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Aug 30, 2020 5:20 AM

Apr 2020
Just finished watching. Another anime added on my favorie list, it really entertained me from start to finish. I like the 2nd gig more than the 1st gig because in the 1st gig there are quite a number of fillers that I found boring unlike in the 2nd gig there is almost no fillers. 10/10
Nov 15, 2020 4:17 PM
Jul 2020
Not as good as the 1st season 9/10

Also the plot is kinda similar to Patlabor 2
Jan 13, 2021 3:25 PM

Sep 2011
So, Motoko sound shocked and said "You are...?" upon seeing the apple with a bite taken out by Kudo? so what's the point if he take a bite even if he don't move his lips? She has seen more shocking things than this. And please don't mention me anything about religious symbolism.

At the end of the day, they weren't able to make any nostalgia, that's so sad =((

But the saddest part was the Tachikomas destroying their own satellite that results in them being obliterated.. That was so sudden and unexpected, those cutties were my favorite in the entire series =((

MarkMont said:
I like the 2nd gig more than the 1st gig because in the 1st gig there are quite a number of fillers that I found boring unlike in the 2nd gig there is almost no fillers. 10/10
There is no filler in Ghost in the Shell. Check here:
May 10, 2021 4:19 PM
Nov 2020
Rushed ending, but otherwise a good closure to this outstanding story.
Nov 10, 2021 4:37 AM

Aug 2015
A brilliant anime for sure, It was unfortunate that the tachikomas had to sacrifice themselves since i really liked their personalities.

I am unsure of whether kuze knew that the major was the same girl he met when he was a kid, I would have loved if they got together but he was assassinated.

Overall i really enjoyed this season. It had better standalone episodes than season 1 for sure, however i personally preferred the laughing man incident a tad bit more than the individual eleven, Nevertheless it still is a fantastic season.

Jul 3, 2022 3:50 PM

Mar 2007
Who else cried when the Tachikoma were singing as their satellite crashed into that Nuclear missile? Dang it.

Worst part is even in anime America wanted to nuke Japan. Again.
Stormy_77Jul 3, 2022 5:14 PM

Dec 19, 2022 3:37 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Just as good if not better than the first season, thanks to a far more focused narrative with pretty much all episodes being related in some form to the individual eleven. However for me personally, I actually kind of miss the more episodic format of season one, with each one packing its own punch. 2nd Gig is far longer and more epic, but if I'm being blunt here, some of the episodes from season one individually hit nearly just as hard as all these 26 episodes of 2nd Gig. Again, it's very arguable that this is in fact a step up from the previous season. But I personally hold Standalone Complex (8/10) one point over 2nd Gig, which I'll be giving a 7/10 to.

Now onto watching Solid State Society.

whiskey tango foxtrot

Jan 31, 2023 7:58 PM
Oct 2017
I'm not sure about what happened, but still... TACHIKOMAAAAA!

I guess it relate more to personal stories in Cyberpunk, with more trans humanism and such, because I didn't feel that much this episode, I was just slightly confused, but seeing that guy die and get pulverised was satisfying.

Uchikomas are really ugly though, I hope they can develop a self too soon.
Mar 31, 2023 10:05 AM

May 2014
they built up this whole big plot thru the entirety of the anime and it doesn't amount to anything interesting or compelling. i loved that season 1 clearly delineated when an episode was self contained or part of the big arc and i liked both sets of episodes for their own strengths. here they spend so much time in otherwise self contained stories alluding to and giving the impression that something very interesting is behind all the individual eleven events and the justifiable civil unrest smouldering from the neglect towards the refugees and then it just stops. it ends with a bunch of people arbitrarily dying. it makes all the build up feel like a waste of time.
bizorMar 31, 2023 10:09 AM
May 7, 2023 12:39 AM

Sep 2018
I think I enjoyed the more personal feeling of S1 more than the bigger narrative at play in S2 (and I don't mean getting to know characters pasts), and definitely miss some of the stand alone episodes and cool banter between the team. Still, what an incredible series, just as intricately woven and interesting as the first season. 9/10
Jun 13, 2023 8:41 AM

Dec 2022
I found this episode too melodramatic and cliched for my liking, like most of the late stages of the Individual Eleven plotline. It felt like a betrayal of the philosophy the first movie and first season of SAC established.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Jun 21, 2023 8:00 AM

Oct 2019
That was quite a gory ending to Gouda’s play. 
As for Kuze, his dialogue on abandoning the refugees without cyberbrain was quite disturbing for the revolutionary “hero” status he gained from the refugees themselves despite being a japanese. I want to believe that he managed to upload his memories/ghost or whatever he wanted to, before the micromachines attack on him so that the public can understand his stand as well. That was still quite the crazy plan though.
TopgunUK said:

If Japan and the American Empire became a coalition that would put pressure on China and/ or the Ameri-Soviet Union, triggering an arms race between the superpowers and a new Cold War.

