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Jul 28, 2023 10:23 AM

Nov 2011
This episode blurs a line between virtual and reality. What we got is an episode of uneasy feelings.

Honestly, I think characters in this show should be very careful about how they use AI...and they are not just tools but should be treated as companions.
Jul 28, 2023 11:31 AM
Sep 2015
This episode is a bold statement that it can be comedy too if it want, even if I'm not sure if I should laugh at its jokes or not.

The post-orgasm clarity switch though...
Jul 28, 2023 12:41 PM
Jul 2018
Very boring and uninteresting episode, watched it on 2.5x
Jul 28, 2023 12:58 PM

Feb 2019
I cringed so HARD when he called Ichika Nana 🤦🏽‍♂️ my boy was SO CLOSE to greatness and fumbled it

Second best episode after last week’s emotional roller coaster. I think this one is VERY relevant too as we literally have a strike in Hollywood rn due in large part to the use of AI to replace actors in films. Also the deepfake porn situation with streamers recently.

Using people’s likeness without their consent is wrong. I actually thought the episode would go a little deeper into that situation and examine how porn addictions can make you objectify women.

We saw a little bit of that with how he started looking at Ichika’s chest and just ogling her as a thing rather than a person, but I could’ve done without the Risa simulation stuff and had an episode entirely focused on that. Just love that whole scenario. It is really a sad one tbh. All he’s got to show for all of that is an AI who he can’t even physically touch.

The Hide-Kun situation could’ve been cut too if I’m honest. He fumbled his own bag by cheating multiple times. Once you cheat that many times, a woman is already gonna start moving on mentally. No wonder she fell in love with someone else lol.
Marinate1016Jul 28, 2023 1:04 PM
Jul 28, 2023 2:07 PM
Apr 2022
What technology doesn't exist.. For some people this button would probably not be too bad.

But you also see again that even if you make an effort to get better. You still get broken more often than you would like..
Jul 28, 2023 2:29 PM

Jul 2019
It was really nice this week's episode had more fast-paced cases, as I think if even one of those would have run the whole episode, those would have gotten a bit boring... it was interesting what technology could possibly do in near-future!
Other places where to find me:

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Jul 28, 2023 2:37 PM

Jun 2017
Big oof from the dude, that's one way to keep your V card forever. lol
Jul 28, 2023 4:06 PM

Sep 2018
Show continues to ask some interesting questions.

Quantum ille canis est in fenestra
Jul 28, 2023 4:52 PM
May 2017
Another very good episode of the series with a story which makes use of established, well-known Artificial Intelligence Science Fiction concepts as constructive elements and asks the correct questions.

The Bicentennial Man at 23:35?
leonardobarbaJul 28, 2023 4:57 PM
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Jul 28, 2023 5:05 PM

Sep 2020
phantomfandom said:
This episode is a bold statement that it can be comedy too if it want, even if I'm not sure if I should laugh at its jokes or not.

The post-orgasm clarity switch though...
Laughing at tragicomdies will give you feelings oh so complicated.
The guys from the second and third cases had it totally coming from miles away, though, and that's why it's fine to little laugh at their expenses.
Jul 28, 2023 6:35 PM

Apr 2022
welp, that's was a close one with joe. can't blame that other dude though, booba is irresistible.
Jul 28, 2023 7:24 PM
May 2023
Show is prob better than I am rating it but I got so creeped out I might drop it. Not the anime's fault but I be super grossed out if someone used me for this kind of stuff.
Jul 28, 2023 8:04 PM

Jun 2019
Marinate1016 said:
Using people’s likeness without their consent is wrong. I actually thought the episode would go a little deeper into that situation and examine how porn addictions can make you objectify women.
That's just it though - one of the bigger questions which ties in to this episode: Why would it be considered wrong if it's not harming the person in question? As Dr. Sudo said, this game and its associated mods which the implant allows is just an exercise in personal fantasy, because the user should be reminded, and he goes out of his way to tell the patient on the way out the door (reminds me of Yasuo Iwakura's brief speech to his daughter in SEL, actually), that the virtual and the real worlds are separate and they must not be confused with one another and mixed up.

