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May 26, 2023 8:28 AM

Nov 2011
Damn, I don't think anyone really should be surprised but Mash passed everything threw at him with flying colors. Impressive stuff.

I don't want to underestimate Lance though, as the character still has tons of potential. Hell, he's probably someone to keep an eye on the most besides Mash at the moment. Abel Walker is also no joke for what he's capable of doing with his abilities.
May 26, 2023 8:28 AM

May 2020
Mash is great at roasting people, though I guess he doesn’t know it himself. I mean you see that big bad boy from Lang was taking his time, choosing his words properly while giving a kind of “I want to bring a change in the world” speech, but hey it didn’t even budge Mash, heck I’m not even sure he took those words at their face value lol. That’s just how he is.. and a master coin trickster at that. Not sure how that pink-haired chick followed through those light-speed movements though.

Things were a tad too peaceful, but then a few goons had to make their appearance.. in the midst of Mash doing some welfare work, though they were none other than a pair of arrogant kids from Lang’s very own villainous bunch. Needless to say, the so-called sixth and seventh of Magia Lupus got their ass handed to them. Neither did Lance nor Mash go easy on them, be it on land or underwater. They had it coming so nothing surprising.

Honestly this series had so many villains since the start that I’ve literally forgotten the real identity of this masked guy. But we’ll see, he’s magic-less too after all.
May 26, 2023 9:51 AM
Feb 2022
i just love this show may goddddd
May 26, 2023 9:53 AM
May 2021
Good ep, so we have some1 like Mash yh?
May 26, 2023 9:58 AM

Jun 2015
God that was a pretty harsh lesson for those that looked down upon Mash. Any society has the potential to create groups that see strength as the end of all things it seems. Well i would have left the bully considering what he did. But it would be curious to see whether Mash's hearts and minds campaign would work. Quite the tool used to show who has how many gold coins. Still thats quite the hate the owls had for Mash. The ambushers sure ended up meeting their match though. Still Magia looks to have plenty of surprises in store for them.
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May 26, 2023 10:00 AM

Feb 2021
Ohhh, the ending is really intriguing
May 26, 2023 10:19 AM

Dec 2020
Mash and lance are going to fight against the number 7 and 6 and eazy winning that’s nice but then one person who is faster than mash confronted them.
Lol i love how Dot and lance are discussing that’s so funny.
P O S I T I V E V I B E Sシ

May 26, 2023 10:26 AM

Jul 2011
If I had nickel every time I watched an anime this week, where a character say that they don't know what just happened and proceed to explain in detail. I would have 2 nickels, isn't much, but is strange that happened twice.

For Mash go directly to the conclusion that he need to attack, must be very strong indeed, that masked person.

That end means that Mash can maybe acquire magic by getting a transplant?
May 26, 2023 10:28 AM

Apr 2018
Mash's coin trick is incredible xD And yeah he's so OP you can make him fight a shark magician it doesn't change anything he's too strong for that... though that masked guy is interesting... of course Mash could touch him with that speed
May 26, 2023 10:29 AM
Sep 2015
There are many shark variations but I had never see shark wizard yet, now thanks to Mashle, I've seen everything.
May 26, 2023 10:32 AM

Apr 2012
i feel like that mask guy is a good guy
May 26, 2023 10:47 AM

Feb 2021
I just remembered that in HP there is also a spell to transform into a shark...
May 26, 2023 10:52 AM
Oct 2021
Does anyone know the name of the song that plays in the background of this episode at time 7:16-8:06 (when Mash works out in the nurse's office)? Can't find it so if some blessed soul would know it please write the name of the song thanks. (it would go well for my dodge challenger ride)
May 26, 2023 11:04 AM

Jan 2019
The most generic anime villain "the strong rule over the weak" speeches; but Mash misunderstanding it makes me think the show might self aware about it?

May 26, 2023 11:10 AM

Dec 2022
well its good mashle is very fun and what did he meant by same type as me
May 26, 2023 11:10 AM

Oct 2017
The guy at the end also physically strong?
May 26, 2023 11:11 AM

Dec 2022
well i enjoyed this way more than last episode
May 26, 2023 11:14 AM

Jun 2015
MmmmHmmm. I am definitely having to internalise a Squeepig rising this episode. Such unique story. Such wild themes. Such Mash.

