bit as well, i hate selfies but a group photo is different from a selfie.

Kumiko is also having a hard time with her choice of university but she is looking into it pretty well.
And we got to see the sempai again which was nice.
May 19, 2024 4:40 AM

Mar 2023
Mayu has really high debilitating anxiety, that was quite realistically portrayed
May 19, 2024 5:01 AM

Mar 2021
Nice to see Kumiko trying her best to get closer to Mayu and inviting her to the pool with the other girls. l do hope we move on from the Mayu sub plot soon it's getting a bit stale for me.
May 19, 2024 5:04 AM

Jul 2017
Continued buildup is present between Mayu and Kumiko not quite clicking for some reason, and it was nice seeing some old faces again (mainly Nagisa, don't really care that much for Yuuko). A good chunk of the episode was pretty boring to watch, especially with the pool but it is about making memories and enjoying their time off I guess in the break before the Kansai Competition begins to completely overtake their minds. Kumiko continuing to still figure out what exactly to do in the long run, which can confirm even after 18 years, not enough time in some people's lives to figure out their long term career goals like myself.

I'm not quite the fan of the Mayu character drama buildup since it seems to be taking long in a one-cour portion and at this endgame point of the show, I would rather just focus on the buildup towards the competition and winning Nationals than watching similar drama that I did watch in previous seasons that heavily either annoyed or disappointed me, but that is just a preference. At least it isn't as bad as arguments keeping on happening between the same people or the same actions being done like what season 2 mostly provided with Nozomi vs Azuka and Mizore, and the stuff with Asuka that led season 2 to be a tough, excrutiating watch at times. I hope this goes somewhere sooner rather than later with Mayu and the execution when her backstory is focused on that leads her to potentially develop to be worth it. So far, like Hibike-typical fashion, these kinds of subplots have been stale in previous seasons and it hasn't changed much with this one. Haven't been a humongous fan of pool segments in anime and this episode didn't really change that too much.
May 19, 2024 5:15 AM

Jul 2012
Really hope they left all performance related stuff for the later part of the season.
Build-up episodes and more hints for Kumiko becoming teacher.
Was nice seeing Natsuki and Yuuko, Natsuki always knew how to deal with Kanade ....
Main drama is progressing slowly, so Mayu didn't (even) try on soli part.
May 19, 2024 5:47 AM
Mar 2020
This pacing is awful, I know they're possibly trying to sell the movies but damn, we haven't heard one music from them, not even once, not even practice.

Hibike Euphonium would be a colossal series if they take their time with the pace, I'm not a source reader so I don't know if this is what happened in the books or not, but as a another perspective, we got Kumiko's 1st year in 2 seasons but they just decided to rocket up after Asuka and the gang left.

Putting that aside though, this season of Hibike is still better than most animes in general, don't get me wrong, but for a Hibike anime? It's kinda... Bad. Previous seaons are much, much better. Remember that we solved Mizore & Nozomi's conflict while also solving Asuka's in S2 WHILE showing lots of music and side activities, meanwhile right now I don't know exactly what are they trying to tell us here, were they trying to focus on Mayu? Focus on the 1st year? Focus on Kumiko and Reina? Focus on the competition?

But that's enough, we might see more in the movies at this point.

Talking about this episode, I'm very glad that Team Monaka got to compete in a competition and actually won gold, I feel very happy for Satsuki, I'm glad she's not suffering that much and she'll get a big morale boost after this. It means Hazuki still got the short end of the stick though and still the unluckiest character in this anime, Kyoto Competition didn't exist in previous seasons if I remember correctly so Team Monaka really did only exist as a helper instead of a "B-Team" back then. So yeah, Hazuki is definitely gonna be the least to play at a competition, she could potentially only play 2 times.

Speaking of Team Monaka won the Kyoto Competition, it means Kitauji is definitely a powerhouse this year, could be even better than Asuka and the gang era. Which really made me think that Kitauji during Kumiko's 2nd year is pretty weak even carried by Reina, Nozomi and Mizore.

