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May 4, 2024 7:25 AM
Aug 2022
Man, he revealed his identity to kikoru. His timing was perfect.
One Punch Man returns😆.
He pleading for keeping his identity secret to shinomiya was hilarious 🤣
That another Kaiju, man he's so creepy & he works at Kafka's workplace😰.
I hope he(Kafka) becomes an officer soon so that he could talk to Mina-San with pride.
Ricky16May 4, 2024 7:43 AM
May 4, 2024 7:27 AM

Dec 2021
Good, now that the drones are gone, Kafka can deal with that trash.

Leno assures Kafka that he'll support him, and Kafka asks Leno to carry him. Despite garnering some odd looks and laughs, they decide to pursue Kikoru and offer assistance. However, no one can keep pace with Kikoru, who effortlessly dispatches every Yoju before confronting the Honju. Strategically, she tosses a grenade behind the Honju, causing it to open its mouth, then swiftly shoots it, dealing a fatal blow. With the exam declared over, Kafka is irritated that she managed to finish it in record time.

Good stuff. I hope Shinomiya gets a reality check. Looks like they're setting up a rivalry between them. Anyway, they'll probably just say Shinomiya took out all the monsters, right? That's the only explanation I can think of for how they'll explain this to the squad. I'm guessing Kafka's kaiju parasite was supposed to take control of his body like this new one did, but it somehow failed? It's going to be tough for him to reveal his hidden identity now, with this new kaiju in disguise causing trust issues between humans and human-kaiju hybrids. This is around where the first volume ended iirc, which is where I dropped/put on-hold the manga, so it's all new things for me from here on.

Phenomenal episode. I.G. really nailed it. Now, the plot thickens... It's only logical that since Kafka's THE Kaiju No.8, there'd be a Kaiju No.9.

May 4, 2024 7:27 AM

Nov 2011
"Eat my dust". Kikoru just never changes. We finally got to see of her past and childhood. Seems she was lonely and was trying to live up to his father's expectations. But seriously, her father really tried to push her to be stronger than anything else...

Also, she finds out about Kafka in his kajiu form. Reaction was priceless. Tbh, I think this episode gave us a better look at Kikoru's character beyond just an arrogant girl in the squad. Kafka had to get his hands dirty in that fight but I'm impressed what he delivered. One of the best punches he's delivered yet imo. I wish Kafka and Mina got more screen time besides those few seconds but I get that he also wants to prove himself first.
May 4, 2024 7:28 AM

May 2020
Sure, after making a fool of himself.. very badly at that, this main guy still had the audacity to act as if nothing happened. Leaving him and his sorry state aside, being the same basic, this series again showed just how much of a prodigy Kikoru is… like how they been doing since her first appearance. Though it was something else to see when the main bad guy of this series just came and tossed her aside like trash…

… didn’t feel sorry for her too, for obvious reasons. And hey that backstory, “nEeD tO gEt vALiDAtIoN”, is so fucking repetitive in anime that it doesn’t evoke any feelings at all. That being that though, Kafka’s heroic entry happened and hey, though it did seem cool, but they kind of ruined it with their unfunny humour again. Can’t see them moving away from this sigh.

Now Kikoru knows that Peter Parker is spiderman. Of course she’d not tell. Action was good, but yeah that’s been selling this series anyways. Most importantly, we got the main bad guy this episode, and he's here to stay.
Softhenic03May 4, 2024 7:33 AM
May 4, 2024 7:29 AM

Mar 2020
So yeah I'm glad the live today on twitter/x have subs.

Kafka-kun is so cool and funny in the episode. Looking forward next week again.
Oppai check!

111 cm: Hancock
110 cm: Zoro
100 cm: Robin
May 4, 2024 7:35 AM

Jun 2014
Ok good, the Twitter livestream had subtitles this week lol.

Kikoru continued showing off her impressive skills on the battlefield (side note, why am I not surprised she got daddy issues lmao) but it couldn't hold up when another intelligent Kaiju showed up to revive the ones that had been killed. As expected, Kafka pulled out the transformation to take care of business, revealing his identity to Kikoru in the process. That was hype not gonna lie, I'm really fucking with this anime more and starting to understand the appeal. Still not a big fan of the sudden tone shifts after a serious moment though. And what a cliffhanger, showing that the intelligent Kaiju that brought the dead ones back to life is hiding in plain sight as part of the clean up crew.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

May 4, 2024 7:35 AM

Feb 2012
I watched episode 4 raw since the CR smart TV app is very buggy for premieres, sometimes.

