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Dec 26, 2009 9:38 AM

Nov 2007
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Dec 27, 2009 2:29 AM

Jun 2008
i knew that Ryunosuke's stories still influence a lot of Japanese Art and Literature today, but i was surprised by the similarities to various anime. I did not read this particular story by Ryunosuke and so i can only speculate, how far those anime were in fact influenced by this story.

While ep 11 is still kind of amusing, ep 12 turns totally crazy. Good thing flying sparks killed the annoying brat, so everybody introduced is dead in the end.
Dec 28, 2009 8:12 PM

Mar 2009
They were both amazing.

Dec 28, 2009 9:26 PM

Jun 2009
This story was okay, but too bloody/violent. Creepy at times>_<!everyone dies-.-"
My favourite story out of aoi bungaku would be "Kokoro"
LOVED IT<3 even bought the book=]!
Dec 29, 2009 3:49 AM

Aug 2008
Pretty good finish, loved 11, and 12 was alittle boring, but not too bad. 11 really reminded me of Jigoku Shoujo, which was probably influenced greatly by that story.

Ratings :
No Longer Human: 7/10
In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom: 5/10
Kokoro: 10/10
Run, Melos!: 9/10
The Spider's Thread: 8/10
Hell Screen: 7/10

Overall score: high 7... It's kind of hard to rate when there are some that are so brilliant, and others that are not...
llamabenOct 17, 2010 7:32 AM
Dec 29, 2009 6:56 AM

Aug 2008
I didn't really care for these last two stories. visually, they were great, but they were greatly lacking in the character and voice acting department. I hated that I heard Kajika's (from Hanasakeru) voice actress, and then the guy who played the two main characters from No Longer Human and In the Forest playing an old man with no variation in his voice. The king was the only fully realized character to me.

Scoring each of the stories, this is what I have.
No Longer Human: 6
In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom: 3
Kokoro: 10
Run, Melos!: 9
The Spider's Thread: 5
Hell Screen: 5

That averages out to a 6.33, which is about right since I have it scored at a 6, but entertained giving it a 7. It really is a shame Kokoro and Run, Melos! had to be grouped with the rest of the show.
Dec 29, 2009 8:34 AM
Jun 2009
Episode 12 was the second part of the series of the two episodes, it was about a painter who had to paint a great painting for the king. For me it was ok, but I liked the other series more.
sakaJun 13, 2011 10:30 AM
Dec 29, 2009 1:13 PM

Sep 2009
Loved the show!!

Its really hard to explain the unique-ness...every episode leaves you basically speechless though i didnt like the 2nd arc as much i liked the other arcs..

Art : must be boring each time to complement it ;)

Kandata sort of sounded like Kanda a little.Freaky boy :S

I loved the painting of his burning daughter...paused it for a while to inspect the details...magnificient^^

Never expected these sort of illustration from animes which are based on novels..
Basically this show was an excellence amongst anime.
Dec 29, 2009 1:23 PM

Dec 2009
It was great. For me the best anime of the season, probably one of the best of the year.
My favorite story was Run, Melos! and then Kokoro. Though the last one, Hell Screen, was awesome. I loved how he painted the world that he saw, and the face of that annoying king when he saw his future grave was priceless...
The only thing that I'd change it'd be the first and second story. The first was too long, two chapters is enough for it. And the second I just didn't like it :|
Overall pretty good 8/10
Dec 29, 2009 1:56 PM

Feb 2009
Proselyt said:

While ep 11 is still kind of amusing, ep 12 turns totally crazy. Good thing flying sparks killed the annoying brat, so everybody introduced is dead in the end.

Overall the show was realy good...except for that most of the stories were pretty damn saddening :(
8/10 from me

"Only the dead have seen the end of war".
Dec 29, 2009 3:04 PM

Jul 2008
well the last two ep where great. Always wanted to read Hell Screen and now I do even more..the paintin was just wow and I luved Kandata's eyes in The Spider's friggin red xD

hmm..sad this show has to end..I would want to hav more :( not really sure how I should rate this..would like to give this better ratin coz I absolutely loved Run, Melos, Kokoro and Hell Screen but In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom was so I think I'll hav to give this 8/10. Definitely enjoyed watchin this. One of the best shows this year^^

I didn't want to hurt you but you're pretty when you cry. I didn't really love you but I'm pretty when I lie.