It would be plot twist if Kitauji somehow failed to qualify for the Nationals again though (Which is... Maybe unlikely this time around)

May 19, 2024 6:27 AM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
This looks sooo good. I need more Kyoto Animation Anime in the future!
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
May 19, 2024 7:07 AM
Mar 2018
How cool was it to see Natsuki and Yuuko again?! ^_^

The pool was a fun idea; I'm surprised Reina's the one who came up with it. Also, I could've done without than one overly fanservicey shot of her and Kumiko. Kuroé's story is very interesting, I know someone exactly like her. I'm sad she deleted the picture in which she actually was...
May 19, 2024 7:17 AM

Jul 2011
I want something to happen, but at same time I don't want. These measured exchange of words between Kumiko and Mayu, makes me feels anxious.
May 19, 2024 7:28 AM

Oct 2016
I don't think I understand what the tension the show is building between Kumiko and Mayu is supposed to be, wait till the end of the season I guess.

I like that the handling of the drama isn't like in season 2 or the third movie, what I don't like is that there has been barely any music so far, like in season 2.

Edit: wait, does Reina know Kumiko sizes to buy those matching swimsuits? Guess she does.
CaptainKenshiroMay 19, 2024 8:13 AM
May 19, 2024 7:58 AM

Mar 2008
Kumiko is the worst, really.
Mayu has plenty of reasons to stab her in the penumbra of that instrument room.
May 19, 2024 8:01 AM
Apr 2021
The Kyoto competition so fast. I don't understand why Monaka got gold medal in Kyoto Competition? not 1st team? or the subtitle is wrong?🤔 I think there is not problem with subtitle...

I'm happy Kumiko ask Mayu to take photo together while Mayu still has secrets that haven't been revealed, so she has negative thoughts.
Does Mayu not want herself in photos to spread? I hope it will be answered soon and Mayu gets along with all the members.
I like Mayu's informal outfit in the last few episodes.

I'm happy too about relation of Mamiko and her father is good. Kumiko still considers her future. Be a high school teacher?
rahezMay 19, 2024 3:48 PM
May 19, 2024 8:12 AM

Jul 2016
I didn't understand the opening scene. They just showed that Team Monaka got gold at the Kyoto competition. Did Kitauji enter two bands, an A team and a B team and it wasn't worth mentioning the real competition band got gold and advanced to the Kansai competition?
May 19, 2024 8:22 AM

Aug 2022
Seeing Natsuki and Yuuko again made my week
May 19, 2024 8:39 AM
Dec 2022
Kuroe Mayu, kumiko’s “final boss” in a sense. Though kind and caring on the outside, there’s definitely some past trauma or something built up, as visible from her “neutral” behavior. Just like kumiko was at the start of the series, mayu kinda acts like “a drifter” someone who just goes with the flow, doesn’t value herself as much, and just does things to please others, without a regard for her own enjoyment. What’s a better character to close off kumiko’s character arc than the literal embodiment of her past, flawed self. Say what you want about this anime, but you can’t deny the amazing characters and the attention to detail kyoani does to some of them.
May 19, 2024 8:42 AM

Oct 2017
Tanned, ooh sexy, lol. Nice reaction from Kumiko. Kumiko and Reina looked cute with their top and bottom swapped. Nice pool stuff, the girls looked cute. Was fun watching the first years reaction. Great to see Natsuki and Yuuko senpai, she's so adorable. Was great to see Kumiko's sister too and Kumiko's gonna become a teacher most likely. Don't wanna talk about Mayu stuff. As I've said before, very obvious where they are going with it and I want it over and done with soon.
May 19, 2024 8:56 AM
Mar 2015
Mayu is a pain in the butt She could at least pretend to be part of the team
May 19, 2024 9:21 AM

Nov 2019
Reply to CaptainKenshiro
I don't think I understand what the tension the show is building between Kumiko and Mayu is supposed to be, wait till the end of the season I guess.

I like that the handling of the drama isn't like in season 2 or the third movie, what I don't like is that there has been barely any music so far, like in season 2.