Kikoru's father has pushed her to achieve perfection. despite showing her prowess in the test, she's met her match.

With Kafka rescuing her (returning the favour), she now knows his Kaiju form. The rescue at least does not go unnoticed and Kafka and Reno move one step closer for their efforts.

Given we already know the combat suits are made from Kaiju muscle, and the way Kafka looks when he is half-transformed, I think he could pass off his Kaiju No. 8 form as just himself wearing a really advanced combat suit.

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
May 4, 2024 7:53 AM

Jul 2017
With 0.01% emerged from his Kaiju fighting spirit, Kafka rejoins the fight with Ichikawa...piggybacking the 32-year-old on his shoulders and facing the numerous Yoju beasts, which Kikoru easily takes down the Honju head honcho effortlessly. But what they did not expect to find was a Yoju, a rather intelligent one, still alive and in clear shot of Kikoru, though this Yoju is exactly like what both Kafka and Ichikawa had seen before, leading to Mina and the Defense Force being activated. In the meantime, Kikoru fighting back, because she's been wired that way from her strict father to be the best and perfect, and the Honju has evolved into a true Kaiju state.

This is where Kafka comes into clutch transforming into his Kaiju self, for a fortitude level that's higher than the Honju. And all that fortitude with in the One Punch man style, Kafka has indeed saved her, though their presence is quickly erased ASAP to avoid detection as a Kaiju, at least for Kafka, who gets a commendation from Mina herself for saving her. But his time to her is not now, until he joins the Defense Force for real.

The Kaiju are out for blood, and one of them's distinguished together with the Monster sweeper group that both Kafka and Ichikawa were once in. This brings a new formula for the future, and I'm here for it.
May 4, 2024 8:10 AM

Oct 2017
Hoshina getting the lols out of Kafka and Leno, just pass them as comic relief lol. The guy's really sharp though, already making the right connections. Will he find out? We'll see.

Loving Kaiju 8 animations as usual and Kikoru found out already. That's two people so far. 9 is here! There's a kaiju roaming around as a human, scary. He's also plotting something, nothing good ofc. Mina came to visit Kafka but none of them talked to each other, oh well.
May 4, 2024 8:10 AM

Jul 2017
A very standard, predictable episode again which was underwhelming to watch. From Kikoru's backstory, to Kafka protecting her by transforming in an environment that could easily have exposed him to various others, all were safe and as expected without thinking hard with the direction of the story. Kikoru got distracted and underestimated her opposition and did not account for unexpected twists and making sure everything was clear, which showcased her inexperience in her real approach in the battlefield. The transformation was fine but sadly, the dimming made it feel a lot less impactful. Can't blame the anime staff for this since it must be regulations for these broadcasts for safety purposes but the episode outside the transformation didn't look great to me, particularly with the character models. Production I.G are one of my favorite studios and most of their anime tend to look really good to great but this is on the lesser impressive side of works they have done so far to be honest since like the latest Haikyuu season.
May 4, 2024 8:14 AM

Jan 2009
kafkas fortitude level is 9.8 and fortitude means level of courage so he is very brave that maybe why the kaiju parasite choose him

kikoru now knows the secret of kafka

but that smart kaiju is big trouble and it can disguise as human
May 4, 2024 8:21 AM
Jan 2009
Not bad, but disappointed that they decided to go with him using his powers to protect others (the generic trope path predicted last week) instead of the more interesting path where he continues to hide his powers and the test goes badly. That would have led to a far darker, more unique plot.

Still, as a generic, goofy, light anime, this wasn't bad.
May 4, 2024 8:29 AM
May 2021
Oii best ep so far, seeing Kafka in his Kaiju form is always sick!!
May 4, 2024 8:32 AM

Oct 2020
There's another Kaiju in the sweepers, this is getting interesting.

May 4, 2024 8:34 AM
Sep 2015
If the anime industry is the cinema, then this anime is the blockbuster of this season, but it's not the only one. Earlier today, the 7th season of Hero Academia open with the very strong first episode. But today's Kaiju no.8 episode reaffirms me that this anime would still come out on top of the box office chart. The 4th season of Kimetsu no Yaiba is still a wild card though.

