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Vinland Saga
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May 29, 2023 2:53 PM

Nov 2016
Ketil should've beaten his wife to death.

Olmar grew up to be a man at last. Must be nonetheless shitty to live on like that. He gotta give his life purpose to move on.

Thorgil should try Thorkell if he want to go out gloriously lol

What a fucking family.

Part of me wished Thorfinn would've bet at least on knocking out Drott instead of sticking to the pacifist path, but for a real man it's all or nothing.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

May 29, 2023 3:02 PM

Apr 2023
I loved the episode, but honestly? The only ones I'm feeling empathethic for at this point are Kettil's father (dude, I totally get why you got out of this house and got your own place, honestly, what a family) and Einarr. I mean, the look of complete beffudlement Einarr gives Thorfinn when he decides to get hit 100 times by a big burly dude so he can take part in a bet... That look! That I understand.
May 29, 2023 3:10 PM
Oct 2022
"the man who can withstand a 100 punches is far more stronger than the man who just throws a 100 punches"- this is some Bruce Lee ft. plato philosophy type beat and I'm all here for it.

next episodes's going to adapt one of my favourite chapters of literally anything and i can't wait
May 29, 2023 3:42 PM
Mar 2023
I’m on a stance with this season. It’s nothing like the first. And while I find it good… it’s almost like a different anime. Each episode ends in a way where you want more, but the next episode comes and drags and barely addresses whatever they hyped you up for in the previous episode.

I expected a decent interaction between Thorfinn and Canute, yet half of the episode was spent on making a decision to surrender. Did we really need 15 minutes of that?

So here I am expecting next week to be a fight between ThorFinn and canutes guy. But I’m sure most of the episode will be completely unrelated to this.
May 29, 2023 3:55 PM

Aug 2017
Olmar is finally becoming a man. Taking responsibility as the next successor of Ketil's farm. The decision to surrender to King Canute's army.
Way to go little bro. I love how Olmar stood up to Thorgil and called the shots. Olmar gave up his honor and pride as a warrior and followed his heart. Not wanting any more people to get hurt anymore after witnessing a father lose his hands.

Thorfinn was on his way to meet with King Canute to negotiate. But was blocked by Drott. Thorfinn made a bet on himself to survive 100 punches from Drott. In return, he would meet with Canute. These punches will hurt but this was nothing compared to the 100 men that Thorfinn had killed and burdened. Thorfinn carried the lives of over a 100 men on his back. This was Thorfinn's way of abstaining from violence and going for the pacifist route.Thorfinn will shock the world.

May 29, 2023 4:00 PM

Mar 2021
I like the part with Olmar explaining what he really feels. In fact, he made the smarter decision, to not die. Props to his VA for the delivery.

Some redditor pointed out this parallel... Ketil was so terrified of being perceived weak by Thorgil that he kept changing his decisions to fit Thorgil's opinions. This time, the new head of the house, ironically, has the courage to stand up to Thorgil. And Thorgil took it just fine, all things considered. Without any fighting with his bro over the position, or the decision. He hated it, but took it honorably.

Olmar gained the respect of both Snake and Sverkel. At the cost of the farm, Olmar became a man.

I wonder how the Canute-Thorfinn conversation will go, considering Canute doesn't want to see him. Makes sense since he doesn't know that Thorfinn changed and that he's not here to murderize him lol. Or Canute just knows Thorfinn will get to him anyway? ("There's no need to let him come")

Olmar said: "I didn't have the courage to silently accept their mockery". And then Thorfinn did exactly that.

Thorfinn's bet is a bold one. Taking 100 hits is no small feat... but he knows how to take them.

I don't read the manga, but I know what panel is coming up in the next episode... I AM SO FUCKING HYPED
JedanKomadMay 29, 2023 4:36 PM

May 29, 2023 4:12 PM

Mar 2020
"In exchange for your farm, your son has become a man."

The Olmar redemption arc was a big theme this episode, and finally, he makes the right decision in surrendering to avoid any further bloodshed. Courage doesn't always have to be fighting even if it costs your life, courage can also be having the wisdom to throw away your ego, and to know when to quit. Glad that Olmar did the right thing, and I'm sure Snake agrees with the decision to some extent, even if Thorgil doesn't. 

Meanwhile, Thorfinn looked to go and talk to Canute, but the guards wouldn't let him, and mocked him a lot. The Thorfinn of old would have certainly lost his cool there, but the new Thorfinn kept a cool head, and accepted the bet of taking 100 punches from Drott the Bear Killer. It will certainly be a tough task, but if anyone can do it, it would be Thorfinn. 
May 29, 2023 4:43 PM

Aug 2020
They choose to not really follow the manga and be less gore but on the other side, Mappa is doing a fabulous job, the emotions are so deep,you can feel that the characters are suffering…
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May 29, 2023 5:09 PM
Jun 2021
Raizel said:
I'm definitely not a fan of him taking 100 blows... why not betting on beating the shit out of the other guy...

