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Feb 28, 2016 8:47 AM
Welp people falling like flies so I don't think it made much impact for me, at least some shitty characters died though. And just think how good it would be for the world if Scirocco won, i'm rooting for Scirocco right now, I think he's the one will make it all better... But of course the series won't end that way. |
Mar 31, 2016 9:38 PM
Don't think I've ever seen a show kill off more characters in one than this just did. Pretty fucking epic!! This is why Zeta gets the praise isn't it? Rad! |
May 10, 2016 3:18 AM
First, the score... 5/5, wait, 1/5, no, 4/5... I absolutely don't know how I feel about this episode: ?/5. I am strange because when Katz accident started, I was rather incredulous. After surviving out of pure luck through all his conscious mistakes and deadly behaviors, he was so sure of himself he just died accidentally like this?! That was very logical but at the same time disturbing. I certainly did not feel any joy: he was a boy who never fitted in a military role, whose father send on the battlefield of a civil war. Not only Hayato, Char (whose past doesn't make it apt to "mentor" children) and after a moment Amuro (I think he wasn't really fond of the idea at first: he was right!) supported him on that. Those people were blind and made no sense. Maybe they fought "we did it, why couldn't he?", but he wasn't like them. Anyway, I did not feel any joy about it and, I am sad for Fraw (and Bright who always tried to restrict him) and maybe because I still see him as this little boy who was part of the old White Base "family". Jerid? I was sure he would survived when Camille blew him away like usual and then he was caught in the Raddish explosion. Very unexpected too (I saw him as an angry survivor soldier after the defeat of the Titans), his death was pathetic but in the continuation of what happened to him every episode until now. So, Kamille is able to channel and materialize his psychic strength as a coating for his armor and a blade for his beam saber ? O_o I knew he was above Amuro in terms of NT abilities but even after Scirocco and Harman show-off I didn't thought he would use his mental for battle. He seems more close to the empathic/understanding part of the NT concept than the military application of NT power. I don't understand why people are laughing or shouting after this scene, it is not something foreign to Gundam 0079 and Zeta (particularly Zeta where various NT characters displayed ESP abilities far stronger than what was seen before). I was troubled by the fact his post-deaths confusion was great enough to give him a death wish. The instant was pretty unpleasant. Reccoa... Reccoa, Reccoa, Reccoa! She disappointed me so much, I can't stand her speech about sexes. Because of that, I am glad it was Emma, a fellow female soldier, who disposed of her. I know Guru Paptimus is very efficient in his ways and stated he would like to make a woman reign over the world to change things for the better but he actually is just using women as tools (men too, besides most men and women on a battlefield are tools in the conflict but whatever). And what does Reccoa Londe says before her death? That men love war and use women... With such resented things, she sure choosed the right activities (guerilla, rogue military...) thanks to her need of thrills and the right persons to revolve around (Char Aznable, Paptimus Scirocco). But it would have been better if Emma had survived the duel, showing the superiority of her womanhood over Miss Londe's sexual ideology. I was happy to see her get out of her Gundam but those stupid anime makers only wanted to make a false joy to their audience by killing her right after. -_- The fact they showed her being totally shocked after the Raddish lost then still willing and being able to fight was great. Harman can't focus on her own order/strategy as soon as Char shows up. Is she so pissed off that he tried to kill her? On one hand, so much deaths in a short moment in a battle make the episode look very rushed (especially after all the useless episodes of wandering and all those escaped deadly situations); on the other hand, it is perfectly plausible in war that one day "nothing" happens while in the next battle the death toll rises up. Also, we had lots of casualties in every episode until now but we weren't really conscious of it because most of them were "anonymous soldiers". And those ones were hugely more anonymous than the regular losts in Gundam 0079 (at least in my opinion). I suppose Scirocco, Yazan, Haaman Kharn to die if they want to conclude the conflict, maybe Mineva too (I hope not) just to be sure noone can use her as puppet king anymore. But I fear Camille will have to endure the loss of Fa and maybe some other crew members just to make sure he ends up all alone. (maybe "Quattro-tai" too since he was like a father figure) |
Rei_IIIMay 10, 2016 4:15 AM
Dec 2, 2016 2:13 PM
Damn, i am now depressed. This series is so much darker than the original! |
Jan 12, 2017 1:28 PM
This was an amazing episode for the sole reason that Katz and Jerid were killed. |
Jan 26, 2017 11:23 PM
Came here to post this. It's pretty hard to hold grudge against an episode which kills off the three most annoying and retarded characters. |
Use your brain before using your keyboard! |
Mar 2, 2017 2:49 PM
Jun 9, 2017 3:13 PM
