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The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady
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Feb 25, 2023 7:52 PM

Mar 2021
As if the show couldn't shove its feminist agenda down the throat enough. It makes g witch look much better now in comparison. Alard could have been a good male mc but they made him into harvey weinstein.

Anime community has just turned into pure propaganda at this point every week this gets botted to top on polls.
Feb 25, 2023 9:56 PM

Oct 2007
Strahan said:
Also much of it for me is not just his brutal methods, but his irritating smug attitude.  "I won't apologize or beg for forgiveness".  oh f' right off you bastard.  I live for seeing pricks like him brought down lol

it's just a few days now. I can hardly wait to see the bastard getting the ass kicking he deserved. LOL
Feb 26, 2023 12:15 AM

Feb 2020
yeah!!!!! Whoop his ass queen!!!
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Feb 26, 2023 5:48 AM

Oct 2008
the build-up was intense but then cliffhanger! farg it! haha lolz

Feb 26, 2023 8:04 AM
Oct 2017
Best ep so far imo. Thankfully I've waited this much to see some nerves in MC and her brother.
Feb 26, 2023 8:36 AM

Nov 2013
some backstory at the time before the party in ep1, with the prince and Lainie
the bullying part tho... the girls threw that girl in front of the horse, while the boys scared her
the prince wants to change the country, and he wants Lainie with him ... but she left after a while to live with Anis lols

Lainie missing him?
she also talked about the way she was misleading people, but Ilia just told her about the tea as a way to stop her from being sad

someone infiltrated the place, taking advantage of Anis and the others being in the conference
it's the trash prince, and he caught Lainie and stabbed her

a random guy, son of a random boomer lols ... he wanted to apologise to them and he was the one who proposed the seminar?
he doesn't know when to give up, to the point that Tiltie was ready to hit him if Anis wished for it lol
but seems like he was just trying to earn time for his father's speech, even tho no one cares about him

they finally heard Ilia's alarm, but the guy grabbed her, while trying to earn time, her revenge on him was priceless, grabbing his arm and making him say "let me go" after he didn't let her go

with some help from Tilty, the pair managed to get out and fly to Ilia's place, while Tilty was enjoying her time with the boomer father

trash brother took Lainie's heart and implanted it on himself, turning into a vampire
Euphy on healing duty, there's a chance to save Lainie if Anis kills the brother and takes back the stone... will she do it? please do it

the prince has some right ideas, as in trying to make nobles and commoners get together was what made the last king have a bad time... so might as well do it with power that they can't stop
but still, Anis doesn't aprove of this, this is not the kind of king that she wants for her country

next episode, a big fight between 2 simblings with monstruous power... what will happen?
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Feb 26, 2023 9:26 AM

Jun 2015
Sweet baby gods you pray too. Been tons of eps Ive watched since a cliffhanger as good as this one!
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Feb 26, 2023 12:00 PM

May 2021
LFreya said:
luckyowl10 said:
It's off-topic from this episode, but did they explain the reincarnation of Anis yet?
We've seen images in Anisphea's mind -- airplanes, telephone poles, etc -- but I think that's all. But 'Isekai' is so well-established as a concept, this story didn't need to explain those memories of modern-day Earth or why a lot of her inventions resemble Earth technology. Anis herself doesn't seem to remember much, and the only bearing it seems to have on her life now is inspiring her love of magic and of flight. It's unusually subtle for an isekai.
Thanks for the reply. I understood the fact that many of her innovations come from her past life and some of her passions. Was just surprised how subtle is the show with her past life before reincarnation.
Feb 26, 2023 7:00 PM
Oct 2019
meh, talk and talk
Feb 26, 2023 10:27 PM

Mar 2022
Algard talks about "closing the gap between commoners and the nobles" and he doesn't like that "magic is everything in his country". But he nonetheless allied himself with the conservative magic minister. Who's  probably also a noble. It's that he either is a cringey chuunibyou edgelord or he's doing some crazy Machiavellian maneuver.
go outside and actually farm plants.
Feb 27, 2023 5:48 AM
Jul 2019
Good, Doki doki, omoshiroi
Feb 27, 2023 4:48 PM
Jun 2022
bro, why are there too many text
Feb 27, 2023 9:52 PM
May 2022
Feb 28, 2023 1:22 AM
May 2019
WOW, shit just got real, real quick
Mar 1, 2023 10:05 AM