I know dude that’s exactly what I wanted to bring back the old thorfinn but looks like he’s changed smh but I guess people are happy still great visuals and emotions
May 29, 2023 5:14 PM
Oct 2019
Wow Olmar character development.

meanwhile i think Thorgil must planning something.

not hyped looking up for Thorfinn getting punched 100 times next episode.
May 29, 2023 5:35 PM

Apr 2022
i liked olmar being honest about how he feels like that but i felt that scene dragged on too long.
disappointed that canute didn't immediately go see thorfinn but his reaction to thorfinn's name is what i had hoped
pacifist thorfinn is good at dodging but he still pisses me off when he gets hit, but now he as to withstand 100 hits huh.
May 29, 2023 5:54 PM
Apr 2021
Next episode will adapt one of my favourite panels “I have no enemies”🔥🔥🔥🔥
May 29, 2023 6:03 PM
Feb 2018
Can't wait to see Thorfinn get punched
May 29, 2023 6:06 PM
Apr 2022
on today's episode of "war is bad"
I just can't understand the hype behind the same message being drilled over and over at such a slow pace
May 29, 2023 6:15 PM

Jan 2009

What a episode, maybe a lil high in emotion but this has to be the best episode so far.
May 29, 2023 6:51 PM

Aug 2019
Person I'm watching this with wants to see Thorfinn absolutely clown on all those guys and show them what a superior fighter he is, but bruh, this series and his character have moved past that point. 😭
May 29, 2023 7:01 PM
Apr 2023
Aaaaaaaaand we're back, to engaging content. With 3 episodes to go we just might, we juuuuust might get to see Thorfinn's journey home with the last episode being a beautifully bitter sweet reunion with the remaining family in Iceland. Sadly Gudrid will likely be locked behind season 3's door....
May 29, 2023 7:34 PM

Jul 2013
With so many dead and wounded, it is fair to say that whatever the decision on Ketil's side, the war is over. It was important that Canute forbade Floki and his men from entering the farm, as this would have resulted in another bloodbath and pillaging, which is by no means his original intention. Nonetheless, Canute continues to wander down a path paved by the dead from which there is no turning back, which is once again excellently portrayed.

As sad as Arnheid's death may be, I'm glad that in her final moments she still found the strength to thank Thorfinn and Einar and say goodbye to them.

While it was foreseeable beforehand, Olmar now seems to have fully realized just how brutal and merciless war really is. Especially compared to his previous behavior, where he had to constantly announce how much he wanted to go to war.
As fate would have it, the decision of whether to fight or surrender fell into his hands as Ketil remained unconscious. Olmar may have been loudmouthed and made a fool of himself in an incredible number of situations despite this fact, but this time he acted like a real man. To become aware of your mistakes from the past and true feelings and to admit them takes enormous "courage", as the title of this episode already suggested. In doing so, he may have acted against his brother's hoped-for decision, but he still saves the lives of all the survivors on this farm.

Thorfinn, who has finally arrived at Canute's camp, showed the same courage. Instead of violence, he attempts to gain an audience with Canute in a peaceful manner. It was clear from the outset that this would prove to be difficult. Still, I was surprised by Canute's decision, especially considering his reaction to Thorfinn's name and the fact that they haven't seen each other in such a long time.
To Einar it might seem crazy that Thorfinn would risk his life on behalf of Ketil and there's no question that I have a certain hatred for Ketil. Despite everything, both of them owe him a lot. Thorfinn was treated kindly and was able to experience a life away from war without anyone despising him for his past deeds. This is Thorfinn's way of repaying that kindness. He's endured far greater hardships in the past and I'm sure he'll take the 100 hits easily and finally see Canute.

With such a cliffhanger, the coming week can't go by fast enough.

May 29, 2023 7:35 PM

Nov 2021
I feel like Thorfinn winning this fight without throwing a single punch will leave a mark on all these men, just like how his father did when he fought Askeladd and all his men without maiming a single one of them.
May 29, 2023 7:40 PM
May 2017
Olmar pulled through with the much needed development. He acknowledged that it was his hubris that got everyone in this predicament and set aside his ego to make things right. Even if it meant standing up to his scary big brother, I know snake was cheering him on in his head lol.

And just like him, Thorfinn also showed his conviction as well. As a thank you for everyone's goodwill towards him, he will take 100 punches from a jomsviking. He says there's a way to "take punches" and I believe him if it means he's going to survive this. People have died in bar fights from one wrong punch, imagine 100 from a top class soldier?! Sheesh, you a good man Thorfinn, son of Thors. Canute doesn't have the gutsy to face you, and for good reason.

