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Jun 2, 2022 10:57 AM

Jun 2021
AhriTheS3xyFox said:
GakutoDeathGlare said:
Every week an episode drops, every time I drop my score lower lmao. Cannot wait until this nightmare of a series is done (hopefully for good). But hey, at least my 13 year old cousin is enjoying this

I thought I was the only one that doesn't enjoy this series lol. It feels so dragged out.

There's so many people out there who doesn't enjoy this series or outright hating.
Why did you feel so lonely in the first place ? :)
If you don't enjoy this anime just move on to other animes ig.
Remember what Master Oogway told us:

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.
Jun 2, 2022 3:58 PM

Mar 2015
Thomas_york said:
pasanoid said:
this is genius prince all over again. the mc makes "amazing" plans then mostly rely on luck and his opponents being just stupid enough. then the "amazing" plan succeeds through sheer plot convenience. this is made to impress little kids that have never been in a social situation of any complexity so they think the mc is big brain while in reality the "amazing plans" hold on far fetched assumptions and can fail at any given moment
The plan was not portrayed as a "big brain movement" at all lol. The plan would still play out even if the girl had fallen off the cliff, as the those two chasing them would try to help the girl after her fall off anyway. There's nothing "genius" on this, it just showed how the dude went far to take food to the other.
I'm not even talking about the stupid cliff stunt. the entire time the mc is like "oh, yes, I know it all, I understand it all, I've put seeds of doubt into the opposite team, I've put some of the seed of deez nuts into viewers' eyes, everything is in the bag" and then the frame accents his sigma male grin -- and the next thing everything goes according to some pulled out of the author's ass plan that in most cases wouldn't have worked but it works regardless because there is no plot if this shitpiss plan doesn't work
Am I a good person? No. But do I try to be better every single day? Also no
Jun 2, 2022 6:33 PM
Oct 2017
Manga18 said:

Look at his plan.

It relies on

-only two opponents following them (why? who knows)
-those two following them
-those two being slow enough not to catch any of the two runaways
-them being close enough to catch the girl

With all of the info laid bare, srsly you can't see it coming m8?
Clearly group K is proceeding the most simple & efficient strat as they have number advantage.
Srsly you can't see their team's structure? Even with the flashback talk of theirs?
Without a flashback, any1 with a brain can clearly tell they have 2 duos for 2 shifts to watch over 2 member in group C. It's time & energy efficent.
Obviously, 2 shifts mean 2 ppl on constant guard while other 2 can rest or bring food to their hider without being tailed.
For the chase, ever heard of "head start"? I can heavily assume you don't get it either, since you nit pick on the stunt Yuuichi pulled.
What's his specialties? Manipulation and preying on the weak. Spending 2 days to find out his targets, purposely acting with an intention to ditch Tenji and spread false info to make the opponents let their guard down and find a suitable timing for the run.
You think having to suddenly chase ppl with a gap start very early in the morning in a HUGE FOREST that easy?
(There are scenes as proof, feel free to nit pick or start a debate)
The stunt ended up happen for a reason, calculation wise. It is safer to stop 2 athletic chasers or at least SLOW them down to ditch them.
Abruptly startling your chasers is a good strat, psychology wise. All he needed are few seconds to disappear in a big & empty forest.
Don't you tell me it's not feasible and logical, if it's not, say, why the hell street robberies constantly happen on the street and many can get away with that, LUL.
In a nutshell:
- The 2 chasers weren't slow, just no mentally prepared, handicapped start.
- Realistically speaking, yep, the stunt is too perfectly timing so they managed to grab the girl. But ain't fictional things always do this?
- Remember, he just wanted to SLOW them down, no matter what, so I'm pretty sure he didn't really care what would happen to Maria after pushing her and the fact that the escaping route is already planned and scouted beforehand, mark my word.
- Furthermore, humans tend to grab things within their reach and vision if sudden abnormal trajectory happen (like st dropping) and the 2 were even CHASING them. Not only you but I can see few ppl didn't manage to understand that. I'm not even surprised if Hyakutarou made a flying just to take a grip of Maria behind the scene.
- Let's say if not, the 2 couldn't manage to snatch Maria in time. Back to square one, the startling thing, if they couldn't actively react, they will respond passively by being shocked, scared, etc. I'm pretty sure even adults would hestitate here with a cold blooded doing in front of their eyes. Should I break it down further here, psychology wise, nope, I don't think so.
Manga18 said:
and this is only to give food to Tenji

So the preparation phase is over, and also Tenji managed to not push the give-up button and Yuuichi deemed that he could trust Tenji again, would you leave your friend starved to death? It's a whole 7 days with no food for Tenji and 4 days without water.
He MUST find a way to give Tenji F&B, otherwise everything is POINTLESS.
Manga18 said:
For the whole plan to succeed it needs
-the K team no accepting him into the team (if they do they can beat him up)
-them not understanding he only wants to divide them