Jun 2015
luckyowl10 said:
Roch2001 said:

Dont pretend with me.  Its off topic.  It was never off topic you simply justify everything which comes after that statement.  You could of just asked the question, without all your exposition. You were fishing and you hooked me.  And you caught me on an off day.  If you felt you missed something go post in the manga forum.  'Did I miss it or will be later this season'.. You some kind of precog, with advanced knowledge of the story to come, not yet know or shown but felt the need to self insert yourself for relevance  now for clout?
Want to get reported? You are quite toxic in this thread. If you have a bad day, I suggest do better things than posting on MAL rage induced replies.

Oh boy, an internet troll is about to bully me. Ive been banned more times than you change underwear. Unironically I was recently watching some house senate commute shitting on former twitter employees and OC tried to push the motion about bullying and harassment. She got nuked in congress.. Do'nt threaten me with being banned because I have an opinion. It is my right. Happy to take it too my wall but honestly, your opinion is sillly
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Mar 1, 2023 6:12 PM
Apr 2013
Ok. So. Needless to say, maybe its just me but. I'm not sure, there's a decent chance it's intentional, but the anime seems to have quiet episodes and then between ep 5 and now ep 8, they just drop bombshells on us. This time it wasnt as explicit, but like.

For starters, we get a bit of a flashback(?) with algard and lainie, algard has been barely present at all, and lainie, if I'm correct she doesnt have that much screentime as well.
I wasn't expecting algard to just show up and uh. Well things definitely.
The rest of the ep, anis shows off a bit of her powers, and apparently euphie can just straight up fly now or something, isnt magic convenient.

So the ep just ends on a cliffhanger before anis and algard actually face off. I wonder what the parents are actually going to think, but hmmm.
Ilia is badly injured but she'll probably survive, not so sure about lainie though, are they really gonna kill her off?
I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this, since it does feel like an overly abrupt whiplash. 
That being said, for better or worse there's still quite a number of eps to go, what's actually going to happen? Since I'm assuming anis vs algard is going to be resolved next ep, and then what?

EDIT: Oh yeah, I almost completely forgor. Was it actually mentioned or hinted at previous that lainie was adopted? Hurr.
CocoaGalaxyMar 1, 2023 6:16 PM
Mar 7, 2023 11:38 AM

Nov 2009

So AL is even more horrible than we thought.

Dude literally went psycho on Lainie and Ilia... WTF... pretty sure if he asked, Lainie would have given it to him... but nope, gotta kill the girls.

Fuck this dude... and his dumbass supporters. Should just tell the King and kill all these guys off.

___ ___ ___

Also... I thought you needed special design and spells to integrate Magicite into a person's body? So what AL did shouldn't even be possible... this is stupid AF.

(nice loot hole there... cause if it was that easy to get magic power from Magicite, I am pretty sure loads of people would be doing it already... lol)

amlgMar 7, 2023 11:41 AM
Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing*
Mar 8, 2023 7:55 AM

Aug 2019
Bro Algard better get seriously messed up by this fight

This was an AWESOME episode! Lainie and Illia are attacked by Algard, who uses this as a chance to take the magicite inside of Lainie, possibly killing her in the process. I know Anis was confident she could survive, but idk man ;_;

Meanwhile this was happening, Anis and Euphie were still over by the ministry of the arcane (which somehow ends up sucking even more in this episode than in the last. That old guy and his son need to go away forever). Anis and Euphie lost precious time thanks to them, but they eventually escaped and made it to the castle to confront Algard, just as he absorbed the magicite from Lainie. And now it looks like we're going to get a fight between Anis and Algard.

