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Sound! Euphonium (light novel)
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Sep 14, 2016 5:48 PM
Sep 2016
What kind of scorched soul wouldn't love this episode? Literally cried. Someone please help me, I think I'm not strong enough to survive the rest of this show, but fuck me I can't stop
Dec 14, 2016 11:32 PM

Sep 2016
awee man awe man what an episode, first off let me say that the way they carried forth the drama this episode was exceptionally well and really triggered my emotions. I must say my bae Kousaka definitely deserved her part since she was chosen from the first audition you could even see the results within her training. Secondly everything wouldve been cool if kaori's friend didn't interrupt out of the blue and started saying kousaka only won the part due to past relations with sensei, although i do believe sticking up for your friends in tough times is great and kudos for her to that but when the results were clearly made during audition of who deserved(even though us the audience didn't witness such events) it , that should be when you draw the line and just accept the facts of the outcome. I believe their wasn't any favoring towards my bae kousaka going on, i also liked the spark in kaoris eyes when the 2nd auditions were announced it showed her perseverance and defined her character more, so with these 2nd auditions i still hope bae kousaka wins and shows everyone believing in those ill rumors why she was truly picked to win. And on a last note since many people believed those rumors and joined in on a biased opinion they might just do it again and those who may feel kousaka would win might turn their backs and follow the herd of mindless opinions but i really hope not, we'll see alsoo natsuki oh girl i loved her this eps as well her talking with kumiko about it and reassuring her to be fine was great to see it was a sign of opposite spectrums, we thought the people left out of the audition were going to cause drama but turns out it was inside all along; theyll reap what they have sown.
shogunwolfdyvineDec 14, 2016 11:36 PM
Facta Non Verba
Jan 9, 2017 8:32 PM

Dec 2014
C'mon.. Know when someone is better than you and Reina was obviously better.

We'll find out in the second audition, although I don't think much will change. Reina will show off in front of everyone and make her senior look bad (Yuko caused it)

The tension in this episode is REAL, I loved every bit of it.

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Apr 21, 2017 3:35 AM

Jun 2013
So really, Kumiko's full flashback appeared to be a lot less traumatic than expected. That's not to say that I can't believe the effect it had on her. I wonder if that was all that happened that made her wish for a fresh start. Still, the revelation did make the payoff with Natsuki even more of a relief.

Asuka proves to remain as difficult to decipher as ever. She cared enough to convince Kaori to go for a second chance, so who even knows.

LeeTailorApr 21, 2017 3:42 AM
May 14, 2017 8:47 PM

Nov 2013
Everyone and their grandma hates Yuko.
Well, i totally support her. Of course she is kinda annoying but she is just a kid and she has a point. This retarded teacher should die or at least leave. They are sick and tired of his bullshit and so am i.
Fuck Reina. Kaori for win.
GvendolineMay 15, 2017 6:19 AM
Jul 7, 2017 10:07 PM

Jul 2013
You know what would be interesting.

If the Kumikos rival won and everyone would have to face their own biases but i'm sure that's not going to happen.
Feb 8, 2018 5:56 AM

Dec 2015
Gee this concert band has become a magnet for drama, a more viable solution would have been to simply purge all those disgusting 2nd years because clearly not enough of them quit in the previous year.

Lastly rip Reina x Kumiko, it was fun whilst it lasted :'(
Apr 19, 2018 3:03 PM

Nov 2016
GTFO Yuuko.

And I still wonder how people see shoujo ai here when this episode pretty much confirmed that this isn't the case.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Feb 25, 2019 8:35 PM

Oct 2017
Yuko is really annoying. She should’ve just listened to Kaori and let the whole situation go. It was obvious that Reina was better from the beginning.
She was also pretty brave to accuse Taki of picking favorites.
Jun 20, 2019 6:13 PM

Feb 2018
The re-selection of the trumpet solo section will begin soon.
Jul 24, 2019 2:59 AM

Mar 2018
If this is going in the direction were they both play and "Mrs. Madonna of the ensemble" gets majority vote cause of popularity, that'd just suck
But knowing anime and how Kaori is a reasonable character, it will probably go like "based on votes kaori will play the solo" but then kaori declines since she knows Reina is better
K1ngOfSlothJul 24, 2019 3:23 AM

“I don’t like expending more effort than I have to.” – Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
Aug 24, 2019 7:02 AM

Aug 2018
MojoMako said:
Nakagawa for best girl. This girl treats her junior to a milkshake and doesn't seem to hold a grudge against Oumae. She even made a sweet note on Oumae's music sheet. What's there not to like about her. She's perfect.

Nakagawa-senpai best senpai ever!!!

"The most amazing and interesting story in this world ever existed is the story of the world itself where all stories happened"
-Hassaan Lightstone-
Aug 24, 2019 7:07 AM

Aug 2018
Nakagawa-senpai is the best senpai I have seen in my life.
Second best is Kaori-senpai.

