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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- (light novel)
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Aug 20, 2021 9:10 PM

Jul 2021
OP was good. Liking the Emilia character development. Love the focus on Otto. Pandora is definitely one of the strongest antagonists. It seems like puck has broken the contract so Emilia gets back her memories and can finish the trial but I think there should be more than that.
Sep 4, 2021 8:36 PM

Dec 2013
Fortuna's death was depressing to watch and poor Betelgeuse got completely broken. Pandora is completely nuts but I'm still really curious about her story.
Sep 19, 2021 7:23 PM

Mar 2014
Finally, the OP is here and it did NOT disappoint! And it actually stood up to the high bar set by previous the OPs and EDs, can't wait to listen to this over and over

I'm guessing Pandora rewrote reality for Geuse to "accidentally" mistake Fortuna for her. Damn.
Oct 8, 2021 12:14 AM

Dec 2012
Emilia repeatedly saying "Die" reminds me of this

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Nov 26, 2021 1:03 PM

Jul 2017
This yet again and I felt like I've said this with most episodes this season, too stretched out with boring parts there but at least the voice acting for Pandora and Emilia were good and the episode itself was okay. The scene where Fortuna died near Emilia would have been more touching if we hadn't seen them hug and be emotional to each other like 10 times before this I won't lie. It's not a bad scene but man I was just asking mentally to get on with it. Poor Geuse though for being manipulated like that, still don't really care for his character but this at least gave some explanations. Emilia finally got to clear her first trial which is about damn time, she failed quite a bit and it took her 18+ episodes to get there but she did it and would have grown from this... for the time being. I just wish the scenes were paced better and weren't as repetitive as times since while it had the tools to be impactful, it fell just short for me since I didn't care too much about this. The best thing about this trial was establishing Pandora as a fucking threat, the Fortuna-Emilia stuff while wholesome at times, felt redundant somewhat by the end. Kind of a shame there, but I know this is just a me thing here. Did like how past-Emilia was just burying the forest area there in ice while trying to kill Pandora and had no control whatsoever, freezing herself too in the process then. But I didn't particularly get emotional for that either.

Also Re:Zero's usage of comedy at the end with Otto was kinda wack as usual. I feel like the director and even author misplaces comedy in this series a lot of times during intense scenes where Otto was presented like he was the secret weapon and I don't know, it just felt so off. It's a lot less annoying than the first season but the problem still lingers a bit.

The OP song is still nice although it is a generic song. Catchy enough. The visuals though were just kind of thrown in as the anime staff had this near the bottom of the list when it comes to priorities and rightly so. I won't bury the show here for a mediocre OP since clearly it's not going to be there for many episodes and was introduced halfway through the season anyway, and they focused more on actually adapting the story which is more important than the OP and ED visuals too.
animejasNov 26, 2021 1:10 PM
Jan 26, 2022 12:09 PM

Aug 2009
My main man Otto getting his moment to shine in front of Roswaal. Great stuff.

The episode in its entirety is Honestly the great stuff. Definitely my favorite episode of the entire second season so far. I LOVED the three episode flashback of Emilia. It felt like a lot of the pacing issues this season has been struggling with were highly alleviated during this very well done mini-arc. The fact that it didn't focus on new characters that I don't find very interesting (Garfiel and the loli pink witch with the hair with multiple names I can't be bothered to remember right now) also really helped lol.

The ending to the flashback is stellar, and I find the confrontation between Emilia, Pandora, Fortuna and Geuse to be extremely well done. Props to the storyboarder, animators and music composer. It's the best production quality the season has seen until now.
The flashback also reminded me just how much I actually like Emilia. She's pretty cool and I enjoy the romance and chemistry between her and Subaru (even tho they could be a bit whiney this arc, but I hope that improves now).

