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Sep 20, 2023 8:30 PM
Apr 2022
it's all up to you!
Ratings don't matter!
I mean,I don't like "One piece,FMA,H×H,SAO ect. " even though they have a Rating of 8.0+++!
If I like the genre, I am taking a shot 😉
bliss1023Sep 20, 2023 8:34 PM
Sep 20, 2023 10:37 PM
Jun 2022
I agree. This show is actually very good and deserves a better rating than what it has. I guess Rent a GF has a better rating right? And its as expected, trash.
Fans behave like cattle at times. Also emotionally as well.

Look at JJK for example. It's almost rated 9 even though nothing has happened yet. I mean it's been very slow as they are setting up for what is to come. But it's already rated to the sky. It should gain rating when it actually peaks instead of just for name sake.

MAL ratings are Absurd.
But yeah Tiny Senpai is a good show.
Sep 20, 2023 11:09 PM
Sep 2021

the issue isn't mal ratings themselves, the issue is that people the huge majority of anime fans call whatever they don't like mid, or whatever not popular, give it low ratings and use the rating as a an argument lol
Sep 21, 2023 5:07 AM
Jan 2023
I don't think ratings anywhere matter. Everybody has differing opinions to the point where you should just watch it. If you don't like it, drop it. If you do like it, finish it. Just whatever you do, please don't be an asshole.

Not saying you were one btw.
Sep 21, 2023 7:10 AM

May 2022
Reply to Luc36
Same as madanieFL, older times score can be good indicator but for now it's either because people lazy reading basic information or treat it as something not important so watch wrong kind of anime or just hate it. Some people also want quick development like it was a 1 shot source materials. Idk if they aware or not if it end that fast that mean it will not get any 2nd season because it's already the end.

Right. And personally 1 Season or Cour is barely enough to develop a story and its characters. So I am not sure why anyone wouldn’t want more from an adaptation thats already successfully begun with its first season and would rather see its conclusion by episode 12. Some stories can reach their conclusion quickly, but effectively its very few I think.
LordKirkisSep 21, 2023 7:14 AM
Sep 21, 2023 7:11 AM

Sep 2008
they don't matter, esp when people refuse to use the 1-10 scale properly.
I've seen so many people play by their own rules, and even if everyone used the entire scale, they have a different idea what a 6/10 is.
馬鹿げた倫理 全部ガラクタで
Sep 21, 2023 9:27 AM

Apr 2012
I always thought that shows like this get low ratings because of wannabe "mature" people who downvote all comedy shows with an silly fun premise. For some reason, it's been believed for years that goofy shows can't be good.
Sep 21, 2023 9:38 AM

Apr 2015
Reply to RobertBobert
I always thought that shows like this get low ratings because of wannabe "mature" people who downvote all comedy shows with an silly fun premise. For some reason, it's been believed for years that goofy shows can't be good.
@RobertBobert I've seen some people even add said shows to their list as soon as it's announced, just to give it a 1 rating. No surprise, it's people who give "deep" and "mature action" anime high ratings.
"Well, she's flatter than a pancake"
-Mimi Alpacas
Sep 21, 2023 10:12 AM

Apr 2012
Reply to Tropisch
@RobertBobert I've seen some people even add said shows to their list as soon as it's announced, just to give it a 1 rating. No surprise, it's people who give "deep" and "mature action" anime high ratings.
@Tropisch The same people who think that any seinen is better by default because it is “for adults”?
Sep 21, 2023 2:59 PM
Jan 2023
lijahrobinson said:
Ratings are more a measure of popularity rather than quality.

Facts! I enjoyed every episode, every week it came. The best Character in the show is the Manager.
Sep 21, 2023 8:33 PM

Apr 2018
I think the problem is that the ratings and statistics that sites like this present about something as subjective as entertainment media are misinterpreted. People assume that a show with a score validates their opinion that it is in a higher/lower category compared to others or that it represents what is great about our society, instead of assuming that these are first trends and numerical data that is collected from according to what is considered "popular" today or is generally criticized. A mainstream series from the 90s will not receive the same treatment as a current one considering that the technology and means to collect that data was different (and I assume more difficult) than today.

Also, as a rule on this page, series tend to decrease their score a little as they get older and will increase if they are more recent. It's not so much that people think that the old is more "shitty", but that the current is "better than before."

I remember once talking to someone saying that TTGL was more popular than Franxx on a numerical level of popularity by at least approximately 100 thousand members (a year ago), but while TTGL has been around for more than 15 years, Franxx is much newer and has picked up a number close to the first in less time.

What I'm saying is that the ratings shouldn't be used to figure out which "taste" is better than another, but only used as a guide to what's trendy, criticized, and popular that you want to explore.