PS: Kikoru Shinomiya's father = Endeavor
May 4, 2024 8:45 AM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
It was only a matter of time before something went wrong during the training session and the kaiju started to come back to life. The not so perfect Shinomiya gets beaten up real badly due to her carelessness. We learned that Shinomiya's motivation was to get her father's affection which she never received, so its clear that Kikoru has some serious daddy issues. Kafka transformed and saved Kikoru by killing the Honju in one hit. Now she owes Kafka for saving her by keeping his secret while everyone else assumes that Kikoru killed all the monsters. Turns out that the one who revived the Kaiju is also impersonating as a human in the monster cleanup crew.
May 4, 2024 8:46 AM

Jun 2021
If someone had any doubt before then after this episode it is obvious that this series is gonna be generic shounen but that doesn't mean it is bad and the hype moment can still be entertaining but the series has to ruin it again and again by using those cringe Kafka comedy.

My doctor has always told me to smoke. He even explains himself: “Smoke, my friend. Otherwise someone else will smoke in your place.”

May 4, 2024 8:47 AM

Dec 2023
Kafka's punch is giving All Might a run for his money.

I knew this episode was going to make up for the last one and boy did it do that.

Kafka reminds me a lot of Zenitsu but without being too annoying. He has his comedic value where he's scared and acts weak but then proceeds to do the most badass thing possible.
May 4, 2024 8:47 AM
Aug 2020
This episode is better than the last three.
May 4, 2024 8:52 AM
May 2023
Great episode, the scenes with No. 8 always go crazy!
May 4, 2024 8:53 AM

Jun 2017
The way he started panicking after the Kaiju was coming back to life 🤣🤣
May 4, 2024 8:57 AM

Jan 2018
Lmao. Kafka and Ichikawa's team-up failed so hard that it was kinda embarrassing.

Of course shit went wrong. They should've used robots instead of live kaijus for this exam. They got way too cocky.

Glad Kafka got to show off in front of Shinomiya even tho it was kinda cliche. Shinomiya also has daddy issues. Figures.

Woah. There are other kaijus like Kafka? But I guess that's not completely correct. Kafka is a human who can transform into a kaiju while that intelligent kaiju seems like it can turn into a human. I wonder if this is a situation similar to Parasyte.

Can't wait for the next episode. The cliffhangers are killing me.
May 4, 2024 9:04 AM
Jul 2023
Definitely want to see these two interact more in the future, it got that set up for siblings dynamics going on.
May 4, 2024 9:18 AM

Jul 2016
Kikoru's dad has to be the final boss of Asian parents, damn

Kafka being a total goofball and One Punch Kaiju in the same breath is something I'm probably never gonna get tired of, and Ichikawa is a true homie.
May 4, 2024 9:19 AM

May 2020
another amazing episode
this anime has been pretty good so far
cant wait for more

May 4, 2024 9:22 AM

Mar 2010
100/10 Just fucking perfect episode holy shit, i came

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
May 4, 2024 9:31 AM

Jul 2011
Of course in the exam that the MC is in, will appear some special kaiju that can revive and evolve other kaijus.

Min-max, can transform in a strong creature, but cant regen himself.
May 4, 2024 9:37 AM

May 2022
finally what I've been waiting for, kafka showing off his kaiju powers.
I'm waiting for him to be forced to reveal his identity and for everyone to know.
Of course this episode is cool and hilarious from past episodes, hopefully in the future the epic and cool scenes in the manga can be presented well in the anime.

May 4, 2024 9:38 AM

Apr 2021
The way my eye bursted out of my head when he was fighting that big monster dude. Guys this anime is amazing!! And that ending, a kaiju disguised as a human?!?!? WOAH!!! This just keeps getting better. I might just buy the mangas I can’t wait for next week
May 4, 2024 9:51 AM
Oct 2022
Well.. the anime in itself is great so far but I’m really starting to get worried. I’m not gonna be able to wait weeks to find out either so I’m going to go read it after this to find out. When the show started having a 32 y/o protagonist was fantastic. It was refreshing to see someone who’d given up on their dreams and living a harder life than most start to bounce back. That said, for the life of me I can’t understand why they then make him act like a 14 y/o from a high school romance.. the constant screaming and complaining like a child completely ruins his 32 y/o persona.. why make it a point to show he’s 32 if you’re just going to make him act like every other random teen boy in anime EVER… its silly and is making the story take a huge hit. Then there’s Mina.. I don’t care what the circumstances are the sh$& she just pulled in the hospital would guarantee I’d never speak to her again. It’s not like our Mc has just been laying around.. he’s been out there busting his a$$ everyday cleaning up the literal 💩 that Mina and her crew create and that’s the best she can do? Show up and praise the OTHER guy? Not all people are equal. Just because her life has worked out the way she wanted it to doesn’t give her the right to act like he doesn’t exist because he couldn’t pass an exceedingly difficult exam. Wtf did she even show up for? Just to hurt him? Surely there’s some other reason she hates him other than that?! There better be otherwise in my opinion her actions are irredeemable. Hopefully things will even out. Our boy just needs to kick a$$, act like an adult, and stay away from Mina and things will be alright..
May 4, 2024 9:55 AM
Oct 2022
Que bellezaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
May 4, 2024 9:57 AM

Feb 2019
Banger Kaiju episode again. I was moved.

