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Vinland Saga
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Jun 19, 2023 4:36 PM
Mind Evaporator

Feb 2017
Damn dude this season was brilliant imo. Beautiful production, emotion and story that all blended well together. Loved it. 

This ep was great!! I kept switching between laughing and almost crying bruh. A few moments definitely brought tears to my eyes. Thorfinn's reunion with his mum was so sweet. And just reflecting on everything that's happened throughout his traumatic journey, damn. 

The sister giving him that plus ultra into space was so good XD

Now it's time to go create Vinland and my goat Leif is gonna help!! Also Thorfinn looking fresh with the haircut (he looks a bit like Canute lol), I had finally gotten used to his long hair and beard too XD

Gonna miss Vinland on Tuesdays </3
Jun 19, 2023 4:37 PM

Aug 2021
What an absolute masterpiece. This was one of the strongest follow-up seasons to anything I have ever seen. It doesn't get much better than this.
Jun 19, 2023 4:38 PM
Jun 2016
No reason for Thorfinn to change like this, they ruined him, now isnt more "human", they wrong way for make him more human
Jun 19, 2023 4:39 PM
Nov 2016
It was a nice episode, I will keep it short since I don't feel like typing a wall of text over this.

The season overall was okay-ish, it has great things and crappy things too but I believe the great things overweight the bad, so I will end the season with a:

Jun 19, 2023 4:40 PM
Aug 2016
xZabuzax said:
It was a nice episode, I will keep it short since I don't feel like typing a wall of text over this.

The season overall was okay-ish, it has great things and crappy things too but I believe the great things overweight the bad, so I will end the season with a:

For how much critical you have been recently, that's actually a pretty good rating ngl. 
Jun 19, 2023 4:40 PM

May 2016
What a ride that was 🥹
Jun 19, 2023 4:45 PM
Nov 2016
Koustubh said:
xZabuzax said:
It was a nice episode, I will keep it short since I don't feel like typing a wall of text over this.

The season overall was okay-ish, it has great things and crappy things too but I believe the great things overweight the bad, so I will end the season with a:

For how much critical you have been recently, that's actually a pretty good rating ngl. 

I do shit a lot on the things I'm watching if I get pissed off for whatever reason but I do give a fair rating if I somewhat enjoy it too, I did enjoy this season somewhat, it's not horrible or anything, it's decent but it's not my cup of tea but yeah, I believe I was fair with it.
Jun 19, 2023 4:52 PM

Dec 2010
was so happy his mother could recognize Thorfinn no matter how long it has been since she last saw him.
i had goosebumps with him having to retell his story to everyone like Ijin from mercenary enrollment di in the latest chp.
Its gonna be a long while for another season, but im excited
Jun 19, 2023 4:55 PM

Feb 2023
Goodbye, Vinland Saga anime. You'll be missed ;-;

This is a well-deserved step up from the previous season. Characters drastically changing isn't necessarily considered character development, but Thorfinn becoming a farmer after the chaos truly felt inspirational. His dynamics also just get even better.
Jun 19, 2023 4:57 PM

May 2021
10/10 show.
Jun 19, 2023 5:01 PM

Aug 2022
Loved this episode! I know S3 is almost confirmed but I want them to confirm that it's coming in 2024 not 2025 :)

Thanks Mappa for having balls to make this season!

My score for this emotional story & amazing characters:

S2 > S1 Cry kids! lol
Jun 19, 2023 5:11 PM
Jun 2019
Beautiful episode; the reunion with his mother and sister, along with the interspersed humor, make this anime truly amazing. I'm super excited to watch S3 and his journey to Vinland.
Jun 19, 2023 5:13 PM
Oct 2019
Finally a happy moment after all the pain and suffer.

Emotional reunion between Thorfinn and his family.

What a perfect way to end this season.