Dec 29, 2009 7:08 PM
May 2008
This was easily the greatest show all year and one of my favorites of all time.
Dec 29, 2009 7:45 PM

Jul 2009
I haven't read any of the original literature but...
I liked No Longer Human, Kokoro, and Hell Screen. The first was far too confusing though (4 wives? why so emo?), the seconds "moral" didn't seem to work (was it REALLY bros before hoes, that's all I got), and the third was just rather bizarre (kill it with fire).

The other three arcs were mediocre - pointless, boring, nonsensical. Bleach arc was epic fail, Run Melos! was gay, and Spiders Thread was 15 minutes of STABSTAB and 10 minutes of IM ON A ROPE.

6/10 out of respect to the original Japanese literature.
Dec 29, 2009 7:58 PM

Jul 2009
Great animation really like how they use the animation
Dec 29, 2009 11:37 PM

Sep 2009
Well i still dont understand this sentence "the masterpiece is in blue".
Does it mean that the masterpiece illustration lies within the books written by the male novelist or something??
Blue=boy , pink=girl :P
Dec 30, 2009 2:16 AM

Nov 2007
I loved this series. Awesome animation all around. The last 2 stories were a bit on the simple side, but I liked them too.

Linalee-Stratos said:
Well i still dont understand this sentence "the masterpiece is in blue".
Does it mean that the masterpiece illustration lies within the books written by the male novelist or something??
Blue=boy , pink=girl :P

'Masterpieces are blue'
Blue represents the emotion of sadness / tragedy, so Masterpieces make you feel the pain.
Dec 30, 2009 3:33 AM
Jun 2008
Wow~~ It seems the Artist draw the Kandata the killer,The Emperor's death,Mitsuki, and the thousand of innocent who die under the Gruesome treatment of the Emperor.I kinda relive when the Emperor died.I am deeply emotion when Mitsuki willing to let her father draw her death appearance when she is in the verge of death.I guess she is too sad of hearing about the truth and now she want to take revenge by death.....>.< i meant by showing how gruesome the kingdom is ,so the next generation will not do the same mistake again.

Kandata and the Emperor are both murderer.......this two character is a good example.Kandata kill for food,money or even hostility but the Emperor kill just because it is certain thing that is nuisance to his eye..[The principle of perfectness in beauty?].Hate to say,the emperor is worse than Kandata.

Episode 11:DESIRE lead to FEAR
Episode 12:JUSTICE lead to REVENGE
HAHA,Other might think different.What do you think?

Sakai's voice is really nice.His speech are full of deep feeling of gentleness and warmth that pierce could my heart .I hope he can continue his voice acting in anime industries ^^
sakaJun 13, 2011 10:28 AM
Dec 30, 2009 8:05 AM

May 2009
Amazing last arc. Still not as awesome as No Longer Human, but amazing nevertheless.
Definitly the best show this season.

It's rather difficult to rate the whole series, but for me it would be as follows:

No Longer Human: 10
In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom: 8
Kokoro: 10
Run, Melos!: 9
The Spider's Thread: 8
Hell Screen: 9

This leads me to give it a 9/10 overall, which is kinda sad, since I wanted to rate it 10/10 because of those two beautiful arcs... :/
Dec 30, 2009 10:34 PM

Jul 2008
Saviuz said:
Amazing last arc. Still not as awesome as No Longer Human, but amazing nevertheless.
Definitly the best show this season.

It's rather difficult to rate the whole series, but for me it would be as follows:

No Longer Human: 10
In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom: 8
Kokoro: 10
Run, Melos!: 9
The Spider's Thread: 8
Hell Screen: 9

This leads me to give it a 9/10 overall, which is kinda sad, since I wanted to rate it 10/10 because of those two beautiful arcs... :/

This. All of it.
Dec 31, 2009 12:29 AM
Mar 2008
I had to laugh during the Spiders Thread. Kandata threw his one chance at redemption in a pretty miserable way. He was a dispicable character anyway, so the trippy hell is a good place for him.