Kikoru was so badass during the first half. Speed ran the exam and showed again the gap in quality between she and every one else. That is.. until we got a crazy twist with an intelligent talking Kaiju showing up out of nowhere. Figured things were going too well, but damn didn’t expect it to escalate like that.

“I have to be perfect” *proceeds to go splat* 😭 good thing Kafka was in this exam because the casualties would’ve been through the roof. They cooked with his fight scenes. Sweet moment with he and Kikoru as well, since it’s shonen I wouldn’t be surprised to see her fall for him now/use him as motivation to get stronger. I ship it.. we know he ranks as one of the strongest Kaiju ever as well which is dope

The big question we’re left with is who tf is the shapeshifting Kaiju and what’s his goal. Best episode yet for sure
Marinate1016May 4, 2024 10:36 AM
May 4, 2024 9:58 AM
Oct 2020
So yeah our Protagonist is pretty f'ing strong. I'm pretty sure the rating only goes up to 10 so he's a 9.8 out of 10. Also how did they not detect the other human kaiju monster whatever. That thing must be pretty strong too but no one detected it. Anyways the blond girl got saved, we learned a bit more about her, who her dad is etc and that her dad is Asian Parent #9087 that wants the perfect child. Of course her moms dead too. No anime mom are safe.

Also since he's Kaiju #8 that means there has been at least 7 kaiju on a similar level before. Probably going to be more too. At least a number 9 with the human transforming Kaiju this episode. It seems they're the opposite instead of a human transforming to a Kaiju they're a kaiju transforming to a human.
May 4, 2024 9:58 AM
Jan 2024
finally what i wanted ...i think
May 4, 2024 9:58 AM

Feb 2011
I get magical girl vibes from this series seeing as the humanoid Kaiju are being chosen by foreign entities, and either taking the hero or villain approach with their powers while hiding their identity. It's just a matter of which side the individual wishes to protect. If a third one arrives, it'll ruin the balance. On another note, I couldn't help but notice the many differences from the source material. At least it was for the better. I feel like some situations were forced, but the anime did well explaining what initially wasn't and omitting what could be a potential plot whole. Seems like reading and watching back to back has its perks, but the anime makes the corrections where they're needed. I don't believe reading ahead will do much good if there's only more corrections to be made. I'll enjoy it at the pace it's going for now.
Give me at least 5 minutes to modify my post before quoting me. (refreshing page advised)
May 4, 2024 10:06 AM

Feb 2020
Haha i like how Kikoru get humbled as fast as she finish the exam with her solo action.

Kafka as expected still funny asf, but those vice captain truly become an even funnier with his reaction and when its needed serious mode can be happening as well. Tho since the plot needs them to fail detecting Kafka, its doesn't matter anymore. Kafka remains being Kaijuu number 8.

But more importantly, damn those humanoid kaijuu is scary asf by how he transforming into those poor guy from the cleaning company. Well i thought he might be like Kafka case. But considering those end scene, and how its confuse with human matters, perhaps that's exactly the opposite case of Kafka.

Let's see what else they serve next....
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
May 4, 2024 10:13 AM
Nov 2020
A great dose of Kaiju no.8. Kafka's final punch to the revived Honju was so sick! The prop/technical designer who designed the follow through animation on the suits deserves a raise for making this so slick. Very happy with it!
May 4, 2024 10:16 AM
Feb 2023
Nice and superbee
May 4, 2024 10:17 AM

Feb 2011
Reply to Rexnihilo
So yeah our Protagonist is pretty f'ing strong. I'm pretty sure the rating only goes up to 10 so he's a 9.8 out of 10. Also how did they not detect the other human kaiju monster whatever. That thing must be pretty strong too but no one detected it. Anyways the blond girl got saved, we learned a bit more about her, who her dad is etc and that her dad is Asian Parent #9087 that wants the perfect child. Of course her moms dead too. No anime mom are safe.