I'm gonna be honest, I'm scared of the story returning to the main events of the fourth arc. I just hope that the climax to it will be a bit more swift compared to the events until now.
Feb 12, 2022 11:10 PM

Dec 2016
All of this just to corner Roswaal, let's see how it backfires.
Apr 18, 2022 3:19 PM

Mar 2013
Ok, this opening is actualy insane.
Jul 10, 2022 3:40 PM

Feb 2018
When Emilia makes a promise you know that she will keep it. Pandora is immortal isn't she? Emilia did snap there at the end but all she managed was go back to sleep :/
Jul 11, 2022 7:15 PM
Jan 2022
Loved the OP! Glad they finally included it!

Wow that scene of Fortuna killing Pandora over and over was dark. I ended up crying at Mother Fortuna's death, I feel so bad for Emillia having to go through so much so young, driven to the point where she kills Pandora over and over like her mother.

So I am assuming though, this is how geuse went insane?
Jul 12, 2022 12:48 AM

Jul 2014
PlutoMayhem said:
So I am assuming though, this is how geuse went insane?
Yup, that's right.
Jul 20, 2022 2:07 PM

Apr 2013
So Pandora is another of the witches? She did not appear in Echidna's space though, but I guess it might be a witch from the past, not sure how long ago Emilia got frozen.
Jul 20, 2022 3:08 PM

Jul 2016
Gator said:
So Pandora is another of the witches? She did not appear in Echidna's space though, but I guess it might be a witch from the past, not sure how long ago Emilia got frozen.
For extra info, the witches that appeared in Echidna's Castle of Dreams represent the seven Cardinal Sins.
Pandora, however, represents Vainglory, one of the archaic sins that precede the modern seven.

The "Witches of Sin" appelation in Re:Zero generally seems to exclude Pandora, as she doesn't really seem to appear much in history at all.

In the web novel, Emilia is said to have been frozen a century prior to the primary timeline's events.
When she woke up she had a difficult time walking because she wasn't used to her grown-up body, as she slowly grew while she remained frozen.
Jul 20, 2022 11:42 PM

Apr 2013
QcDiablo said:
Gator said:
So Pandora is another of the witches? She did not appear in Echidna's space though, but I guess it might be a witch from the past, not sure how long ago Emilia got frozen.
For extra info, the witches that appeared in Echidna's Castle of Dreams represent the seven Cardinal Sins.
Pandora, however, represents Vainglory, one of the archaic sins that precede the modern seven.

The "Witches of Sin" appelation in Re:Zero generally seems to exclude Pandora, as she doesn't really seem to appear much in history at all.

In the web novel, Emilia is said to have been frozen a century prior to the primary timeline's events.
When she woke up she had a difficult time walking because she wasn't used to her grown-up body, as she slowly grew while she remained frozen.

Ah I see, so she's some special witch then. I'm sure I heard before about how long Emilia got frozen, but it's been a while since I watched anything Re:Zero related. Thanks for the infos :3
Aug 18, 2022 2:23 PM
Feb 2019
It gets more intricate, I love it!
Oct 16, 2022 7:24 PM

Aug 2021
fantastic episode. one of the best in the series so far i would say. emilia has been my favorite character in this show since the beginning but this part has really fleshed her out really well and this episode was the height of that. they truly did a great job with her past and really developing and giving depth to emilia in this episode. all the pieces came together in a heart-breaking, but also heart-warming way. although emilia has the 2 trials left, i doubt we'll see any of that (especially considering echidna said she basically has them in the bag), so it looks like the whole emilia trial is done and now we move on to some more advancements and by the end of this part should be entering an entirely different arc, i look forward to it all.
Nov 8, 2022 7:30 PM

Apr 2021
This episode was just sad but I could still smile in the end after seeing how Emilia is right now. It was really depressing to see what unfolded in Emilia's past. But hey she managed to clear the first trial. Meanwhile everything's going according to Subaru's plan. Hopefully it stays that way.
Dec 11, 2022 10:09 PM

Feb 2013
Never thought I’d feel bad for Geuse…but here we are lol.