It would potentially harm the person if they found out about it, depending on the person, the person using their likeness, and the nature of the relationship between them. Possibly leading to feelings of embarrassment, anger, shame, fear, etc. Yet if they don't find out about it, there's really no practical harm. At that point, how is it any different than the boy (not just this boy character - any random hypothetical person) thinking of the girl's likeness in his imagination while pleasuring himself in his private time? No one apart from himself would even know unless he told them, so it's hard to see harm being done from something someone else doesn't see/hear/know/etc. and doesn't actually affect them. It only harms them if the person using their image in their personal fantasy sessions is mixed up and erratic enough to tell them or if they visibly noticeably start treating them differently in real life as a result. 

In this episode and the hypothetical scenario explored, the actual character in question did all of those things - started treating the real person differently in actual daily life and let it slip at the end what he had done. But someone else could easily just not do that.
WatchTillTandavaJul 28, 2023 8:11 PM
Jul 28, 2023 8:07 PM
Jul 2023
Temptation of flesh, all kind of messed up and complicated feelings.

Jul 28, 2023 8:33 PM

Mar 2008
Marinate1016 said:
I cringed so HARD when he called Ichika Nana 🤦🏽‍♂️ my boy was SO CLOSE to greatness and fumbled it

Second best episode after last week’s emotional roller coaster. I think this one is VERY relevant too as we literally have a strike in Hollywood rn due in large part to the use of AI to replace actors in films. Also the deepfake porn situation with streamers recently.

Using people’s likeness without their consent is wrong. I actually thought the episode would go a little deeper into that situation and examine how porn addictions can make you objectify women.

We saw a little bit of that with how he started looking at Ichika’s chest and just ogling her as a thing rather than a person, but I could’ve done without the Risa simulation stuff and had an episode entirely focused on that. Just love that whole scenario. It is really a sad one tbh. All he’s got to show for all of that is an AI who he can’t even physically touch.

The Hide-Kun situation could’ve been cut too if I’m honest. He fumbled his own bag by cheating multiple times. Once you cheat that many times, a woman is already gonna start moving on mentally. No wonder she fell in love with someone else lol.

I shouted out in that moment "oh noooo!". I think he could have saved himself if he just said he was nervous and tried a trial run of their date (which isn't really a lie) and that would be it, she could possibly have been fine with it and even find it sweet. She was only really offended because she thought it meant he was only interested in her for lusty reasons causing her to question his motives of dating her. He explained it all himself even in the game he actually was enjoying going on dates, this indicated he didn't merely lust this girl he cared for her and was just living a fantasy of being with her like literally everyone does when they like someone.

Every time you think of someone you are using their likeness without their consent. Every time you talk about someone you are using their likeness without their consent. These things cause no harm to them at least not inherently. Likewise if technology is used to aid someone's imagination as long as it's not used in a way that harms someone there isn't really any more an issue than it being a thought in someone's head. On a related note even just now there are 8 billion people on the planet, and at any given time anyone can have a several exact lookalikes of themselves walking around. So it's not like someone's likeness is inherently there own either unless it's actually them being photographed or something. It's not an issue of using of someone's likeness it's an issue of getting too caught up in fantasy and issue of data security or misleading people as much as security of your own mind from being tapped into or spreading slander. We have technology now where they are using AI to read people's thoughts able to reproduce a rough image of what someone is picturing and unfortunately this will only get better in future. Imagine the nightmares that would bring of thought crimes and endless persecution because someone thinking it's harmful to think about something without permission.
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Jul 28, 2023 8:36 PM

Feb 2019
traed said:
Marinate1016 said:
I cringed so HARD when he called Ichika Nana 🤦🏽‍♂️ my boy was SO CLOSE to greatness and fumbled it

Second best episode after last week’s emotional roller coaster. I think this one is VERY relevant too as we literally have a strike in Hollywood rn due in large part to the use of AI to replace actors in films. Also the deepfake porn situation with streamers recently.

Using people’s likeness without their consent is wrong. I actually thought the episode would go a little deeper into that situation and examine how porn addictions can make you objectify women.

We saw a little bit of that with how he started looking at Ichika’s chest and just ogling her as a thing rather than a person, but I could’ve done without the Risa simulation stuff and had an episode entirely focused on that. Just love that whole scenario. It is really a sad one tbh. All he’s got to show for all of that is an AI who he can’t even physically touch.