Edit: wait, does Reina know Kumiko sizes to buy those matching swimsuits? Guess she does.
CaptainKenshiro said:
I don't think I understand what the tension the show is building between Kumiko and Mayu is supposed to be

You're not the only one. The tension is strong to the point of discomfort, but I've got no idea of what it is either. The context we've been given so far just doesn't seem to justify it. Kumiko has a lot on her plate and is about to graduate, so why would she concern herself so much with Mayu anyways? I'm guessing this sets up Kumiko to choose the career of guidance counsellor (hypothesis. I don't read the novel/manga whatever).
AquaMailmanMay 19, 2024 9:28 AM
May 19, 2024 9:40 AM

Jun 2016
At this point in time you probably can forget that this show was originally heavily about music. And music was interconnected with all of the conflicts and dramas. And now we are getting another filler episode with no music and a lot of empty drama. I can’t believe what I’m about to say…

Fuck you, KyoAni, you ruined your best show.
May 19, 2024 9:41 AM

Nov 2023
After very hard practices, they finally had some time to breadth and enjoy.

Mayu just need good friends around her to clear her negativeness.

Kumiko and Reina are a good pair together.

Also the suprise visit from the old cast
is really great.
I need somebody who can love me at my worst
No, I'm not perfect, but I hope you see my worth
'Cause it's only you, nobody new, I put you first
And for you, girl, I swear I'll do the worst

If you stay forever, let me hold your hand
I can fill those places in your heart no else can
Let me show you love, oh, I don't pretend, yeah
I'll be right here, baby, you know I'll sink or swim
May 19, 2024 10:00 AM

May 2019
Felt like huge chunk of the last competition was skipped a bit there to save time. It's nice to see some old faces especially the couple Natsuki and Yuuko. Kumiko trying her best to get close to Mayu. While Mayu is floating around in the middle being kind and helpful to everyone seemingly going with the flow without a drive in her. This episode feels like calm before storm moment towards their competition for gold. I still like the cast alot maybe excluding all the first years but they really need to pick up on the tension because so far this season is probably the chillest one yet. Kumiko is trying her best to make everything runs smoothly after all.

May 19, 2024 10:28 AM

Mar 2023
Reply to rahez
The Kyoto competition so fast. I don't understand why Monaka got gold medal in Kyoto Competition? not 1st team? or the subtitle is wrong?🤔 I think there is not problem with subtitle...

I'm happy Kumiko ask Mayu to take photo together while Mayu still has secrets that haven't been revealed, so she has negative thoughts.
Does Mayu not want herself in photos to spread? I hope it will be answered soon and Mayu gets along with all the members.
I like Mayu's informal outfit in the last few episodes.

I'm happy too about relation of Mamiko and her father is good. Kumiko still considers her future. Be a high school teacher?

The Kyoto competition so fast. I don't understand why Monaka got gold medal in Kyoto Competition? not 1st team? or the subtitle is wrong?🤔 I think there is not problem with subtitle...

I didn't understand the opening scene. They just showed that Team Monaka got gold at the Kyoto competition. Did Kitauji enter two bands, an A team and a B team and it wasn't worth mentioning the real competition band got gold and advanced to the Kansai competition?

This should explain it:
Probably most people don't remember this, but there was a bit of explanation in S1 EP5 about the competition category.(

The main band plays in the A and the others in the B. Only the category A has regional and national competition. Actually in the Kumiko 1st year arc of the novel, those who failed the audition ("Monaka" is the anime original) play in the B category. It's because the 1st year arc of the anime made the number of band members fewer than in the novel. But now the anime also has enough numbers to play in the B.
May 19, 2024 10:44 AM
Oct 2020
Ok nice pool episode. We get a bit more understanding of Mayu etc. She really doesn't like being in pictures and mostly just goes with the flow. Gets along with everyone and no one hates her etc. She values others more than herself. Never getting too close with others or showing her true self. Doesn't seem to have much of a preference or a sense of self in general. The only things she seems kinda interested in is taking photos. I wonder why she's like the way she is. Like I kinda get most of her character like not having much a preference, not showing her true self much etc but I do find it odd how much she doesn't want to be in photos etc. Right now she's just like a old version of Kumiko I guess. That's the point I suppose.

