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The Irregular at Magic High School (light novel)
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Jan 3, 2022 5:54 PM

Sep 2017
Piromysl said:
It's hard for me to imagine, that anyone is still unironically enjoy watching this peak trash.

Sometimes, overpowered MCs are fun to watch. He's also hot too.
Jan 4, 2022 5:54 AM

Jun 2021
No point in arguing with a person who doesn't respect other people's opinion and also who thinks school days is 6 or even 5/10 lmao....
Bruh-__-Jan 4, 2022 6:02 AM
Jan 4, 2022 6:00 AM

Dec 2020
God-_- said:
No point in arguing with a person who doesn't respect other people's opinion and also thinks school days is 6 or even 5/10 lmao....

Well I still succeeded in knocking some sense into him and now he is gonna give the next season a try. lol
Jan 4, 2022 7:19 AM

Jul 2021
fin_stockholder said:
Piromysl said:
It's hard for me to imagine, that anyone is still unironically enjoy watching this peak trash.
everyone has their own taste dude, maybe your imagination just went too far, so dont imagine it :)

Oh nah, I get that everyone has different taste and you're definitely entitled to liking the show, but man, the anime is bad, or at least average. I don't know if the LN is different, but nothing is ever concretely explained in the anime and every episode feels completely disconnected from the previous one.
Jan 4, 2022 9:06 AM

May 2016
God-_- said:
No point in arguing with a person who doesn't respect other people's opinion and also who thinks school days is 6 or even 5/10 lmao....

well rip even if he actually watch the whole thing he won't admit it lol, also i guess he's a troll (3500 posts? like seriously... go get a life instead of arguing in topics bruh)
Jan 4, 2022 10:43 PM

Jun 2021
Yakimy said:
God-_- said:
No point in arguing with a person who doesn't respect other people's opinion and also who thinks school days is 6 or even 5/10 lmao....

well rip even if he actually watch the whole thing he won't admit it lol, also i guess he's a troll (3500 posts? like seriously... go get a life instead of arguing in topics bruh)
*me with 900+ posts: yeah uhm *coughing* ... go get a life you hater ...
Jan 5, 2022 2:37 AM

Jan 2014
GrangeR_143 said:
R_I_Z_E_R_7 said:

Yar aik bandar literally keh rha tha keh school days Mahouka se zada chi he. Mera tu damag kharab ho gya yar, Kahan Mahouka aur Kahan School days. Comparison hi nahi he. Mahouka kafi achi kehti he muje still it isn't a masterpiece. It is still totally worth it to watch it
yeah mahouka is good tbh
Tatsuya bahut pasand h Mmujhe 😌

Lmao. This convo 🀣.
It was a waste of time to convince someone if they felt an anime such as school days is better than this.
Chalo... we find people like this once in a blue moon. I find it amused
Jan 5, 2022 2:58 AM

May 2016
God-_- said:
Yakimy said:

well rip even if he actually watch the whole thing he won't admit it lol, also i guess he's a troll (3500 posts? like seriously... go get a life instead of arguing in topics bruh)
*me with 900+ posts: yeah uhm *coughing* ... go get a life you hater ...

lmao 3500 is worse than 900 wdym next week you will him above 4k...
Jan 5, 2022 7:12 PM
Sep 2015
Piromysl said:
R_I_Z_E_R_7 said:

Says the man who literally gave school days a 6/10 and mahouka a 3/10. Well learn to respect the opinion of others, Well I saw your list a bit and something like this is fancy coming from you πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Notice how I don't need to do any ad hominem and check out your profile to know what kind of person are you.

Yea... Mahouka has THE worst fandom. Beating SNK by a slight margin.

And here you are raging about a series to people who like it. Seems like helltaker fandom is far worse
Jan 6, 2022 6:21 PM

Mar 2015
As we have alrdy seen the Saegusa twins at the end of season 2 (even tho they werent supposed to show up), they were mostlikely planning this for a while

cant wait for the double seven arc
Jan 7, 2022 1:20 PM

Jul 2015
_Kuroe_ said:
You don't need to imagine shit :)
Just take a look and see that about 90k people gave a score >= 7 in season 2. Sorry to let you know but you are in the minority, not the other way around it.

Perhaps you just wanted attention by saying shit in this thread? It really looks like it at least.

1. MAL scores mean next to nothing.
2. There is no need to get emotional. We're not on Twitter.

NovaMagic said:
And here you are raging about a series to people who like it. Seems like helltaker fandom is far worse

Dunno about Helltaker fandom, since I'm not a part of it.
And no, an avatar doesn't declare my affiliation.

LeonhartAugust said:
Sometimes, overpowered MCs are fun to watch. He's also hot too.

