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Sep 17, 2022 10:25 AM
Aug 2021
EcchiGodMamster said:
Sahil_kk said:
few episodes ago citizens got gun randomly and shoot each other now they are saying it's prank and everyone believed it immediately

Sahil_kk said:
WTF was that? in last episode some citizen died or shoot each other and now this? how dumb can it go?

i was thinking the same thing, that makes literally no sense, than again, very little in this show makes any sense LMAO

lets ignore Chisato's ability to defy physics, which is honestly just pure badassery

are the characters super soldiers? thats never explained... how else can they survive some of this shit... yet somehow they can't get shot? wtf?

how are they so strong? are they geneticall enhanced girls/boys?

still wondering how after Majima first got nuked they somehow knew he didnt die

yea.. how are there guns placed around everywhere and girls wearing the same uniforms as the girls in the video on screen yet somehow they played it off as a joke?

... seriously lol?

el_morris said:
Oooobiously Makima wasn't going to die so easily.

wrong anime bruh.. show aint even out yet LMAO

Hehe absolutely true
Sep 17, 2022 10:32 AM
Jul 2018
In truth the "cover up" was quite realistic.
Sep 17, 2022 10:36 AM
May 2018
Csource said:
Mukhris said:
Okay what the heck with that coverup. That was goofy and people actually believe that? I mean what? Look I don't hate happy ending but please make sense.

It actually make sense cause this is what Majima was trying to tell everyone. The people living there is so brainwashed that anything violent is non-existent (for the people living there). I'm not sure about the deaths that happened in public but probably gonna be a cover up saying (this was also staged).

As for the show, holy damn. Takina stole the episode for me. Her expression and feelings was truly amazing. The voice acting is more superb than the previous episodes. Also things are starting to get more heat up. Gonna be sad looking like Chisato chose her fate even though Takina is willing to do anything to keep her alive. Most probably Takina herself will donate her heart.

I don't know they gonna cover up the death. It happen for quite some time. People should already get suspicious from that. I love this show man. But I just can't accept that cover up.
Sep 17, 2022 10:36 AM
Jun 2020
Anti-Username said:
In truth the "cover up" was quite realistic.
no it was stupid we saw a civilist shooting with a real gun a real lycoris the cover up is so stupid like the anime who is stupid
Sep 17, 2022 10:37 AM

Oct 2021
Hopefully, Chisato or both Chisato and Majima die next week.
Sep 17, 2022 10:37 AM
Mar 2020
The red Lilybell reeks of cliffhanger and S2.
Sep 17, 2022 10:44 AM

Jul 2011
Basically try to fix everything that Chisato lack of decisive action in the past caused.

I really hate that they make Takina become a stormtrooper, when she is right.
Sep 17, 2022 11:04 AM
Sep 2021
Ok putting the cover up aside, am I really the only one that thought something was up when chisato's bag at the end of the episode is very clearly thrown into view of the closing elevator? It's not like the bag just flew on its own, something had to have moved it and chisato just walks out and starts talking about the keychain (when she very easily should've noticed majima to her side before he started shooting. Not a world-ending flaw or anything but that scene just seemed weird in how it played out to me. Looking forward to the finale!
Sep 17, 2022 11:05 AM
Dec 2021
For the folks talking about the citizens that were shot, thinking that will be enough to keep Lycoris exposed - cops straight up kill people all the time and people pretty much forget about it, and they're not some group of clandestine assassins. A few dead civilians doesn't matter.
Sep 17, 2022 11:07 AM

Feb 2013
I'm making a prediction so hear me out.

I don't know how many people were paying attention at the end but I'm pretty sure one of Majima's shots made it through the balloon. And someone was hit.
I think it's Fuki...and I think she's mortally wounded. And I also think it's going to turn out that her heart is a match for Chisato.

Any takers?
Sep 17, 2022 11:07 AM

Feb 2011
Another good episode with fantastic animation, cant wait for the next one! Damn cliffhangers!

Sep 17, 2022 11:08 AM
Aug 2021
good shit‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
Sep 17, 2022 11:08 AM

Oct 2016
OK, this gives me hope.

They seem to introduced a main Lilybell character. So there is a strong possibility they will feature him in a future episode. So there might be plans of making an another season of Lycoris Recoil (or maybe an OVA). Here’s hoping for Chisato getting a new lease on life.