To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
May 26, 2023 11:16 AM

Jun 2015
DodgeCZ said:
Does anyone know the name of the song that plays in the background of this episode at time 7:16-8:06 (when Mash works out in the nurse's office)? Can't find it so if some blessed soul would know it please write the name of the song thanks. (it would go well for my dodge challenger ride)

No one does, but Im sure you secretly know and are you teasing. Tell us oh song prophet!
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
May 26, 2023 11:28 AM

Mar 2013
Looks like Mash has a rival.
I can't wait!!!
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
May 26, 2023 11:37 AM

Nov 2016
Slowly getting to the juicy part

ForeverTraitor said:
The most generic anime villain "the strong rule over the weak" speeches; but Mash misunderstanding it makes me think the show might self aware about it?

It's a parody. Thing is it's bit of a one trick pony since often it's just Mash being nonchalant, goofy or him doing some crazy stuff in an otherwise generic situation. The latter is saving it because he does some awesome stuff.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

May 26, 2023 12:02 PM
Apr 2023
A second fang with anti-magic appeared.
May 26, 2023 12:12 PM

Mar 2020
This episode was outsourced to Studio Shaft, and it shows, as the visual quality was markedly better than previous episodes. Again, the gags are fine, but the characters are so generic, unlikable, and at times, unbearable. Still not invested at all in this anime, though the last scene did intrigue me, with the masked guy being the same as Mash in terms of his lack of magic when he was born, most likely.
May 26, 2023 12:28 PM
Apr 2023
Trop bien avec les pieds
May 26, 2023 12:40 PM
Apr 2023
Mcsuper said:
This episode was outsourced to Studio Shaft, and it shows, as the visual quality was markedly better than previous episodes. Again, the gags are fine, but the characters are so generic, unlikable, and at times, unbearable. Still not invested at all in this anime, though the last scene did intrigue me, with the masked guy being the same as Mash in terms of his lack of magic when he was born, most likely.

In this series, the line under the left eye was clearly visible.
May 26, 2023 12:41 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020

whiskey tango foxtrot

May 26, 2023 12:53 PM
Apr 2023
jas-samaaa said:
Good ep, so we have some1 like Mash yh?

not really he just cancels others magic with his eye the evil eye which is taboo he isn't magicless like Mash
May 26, 2023 12:59 PM
Feb 2021
this shit hard, pause
May 26, 2023 1:00 PM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
Gotta love how Mash reacts the same way in every situation and the relationship he has formed with his peers. Lance's sequence with the owl's and the too philosophical for no reason dude was also pretty funny. I'm now wondering about what the last one meant by Mash being similar to him. Does he have some innate ability that goes outside of magic?

Good episode
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May 26, 2023 1:13 PM

Jan 2008
For the Lance fight, it seems like they were trying to imitate moments in other shows when a character make a smart or hidden move away from the viewers eyes and then later has someone breaking down their actions. They did it with the enemy giving us some inner monologue on what Lance did, which was just dropping something to open up the owl feed to have them move away. Though because of how basic and simple the solution was, the entire point of explaining it to us in the manner they did just felt off. Like it seriously was not that impressive that they needed to. 

On the other and, we have stupid comical moments with Mash defying what's humanly possible, even in the show's world, like swapping the button and the coin with his breathe. These moments need explanation because they're so dumb you need an explanation but at least it's funny.
May 26, 2023 1:29 PM
Oct 2016
Mash getting his proper introduction to the Magia Lupus and their leader Abel Walker, whom wants to become the divine visionary himself. Mash causal nonchalant demeanor always gets me laughing, when other characters don't know what to do with Mash being so calm is the best. Mash somehow confusing what Abel said into meaning he wants peace too. When in fact Abel just wants to get rid of anyone he views an inferior to society. Stealing the other dorms gold coins so they can horde them all making it default who the divine visionary will be. Mash being his goofy self saving his son fold coin by chomping off the puppets button and spitting it at gold coin as it flew through the air, then air vacuum suction it to him. Mash performs the craziest things and somehow it works every time. Mash having to clean the owl caves as part of his deal with the principal. Those owls sure didn't like Mash for some reason. It wad funny seeing them pecking him constantly. Of course two Magia Lipid thugs show up, the lowest ranking ones first to fight the main cast naturally. Mash and Lance hold their own well. Lance not wanting to hurt the owls because his little sister loves them. Badass moment seeing him use his gravity magic once they were all cleared. Mash learning to swim without ever having before was fun. Both of them taking down their opponents before they wild mask person showed up.
May 26, 2023 1:31 PM
Dec 2019
Wow Mash learned how to swim so quickly and beat the shark easily.
May 26, 2023 2:36 PM