Hell Screen had me drawing parallels to Hi no Tori: Karma. Both have artists driven purely for the sake of their art, with rather tragic results. This as the better of the two linked episodes.

Anthology series like this are hard to rate because there's very little consistency between the various arcs. But, I have to say that even the weaker arcs were still better than a vast majority of the stuff airing right now.

No Longer Human - 7.5
In The Forest - 6.5
Kokoro - 10
Run, Melos! - 9.5
Spiders Thread - 6
Hell Screen - 8

9 out of 10 for the series as a whole, mostly on account of the two brilliant arcs in the middle. Of everything that aired during Fall '09, this was the riskiest show that aired. Other than Mizuki Nana dropping two insert songs, there's not much for commercial potential here. It's art for art's sake.

Did it work out in the end? Mostly. Madhouse deserves credit for putting something like this out on TV when most studios are pumping out fan pandering stuff to keep afloat.
Dec 31, 2009 9:08 AM

Sep 2009
No Longer Human : 8
In The Forest - 7
Kokoro - 9
Run, Melos! - 10
Spiders Thread - 8
Hell Screen - 9

Rating, eh? It's kind of hard to rate something like this. Technically, overall, I give it an 8.5 / 10... I'll give it a 9 for the art. Simply astounding.
Dec 31, 2009 7:32 PM
Oct 2009
No Longer Human - 8
In The Forest - 5
Kokoro - 9
Run, Melos! - 10
Spider's Thread - 7.5
Hell Screen - 7

That averages out to a 7.75, so.. 8/10.

Kokoro and Run, Melos! were enough to make this one of my favorites of the year.
Dec 31, 2009 10:27 PM

Jul 2008
so first the tale of a crazy killer, and his last moments on earth before being executed; followed by the tail of an artist and a cruel king, and fire. lots, and lots of fire
the only way to stop a gamer from playing is either: beat them, or wait until they get bored (though 2% percent suffer seizures
Jan 1, 2010 8:09 PM

May 2008
Well, episode 11...needless to say scared the shit out of me :/

Also, I fucking hate the king. He's a major fucker. He deserved to die more than Kandata. I liked Kandata though. He had pretty eyes <3

Great series. Better than I had expected. I find the episodes got better as the series progressed.

Jan 2, 2010 4:08 AM

Apr 2009
i'm easy to please.. i give this series a 10.. pretty much all stories to me is a 10 except the first two.. they are also not that bad in that regard..
Jan 2, 2010 5:36 PM
Oct 2009
WhyGodWhy said:
This was easily the greatest show all year and one of my favorites of all time.

Hey, I agree!

It wasn't exactly PERFECT, but it was a high enough 9 to round up to a 10. Every arc was excellent, and Hell Screen gave me chills...
Jan 3, 2010 5:44 AM
Anime Moderator
Grammar Queen

Jun 2008
ugh I really did not like these last two episodes at all.

No Longer Human: 9
In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom: 5
Kokoro: 8
Run, Melos!: 9
The Spider's Thread: 5
Hell Screen: 5

average: 6.83

I guess I'm giving this a 7 :/
p r o f i l e 👀
Jan 3, 2010 5:59 PM

Sep 2007
No Longer Human: 7
In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom: 6
Kokoro: 9
Run, Melos!: 8
The Spider's Thread / Hell Screen: 6

A 7 overall. I'd recommend Kokoro to anyone.
Jan 5, 2010 1:13 PM

Nov 2008
Wow, just wow. How can this be adapted from a children's book?
That just goes beyond me.
cleo said:
Linalee-Stratos said:
Well i still dont understand this sentence "the masterpiece is in blue".
Does it mean that the masterpiece illustration lies within the books written by the male novelist or something??
Blue=boy , pink=girl :P

'Masterpieces are blue'
Blue represents the emotion of sadness / tragedy, so Masterpieces make you feel the pain.

