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May 20, 2019 4:59 PM
Mar 2018
Hobgoblin2099 said:
R3K_ said:
Uhm, what.
How exactly was he hated?

He gets hazed by everyone when he first meets the gang. Everyone except Abbacchio gets over really fast, though.

i mean besides abba who hated him and mista who was good with him the rest were pretty ok with giorno
fugo started respecting him after man in the mirror and naran after clash and talking head
May 20, 2019 5:21 PM
Apr 2016
HEEEEEEEEEEELL Bucciarati was all along a walking corpse...I like him, heck Boss... The talk in the car was brilliant, it was so awesome. Good episode.
May 20, 2019 8:45 PM

Mar 2012
Hobgoblin2099 said:
R3K_ said:
Uhm, what.
How exactly was he hated?

He gets hazed by everyone when he first meets the gang. Everyone except Abbacchio gets over really fast, though.

How is that hatred?
May 21, 2019 7:47 AM

Nov 2014
Thread cleaned

Removed baiting and insults
May 21, 2019 6:41 PM

Aug 2009
"Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good" 🤣🤣 This is me and my dog 🤣

Chocolate Shake filming & enjoying the horror expressions on people's faces is both comical and lunatic.

Damn, this fight is gonna be even more awesome! It's a big advantage that Bucciarati can't be "molded".

Trish seems to be developing a crush on Bucci there. ~ Or that she's yearning for some fatherly affection from him. But then if she only saw him as a fatherly figure then she wouldn't be so upset that he "forgot" to ask how she was, right?

The scene in the car: 😭 Just as I thought, it is Gold Experience that keeps Bucci going. It took Gornio 10 episodes to figure out that Bucci is dead :(

The split-screen close up of Bucciarati and Giorno: Giorno is ready to take over as the leader once Bucci is gone. And Bucciarati trusts him.
May 23, 2019 8:46 AM

May 2016
Doctor and Patient, Director and Cameraman, Master and Pet; Cioccolata and Secco are absolutely perfect for each other! Their Stands complement each other flawlessly with Oasis further making Green Day's mass-murdering ability even deadlier by dragging down everything around him with his bizarre power. Secco's really sharp as well for someone who looks and acts brainwashed and brain dead at the same time, pointing out how weird it was when Bruno dived down and Ari-Ari'd him without any moldy consequences.

Bruno took a gamble and jumped down from a very high place to ambush Secco and it shows that he's actually aware of his undead condition, confirming Giorno's worst fears. Gold Experience didn't heal him on time before he died after all but he healed his body just in time to make it barely habitable for his soul to reside in for who knows how long.

Giorno and Mista had shared another no homo GioSta moment and successfully restrained that bioweapon of a helicopter too! The visuals of the episode looked absolutely gorgeous, especially the shots of Giorno in the car~

May 23, 2019 9:55 PM

Jan 2011
DP is just hitting all the right notes. Torture dance went beyond my expectations so I'm really hope they deliver next ep with the
May 26, 2019 6:19 AM

May 2009
Comander-07 said:
Shoryuuken said:

It's not a right or wrong situation. It almost never is in cinemá, you either feel it or not.
What has that to do with your original reply? Are you one of those people who think different people cant come to the same conclusion and therefore have the same opinion?

Sorry, didn't feel like responding to baseless assumptions.
May 26, 2019 2:52 PM

Sep 2014
Shoryuuken said:
Comander-07 said:
What has that to do with your original reply? Are you one of those people who think different people cant come to the same conclusion and therefore have the same opinion?

Sorry, didn't feel like responding to baseless assumptions.
what is the message of your comment though?
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
May 26, 2019 3:49 PM

Jul 2009
Amazing episode! Honestly when I read the manga last year. I feel that Fugo would have easily killed Secco with the virus. Such a shame he was so underutlized in the series.

Heck, I would love to see Fugo vs Cioccolata. Let's see if he's mold can stand with the virus.

I already know how this is going to end. This is definitely one of the best fights alongside the train arc :)
May 27, 2019 6:29 AM

May 2009
Comander-07 said:
Shoryuuken said:

Sorry, didn't feel like responding to baseless assumptions.
what is the message of your comment though?

Whatever you decided to interpret by reading it. Carry on.
May 27, 2019 9:37 AM

Sep 2014
Shoryuuken said:
Comander-07 said:
what is the message of your comment though?

Whatever you decided to interpret by reading it. Carry on.
so you actually had nothing to say? But you wanted to say something.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
May 27, 2019 3:09 PM

May 2009
Comander-07 said:
Shoryuuken said:

Whatever you decided to interpret by reading it. Carry on.
so you actually had nothing to say? But you wanted to say something.

