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Goblin Slayer (light novel)
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Dec 8, 2023 5:27 AM

Nov 2011
This episode had some wholesome moments especially with a character reunion and celebration together. Hell, I think this episode could've been more relaxing if there wasn't some drama.

The bath scenes though...this season seems to have more of those with the main girls.
Dec 8, 2023 5:51 AM

Dec 2021
Poor Priestess...

Goblin Slayer and his companions successfully delivered Sword Maiden to the capital. Goblin Slayer, visiting the capital for the first time in his life, enjoyed a meal with Dwarf, Lizardman, and Priestess, who visited the graves of their former comrades. Priestess, accompanied by Elf, headed to the large bathhouse. While enjoying the bath, a mysterious girl approached Priestess, and little did they know, this encounter would lead to a major event that would shake the royal palace later on.

At first, I thought the girl at the beginning was Priestess, but it turned out I was wrong. Goblin Slayer is getting a bit worried because they haven't been slaying goblins recently. It's kind of funny considering he's Goblin Slayer, right? Oh, I totally forgot about Goblin Slayer's mentor and how tough he was on him. Also, I completely spaced on how creepy he looks. For a moment, I overlooked the fact that there are more than just humans in this world; the Elf and the others aren't even human. There was even a horse lady in the bath, and I think I saw a bunny lady too. That sneaky person stole Priestess's clothes, making her cry and everything. Goblin Slayer better step in and do something about it. Bro this bitch think’s just because she stole Priestesses flow she can kill goblins.. she deserves what’s coming.

But since it's goblins, you already know who's coming to save the day.
IzanaSolosDec 8, 2023 5:54 AM

Dec 8, 2023 6:03 AM

Apr 2010
It was already clear from the start that the princess would get herself into trouble hopefully they can rescue her quickly.
Anyway that she resorts to stealing to go on her adventure was unexpected, still poor priest for being the victim hopefully they will be able to recover the things importuned to her.
In any case we will see lot's of Goblin killing again.
Dec 8, 2023 6:13 AM

Feb 2021
Thought I was watching the wrong anime at first lol
4:47 Did he just eat the whole thing with the bone

Oh, I thought there would be a misunderstanding and GS and the gang would think that the princess was actually Priestess. Thankfully not.
The council really makes it feel like this whole world is alive and there are a lot of things going on and all this time we've been looking at just one small group of people.
The princess acting like that is understandable but I still facepalmed so hard.
20:45 "A trustworthy adventurer..." HmMmMm I wonder who could that be?
Goblin Slayer's entrance was badass! Really looking forward to the next episode! (Where did Priestess get the new clothes tho lol)
Dec 8, 2023 6:23 AM
Sep 2015
Look like this will be the last quest of this season.
Dec 8, 2023 6:23 AM

Aug 2020
i don't understand what the princess tried to do but Goblin Slayer is coming for the Goblin!!!
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Dec 8, 2023 6:57 AM

Jul 2011
It's really bad that the princess was kidnapped. But now Goblin Slayer can maybe have a goblin extermination program funded by the government. I mean, he was saying that he felt that wasn't doing enough.

Is funny how Goblin Slayer in the end looking like, "Did anyone said goblin?".
Dec 8, 2023 7:01 AM

Feb 2019
Someone forgot to animate the centaur server's rear legs in the initial bar scene :P
The line below is True.
The line above is False.
Dec 8, 2023 7:20 AM

Jul 2016
Imagine being so starved of goblin slaying that you casually interrupt a royal meeting to call dibs on a goblin slaying quest involving the princess.