I'm kinda awed here... ngl.
Did you speedrun the episode or you somehow miss the flashback talk with Maria in Day 1?
It's clearly a feign.
Even if the K team sh let him in, it did show that he had extra plans for it, didn't it?
In a liar game, every1 with a brain will be wary of your opponent, they will come up with hypotheses and counter-measurements for each scenarios but you never know exactly what your opponents would do.
Rn K team only knew that he pretended to join them (and cheap provocation afterward) but I don't think they knew exactly the fact that Yuuichi was trying to divide and break their solid relationships. We, the audiences, saw the scenes, K team's members, didn't.
Ofc, they have s1 that their admin called "a genius" (Feign plan failed for a reason), they might already sus that Yuuichi might break their relationship and yeah, already had counter play but it's all our assumptions. Idk why you came up with the fact that Yuuichi's plan can only work if K team wasn't aware of it with so little information, logically speaking.
P.S: Nothing personal here. I saw ppl who didn't get the psychological aspects of the stunt in this episode so I randomly quoted you. If you are offended sh, I'm truly sorry for that.
Jun 2, 2022 6:54 PM

Dec 2012
I'm curious about one thing, if yuichi switched sides and then used violence on maria, would he technically win for his group C? All he would lose would be the average of losing team's debt, so it's not that terrible. That's just another reason to not let someone in typically.

About admins presenting yuichi as a genius. No, i think they mostly praise him for how immoral he is, not how smart.

Can any1 show me translated chart of group K relations from the ending of this episode? It wasn't translated in the episode i watched, wonder if any1 has that.
Jun 2, 2022 7:00 PM
Mar 2022
pasanoid said:
Thomas_york said:
The plan was not portrayed as a "big brain movement" at all lol. The plan would still play out even if the girl had fallen off the cliff, as the those two chasing them would try to help the girl after her fall off anyway. There's nothing "genius" on this, it just showed how the dude went far to take food to the other.
I'm not even talking about the stupid cliff stunt. the entire time the mc is like "oh, yes, I know it all, I understand it all, I've put seeds of doubt into the opposite team, I've put some of the seed of deez nuts into viewers' eyes, everything is in the bag" and then the frame accents his sigma male grin -- and the next thing everything goes according to some pulled out of the author's ass plan that in most cases wouldn't have worked but it works regardless because there is no plot if this shitpiss plan doesn't work
lol it's funny that you keep saying that is pull ass but don't even tell exactly the moments lol, "uM iT's pLoT cOnVEniencE" but don't even point out where.
Jun 2, 2022 7:26 PM
Mar 2022
Vernity said:
I'm curious about one thing, if yuichi switched sides and then used violence on maria, would he technically win for his group C? All he would lose would be the average of losing team's debt, so it's not that terrible. That's just another reason to not let someone in typically.

Finally someone who noticed this. Yes, you are pretty much right, Yuuichi was pretty close to Maria at the moment he asked to switch so if they had accepted Yuuichi would've already won.

Here's a translation of Yuuichi's personality analysis (i got it from reddit)

Kadokura Juzo

* team leader
* emotional anchor
* always thinks of his friends
* self-sacrificing type
* strong sense of responsibility

Onigawara Hyakutaro

* direct
* courteous
* straight-laced, weak to women
* nicest out of everyone
* idiot

Shinomiya Kei

* youngest
* small stature, lowest physical abilities of the group
* cheeky
* in charge of contacting the captain
* the debt holder?

Niwa Banri

* quiet
* plain
* lacks presence
* acts cautiously
* manga otaku?

Hashiratani Chisato

* calm
* discreet
* acts like a womanizer but is actually distrusting of women
* jack of all trades, master of none
* most likely pessimistic
Jun 2, 2022 8:08 PM
Oct 2017
Vernity said:
I'm curious about one thing, if yuichi switched sides and then used violence on maria, would he technically win for his group C? All he would lose would be the average of losing team's debt, so it's not that terrible. That's just another reason to not let someone in typically.

About admins presenting yuichi as a genius. No, i think they mostly praise him for how immoral he is, not how smart.

Can any1 show me translated chart of group K relations from the ending of this episode? It wasn't translated in the episode i watched, wonder if any1 has that.