It's not about him being OP or hot, but him having no personality, being a textbook example of generic LN stock hero, who remains the same, boring, empty shell throughout entire story.
This is a perfect example of a potentially good show dragged down by a terrible protagonist.
PiromyslJan 7, 2022 1:26 PM

Jan 16, 2022 7:45 AM
Oct 2011
R_I_Z_E_R_7 said:
Piromysl said:

Good character =/= Good person

Tatsuya is such a bland and boring character, it's not even worth talking about.
And yes, I doubt I will watch this sequel, because I think this series has already presented everything it has to offer and if it would go full incest, it will only get worse.

Ex-Arm is also full of action. And is also sci-fi.

Do you really think it is incest?? Lol, I soo wanna spoil you but let's just keep the conversation spoiler free.

Well, nothing is gonna change if you watch it or not. So enjoy the animes you like and hating on this won't get you anywhere.
So many ppl complain saying incest and then I want to spoil it for them to shut them up. but then remember that there's actually fan here and I shouldn't spoil it for them.
Jan 18, 2022 12:04 AM
Oct 2019
can't wait, never been much for anime but started watching series this in 2017 literally a couple days before they announced the first movie and it's always been awesome to follow. was pretty surprised since i felt the 2nd season was actually a lot better than the first so hopefully this does the same
Feb 7, 2022 12:26 AM

Dec 2015

"I came here seeking answer why people keep watching show, that decided not to progress or improve past episode 3-4."

OK. here's my answers. you don't know what you're talking about. progress?

i'll start with the lines above. progress, what kind of progress? emotional? dude is a 'robot' with only one central emotional pillar in his entire brain. his sister.

he doesn't even hate his OWN MOTHER for experimenting on him. he doesn't even hate his OWN AUNT for controlling him and his sister. he doesn't even hate his OWN STEP-MOTHER or FATHER for getting married SIX MONTHS AFTER HIS MOTHER DIED! he doesn't even hate his own COUNTRY FOR TURNING HIM INTO A WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION! he was PROGRAMMED that way.

it is not until Visitor Arc that his sister HERSELF tells him he is changing and becoming more 'human' over the YEARS she has known him, especially with their 'circle of friends'. he did not even REALIZE he was becoming more emotional.

in Visitor Arc, on the roof, on the bench, did you SEE Honoka, the cute light/illusion mage girl cuddling with Tatsuya and Myuki sitting next to the pair. the guy's progress emotionally has taken DECADES of his life since he was programmed.

do you mean forwards progress on a timeline? they start in the Spring and end up after October 31st. in S1. S2 goes forwards in time.

do you need to watch the brand-new English version of S1 that Aniplex of America released recently?

his 'super skill' as his own sister explains to some of their friends, in the military helicopter escaping the combat zone in S1. this skill, to read the past of any object alive or inanimate and copy that past and rewrite it onto the present existence of that object. in less than 3 MILLISECONDS he feels 150 TIMES what that injured PERSON felt in those entire 24 hours he can read of that person.

so. how many of his dead unit members does he bring back to life in that one 'Incident Arc'? how many of those dead comrades of his does he bring back to life MORE THAN ONCE!? imagine his classmate, gets his leg amputated at the thigh, the swordsman guy, by a gunshot. within minutes Miyuki summons Tatsuya outta the sky and he 'zaps' the dude back to 100% okey-dokey. your thigh bone, is the thickest and strongest bone in your entire body. dude's leg was SEVERED at the mid-thigh. so take those minutes worth of pain, multiply that by 150, feel that for a little less than 3 milliseconds. he does that without: passing TF out, grunting, blinking, flinching, screaming, pissing himself, going into shock, or reacting in any way.

that's not a 'robot' to you? it is to me.

"Two main leads go through little to no character development throughout the series, because they are already perfect in every shape or form."

they are perfect? wow. look that word up in a dictionary and make sure you know what it means. they aren't.

"Do you guys really enjoy empty shell of a character, that acts predictable and always solves every issue with no effort whatsoever, which completely nullifies all tension and makes the entire show boring?"

no effort. what? did you sleep through the entire 'Nine Schools Competition Arc'? did you not listen to Tatsuya list the injuries he got when that 3rd High guy BLEW HIM TF UP!? in Monolith Code? in real life, in Baghdad, Iraq i was blown up TWICE during my tour. it. hurts. like. HELL! ever ruptured an ear-drum? i have, one of those two times i got blown TF up! he didn't heal that one. he walks off the field with his two partners STILL deaf in that ear. ok his buddy, the 'Panzer!' screaming guy. for comparison. in the same fight talks about that 3rd High guy BLOWING HIM UP! more than once. and says, 'it wasn't exactly worse than that one time I GOT HIT BY A MOTORCYCLE!' ok. dude exactly gives us how powerful the 3rd High guy's explosions were... WHEN THEY WERE UNDER CONTROL and at a low level for the competition. did you not hear the 3rd High guy's internal monologue? 'oh crap, i didn't adjust that one!? i'm going to KILL HIM!?' he thought that was a killer level of his explosion he used on Tatsuya. so. if a low level version of that spell feels like being hit by a motorcycle... what would a KILLER level version feel like?

ok. no effort there right?