The Hide-Kun situation could’ve been cut too if I’m honest. He fumbled his own bag by cheating multiple times. Once you cheat that many times, a woman is already gonna start moving on mentally. No wonder she fell in love with someone else lol.

I shouted out in that moment "oh noooo!". I think he could have saved himself if he just said he was nervous and tried a trial run of their date (which isn't really a lie) and that would be it, she could possibly have been fine with it and even find it sweet. She was only really offended because she thought it meant he was only interested in her for lusty reasons causing her to question his motives of dating her. He explained it all himself even in the game he actually was enjoying going on dates, this indicated he didn't merely lust this girl he cared for her and was just living a fantasy of being with her like literally everyone does when they like someone.

Every time you think of someone you are using their likeness without their consent. Every time you talk about someone you are using their likeness without their consent. These things cause no harm to them at least not inherently. Likewise if technology is used to aid someone's imagination as long as it's not used in a way that harms someone there isn't really any more an issue than it being a thought in someone's head. On a related note even just now there are 8 billion people on the planet, and at any given time anyone can have a several exact lookalikes of themselves walking around. So it's not like someone's likeness is inherently there own either unless it's actually them being photographed or something. It's not an issue of using of someone's likeness it's an issue of getting too caught up in fantasy and issue of data security or misleading people as much as security of your own mind from being tapped into or spreading slander. We have technology now where they are using AI to read people's thoughts able to reproduce a rough image of what someone is picturing and unfortunately this will only get better in future. Imagine the nightmares that would bring of thought crimes and endless persecution because someone thinking it's harmful to think about something without permission.

You lost me in the second half ngl, thoughts and imagination not the same as deepfaking someone face
Jul 28, 2023 9:21 PM

Nov 2010
  • Although the subtitle is "4 cases", it seems only two cases are main themes.
    case 1: introduction / comedy
    case 2: the degree of freedom of your mind
    case 3: people wish for what they don't have, and ...
    case 4: allusion for a further episode ...
    case 2, 3 and 4 correspond to chapter 35, 41 and 36 of the source material respectively.
  • case 2
    Matthew 5:28 " anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her."
    It seems too strict doctrine for me. But I also can understand the mixed feelings when the girl found his act. How much degree of freedom are our minds allowed? Are our minds really free? Anyway, you don't get caught as far as people can't see or listen to your mind. (toward the Terra stepped in further about mind reading issue, but it's another story.)
  • case 3
    The girl only won a part of unfaithful boy friend's heart. It would have been the best balance for her. It's a situation both snob effect (people wish for what they don't have) and endowment effect (people value what they already own higher) coexist.
    You may be able to find other themes in this episode. If you look at the show as just an entertainment, it is a kind of flat anime. But if you look at it with certain awareness of issues, it looks totally different. It all depends on the audience.

kuroneko99Jul 28, 2023 10:18 PM
Jul 28, 2023 9:35 PM

Mar 2008
Marinate1016 said:

You lost me in the second half ngl, thoughts and imagination not the same as deepfaking someone face

They are in effect exactly the same if it's not accessible to anyone but the person who created it. That's the point I was making and pointing a further breakdown of the lack of difference in how even our thoughts aren't safe from being seen by others anymore. It's only different at the point it is shared with others which goes beyond what we can do with our thoughts alone and is closer to artistic creations and even then it's not really that big a difference unless it is presented as the real deal rather than fake then that's when the real problems arise.
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Jul 28, 2023 9:37 PM

Feb 2019
traed said:
Marinate1016 said:

You lost me in the second half ngl, thoughts and imagination not the same as deepfaking someone face

They are in effect exactly the same if it's not accessible to anyone but the person who created it. That's the point I was making and pointing a further breakdown of the lack of difference in how even our thoughts aren't safe from being seen by others anymore.

Ehhhhhh. Still disagree. It’s just a moral issue. I think it’s immoral and wrong to use someone’s likeness in an AI form like that. It’s just violating imo. I think most people feel that way too.
Jul 28, 2023 9:46 PM

Mar 2008
Marinate1016 said:
traed said:

They are in effect exactly the same if it's not accessible to anyone but the person who created it. That's the point I was making and pointing a further breakdown of the lack of difference in how even our thoughts aren't safe from being seen by others anymore.

Ehhhhhh. Still disagree. It’s just a moral issue. I think it’s immoral and wrong to use someone’s likeness in an AI form like that. It’s just violating imo. I think most people feel that way too.