Wow never expected Katz or the Radish crew to die but this what make Zeta grounded and respectable even with it's flaws. It has actual stakes, tension and consequences. Katz was a ticking bomb constantly disobeying orders, constant outbursts, displayed reckless and impulse behaviour which eventually got him killed. Sarah's death should've been his turning point but he didn't learn anything and ended paying the ultimate price in the last scene just before his death you see a face of regret. I really liked Kats, his a tragic character especially following him since he was toddler in 079 series he was a basically similar to Amuro in someone ways but one that didn't learn from his mistakes got a taste of war and of love, and never made it pass that to grow into the mature person eventually. Sad. Heineken of the radish crew was done really well he knew the consequences but thought maybe with a little hope they could save Emma, especially since he grew fond of her. Emma and Reccoa conversation was gold when Emma told her nobody is gonna mourn her death for her selfish and evil actions she carried out. |
Temujin26SJun 9, 2017 5:44 PM
Jul 31, 2017 12:53 AM
Axis VS Titans VS AEUG Zeta Gundam ep 49 MR BONES WILD RIDE |
Aug 30, 2017 12:10 PM
Tremendous thread. I loved how everybody rejoiced in the deaths of Katz and Reccoa (I personally never disliked Jerid)! It sucked seeing the Radish crew die and the captain of Radish never get his date with Emma. When Reccoa and Emma were battling I was thinking "You better not kill off Emma and have Reccoa live or I'm going to boycott the last episode." This episode was alright, but sadly it feels like I've been watching Zeta out of habit for the last 15 or so episodes :(. |
Nov 4, 2017 9:04 AM
Tomino wanted to see them all dead and so he was. |
Feb 7, 2018 6:55 PM
I find it funny that this episode decided to be logical… Katz went and disobeyed order (like he did in previous episodes) in a machine that isn’t fit for combat, he is dead. Henken Bekkener protecting one mobile suit & pilot over a battle ship (even tho I understand him, he was in love), for this irrational decision he paid with his life. He & his crew are dead. Jerid a punk who was obsessed with MC to the point of not improving himself, he is dead (like the b*tch he is) why dedicate him so much time if Yazan did what he was supposed to do as an antagonist/villain *Facepalm* Reccoa and her quest into betrayal finally got an opponent who didn’t give a rat a$$ about her previously being an ally (she killed innocents people in the middle of her quest), she is dead. Emma like many other characters (in previous episode & this one) leaves her mobile suit (granted it was wrecked but nonetheless was safer that being outside) is injured(?) or dead(?). That is all that I wanted in previous episode when characters had erratic behaviors in the middle of combat. But sadly, they choose to do it in the antepenultimate episode instead of doing it early *Sigh* |
May 22, 2018 5:44 PM
With the exceptions of the deaths, I struggle to think of anything new that has happened. Every character pretty much something similar to what they said before, and there was no change or growth at all. This episode showed how little growth there actually was. The only thing new was Kamille's ability to just say "nope" to laser beams. Kamille Bidan Kill Count: 2 Kill this episode 70 Kills total |
Nov 19, 2018 5:00 PM
Wow, this episode was quite something. Katz had a fitting end for someone as reckless as him and it even gave me some chills. Let's see if the last episode will top this madness. |
One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron |
Nov 24, 2018 11:58 AM
Brutal episode. Didn't expect Katz to die. Must admit I felt bit sorry he died even though I couldn't stand him. I am glad Reccoa finally died tho. I am really sad for Captain Henken. Hope Emma will be okay. |
Dec 27, 2018 7:06 PM
This was an excellent episode. Katz, Captain Hanken, Reccoa, Jerid, Yazan killed and The Radish destroyed. I'm kinda relieved that Katz died since he was being so annoying and selfish. I'm happy that he found peace and believed he would see Sarah again in the next life though. Jerids death was quite underwhelming though. Reccoa was getting out of hand, trying to kill the people she started off helping. Her reasoning for switching sides was really stupid.. because she felt that Men only boss Woman around and treat them unequally and that no one can tell her what to do. Such a dumb reason to want to kill the people you helped to begin with. |
Feb 3, 2019 2:26 AM
I'd like to think Kamille's Newtype powers warped Yazan's perception instead actually forming a barrier and energy sword. Otherwise this "super robot" thing felt extremely out of place. |
Jul 29, 2019 1:48 PM
Thank GOD they finally got Katz. I've been waiting for that ever since he went stupid over Sarah and started acting like the snotty teenager he is. The rest of the episode was really annoying though. I mean sure these are supposed to be real people that have emotions and are affected by the deaths of their comrades, especially if you're a space mutant with heightened empathy senses, but they're also supposed to be soldiers. Kamille I can understand because he was just a kid that kinda fell into war, but even Emma? She was trained as a soldier for the god damn Titans! How in the world was she not conditioned to be unaffected by that? Good riddance Katz and Reccoa. |