Also, Priestess treasuring her chainmail for being the first thing Goblin Slayer ever praised her for hit a little harder than I was prepared for.
Dec 8, 2023 7:36 AM

Nov 2020
Steal Priestess outfit > proceed to adventurer > get caught and kidnap the goblin

sound like absolutely success.
What Does Pot of Greed do?
Dec 8, 2023 7:40 AM
Nov 2021
this show become so predictable I realize when they introduced princess that something would happen to her

when they focus on clothes from above it already destined to be stolen

A girl going alone for adventure and goblin didn't attack her in " goblin slayer universe " is nearly impossible
Dec 8, 2023 7:42 AM
Nov 2021
Halqifibrax said:
Steal Priestess outfit > proceed to adventurer > get caught and kidnap the goblin

sound like absolutely success.

it already decided when princess introduced in anime and plan to adventure behind her brother back
Dec 8, 2023 7:55 AM

Jun 2015
At least they managed to complete this leg of the escort mission. Its nice that as a result of their year long time as a party that GS is able to expand his views on both the world and the types of foes that he can encounter as an adventurer. Priestess visiting the grave of wizard boys sis was a nice moment. The princess sure was quite the piece of work. There's a difference between being curious of the outside world and being stupid to harm others in the process of fulfilling the former. The tag team of Sword maiden and female merchant sure made for quite the frigid stare. The dungeon of the dead huh what a delightful name for the resting places of that group of gobs once GS and team are through with them.
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Dec 8, 2023 7:59 AM
Sep 2023
very good this is 8/10
Dec 8, 2023 8:08 AM
Nov 2022
goblin slayer saved the hell outta sword maiden again 😂😂😂
Dec 8, 2023 8:41 AM

May 2020
I know this was supposed to be serious, but the moment Goblin Slayer entered the room using his catchphrase, "yahari goburin ka",seeing the sword maiden's reaction had me dying lol.

The princess was obvious in her attempts, but the priestess is too naive to realize, poor her though hey this led to a new adventure, so I guess it's fine.
Dec 8, 2023 9:41 AM

Oct 2018
Tips for watching goblin slayer: don't expect anything from this anime. Next episode we'll see.
Dec 8, 2023 10:30 AM

Dec 2022
ah naïve princess once again people think oh they are just goblins they are weak and getting obliterated thankfully she is a girl so she survives but this should teach her the weight of her actions i guess her parents died early or they spoiled her rotten and didnt teach her etiquette
Dec 8, 2023 10:52 AM

Jul 2014
Karma'd, stealing equipment from a priest is both stupid and immoral
A priest gear is really trash for normal people compared to a simple sword+light armor, no defense, an useless staff, and hard to move around with
And she also definitely had money, as she's a princess and had an armor (unless she also stole from a guard, but in that case, she could steal in her own house for things to sell and have money to buy gear, instead of making a mess of someone else's life)
She also stole her money, putting the priest in an even worse position
And worse than that, she tried to run away to the north in a carriage afterwards

She might survive, but everything that happens to her is her own fault
Dec 8, 2023 11:17 AM

Dec 2013
That princess just got herself probably raped or worse, she did wrong every single thing she could do, that's more impressive than anything
Dec 8, 2023 12:40 PM

Dec 2018
Well, that princess is not in a good place rn lol, tho I’m thinking she might be able to be saved because the goblins look like they’re being led by a goblin version of the Ghost lead singer and I’m guessing they’ll probably use her for a ritual or something. The upsetting stuff aside tho, I definitely enjoyed the seeing the city for the first time and the goodness that came from it, especially that bath scene, but I chose the wrong episode to watch on the family TV lol, but luckily no one was around to see it.

Unfortunately the bath time goodness was what led to the Priestess having her clothes stolen, felt bad for her so I can’t say I feel that bad for the princess but of course I don’t want to see her done by the goblins that way either, thankfully the Goblin Slayer is on the case, it was nice to see the girl from the movie hype him up too lol. And lastly, I really liked the moment where Priestess visited the grave of her former party member, being the mage girl who’s brother we met earlier this season, it was a nice callback to where this series began, which also shook the anime community at the time lol, good times tho.
TheColonel76Dec 8, 2023 12:49 PM
Dec 8, 2023 12:53 PM

Feb 2019
Yea I’m sorry but I’m struggling to feel bad for the king’s little sister. Stealing from a priest and then pretending to be an adventurer, what did you think was gonna happen in a world where the biggest threat are goblins. She’s definitely getting destroyed by the goblins, poor thing.