Also more on what Kumiko might do in the future. Maybe a future Taki sensei? I feel she definitely could be a teacher.
May 19, 2024 10:46 AM

Mar 2023
The series has so many character designs, first screen is from last episode, second is team Monaka

May 19, 2024 10:52 AM
Apr 2021
I hate the fact that this season is so rushed. I guess they couldn't do otherwise and were forced to finish the series with this third season. Although it's still good but it's such a shame that we don't get to listen to any music and don't see them waiting for the results of the competition
May 19, 2024 10:54 AM

May 2015
I love pool episodes so much <3
May 19, 2024 10:55 AM

Feb 2019
Awesome episode, fanservice, drama, youthful angst, this had it all. I know some people upset that we haven’t seen much music stuff in the last couple episodes, but I’m enjoying the slice of life angle and I think it’s important for the success they want to have in nationals anyway.

With only a few days of summer vacation the question is “how to spend it” between musical performances and college stuff, Kumiko and the third years have a lot going on, but a pool party is a perfect way to let loose. I love how Reina gets all tsun tsun because Kumiko didn’t mention going to the pool with their days off 😂 she’s so cute.

Great to see Natsuki senpai back! Kanade really thought she was cooking her by saying the first year Eupho player is better than her lol, like that’s good! That’s what Kitauji needs if they wanna win nationals. Kanade can be kind of an asshole at times

While it was supposed to be a break, pool party was full of tension thanks to Mayu and Kumiko conversation. I get that Kumiko sees her old self in Mayu but I still don’t think that excuses how she treated her at the start and she should just respect who Mayu is as a person rn. She’ll find her true self eventually. The girl clearly has a lot of social anxiety too. I hope we get some of her backstory soon. Personally I like the drama plotline with Mayu, I know I’m in the minority but it adds some spice to the story.
Marinate1016May 19, 2024 11:54 AM
May 19, 2024 10:57 AM

Mar 2020
Summer means beach time, and tension revolves around Mayu...

Unsurprisingly, yet another performance was skipped, as it seems like the approach that this season is taking is really focusing on the character drama rather than the performances, and that's fine. I can absolutely see why this episode might be the weakest this season in some people's eyes, as beach episodes aren't always received all that well. Seeing some old faces was cool, the summer fun was nice and all, but I want to focus on Mayu as much as possible here.

The more I see of Mayu's actions, the more I feel for her. Years of being seemingly well-liked as a "motherly character", while no one sees you as a friend is honestly really rough, because she constantly tries to fit in with the crowd, and not offend anyone, mortgaging her own happiness in the process. Kumiko saw her past self in Mayu, and I think it goes even further than that. The deep roots of loneliness, and just being skeptical of why people are even talking to her, it really hurt to watch. When she couldn't pick the soda, and when she said that the group picture that she was in didn't develop properly, my, that was especially painful.
May 19, 2024 11:02 AM

Aug 2020
Finding out what you want to do for the rest of your life isn't easy... So I wouldn't blame Kumiko. Reina is already on her way, but each one will find their path sooner or a little latter.

Nice to see another pool episode moment. Mayu's disagreement with the extremes of feelings was interesting to hear. People in general aren't that easy to rank/divide.

Also good to see Team Monaka succeeding!

May 19, 2024 11:09 AM

Feb 2014
It's a shame that the competition was skipped, which is a price to pay for trying to complete everything in this single cour. Despite that, I still enjoyed this episode as it felt more laid back.

The return of older faces, like Natsuki, Yuko and Kumiko's older sister, Mamiko, was nice to see. Same with seeing all of the girls having fun at the pool once more. Hazuki's bikini looked really cute, whereas Kumiko and Reina did a swap on each others bikinis, which was a rather nice touch. =)

Although thinking of what she wanted to do after she graduates high school still played in her mind, Kumiko's focus was more on Mayu than before, now that she compares Mayu to how she acted back in junior high when it came to the music band. With the training camp and the Kansai competition coming up, I do see the issue with Mayu eventually being dealt with. Hopefully there'll be more music performances, as there hasn't been many so far this season.
May 19, 2024 1:05 PM

Jul 2015
KyoAni not beating the allegations.
"They were bandmates", of course.

May 19, 2024 1:13 PM

Jul 2016
Reply to watsym

The Kyoto competition so fast. I don't understand why Monaka got gold medal in Kyoto Competition? not 1st team? or the subtitle is wrong?🤔 I think there is not problem with subtitle...