Considering the show is big hit in Japan they might make plans for new stories.

I wonder if this will cause a love triangle between Chisato, Takina and that guy. Like a love/hate adversarial kind of relationship.
Sep 17, 2022 11:10 AM

Nov 2016
Majima ain't going down that easily.

This episode and the whole show have been quite the rollercoaster ride. Don't want to see it end next and chances of S2 are not really high 😫

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Sep 17, 2022 11:19 AM

May 2018
Damn Chisato does not know what USB is. Shows technology is moving fast.

Majima vs Chisato 1 vs 1 lets go

"Don't give up after failing just twice.
We'll be able to do it next time.
Failure is the stepping stone to success."

Sep 17, 2022 11:20 AM

Dec 2012
As usual with original shows

Sep 17, 2022 11:21 AM

Jun 2022
I can´t describe in words how many emotions I had watching this episode. Felt like I went through all 7 stages of grief like 3 times. I am insanily hyped for the finale.
Sep 17, 2022 11:26 AM
Nov 2020
i love chisato but after this episode i don't mind if they kill chisato in final episode
Sep 17, 2022 11:30 AM
Sep 2021
I can't breath watching this episode, so awesome! I love it!!!
Sep 17, 2022 11:43 AM

Jun 2017
Damn, I really wanted to see Takina ripping that heart out.
Sep 17, 2022 11:47 AM

Jul 2015
Oh, boi. Since LillyBell have actually appeared, I guess yuri fetishists are having a conniption. XD

But on a serious note, LilyBell being properly intoruced gives even more sequel potential.
It's obvious, that LilyBell Commander WILL be a recurring character because of the exposition he received.
Strike whole it's hot, Japan!
PiromyslSep 17, 2022 11:53 AM

Sep 17, 2022 11:59 AM

Feb 2014
Majima proved to be a tough opponent for Chisato and Takina, but their persistence battling paid off and they were able to finally get the better of him and win. However, Yoshimatsu went as far as to place the artificial heart that Chisato needs in his own body, just to try and convince her to kill him. She did end up shooting him, but it wasn't a fatal hit and, despite Yoshimatsu's aide making her entrance, Chisato and Takina were able to prevail, although Takina's pure anger was in full force as she wanted Yoshimatsu dead, but Chisato somehow kept her at bay.

After that, Lycoris were ordered on stand-by so that the Lilybell squad, the male version of Lycoris, can eliminate them after the Lycoris got exposed to the public by Majima earlier. Kurumi then played her hardest in setting up a plan to turn things around and, aside from Chisato for not knowing what a USB is, she did manage to insert it into the slot (heh) and Kurumi simply went to town on Robota's arse. Her smug face while calling the cops on him was hilarious, as was her boasting after the so-called best hacker in thw world got arrested. Not only that, but she was able to play a clip to make it look like that the Lycoris shooting incident was nothing more than an adventure game at the tower. While that does leave a few story loopholes, it did convince most of the public and was abler to limit the damage done.

However, Majima made his re-appearance and was able to separate Chisato from Takina and the other Lycoris from the lift. Know we'll be having a proper 1v1 fight between these two, where I personally think that either one of them or even both of them will die.

It's going to be a thrilling finale to this series and while I think there'll be a few loose ends not sorted out (The main Lilybell commander had an interest in Chisato, as well as more of Majima's past), I do see this series ending on a satisfying note, regardless if it's a happy ending or not.
Sep 17, 2022 12:00 PM

Nov 2013
Oh well, it seems we'll have the good old "boss fight" as the final episode; followed by dramatic last sec "heart shutdown" of Chisato. I didn't like Chisato telling Sakura she can "replace her" basically. At this point, it will be extremely disappointing if Chisato dies.

As expected Shinji wanted to use everyone so that Chisato would start killing people. Lame...

Lilybell made their appearance! They made it sound like Lilybell were superior (duh... not intending to sound sexist but basic human anatomy tells us why), though it makes little sense why they'd train Lycoris if they're inferior. Also, it still makes no sense (anime logic) to use boys and girls instead of grown-ass adults - at least in such critical situations. I mean they use adults as cleaners but they rely on little boys to kill girl assassins? Bruh...