5/5 ep
May 29, 2023 7:42 PM
Jul 2012
God tier episode again. If only it lasted for what feels like more than 5 minutes
May 29, 2023 7:47 PM
Jul 2012
If said:

You sound like a petulant child
May 29, 2023 7:54 PM

Jun 2022
wtf was that garbage, hurr durr I'm going to get hit 100 times and then everyone will bow down to me. last time they hyped it up as thorfinn beating up all 100 and this is all he dies. he should've actually done something, even I could beat up 100 babies and he just eats it like a b*tch, everyone hyped it up for no reason. There are actually people that say this character is better than Eren and Guts LOL.
May 29, 2023 7:53 PM
Aug 2020
excited for that panel next week 
May 29, 2023 9:10 PM

Jan 2021
Honestly starting to agree with those who complain about the pacing. Panning still images and flashback of an event literally happened in last episode are so overdone it's distasteful.
May 29, 2023 9:14 PM
Aug 2022
Ofcourse they had to give us another ep with shitty pacing by adapting things nobody gives a fuck about and leave the best part as cliffhanger
And not to mention thorfinn bitching about being a pacifist every 2 sec is ridiculous at this point
May 29, 2023 9:24 PM

Sep 2018
Holy shit, hurry up the fuck up with the development, such a pathetic tease. Horrible inconsistent pacing.
May 29, 2023 9:49 PM

Feb 2016
Great episode, but I was expecting Canute to react like "THORFINN??? HOLY SHIT! STOP THOSE IDIOTS IMMEDIATELY!" being scared af, but instead we have to see Thorfinn yet again fight without actually fighting, like if the writter was trying to prove something we already fkng know, that sucks.
Sorry if my english is bad (っ˘▽˘)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

May 29, 2023 9:50 PM
Nov 2019
Really did not want this episode to end, I need to see Thorfinn and Canute meet up.
May 29, 2023 9:54 PM
Sep 2022
I just don't know how, vinland saga keep getting better and better  I am stoping myself to not read manga otherwise i would have done it already
May 30, 2023 12:06 AM
Oct 2021
daaaaamn Hayashi Yuu killed it this ep with the voice acting
May 30, 2023 12:14 AM
Oct 2019
Some people clearly misunderstood, Thorfinn didn't say he will beat or kill a hundred elite warriors, he said he will survive whatever happens, using non-violent means.
May 30, 2023 12:29 AM

Feb 2014
I can definitely agree that this episode lifted up to its title, courage.

The first character with that courage in mind would be Olmar. He's now seen the full consequences of what war leads to and as expected, he was truly horrified at the sight of bloodshed and dying or dead men around him. He was brave to show that courage with his will to surrender when Thorgil tried in vain to convince him to continue the war in the name of honour. He's made mistakes that has led to this war happening, but I do have respect for Olmar for his decision here.

Then there's Thorfinn, who has made the brave move to visit King Canute's camp all on his own, requesting to speak to him in person. Unsurprisingly, the other soldiers of the camp simply laugh it off and, soon enough, it has turned into a one-on-one fight against a beefy soldier, with bets being placed all around to see who'll win and how many hits Thorfinn can take. His evasion skills are as excellent as ever, but you can see how committed he is in trying not to fight back with his own fists. Even after Einar arrived and tried to talk Thorfinn out of it, it only strengthened Thorfinn's resolve to meet with the King, even going as far as to bet on himself in taking an absurd amount of hits.

The next episode's preview does give a little more away, but it's obvious that a meeting between the two was inevitable. I do look forward to seeing how Thorfinn will endure getting punched left, right and centre, though, after reassuring Einar that he knows how to handle being punched in a long fight like this.
May 30, 2023 12:36 AM

Mar 2019
Floki's face when Wulf said that Thorfinn, son of Thors, wanted to speak with Canute... Lol, so good.
May 30, 2023 12:45 AM
Mind Evaporator

Feb 2017
I don’t like the bet. Why agree to take 100 hits? Seems so dumb

Why not say something like “how about if I knock him out, you let me speak to Canute” which would be much COOLER and less damaging

So next ep we’ll see Thorfinn just get beat up for a while.. And we know he’ll obv withstand it but he’s gonna be messed up. I guess he doesn’t wanna hurt anyone but still
May 30, 2023 12:55 AM
Jan 2016
AOD-san said:
I don’t like the bet. Why agree to take 100 hits? Seems so dumb

Why not say something like “how about if I knock him out, you let me speak to Canute” which would be much COOLER and less damaging