I explained more in my edit that you had missed.

Basically im not entirely disagreeing but I have a more nuanced view that there is certain ways to do such things where it's not really particularly more immoral than thinking something while in other cases it's a big difference.
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Jul 28, 2023 9:49 PM

Feb 2019
traed said:
Marinate1016 said:

Ehhhhhh. Still disagree. It’s just a moral issue. I think it’s immoral and wrong to use someone’s likeness in an AI form like that. It’s just violating imo. I think most people feel that way too.

I explained more in my edit that you had missed.

Basically im not entirely disagreeing but I have a more nuanced view that there is certain ways to do such things where it's not really particularly more immoral than thinking something while in other cases it's a big difference.

Fair enough, I certainly understand what you’re trying to say
Jul 28, 2023 10:12 PM
May 2023
It's a good romance episode.
Jul 28, 2023 10:51 PM
May 2020
It's not the future that we want but the future we deserve.
This anthology will be going to dark places of the future soul.
Can you dig it!
Jul 29, 2023 12:27 AM
Apr 2023
This episode shows a few scenarios in how the virtual and real aspects of life (provided that technology can facilitate) can mix and how absurd results can get.

It was really interesting seeing those developments. It just shows that a human's life will still result to something so random even if you control a lot of factors in it.
Jul 29, 2023 1:42 AM

Sep 2013
We're so close to what is showed in this anime its really troubling, where we'll reach the point we can't distinguish what's real and what's not i'd say humanity is fucked.
Deep dark fantasies
Jul 29, 2023 1:54 AM
Neet Specter

Mar 2022
This urban setting for the anime really looks like a wonderful place to live..
That high school student is creepy as hell lmao

Jul 29, 2023 3:16 AM
Oct 2019
God damn an AI program that can created Movie? bruhh that's so relevant on what's going on right now

So where can i get the AI from Case 2? asking for a friend LMAO
Jul 29, 2023 5:18 AM

Feb 2012
Deepfaking people into fantasy scenarios, and a humanoid apparently pre-programmed to be a lecher.

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Jul 29, 2023 6:00 AM

Dec 2018
i really wanna know what the blood tests are for, what is he looking for?
Jul 29, 2023 6:02 AM
Apr 2023
I think we already get the point that AI, Humanoid technology is not always good for humanity, but why drag it for 4 episode with only very little story progress.... and next episode seem to be another many side story like this again. sigh...
Jul 29, 2023 6:04 AM

Dec 2018
WatchTillTandava said:
Marinate1016 said:
Using people’s likeness without their consent is wrong. I actually thought the episode would go a little deeper into that situation and examine how porn addictions can make you objectify women.
That's just it though - one of the bigger questions which ties in to this episode: Why would it be considered wrong if it's not harming the person in question? As Dr. Sudo said, this game and its associated mods which the implant allows is just an exercise in personal fantasy, because the user should be reminded, and he goes out of his way to tell the patient on the way out the door (reminds me of Yasuo Iwakura's brief speech to his daughter in SEL, actually), that the virtual and the real worlds are separate and they must not be confused with one another and mixed up.

It would potentially harm the person if they found out about it, depending on the person, the person using their likeness, and the nature of the relationship between them. Possibly leading to feelings of embarrassment, anger, shame, fear, etc. Yet if they don't find out about it, there's really no practical harm. At that point, how is it any different than the boy (not just this boy character - any random hypothetical person) thinking of the girl's likeness in his imagination while pleasuring himself in his private time? No one apart from himself would even know unless he told them, so it's hard to see harm being done from something someone else doesn't see/hear/know/etc. and doesn't actually affect them. It only harms them if the person using their image in their personal fantasy sessions is mixed up and erratic enough to tell them or if they visibly noticeably start treating them differently in real life as a result. 