Gj bro.
It's a legit strat, big drawback though. That's why Yuuichi proceed it as the decoy plan.
Assume K team was stupid enough and let Yuuichi switch, he would have used violence on Maria immediately and it should have been an auto win for C team.
In fact, it stayed as a decoy for reasons:
- K team wasn't that naive, they even required both of them to switch simultaneously (Instant loss for C team).
- Also, as showing in the flashback, you can see Yuuichi anticipated that the switch wouldn't succeed and in fact, he even didn't want to resolve to that strat. (You can see his hypotheses, if he could switch, he would have prefered finding and leaking the hider's location instead). Why?
- Technically, the strat itself is fast, auto win but it's practically dumb and a bad course of actions. Win the game by that, you gain small amount of winning bonuses (3rd game bonus x4, since there are only 4 members in C team after the switch, I'm only assuming here) while bringing your team back big additional debts (1/3 of K team's current debts after their 2nd game = K team X2 debt because of violence against opposing team and divided by 6 members, this is for sure). Imo it can be easily considered a big loss, literally.
To the end of the day, the decoy plan is just a cheap provocation to smoke some info out of K team. You are smart so I think you get me here.
And gj again, Yuuichi is not a genius, s1 in K team is. He's just sly, immoral and willing to do anything to reach his goal. He knows his hand and how to deal with it too well.
For the trans abt K team, s1 already made it so I don't repeat it here.
Thank you for the job, my homie Thomas_york.
Jun 3, 2022 2:47 AM

Mar 2015
Thomas_york said:
pasanoid said:
I'm not even talking about the stupid cliff stunt. the entire time the mc is like "oh, yes, I know it all, I understand it all, I've put seeds of doubt into the opposite team, I've put some of the seed of deez nuts into viewers' eyes, everything is in the bag" and then the frame accents his sigma male grin -- and the next thing everything goes according to some pulled out of the author's ass plan that in most cases wouldn't have worked but it works regardless because there is no plot if this shitpiss plan doesn't work
lol it's funny that you keep saying that is pull ass but don't even tell exactly the moments lol, "uM iT's pLoT cOnVEniencE" but don't even point out where.
it's everywhere, my dude. it's everywhere
Am I a good person? No. But do I try to be better every single day? Also no
Jun 3, 2022 6:20 AM

Dec 2012
Thomas_york said:

Here's a translation of Yuuichi's personality analysis (i got it from reddit)

Nice, thank you.
I'm actually surprised that yuichi didn't smoke out the actual leader as the small guy. Maybe it's just from viewer's viewpoint, cause that's basically the question viewer was given to solve at the start of this arc. They hinted it very obviously in every single episode, even opening i guess, or it could be a nasty bait. This info may not be too important to the protagonist tho.
Jun 3, 2022 6:56 AM

Jul 2016
pasanoid said:
Thomas_york said:
lol it's funny that you keep saying that is pull ass but don't even tell exactly the moments lol, "uM iT's pLoT cOnVEniencE" but don't even point out where.
it's everywhere, my dude. it's everywhere

TO be fair, the show is full of deus ex machina ass pull. I am enjoying it but it is not fantastic scripting or anything.
Jun 3, 2022 7:31 AM
Mar 2022
Vindicater said:
pasanoid said:
it's everywhere, my dude. it's everywhere

TO be fair, the show is full of deus ex machina ass pull. I am enjoying it but it is not fantastic scripting or anything.
Indeed is not a fantastic scripting, but it's far from having some deus ex machina or pull ass, if you try thinking about the situations for 5 minutes or so you would see that, game 2 for example: Tenji would be revealed as the traitor anyway due to the lie strategy (that's one example). Among these kinda of stories like Tomodachi Game, Liar Game and others, Tomodachi Game is one of the ones with the least ass pull strategies (although there's some few ass pulls in the manga ngl)
Jun 3, 2022 10:38 AM
Apr 2020
DarkflamingPiS said:
Manga18 said:

Look at his plan.

It relies on

-only two opponents following them (why? who knows)
-those two following them
-those two being slow enough not to catch any of the two runaways
-them being close enough to catch the girl