You and the rose are connected. Know the weight of your own life
Sep 21, 2023 9:29 PM

May 2022
Reply to Tropisch
@RobertBobert I've seen some people even add said shows to their list as soon as it's announced, just to give it a 1 rating. No surprise, it's people who give "deep" and "mature action" anime high ratings.
@Tropisch I'm glad we are aware of these things.. and its important that we discuss it so they know that we know how absurd they are acting. And of course to bring better perspective and recognition to the shows that deserve it.
Sep 21, 2023 9:32 PM

May 2022
Reply to ParthivPlayz
lijahrobinson said:
Ratings are more a measure of popularity rather than quality.

Facts! I enjoyed every episode, every week it came. The best Character in the show is the Manager.

Haha Manager is defnitely an amazing character and his sidekick Yutaka (Older Sister of Protaganist) as well! Strong supporting characters is a sign of a great show I'd say.
LordKirkisSep 21, 2023 9:45 PM
Sep 21, 2023 9:41 PM

May 2022
Reply to Rachiba
I think the problem is that the ratings and statistics that sites like this present about something as subjective as entertainment media are misinterpreted. People assume that a show with a score validates their opinion that it is in a higher/lower category compared to others or that it represents what is great about our society, instead of assuming that these are first trends and numerical data that is collected from according to what is considered "popular" today or is generally criticized. A mainstream series from the 90s will not receive the same treatment as a current one considering that the technology and means to collect that data was different (and I assume more difficult) than today.

Also, as a rule on this page, series tend to decrease their score a little as they get older and will increase if they are more recent. It's not so much that people think that the old is more "shitty", but that the current is "better than before."

I remember once talking to someone saying that TTGL was more popular than Franxx on a numerical level of popularity by at least approximately 100 thousand members (a year ago), but while TTGL has been around for more than 15 years, Franxx is much newer and has picked up a number close to the first in less time.

What I'm saying is that the ratings shouldn't be used to figure out which "taste" is better than another, but only used as a guide to what's trendy, criticized, and popular that you want to explore.
@Rachiba Absolutely true, everything you said. Scores are guidelines and to that end limited to that. I'll also add that these scores are subject to fluctuations due to certain folks within our community. Review bombing which is pretty common and at times not so apparent to the point that you have no choice but to extrapolate to get a better sense of why scores might be the way they might be.

So really.. these scores can at times amount to nothing more than glorified badges.. which may or may not tell you some truth about a show.
LordKirkisSep 21, 2023 11:40 PM
Sep 21, 2023 10:32 PM
Jun 2022
Dabbingpotato said:
Ngl after watching things like jjk, zom 100, bungou stray dogs etc every week, its nice to watch something more relaxed and wholesome

But yh its defo better to watch the anime youself (or watch the trailers at the very least) instead of taking other peoples ratings at face value

you mean zom 100 every 2-3 weeks? 🥹
Sep 22, 2023 2:30 AM
May 2023
ClebClelly said:
Dabbingpotato said:
Ngl after watching things like jjk, zom 100, bungou stray dogs etc every week, its nice to watch something more relaxed and wholesome

But yh its defo better to watch the anime youself (or watch the trailers at the very least) instead of taking other peoples ratings at face value

you mean zom 100 every 2-3 weeks? 🥹

Loool yh, delay 100 it is
Sep 22, 2023 11:37 PM

Jan 2020
LordKirkis said:

EXACTLY. Perfect example of baseless, initial hate. Thankfully In the case of Dangers in my Heart.. the quality of that show was enough to put those absurd scores to rest. That show is definitely at least an 8 imo. Wish a bit of that respect was put on One hit Kill Neesan. Then again.. not everyone would find a thirsty Neesan hilarious xD. Kilmaria the demon and standby Neesan was amazingly fun too! In fact many of the characters in that show were super enjoyable to watch. Great shows imo for sure!

Not a big fan of incest, but that series was pretty funny. Also, I liked Kilmaria the most
Sep 23, 2023 12:23 AM

May 2022
Reply to Animillion
LordKirkis said:

EXACTLY. Perfect example of baseless, initial hate. Thankfully In the case of Dangers in my Heart.. the quality of that show was enough to put those absurd scores to rest. That show is definitely at least an 8 imo. Wish a bit of that respect was put on One hit Kill Neesan. Then again.. not everyone would find a thirsty Neesan hilarious xD. Kilmaria the demon and standby Neesan was amazingly fun too! In fact many of the characters in that show were super enjoyable to watch. Great shows imo for sure!