What are you trying to get at? I said media can't ever be objectively looked at because not every person can feel the directors vision. That's it, there is nothing more to it, what is your actual problem?
May 27, 2019 3:29 PM

Sep 2014
Shoryuuken said:
Comander-07 said:
so you actually had nothing to say? But you wanted to say something.

What are you trying to get at? I said media can't ever be objectively looked at because not every person can feel the directors vision. That's it, there is nothing more to it, what is your actual problem?
No you didnt. You said "Someone else in this forum made a post about the same thing, what a coincidence." So are you one of those people who think different persons cant get to the same opinion? You give me the feeling of a kneeler who screams "hurr durr bandwagon" whenever a different opinion gets popular.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
May 28, 2019 4:44 AM

May 2009
I honestly don't give two shits what a nobody thinks about my demeanor online, nor do I have anything to proof, nor do I have the motivation to discuss with someone so insecure to think that anyone always has an ill motive on this godforsaken website. I said it was a coincidence, yes, but that has nothing to do with YOU as a person. You're acting like a an ass that's sensitive of any form of feeback on their view of a Japanese series. Your "feeling" is kind of off though, I know that for a certain.
ShoryuukenMay 28, 2019 4:49 AM
May 28, 2019 3:02 PM

Sep 2014
Shoryuuken said:
I honestly don't give two shits what a nobody thinks about my demeanor online, nor do I have anything to proof, nor do I have the motivation to discuss with someone so insecure to think that anyone always has an ill motive on this godforsaken website. I said it was a coincidence, yes, but that has nothing to do with YOU as a person. You're acting like a an ass that's sensitive of any form of feeback on their view of a Japanese series. Your "feeling" is kind of off though, I know that for a certain.
No point then. Carry on.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
May 31, 2019 6:20 PM

Oct 2013
"Yoshi yoshi yoshi!" moment destroyed me. xD But on the other side it shows how Cioccolata and Secco really are like - bunch of two psychos killing and tormenting people for pure enjoyment. If even the Boss loathed them then surely he also felt that their methods are too radical and cruel, although wasting their abilities would've been a huge mistake.

It was a solid episode, with beautiful-drawn and emotional scene in the car, with Giorno and Bucciarati talking with each other. We also got a confirmation that Bucciarati had been dead since the moment after he faced King Crimson back in Venice. So should we assume he is like, dunno, a zombie? :P

SomaHeir said:
Heck, I would love to see Fugo vs Cioccolata. Let's see if he's mold can stand with the virus.

Not only you, mate. I'm wondering what Fugo was doing while Bruno's group was fighting for their lives in Rome, lol.
Jun 28, 2019 4:35 PM

Feb 2012
I wonder who would win between Cioccolata and Fugo

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Jul 13, 2019 4:30 PM

Sep 2017
Looks like Bruno’s days are numbered. Rest in pepperonis Bruno, it was nice knowing you.

Its amazing how many injuries Mista can survive.
Aug 7, 2019 5:55 AM

Mar 2015
Another good episode for sure
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Aug 7, 2019 4:52 PM

Mar 2012
Dam, I knew Bruno Bro-ccellati was a zombie ;_; He's not exactly, fully dead so maybe there's a chance to return him to normal/alive pls.
Aug 11, 2019 5:41 AM
Jun 2016
I was expecting that Araki would write something about how Mista would do if he didn't have his gun. But then apparently Sex Pistols could just pull it out from Secco's Oasis. Ok, then.

Loved the moments in this episode!

"But whoever this is enjoys cruelty. Actually, he lives for it.... He has no limits on how evil he can be!"
-Giorno Giovanna, Vento Aureo
Sep 2, 2019 7:43 AM

Jul 2015
Bruno is just a walking corpse, who probably doesn't have long to walk around

Feb 10, 2020 6:20 AM

Jul 2013
So Buccialatti is "alive" still because of Giorno's stand then what about Abbacchio? Probably only because he healed Buccialatti right after he died, whereas with Abbacchio, it has been a few minutes so he can't be revived then. I'm not sure but that shit is bizarre af. And Cioccolata is one evil mofo
Feb 24, 2020 2:33 AM

Apr 2018
So Bruno is already dead ? wow
Mar 9, 2020 2:15 PM
Discord Moderator
Divine Protector