"Are you guys really enjoying watching this, knowing exactly what will happen next episode without spoilers?"

can you see the future? otherwise, STF about knowing exactly what will happen next episode. you can't know the dialogue, you can't know the cinematography, you can't know what the order of the scenes are. so unless you were first watching this show days or WEEKS after each episode aired, with a spoiler filled blog by somebody at your side on your phone or laptop or something... you. didn't. know. crap! and you're just puffing yourself up to seem smarter than you ever were in the past.

did you read the light novels?? before. you. watched. the show? did you have a highlighter or a pencil or something going, 'oh that's this line, and that's this line, and oh they skipped this?' marking your copies of the books? well, then i'd possibly believe you had a bit of foreknowledge about what could possibly be covered in the next episode.

"This is baffling."

nope, every 'opinion' you give is baffling. also, as to RESPECTING your opinions? nope, we don't have to. i certainly don't, because everything you've said in this thread up to this post i'm quoting has been highly misguided and entirely biased AGAINST this franchise. i only respect the opinions of people who can show they know WTF they're talking about and can back it up.

i like this franchise, because i've been watching anime since 1990 when i was 14 years old. i'm now 45 and find this franchise: VERY original and filled with interesting back-story, world-building, facts about magic which nigh on every 'urban fantasy' anime i have ever watched just kinda-sorta explains the magic and other 'stuffs', it tells an interesting story, and it looks great artistically.
just an ol school American otaku enjoyin the life. don't sass me kiddies, i've been otaku probably since before you were born. leave me in peace and i won't bother you either.

Feb 7, 2022 12:48 AM

Dec 2015
as to the original idea of this thread, what do i think?

i'm cautiously hopeful.

in the present conditions around Japan i think this next phase will take upwards of a year to produce and appear on TV (hopefully). the delays in 'Rising of the Shield Hero' S2 and 'Date a Live' S4 are what i'm using as a guidepost.

i liked the OVA released using the LN that S1 skipped showing the siblings' past. if you are an 'in-depth' watcher of S1 and S2 you'll get bits and pieces of the book/OVA's content. so i was rather excited about Reminiscence Arc being animated. unfortunately, it felt like... a slightly extended version of a single episode in S1 or 2. i was hoping the OVA would be more than 1h 11m long and adapt the novel with much greater detail and have more content. a whole book turned into a 'feature length movie' was what i expected... 2+ hours long.

so for those 2 reasons, i'm cautiously hopeful about the next phase. :)
just an ol school American otaku enjoyin the life. don't sass me kiddies, i've been otaku probably since before you were born. leave me in peace and i won't bother you either.

Feb 22, 2022 11:28 PM
Oct 2020
My prediction
12 eps: double seven arc and steeplechase arc.
24 eps: + ancient city arc and yotsuba succession.
Mar 28, 2022 10:59 PM

Sep 2018
I am looking forward to it, having enjoyed the Mahouka world and it's setting, during the previous seasons and films.
Nov 4, 2022 3:33 PM
Oct 2022
LeonhartAugust said:
Piromysl said:
It's hard for me to imagine, that anyone is still unironically enjoy watching this peak trash.

Sometimes, overpowered MCs are fun to watch. He's also hot too.

Can’t really comment on Tatsuya being hot or not... but his eyes looking like some apex predator’s whenever he uses Third Eye is cool as shit fr
Jan 20, 2023 12:41 AM
Sep 2016
Piromysl said:
R_I_Z_E_R_7 said:

Says the man who literally gave school days a 6/10 and mahouka a 3/10. Well learn to respect the opinion of others, Well I saw your list a bit and something like this is fancy coming from you πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Notice how I don't need to do any ad hominem and check out your profile to know what kind of person are you.

Yea... Mahouka has THE worst fandom. Beating SNK by a slight margin.
how are you so stupid bro lol
Jan 20, 2023 12:57 AM

Jul 2015
Black_Nightcat said:
Piromysl said:

Notice how I don't need to do any ad hominem and check out your profile to know what kind of person are you.

Yea... Mahouka has THE worst fandom. Beating SNK by a slight margin.
how are you so stupid bro lol

There's no need to be upset.

Mar 14, 2024 7:38 PM
Jul 2016
Me from two years in the future of this OP here to say... I'm excited to see another sequel. Keep it coming!
Mar 31, 2024 4:13 AM
Mar 2022
Reply to keithmaxx
Me from two years in the future of this OP here to say... I'm excited to see another sequel. Keep it coming!
@keithmaxx Yep!!!
Apr 5, 2024 1:28 AM

Jun 2014
I'm just hear because I think listening to Saori Hayami say Oni-Sama is one of the greatest aural delights a person can experience
Apr 7, 2024 2:13 PM
Jul 2016
I think Incest is Wincest.
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