With all of the info laid bare, srsly you can't see it coming m8?
Clearly group K is proceeding the most simple & efficient strat as they have number advantage.
Srsly you can't see their team's structure? Even with the flashback talk of theirs?
Without a flashback, any1 with a brain can clearly tell they have 2 duos for 2 shifts to watch over 2 member in group C. It's time & energy efficent.
Obviously, 2 shifts mean 2 ppl on constant guard while other 2 can rest or bring food to their hider without being tailed.
For the chase, ever heard of "head start"? I can heavily assume you don't get it either, since you nit pick on the stunt Yuuichi pulled.
What's his specialties? Manipulation and preying on the weak. Spending 2 days to find out his targets, purposely acting with an intention to ditch Tenji and spread false info to make the opponents let their guard down and find a suitable timing for the run.
You think having to suddenly chase ppl with a gap start very early in the morning in a HUGE FOREST that easy?
(There are scenes as proof, feel free to nit pick or start a debate)
The stunt ended up happen for a reason, calculation wise. It is safer to stop 2 athletic chasers or at least SLOW them down to ditch them.
Abruptly startling your chasers is a good strat, psychology wise. All he needed are few seconds to disappear in a big & empty forest.
Don't you tell me it's not feasible and logical, if it's not, say, why the hell street robberies constantly happen on the street and many can get away with that, LUL.
In a nutshell:
- The 2 chasers weren't slow, just no mentally prepared, handicapped start.
- Realistically speaking, yep, the stunt is too perfectly timing so they managed to grab the girl. But ain't fictional things always do this?
- Remember, he just wanted to SLOW them down, no matter what, so I'm pretty sure he didn't really care what would happen to Maria after pushing her and the fact that the escaping route is already planned and scouted beforehand, mark my word.
- Furthermore, humans tend to grab things within their reach and vision if sudden abnormal trajectory happen (like st dropping) and the 2 were even CHASING them. Not only you but I can see few ppl didn't manage to understand that. I'm not even surprised if Hyakutarou made a flying just to take a grip of Maria behind the scene.
- Let's say if not, the 2 couldn't manage to snatch Maria in time. Back to square one, the startling thing, if they couldn't actively react, they will respond passively by being shocked, scared, etc. I'm pretty sure even adults would hestitate here with a cold blooded doing in front of their eyes. Should I break it down further here, psychology wise, nope, I don't think so.
Manga18 said:
and this is only to give food to Tenji

So the preparation phase is over, and also Tenji managed to not push the give-up button and Yuuichi deemed that he could trust Tenji again, would you leave your friend starved to death? It's a whole 7 days with no food for Tenji and 4 days without water.
He MUST find a way to give Tenji F&B, otherwise everything is POINTLESS.
Manga18 said:
For the whole plan to succeed it needs
-the K team no accepting him into the team (if they do they can beat him up)
-them not understanding he only wants to divide them

I'm kinda awed here... ngl.
Did you speedrun the episode or you somehow miss the flashback talk with Maria in Day 1?
It's clearly a feign.
Even if the K team sh let him in, it did show that he had extra plans for it, didn't it?
In a liar game, every1 with a brain will be wary of your opponent, they will come up with hypotheses and counter-measurements for each scenarios but you never know exactly what your opponents would do.
Rn K team only knew that he pretended to join them (and cheap provocation afterward) but I don't think they knew exactly the fact that Yuuichi was trying to divide and break their solid relationships. We, the audiences, saw the scenes, K team's members, didn't.
Ofc, they have s1 that their admin called "a genius" (Feign plan failed for a reason), they might already sus that Yuuichi might break their relationship and yeah, already had counter play but it's all our assumptions. Idk why you came up with the fact that Yuuichi's plan can only work if K team wasn't aware of it with so little information, logically speaking.
P.S: Nothing personal here. I saw ppl who didn't get the psychological aspects of the stunt in this episode so I randomly quoted you. If you are offended sh, I'm truly sorry for that.

What I mean is that bringin food to Tenji doens't solve the probel, it only delays the moment they lose.

Now we are back to square 1, teams K has still the number advatange and Team C doesn't.

If they let him in we are shown they can be violent towards him (he could push Maria wihtout probelms) and you can't follow a pan if you are tied to a tree, or you have broken legs and are left in the middle of the woods

Yuichi plan relies on them not following their own plan.

If instead of doing the dumb shift stuff the just put a guy tailing Yuichi and one tailing the girl (like really close, not being kinda in the same point) and they simply dont listen to him then they win.

there is no hole in their plan.

Yuichi will only win because they are dumb.

And actualy with smart people Yuichi wouldn't even be in this third game since he reached it by BS (he didn't prove he told a lie in the second game)
Jun 3, 2022 12:34 PM
Mar 2022
Manga18 said:
DarkflamingPiS said:

With all of the info laid bare, srsly you can't see it coming m8?
Clearly group K is proceeding the most simple & efficient strat as they have number advantage.
Srsly you can't see their team's structure? Even with the flashback talk of theirs?
Without a flashback, any1 with a brain can clearly tell they have 2 duos for 2 shifts to watch over 2 member in group C. It's time & energy efficent.
Obviously, 2 shifts mean 2 ppl on constant guard while other 2 can rest or bring food to their hider without being tailed.
For the chase, ever heard of "head start"? I can heavily assume you don't get it either, since you nit pick on the stunt Yuuichi pulled.
What's his specialties? Manipulation and preying on the weak. Spending 2 days to find out his targets, purposely acting with an intention to ditch Tenji and spread false info to make the opponents let their guard down and find a suitable timing for the run.
You think having to suddenly chase ppl with a gap start very early in the morning in a HUGE FOREST that easy?
(There are scenes as proof, feel free to nit pick or start a debate)
The stunt ended up happen for a reason, calculation wise. It is safer to stop 2 athletic chasers or at least SLOW them down to ditch them.
Abruptly startling your chasers is a good strat, psychology wise. All he needed are few seconds to disappear in a big & empty forest.
Don't you tell me it's not feasible and logical, if it's not, say, why the hell street robberies constantly happen on the street and many can get away with that, LUL.
In a nutshell:
- The 2 chasers weren't slow, just no mentally prepared, handicapped start.
- Realistically speaking, yep, the stunt is too perfectly timing so they managed to grab the girl. But ain't fictional things always do this?
- Remember, he just wanted to SLOW them down, no matter what, so I'm pretty sure he didn't really care what would happen to Maria after pushing her and the fact that the escaping route is already planned and scouted beforehand, mark my word.
- Furthermore, humans tend to grab things within their reach and vision if sudden abnormal trajectory happen (like st dropping) and the 2 were even CHASING them. Not only you but I can see few ppl didn't manage to understand that. I'm not even surprised if Hyakutarou made a flying just to take a grip of Maria behind the scene.
- Let's say if not, the 2 couldn't manage to snatch Maria in time. Back to square one, the startling thing, if they couldn't actively react, they will respond passively by being shocked, scared, etc. I'm pretty sure even adults would hestitate here with a cold blooded doing in front of their eyes. Should I break it down further here, psychology wise, nope, I don't think so.

So the preparation phase is over, and also Tenji managed to not push the give-up button and Yuuichi deemed that he could trust Tenji again, would you leave your friend starved to death? It's a whole 7 days with no food for Tenji and 4 days without water.
He MUST find a way to give Tenji F&B, otherwise everything is POINTLESS.

I'm kinda awed here... ngl.
Did you speedrun the episode or you somehow miss the flashback talk with Maria in Day 1?
It's clearly a feign.
Even if the K team sh let him in, it did show that he had extra plans for it, didn't it?
In a liar game, every1 with a brain will be wary of your opponent, they will come up with hypotheses and counter-measurements for each scenarios but you never know exactly what your opponents would do.
Rn K team only knew that he pretended to join them (and cheap provocation afterward) but I don't think they knew exactly the fact that Yuuichi was trying to divide and break their solid relationships. We, the audiences, saw the scenes, K team's members, didn't.
Ofc, they have s1 that their admin called "a genius" (Feign plan failed for a reason), they might already sus that Yuuichi might break their relationship and yeah, already had counter play but it's all our assumptions. Idk why you came up with the fact that Yuuichi's plan can only work if K team wasn't aware of it with so little information, logically speaking.
P.S: Nothing personal here. I saw ppl who didn't get the psychological aspects of the stunt in this episode so I randomly quoted you. If you are offended sh, I'm truly sorry for that.

What I mean is that bringin food to Tenji doens't solve the probel, it only delays the moment they lose.

Now we are back to square 1, teams K has still the number advatange and Team C doesn't.

If they let him in we are shown they can be violent towards him (he could push Maria wihtout probelms) and you can't follow a pan if you are tied to a tree, or you have broken legs and are left in the middle of the woods

Yuichi plan relies on them not following their own plan.

If instead of doing the dumb shift stuff the just put a guy tailing Yuichi and one tailing the girl (like really close, not being kinda in the same point) and they simply dont listen to him then they win.

there is no hole in their plan.

Yuichi will only win because they are dumb.

And actualy with smart people Yuichi wouldn't even be in this third game since he reached it by BS (he didn't prove he told a lie in the second game)

If they had accepted Yuuichi's betrayal, all he'd need to do is use violence on Maria before group K catch him or tie him up, btw the moment Yuuichi offered to switch he was pretty close to Maria, he could've just punched her or something if group K had let him in. Simple as that. After use violence on Maria and the game ends, he would go back to his original team and move on. Actually accept his betrayal would be the dumbest move.

And he did prove he lied, he presented himself as the liar who threw the role a killer to another person.
Jun 3, 2022 1:46 PM
Oct 2017
Manga18 said:
What I mean is that bringin food to Tenji doens't solve the probel, it only delays the moment they lose.

Now we are back to square 1, teams K has still the number advatange and Team C doesn't.