It was Gouda's intention to have such a Cold War in the first place because Article 9 of Japan's constitution limits the size of its army meaning that while The American Empire and its rivals are building up their arms Japan can prosper and benefit economically in the same way it did during the first Cold War.

That’s an interesting take on gouda’s motives. I always thought that he was acting out like that because of his selfish motives fuelled by his inferiority complex and created a civil war like situation to prove his capabilities so that he can defect to american empire where his talents are more recognised.

Also as a rewatcher the series still managed to fool me onto thinking that Chief Secretary-Gouda-other ministries like Defence was conspiring together to isolate the refugees and escalate the situation but it seems they were standalone too each with their own interests. I feel like contradicting myself here.

Overall I spent a nice time in my rewatch of 1st SAC and 2nd GIG and it cemented the series as my all time favourite anime despite some flaws here and there, mostly being on the animation side.
Full_anime_FanJun 21, 2023 8:10 AM

Jun 21, 2023 10:48 AM

Oct 2009
Full_anime_Fan said:
That was quite a gory ending to Gouda’s play. 
As for Kuze, his dialogue on abandoning the refugees without cyberbrain was quite disturbing for the revolutionary “hero” status he gained from the refugees themselves despite being a japanese. I want to believe that he managed to upload his memories/ghost or whatever he wanted to, before the micromachines attack on him so that the public can understand his stand as well. That was still quite the crazy plan though.
TopgunUK said:

If Japan and the American Empire became a coalition that would put pressure on China and/ or the Ameri-Soviet Union, triggering an arms race between the superpowers and a new Cold War.

It was Gouda's intention to have such a Cold War in the first place because Article 9 of Japan's constitution limits the size of its army meaning that while The American Empire and its rivals are building up their arms Japan can prosper and benefit economically in the same way it did during the first Cold War.

That’s an interesting take on gouda’s motives. I always thought that he was acting out like that because of his selfish motives fuelled by his inferiority complex and created a civil war like situation to prove his capabilities so that he can defect to american empire where his talents are more recognised.

Also as a rewatcher the series still managed to fool me onto thinking that Chief Secretary-Gouda-other ministries like Defence was conspiring together to isolate the refugees and escalate the situation but it seems they were standalone too each with their own interests. I feel like contradicting myself here.

Overall I spent a nice time in my rewatch of 1st SAC and 2nd GIG and it cemented the series as my all time favourite anime despite some flaws here and there, mostly being on the animation side.
I wasn't really talking about his motives there as much as his methodology and how he sold what he was doing to each party (baiting his possibly unwitting allies of convenience in the japanese government with cold war style economic growth and the CIA/American Empire with monopolisation of the Japanese Miracle radiation scrubbers), I think you're absolutely correct about his selfish motives and inferiority complex, he's clearly not actually very invested in what happens to Japan and quite quick to jump ship when it suits.
Aug 9, 2023 3:17 PM
Aug 2020
I wonder who Kayabuki called.
Aug 21, 2023 2:55 PM
Jan 2015
TachikomaShiki said:
Thanks for the reply TopgunUK. I went back and watched this scene once again and damn, you're absolutely right about the way in which Motoko is sitting, you can see it just before that scene when the view is zoomed out but the next view shots look as though she's suddenly facing out the side of the helicopter and looking out to the sea. Man, that was confusing but makes more sense now!

I did read about her being surprised that Kuze took a bite out of the apple but I just didn't feel that's what it was. I can't imagine Motoko reacting like that at that moment, just seems a bit weird to me if that was the reason but who knows, I guess it's possible. I've seen it dubbed many times but the English subtitles to the Japanese version seem to read 'You' whereas in the dub, it is 'You are'.

Kuze's expression here just seems odd too like he's no longer himself or something, seems like a statue in a way. Yeah I know it's all over for him now so how'll you expect him to look but, something doesn't look right at all. I remember him moving his mouth in one of the earlier episodes (EP12 I believe) when he grew impatient asking for a copy of the Individual Eleven from the men he was with in the van so that's probably why I didn't ever consider him taking a bite out the apple being strange. As difficult as it may be for him, it would be very possible if he wanted, I've always thought.

Pretty crazy how much this tiny little thing has me thinking haha At least the scene isn't as confusing now. But then, what was Batou randomly looking a- never mind.