Aug 8, 2019 10:34 AM
I know it is satisfying to watch awful characters die, but that doesn't make this episode good, just lazy. I'm sorry for Katz, he was a retarded kid, yes, but so were Amuro and especially Kamille, who got eventually rewarded (kind of). He was just a victim of bad writers, who decided to remove his plot armor just because they didn't know how to end this show. |
Sep 22, 2019 9:45 AM
so this random(?) guy accomplished more in 30 seconds than jerid over the course of the entire show by killing katz and everyone on the radish? lol |
Oct 9, 2019 7:48 AM
best ep after a while wow this ep was great and finally getting rid of a lot of characters that should have been killed off long ago also gotta say i dont mind that emma is still around if anything she became less annoying (mainly because she was pretty much forgotten for a good amount of time) but thanks to her she finally took down Reccoa which again should have gotten killed many time throughout the series anyway hoping the final ep to be good as well |
DazeFireOct 9, 2019 7:52 AM
"one step at a time" |
Nov 24, 2019 7:54 PM
hyosun said: so this random(?) guy accomplished more in 30 seconds than jerid over the course of the entire show by killing katz and everyone on the radish? lol That should have been Jerid finally getting some revenge after being a non-threat for 48 episodes. That would be more interesting than this message of "pigs who do enjoy combat are EVIL!", and the resolution (Kamille being forced to kill him instead of an irremediable asshole) more dramatic. |
Jun 5, 2020 10:35 PM
Decent episode overall. The only death that was surprising for me was the Henkin. Katz, Reccoa, and Jerid deaths were all just long overdue deaths that all happened to be at the same time at the end of the season rather than spread out. Theyve all had their deaths coming for too many episodes to count at this point and it was always a question of when rather than if they would die for me. The newtype shit at the end was dumb, but at this point Im not really surprised. Zeta Gundam in general has gone all in on newtypes, which to me was always a weak, and poorly thought concept from 0079. The fact that they went even harder on it this series and making it even more convoluted instead of properly fleshing it out is just another knock I have against this show as a whole right now. |
Jun 20, 2020 1:02 PM
Axis and Titans together again after all that happened between Haman and Scirocco? And then Haman attacks Jupitris again? The writing in this show is so wonderful. Katz sure has nice armor to ram into a meteorite without a problem. I call it *plot* armor. Oh no it isn't, he blew up after a second meteorite. Kamille: “…it would be too stifling to live in space” – proceeds to open his helmet and expose himself to vacuum. Genius. “you’re being too much of a woman” – lol nice line from Emma to Reccoa. Kamille got literal plot armor and a magic shooting sword to kill (?) Yazan. Yay. I'm fine with NT powers giving some abilities to communicate via brain waves or something but this is too much. The potential fight between Char, Scirocco and Haman was just kinda dropped. I have a bad habit of visiting the wiki pages of some characters after they supposedly die only to be spoiled that there's also some backstory that is to be told or maybe that they didn't die after all or something like that. I think I won't be doing it here (though I partially did already). Anyway, it's pretty ridiculous that Tomino decided to kill everyone in one episode. I kinda...don't care when it happens like that? What was the point of dragging all those practically useless characters throughout the entire show, wasting time (like with Jerid who's literally the most useless and flat antagonist ever, though I liked the explosion with lighting effects during his death), only to kill them in one episode? Menken's death was kinda unrealistic, like seriously, how did Yazan escape such a barrage? It's practically impossible. Though I shall note that this fellow is pretty fond of shooting command bridges. Zeta surely isn't going to have a good closure. Sure, the moral of the episode (and Gundam in general) is that people are dying in battles, it's sad and tragic, but the execution is not terribly good. I'm supposed to care about these deaths more because I know the characters but I kinda don't. I only feel bad about Emma a bit (I suspect that her wound is critical after all). It's also ironic that unnamed soldiers are shown dying the most gruesome deaths in all those close-up shots of people getting teared apart or burned inside the cockpit, with the animation lines distorted and all those common effects. Yet the viewer can't feel for them too much because they're anonymous. But when a "major" character dies, it's always so...distant? We never see Katz or Henken or many other people die in the same way we see other soldiers. We see their agony and then the ship/MS just blows up from afar. And this doesn't make us feel anything again because it feels distant. It's ironic. |
St0rmbladeJun 20, 2020 1:23 PM
Sep 20, 2020 1:45 PM
Amazing. Just amazing end for an amazing series. Lmao Idk about anyone else but I literally had to act surprised with each character death. |
Dec 1, 2020 11:50 AM
Reccoa must be the most pointless, badly written and redundant character in Gundam. Her arc made ZERO sense. |