Blue is a royal color.
KaiserpingvinJan 11, 2010 4:59 AM
Jan 5, 2010 1:25 PM

Sep 2008
It has nothing to do with "blue". Aoi also means "green", and also used in the meaning of "fresh", "young". Masterpiece subs translated it as "evergreen", which means those masterpieces are actual for any age and for any generation.
Jan 7, 2010 9:24 PM
Oct 2007
Solid show. Would have rated it higher, but it was a bit too uneven for me to do that.

Last stories had some good and bad in them. The voice acting was terrible, and I wasn't terribly interested in how the first one moved. The character animation was a bit of a step down, especially coming off of Run, Melos. However, the design and execution of the rest of it was great. I'd love to go back to that last sequence in Hell Screen high on acid. Even without that, I felt like I was taken to another plain.

Favorite was Melos without question. Forest was probably my least favorite, though I will say that I'm surprised at how much love Kokoro was getting. For what it was, I thought it wasn't bad, but I can't feel this connection that everyone else seems to be able to find so easily. Again, that might be due to the offense I took to the changes made to the original. I'll try harder not to be made biased like that in the future.
Jan 8, 2010 12:52 PM

Mar 2009
These past two episodes were my favorites-in art AND story. No Longer Human was good as well. In the Forest and Hashire Melos were cool but had meh endings, and Kokoro was pretty lame. Animation and voice acting in almost all were worth the watch, but Masato really isn't talented enough for all the roles they gave him. I would've preferred especially Yoshihide to be performed by someone else.
Jan 8, 2010 4:53 PM

Nov 2007
Wow, the artwork in especially Hell Screen was absolutely stunning. I can safely say that I enjoyed this series more through the astounding visuals rather than the stories.

No Longer Human: 8
Cherry Blossoms: 6
Kokoro: 6
Run, Melos!: 7
Spider's String: 7
Hell Screen: 8

Which makes for a 7/10 in total. A very interesting watch, albeit a bit inconsistent.
Jan 8, 2010 5:50 PM

Jul 2008
No Longer Human - 8
In The Forest - 8
Kokoro - 9
Run, Melos! - 7
Spider's Thread - 8
Hell Screen - 7

Interesting stories, I enjoyed them all.
Jan 10, 2010 6:03 PM

Dec 2008
This series left me breathless. I am saddened at how short this show was. Or rather, I am feeling "blue" about it. =P

Well done. I'd say this was a breath of fresh air for me from all the stale animes out there these days. :]
~ SilentMuse, At Your Service. ~
Jan 11, 2010 3:34 AM

Jun 2009
11th ep has good main idea: our "good" (in general) deeds are like fibers that hold us in this world (as I've understood it). But the way it had been executed is not so good as it could be.
12th ep was nice only 'cause of the picture. I don't think idea of dying for arts and pressure on artist's creativity was executed in the novel in the same way.

No Longer Human: 8
In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom: 7
Kokoro: 6
Run, Melos!: 10
The Spider's Thread: 6
Hell Screen: 6

7/10, I expected much more. Also, these series can't all be viewed from one point, they are too different. I wish every arc was separate OVA (though, we'll see a movie about No Longer Human soon).
Jan 11, 2010 5:18 AM

Jan 2008
No Longer Human 10
In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom 3
Kokoro 8
Run, Melos! 10
The Spider's Thread 4
Hell Screen 6

I don't get, at all, why people found Kokoro the best one. Yes, it was fantastic, but it is very much overshadowed by the adaptions of Dazai's work. Which were godly.

I'd like to see something like this for more international literature too... I know that Ulysses adapted by SHAFT would be the best thing ever.
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<img src="" />
Jan 11, 2010 3:49 PM

Sep 2008
No Longer Human: 9
In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom: 10
Kokoro: 5
Run, Melos!: 10
The Spider's Thread: 7
Hell Screen: 8

Something like this. And an overall 9 cause I'm nice.

Also, it seems I'm the only one who thought that "In the forest..." was the best story of them all.
Jan 11, 2010 7:04 PM

Jan 2008
I don't dig Yoshihide's voice. Looking at his physique, it's more like a more deeper quality of voice rather than the usual Sakai Masato's voice.