By the nature of the 3rd game, fair rules aside, the number of members in the team is surely a decisive factor.
Isn't K team always have big advantage over C team?
In order to make a comeback, you need preparations and plans, right?
Bringing food to Tenji, prevent him from starving and dying, is part of those plans. Technically, it's crucial.
Metaphorically speaking, it's not back to square 1 tbh, it's moving toward square 1.
Rmb at the start of the game, Tenji hasn't eaten anything for whole 3 days so by the time Yuuichi reached him, it was the 7th day without food and 4th day without water.
K team, yes, square 1. C team, nope, they started at 0, now they are at it.
And clearly, by stalling for more time:
- You can do st else, with all the preparations beforehand included, shifting and accelerating the game, maybe?
- With the stunt like that, you alrdy striked your opponents, psychologically. Now they know the game will be dragged on, more tiring and intense since you are dangerous and immoral, so they have to be on alert and aware of you, constantly.
Manga18 said:
If they let him in we are shown they can be violent towards him (he could push Maria wihtout probelms) and you can't follow a pan if you are tied to a tree, or you have broken legs and are left in the middle of the woods

You can think of those scenarios but you failed to notice how close Yuuichi was to Maria when he pretended to switch, really bro?
K team has s1 who is called "a genius" and he's clearly a smart one.
Remember the scene, they didn't accept immediately for reasons.
Strat wise, rmb the final offer of K team, they required both Yuuichi and Maria to switch simultaneously - I once again emphasize the current DISTANCE between Yuuichi and Maria and there was a gap between them and K team in the moment I mentioned.
Manga18 said:
Yuichi plan relies on them not following their own plan.

If instead of doing the dumb shift stuff the just put a guy tailing Yuichi and one tailing the girl (like really close, not being kinda in the same point) and they simply dont listen to him then they win.

there is no hole in their plan.

Yuichi will only win because they are dumb.

For some reasons, I feel you are in denial or you didn't even bother consider reading my previous post to start a fair debate.
I had my points and in order to prove them, I find things, details and evidence, to back me up.
For you points, how did you came up with the fact that Yuuichi's plan relies on ppl not following their own plan? I'm very curious with the thought process here, no offense. You just simply thought so or had st to back it up, didn't you?
For the chase scene, I won't break down further. It is what it is. Please kindly reread my points in the previous post, I even had fundamentals in human psychology to back me up there.
Good point blaming them for the distance they should have taken against their respective targets btw. My arguments will be significantly weaker here since I also agree to some extents.
- They are surely dumbass for letting their guard down for just 3 days. The so called K team's genius didn't take precaution measurements for his own teamates' personalities.
- But rmb Yuuichi's specialties, preying on the weak and manipulation. He knows his stuffs well so he chose to act in Hyakutarou - Chisato's shift. Hypothetically speaking, attempting to escape in the NIGHT is way more EFFICIENT but Yuuichi chose not to. For you, Idk, for me, first time seeing this, I questioned myself and I thought there should be something going on and more to meet the eyes.
- Back to my arguments:
++ Yuuichi didn't spent 3 days in vain. Even if he couldn't talk to them, there's a big fact that K team's guard will be down anyway. Opponent hider hasn't had any F&B for 3 days plus X days beforehand. It looks small but it's actually a big deal; the closer to the win, the more comfortable they are. It's human nature and it will definitely happen at some point since Yuuichi showed no sign of retalation.
++ All Yuuichi needs is the timing for it to happen, presenting the decoy plan and making the escape as we saw.
++ Also, I'm pretty sure ppl with manipulation skills have observation and interpersonal skills in their pockets. Let's say if they didn't talk to him, fine, you think he couldn't observe them talking to each others to find the prey? As they are always close to him?
++ Okay so now let's say if they completely ignored him until the game's over. Fine, fair:
*** That's purely nitpicking dumb s***, even if they did, nitpicking dumbass would have complained like what the hell were those new characters, LMAO. I'm sure about that.
*** Just saying, now we simply pull the night escaping in a freaking HUGE, DARK FOREST, feel free to chase anytime. Legit strat. Don't tell me chasing ppl in the dark is an easy feat, let alone TAILING them which is IMPOSSIBLE. Pull that few times, no need to succeed giving Tenji food, put the K team under serious mind constraint and I'm pretty sure they will open their mouth out of negative emotions. You have to chase seekers, sure, but in order to FIND the hider, you MUST TAIL them.
*** In a nutshell, new charaters, completely level-headed, 100% ignoring C team, it's a freaking nitpicking scenario. But the hell with it, there are still solutions for that so fk it LMAO.
-Now I'm back to the main dumb point of yours. Let me say 3 things:
++ They've been always following their plan. What are you talking about? It's a flawless plan so Yuuichi has to resolve to break their relationship, no?
++ Also, I'm gonna hint you here, whose plan is it? The captain. Where is he rn? Hiding. If you are smarter than those K team's characters, you'll get my hints here.
++ Human are born diff, Hyakutarou happens to be the weakest link in the chain in K team. Rmb the nature of Tomodachi Game System, you, having some debts, playing your friends dirty by pulling them into this deep s***. There must be level differences between a group's members, realistically and seriously speaking here. Yuuichi chose to prey on Hyakutarou because he's the weak, that's it.
Manga18 said:
And actualy with smart people Yuichi wouldn't even be in this third game since he reached it by BS (he didn't prove he told a lie in the second game)