Surprising part: Lilybell were order to kill on spot, but they simply ordered Lycoris to freeze and didn't massacre them. The show is trying hard not to be dark, so it will once again be crappy if Chisato ends up dying after all. It's like Disney cartoon where even villains get "knocked out" or "tied down" instead of getting killed; now imagine if MC dies in Disney cartoon lol.

I bet Mika will intercept Shinji and take the heart, even if he has to kill him. I think we're safe to say Mika values Chisato over the dude.

Couldn't care less about Majima. Shinji is obsessed with getting killed by Chisato. Is Majima same?
Sigmar-UnberogenSep 17, 2022 12:06 PM
Sep 17, 2022 12:04 PM

Sep 2018
A fantastic, action filled episode with an unfortunately high asspull quotient
Quantum ille canis est in fenestra
Sep 17, 2022 12:04 PM
Apr 2020
Yoshi stole my heart
Sep 17, 2022 12:08 PM

Apr 2022
Wow, this was quite the episode! It was definitely a great climax to the season, for both the action side of the show, as well as the emotional, self-conflict side of it.

On that second point, Chisato is directly confronted with the conflict of saving Yoshi or herself. And Takina directly confronts the person who messed up Chisato's heart. It leads to scenes packed full of emotion, which were executed well and actually made me feel something. Good stuff!

Also, Takina's scary when she's enraged...

This was my favorite episode of the series thus far. Can't wait to see how the season ends!
Sep 17, 2022 12:09 PM
Jan 2021
w episode as usual
Sep 17, 2022 12:09 PM

Feb 2018
I was beginning to think that everything was being resolved a little too easily, right till that point at the end when he shows up. Almost a little too convenient...
Sep 17, 2022 12:14 PM

Mar 2012
Sigmar-Unberogen said:
it will be extremely disappointing if Chisato dies.

Sigmar-Unberogen said:

Couldn't care less about Majima.

have to disagree with both, ill be disappointed if she DOESN'T die and if Majima does


this show has had many of us scared for the ending, yet nothing super crazy has happened yet, they don't even really show any of the lycoris die, its like theyre trying really hard NOT to kill any of the girls, what a good twist it would be if they do kill her

we barely even know whats going on with Alan or DA or why some characters are even bad

Majima is 100x more interesting than pretty much anyone expect Chisato and Takina, we don't even know his backstory, so it'd be pretty stupid to kill him off last episode or even focus the last ep on whats going on with him as that wouldnt really be much of an ending
Sep 17, 2022 12:16 PM
Oct 2021
This episode was so action packed!
A lot of stuff got tied up nicely while still some questions remain for the ending of the anime next week.

Takina showing all her emotions to safe Chisato and Chisato being super warm and kind even to people who wronged her could be seen as badly written, but the story and the characters are well developed and it just makes sense that Chisato is like she is.

This whole episode felt just the perfect.
Excited what the last episode will bring!
Sep 17, 2022 12:21 PM

Mar 2016
An extremely wild episode this was, and in a very good way.

Chisato and Takina's words honestly moved me in many ways. Chisato wanting to maintain her pacifist approach no matter what and even stating why she wants to uphold it (despite Shinji pulling the scumbag move to transplant the new artificial heart into him in an attempt to force her to take a life), and Takina fighting with all her desire to protect and save Chisato's life, despite her best friend being okay with having such limited time left. Honestly I can't praise their VAs enough.

The persuasion of the public that everything was just a realistic act is actually something quite believable, because that's how people irl generally are, especially when they're pre-disposed and used to peace that had been maintained all this time prior to Majima's actions. It's comical, yea, but that's genuinely how it is, as much as people would complain about it...people not enough in the know wil buy into bullshit that easily, even if a previous scene they witnessed makes them raise their eyebrows a bit.

So no, I don't think this is a case of "horrible writing" or whatever the contrarian critics will claim. If anything, it just felt like so much (and maybe too much) happened within one episode, shifting from heavy to lighthearted and back to tense again. Voice acting, art, and direction was on point this episode. Can't wait for that finale to see how they wrap everything up. I don't think Chisato will live by the end of the series, though, sadly. It's been a great ride, and I'm kinda sad it'll end soon.
RyuseishunSep 17, 2022 12:37 PM
Sep 17, 2022 12:22 PM
Oct 2020
Fire episode. Of course majima got free so last ep is going to be an epic fight between him and Chisato. We also got the lilybell kinda so that's cool. I wanted to see more of them though. Also not surprised people just expected that everything they saw wasn't real.
Sep 17, 2022 12:25 PM
Jun 2020
EcchiGodMamster said:
Sigmar-Unberogen said:
it will be extremely disappointing if Chisato dies.