"The most amazing and interesting story in this world ever existed is the story of the world itself where all stories happened"
-Hassaan Lightstone-
Sep 10, 2019 8:02 PM
Jan 2018
POxa vida, que guria baba ovo mano. Nem a SENPAI queria saber dos resultados dos Trompetes e por casa de uma choradeira, agora vãor efazer toda a Audição e perder tempo de ensaio.
Se eu quero Ouro pra minha banda, eu com certeza vou por Só o Elenco mais 100% pra titular!
Dec 20, 2019 3:40 AM

Apr 2013
Reina seems to either love or don't give a shit about someone, pretty extreme. So we'll get another shoothout between the trumpets, would be kinda unfair if Reina would lose her solo part now.
Feb 28, 2020 12:46 AM

Feb 2019
Yuuko was so annoying. She doesn't even have proof that Taki-sensei knowing Reina means that it was all a setup. Like, it's all just speculation based on the circumstances. And Kaori already accepted the result too anyway.

I think the vote can go either way because of sympathy, but I also think Taki-sensei got this idea because that other teacher said music doesn't lie.
May 3, 2020 4:33 PM

Oct 2015
Damn, the short girl simping the 3rd year trumpet player hard. Just get a room instead of spurring up drama lol
Jun 6, 2020 10:09 AM

Sep 2018
If the previous episode has dispelled all possible doubts that arose while watching the past episodes, giving an exhaustive answer to the questions that arose, in this here, the feelings that harbored in the main characters are revealed, especially in the figure of Kumiko. At the same time, the script takes advantage of this to catch two birds with one stone, better sketching the characters' characters, such as that of Reina, Kaori, Asuka, Yuuko and Natsuki; and show Haruka's character growth. Excellent drawings that give a surprising hand in understanding the mood of the characters, through their facial expressions and their only look. But the dirty work also does the soundtrack, not only the drawings. Asuka stands out again for her comedy and her wit, and this can only please the viewer of the episode. The relationship between Kumiko and Reina takes a step forward, they are more and more friends for the skin, too bad they miss Hazuki and Midori.
Aug 7, 2020 4:19 AM
Apr 2019
democracy is a horrible thing right ? haha ,I really appreciate how sensei broke the facade they were making,see if it was for everyone voting,people who were opposing would have been left out at first !
But Kaori was serious,so she didn't hesitate to take the chance.People who started the rumour are baseless cowards,it's proved now .

Kumiko doesn't seem to change quickly,she still has this terrible personality.Well,she at least knows about it,hope she would continue to improve
Sep 6, 2020 2:08 AM

Jul 2015
So Kousaka loves Taki-sensei, I can already sense a disturbance in the force as if there was a sudden outburst of tears from many yuri fans who supported Kousaka x Kumiko.

Not sure how to feel about this second chance, one side it's good now that everyone can decide for themselves but on the other side I don't really trust them choosing the right person with the feelings they have going right now (supporting third-year Kaori and not trusting Kousaka because of how she knows Taki)

Oct 24, 2020 4:34 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
When you tell yourself that that was the last episode before you sleep but then it ends in a cliffhanger, dang it. Guess the sleep can wait. Although if this goes the way that’s it expected then it’s probably not really a cliffhanger... poor girl though. Sure it’s just first world problems but mentally that’s still tough.

whiskey tango foxtrot

Mar 16, 2021 9:28 PM

Jul 2020
This episode could be felt as a politic/football club dressroom bad environment, which made it amazing. Players opposing the manager because of favoritism, causing intern conflicts and board intervention. Amazing.

I disliked Yuko for being kind of mean at first. But this chapter she was amazing. All of her.

5/5 chapter. I see various people arguing about being fair. Diego already said it: "Que la sigan chupando"
Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Jun 15, 2021 6:17 AM

Jul 2014
Besides the people salty that they weren't good enough to pass the auditions and make it into the performance group, why would anyone at all take the rumours of favouritism seriously? Surely it would be obvious that it's just salty people being salty and would be dismissed for exactly that reason, as everyone worked so ridiculously hard in the build-up to the auditions? Hell, why didn't Taki just say exactly that, rather than caving to the group's stupidity with a second audition? Caving to Yuko and the other people bitter about not being good enough does no one in the band any good whatsoever and just completely sabotages their ongoing preparations. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if this situation alone causes them to completely fuck up in the actual competition as I doubt the second audition will do enough to dispel the bitterness and the rumours.

God, this melodrama about Taki having known Kousaka before is utterly ridiculous and infuriating. I've enjoyed this show far more than expected so far, but the melodrama this episode was some of the worst melodrama imaginable.
Jul 6, 2021 2:48 AM
Aug 2017
Okay first of all this entire episode really got me HEATED because of this yuko girl that doesn’t know how to SHUT UP!!