So next ep we’ll see Thorfinn just get beat up for a while.. And we know he’ll obv withstand it but he’s gonna be messed up. I guess he doesn’t wanna hurt anyone but still
I'm pretty sure if you beat up someone's underlings it'd give off the message you're here to beat up their boss too. I don't think they'd take kindly to that. If he had gotten pushy, all of them would've turned hostile immediately I bet.
May 30, 2023 1:05 AM

Dec 2018
100 punches? i don't care who you are even mike tyson would go down.
May 30, 2023 1:19 AM
Jan 2023
AOD-san said:
Why not say something like “how about if I knock him out, you let me speak to Canute” which would be much COOLER and less damaging
in short your plan is dumber than thorfinn's because you're getting yourself beat up by 100+ men AND possibly let the other farmers get killed with that decision. 
May 30, 2023 1:22 AM

Mar 2016
breaker_not said:
YuriSpacePirate said:
Damn, that huge guy killed a bear after it scratched out his eye. Good luck Thorfin, you're going to need it.
Thorfinn probably wouldn't be impressed, since in the next season of the manga he

If we're going to discuss that,
May 30, 2023 1:24 AM

Mar 2016
FMmatron said:
Ketil should've beaten his wife to death.

Based on first-hand accounts of slaves from the South, her behavior was not at all unusual for wives of slave owners.
May 30, 2023 1:33 AM

Sep 2020
AOD-san said:
I don’t like the bet. Why agree to take 100 hits? Seems so dumb

Why not say something like “how about if I knock him out, you let me speak to Canute” which would be much COOLER and less damaging

So next ep we’ll see Thorfinn just get beat up for a while.. And we know he’ll obv withstand it but he’s gonna be messed up. I guess he doesn’t wanna hurt anyone but still
Thorfinn doesn't want to fight because he have no enemy.
May 30, 2023 1:59 AM

Mar 2019
AOD-san said:
I don’t like the bet. Why agree to take 100 hits? Seems so dumb

Why not say something like “how about if I knock him out, you let me speak to Canute” which would be much COOLER and less damaging

So next ep we’ll see Thorfinn just get beat up for a while.. And we know he’ll obv withstand it but he’s gonna be messed up. I guess he doesn’t wanna hurt anyone but still

Because the "how many punches will it take" stipulation was what the soldiers had already set up. No one was going to believe a slave the size of Thorfinn could defeat Drott, but a slave could take a lot of abuse. Not to mention Thorfinn still doesn't want to use violence if he can avoid it.
May 30, 2023 2:13 AM

Nov 2016
YuriSpacePirate said:
FMmatron said:
Ketil should've beaten his wife to death.

Based on first-hand accounts of slaves from the South, her behavior was not at all unusual for wives of slave owners.

Of course they would be privileged and entitled bitches

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

May 30, 2023 2:28 AM
Nov 2016
The episode is great and all but I'm getting a bit annoyed with Thorfinn's pacifism, he won't hit even a mosquito. I'm ok with Thorfinn not wanting to kill and all but at least defend yourself and fight back to knock the other guy out, Thorfinn being a punching bag is just kind of boring and a turn-off.

Other than that, the episode was pretty good.
May 30, 2023 2:54 AM

Nov 2021
No way it ended so soon, the episode felt like 5 minutes. That's when you know it is good.

Love Olmar's character development, war is awful, he did the right thing to decide to surrender to protect the people and himself.

I guess we're getting close to THAT moment already huh?

May 30, 2023 2:56 AM

May 2015
Olmar is a very sensitive man.
May 30, 2023 2:58 AM
Aug 2015
This was a really boring episode. The season keeps getting better and better so i was dissapointed to see that this episode wasnt as good as the others. 
May 30, 2023 3:11 AM
Nov 2016
ogking31 said:
AOD-san said:
Why not say something like “how about if I knock him out, you let me speak to Canute” which would be much COOLER and less damaging
in short your plan is dumber than thorfinn's because you're getting yourself beat up by 100+ men AND possibly let the other farmers get killed with that decision. 

Thorfinn's plan isn't any better, you know that, right? the only reason Thorfinn's plan will work is that the author wants it to work because he has "plot armor" and the author doesn't want Thorfinn to die yet, so no matter what dumb pacifist decision Thorfinn do, he simply won't die.

So in short, the author can create a story where Thorfinn's plan is knocking the fuck out of the other guy to see the king and it would have worked as well, and in my opinion, it would have been better. This pacifist shit route and being a punching bag is just boring, dumb, and stupid in that era.
May 30, 2023 3:55 AM

Apr 2018
Can only understand Olmar obviously... now Thorfinn has to take 100 hits to be able to meet Canute, it's going to be hardcore.
May 30, 2023 4:03 AM
Mar 2023
finally, we will see the glory and hear the legendary line next episode
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