In this episode and the hypothetical scenario explored, the actual character in question did all of those things - started treating the real person differently in actual daily life and let it slip at the end what he had done. But someone else could easily just not do that.
idk i still think it's creepy to do weird stuff with a literal physical depiction of someone like i think some kind of consent should be considered. i get what you're saying but he literally created a personage it's not the same as imagining someone in your fantasies.
Jul 29, 2023 6:10 AM

Aug 2020
it was really a great episode, the love stories were good, i laughed and the end of the episode...
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Jul 29, 2023 8:05 AM

Jul 2017
4 cases, all involving love and romance of some kind, even AI has developments from it. And Risa experiences a game of some sort from her good bud of Reon Miyoshi, with fantasy scenarios that could fill in the void. But in the actual day, Humanoids committing porn is more harm than actual treatments. There is a fine line between virtual and reality, and for one Case no. 2 of Nozaki, implanting his crush of "Nana" into a game of the form of Ichika Sasaki is easy for AI to input, though the implications can vary. Though Nozaki is hanging out with Nana, his plot easily shows through of the inspiration of using AI to show the same thing, but to no appeal.

Case 3 of the Humanoid Toda Hide cheating on women, like his girlfriend Kayo...all because of butts and boobs, technology for this kind of use always fails badly. Toda getting the post-nut Clarity Switch treatment from Sudo, and that at the very least fixed his cheating problem, that is until she does the same thing to him, that the emotion didn't last long to live their days. Risa admires Sudo for who he is, though his blood sample can be used to find his mother's copy data faster.

The case usage when it comes to love, it's complicated.
Jul 29, 2023 8:36 AM

Oct 2016
This series loves to have a decent episode followed by a not decent one, it seems.
Jul 29, 2023 11:18 AM

Jun 2019
einstorage6691 said:
I think we already get the point that AI, Humanoid technology is not always good for humanity, but why drag it for 4 episode with only very little story progress.... and next episode seem to be another many side story like this again. sigh...
Why are you defining the story as only the long-term one involving the mystery surrounding the main character's past with his mother? It's obviously, at least for now an episodic or quasi-episodic-style show and it's not uncommon for series like this to have long-running storylines involving the main characters which are never progressed or resolved for many episodes or even multiple seasons. It all depends on how long they envision the series being (not just this season - what if it receives another or multiple others?) and how it's plotted and paced as a result. What we're seeing these past few episodes also is the story. The story isn't just one plot around the main character. Oftentimes it makes sense to keep those on ice and on the backburner while much further fleshing out the rest of the world and other characters. It's not a race.

So far the pacing of this is very in line with classic both episodic and anthology series. I recognize that it's not what everyone likes or wants, and it may not be what you prefer, which is fine, but it's also very much an equally valid way of telling a story and having a series develop. Series that don't just race through their central/main overarching plot to the finish line used to do this all the time.
WatchTillTandavaJul 29, 2023 11:27 AM
Jul 29, 2023 3:34 PM
Jan 2021
omg gay people in my anime
Jul 30, 2023 1:14 AM
Jul 2023
StateofOhayo said:
WatchTillTandava said:
That's just it though - one of the bigger questions which ties in to this episode: Why would it be considered wrong if it's not harming the person in question? As Dr. Sudo said, this game and its associated mods which the implant allows is just an exercise in personal fantasy, because the user should be reminded, and he goes out of his way to tell the patient on the way out the door (reminds me of Yasuo Iwakura's brief speech to his daughter in SEL, actually), that the virtual and the real worlds are separate and they must not be confused with one another and mixed up.

It would potentially harm the person if they found out about it, depending on the person, the person using their likeness, and the nature of the relationship between them. Possibly leading to feelings of embarrassment, anger, shame, fear, etc. Yet if they don't find out about it, there's really no practical harm. At that point, how is it any different than the boy (not just this boy character - any random hypothetical person) thinking of the girl's likeness in his imagination while pleasuring himself in his private time? No one apart from himself would even know unless he told them, so it's hard to see harm being done from something someone else doesn't see/hear/know/etc. and doesn't actually affect them. It only harms them if the person using their image in their personal fantasy sessions is mixed up and erratic enough to tell them or if they visibly noticeably start treating them differently in real life as a result. 

In this episode and the hypothetical scenario explored, the actual character in question did all of those things - started treating the real person differently in actual daily life and let it slip at the end what he had done. But someone else could easily just not do that.
idk i still think it's creepy to do weird stuff with a literal physical depiction of someone like i think some kind of consent should be considered. i get what you're saying but he literally created a personage it's not the same as imagining someone in your fantasies.
What if the guy had the consent of the girl's twin sister to use her likeness instead?
Jul 30, 2023 2:31 AM
Apr 2022
his wife also needed that post nutting switch i guess
Jul 30, 2023 3:31 AM

Dec 2017
People be missing the point of the episode.