I didn't understand the opening scene. They just showed that Team Monaka got gold at the Kyoto competition. Did Kitauji enter two bands, an A team and a B team and it wasn't worth mentioning the real competition band got gold and advanced to the Kansai competition?

This should explain it:
Probably most people don't remember this, but there was a bit of explanation in S1 EP5 about the competition category.(

The main band plays in the A and the others in the B. Only the category A has regional and national competition. Actually in the Kumiko 1st year arc of the novel, those who failed the audition ("Monaka" is the anime original) play in the B category. It's because the 1st year arc of the anime made the number of band members fewer than in the novel. But now the anime also has enough numbers to play in the B.
Probably most people don't remember this, but there was a bit of explanation in S1 EP5 about the competition category.(

The main band plays in the A and the others in the B. Only the category A has regional and national competition. Actually in the Kumiko 1st year arc of the novel, those who failed the audition ("Monaka" is the anime original) play in the B category. It's because the 1st year arc of the anime made the number of band members fewer than in the novel. But now the anime also has enough numbers to play in the B.

So just to be completely clear, the competition team and Team Monaka both played at the Kyoto prefectural competition in category A and category B respectively. I find it very strange that there was no mention of the competition team playing. After all it is not guaranteed that they would be selected as representatives. What if someone made a big playing error, or if other schools in the prefecture suddenly got really good like Kitouji did two years ago. Also how did Reina and Kumiko's solo go? Maybe they will have a flashback to make some drama for the next audition, or perhaps like some are saying on this forum, there will be a movie.

But thank you for your explanation, it would have really bothered me that I couldn't figure it out.
May 19, 2024 1:49 PM

Jan 2022
S3 being one cour long is showing to be a mistake as it forces KyoAni to lean heavily on it about Kumiko's handling of the club as its leader at the expense of actual music playing. Those would be OVAs i guess.

And like what someone mentioned, they are not beating Kumiko x Reina allegations at all...

Also Kumiko: "Mayu's just like me fr fr." I don't have issues with the slow burn of the tension. It hints that if it breaks, it'll break hard and Kumiko would have a late-stage club crisis on her hands.
May 19, 2024 2:18 PM

Jul 2016
A pool episode. Sort of. The biggest fanservice for me was seeing the Nakayoshikawa duo back again!

Team Monaka W at the Kyoto competition. Kyoani is killing me not showing any performances yet. Seeing that this is already episode 7 I can definitely see why people are saying they wil probably wrap this story up with a movie.

If it wasn't obvious before now the foreshadowing that Kumiko is going to be a teacher is almost blindingly obvious. The Oumae Consultation Room is going to get busy.

Mamiko is back! Her arc in season 2 is one of my favourite subplots of any story ever. Her sibling banter is most welcome and pleasant to hear.

Mayu's issue is that she is too detached from the people and situation around her. Because of all the time she spends emotionally by herself because of this she's almost become too self-aware of this. Her questioning Kumiko's honest intentions to get closer to her and interpreting it as a way to keep her motivated to keep up a good performance is credit to that. She's quickly evolving into a complex and meaningful character within the show who is part of the developing theme of choice. She wanted to choose to not participate in the competitions but because of her "go-with-the-flow" nature she felt an obligation to play with the rest of the band. Truly a jellyfish as Sapphire denoted her.

Fun fact btw - the eyecatches in the middle of all the episodes are the members of each section with the section leader holding the instrument. Try comparing this season's with the eyecatches of the first season. It's a lot of fun seeing the then-first-years take over from the senpais from season 1 and 2. Season 3 episode 5 shows the alto sax section. That section is shown in episode 4 of season 1 where there is one lone cute first-year girl with twin-tails who seems like she's just happy to be there. This season she's a third year and looks like she is ready to rock with that sax and lead her section to victory. I love this as a way of conveying how everyone is all grown up - not just the main characters.