Also since he's Kaiju #8 that means there has been at least 7 kaiju on a similar level before. Probably going to be more too. At least a number 9 with the human transforming Kaiju this episode. It seems they're the opposite instead of a human transforming to a Kaiju they're a kaiju transforming to a human.
@Rexnihilo I have the opposite opinion of a Kaiju transforming into a human unless it can transform into things other than a human. Our MC wasn't initially a Kaiju, so I don't see how the new character is any different. It's not impossible for a human to take the side of the Kaiju. For one, it's possible he can communicate with the Kaiju while the MC can't. On the other hand, maybe he just hates his job and there'd be less to cleanup if the Kaiju corpses weren't the aftermath of every battle. As for the Kaiju detection, it's all about the output of power being exerted. Bullet size projectiles aren't going to cut it. The one punch the MC exerted was just record breaking. It's only a matter of time before we see "OFF THE CHARTS" if they ever go head to head.
ReloadMay 4, 2024 10:21 AM
Give me at least 5 minutes to modify my post before quoting me. (refreshing page advised)
May 4, 2024 10:21 AM
Jan 2017
I'm not too interested in shounen anime. Decide to see what this one had to offer.
"Hmm. Very good art, characters you can believe in. A solid 6/10."
Just finished this episode. First half, more of the same. Second half, OMG. Plot twists, characters risking everything to save a nasty competitor, victories that get overturned in a minute. Have to make this an 8 for now.
May 4, 2024 10:31 AM
Nov 2020
Best episode so far now I'm truly excited to see where it goes
May 4, 2024 10:31 AM
Oct 2019
episode better than the previous ones, I felt like it reached its climax earlier than expected, but when the best part of the fight was supposed to come I was disappointed, but we'll see if it improves in the next ones
May 4, 2024 10:33 AM
Nov 2020
Reply to Dreadogastus_F
I'm not too interested in shounen anime. Decide to see what this one had to offer.
"Hmm. Very good art, characters you can believe in. A solid 6/10."
Just finished this episode. First half, more of the same. Second half, OMG. Plot twists, characters risking everything to save a nasty competitor, victories that get overturned in a minute. Have to make this an 8 for now.
@Dreadogastus_F Same here it went from a solid 7 to 8 after this episode for me. Let's hope it can keep up the momentum and keep getting better
May 4, 2024 10:41 AM

Jun 2023
Another great ep!!!!
And what exactly Kaiju No.9 is? It's getting more interesting I'm so in!!!!
May 4, 2024 10:55 AM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
This was very well done! Loved every second of it!!!!
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
May 4, 2024 10:56 AM
Mar 2024
very good episode
May 4, 2024 11:01 AM
Jan 2024
Same pretentious thing with hardly any plot or character's development.

A loser gets magical power. Beats bad guys with power up. Hot girl likes only chad and very powerful man. She looks down upon him as weakling but with his power, now she's going to be all " notice me, senpai" mode.

Atleast guy here is good hearted dude with no mental,emotional issues and who genuinely wants to help people without giving two hoots about personal ego. That's likeable thing.
May 4, 2024 11:12 AM

Jan 2011
Good episode. This show isn't super original but I still enjoy it. I'm praying Kiriou doesn't have daddy issues. Let's avoid some pitfalls if we can.

I do like the reveal at the end of the smart Kaiju though.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
May 4, 2024 11:15 AM

Jan 2011
Reply to animejas
A very standard, predictable episode again which was underwhelming to watch. From Kikoru's backstory, to Kafka protecting her by transforming in an environment that could easily have exposed him to various others, all were safe and as expected without thinking hard with the direction of the story. Kikoru got distracted and underestimated her opposition and did not account for unexpected twists and making sure everything was clear, which showcased her inexperience in her real approach in the battlefield. The transformation was fine but sadly, the dimming made it feel a lot less impactful. Can't blame the anime staff for this since it must be regulations for these broadcasts for safety purposes but the episode outside the transformation didn't look great to me, particularly with the character models. Production I.G are one of my favorite studios and most of their anime tend to look really good to great but this is on the lesser impressive side of works they have done so far to be honest since like the latest Haikyuu season.
@animejas It's executing within the realm of what it wants to be. I do agree the show is playing it safe. I do enjoy having an older MC for once. It has done a great job of making us root for him.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
May 4, 2024 11:15 AM
May 2023
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