Mar 5, 2021 6:06 PM
I have mixed reactions about this episode. -Positive: I'm glad annoying people are dead (Katz, Jerid, Reccoa). -Negative: the pacing is too fast. Just like I said before, its weird people are dying now and not before. Also, Yazan never could kill them before, why now? |
NurguburuMar 5, 2021 6:14 PM
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity. In Nippon, we trust. We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本 |
Jul 11, 2021 12:45 AM
No wonder Reccoa is widely hated. What a nonsensical woman and simp she is. Also, Katz, if you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. chi4ko said: Reccoa must be the most pointless, badly written and redundant character in Gundam. Her arc made ZERO sense. this |
Sep 15, 2021 1:31 PM
Can tell we're getting closer to the end, they're killing off characters left and right. I'm surprised they killed off Reccoa though, kinda feel that there was more to resolve with her character, and Char wasn't even involved with her death. |
Jan 2, 2022 7:13 AM
Holy fuck this episode was a massacre (although let's face it, Henken was the only non-annoying one). I cringed very hard to the ass pull of "oh yeah btw Reccoa was raped y'know", 100% Tomino realizing how much of a dumb badly-written character she was and trying to make her more relatable at the last moment. But yeah it didnìt work, you can't solve bad writing by adding more bad writing. Also this is incoherent, all this time they kept repeating she's doing this because "She's a woman after all" (ugh) and as such it's natural to her to put feelings and romance above ideals (double ugh), and now it's hinted she actually was a victim and didn't trust men. How does this make sense considering she literally betrayed the AEUG for a man (that she didn't even know)? I'm happy she's dead simply because we will not have to suffer her idiocy anymore. Besides that very very good episode |
Oznerol7Jan 2, 2022 7:22 AM
Jan 13, 2022 5:02 AM
Jan 16, 2022 4:39 PM
Damn I was eagerly waiting for this, Reccoa's death was almost uophoric. That loose b*** betrayed everyone simply because she wanted a man's attention (at death she even admitted Scirocco was using and humiliating her) yet she continued her path. One of the most satisfying deaths I've seen in a while, just wish it was a bit more drawn out lmao |
Feb 9, 2022 6:36 PM
jerid deserved better, he always got the short stick in any and every situation he was in, always having to retreat without reaching his goals despite his best efforts, jerid had what kamille never did: development, he starts as a mediocre pilot that recognize his lack of skills and does his best to improve, reason he reaches to lila, and strives to reach the top of the titans. he was brutal yes, but so was kamille, who killed kakricon when this couldnt even shoot back despite spouting "if you dont fight i wont shoot" bullshit some episodes ago, and wanting to dispatch sirocco because of how evil this was while trying to "save" the female newtype that committed mass murder in hong kong and fighting along axis, and how to forget the piece of shit of char that killed garma because he was a "spoiled kid" and that nows tries to feing moral superiority while siding with the AEUG and giving meaningless speeches, your average titan pilot commitedd less atrocities than him. RIP Jerid Messa, ill always remember you as the best character of zeta. |
Jul 5, 2022 1:07 AM
I never liked Katz, but he was just a bratty kid. Seeing him go out that way was a bummer. Felt bad for Henken and his unrequited love as well. Jerid seemed like such a big rival character, and then they kill him off with a whimper. Yeesh. At least Yazan is still around. The guy still feels like he came from a different anime, but he always grabs my attention when he's on the screen. I was totally freaked out that Emma was going to die. I really like her, bright, Char, and (to a lesser extent) Kamille. |
Jul 31, 2022 7:56 PM
Kamille: "So many people have died" No shit sherlock, is a fucking war. How many people have you kill? To many. I really hope Kamille die |
Aug 24, 2022 11:08 AM
Fuck yes, Katz is finally dead! And holy shit his death was absolutely hilarious too, flew into a rock like the fucking dumbass he was and that was that. Also, did Henken (legit didn't even know his name until now) seriously sacrifice his entire ship and the probably hundreds of crew on it just to save Emma? And good fucking riddance to Reccoa too, such a badly written character from start to finish. Still, we went from 0-100 real quick on these mobile suit battles having consequences, huh? How many have we had in this series where their suit loses an arm or leg then they retreat to fight another day? To go from that to this, while entertaining and very cathartic with most of the deaths, is incredibly jarring to put it lightly. |
Oct 30, 2022 6:38 PM
Jerid dying was very anticlimatic, I'm not impressed by that. Katz and Reccoa dying was much needed, I can't stand the both of them lol. I don't think Yazzan is dead since I saw a sphere thing leave before his mech exploded. I hope he is gone though lol. All this newtype shenanigans is making me conflicted about this series as a whole. |
Oct 31, 2022 2:16 AM
i can't believe the shittiest character emma didn't die |
Dec 31, 2022 7:19 PM
