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Jul 29, 2023 8:31 AM

Dec 2021
Damn Akizuki's a real fucking villain, or is she? She may have the motives but is she the one planning these schemes?

As we saw last episode Akizuki, is obviously the main villain of this competition, the enigmatic and powerful Five Star who has captivated the Academy with her intriguing presence. It seems like her reputation precedes her as both formidable and deceptively feeble. Meanwhile, Hiroto is on a mission to find the missing Unique Star, adding further intrigue to the unfolding plot. 

Amidst the mystery and suspense, all fingers point to Akizuki the likely thief of the Green Star. Her enigmatic nature and the lack of any other viable suspects make her the prime candidate. In a twist of fate, Himeji becomes embroiled in the escalating conflict as she is swiftly kidnapped by Akizuki and is found to have mysterious connections with the President, further complicating the situation. Got to say though Himeji is loyal as fuck. She pulled all the strings to not only ensure the virus on the device wont' get on Hiroto's device, but to also make sure he doesn't lose, but also don't win. 

Although Akizuki has a good motive behind her actions, it doesn't seem like she's been the one planning this stuff though. This "Devil" has been doing it for her. This is getting exciting I can't lie.
IzanaSolosJul 29, 2023 8:41 AM

Jul 29, 2023 8:31 AM

Apr 2014
That was a good performance from Hiroto. He can figure out what Himeji wanted for the result on his own.
Finally, Noa has revealed her real intention. Now, the final showdown between Hiroto and Noa has begun.
Jul 29, 2023 8:37 AM

Mar 2021
This is getting really interesting now That Himeji and Hiroto have foiled the first part of Akizuki's plan and i really want to know who is pulling Akizuki's strings from behind the scenes
Jul 29, 2023 8:38 AM
Sep 2021
Noa has made a dirty plot and now hiroto is going to suffer from this, nice story twist.
Jul 29, 2023 8:54 AM

Aug 2013
Aikizuki just did a complete 360 on a moral standpoint which started her whole campaign?

I'm assuming this 'devil' has dirt on or some other power over her. Or her personality broke.

Will the MC become a hero in this scenario or will we see a tragedy?
Jul 29, 2023 8:58 AM

Dec 2020
Noa has pulled a real trap but Hirot and Yuki his Maid has the luck on their side.
They two are playing for a draw and yeah noa has lose but she can’t accept it.
P O S I T I V E V I B E Sシ

Jul 29, 2023 9:21 AM
May 2021
Like is it just me or does everything feel so weird. For this game at least, nothing made sense to me.
  - Maid girl try to draw while making it look like she tried to win(?)
  - Hiroto noticed the intention after her turn so they play for an obvious draw
So you're saying Akizuki doesn't care at all if the game can get to a drawn state or not? She didn't bother making a plan to prevent the draw from happening? Does she expect the maid to just win?
And what is with the planning before everygame? It's like they're 100% sure about the opponnent's action, preparing for only one scenario out of so many possibile ways the game can go. I know you're using stats but like what if the maid doesn't use those skills she said she would use? What if she just played another way that might also win, or like what if she went for a niche line to mess up your prep? Like what is going on with this anime man it's so weird.

Jul 29, 2023 9:27 AM
Jan 2021
I Didn't expect there would be a draw in the end and it left us with a mystery of the 'Devil' It is getting more interesting, who could be the devil? and from the looks of it he knows something about Hiro or maybe he is after something else? it certainly it piqued my interest!

Now that Hiro is gonna fight against Akizuki without any help from shirayuki it will be challenging for him.

looking forward to how the battle will go out!!
Jul 29, 2023 9:29 AM
Jul 2019
Sorry for my stupid brain unable to handle this anime but, can someone please explain the entire card game rule on episode 5 again?
Jul 29, 2023 9:35 AM

Aug 2022
Gotta say I kinda struggled to follow that episode. Which was my fault because I kept zoning out. I’ll probably rewatch the episode later.

I’m really liking Shirayuki and generally the whole show so far
Jul 29, 2023 10:09 AM

Feb 2019
Finally a game that I understand! Well done by Hiroto and Maid-chan to play until a draw. But that was only a temporary solution..

So this was all caused by someone manipulating Noa’s insecurities and jealousy over Hiroto’s quick rise. Wow. Noa needs some correction 💢💢💢 😭 😭

This devil who’s pulling the strings from behind the scenes is really getting me interested. I wonder who they are and what they’re after. Noa seemed genuinely terrified like she had to get results immediately hence her desperation.

