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Dec 15, 2023 4:27 AM

Nov 2011
I know Rishia isn't exactly a character that can carry the show but she really got a decent amount of spotlight to stand up against her opponent this episode. She's really matured as a character in both personality and fighting skills.

She and Itsuki seems to have a somewhat complex relationship from their past and carried into the present.
Dec 15, 2023 4:41 AM

Feb 2021
Itsuki's Bull of Palaris is a reference to the Brazen bull I think. It's an ancient Greek torture device, you can read about it.
From his backstory we learned that he became like this because of the environment, but yeah, he was always very prideful.
At the end Naofumi said that the 4 heroes finally were able to share their strengthening methods. A shame this happened off-screen, would've loved to see their reactions lol. But yeah, good to see all the Legendary Heroes finally on one side.

Btw why was the first poster focused on the Staff Hero (King of Melromarc)? He only appeared in one episode this season iirc. Maybe something related to him will happen in the last episode, idk.
EmbientDec 15, 2023 4:44 AM
Dec 15, 2023 5:24 AM

Dec 2021
Itsuki never ceases to amaze me with just how stupid and annoying he can be.

Rishia confronts Itsuki directly, trying to rescue him. However, Itsuki remains indifferent to her pleas, and his distorted sense of justice entangles Naofumi and the children in the conflict. Rejecting Itsuki's skewed notions of justice, Rishia bravely puts her life on the line to confront him.

I can't help but think that this whole Itsuki part could've been its own complete arc, and that's probably why his redemption story feels a bit rushed. It feels like the creators might be prioritizing setting things up for Raphtalia's storyline, but it's a thin excuse for not giving Itsuki's redemption the time it needs.

I've really liked this season for the most part, so it's a bit disappointing that it's wrapping up next week.
IzanaSolosDec 15, 2023 6:17 AM

Dec 15, 2023 5:27 AM

Aug 2020
it was a great episode

this biiitchhhh is getting on my nerves...

the dude was lost with is justice...
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Dec 15, 2023 6:46 AM
May 2017
The Bitch is still the MVP of this series lol
Dec 15, 2023 6:57 AM
Apr 2016
That might have been one of the most boring fights I've ever watched and Itsuki feels like he's been written by a highschooler.
Are we supposed to feel bad for the kid now? I'm impressed he can manage to breathe and stand at the same time if he's that stupid.
Dec 15, 2023 7:03 AM
Apr 2020
Rishia is so horny for itsuki that she would literally do anything to get him, she's that type of girl def. And as for Naofumi, i expected better from you, i hope you tell itsuki to give your money back to upgrade your village or buy some more loli or whatever you need to do, itsuki needs to learn about the fact that no one with a sane mind would lend their money for a crackhead without actually expect something from em, that is the world you live in rn.

Dec 15, 2023 7:15 AM

Jun 2015
Out of them all Itsuki was the most easily duped. Having a sense of justice is nothing without common sense. Even a child would stare at you in disbelief if you just told him the lies that Itsuki believes in. The battle between Rishia and Itsuki was pretty damm good. Seeing Itsuki be demolished bit by bit by Rishia both physicially and mentally was damm inspiring. The bitch betrayal was as predicted but in the end at least they managed to retrieve Itsuki. Though from the looks of it recovery would take a while.
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Dec 15, 2023 7:25 AM

Dec 2022
ITSUKI really is a dumass anyway he also joined naofumis side so next season there will be phonix arc but it totally fell off so one more episode and iam done with this
Dec 15, 2023 7:40 AM
Jun 2007
Concludes the last hero, Itsuki story.
Bitch really is super character in this series haha
Dec 15, 2023 7:53 AM

Jul 2017
The author does quite the job in writing utterly stupid characters for a majority of the Legendary Heroes and Itsuki was on full display of that with this episode to be duped that badly with what he spewed as 'justice' lol. I could not take any of this seriously watching the whole thing take place, not much nuance going there but it's to be expected with the franchise.
Dec 15, 2023 8:00 AM

Dec 2022
And then he said "It's justice time!" and proceeded to justice all over the place.