Looks like Goblin slayer got exactly what he wanted, another opportunity to slay goblins. I’m sure that dungeon of the dead is going to be insane. Will also give sword maiden an opportunity to confront and overcome her past. She was completely shaken when they asked her to go in solo, luckily she’s got the best possible party with her.
Marinate1016Dec 8, 2023 12:57 PM
Dec 8, 2023 1:25 PM

Sep 2014
This was a really good episode, maybe even my favourite of this whole show.

Is Goblin Slayer related to the royal family in some way? Or what was talking to his majesty because of a dagger about?
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Dec 8, 2023 1:46 PM

Aug 2022
The Priestess cherishing her chainmail because it was the first thing Goblin Slayer praised her for hit a little harder than I would have expected :')

I love how Goblin Slayer's "goblin radar" kicked in at just the right moment xD It's like he has a +10 Perception bonus whenever the topic of discussion is goblin-related, haha. Well... I hope the encounter with the goblins will at least teach "Her Highness" that identity theft is not a joke!
Dec 8, 2023 1:54 PM

Nov 2016
Goblin Slayer entering at the end like "Did someone say Goblins?"

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Dec 8, 2023 1:55 PM
Nov 2019
Identity theft is not a joke.
Dec 8, 2023 2:56 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Reply to FMmatron
Goblin Slayer entering at the end like "Did someone say Goblins?"
@FMmatron He was horny as pheck when he heard the word being mentioned and couldn't help himself.

Speaking of horny, the animators have been very generous to elf girl and have given her a waist to hip ratio which really doesn't correspond to her proportions as described in the LN.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Dec 8, 2023 3:48 PM

Feb 2018
Listen, I understand the situation but if they had less fanservice there would be more goblin killing so for the love of god chill the fuck out

Also princess deserves whatever she gets for being a bitch
Dec 8, 2023 4:35 PM
Dec 2021
Ain't no way the Sword Maiden will anything anymore, didn't they understand what she been through!?
I was flabbergasted like bruh, let her sleep, you guys must be tweaking planning to send her out to give her PTSD! 😱😱😱😱😱😱
why can't you guys depend on yourselves to take care of you know what's out there instead of relying on others, you guys are so lucky the Silver Ranked Adventurers have been reported to SMOKE some abominations she feared of! 😡😡😡😡😡
Dec 8, 2023 4:37 PM
Jan 2009
Goblin Slayer's goblin slaying sense detected a potential opportunity to slay goblins from across the city so he just busted into the fucking royal castle to announce that he was claiming the 5 second old goblin slaying quest.

Gotta give credit for that type of commitment.
Dec 8, 2023 4:42 PM

Aug 2019
Reply to Zudoba
Listen, I understand the situation but if they had less fanservice there would be more goblin killing so for the love of god chill the fuck out

Also princess deserves whatever she gets for being a bitch
DancinMuffin said:
Listen, I understand the situation but if they had less fanservice there would be more goblin killing so for the love of god chill the fuck out

But we are already having less fan service!
The studio didn't animate the bath scene in the elf village.
Dec 8, 2023 4:44 PM
Apr 2021
LMFAO i live how sword maiden just wets herself everytime goblin slayers enter the room
at the counsil she was internally screaming "MA BABYBOY, BEHOLD MY HERO, THE ONE AND ONLY MEN FOR ME" 🤣
Dec 8, 2023 4:45 PM
Feb 2014
Dumb azz princess. Hope she gets what coming to her stupid azz. Even tho she probably won’t get what’s coming to her
Dec 8, 2023 5:00 PM
Aug 2018
I'm not going to lie, I wasn't paying 100% full attention to this episode while it was playing, but what I did catch was that we got ANOTHER fan service episode where we get to see a lot of almost-nudity, and it STILL pushes our story forward in an important way? Gotta love it! It's pretty funny and ironic that this relatively horny episode actually creates a dilemma that really spices things up.
Dec 8, 2023 5:02 PM