Next week she’s done “playing fair” and stars are on the line. Can’t wait.
Marinate1016Jul 29, 2023 10:12 AM
Jul 29, 2023 10:24 AM
Mar 2023
Peak episode but what happened to the animation? 💀
Jul 29, 2023 10:56 AM

Nov 2014
Anyone else completely gloss over the game explanations? It feels like padding tbh.
Jul 29, 2023 12:07 PM
Apr 2022
I don't know anymore, is Akizuki actually just an evil or is she just too broken by that "devil"?

Man but she really is completely crazy.. Doing all things to become the 7th star, even illegal things.
I am wondering how Hiro and Himeji are going to solve that issue. And I am really wondering why Akizuki knows so much about Hiroto, or is it just speculation?
Jul 29, 2023 12:08 PM
Jun 2023
Sex game
Jul 29, 2023 12:40 PM
Jul 2018
IzanaSolos said:
Damn Akizuki's a real fucking villain, or is she? She may have the motives but is she the one planning these schemes?

As we saw last episode Akizuki, is obviously the main villain of this competition, the enigmatic and powerful Five Star who has captivated the Academy with her intriguing presence. It seems like her reputation precedes her as both formidable and deceptively feeble. Meanwhile, Hiroto is on a mission to find the missing Unique Star, adding further intrigue to the unfolding plot. 

Amidst the mystery and suspense, all fingers point to Akizuki the likely thief of the Green Star. Her enigmatic nature and the lack of any other viable suspects make her the prime candidate. In a twist of fate, Himeji becomes embroiled in the escalating conflict as she is swiftly kidnapped by Akizuki and is found to have mysterious connections with the President, further complicating the situation. Got to say though Himeji is loyal as fuck. She pulled all the strings to not only ensure the virus on the device wont' get on Hiroto's device, but to also make sure he doesn't lose, but also don't win. 

Although Akizuki has a good motive behind her actions, it doesn't seem like she's been the one planning this stuff though. This "Devil" has been doing it for her. This is getting exciting I can't lie.
i don't think she is the one planning the schemes and all. but you can't deny she was the one that made a deal with someone bad just to get revenge on the mc. no offense to her fans if there are any. but she is a real trash of a human being. she wanted to take down mc so bad to the point she "sold her soul to the devil". all because of what? just because of her jealousy to the mc's popularity. what a trash haha. can't wait for the next episode where she gets what she deserves and knows her place to never be popular anymore. serves her right
Jul 29, 2023 12:49 PM

Apr 2008
The game itself was fine, but what's with the setup? Why would Akizuki be able to make the spying program transfer if he won but not just put it on his device anyway? Could the maid not just put the phone down and go into another room to explain the need for the draw straight out? If Akizuki could prevent the uninstalling based on some arbitrary betrayal why wouldn't she just prevent it from uninstalling regardless of outcome? Come on, show, make a little effort.
Jul 29, 2023 12:51 PM

Oct 2017
Shirayuki and Hiroto understand each other quite well. Though the game didn't really feel that interesting. Can't blame Akizuki for trying to expose Hiroto since he really is cheating and she worked hard but ironically she just also used illegal/cheating abilities.
Jul 29, 2023 1:12 PM

Mar 2012
ah yes, i love how "ecchi" this show has been so far

just remove the tag already so my false hope can die
Jul 29, 2023 1:38 PM

May 2019
Ok I understood this episode more than other ones and I see that Noa has gotten upset over Hiroto's sudden rise and her having to play second fiddle to him. Unfortunately she has stooped too low and has "sold her soul to the devil" so now she says she has no choice but to force a match with Hiroto and again threaten Yuki.

Noa does appear to have the unique green star as her perception of Hitoro is actually correct but her way of finding out is worse than what Hiroto is doing. I am curious to see how their match plays out.