May 19, 2024 7:21 PM
ザクシャ イン ラブ

Aug 2016
Episode 7 of Euphonium 3, "Natsuiro Fermata" (Summer Fermata), focuses on the period between the first set of auditions and the regional Kansai competition during Kumiko's final summer at Kitauji. During this time, the club is focused on improving and getting ready for the competition that will determine whether they will go forward onto nationals. In this episode we see a lot more development from Mayu as a character through the lens of Kumiko who is slowly opening up to her, as Kumiko realizes that Mayu reminds her a lot of her middle school self. Amidst the 3 day Obon festival break, we see Kumiko invite various club members to the pool, a throwback to her first year pool episode in season 2. Just like before, we get the swimsuit fanservice, but I think what's more important is the relationships that are captured by Mayu's photographs. Reina & Kumiko, Mayu & Tsubame, Ririka & Kanade, Midori & Hazuki, Satsuki & Mirei are among the tight pairs we see.

Speaking of pairs, Natsuki and Yuuko senpai visiting the Kitauji club was a nice cameo, and we see that they are just as close as ever, wearing matching hairpins. This is a lot like when Asuka and Kaori show up to support the club during Kumiko's second year regional competition, and the two wearing matching clothes and bracelets.

Finally, I wanted to comment on Kumiko and Hazuki attending the information session college fair, where we learn that Hazuki has decided on a goal to become a nursery school teacher. This is thanks to Michie sensei giving her the guidance by telling her that she is attentive and seems good with kids, showing us the importance of good teachers. Kumiko on the other hand is still struggling to decide on her future, and upon returning home to see her sister Mamiko, shares her concerns. Always love to see the Kumiko & Mamiko sister dynamic.


May 19, 2024 7:49 PM

Feb 2022
Anime now is complete with the obligatory beach/pool episode. And “ooh sekushi” too …
May 19, 2024 10:39 PM

Mar 2024
Wonderful episode: swimsuits, shy Reina, talks about choosing a future (very realistic shown tbh) and finally the reveal of my favorite character (after Kumiko and Reina) - Mayu.

I think, maybe her emotionlessness is a natural consequence of the Japanese mentality, when you must forget about yourself for the sake of the group interests. Maybe in real Japan there are also many such people, since this is not the first time such thoughts have been expressed in anime.
But in any case, she definitely have one interest - photography.

And also, an anime about orchestra and music, but i miss the music. Another performance was not shown. The anime is still great, but it would have been better with a musical part. But this was probably necessary to save budget in order to get better visuals.
x_scolopendra_xMay 20, 2024 12:44 AM
May 19, 2024 11:02 PM
Apr 2021
Reply to watsym

The Kyoto competition so fast. I don't understand why Monaka got gold medal in Kyoto Competition? not 1st team? or the subtitle is wrong?🤔 I think there is not problem with subtitle...

I didn't understand the opening scene. They just showed that Team Monaka got gold at the Kyoto competition. Did Kitauji enter two bands, an A team and a B team and it wasn't worth mentioning the real competition band got gold and advanced to the Kansai competition?

This should explain it:
Probably most people don't remember this, but there was a bit of explanation in S1 EP5 about the competition category.(

The main band plays in the A and the others in the B. Only the category A has regional and national competition. Actually in the Kumiko 1st year arc of the novel, those who failed the audition ("Monaka" is the anime original) play in the B category. It's because the 1st year arc of the anime made the number of band members fewer than in the novel. But now the anime also has enough numbers to play in the B.
@watsym Thank you for inform me about it. I forgot that there are team A & team B in the competition
May 19, 2024 11:15 PM

May 2021
10/10 this episode was amazing.

Seeing Natsuki and Yuuko again was Chef's kiss + the obligatory pool scene. What an episode, the animation was flawless front to back. I'm a huge Natsuki fan so this was exactly what I was looking for. ♡

I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens between Kumiko and Mayu. GG's to Kyoani, absolutely beautiful.
May 19, 2024 11:25 PM

Jul 2014
My girl Natsuki showed up! I really love her personality, the way Kanade teased her and it not fazing her and actually being happy a new member is already better than her just made me realize again how much of a great personality she has.

Funny how we got a flirty Kumiko x Reina moment on top of having angsty Kumiko x Mayu tension, not a fan of how Kumiko is handling the situation between them at all, but this show really loves its drama. Beach episode was ayt, Reina hot af and for some reason Kumiko has this mature aura around her for some reason, Shuichi you lucky bastard.