I just recently finished this show. I'll give it 9/10 as the ending (especially the development between Kuze and Makoto) was not as "perfect" as I would have expected, otherwise it may be the first show I'll rate as 10/10. Regarding their relationship, I think it became pretty obvious at the last episode that both of them had heavy suspicions that they knew each other from the past, and likely were the person they were searching for but neither worked up enough confidence (perhaps due to not having enough past memory of their encounter left since the events occurred so long ago prior to their cybernization) to confirm their suspicions. Kuze probably realized moments just prior to biting the apple that Makoto was the person he was searching for, although not completely the same person now. Whereas Makoto only finally confirmed he was the boy during the helicopter scene after he was captured when she realized he used the same hand to hold the apple as the boy who held the ball she tossed to him during that brief scene in the hospital (so it's like they repeated the ball scene in the hospital with apples as adults now instead, and remember, the ball is also what triggered her nostalgia of her memory in the alleyway on episode 11) by this time, Kuze's fate is already sealed with his capture.
Mar 3, 2024 3:00 PM
Dec 2018
If the anime finally ended, it was a very hearty and enjoyable meal. I enjoyed almost every episode, although the level of the episodes varied. The last episode was satisfactory and ended in an appropriate way. Goda and Kozue died, two characters who were written very well. The second season was better than the first in terms of characters, production, and direction. The music, even the style of the story, presented diverse and beautiful episodes, and elaborate cases of espionage, investigation, and wars

The best separate episode in the anime is Episode 2 of the second season
The best episode related to the plot is episode 26 of this season

It is one of the greatest anime that contains everything you want. I enjoyed re-watching it and I will certainly repeat its episodes sporadically
Aug 10, 2024 5:29 PM

Nov 2014
A substantial improvement over the first season, primarily because it actually has something resembling a story. Despite this, it felt to me like the creators were still struggling with the concept of getting the audience emotionally invested in the action. A clear example of this is the refugees, who are the primary subject of the story and yet are given no development as an entity at all, barely even appearing onscreen until the ending. For the majority of the show, "the refugees" are little more than one of the script's many abstract concepts, regarded from a cold distance, and so when they are threatened with nuclear annihilation it barely registers emotionally. In contrast, the prime minister is given a huge amount of screentime, despite having basically no function in the story whatsoever - you could cut her from the script entirely and it would only require minimal rewriting to remain coherent. I'm not sure if she was given so much focus because the creators thought she would be automatically sympathetic as a powerless underdog type character, or because it gave them an excuse to indulge in many scenes of dull political pontificating. Either way, I feel she was a misallocation of resources which would have been much more effectively used by having the audience spend time with the refugees and develop some interest in them. This fundamental unwillingness to give the viewer reasons to get invested is what holds SAC as a whole back from residing in the top tier of TV anime for me.
Nov 28, 2024 7:50 AM

May 2015
The Tachikoma's really came a long way. Their final act whilst disobedient was ultimately the right choice and saved countless lives. It's sad how the relationship between Kuze and Motoko ended, but i'm glad they were able to cross paths and share another moment with each other. Gouda totally got what he deserved in the end with his smooth manipulation finally becoming useless.

This was a good follow up to season 1. I liked that we got a little bit of an expansion on some of the less seen section 9 members and we got to see a different side from the cool and collected badass that is Motoko Kusanagi. Glad to have watched it!
Jan 11, 6:21 AM

Mar 2023
What a great way to end it. Loved both seasons of this.
Jan 25, 9:01 PM
Dec 2019
Man, I straight up hated this second season. The first season really only has a handful of "plot" episodes about the Laughing Man which allowed them to drop in clues, ask questions, and do character building without having an overloaded or undercooked story. Maybe it felt a bit thin at times if the episode wasn't hitting hard (like the diplomat with his sex android) but it built an enduring season of television. This was just a bloated mess of endless "plot" that is 95% red herring nonsense and a sloppy slapping together of parts. Some of the individual episodes were interesting and the emphasis on action is satisfying in the moment but in the end this went from an intelligent series for adults into a pseudo-intellectual pile of conspiracy theory bullshit that gets wrapped up in the most shounen-ass way possible with everyone being convinced by the power of friendship. Goda is the most nothing, moustache twirling dickhead nobody who comes from nowhere, has no meaningful goals (lets nuke refugees because there's no other way to get them out of Japan, I guess?), and then just dies. For how much effort the show expends trying to make itself look complex and deliberate everything turns into garbage at the moment its supposed to pay off. It really bugs the hell out of me that this whole season about trouble with refugees does so little work to explain anything of substance about why they are there, why they can't deal with them properly, and why they're going to get nuked. It makes some half-assed hand gestures towards why any of this is happening (or why its even actually important other than Japan being scared of refugee/foreigners in reality) but there is never any actual explanation of what could happen if the refugees had rights or anything. Why would it be bad for the government to do something other than lock them all in a prison camp? Once you start asking questions like that this whole season of trash becomes a total farce.
Feb 6, 1:29 PM

Aug 2017
Incoherent. At least they finally stopped Gouda after his plan to dip 3 million toons for having more sex than him and moving to America where genocide might be more popular.

So pretty cult man is now dead but his ghost with Tachikoma's memory lives on in cyberspace? They're kinda flipflopping on the ghost transfer/copy thing. Matrix Revolutions and Westworld (2016) did it better. 5/10 - Lacking.
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