All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 83.9
Mean Score:
- Watching33
- Completed185
- On-Hold12
- Dropped13
- Plan to Watch71
- Total Entries314
- Rewatched0
- Episodes4,998
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 33.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries186
- Reread0
- Chapters5,878
- Volumes460
All Comments (553) Comments
You read SAO 7 then since?
I've completed Fate and UBW now (and found out there's a Realta Nua patch so spent a little time just flicking back to get the new CGs) but other than that nothing since I had exams. Going to start Heaven's Feel though when I next find time. Brilliant however, totally going to turn into a proper Type-Moon fan after this, I can tell.
(Well, we're more than even now lol)
I'm just hoping things don't get seriously tragic again now that the band is together. Though honestly, I'm getting the feeling that they will.
You might try Nineteen Twenty-One, you'd probably like it.
No idea :/. Probably just catched up to the manga too fast or something and they don't want to do any fillers.
True, it's really annoying having to replay scenes and battles in games :/. Good thing about FSN and visual novels in generally though is that you can skip scenes you've seen before. That way you know for sure you're always seeing something new.
I can't actually remember but a long time definitely if you read everything thoroughly and try and get every little scene and bad end like I do. FSN is meant to be pretty much the longest visual novel there is. That's the main reason I couldn't go straight into the UBW route after doing the Fate route, needed a break to catch up on everything else. (I've actually started UBW now ^ ^ at long last! lol)
Exactly! So simple yet utterly brilliant. For that matter, can't believe they're ending it AGAIN. Just barely lasted over 50 eps this time :/.
Fate/Stay Night probably has one of the fewest routes though. And each one is completely different from the others since they all veer off basically right at the start of the novel. But I get what you mean. It's nicer when there's just one straightforward route. Especially since then you know that's the one fixed true story rather than multiple stories that may or may not just be alternate fantasies or possibilities rather than actual occurrences.
Ah the only problem is that you HAVE to play them in order. The choice you make to play the UBW route is only available if you've completed the Fate route and the scenes to start the Heaven's Feel route are only activated if you've completed both of the others. Add in the fact that pretty much every bad end happens pretty much one scene after you make a wrong choice, the game is actually pretty linear. (Though I quite like the fact that I don't have to waste time agonising over which route I'm going to play next).
Well in the end I still haven't found time to make a start on the UBW route yet :/.