Thanks for preventing me from wasting my time to debate fairly and logically. I think I should end it here. I sincerely feel that:
1. You just don't get it, while you and your smart ppl are surely smarter than those dumb characters. Few mins ago, I was a bit solely curious abt your thought process but now I have no motivation to find that out. Simply speaking, I feel that what you're doing is nitpicking rather than brainstorming for better solutions or plotholes.
2. We might never come to an understanding. Me, I'm trying to understand and breakdown with contexts and evidences. You, had some good thoughts srsly but fundamentally, you're wrong, you've judged things based on self-assumptions.
P.S: FYI, Yuuichi's lie was "Shibe Makoto used to kill people", simply put, he just need to tell the admin that it was him who killed (He did) as proof. What do you expect? He had to kill right there like Tenji kissed him to prove and triggered the survey?
Kindly remember:
- TG System is a business :)
- If sh he had to prove the murderer thing, I don't think it's a big problem at all. Grab Manabu-kun? Trigger the survey? Etc.
- It's just a waste of ink and paper to humor ppl who will nitpick anw, my honest opinion.
- And do smart ppl know why Tenji had to prove with that kissing stunt? His written lie has nothing to do with his declaration, it's only his verbal exchange during that round related. So he did that to trigger the survey. That's a minor plothole right there but smart ppl is so infathomable for me so they nitpicked on Yuuichi instead, oh yeah, I'm so dumb.
Jun 4, 2022 9:43 AM

Jan 2011
Shibo-shonen said:
AngelAngela said:
Really happy that game 3 has been well adapted so far.
Looking forward to my favorite K team member shining. He, along with Yuichi and Tenji are my top 3 from Tomodachi Game.

I'm just sad that the anime is ending, hopefully they'll consider making a 2nd season, so far it's just been the tip of the iceberg.

yes, "K" team member, also my fave along with Yuuichi, Tenji, Maria, and Satone

Nice! Almost the same top five, I also like Maria, but I'm a bigger fan of the Kaidous
Jun 4, 2022 2:06 PM

Jul 2016
seems i'm the only person who is wondering about this:


...............Doesn't Tenji and the K team leader ever need to go to the Toilet????

like do they make themselves at home while still in the hiding spot? must small really pleasant
Jun 5, 2022 3:21 PM

May 2015
yall it's been years, YEARS, since I've just sat and watched so many episodes of an anime
but this one??? omg what did i just watch? I started when there were only 3 episodes released and I only had saw the first two and today I remembered this anime so I picked it up and DEVOURED ALL THE EPISODES AT ONCE WOW
i dont even know about other's opinons i'm just so invested i can't belive i have to wait for the next episode ;;
No matter who much you regret or wish,
if you couldn't do something in life,
you can't do it after death, either.
- Hanako
Jun 5, 2022 4:42 PM
Aug 2020
BakaDorayaki said:
yall it's been years, YEARS, since I've just sat and watched so many episodes of an anime
but this one??? omg what did i just watch? I started when there were only 3 episodes released and I only had saw the first two and today I remembered this anime so I picked it up and DEVOURED ALL THE EPISODES AT ONCE WOW
i dont even know about other's opinons i'm just so invested i can't belive i have to wait for the next episode ;;
The manga has a score of 8.32. which is more than liar game and now manga rating is increasing steadily. Let's wait and see. How much will the anime show Yuichi's madness after episode 9 Let me guess the rating of this story after it's over. It would get a 7.80+ score if they were loyal to the manga.
Jun 6, 2022 1:40 AM

May 2015
TaTuy said:
BakaDorayaki said:
yall it's been years, YEARS, since I've just sat and watched so many episodes of an anime
but this one??? omg what did i just watch? I started when there were only 3 episodes released and I only had saw the first two and today I remembered this anime so I picked it up and DEVOURED ALL THE EPISODES AT ONCE WOW
i dont even know about other's opinons i'm just so invested i can't belive i have to wait for the next episode ;;
The manga has a score of 8.32. which is more than liar game and now manga rating is increasing steadily. Let's wait and see. How much will the anime show Yuichi's madness after episode 9 Let me guess the rating of this story after it's over. It would get a 7.80+ score if they were loyal to the manga.

have you read the manga? is it even better than the anime? i mean, the manga is usually better so that might be a silly question
man i might just go ahead and read the whole thing fr
No matter who much you regret or wish,
if you couldn't do something in life,
you can't do it after death, either.
- Hanako
Jun 6, 2022 5:00 AM

Jun 2021
BakaDorayaki said:
TaTuy said:
The manga has a score of 8.32. which is more than liar game and now manga rating is increasing steadily. Let's wait and see. How much will the anime show Yuichi's madness after episode 9 Let me guess the rating of this story after it's over. It would get a 7.80+ score if they were loyal to the manga.