May 2019
So Mash is not only very strong but he's very fast too, it's like his stats for magic are 0 but maxed for strength and speed (and probably stamina) as shown both in swapping out the gold coin for a button and getting a glancing blow on the masked guy before he teleported. Speaking of the masked guy, it sounded like he isn't a magic user either? Curious about that guy. Regarding Lemon, lol at her imagination and wriggling while calling the 4 guys beasts....
May 26, 2023 2:37 PM

Dec 2013
First episode I have actually enjoyed of the show, the plot is moving and it was its own thing instead of that parody comedy that doesn't resonate with me.
May 26, 2023 2:39 PM

Feb 2014
When you think that Mash can't impress me more wit his skills, he does so again with how he was able to rescue his gold coin by using a button as a decoy and his own lungs to suck up the gold coin in a way that would make the likes of Kirby jealous! XD

The confrontation that Mash had at Magia Lupus is a reminder that they'll stop at nothing to get his gold coin and that proved to be so when he and Lance, while cleaning out the owl building, were attacked by two members of the cult itself. Mash wasn't able to swim, but he was able to learn extremely quickly so that he could take out the shark wizard, Andrew. Lance did well himself against his cocky opponent, as he used the owls to his advantage so that he could unleash his gravity magic without harming them, thus giving him an easy victory.

Immediately after that, a masked Magia Lupus member came in and took the defeated thugs away, but not before showing just how quick he was, although Mash did barely cracked the guy's mask after making his retreat, while also revealing that he's similar to Mash about not being able to use magic at first. It does end the episode on an intriguing note, where I hope we'll get to see this masked enemy again soon.
May 26, 2023 3:18 PM

Dec 2018
not my favorite episode but still good. the owls were great, i want one.
May 26, 2023 3:24 PM

Jul 2022
oh things r getting interesting, im actually looking forward to next episode
May 26, 2023 4:49 PM

Aug 2020
Mash is really charismatic, I kove to see his confidence.

The end of the episode was even better, I can’t wait to see what will happen next.
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May 26, 2023 4:57 PM
Sep 2021
this get interesting
May 26, 2023 4:59 PM
Apr 2018
Who is this new guy who claim to be similar type as Mash? 
Looking forward to the next episode 
May 26, 2023 5:09 PM
Oct 2019
ohhh somebody that can keep up with Mash speed?
May 26, 2023 5:19 PM
Jun 2013
ForeverTraitor said:
The most generic anime villain "the strong rule over the weak" speeches; but Mash misunderstanding it makes me think the show might self aware about it?

We might have a Sherlock Holmes here kkk
May 26, 2023 6:48 PM

Feb 2012
From what the Mask guy said about being the same type as Mash maybe he's physically strong too. 

What this anime desperately needs is a Fullmetal Alchemist Handshake moment between Mash and someone else.
May 26, 2023 7:29 PM
Mar 2015
He only gives a hoot about his sister
May 26, 2023 8:28 PM
May 2017
lmao @ mash swimming around going wub wub wub wub
May 26, 2023 8:30 PM

Apr 2022
as expected, they censored dot's middle finger. 
no actually, i was expecting it to be completely cut out so the fact that it's there is a surprise enough.

lemon with 4 guys lmao, on the same wavelength.
May 26, 2023 9:48 PM

Jul 2012
Dare I say it? The superior OPM.
May 26, 2023 11:16 PM

Mar 2023
i really liked this ep! it was funny and had some cool moments like the part where he made the shovel fall to get the owls out of harms way. once again im giving this ep a 10/10!
My Candys!

May 27, 2023 12:03 AM
John Titor

Jul 2017
Gay saying obvious truths making them sound philosophical: "I fight for the superiority of those who are stronger".

Lance: "That's why you can't win. Those who fight for themselves can't win. I fight for... my little sister".

Mi música chiptune (auténtica, no fakebit) / My chiptune music (real, no fakebit)
Battle of the Bits
May 27, 2023 12:46 AM

Apr 2021
Man, it was f’in hilarious when it was explained in detail how Mash was able to trick Abel to save his gold coin. That’s crazy lmao. Got disappointed of how inept and easily beaten the 6th and 7th member of Magia Lupus. They didn’t even put up a fight. Nonetheless, hoping the other 5 will put a lot of pressure to our Adler guys.

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