Jul 30, 2023 5:27 AM

Dec 2018
MellowGeekStudio said:
StateofOhayo said:
idk i still think it's creepy to do weird stuff with a literal physical depiction of someone like i think some kind of consent should be considered. i get what you're saying but he literally created a personage it's not the same as imagining someone in your fantasies.
What if the guy had the consent of the girl's twin sister to use her likeness instead?
This would probably(?) be acceptable but idk, we've crossed into a weird territory here
Jul 30, 2023 6:28 AM

May 2015
This episode was kind of scary. I'm glad I live in a time before any of the concepts explored in this episode could be implemented or puberty would of been on extreme mode.
Jul 30, 2023 8:48 AM
Apr 2023
WatchTillTandava said:
einstorage6691 said:
I think we already get the point that AI, Humanoid technology is not always good for humanity, but why drag it for 4 episode with only very little story progress.... and next episode seem to be another many side story like this again. sigh...
Why are you defining the story as only the long-term one involving the mystery surrounding the main character's past with his mother? It's obviously, at least for now an episodic or quasi-episodic-style show and it's not uncommon for series like this to have long-running storylines involving the main characters which are never progressed or resolved for many episodes or even multiple seasons. It all depends on how long they envision the series being (not just this season - what if it receives another or multiple others?) and how it's plotted and paced as a result. What we're seeing these past few episodes also is the story. The story isn't just one plot around the main character. Oftentimes it makes sense to keep those on ice and on the backburner while much further fleshing out the rest of the world and other characters. It's not a race.

So far the pacing of this is very in line with classic both episodic and anthology series. I recognize that it's not what everyone likes or wants, and it may not be what you prefer, which is fine, but it's also very much an equally valid way of telling a story and having a series develop. Series that don't just race through their central/main overarching plot to the finish line used to do this all the time.

Repetitive side story is not really a good way to telling or building storytelling, especially if they want to make this a long term series... it's not like I hate this episodic thingy format in anime. I just don't like watch side character story which we only going to see them for only this episode especially if the point they make is exact same which to make us ponder whether AI and Humanoid tech is not always good for humanity. Take a look at Gintama for example, it has a lot of side story that not even has any point for main story, but at least it has MC involved in the side story. sure Dr. Sudo also involve in these side story but the interaction is so little in the end we only watch random side character storyline 

that aside though, I love the main character especially Sudo, Risa and Kaoru and I think I will watch this anime just for seeing them again. but I still hate these side character story that again are maybe only show in just one episode then we might never see them again. 

I think I will watching next episode while playing some game in my PC screen except when the STORY is begin
Jul 30, 2023 1:56 PM

Oct 2008
i never expect that i had a lot of laughs this ep! hahaha!

Jul 30, 2023 6:55 PM

Jan 2021
Things like this truly can happen in future and idk how to feel about it
Jul 31, 2023 8:00 PM
Nov 2019
nowadays this is more Black Mirror than the current Black Mirror. Great episode
Jul 31, 2023 11:49 PM

Oct 2022
I wonder if these small side stories are gonna play something important role in main plot later down the line or they are just to give us the idea about how that world is functioning

Aug 1, 2023 9:15 PM
Nov 2022
I liked this theme of several cases in a single episode, it reminded me of the anime "Jigoku Shoujo" since it had exactly that dynamic.

It might sound silly but having people reflect their wishes through AI doesn't sound that far from reality xdd

Sudo hides many things, the plot becomes more and more mysterious.
Aug 30, 2023 8:40 AM
Jul 2023
StateofOhayo said:
MellowGeekStudio said:
What if the guy had the consent of the girl's twin sister to use her likeness instead?
This would probably(?) be acceptable but idk, we've crossed into a weird territory here
Yeah, it's weird because it is an absurd logical conclusion drawn from an absurd premisse. That was the point of my argument. ;)
If I have a Luke Skywalker figure I can do all sorts of weird stuff to it and I don't need to ask Mark Hamill for "consent". 
Sep 2, 2023 4:12 AM

Oct 2017
So she likes Risa eh but Risa likes Sudo so. Also that poor guy.
Sep 8, 2023 10:45 AM
Jun 2022
Black Mirror but anime ver 💀
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