Nov 2010
That's a very template at the end: "So it is goblins."
Dec 8, 2023 5:16 PM

Feb 2018
Reply to Yaggamy
DancinMuffin said:
Listen, I understand the situation but if they had less fanservice there would be more goblin killing so for the love of god chill the fuck out

But we are already having less fan service!
The studio didn't animate the bath scene in the elf village.
@Yaggamy Jesus, is half the LN just fanservice? I hope that the anime just exaggerates the amount of it for increased viewership because otherwise, goddamn the mc isn't even horny in the slightest except when it comes to the genocide of goblins.

They don't need twenty bath scenes to make me interested in the story
Dec 8, 2023 5:56 PM

Oct 2018
> steal equipment from Priestess
> use servant's relative
> go alone on an adventure
> underestimate goblins
> try to fight them alone as A PRIESTESS

Oh boy, what a fucking candy.
Dec 8, 2023 6:20 PM

Aug 2019
Some notes regarding this episode:
- The bar Sword Maiden recommended to the group was the same one her party used to visit back in the day. The bar was originally in the fortress city near the Dungeon of the Dead, but later relocated to the capital after the party beat the dungeon.
- The blond woman in suit is called Female Merchant(formerly Noble Fencer), she was in the Goblin's Crown movie.
- Princes asked about Priestess's gear because she didn't want to steal anything too valuable and to leave proper compensation. But when she saw the chainmail that had been damaged multiple times, and repaired multiple times, she felt guilt because she realized it holds sentimental value. Chainmail is hard to repair and cheaper to just buy new one after it's too damaged.
Dec 8, 2023 6:46 PM
Mar 2015
Sister of the king seized by goblins This is a job for Goblin Slayer
Dec 8, 2023 7:00 PM
Nov 2018
Seriously I want to know where Goblin Slayer crew was to over hear supposedly extremely secured meeting between the king and his top aids. Think it's funny they can just stroll right in without security stopping them.
Dec 8, 2023 7:01 PM

Feb 2019
i say that bratty princess had it coming, thinking being an adventurer is easy when she know squat about being one. serves her right for stealing Priestess's stuff, and now Goblin Slayer & gang are on their way to slaughter all those goblins and maybe save the princess, but whether she's harmed or not is up to anyone's guess...
Dec 8, 2023 8:32 PM

Mar 2016
Yep, we all knew where this is going, I loved the last scene with goblin slayer interrupting that meeting with the 'sup' bitches?' attitude.
No tomo malas decisiones, solo me gusta apoyar causas perdidas.
Disfruté Mayoiga, Ou-sama Game, Evil or Live, Mirai Nikki, Big Order, Arifureta, Ex-Arm, Tesla Note, Shuumatsu no Harem y Platinum End
nope les falle con esa, lo siento pero todos tenemos nuestros límites.
Así de jodido es mi gusto en anime, ¡Y estoy pinche orgulloso de ello!

Dec 8, 2023 9:04 PM

May 2022
Goblins make another victim.

Not many to comment about this episode, except for the awesome fanservice in the bath scenes.
Dec 8, 2023 9:10 PM
Apr 2022
maybe princess will introduce a couple of goblins as members of the royal family in the next episode, can't wait
Dec 8, 2023 9:24 PM

May 2019
When the king and the other officials were sitting at the round table deciding on how to rescue the princess I was waiting for Sword Maiden to say I have just the guy for the job but instead Goblin Slayer had to make a grand entrance lol.

While it sucks that Priestess' stuff was stolen it appears that she was able to have her outfit remade but I know the chainmail holds sentimental value considering what she said about Goblin Slayer complimenting her on it.
Dec 8, 2023 9:27 PM
May 2022
the last 10 minutes made no sense.

why is the princess camping the baths in full plate mail, which she then abandons for some priest cloths which she steals despite being rich + she brings no weapon so all round terrible choices if your trying to be an adventurer. I feel like the whole reason for that scene was so they could show us elf girls ass.