Well that's the three Cardinal Stooges dealt with. Interesting how the heroes all seem to have some kind of execution instrument as a skill (Naofumi's Iron Maiden, Ren's Guillotine, Itsuki's Brazen Bull, and I don't think we ever saw Motoyasu's). Rishia is still a trash character whose only personality trait is Itsuki-sama, but she has become an extremely skilled fighter and now she has a new power, a Vassal Weapon I think. Bitch has once again escaped, this time after putting Itsuki into crippling debt and taking all of his party with her. She is unintentionally helping the heroes in the long run by getting them access to their Curse powers.

Next up is the finale. I'm not completely fed up with this show like I was at this point in Season 2, so improvement I guess.
MALoween 2024 Candy: ///
Dec 15, 2023 8:22 AM

Jul 2017
Itsuki vs. Rishia, it's her redemption to save the Bow Hero that she once served, that he is unwilling to bow down to Naofumi.

Ren knowing that Naofumi is doing the same but being duped by Bitch of Naofumi's misforgivings, he will do all he can to bring the Shield Hero down, with his new bow imbued with the Curse series. Knowing this, it puts everyone in danger, leaving both Naofumi and Ren to deal with Itsuki, while Rishia deals with him, pitting both realms of justice together. But once he gets his Curse power in tow, it gives Rishia some difficulty, but not power that's easily undefeatable.

Being pushed to the corner, Itsuki may have his idea of justice powered by the Curse series, but Rishia still pulls through with Itsuki's bow's ki to bring him down. And for all his life, he's always looked down upon, that is until his life in the fantasy world where Bitch still trusts in him as his only justice, entrusting the Cursed Bow onto him, and only learning of the harsh truth when she abandoned him the same way with his party members.

The Four Cardinal Heroes (minus Naofumi) have had their moments this season, and for Itsuki, his lesson learnt the hardest way, if it ever could.

Now's the time to truly rise up and stand together against the next Wave: Phoenix.
Dec 15, 2023 9:00 AM

Oct 2013
What a disaster of an episode, this is dipping into plot hole and lazy writing almost as bad as season 2!
I mean did they seriously just not mention his curse, nor the star weapon Rishia got and summed it up with 'his weapon rejecting him'? What is this lazy nonsense?
Dec 15, 2023 9:13 AM

Aug 2017
Reply to mkzxwing
What a disaster of an episode, this is dipping into plot hole and lazy writing almost as bad as season 2!
I mean did they seriously just not mention his curse, nor the star weapon Rishia got and summed it up with 'his weapon rejecting him'? What is this lazy nonsense?
@mkzxwing This almost felt like a copy-paste of the Sword Hero "mini-arc" just modified to make Rishia the one that defeats him and not the Shield Hero itself

My biggest regret: Reading all 200+ chapters of Kanojo, Okarishimasu
Dec 15, 2023 9:16 AM

Mar 2016
Man, just screw it. This episode was almost unwatchable, which is something you never want to say regarding a series allegedly having “better production / animation”. Itsuki the Bow Bum all this time was just one deluded piece of crap so vocally and psychologically obsessed with his version of “justice” to the point where even his own damn weapon seemingly rejects him. Just how? This kind of mental breakdown doesn’t even feel the least bit believable or realistic, just convenient cringe drama for the sake of it just to be solved within one or two episodes with no weight of any form. Hell even the fight between Rishia and Itsuki was so mediocrely directed with subpar animation. As for Rishia, I don’t dislike her concept-wise, but man talk about trying to give cheap development to her like that….what’s with those lame technique names? Even Demon Slayer’s attack names sound better in comparison which says quite a lot.