Algard honestly deserves to die after this bro. He's possibly killed one person and wounded another. He needs to get put in his place
Mar 8, 2023 8:02 AM

Aug 2019
Lab_Rat_0978 said:
-Knox- said:
I question why you're even watching this show if all you care about is mindless action with 0 substance.

people have too much Free time on em, lol nothing new

these kinds of people are just complaining for the sake of complaining
Fr lol these people need to go away
Mar 8, 2023 9:25 AM

May 2021
It's cool that both siblings wish to improve the living conditions of the commoners and it's also really cool how they both approach it, the prince wanting to change the system(up) and Anis improving the lives of commoners with her magicology but can Algard not just leave the "commoner" writhing and suffering on the ground like that? Did he become the very thing he swore to destroy?

Like really, these two are having their sibling argument, meanwhile, Lainie is just there, lying on the ground, suffering and coughing up blood. "Yeah, sure, please carry on with your argument. I'm absolutely fine whilst writhing and coughing up blood."

Mar 10, 2023 4:27 AM

Jan 2017
Despite Algard's "the ends justifies the means approach" to his ideal ruling world where the ruler should be the strongest to protect their citizens, the reasoning does has merit on the same level as Anis "a ruler should strive to make their citizens happy".

In the end it's just a clash of ideals but by the title of the series alone we can take a guess on who will win this sibling fight
Mar 14, 2023 8:40 AM

Sep 2016
"She is a vampire, there might still be time"
*proceed to waste time talking to her brother*
Maybe you should get that stone back first before the siblings talk, Anis.
Mar 14, 2023 6:20 PM

Feb 2013
I’m glad they gave a “reason to “like” the prince”

Before this episode, he was just like…a bad guy, no redeeming qualities, just someone who sucks. But now he’s at least a bad guy who is trying to make the world better.

Having a villain who is more complicated than just being a villain is ALWAYS a good thing for the story in my opinion.
Mar 15, 2023 3:11 AM

Jun 2019
Algard, we don't care about you, lil bro. You're so annoying. Go ahead, Anis. Fuck him up.
Mar 17, 2023 5:21 AM

Apr 2018
Eh that annoying prince he really destroyed Cyan and the maid :( time for a princess vs prince fight now
Mar 19, 2023 6:36 PM
May 2020
Things are getting very good. Fight between the two brothers, the strength of a vampire vs that of a dragon
Mar 25, 2023 1:32 PM

Sep 2020
That was a quick change of pace, the motives of the prince become clearer, now she must stop him from hurting more people around her.
Apr 6, 2023 3:52 AM

Sep 2012
DEMSpirit said:
way to betray the only guy character that at least the audience can relate to. fk this woke trash
japan isn't woke, its anime culture, it has always been like this, with elements like this 

and i am some1 who hates woke garbage 
Sugram22Apr 6, 2023 4:00 AM
Apr 6, 2023 3:54 AM

Sep 2012
icefirestone23 said:
As if the show couldn't shove its feminist agenda down the throat enough. It makes g witch look much better now in comparison. Alard could have been a good male mc but they made him into harvey weinstein.

Anime community has just turned into pure propaganda at this point every week this gets botted to top on polls.
the prince was never the MC what are u talking about

just cause there is female mc its feminist agenda? LMAO u have become 2fragile if that's how u see it, its japan not west

and i am some1 who hates woke garbage and radical feminist stuff is also classified as woke

Sugram22Apr 6, 2023 4:00 AM
Apr 6, 2023 3:59 AM

Sep 2012
luckyowl10 said:
It's off-topic from this episode, but did they explain the reincarnation of Anis yet? I heard it's an isekai, but I don't remember the classic isekai protag dies in the first 2 minutes of the show to get reincarnated scene. Did I miss it, or it will be later this season?
they only showed flash back when she was a kid and got her memory from her past life, that much was only shown to confirm she was isekaid, few seried don't even do that much only mention it in dialogue  
Apr 8, 2023 12:21 PM

Feb 2014
They were dying there on the ground but she really took her time to have a lovely -blahblahblah obvious- conversation with her Al-kun otouto.

Also, wtf they were obeying that dude there and tried to arrest the Princess?! Wtf was that. Even if she got her "herectic" fame she´s the damn Princess. It was not like he was asking / ordering to arrest some random person, it was The PRINCESS. Ridiculous.  

Vi-Apr 8, 2023 12:52 PM
Apr 8, 2023 12:56 PM

Feb 2014
icefirestone23 said:
As if the show couldn't shove its feminist agenda down the throat enough. It makes g witch look much better now in comparison. Alard could have been a good male mc but they made him into harvey weinstein.