The conference seen was interesting, they talk about cool stuff thats happening until sword sword maiden goes 'my friends cloths got stolen lol please help' this is to the king btw.

Goblins kidnapping the princess was obvious, what wasn't obvious is GS apparently listening in to the conversation with his ear up against the wall to burst in whenever he hears 'goblin'. at that point i just started laughing. also priestess spawned her cloths back in apparently? again what was the point of the bath scene besides fan service the princess already had gear she could've run away without robbery.

wtf happened, did they jsut give up trying to write a plot?
IhavedaBESTtasteDec 8, 2023 9:49 PM
Dec 8, 2023 11:17 PM
Jan 2022
Happy we're getting back to some goblin slaying. worried about what state that princess will be in once they show up

play stupid games and all that but that's still a terrible thing to have happen to anyone
Dec 9, 2023 12:32 AM

Feb 2016
Woah mr. Goblin Slayer, there was no need for an entrace so fkng epic at the end lol

Dwarf and Lizardman are always so wise, so awesome, I would love to get to train with them if all of this were real lol

No way that cute-dumb princess got kidnapped, and raped (because of course), day 0 lmaooo

I love how the Sword Maiden was like "An urgent topic here is that someone stole the clothes of a friend of mine... btw pls support goblin extermination, thanks 👍"

StallionXDDec 9, 2023 1:01 AM
Sorry if my english is bad (っ˘▽˘)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

Dec 9, 2023 12:59 AM

Feb 2016
Reply to IhavedaBESTtaste
the last 10 minutes made no sense.

why is the princess camping the baths in full plate mail, which she then abandons for some priest cloths which she steals despite being rich + she brings no weapon so all round terrible choices if your trying to be an adventurer. I feel like the whole reason for that scene was so they could show us elf girls ass.

The conference seen was interesting, they talk about cool stuff thats happening until sword sword maiden goes 'my friends cloths got stolen lol please help' this is to the king btw.

Goblins kidnapping the princess was obvious, what wasn't obvious is GS apparently listening in to the conversation with his ear up against the wall to burst in whenever he hears 'goblin'. at that point i just started laughing. also priestess spawned her cloths back in apparently? again what was the point of the bath scene besides fan service the princess already had gear she could've run away without robbery.

wtf happened, did they jsut give up trying to write a plot?
Surely the Princess was looking for someone to take her clothes, and asked Priestess about all that because she wanted to become an adventurer but had no idea what class to be, and because Priestess looks so much like her, and because of the Princess's personality, we can assume she thought "if this girl can do this class and become Silver rank, surely I can too" or something like that so she decided to steal her clothers, also, a girl dressed like that can go unnoticed much easier to escape the city than someone using a big ass armour that clearly didn't even fit her, that's just common sense.

We got an entire talk about Priestess's chain mail, she was crying because she lost it, not because of her clothes or staff. She also even mentions that her equipment is nothing out of the ordinary, since her money didn't got stolen we can also assume she just bought the same equipment again, no big deal, the end of the episode was on the next day after all, and this city is all bout Mother Earth's religion so that equipment must be of easy access for registered priestesses, maybe she just asked the church for a new set of clothes and didn't even had to buy them.

The Princess being captured like that was because of her lack of experience, knowledge, and because she is simply a dumb ass girl lol

Sword Maiden talking about that goofy robbery like if it was such an important topic, and being like "btw goblins suck let's kill them" at the end was fucking hilarious, made me laugh hard.

I think that GS saying he heard all about the case was refering to the fact that the Noble girl (the one from the movie) told him after she left the room, and they wanted to make his entrance epic.

And lastly, about Elf's ass... well, I cannot deny that... but in the end, who cares?

Sry for the long answer lol
StallionXDDec 9, 2023 1:10 AM
Sorry if my english is bad (っ˘▽˘)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

Dec 9, 2023 1:03 AM

Feb 2021
Is that new girl that stole the clothes in the bath and the princess is the same or a different person? Hmm...
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