Yea, yet again….actually fuck this show. Please don’t get another god damn season, idc.
Dec 15, 2023 9:25 AM
Sep 2015
No matter how much this anime try to make Rishia a main character, I'll always see her as supporting character, at most.
Dec 15, 2023 10:10 AM
Jul 2018
What an abomination of episode, focused on two abominations of characters.
Rishia is and will always be trash and the worst character in the anime and LN.
Dec 15, 2023 10:12 AM

Mar 2020
The author just excels at writing some of the most stupid characters I've ever seen. The sense of "justice" that they all spout out was such a joke I was just laughing at how bad it was. I can't believe I'm saying this, but writing-wise, this has been worse than Season 2 by a quite a bit, even if the animation this season is better. These heroes honestly just ruin the show.
Dec 15, 2023 10:17 AM

Dec 2009
Rishia, girl.. The mf's right there! Like, five times already! Don't just stand there staring at him! DO SOMETHING, FFS!
Dec 15, 2023 10:34 AM

Mar 2010
eh bow lad, Risha was cute tho

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Dec 15, 2023 10:35 AM

Aug 2019
Some notes regarding this episode:

- Itsuki comes from a world where some people have esper powers. His powers allowed him to have an increased accuracy(the scene where he hits the birds with a can).
- The thing Itsuki had on his bow was an item that can trigger the Curse Series activation. Kyo had similar items.
- The drawback of overusing the bow's curse series is that the user is left in an emotionless state, as we can see at the end of the episode.
- Ironically Itsuki had accused Naofumi in S1 of possessing a brainwashing shield. But he himself hypocritically uses a brainwashing bow in s3.
- Itsuki gets his trash personality from getting killed by a garbage truck. The studio chose not to show his death lol.
- Regarding the weapon Rishia used to win the fight:
YaggamyDec 15, 2023 11:10 AM
Dec 15, 2023 10:43 AM

May 2020
Was author using some kind of word filter when he was drafting this part, I mean the UNHEALTHY AMOUNT OF TIMES the word "justice" was used in this episode do make it seem like he replaced every second word with "justice".. right? RIGHT?????????

Fucking dumb. We literally lived through the same thing, TWICE this season. Same course of retards getting manipulated, same course of them getting beaten, same course of bitch leaving a parting note, and same course of shamelessly joining Naofumi's party after everything... can't even laugh at this point.

Glad this is ending next episode.
Dec 15, 2023 10:53 AM

Feb 2019
Itsuki vs Rishia is here and it didn’t disappoint. Very emotional and we got some nice insight into why Itsuki acts the way he does. It’s very satisfying seeing Rishia’s development. Going from a literal hero party reject to saving the hero. Love how she used his own hero of justice philosophy against him as well.

Seeing a lot of people complain about this episode and how stupid Itsuki is and frankly you’re right. reading this arc I was pretty annoyed with how easily manipulated Itsuki was and how poorly he treated Rishia. Not the strongest arc at all. It’s also a little repetitive considering we’ve basically had this same thing with Ren just a little while ago

I guess they’ve saved all the stuff with the king for the final episode.. it’ll be interesting to see how everything comes together. They definitely paced this season much better, but it might be too little too late.
Marinate1016Dec 15, 2023 11:01 AM
Dec 15, 2023 11:01 AM

Oct 2017
Entire episode wasted on Itsuki, well atleast the four heroes are now finally together ig.
Dec 15, 2023 11:29 AM

Mar 2014
Bitch left with party and the money no surprise, Itsuki is emotionally broken because of how pathetic he is and Rishia the character who is worse than this two, she is supposedly got 'stronger' but I still find her useless and hopeless. can't believe after what happened she is still stuck with dat thrash

Well anyway I guess with this the four heroes are united just in time to face the phoenix
RedChromeDec 15, 2023 11:36 AM
Dec 15, 2023 11:47 AM

May 2015
See, Itsuki ? You understand you trusted a b*tch ?
Dec 15, 2023 12:23 PM

Dec 2013
Rishia was pretty badass this episode, shame she is being wasted on Itsuki, the dude has no redeeming qualities and unlike with Ren who we saw dying as a hero Itsuki was / is basically an entitled kid suffering of big fish in a small pond syndrome only to later get bullied and that's all about him.