That last conversation between Mayu and Kumiko was nerve wracking, Mayu with them passive aggressive fighting words, she def gonna take the solo part away from Kumiko based from just that. I wonder how Kumiko and Reina will take the news tho. Kumiko will probably congratulate her but deep inside she’ll probably be a little pissed and create more drama between them which KyoAni really loves doing.

Cannot wait for the next episode!
May 20, 2024 1:09 AM

Jan 2021
Reply to Cawambar
I hate the fact that this season is so rushed. I guess they couldn't do otherwise and were forced to finish the series with this third season. Although it's still good but it's such a shame that we don't get to listen to any music and don't see them waiting for the results of the competition
@Cawambar It’s a consequence of having to adhere to a 13-episode season. The things I would do for a 24-episode Hibike Season 3…
May 20, 2024 1:47 AM

Nov 2019
They have stuck on two prime elements - Kumiko's future and her past (in the form of Mayu). And some drama with the juniors. None of these either serves as satisfying build-up or closure.

Reina's screentime feels like obligation right now, and a tool to fill up the dialogue section just because of her chemistry with Kumiko.

Hazuki and Sapphire feel lost in the sea of a bloated junior cast. I like Kanade the little devil, but she feels more like a gag right now. Shuichi might die and it won't make difference in the plot, I guess. There's a third club head? Who??

The seniors returning now and then have less impact the more they appear. The flashbacks of Kumiko are strong but they never have any strong follow-ups.

Mama senpai's issues and Kumiko's attitude towards her doesn't spark any interesting narrative but a vague narrative potential. The story tries to assymptotically reach that, and it has been that way over halfway the season.

And I still digested them not showing any SunFes performance thinking it's to save runtime.

The favorite part of this episode is the tubas resonating. Really says something.
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
May 20, 2024 4:36 AM
May 2023
I think not showing the performances until the finale is fine, it'll hit that much harder then, I can't wait. But I wish there would be a bit more music in this music anime, I guess. It seems they're trying to not repeat themselves that much, showing the club's life from different perspectives, or rather, following the perspective of Kumiko, who changes and grows through the story.
May 20, 2024 5:55 AM
Sep 2016
Did they just skipped kyoto competition? And Monaka is competing? On which competition? How much did they skipped this EP!?
EDIT: Nvm, answered in some previous comments.

That being said, not a single red ribbon in Monaka, means all of the third years are competition members. Notice that most of the red ribbons are frequent competition members since season 1 as well, kicking out senior green and blue ribbons along the way. Their year must be the best year in all of Kita-uji Suisou-gakubu history.

Wild Yuuko and Natsuki appeared! I really hope Nozomi would as well. Had Nozomi appeared as well, we'd be having Touyama Nao's 5th seiyuu characters this season.

During the middle of the EP, Kumiko-narrator's wild "Soshite..." almost gave me a heart attack!!! I really thought the EP would end there, untill it continues with the pool section.

PS: Kohinata Yume made an appearence!!! Braided megane-ko is the best!!!

PPS: Kumiko and Reina swapping swimsuit.... And you still dare to say they're just "friends"!?
uncleqrowMay 20, 2024 6:15 AM
Python is the best programming language ever. FIGHT ME!
May 20, 2024 6:18 AM
Jun 2007
A beach episode!
Anyways it feels tense between Kumiko and Mayu
May 20, 2024 8:01 AM
Feb 2016
Reply to CaptainKenshiro
I don't think I understand what the tension the show is building between Kumiko and Mayu is supposed to be, wait till the end of the season I guess.

I like that the handling of the drama isn't like in season 2 or the third movie, what I don't like is that there has been barely any music so far, like in season 2.

Edit: wait, does Reina know Kumiko sizes to buy those matching swimsuits? Guess she does.

I am guessing the tension is about how good Mayu is, while kumiko is good enough for the regional competition, Mayu could take the solist part for the national one. And that scares kumiko. Just my guess.

For the soundtrack, am surprised you say that. Just listen the music when Hazuki decides to become childcare worker. But yeah, we are all eager to hear the concert's songs.
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