Without a doubt Season 2 was 10/10.
For those people who dislike Farmland Saga, it's okay i'm not even mad with you, because i have no enemies.
Jun 19, 2023 5:14 PM
Apr 2023
Helga is such a saint, wish we knew more about her and Thors' early life together. It must have been hard for Helga's VA to return to the character after years of absence. The next story arc coming in season 3 will probably be Vinland Saga's best -
That's actually a thing in the manga....
Jun 19, 2023 5:14 PM
Aug 2016
xZabuzax said:
Koustubh said:
For how much critical you have been recently, that's actually a pretty good rating ngl. 

I do shit a lot on the things I'm watching if I get pissed off for whatever reason but I do give a fair rating if I somewhat enjoy it too, I did enjoy this season somewhat, it's not horrible or anything, it's decent but it's not my cup of tea but yeah, I believe I was fair with it.
Yeah, that's fair. S2 is not definitely everyone's cup of tea. It's clearly visible from the blind haters who get a rage boner just because Thorfinn tries to improve himself.

At the very least, I can say you are definitely not like that. You have stated your reasons, and I understand them to some extent. 
Jun 19, 2023 5:16 PM
Aug 2017
Regarding the last episode, i was a TINY bit underwhelmed due to how perfectly the episode prior wrapped it up. But the episode was still heartwarming and i was so happy that Thorfinn got the reunion he deserved.

For this season as a whole, i am absolutely floored by how well written it is. Thorfinns character wasn't my favourite in the first season, but by the end of this one, i was tearing up at almost any interaction. Every word he spoke was so full and unlike from his former self. It was just beautiful to see. Each character had an arc with a payoff that worked so incredibly well. Hats off to Mappa, they absolutely cooked with this. I haven't read the manga, so i have no idea what comes next, but i'm beyond excited to see the rest of Thorfinns journey.
Jun 19, 2023 5:17 PM

Jul 2015
Peak anime, one of the greatest adaptations of all time.

Who wants action and violence there's a lot of other anime about that out there.
Jun 19, 2023 5:24 PM

Jan 2018
As someone who didn’t like season 1 at all, I can’t believe how incredible season 2 was. In my opinion, it’s the best season of anime I’ve seen in years. It’s an absolute masterpiece of the medium. Now, I finally understand the hype around this series. I’m excited to see where all of this goes in season 3. What a journey!
Jun 19, 2023 5:36 PM
Nirai Kanai

Dec 2012
Easily a show (both seasons) that I will re-watch through the years. If we get a season 3, awesome but if it ends here, I'll honestly feel fulfilled. Such an emotional episode, both funny and made me tear up. It's crazy how long it's been and I'm so very happy that he got to see his people again. An amazing ending to an amazing season of an amazing anime.

The World Suffused with Sound.
Jun 19, 2023 5:46 PM

Jul 2021
This was a very emotional experience. I was curious about how Thorfinn would be received, either with love or violence. It turns out that Helga shows him love, while Ylva shows him violence. After all this time, he's finally home, but he still has work to do.

When the new season started airing, I watched the entire first season quickly because I had heard great things about the series. However, I didn't personally connect with it as much as I expected. I didn't feel any rush to continue watching, and it was only towards the end of winter that I caught up.

Now that the second season is finished, I can confidently say that my enjoyment of the series now matches how good I think it is. Watching Thorfinn's transformation from a vengeful kid to the person he is now has been incredibly satisfying. In the first season, I never imagined that thinking about Thorfinn would bring me such a deep sense of contentment and pride. Vinland Saga, you have proven to be a truly wonderful masterpiece that I thoroughly enjoy.
Jun 19, 2023 5:50 PM

Jul 2013
What a wonderful way to end such an incredible season.

After 16 long years and Leif's relentless will to find Thorfinn, he had finally managed to return home. Given his extremely long absence, it was not surprising that he had a hard time recognizing anyone from his village. And while I had a suspicion that his sister would react in a similar way, the brutality and very unexpected strength on her part in return was nothing I could have ever seen coming. It seems like Thors passed quite a lot of his physical genes on her lol.
Jokes aside, she had probably long ago given up believing that her little brother was still alive and Thorfinn's sudden appearance must have seemed like an illusion as a result. No wonder Thorfinn was unsure how his mother might react to him aterwards. However, his concern was unnecessary, as could be seen in the subsequent reunion between the two, which honestly brought tears to my eyes. I can only reiterate that all of this was only possible because Leif is such a wonderful person. What he did for Thorfinn and his family could not be paid for by any wealth on earth.