But at the very least this episode gave us that second of Atla all fed up at 4:11 lol, you could tell if it were for her she would have knocked Itsuki in a second.
Dec 15, 2023 12:43 PM

Mar 2012
Rishia is still bland and meh, but once again she can solo a top menace like in S2, author must really love her.
She at least gained a vegetable, so I guess she won't show up in a while.

Rest of chapter, pretty meh. Rishia's curse that still don't remember them getting got lifted because plot convenience, only Naofumi left, who I guess will get it lifted while dispelling the spears curse.
Waifus only represent ideals
Dec 15, 2023 12:46 PM

Jun 2009
So... Looks like the Brainwashing Shield accusation from season 1 is no longer a ridiculous thing, but instead a real possibility...

Never saw no miracle of science, that didn't go from a blessing to a curse
Never saw no military solution, that didn't end up as something worse
Dec 15, 2023 1:45 PM

Feb 2014
How low can mediocrity even go? All things that made the show unique went down the drain to become yet another boring isekai, such a shame I was really invested in Shield Hero.
Dec 15, 2023 1:49 PM

Dec 2018
Like yeah, I feel bad for Itsuki but at the same time it didn't really hit me emotionally because it's too predictable and seriously the Japanese seem to think everyone needs a tragic backstory and a flashback and some kind of "justice". boy oh boy, recent anime uses that term so much it's maken me sick to my stomach. It would seem they've romantacized the notion, though Rishia probably said it best.
Dec 15, 2023 2:02 PM

Feb 2015
It's just kind of bad character writing at this point. Losing interest in contrived plot lines (ohhh it's Malty again what a surprise) and characters just being plain stupid.

I feel like each Cardinal Hero could've had a single episode each and it would've been better than this. Either that or actually give a fleshed out character backstory to explain their motivations instead of a cookie-cutter abridged flashback; oh he was bullied/incompetent how sad, that's why he's a dumb****?

Is the original this bad or is it just an anime thing?
SawronZXZDec 15, 2023 2:12 PM
Censorship is vandalism.
Dec 15, 2023 2:29 PM
Nov 2019
Even the bow got tired of listening to Itsuki.
Dec 15, 2023 3:34 PM
Oct 2021
Hope Itsuki realises Rishas the one that actually cares. Really enjoying each episode. This seasons pretty underrated even though there was drastic improvement from season 2.
Dec 15, 2023 4:26 PM
Jul 2014
Honestly Rishia should just shut up and kick him lmao

Her whole monologue and her staying here is just annoying
Dec 15, 2023 4:53 PM
Oct 2016
Rishia saving Itsuki using her own justice. A great character moment for her saving Itsuki like he did her before. He's become so twisted since the spirit tortoise fight, losing everything he cared about similar to how it happened for Ren. Rishia going all out to stop Itsuki from causing further harm, crazy seeing him fire that arrow at Naofumi party with a bunch of kids up there. Itsuki had become completely twisted by Bitch and his own self loathing, resorting to brainwashing the referee and the audience. Seeing his backstory briefly helped show why he's so focused on being a hero for justice. Having a lot of promise as a kid but falling short is very relatable and can damage people growing up. Itsuki in this world now definitely needed some help returning to his former self. Rishia attacks against Itsuki were incredible, they looked awesome and were a testament to how far Rishia has come. She can help Itsuki regain himself here with everyone in Naofumi village. Its taken some time but Naofumi fulfilled the Queen's wish of uniting the four heroes in time for the Phoenix attack.
Dec 15, 2023 4:54 PM

Jan 2021
That was a very ok episode and a very ok fight scene despite the animators being released just slightly from they're shoe string budget. We all criticized the lack of writing when it comes to Bitch especially when it concerns the other heroes. It is of no exception in this episode either, she's poorly written. Same with Itsuki especially since its the same drama as the other two heroes. Gotta love how Itsuki complained that Naofumi was brainwashing people in season 1 and in season 3 he's doing exactly that.