EcchiGodMamster said:
ah yes, i love how "ecchi" this show has been so far

just remove the tag already so my false hope can die

I had forgotten that the main reason I decided to watch this show was because of the ecchi tag and this has been the worst show that has failed to show ecchi with that tag. In this episode Sarasa (the red headed girl) sleeping in the same room with Hiroto may have been considered "ecchi", j/k but I agree that the tag needs to be removed.
Jul 29, 2023 1:43 PM

Jun 2014
How very perceptive of Hiroto to pick up on what Shirayuki was planning so he could play the game to a draw and ruin Akizuki's scheme. But damn, Akizuki is unhinged as hell, she just lost her shit at the end. I'm very curious as to who is this "devil" she's referring to, but before that, we get to see her and Hiroto play a game against each other.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Jul 29, 2023 1:48 PM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
Okay nice draw in the game. No we get another game, what a surprise :D
But i start to like the characters, nice watch!
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Jul 29, 2023 3:25 PM
Jun 2022
Mom: We've got classroom of the elite at home

The classroom of the elite at home:
Jul 29, 2023 5:25 PM

Sep 2016
This anime is fucking dogshit
I think I'll just rewatch NGNL

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Jul 29, 2023 6:44 PM
Jan 2022
The action is tying up, who is this mystery devil that this annoying girl talking about? I really hope it all will turne against her. To treat Himeji like that is unacceble.

To be honest the trial game between Himeji and Hiroto was kinda boring to me, watching this I wasn't feeling excitement or nervous at was justs plain.

I hope that the next game will be more emotional and intresting because this anime really have a potential.
Jul 29, 2023 7:23 PM

Apr 2022
card games or some shit idk, i cba to try and understand anymore. reminded me of that card game episode from adventure time though.
Jul 29, 2023 7:30 PM

Apr 2015
EcchiGodMamster said:
ah yes, i love how "ecchi" this show has been so far

just remove the tag already so my false hope can die
I didn't even bother after I saw how this showed nerfed the big titty maid compared to how she is in the manga. Wish studios would stop doing that crap. 
"Well, she's flatter than a pancake"
-Mimi Alpacas
Jul 29, 2023 7:32 PM

Mar 2012
Tropisch said:
EcchiGodMamster said:
ah yes, i love how "ecchi" this show has been so far

just remove the tag already so my false hope can die
I didn't even bother after I saw how this showed nerfed the big titty maid compared to how she is in the manga. Wish studios would stop doing that crap. 
i don't understand why anime still has to adhere to TV standards when most anime watchers dont even watch TV... it so stupid

Jul 29, 2023 7:42 PM

Dec 2018
The game was interesting but i think a lot of time was wasted in this episode. this next game will have to be spontaneous meaning he won't have time to prepare so i wonder how he handles it. although i think he should just call the cops since she abducted the maid.
Jul 29, 2023 9:08 PM

Mar 2013
Animation is really bad even up to this point but I can still bear to watch it because I like the story. 😏
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Jul 29, 2023 10:22 PM
Jul 2020
I’m starting to think even a 5/10 might be too high of a grade for this show, frankly.
Jul 29, 2023 10:57 PM
Oct 2018
I can barely keep track of whats even going on. new skill abilities introduced every episode, the strategy. I'll just lean back and expect plot armor saves them, free flashback backup plan comes in clutch!

Jul 29, 2023 11:41 PM
Nov 2022
I really hate Akizuki, she's such a kick in the balls.

I'm surprised that there's drama now, it seems that it's finally getting good but... in all of this, where's the ecchi that they promised?

I feel like I've been ripped off.
Jul 30, 2023 12:53 AM

Jul 2017
A game of life and death, the 6 Star Noa forces their hand on trying to save Himeji, and both Hiroto and Sarasa are at a standstill, with Kagaya coming in for utmost help.

Noa's game, the Scalene Love Triangle, it's a much simpler game where the majority gives the win. The cards through are a mixture of hierarchies, though backed with Himeji's Probability Fluctuation that gives Hiroto a better set of cards, it's Kagaya that executes the strategies that Hiimeji works, but this time, given to Sarasa. Again, the task is given to Kagaya to make the cheat happen, though Himeji requesting Hiroto to not win is bothering him somehow. Sarasa giving him an ability that she bought, it's a good luck charm that they hope will beat the Little Devil.

With the game played exactly as how they envisioned, Himeji won 7 cards, but this is obviously more than just a Trial game, and Hiroto can only be lead on her advances to make the best strategy...and that is to make Himeji win a calculated hand, by acting to deceive Noa, something already decided before the Trial game ever got off to a start. With exactly 10 cards each, they force a draw, and the tricks all come out, forcing her to concede that Hirotowas the new favorite of Eimei Academy, for someone who was chasing popularity out from her own hard work, as opposed to cheating from the top down.

Despite the loss, Noa's backup plan to completely destroy Himeji using a non-official ability, it forces her hand to challenge a real duel with Hiroto.