Sigmar-Unberogen said:

Couldn't care less about Majima.

have to disagree with both, ill be disappointed if she DOESN'T die and if Majima does


this show has had many of us scared for the ending, yet nothing super crazy has happened yet, they don't even really show any of the lycoris die, its like theyre trying really hard NOT to kill any of the girls, what a good twist it would be if they do kill her

we barely even know whats going on with Alan or DA or why some characters are even bad

Majima is 100x more interesting than pretty much anyone expect Chisato and Takina, we don't even know his backstory, so it'd be pretty stupid to kill him off last episode or even focus the last ep on whats going on with him as that wouldnt really be much of an ending

so far 4 lycoris got killed by majima i wished they killed way more since so many male terrorists got killed as men myself i feel a lot sexism in this one
Sep 17, 2022 12:32 PM

Jun 2015
Now thats a cliffhanger. Next shows when!!
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Sep 17, 2022 12:33 PM

Mar 2012
Maruseru93 said:
EcchiGodMamster said:

have to disagree with both, ill be disappointed if she DOESN'T die and if Majima does


this show has had many of us scared for the ending, yet nothing super crazy has happened yet, they don't even really show any of the lycoris die, its like theyre trying really hard NOT to kill any of the girls, what a good twist it would be if they do kill her

we barely even know whats going on with Alan or DA or why some characters are even bad

Majima is 100x more interesting than pretty much anyone expect Chisato and Takina, we don't even know his backstory, so it'd be pretty stupid to kill him off last episode or even focus the last ep on whats going on with him as that wouldnt really be much of an ending

so far 4 lycoris got killed by majima i wished they killed way more since so many male terrorists got killed as men myself i feel a lot sexism in this one

the author is CLEARLY going for a girls vs boys vibe with this anime lol

none of the villains are girls and they pretty much never "show" any lycoris die, meanwhile they've shown tons of guys dead lol

and they won't kill any of the main Lycoris lol
Sep 17, 2022 12:34 PM
Jul 2018
Anime of the year, I love it
Sep 17, 2022 12:35 PM
Mar 2016
SGCS said:
Mixed feelings about this one, apparently DA is really just gonna cover that up as if nothing happened and everyone is just gonna believe that, yeah sure..
the ending made me chuckle tho the happy ed song just started while Majima was casually trying to kill the lycoris in the elevator lol

the lyrics are far from being happy tho
Sep 17, 2022 12:37 PM
Mar 2016
EcchiGodMamster said:
NGL.. gonna be pretty mad if Majima dies considering hes way more interesting than almost anyone but Chisato or Takina

also, wondering if that one LilyBell is the male version of Chisato

sexy ass nurse woman needed way more fights and screentime

don't be lame and give this anime a full happy ending.. Chisatos heart needs to give out or something for a good twist

more like the male version of Fuki
Sep 17, 2022 12:39 PM
Jul 2011
It was a great episode, I really wanna watch the final battle between Chisato and Majima
My candies:
Sep 17, 2022 12:42 PM
Sep 2018
Honestly this anime gets better and better every week, can’t believe this is the second last episode! Roll on next week but I’ll miss Chisato tho 😭💔
Sep 17, 2022 12:48 PM

Jan 2021
Chisato really doesn't like shooting with real bullets and this shows why, she doesn't want to end peoples lives but instead fight fair and square.

Seeing Takina enraged is something else, almost scary lmao but she does it to protect the ones close to her i think and she doesn't wanna lose Chisato either.

Looks life all Lycoris lives were about to end but Chisato jumped to the rescue so they retreated.

The real finale starts next week, Chisato vs Majima.
Sep 17, 2022 12:52 PM

Nov 2013
EcchiGodMamster said:
Sigmar-Unberogen said:
it will be extremely disappointing if Chisato dies.