This episode was insane. Sure, all these facts felt rushed to be in the same episode, but it was still awesome I literally laughed out loud at Katz's death. I'm surprised it happened this way but I won't complain really, this fucking brat was super-annoying, got what he deserved after all his insubordination and stupidity. This alone made the ep for me Reccoa was pretty lame as well, I didn't hate her like Katz but I can tell why many people do. Honestly she was annoying with her reasoning that made 0 sense, and she was hypocrital. When Emma said "nobody will cry for you" I basically applauded in front of the tv. And she was implying that she got raped? Doesn't justify her actions, like the poisonous attack or the fact that she was ready to kill Kamille, but she reacted to Katz's death? A mess of a character and I'm fairly glad she got disposed of, though I was 100% sure it would have happened The demise of Jerid was pretty unexpected, or to be more precise, how it happened. I didn't hate him like some people, true he was a prick but I still liked his character, that seemed to be going on some development as the series progressed, like Kamille; so despite the space he got at first, it felt a very anticlimatic and quick ending for him. I guess in the end he was just obsessed with Kamille while Kamille wasn't in particular, or at least not like Jerid. Jerid was just one of those "evil enemies" that approves of war and he just got disposed. Whatever I'm not sure I've understood what happened in the Radish. Basically Henken sacrificed the ship for Emma, but it was him that at first was against the idea, while his crew insisted? It's a shame though, I liked this guy, and definitely the least one that deserved to die in this episode Emma was shocked at Henken's death, much more than Katz. So in the end, her feelings were mutual? She would have accepted his date the next time he asked for it? Well she should definitely thank Henken, because without him she would be dead. Speaking of which, don't tell me Emma is going to die too, her condition is unclear, but I'm willing to bet she will make it. Also why did she get outside of the gundam? To check if Reccoa was still alive? Or because she feared her mobile suit would explode? For such a serious character that often scolded Kamille, it was pretty touching that she was spacing out at Henken's death, but she managed to recover and going in battle short after. Maybe it's due to her titan's training? Yazan is probably the MVP of the episode: an ace pilot, contributes to many enemies casualties, and it seems like he even manages to survive (I saw his pilot sphere ejecting) against super saiyan plot armor Kamille, despite what Kamille said about him, which is kind of right since he doesn't care about these deaths and even taunting them. Right now my favourite Zeta Gundam character What the hell happened with Kamille when he removed his visor? He's probably going crazy after all the deaths, right? lol. It's very Amuro-like to gets pissed for that, but at least Amuro didn't get full invulnerability like it was some kind of videogame. The newtype thing is going ALL IN this time |
Hanzo__HattoriDec 31, 2022 7:24 PM
Jun 9, 2023 3:58 PM
rip captain henken and fuck you jerid go to hell oh and rip katz i guess and recoa |
Jul 30, 2023 2:41 PM
Reccoa's stanky, nasty, entitled, annoying, irritating, ungrateful, horribly motivated, excessively horny, slutty, traitorous, self-centered, selfish, narcissistic, condescending, dumb, bitch ass is deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIS: Rot In Shit assface |
Lucifer_RemnantJul 30, 2023 3:25 PM
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” |
Aug 3, 2023 2:54 AM
Dang, this one was intense. Looks like they ramped up the animation budget too, some great action all around. Can't say I'm too torn up about any of the deaths this episode but they were definitely brutal. Good riddance to Katz and Reccoa, two of the most irritating characters in all of Gundam. Not really sure why Kamille is sudddenly so torn up about war? Just in the last episode he was telling Char how he's a-ok with being a Newtype killer (unless he was being sarcastic?), and he was always pretty eager to go out and fight. Also what the hell is is with the gender commentary in this show? I'm not sure if something's been lost in translation but it always feels so clunky and random. "Men only think about fighting and how to use women" - a woman who thought the middle of a war was the best time to look for love, blamed the men around her for being to preoccupied with, you know, fighting the war, and committed multiple war crimes so she could cozy up to Scirocco. What a selfish tool, I'm glad she's gone. |
_Ne0n_Aug 3, 2023 3:22 AM
Aug 31, 2023 1:47 PM
Kill Em All Tomino living up to his name. I know some people said killing off a good chunk of the cast in 1 episode felt rushed, but Kamille's reaction makes me feel like that's the point: it's a war, deaths can come all of sudden, and they may not be worth it. Overall pretty good example of Gundam's themes. |
Sep 1, 2023 10:24 AM
a mindless slaughter does not serve to redeem the series and make it become instantly excellent, but rather reinforces the childishness with which the story is written |
''Touch the darkness inside me'' |
Oct 28, 2023 9:20 AM
Reply to removed-user
Reccoa must be the most pointless, badly written and redundant character in Gundam. Her arc made ZERO sense.