Sep 2019
YOOOSHI yoshi yoshi yoshi
Mar 28, 2020 1:29 PM

Mar 2010
God damn Bruno is a damn walking zombie, can't believe what I'm seeing the bro has so much conviction he simply bitch slapped death and said not today, you can't get more chad than that. jeezus

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Apr 7, 2020 7:08 AM

May 2016
Buccariti's death was inevitable, still feel bad for him.
Apr 17, 2020 4:24 PM
Jul 2018
That is one twisted duo >_>

When it comes to the episode itself it was a good one, Bucciarati current situation was expected given the hits that we been reciving in the past episodes but still sad non the less. He is best boy and we dont know how long he will last :(
removed-userApr 17, 2020 5:00 PM
Jul 20, 2020 8:52 PM

Mar 2020
Floyd Mayweather English Tutor
Aug 19, 2020 2:07 PM
Aug 2020
Chubbydoggo17 said:
oh jesus i'm in love with mista x giorno ship

IKR that was hott :D
Aug 19, 2020 2:12 PM
Aug 2020
"Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi"
it stuck in my head now

Dec 11, 2020 6:32 AM

Aug 2018
I knew Bucciarati was dead, I kinda had a feeling.
That guy is seriously gonna kill everyone in rome to stop Bucciarati? wow

Dec 5, 2021 11:55 AM
Nov 2020
Mista has shot himself more than he's shot the enemy.
Jan 5, 2022 11:07 PM

Sep 2020
Damn bucciarati being ded already is really bizarre
Jan 7, 2022 6:30 PM

Mar 2021
it's weird bc bucciarati is going to be here until the end. If he was okay and were to live many years into the future, we still wouldn't be able to see that, so, in a way, after a series or movie or book ends all of the characters die, bc we never see anything new of them ever again, they exist only in our memories. So, yeah this is my way of not feeling like shit after knowing that bucciarati is dead.
Jan 7, 2022 6:41 PM

Mar 2021
[quote=JizzyHitler message=57627010]
Ulquiorra said:

Abbaccio on the other hand, was turbo fucking dead a while before they even found the body.

The lack of tack here is actually impressive
Jan 10, 2022 11:35 PM

Jan 2021
While rewatching, I've just realised how many plot convenience this part had. Lmao
Mar 20, 2022 4:32 AM

May 2021
Hope there's an explanation as to why Bucciarati is dead but not really.

Apr 16, 2022 11:55 AM

Sep 2015
It's okay so far, some things happened but not a lot. Now that Giorno got the helicopter, I wonder what will happen next.
August 6th 2023: Biggest upset ever, deception, selfishness, or scammed, manipulated. Heavy damage costs, and more. Days since: 15 Last updated: 8/21/2023

One Piece Episode 1041 & 1042 & 1047 & 1048 & 95.75%/1049 & 1053 were a mistake and Uta brought the salvation -AhriTheS3xyFox

Nov 1, 2022 8:24 PM

May 2020
I love how the mold decays the main characters at a snail's pace, but random pedestrians just get instantly obliterated head to toe if they even flinch 🤣

But at this point, it hardly registers compared to all the other nonsensical things in this show. Hell, the Bucciarati "I'm dead already but still living" thing is even sillier, but just gotta go with the flow at this point.

Great episode 👍
“No, you can’t have a show where everybody’s Krillin!” – Shinpachi
Dec 23, 2022 4:36 PM

Aug 2019
Jesus, so many innocent bystanders died because his stand.

Poor Bruno. It's tragic since he knew he was dead the entire time.
May 14, 2023 3:18 PM
Apr 2020
Wow, so that's the deal with Bucciarati, glad we finally learned more
May 18, 2023 11:05 AM
Feb 2023
May 22, 2023 11:47 AM
Nov 2010
Wow, Green Day has pretty good stats—one of the best I've seen this season so far.
16:52 So that's what happened. I thought it was a weakness in King Crimson's ability. So he's like a zombie, thanks to Giorno's ability.
So that's why The Boss didn't want to rely on this duo. The collateral damage they inflict is insane.
Jun 15, 2023 9:40 AM
May 2020
I knew from the moment that they saved Trish and started to work against the Boss...
Bruno is among the UNDEAD.
Question is how. Is it Golden Experience?
Jul 6, 2023 10:10 AM

Jan 2023
The episode looks in one breath, so much has happened! Stand Green Day is very dangerous, does not spare anyone. What will happen to Buchelatti?
Jan 6, 11:14 AM

Aug 2016
Oh so what's the deal with dead? Buccellati? Also another Mista I have a gun fight... it was extremely uneffective.
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