have you read the manga? is it even better than the anime? i mean, the manga is usually better so that might be a silly question
man i might just go ahead and read the whole thing fr

Yeah go ahead and read immediately you won't regret.But after reading you might feel anime is inferior and this anime needs a recognition.Ahhh it's a dilemma !!!
Ig best course of action would be continue from manga after show finished.
Remember what Master Oogway told us:

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.
Jun 6, 2022 6:16 AM

May 2015
Obscurissimus said:
BakaDorayaki said:

have you read the manga? is it even better than the anime? i mean, the manga is usually better so that might be a silly question
man i might just go ahead and read the whole thing fr

Yeah go ahead and read immediately you won't regret.But after reading you might feel anime is inferior and this anime needs a recognition.Ahhh it's a dilemma !!!
Ig best course of action would be continue from manga after show finished.

okay bosses!
i'll finish the anime and then read the manga. i don't how much was already animated from the manga but by the way the story is going they will probably let us crying for more in the last episode and i. have. to. know. more.
No matter who much you regret or wish,
if you couldn't do something in life,
you can't do it after death, either.
- Hanako
Jun 8, 2022 5:57 AM

May 2011
Çok iyiydi, bölümün sonunda sinsi sinsi kahkaha attım.Helal olsun, Yuichi herifin kafa zehir gibi çalışıyor.

It was so good, at the end of the episode, I slyly laughed. Bravo, Yuichi is truly a genius.
Jun 11, 2022 8:11 PM

Dec 2021
Look me in the eyes and tell me they're not gay.

Look me in the eyes and tell me that your gaydar didn't go off after watching Yuichi scream Tenji's name.

K-Pop? Bias? Nah man, we only know Ai and Ruby Hoshino in this house.
Jun 13, 2022 1:06 PM

Apr 2018
Yuichi's plan to destroy the friendship amongst the other group is pretty clever and is working well so far especially thanks to Maria's usage in this plan, there's already one of the guy that wants to join their group lol, at least he could feed and give water to Tenji, he's not gonna die by starvation xD
Jun 18, 2022 10:05 PM
May 2022
Yuuichi always wins. He reminds me of COTE's Ayanokouji but I think he's better in terms of personality. Damn, Tenji almost duplicated his father, I actually thought he's gonna go. Yuuichi's analytical skills are topnotch, can't wait to watch the next one.
Jun 23, 2022 3:17 PM

May 2015
Yuichi is reading people like a book! I'm just glad that none of them made a mistake. Even though you know someone very well, they can still be prone to failure too.

Tenji revitalizing so fast after being on the brink of death is hillarious to me. He's beyond water now, dude needs an IV drip!
Jun 27, 2022 11:05 PM

Feb 2021
Wow! This episode is really awesome! The strategy and analytics is very accurate :)
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Jul 5, 2022 6:24 AM
Oct 2019
Yuuichi is no joke.

holy shit pushing Maria from the Cliff... wtf

ah yes, we already know how it went from Tenji backstory, Girl can ruined Boys Friendship.
Jul 10, 2022 9:27 AM

Mar 2015
Just slap on the BL tag already, Tenji and Yuuichi have more romantic tension than your average romance anime couple.
Jul 15, 2022 5:41 AM

Jul 2015
Lmao having the cute girl join the group certainly was the winning condition in Yuuichi's trickster plan.

Sep 11, 2022 7:46 AM
Jan 2022
Boring but the girl is cute
Sep 24, 2022 9:48 PM
Sep 2022
Yuichi! The best Manipulator ever, everything is just planned by him. Can you imagine having a brain like him, Yuichi GOD MANIPULATOR
Oct 14, 2022 4:03 PM

Sep 2020
Yuuichi is such a scoundrel that it makes me angry, just nice to see how the ends justify the means.
Jan 22, 2023 1:16 AM

Apr 2016
He threw her off the cliff?! What strategy is that? And if she dies? As much as he wants to make it clear as a strategy, it's still a bravado on the part of anime evolution!!!

Mar 25, 2023 5:09 AM
Jun 2022
ok now it is getting quite interesting
Apr 1, 2023 7:46 AM

Feb 2022
Holy... he have a great analytic reasoning.
May 27, 2023 9:59 AM
Jul 2018
Men build civilization.
Jun 11, 2023 6:50 PM

Jan 2020
So it turned out they can only switch side once, kinda annoys me how they introduced new rules in the middle of the game....since Yuuichi wanted to 'destroy' the game, I guess killing one of the staff is a good starting point.....
Jan 8, 6:40 PM

Dec 2022
Yuichi is destroying the relationship of the other group
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