Drama starts here: hard work vs. cheating.
Jul 30, 2023 4:07 AM
Jan 2020
I can see the director desperately making this actually look watchable, feel sorry for him to work at a studio like Geek Toys
Jul 30, 2023 5:08 AM

Mar 2020
Man this show is trash I'm tired of hoping it gets better each episode. Dropped
Jul 30, 2023 5:50 AM

Jul 2021
I can see why she was upset. She worked really hard to reach the top, but then someone else cheated and took her spot, even if it wasn't on purpose. However, instead of focusing on the cheating, she complained that nobody paid attention to her and she may have cheated too, which didn't make her very likable.
Jul 30, 2023 6:09 AM

Apr 2015
EcchiGodMamster said:
Tropisch said:
I didn't even bother after I saw how this showed nerfed the big titty maid compared to how she is in the manga. Wish studios would stop doing that crap. 
i don't understand why anime still has to adhere to TV standards when most anime watchers dont even watch TV... it so stupid

Gotta protect the kids whose parents don't monitor them, don't you know? And boobs are bad to people for some reason. 
"Well, she's flatter than a pancake"
-Mimi Alpacas
Jul 30, 2023 6:38 AM
Sep 2020
the games are nice, but.... this girl is mehh villan
Jul 30, 2023 7:23 AM

Oct 2011
Bio said:
The game itself was fine, but what's with the setup? Why would Akizuki be able to make the spying program transfer if he won but not just put it on his device anyway? Could the maid not just put the phone down and go into another room to explain the need for the draw straight out? If Akizuki could prevent the uninstalling based on some arbitrary betrayal why wouldn't she just prevent it from uninstalling regardless of outcome? Come on, show, make a little effort.

I think it has something to do with her unique star 'the perception' one, so Himeji didn't want to take any risks with her plan getting out before the game itself. I mean sure you could leave phone elsewhere, but you wouldn't know if the person himself isn't spying on you or hid some listening devices in some parts of the school.

Thing is anime explains this stuff so bad it's no wonder questions like this are asked. F.e in episode 2 the 100m race game, people asked why wouldn't she just get up and run to finish line and just lay there watching him walk to it slowly. In anime it wasn't said, when in light novel it was clearly said that the 3rd ability was used on her TO STOP HER from moving or making a run to finish line (i think it was about her costume which has safety device in form of airbags, so in reality she should look like an inflated baloon which anime skipped and made her land on airbag...)

So I wouldn't be surprised if something similar occured here.
ArreitJul 30, 2023 7:30 AM
Jul 30, 2023 11:55 AM

Feb 2018
This plan of Akizuki's doesn't seem to be going very well, it all seems a bit chaotic.
Jul 30, 2023 12:07 PM

Mar 2012
Tropisch said:
EcchiGodMamster said:
i don't understand why anime still has to adhere to TV standards when most anime watchers dont even watch TV... it so stupid

Gotta protect the kids whose parents don't monitor them, don't you know? And boobs are bad to people for some reason. 
those kids like anyone else can find anything they want online, why does TV still matter so much?
Jul 30, 2023 1:26 PM

Mar 2012
How the fuck got the "villain" to rope the hands of Himeji in a blink of an eye while standing farther than the MC and with no resistance?
This is stupid...

And people say this has the ecchi tag, there will no better chance of ecchi that the Female MC just out of a bath and going to the same room than the male MC, desist with it.

Sam_Avento said:
Sorry for my stupid brain unable to handle this anime but, can someone please explain the entire card game rule on episode 5 again?
Rock, paper, scissors with an extra.

King/Queen/Prince = Rock
Knight = Scissors
Assassin = Paper

Then, there's a fourth element, let's call it cardboard, which is the commoner.
Cardboard loses both against rock and scissors, and draws with paper. The thing is that each cardboard has a unique skill that activates if it draws and only then. Depending the ability you either win both stacks, get more cards, etc

The objective of the game is just having more points than the rival, where 1 card = 1 point.
No game so far has been actually complex, the problem is just poor explanation of how each one interferes and the brain zoning out knowing that no matter what, the MC will win without strategy using cheats.
Waifus only represent ideals
Jul 30, 2023 3:57 PM
Nov 2022
Bastante buen capitulo, la pelea entre la maid y el prota fue divertida, el juego me entretuvo mucho.
Jul 30, 2023 5:34 PM

Apr 2008
Raisken said:
Bio said:
The game itself was fine, but what's with the setup? Why would Akizuki be able to make the spying program transfer if he won but not just put it on his device anyway? Could the maid not just put the phone down and go into another room to explain the need for the draw straight out? If Akizuki could prevent the uninstalling based on some arbitrary betrayal why wouldn't she just prevent it from uninstalling regardless of outcome? Come on, show, make a little effort.