@kari-ya this x2 Actively dragged the show down for me. I was nodding in agreement when best girl Emma said no one would miss her after she died. |
Dec 22, 2023 12:48 PM
Contrary to the vast majority here, I wasn't annoyed by Reccoa. In fact, I really liked her up until the middle of the series - and then... well, I hoped we could get some kind of backstory, in order to understand the reasons she became like that. As I said elsewhere, I enjoy gray characters, as long as we're able to delve into their backstories. But here... we didn't. Insufficient writing gave us a character that felt incomprehensible and was not liked by the majority. It's only natural. Peronally... well, I still liked her somehow. I always thought there was something more to her. Was she abused in the past? Was she attracted to Scirocco because she thought he didn't try to take advantage of her? We don't know. I think her character personifies the main problem with the Gundam series up until now (this and the 079 series): it often has poor characterization, especially when it comes to "gray" characters, that try to come as "complicated", but somewhere stumble along the way. Things happen but it seems we've missed some things along the way. This goes for every kind of "social" situation - not only characters, but political stuff too. Take the relationship between AEUG and Axis, for example. Last episode we saw them fighting once again - and it came out of nowhere. I still don't understand why they would give up all that diplomacy we saw unfold, just to get out to the battlefield and kill each other once again. And Four? Or Rosammy? Four was probably the most likable female of the show, but she appeared only in 4 or 5 episodes - and, in the end, we have more questions about her, than answers. We know she and Rosammy were manipulated and all that jazz - but we never dwell into specifics. To me, the people responsible for such thought manipulation are far more terrible, than the enemy pilots. But we almost never see them in the show. Yes, the action is incredible - and this episode was one of the best on that aspect, there's no doubt. But, still, one episode left... and I feel like I've almost seen an "incomplete" series. |
Lethal_RabbitDec 22, 2023 3:16 PM
May 20, 2024 1:29 PM
Yazan the fucking MVP. What a chapter Katz, Jerid and Reccoa out of the game in a great fight, Henken and the Radish sacrifice for Emma was nice and i really feels the shock of Kamille and Emma after all of that happen. The Scirocco vs Haman vs Char was nice too. Truly the best chapter. |
May 27, 2024 2:56 AM
i like that the last battle was between reccoa londe and emma sheen. i'm inclined to believe emma dies, as emma along with other characters seem to have previously been drafted to appear in ZZ alive and well, if it's past tense then emma is dead. unsure. you know what's funny? jerid up until the end, hey, kudos for him sticking to his crazy obsession with killing kamille and failing a million times. "YOU ARE MY--------" fuckinggg explodes lol who created jerid? i don't hate him, his crime is just existing when there's nothing to like and kamille randomly losing his sense of logic by rolling back the helmet visor, i think everyone's starting to go a little insane by episode 49. we got a kamille newtype forehead laser too |
Oct 13, 2024 9:34 PM
Probably the best episode yet. So much shit went down and it actually felt like a real battle because people can't just run away from checkmate like they could before. I like how Gundam is considered this big turning point for anime where mecha shows started to be more scientific, yet there's so much psychic bullshit powers in this. They're really cool, and honestly a lot more interesting than a generic robot war. |
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