Im sorry but there really was NO reason to air reinas and taki-senseis business out like this for everyone to know and spread even more rumors If she honestly was concerned for her friend she would have pulled reina and the teacher to the side and talked it out or eventually even request a second audition without trying to gaslight and spread rumors about sensei and reina…..this whole scene wasn’t done with good intend lol you cant tell me that it was done on purpose to make reina and the sensei feel bad that kaori didnt get the solo part. It is kind of unfair that reina has to audition a sencond time when she obviously won fair and square her solo part but i guess it will be more humiliating for kaori because she will have to play infront of everyone and everyone will hear that reina truly is the better one and that all this bs was for nothing. Also i HATE the fact that taki sensei gave in at the end to hold a second audition and i feel very sad for reina because reina and everyone worked their butt off for the audition its not fair that kaori gets a second chance only because her and her friend are sulking bc she didn’t get the solo part…gOD this melodrama got me so mad. yuko better apologizes at the end of it
Jul 25, 2021 2:39 AM
Apr 2021
I just watched Episode 10 and I want to say that Yuuko is an annoying bitch I've ever witnessed in the entire anime franchise.
Jul 26, 2021 4:48 PM

Oct 2020
I dont think redoing the audition with the band voting is fair, we all know tha Yuko, that bitch, will vote againsnt Reina to favour Kaori. Lets see how this turns out
Nov 20, 2021 9:08 AM
Aug 2021
Lol that Yuko gal made me as frustrated as Reina was with the whole situation. She has no business butting in betwen Reina and Kaori. Thanks to her even Taki sensei got angry enough (or rather burdened cause of all these stupid rumours) to snap at the students. Ugh why would the students believe such baseless rumors?

Also I felt bad for Kumiko when she was cornered by that senior. That was scary.

This was a nice drama episode. Spiced some things up before the awaited competition.
Feb 18, 2022 7:05 AM

Jul 2017
Reina is such a queen, damn! You tell 'em!

Well done Yuuko smh. This girl is fucking up everything with every bit of salt in her being. It's gonna be so satisfying when Kaori gets put in her place AGAIN lmaooo! My man Taki really lost his handle over things and this solution is just awful and anything but fair, like, tf? Still an interesting direction tho lol.

Fun ep. Always enjoy some sweet drama :)

Jul 8, 2022 2:21 AM

May 2020
what a monumental step down this show has taken in the matter of a single episode.

people say your lie in april is overly dramatic, but Hibike takes the cake on forcing drama when none is needed
Sep 23, 2022 8:33 AM

Apr 2018
More and more drama and now the teacher is involved... so he knew Reina before and Reina is in love with him that's why she joined this school, interesting. Also seems like there is a 2nd audition for the ones that want to try again but it will just be about the trumpet solo part, so it seems it's definitely dead for Hazuki? Too bad :/
Aug 13, 2023 12:58 PM

May 2020
Jesus, what drama. That's what you get when you've 99 percent of club members as girls smh.

Ribbon girl needs to shut it to be honest, I mean if the teacher were to play favourites there was a chance he wouldn't have selected Kaori in the first place, but then again you couldn't even try with the fools.

Not a fan of how we'll have a second audition now, sure there won't be anyone to question things after this but that's just like Taki accepting the claims about favoritism. Though hoping the drama dies with the audition next episode.
Sep 16, 2023 3:00 PM

Nov 2018
I do understand everyone's perspectives and concerns, but I can't help feeling outraged by the injustice against Kousaka.
"The me today will not ever make the future me to regret!"
(Emily Adachi from Air Gear: Kuro no Hane to Nemuri no Mori - Break on the Sky)

Nov 20, 2023 1:13 PM

Jan 2020
This feels too obvious of a tactic to stretch the plot to 13 episodes. Nothing like forced drama over a fuss amirite?

Reina's reaction tho, it was the best thing in a while.

Jan 12, 2024 11:59 AM
Nov 2023
It was good, enjoyed it.
Mar 10, 2024 9:05 AM

May 2015
Ganbare Kaori, you'll make it !
Mar 24, 2024 5:58 PM
Mar 2018
I hate the blond, bow-in-the-hair girl. That is all.
Apr 2, 2024 9:04 PM

Apr 2021
ribbon girl is so annoying bro, like her attitude just doesnt put a strain on kousaka but also on kaori. Kaori already has listen kousaka play, seen her work ethic, she knows. She already faced that harsh truth when she didnt get the solo and now this girl continues speaking abt it. And even worse, she talks it with everyone in the room, like if they werent feeling pressured for the upcoming competition.

Kaori too nice tbh, i would have told that girl straightforward, very seriously to stop speaking abt that.

Aug 6, 2024 2:26 AM
May 2023
I didn't enjoy the drama this time. Can't believe it got drag like this
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