My prediction for the next episode is that its going to be a lot of lore dumping on how to defeat the phoenix's. Then boom we get an announcement for season 4. If we don't get a season 4 I'm not going to be sad. Kinda wish this series ended at Season 1 and it was left to our imaginations.
Dec 15, 2023 6:02 PM

Feb 2019
Malty better be meeting her comeuppance soon with the way she's manipulating the heroes. Hopefully Itsuki recovers from this failure; his pride is his weakness, he needs to learn humility and actually not think he was better than everyone else. I think Malty is the freaking Phoenix catastrophe reincarnate! lol She is looking like this season's big bad, or is it just me?
Dec 15, 2023 6:17 PM
Oct 2019
It's happening again.
The same scenario with Sword Hero, getting manipulated by BITCH, getting beaten, BITCH getting away and also shamelessly joining Shield Hero party. LMAO


It's crazy how the author get away with lazy writing like this.
It's not that Naofumi is smart, but the others hero only got one brain cell after got Isekai.

Hey at least it's ending next episode.
davidyodo24Dec 15, 2023 6:35 PM
Dec 15, 2023 7:14 PM
Jan 2022
man that was brutal I couldn't watch it without slipping. felt like watching a 10 year old's tantrum for 20 minutes

also rishia idolizes a total idiotic, hypocritical loser to an obscene degree and it drives me nuts
Dec 15, 2023 7:15 PM

Feb 2016
Itsuki comes from a world were people had super powers? What? What the fuck???

Get soloed by Rishia you bastard, Itsuki will forever be the worst one, I don't care if he gets rehabilitated, he will always be a complete dumbass to me.

As I said in the last episode, I legit think Rishia is the best character since she is a normal human, not a hero, a demihuman, a princess or anyting like that, yet she is the only one that has shown real personal and fighting growth, even if she is clumsy she really is awesome, what a waste for her to be in love with such a piece of shit.

Also, why is everyone always saying that Naofumi use little kids as shields? He IS the SHIELD HERO, trying to insult him saying that is so fkng dumb lmao
Sorry if my english is bad (っ˘▽˘)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

Dec 15, 2023 7:45 PM

Jul 2016
Man, this was embarrassing. Shield Hero once again reaching a new low in terms of character writing. Also gotta love the fact of dumbass Itsuki aiming his bow at the "child slaves" he wanted to save and thirsty Rishia just standing there like 🧍‍♀️
Dec 15, 2023 9:50 PM
Sep 2022
These heroes are so stupid they don't even need to pay taxes
Dec 15, 2023 10:32 PM

Mar 2007
OMG I swear to god I'm only enjoying this season because Bitch is such a deliciously evil villain. Damn, she really did a number on the Bow Hero, and it's not like there are therapists in the Isekai world.

Dec 15, 2023 11:30 PM

May 2015
I know this episode wasn't that good but I still enjoyed it more than this week's JJK episode.
Finally Naofumi reunited all the heroes.
Dec 15, 2023 11:35 PM
Apr 2023
I was really looking forward to the penultimate episode but it was very boring.
Dec 16, 2023 12:28 AM
Oct 2018
Anyone still watching this Sh**t Show, the downfall of this anime is stripper then mountain slop
Dec 16, 2023 12:47 AM
Dec 2022
The Bow Hero is next to be administered a dose of real justice so that he can return to the righteous path.

Rishia has grown strong and able to stand against the Bow Hero.
Dec 16, 2023 2:05 AM

Feb 2018
Yup, we all knew Itsuki had a curse power. This season is kind of like a debut for the other heros using curses for the first time lol. We didn't really get to see the full power of Motoyasu's curse use though, kinda wonder what skills with curse he has in store.

Rishia was pretty cool this episode sheesh, need more of that. Welp, now bow hero is in rehabilitation and it'll take a bit to get back on his feet coz he's got more trauma to deal with then the others. Surely he'll come back and recognize the shield hero is actually a good person like everyone else. Once everyone is fine and dandy, the Filolial Queen will sure be happy too lol.

Gotta see what happens from now on when everyone's done with their dark history with Bitch now lol.

Never ending plan to watch list...

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