Not a big fan of incest, but that series was pretty funny. Also, I liked Kilmaria the most
@Animillion Kilmaria really was the shows MVP! :)
Nov 27, 2023 1:55 PM

Apr 2013
To be honest you could believe MAL scores at least 10 and more years ago.... but now you can't. It is hard to tell when it changed. But when I first joined the score definitely was reliable. Now...meh.... I dunno. Now I check reviews. If a person with whom I have similar anime scores rates anime high I watch it.

Nov 27, 2023 2:21 PM

Oct 2013
Reply to serina7
To be honest you could believe MAL scores at least 10 and more years ago.... but now you can't. It is hard to tell when it changed. But when I first joined the score definitely was reliable. Now...meh.... I dunno. Now I check reviews. If a person with whom I have similar anime scores rates anime high I watch it.
@serina7 I don't think the trend has changed that much in the last 10 years to say that MAL mean scores stopped being reliable. New popular anime have emerged, some received a lot of hype, some received a lot of hate; more people, with different anime references, have joined the site and voted for various shows.

Although yes, it's always better to search for people sharing similar interest in shows and check out what they might be recommending, instead of fully or mostly relying on the general audience's point of view. An anime can be given score both by its genre's enthusiasts and those who might not be into it, after all.
Nov 29, 2023 3:22 AM

May 2022
Reply to Adnash
@serina7 I don't think the trend has changed that much in the last 10 years to say that MAL mean scores stopped being reliable. New popular anime have emerged, some received a lot of hype, some received a lot of hate; more people, with different anime references, have joined the site and voted for various shows.

Although yes, it's always better to search for people sharing similar interest in shows and check out what they might be recommending, instead of fully or mostly relying on the general audience's point of view. An anime can be given score both by its genre's enthusiasts and those who might not be into it, after all.
@Adnash I suppose Sousou no Frieren is a good example of ratings being reliable. Though if you look at the amount of scores given you could also see that the show was watched only by those who were likely to enjoy the show. In other words suppose Sousou no Frieren were to be marketed differently.. perhaps to draw a broader market and viewership.. then you could expect more eyes and likely those that do not feel its all that great. In this manner the score would suffer.

Many amazing shows have lower scores because more eyes were on it; it's viewed and reviewed by those not likely to enjoy it. In that sense marketing could be a double edge sword.
LordKirkisDec 1, 2023 7:38 PM
Dec 1, 2023 9:21 AM

Apr 2013
Reply to LordKirkis
@Adnash I suppose Sousou no Frieren is a good example of ratings being reliable. Though if you look at the amount of scores given you could also see that the show was watched only by those who were likely to enjoy the show. In other words suppose Sousou no Frieren were to be marketed differently.. perhaps to draw a broader market and viewership.. then you could expect more eyes and likely those that do not feel its all that great. In this manner the score would suffer.

Many amazing shows have lower scores because more eyes were on it; it's viewed and reviewed by those not likely to enjoy it. In that sense marketing could be a double edge sword.
@LordKirkis when you put it like that marketing double edge sword makes a lot of sense.

Dec 7, 2023 4:03 AM
Jul 2015
As someone who's easy to please, I'm far more likely to watch an anime based off of descriptions on interest stacks it's in or recommendations lists that it's on than I am to look at ratings or reviews before (or even really after) watching the anime or reading the manga. Then again, judging by a lot of my anime scores, I've come to realize that I am very easy to please most of the time (Yay for the ability to very easily suspend disbelief).
Dec 8, 2023 2:54 AM

May 2022
Reply to buzzbrosby
As someone who's easy to please, I'm far more likely to watch an anime based off of descriptions on interest stacks it's in or recommendations lists that it's on than I am to look at ratings or reviews before (or even really after) watching the anime or reading the manga. Then again, judging by a lot of my anime scores, I've come to realize that I am very easy to please most of the time (Yay for the ability to very easily suspend disbelief).

Thats a skill not everyone has, so good for you!

Id check out Isekai Ojiisan, Hinamatsuri, Aho Girl, Noucome, Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai, Nisekoi, Machikado Mazoku, Welcome to Demon School Iruma kun. See if any of those catch your fancy. They are easy, comedic watch that are good quality, some more than others.
Jan 3, 2024 2:34 AM

Sep 2012
also animes ratings are rating bombed by interned weirdoes who yell this is sexists that is racist and other labels so on and on

so when it comes to some animes their rating is low cause it goes against some groups ideology
Sugram22Jan 3, 2024 2:40 AM
Jan 31, 11:20 AM

Mar 2024
I'm not surprised that people rated this low, this is a high school shoujo romance while it was supposed to be a seinen. I enjoyed it and rated it 8, but people who rated it low had every right to do so, you can't just make a seinen that's 95% generic shoujo stuff
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