I think it has something to do with her unique star 'the perception' one, so Himeji didn't want to take any risks with her plan getting out before the game itself. I mean sure you could leave phone elsewhere, but you wouldn't know if the person himself isn't spying on you or hid some listening devices in some parts of the school.
Okay, but even if true that only excuses why the maid couldn't work around it any more obviously. It doesn't explain these super arbitrary rules Akizuki is following that make it so she can get her program on the maid's phone but not his unless a certain condition is met or why she removed the spy program at all. I'm pretty skeptical there's any better explanation to be had for that than cause we said so. That is interesting about the race, though.
Jul 30, 2023 10:37 PM
Apr 2023
The episode is too complex for its own good.
The game Yuki and Hiroto played was actually quite good and interesting but since it's just a one deal game, even if it had some good rules, I technically just brushed over it, which makes almost half of the episode totally useless to watch. (They even bothered explaining it thru words and thru detailed diagrams).

They seem to be really having some hard time showcasing in each episode what really should matter in the story.
Jul 31, 2023 1:06 PM
Nov 2018
Ah, the countless rules, the capitalized Names of Abilities, so exciting! Card games are awesome to watch!

I jest, of course.

And why didn't they have more of an audience for a game between the only seven-star student and his maidu?

And what do you DO with the stars, anyway? Other than use them against other students in games. Why does everyone want them? Unless I'm missing something they give you no advantages outside of playing the games, which people play so desperately only in order to get stars. Stars they use only to win games.
Jul 31, 2023 2:48 PM

Oct 2011
Hegar said:

And what do you DO with the stars, anyway? Other than use them against other students in games. Why does everyone want them? Unless I'm missing something they give you no advantages outside of playing the games, which people play so desperately only in order to get stars. Stars they use only to win games.

Rather than write explanation I will just quote how novels explain it.

"Yes, that is, the island treats you differently depending on the number of stars. For example, even if you enter an arbitrary store on the island, there are restrictions on the services available determined by the level (stars). Students with many stars have priority for better transportation. The amount of (electronic) money paid to you at the beginning of each month is also determined by the number of stars. In other words, simply changing the number of stars will greatly affect your standard of living, which is a very important element. This is the general understanding of stars by the people of Academy Island. (Quoted from the Four Seasons’ Island Enrollment Handbook). Therefore—for this reason—students on this academic island have an immeasurable obsession with the stars. After all, rather than appearance, mind, or talents, the number of stars is what determines one’s value. Adding a star will get you into the upper class; conversely, if you lose a star, you will fall into the same position as the guys who have been despised."
Jul 31, 2023 3:41 PM
Nov 2018
Raisken said:
Hegar said:

And what do you DO with the stars, anyway? Other than use them against other students in games. Why does everyone want them? Unless I'm missing something they give you no advantages outside of playing the games, which people play so desperately only in order to get stars. Stars they use only to win games.

Rather than write explanation I will just quote how novels explain it.

"Yes, that is, the island treats you differently depending on the number of stars. For example, even if you enter an arbitrary store on the island, there are restrictions on the services available determined by the level (stars). Students with many stars have priority for better transportation. The amount of (electronic) money paid to you at the beginning of each month is also determined by the number of stars. In other words, simply changing the number of stars will greatly affect your standard of living, which is a very important element. This is the general understanding of stars by the people of Academy Island. (Quoted from the Four Seasons’ Island Enrollment Handbook). Therefore—for this reason—students on this academic island have an immeasurable obsession with the stars. After all, rather than appearance, mind, or talents, the number of stars is what determines one’s value. Adding a star will get you into the upper class; conversely, if you lose a star, you will fall into the same position as the guys who have been despised."
So they get more money per month if they have more stars, and they get better transport and options in the store. They should say that in the anime as well.

But the novel says they are in the nobility if they have more stars - I don't see that. That they get more money and luxury transportation doesn't mean other students would fawn over them. The OTHER students don't benefit from that. Real nobility, in the past, were fawned over because they could improve things for the fawners. Because of their positions as society's managers.
Aug 1, 2023 1:38 AM

Dec 2017
I was looking forward to that card game, until whatever it turned into. If they are playing a card game at least do it right...
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