Great episode. I know why I was putting this show off for as long as I did, but I now wish I would have watched it sooner.
Jul 11, 2023 9:13 PM

Jul 2013
So that was the truth about Emilia's past, about how and why she was frozen and how Geuse lost his marbles. Hey at least these are like 2/100 mysteries answered. But now I have more questions like who exactly is Pandora? witch of vanity tf? I thought there's only the seven deadly sins witches?
Aug 26, 2023 5:47 PM
Jan 2023
I really don't like that Pandora kid, she's no good. Literal definition of evil.

That was honestly such a sad episode, Fortuna dies with Emilia at her side. Petelgeuse was the one that killed her and proceeded to go insane after that happened.

I never thought I'd see Emilia be so powerful though, neither did I expect her to be saying "die, die, die".

Best episode in season 2 part 2 so far, very much enjoyed it.
Sep 22, 2023 12:19 PM

Mar 2023
Good/emotional episode. Noticed that both Fortuna and Puck call her Lia
Sep 23, 2023 5:37 AM

Jul 2014
Reply to watsym
Good/emotional episode. Noticed that both Fortuna and Puck call her Lia
@watsym If you think Puck is Fortuna, you need some explanation for the following:
* Puck is older than Beatrice
* Events in the Sanctuary past took place more than 400 years ago (before the Witch of Envy went berserk)
* Emilia's past (shown in this episode) takes place 100 years ago
mozgowSep 23, 2023 5:41 AM
Sep 23, 2023 5:53 AM

Mar 2023
Reply to mozgow
@watsym If you think Puck is Fortuna, you need some explanation for the following:
* Puck is older than Beatrice
* Events in the Sanctuary past took place more than 400 years ago (before the Witch of Envy went berserk)
* Emilia's past (shown in this episode) takes place 100 years ago
@mozgow Didn’t think they were. I think calling her Lia is proof of parental love
Sep 23, 2023 6:20 AM

Jul 2014
Reply to watsym
@mozgow Didn’t think they were. I think calling her Lia is proof of parental love
@watsym Oh. Okay.

When the anime was airing many made this assumption based on how both called her Lia.
Nov 19, 2023 8:38 PM

Oct 2022
That kid Emilia went on rampage, I never knew that even as a kid she could one shot anyone without asking the spirits for help but it seems she overused her power and froze herself. Now I wonder how Puck comes into play, and what's his relationship with Mother Fortuna.

The Clown finally acknowledged the best boi Otto. Now we're getting close to the raid on the mansion. This is exhilarating.
Nov 22, 2023 2:05 PM
Oct 2023
so Roswaal acknowledged Otto. and Emilia went through the trial.what a good episode!And now i understand why Petelgeuse became insane.really sad to see actually
Nov 28, 2023 2:59 AM

Dec 2022
Architects of their own demise there. Pandora didn't do anything aside from getting rid of Regulus, yet Betelgeuse and Fortuna still found a way to screw themselves over.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Oct 25, 2024 6:11 PM
May 2023
Excellent episode, Emilia was able to overcome her past Clap Clap Clap
I didn't remember that Guese killed Fortuna, I wonder if it was a side effect of what he used to gain power or he suffered some alteration from Pandora and I had forgotten that Emilia has a lot of power, it will be interesting to see the save arc to frozen people... assuming it exists haha ​​maybe they never arrive
So Pandora modified Emilia's memories.
It's incredible how a simple piece can change the entire plan, it seems that the book of wisdom does not have all the information

PS: Very good opening
Oct 25, 2024 7:47 PM

Aug 2018
Love is such an amazing thing. Fortuna’s love for Emilia helped her keep their promise, and Subaru’s love for her helped Emilia accept her past, embrace her own desires, and save everyone. Also, why did they make me feel bad for Petelgeuse? I used to hate that guy! And who is Otto again, and why isn’t he in Roswaal’s book? So many more questions keep piling up.
Nov 11, 2024 7:52 PM
Dec 2022
This episode shows the power of love can do.
SenseiSempai-sanNov 12, 2024 12:38 AM
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