As for the rating of each story -

No Longer Human: 8
In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom: 6
Kokoro: 8
Run, Melos!: 9
The Spider's Thread: 7
Hell Screen: 6

Overall: 7
Jan 13, 2010 12:12 PM

Apr 2009
seishi-sama said:

Also, it seems I'm the only one who thought that "In the forest..." was the best story of them all.
Like hell you were

No Longer Human: 8
In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom: 10
Kokoro: 8
Run, Melos!: 9
The Spider's Thread: 7
Hell Screen: 5

overall 8! great art
Jan 13, 2010 4:35 PM
Nov 2007
Spiders Thread sucked badly, it was boring beyond imagination, especially comparing to Run, Melos and Kokoro.
Hell Screen was good, but would be better, if it was given more time to develop more complex story.

6. Spider's Thread
5. Hell Screen
4. No Longer Human / In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom
2. Kokoro
1. Run, Melos!
Jan 13, 2010 6:36 PM

Oct 2009
Jaapsneep said:
seishi-sama said:

Also, it seems I'm the only one who thought that "In the forest..." was the best story of them all.
Like hell you were

For me 2nd story was the worst on. If i had to choose The best would be No Longer Human. Reallt great arc. I also enjoyed Kokoro and Run, Melos. Rest 3 were just watchable for me.
Jan 15, 2010 11:49 AM

Dec 2008
Ningen Shikkaku: 4
Run melos: 8
Kokoro: 9
In the forest...: 8
Spider Thread: 6
Hell´s screen: 8

amadilo said:
Jaapsneep said:
seishi-sama said:

Also, it seems I'm the only one who thought that "In the forest..." was the best story of them all.
Like hell you were

For me 2nd story was the worst on. If i had to choose The best would be No Longer Human. Reallt great arc. I also enjoyed Kokoro and Run, Melos. Rest 3 were just watchable for me.

In the forest also was my favorite, ningen shikkaku bored me, I fall asleep after 10 minutes, and also 3 episodes for that crappy arc was too much, i was thinking in drop aoi bungaku, in the forest it´s a good arc has comedy, music, isn´t the more serious but it´s a good arc because of the story and the comedy
also run, melos was good :D
wabowserJan 15, 2010 11:52 AM
Jan 17, 2010 4:29 AM

Oct 2009
1. Run, Melos!
2. No Longer Human
3. In the Forest
4. Kokoro
5. Spider's Thread
6. Hell Screen

9/10 from me. I thought this would be more interesting/touching...
I'll re-watch "Run, Melos!" someday...
Jan 17, 2010 3:56 PM

Feb 2009
No Longer Human: 10
In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom: 4
Kokoro: 8
Run, Melos!: 8.5
The Spider's Thread: 6
Hell Screen: 9

Jan 20, 2010 12:38 PM

Jun 2009
I guess the best of them was No Longer Human (immediately read the book after watching the anime episodes), but the others were also great.

No Longer Human deserves 9/10,
In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom: 4/10
Kokoro: 7/10
Run, Melos!: 7/10
The Spider's Thread: 9/10
Hell Screen: 8/10
Jan 24, 2010 1:20 AM

Jun 2009
No Longer Human: 7
In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom: 0 didnt bother watching it
Kokoro: 9.5
Run, Melos!: 8
The Spider's Thread: 4
Hell Screen: 7 < could be better
Jan 25, 2010 12:58 AM

Aug 2008
Random order, and my view of what happens and what it means in my opinion. It is quite a lengthy post, and i probably wont come and check for replies, so either send me a message that you replied here and i'll come check and read it, or send your reply directly to me.

Run, Melos! 9/10

Probably my favourite, largely because it was the easiest to watch, not too disturbing nor did it stur my emotions negatively. I actually viewed it as quite a positive story, unsure if thats because everything before it was so negative, or that i just felt there was a great sense of hope and posivite feeling by the end of it.

No Longer Human 5/10

Technically it wasnt bad, it just really made me feel bad, very depressing. Though the situations were different some of questions and emotions im sure we have all had or felt, at some point. Being able to relate like that with something quite depressing, makes it hard for me to enjoy it, my enjoyment was practically none existant, the characters, atmosphere, and the way it somehow made it personal, are what raised it up for me or should i say, won't allow me to mark it lower than 5 just because i didnt enjoy it.