Another reunion subsequently took place between Thorfinn and Ari, who had apparently married Thorfinn's sister Ylva, who knocked Thorfinn out with a single punch. We're all well aware of how much Thorfinn can take, but she seems to have grown into quite a monster and words should be chosen with care :D

Helga can probably hardly imagine what an enormous meaning her words might have for Einar. Losing your entire family in front of your eyes was a horrific experience for him. This makes me all the happier for him that he was able to find a new family.

It must have been a strange yet liberating feeling for Thorfinn to be able to talk about all the things that have happened over the past 16 years. Not to mention how unbelievable this story must have sounded to everyone in attendance.
However, one thing is certain. Thorfinn wants to reach Vinland to be able to create a peaceful land there, which is an enormous task. As Leif points out to him, many factors, especially money, play a role in actually contemplating such an action and making it a reality. But if there's one thing I know for sure, though, it's that with Leif's help, anything is possible.

The scene at the grave of the slave Thor's tried to save at the beginning of the first season shows the long road Thorfinn has had to travel. To see his younger self asking a question he's had for a long time and then his father reassuring him that he now knows the answer couldn't have been portrayed any better.

The symbology at the very end was fantastic. Not only was every person Thorfinn ever cared for shown again, but also their younger selves and a special period or decision that occurred in their lives that Thorfinn is now facing as well.

Not that I didn't like Thorfinn's old design and this is just my subjective opinion, but I think the shorter hair and no beard suits him better.

I didn't think I would say this, but this season definitely tops the first one. As an anime only, it's always hard to predict what could happen. Especially since the opinions on this arc were and are very different. For my part, however, I enjoyed every single second, as it is rarely the case to be so deeply invested in a story as well as the characters.

MAPPA has done an extraordinary job, but the voice actors and those responsible for music deserve special mention, as they raised this season to a level that I couldn't have even dream of.

Thanks for this crazy ride. I will definitely miss the mondays with Vinland Saga. At the same time I hope that we'll get an announcement of Season 3 in the near future.

Jun 19, 2023 6:00 PM
Jun 2023
I am crying right now, this anime literally made my emotions boils, the way they showed how life can change a person and how time heals everything and the best character development in anime history, I am so excited to see the new thorfinn and his adventures and the fact that it is based on real people and real events is more amazing 👏
Jun 19, 2023 6:06 PM
Aug 2019
Peak fiction Peakland Saga
Jun 19, 2023 6:18 PM

Nov 2021
Simply one of the most beautiful shows I have ever seen. The message of this show will seriously stick with me for the rest of my life. Well done to the talented author and staff who worked on this
Jun 19, 2023 6:20 PM

Dec 2018
Bravo! Wrapped up nicely, well paced, some moving moments, some times I wasn't really sure why things were happening only to see the threads come together later. solid 9, maybe 10 i'd have to do a rewatch binge to decide.
Jun 19, 2023 6:23 PM
May 2021
All's well that ends well.
Too bad Thorfinn looks alot like Canute with his hair cut.
Jun 19, 2023 6:28 PM

Aug 2017
An absolute masterpiece.
Thorfinn's journey has came full circle. He finally came back home in iceland. Reunited with his mom and sister! 
When Helga recognized Thorfinn's eyes, it was clear that he was the son of Thors. Very touching and wholesome reunion.
Ylva is still hot headed as ever. Beating the crap outta her own brother. I was expecting to see her cut Thorfinn's hair but apparently Mappa decided to cut that part out from the manga. Maybe they wanted to save screen time and condense it????
I don't mind the change but it was kind of disappointing lol. But oh well. We get a nice little montage at the end seeing the younger versions of Helga, Thors, Leif, and Askeladd. Man, young Askeladd looked like a giga chad.