Sigmar-Unberogen said:

Couldn't care less about Majima.

have to disagree with both, ill be disappointed if she DOESN'T die and if Majima does


this show has had many of us scared for the ending, yet nothing super crazy has happened yet, they don't even really show any of the lycoris die, its like theyre trying really hard NOT to kill any of the girls, what a good twist it would be if they do kill her

we barely even know whats going on with Alan or DA or why some characters are even bad

Majima is 100x more interesting than pretty much anyone expect Chisato and Takina, we don't even know his backstory, so it'd be pretty stupid to kill him off last episode or even focus the last ep on whats going on with him as that wouldnt really be much of an ending

Hmm... Well, I don't believe Chisato will die, or she'll kill Majima. It's entirely possible they'll both survive. The atmosphere of the anime has turned too "cute" and "censored" for it to have a tragic ending IMO. I see your point though; tragic endings make shows more memorable, though it can also ruin everything if poorly executed. Call it plot twist if you like but IMO it will be like an extremely poorly executed "GOTCHA!" moment if Chisato can't be saved after all. I may have PTSD there. "Subverted expectations" moment akin to disastrous "star wars" new trilogy... ugh, please no forced drama.

I can't really think of a satisfying conclusion to the story in just 1 episode (if Chisato dies). There will be some fighting, conclusion to the fight, then all the drama, characters meeting up (Mika, Kurumi), final words, dying, time skip, "new Chisato" arrive in LycoRico; moving on. It would be extremely rushed and anticlimactic IMO. Would be better if they don't kill anyone (yet) and make season 2 perhaps. Chisato carries the show. Yeah, Majima and Takina are interesting but without Chisato the continuation may (IMO likely) will not be as popular given how the plot is pretty mediocre.
Sep 17, 2022 12:56 PM
Sep 2022
ffs how dare you end the episode like that
Sep 17, 2022 1:10 PM
Aug 2022
Stark700 said:
Damn, this episode reminds me how scary Takina is when she's enraged. Either way, we got a hell of an operation involving Chisato, Takina, and her allies. Even Kurumi has an important role for support here.

Pretty intense pacing of this episode and you can tell how desperate Takina is to get to Chisato at the end. Hopefully Chisato knows what she's doing.

i agree.. very scary of her
Sep 17, 2022 1:12 PM

Jan 2011
Every new episode has something new, with a good plot, nice action and some laughs. Really love it.
Sep 17, 2022 1:17 PM
May 2019
PHENOMENAL voice acting by Chika and Shion... best VA duo for sure without any doubt. Loved this episode sooo many emotions
Sep 17, 2022 1:23 PM

Apr 2016
That Majima vs Duo was so anti-climatic, it was pretty cool to see though. Man I love Takina's emotions, she really loves Chisato. Conversation between Chisato and Fuki 🥺 don't remind me she will be gone.

I knew at some point Majima would be able to move from that, guy was direct hit with bazooka and still able to move, and here we are at the cliffhanger.
So much thing happened in this episode, I wonder if there's gonna be a sequel to this show.
EuphoriaSep 17, 2022 1:28 PM
Why do we have to live in such a cruel world?

Sep 17, 2022 1:24 PM

Oct 2018
that cliffhanger... >< so curious to see how it will end
Sep 17, 2022 1:28 PM

Dec 2015
This was one heck of an episode. So much happen. Wish we could've seen the fight between Takina and that assistant. Wasn't expecting for him to go that far to get her to kill someone.

Finally got to see the LilyBell squad in action a little bit. I liked the Pac-Man-esque hacking and tracking that Kurumi set up. Hopefully everyone believes this cover up (and get the cleaners out there ASAP).

One more episode to go. Looking forward to it.
Notice: I read most manga in Japanese now so I'm not sure where you can read in English. Sorry in advance.
Sep 17, 2022 1:29 PM

May 2021
PatoDeLibra said:
SGCS said:
Mixed feelings about this one, apparently DA is really just gonna cover that up as if nothing happened and everyone is just gonna believe that, yeah sure..
the ending made me chuckle tho the happy ed song just started while Majima was casually trying to kill the lycoris in the elevator lol

the lyrics are far from being happy tho

I'm talking mainly about the melody here, I've checked the lyrics and they don't seem unhappy.. I think? idk that's at least my interpretation of them

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