In the Forest 7/10

Seem rather lighthearted at first, the art style having changed significantly from "no longer human" added to that impression. Still it was quite dark, killing for the woman he loved, killing so she would be his wife, even killing his previous wives at her request. Fear created from a feeling of being out of place, fear warping his mind. Fear of the cherry blossoms, and my interuptation of it is that fear made him believe his wife was a demon(though she was hardly a saint either) and while trapt in his delusion kills her.

Kokoro 6/10

What to say, well it was interesting to see the story from both of their perspectives, though it didnt add up. If two people look at an inc blot and are asked what comes to mind, its quite possible to see something different. Here however, not only do we get shown something different, as there are times when either K or Sensei are not present to witness the event, but some of the events between the two of them happen differently.

Question is where does the truth lie, personally i think Ojousan played the both of them, from what get shown in K perspective of her wanting to escape her current life. If asked which did she love if any, i would say probably K, if we take K perspective of events to contain a true reflection of what happened, and not him seeing it how it wanted it to be, then she showed possibly genuine interest in him, based on several reactions, and having made love with him. Though any and all of this could of merely been to get him to show interest and do what she wanted.

Spider's Thread 6/10

First let me say i loved Kanbuto's appearance, really looked quite cool, and definately a crazy killer look about him. You reap what you sow comes to mind here, ultimately killed people and was hence executed. The portrayal of hell was quite disturbing and fit the bill well. My impression of spiders thread and abandoning him was it offering him a way out of hell, yet his actions hadnt changed, his feelings hadnt changed, the glimmer of him understanding the value of life when talking to the spider before his capture not progressing the spider gave up and left him in hell.

Hell Screen 6/10

Wasnt that great, but i thought it represented something far better. Painting the reality before his eyes, not ignoring the suffering around him, losing something precious and painting quite an amazing piece yet well fitting as a hell screen and true picture of the kingdom. Was very happy to see the king go up in flames as well. It was only an episode so its hard to really comment further than that.
Jan 25, 2010 3:01 PM

Jan 2008
The king got what he deserved. In Spider's Thread he already proved himself to be a repulsive character (much like Kandata), but the last episode only convinced me of it.

These two last arcs were quite trippy and violent, using disturbing images to add to it, e.g. the hell Kandata is in or the mausoleum painting. A terrific result though.

The show itself surely is the best, in my opinion, show of the fall '09 season, with beautiful art and all arcs very interesting. I believe the only flaw I can think of is the voice acting, I'm pretty sure every main character of all cars was voiced by the same guy, who does have an awesome voice, but a bit diversity wouldn't hurt.

No Longer Human: 10/10
In The Forest: 6/10
Kokoro: 9/10
Run, Melos: 9/10
Spider's Thread: 7/10
Hell Screen: 8/10

I complete the series with a 9/10.
Jan 30, 2010 5:25 PM

Aug 2009
Fantastic, fantastic, very fantastic. Loved both of the arcs, infact I loved every arc out there. I would frankly say that the Run, Melos! arc was the arc that I least enjoyed but overall, it was very good. I'd give this a 9.5. I like to round off numbers so I'm giving this a 10.

Episode 11 was kind of okay. We get this professional killer that can traven roof to roof. Although he killed tons and tons of people, he spared a single spider's life.(I think I've heard of this tale before.) He got sent to hell but later found a single spider thread. I would personally think that the spider was testing him for another life since he spared it's life but what the spider saw was still madness and cruelty since he desperately kicked everyone just so that the thread wouldn't break.

Episode 12 was rather crazy. The painter sacrificed his own daughter just so that he can paint the flames of hell. In the end, his painting left me with awe since it was freaking awesome as hell. The king sure was a bitch too. I think he also died in that big fire. What an idiot, lmfao.

Overall I would give the arcs the following:
No Longer Human - 10
In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom - 8
Kokoro - 10
Run, Melos! - 6 Yaoi killed this one for me.
Spider's Thread - 7
Hell's Screen - 8
MoonfrostJan 30, 2010 5:30 PM
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