I'm definitely going to read the manga. This is definitely my anime of the year for sure. Peak Vinland saga from start to finish. I loved every minute of it.

Jun 19, 2023 6:42 PM
Mar 2020
A really beautiful ending, Thorfinn long journey of dealing with his past memories finally come to an end, and leads to another one, the one that Thorfinn, Einar, and the rest of the gang will achieve in the future. We need season 3 for sure, but if fate allows it to exist.
Jun 19, 2023 6:45 PM
Dec 2017
i cant believe its all over
Jun 19, 2023 6:46 PM

Dec 2015
I must say, this season was perfect, they got a incredible action anime and put more tasty of reality on this, showing that they are humans, they have heart, this season shows that Vinland Saga is a masterpiece.

Thorfinn development fighting against his depression must be example for a lot of action animes that are only that superficial thing.
Jun 19, 2023 6:50 PM

Apr 2022
thorfinn's reunion with his family and friends back in his homeland, a really nice way to end the season. the flashbacks which served as a summary really hit me hard.
my only gripe is the animation not being consistently good for every episode. however, it was solid for the key moments. the last stretch of episodes have all looked good though. the voice acting and music was definitely was stood out the most.
so a fairly enjoyable season, gonna miss vinland tuesdays. i'll cap this at 8.5/10. really looking forward to the next season, thorfinn and vinland will be back!
Jun 19, 2023 6:56 PM
Jan 2021
Gogetar-12 said:
best anime of winter 2023!

biased as hell…
Jun 19, 2023 7:15 PM
Apr 2022
you know the least appropriate form of comedy to use in your show that does nothing but endlessly preach how terrible violence is and should be absolutely avoided? fucking slapstick
Jun 19, 2023 7:16 PM
Jul 2021
Damolisher said:
Unq said:
this is not Vinland Saga this is not Thorfen that i saw in 1st season these are some new characters i don't know how they got in the anime . this is so bad i don't get how anyone enjoying this Bullshit

Now, when everyone else likes it and you don't get it because you obviously don't understand how character development works, that says it's a you problem.

what Character development. shows that you don't know anything about characterization. Thorfinn has been nerfed from the first episode of this season.
Jun 19, 2023 7:25 PM

Jan 2011
fuck me was this good  what a buildup  of emotions and some great character writing /development  vinland gets a easy 9/10 

you can truly see the different types of viewers and what they come to expect from this show when they say it wasn't as good as the first season 

year is half way done but i'd be hard press to not put this in the top 5 for the year 
Jun 19, 2023 7:27 PM
Jul 2014
Jesun_Infinity said:
Damolisher said:

Now, when everyone else likes it and you don't get it because you obviously don't understand how character development works, that says it's a you problem.

what Character development. shows that you don't know anything about characterization. Thorfinn has been nerfed from the first episode of this season.
His character development from a rabid psycho to a pacifist who wants to build a nation where everyone can live in peace. Try paying fucking attention.
Jun 19, 2023 7:28 PM
Apr 2015
You gotta love his sister. Or else!
Jun 19, 2023 7:31 PM

Jun 2021
Thorfinn has finally gone back home after 16 years. Looking forward to his next journey toward Vinland.
Jun 19, 2023 7:49 PM

Feb 2016
The first episodes were boring, and all the Arnheid arc was a total waste of time, but this final episode was worth it, almost made me cry, that and Canute carrying the plot make this a great anime.

This is a story about redemption, and it is great, but sadly the 1st season spoiled us with a brutal and amazing action plot, and this one compared to that is just so...