Anime community has just turned into pure propaganda at this point every week this gets botted to top on polls.
wtf are you talking about? making no sense at all. Did you skip all the previous episodes and suddenly felt like adding your own beliefs where it does not suit at all?! 

Nobody sane cares about that guy who is not even a main character. He´s just your little antagonist which was obvious from the START of the anime.

DEMSpirit said:
way to betray the only guy character that at least the audience can relate to. fk this woke trash

Bruh~ this is not your usual shounen anime where you can relate to your boy character. You are looking for something at the wrong place. Amazes me you are at episode 8 and didn´t notice that ?!

*sigh* Damn, there are a few comments that really reachs a new level of stupidity. I just wish I could ignore but wow... 
Vi-Apr 8, 2023 1:06 PM
Apr 18, 2023 1:51 PM

Aug 2019
this is not what i expected this series to become but its not bad. algard makes no sense though
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Apr 18, 2023 7:40 PM
Feb 2020
Apr 19, 2023 5:50 PM

Oct 2022
I get what the brother is like saying/ trying to do like I get his reasoning and trying to change the world in order to unite the nobles and the common folks but I feel like he just went about it in the worst way possible you know? He Had good intentions but terrible execution.
May 29, 2023 8:36 AM
Feb 2021
What a fucking older sister. Her brother is going fucking insane but he has the right idea, and even offers to let her help him out, Anis would very easily be able to manipulate him into not being a fucking psycho. Instead she's just gonna waste him and let the country rot or she'll pull some magic technology out of her ass that helps the country in some way. Honestly, I thought this show was heading in an interesting direction this episode, but it looks like Anis is never wrong ever and doesn't have to develop as a character because that would get in the way of the boring ass romance.
Jul 10, 2023 5:59 AM
May 2021
Episode 8 is a turning plot twist. Honestly, I didn't expect it at all.

I'm considering giving this anime a rate of 9 or 8. Initially, I decided on 8, but this episode make me wondering whether give it a 9 or not.
Aug 11, 2023 10:58 PM

May 2010
Honestly, I'm down with Al's goals, and I understand that sacrificing a few people for the good of a whole country is the kind of hard but correct decision a king must make. The fact that he was able to do this while technically still charmed by his victim speaks immensely to his resolve and his desire to put what he thinks is right above even his strongest personal feelings. However, I also understand that the path he's walking down leads to ruin quite often in real life, and 100% of the time in anime. As always, protagonists like Anis never offer a convincing rebuttal, but we still side with them anyways
“Money can't buy dere”
Dec 14, 2023 4:56 AM

May 2015
Wow, Algard seems to be really a dickass.
Jan 13, 2024 2:33 AM
Apr 2021
Holy shit I was NOT expecting Algard to straight up pierce Lainie through the chest and take her Magical stone like that shit was gruesome and bloody I hope she pulls through and manages to stay alive somehow😣

Lowkey ngl Algard was kinda spitting a little bit when he said that nobles don’t treat commoners like people bc that shit do be true ngl it’s just that bro went the wrong with it and thought turning himself away from his LITERAL humanity to become a vampire and change the kingdom through means of power and terror was not the right choice😬

Hoping this brother and sister battle is lit asf the animation with the both of them powering up at the end was cold asf cant lie shit gave me a lil bit of goosebumps😮‍💨🔥
Jan 26, 2024 6:45 PM
Jul 2019
Man, I really dislike her brother idea to fix the riff in between common folks and nobles. Hurt people is definitely not the way to go or using vampire powers.
May 13, 2024 9:09 AM

Jun 2014
Oh no! Ilia and Lainie's lives are in danger! Can Euphie save them?

Algard is pure evil. Anis has to stop him before things get worse.

Jun 2, 2024 9:10 PM

Apr 2015
Finally some good development
their debate wasn't that epic or original, the usual royal rivalry but I do see where Algard was coming from, I think his intentions were noble but later tainted with despair (and those idiots using him)

I was surprised to see some meaningful plot which I expected a lot of considering it is a light novel adaption, anyway, will see how this concludes
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