StallionXDJun 23, 2023 9:20 PM
Sorry if my english is bad (っ˘▽˘)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

Jun 19, 2023 8:11 PM
Nov 2021
I absolutely hate this season, Vinland saga was my number 1 anime and now it’s leaving my top 10. We could have gotten to all of this story wise without making thorfinn a pacifist. I just didn’t like it
Jun 19, 2023 8:28 PM
Apr 2023
another episode to nearly bring me to tears. I can't express my appreciation for Yukimura's abilities in a way that's fitting. looking forward to what's to come
Jun 19, 2023 8:59 PM
Jan 2022
Wow. It's been such a journey. I'm literally speechless after that episode. Idk what else to say. Wow.
Jun 19, 2023 9:10 PM
Dec 2021
ri9atony said:
another episode to nearly bring me to tears. I can't express my appreciation for Yukimura's abilities in a way that's fitting. looking forward to what's to come
even yabuta did so good work, a great impact came from the production and that itself was fabulous
Jun 19, 2023 9:55 PM

Dec 2017
peakland saga frfr
Jun 19, 2023 10:07 PM

Nov 2018
oh man this season is just juicy
Jun 19, 2023 10:10 PM

Nov 2018
Softhenic03 said:
Sure boys want to make a whole new country in Vinland, and sure they have great chances of succeeding too with such convictions.. but hey this all is easier said than done without proper support and finances.

Though we'll worry about that later, as there's that much awaited Thorfinn's homecoming to look forward to this time around. Needless to say the crew arrived well and fine in Iceland, but what transpired from there on wasn't well and nice to Thorfinn lol, I mean people were straight up outright in accepting they don't know about who or what even Thorfinn is lol. Blame the exile of these many years.

You could expect your sister to help you out then but hey Thorfinn's sister, Ylva, flatly thrown the mere idea of her brother being still alive straight out of the fucking window lmao. That was genuinely fun but okay not too long after he met his mother, Helga, and we completed the best family reunion ever.

Thorfinn's mother still recognizing him after all these years was such a beautifully depicted message. After all this man too FINALLY has people around him and a place he belongs to. Soooo happy for him after everything he went through all these years. He has confessed to his family and he's ready to move on.

It feels surreal to see what once started as two men simply grinding in fields ending up the way it has here. The perfect closure. Greatful to anime original scenes in the end adding that extra layer of depth.

Anime of the year.. and no one is even close.
real and true (20 character limit)
Jun 19, 2023 10:15 PM
Apr 2023
an_ayush said:
ri9atony said:
another episode to nearly bring me to tears. I can't express my appreciation for Yukimura's abilities in a way that's fitting. looking forward to what's to come
even yabuta did so good work, a great impact came from the production and that itself was fabulous
most definitely, the staff did such a great job making every episode special in its own way & amplifying the experience compared to the manga. the season as a whole just looks incredible
Jun 19, 2023 10:28 PM

Mar 2019
Great finale and great season. My only (small) gripe is that I would have liked a tease similar to the End of the Prologue from season one, but the montage showing past versions of Thors, Helga, Baby Ylva, Leif, and Askeladd, before showing the new version of Thorfinn while Normanni was playing was wonderful so overall I am happy.
poemofdevilJun 19, 2023 10:37 PM
Jun 19, 2023 10:50 PM

Jun 2019
As it stands for me now, as I said in another thread topic on the sub-forum the other day:

Vinland Saga season 1 - 8/10
Vinland Saga season 2 - 7/10

Evaluating the series as one collective whole is something which seems impossible or at least unwise to do at this stage if one cannot even be sure if we are 10% of the way through, 35%, 50%, 90%, or something else. The manga has been running for the past 18 years, since 2005, and I simply have no idea how many seasons of the anime TV series there will be in the future. But if I was rating both seasons separately, that would be it. The series overall would still lean more toward an 8/10-tier and it remains in the lower part of my Top 50, but regardless I still prefer the first season by a moderate, non-insignificant amount.
Jun 19, 2023 10:50 PM

Apr 2023
RIP Thorfinn’s long hair, you will be missed :(

In all seriousness tho this was possibly the greatest episode in the season, best anime of 2023 in my opinion (so far)
If I had to choose between One Piece and a girlfriend...I think I'll go with One Piece
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