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Uncle from Another World
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Aug 31, 2022 6:29 AM

Nov 2011
Ojisan is a clever guy, using his video game knowledge to his advantage. Episode also had its RPG elements.

Alicia is lowkey adorable this episode while I think Raiga is kinda creepy.
Aug 31, 2022 8:20 AM
Jun 2021
this ep delayed a week in netflix vietnam
Aug 31, 2022 8:28 AM
Jan 2018
So is the episode delayed on netflix or something? Japan has already released it
Aug 31, 2022 8:29 AM
Apr 2019
rizeamp012 said:
So is the episode delayed on netflix or something? Japan has already released it

america gets it later
Aug 31, 2022 9:29 AM

Mar 2021
the episode has been delayed by a week in Netflix due to production issues
Aug 31, 2022 12:37 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Haha yeah this was a pretty good episode. Things happened and stuff and there was talking and some action and what not

whiskey tango foxtrot

Aug 31, 2022 1:11 PM

Sep 2020
Cool that Takafumi can use ojisan's power for a short time, I also like how ojisan immediate wiped out the creature once they talked.
Aug 31, 2022 1:33 PM

Jul 2017
Yelp. Netflix delayed the episode's release by a week, which means that when next week's episode is out, this episode should be as well or before it.
Aug 31, 2022 2:12 PM
Nov 2018
The raw version is out, all that is missing is subtitles. I think someone will make them in a day or two. Manga sources translated, it can't be too difficult.
Sep 1, 2022 5:11 AM
Oct 2019
I'm just so happy seeing Golden Axe and Sonic!!

That gameplay and BGM....
Sep 1, 2022 10:06 PM

Feb 2019
Yo what the fuck are these subs lmao?

Fujimiya really carries this show. She and the nephew have the best moments.

Apparently it’s not covid that’s causing the delays for the episodes either. Seems to be some studio drama which tbh makes way more sense as the vaccine and booster is readily available at this point
Marinate1016Sep 1, 2022 10:11 PM
Sep 1, 2022 10:10 PM
Jul 2018
this show is getting repetitive and boring
Sep 1, 2022 11:56 PM

May 2020
That definitely was a goblin slayer reference lol. Poor Ojisan, people will take him for anything but human.

Also no way in hell that was a fourth grader, dude was more like a certified groper lmao. Though misunderstanding it was atleast Takafumi for once got worked up over Fujimiya.

And again a delay... it really sucks when you've a good show after a while and then these kinda things come.
Sep 2, 2022 12:01 AM

Sep 2017
Alicia's groups actions are pretty bad imo.

Ojisan already faced them in new years party and told them after beating them that he aint a goblin and yet they still continue to fight him???

First I can barely forgive since it was night time and they may have been facing goblins.,

but second time WTF?? They were fighting in broad day light. They should have known better. These people are so racist and quick to fight they can't tolerate ojisan's normal face. They are just as bad as Mabel's villagers if u ask me. The isekai sucks.

I hate alicia also for mishandling Edgar's sword just because she wants to look cool in front of her crush. Smh she is all looks and no substance.
JeremiahOrangeSep 2, 2022 12:08 AM

Without change,we end up becoming the very person we hate.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was bound to lead me to a slow death.

Sep 2, 2022 12:42 AM

Mar 2020
Some genuine laughs this episode, from Ojisan trying video game moves in the fantasy world, to seeing Fujimiya’s brother. Quite the episode.

Shame that we’re going to go at least a month without this show. Unclear at this point whether we’ll see this show back in October, but let’s hope for the best.
Sep 2, 2022 1:17 AM

Jun 2022
Perfectly paced, and funny
Sep 2, 2022 2:45 AM

May 2021
Great episode! Ojisan tied tsundere elf down to the bed with magic so he could take the hoodie off her that she didn't intend on returning...
but the spell got in the way so she told him to uncast it and then punched him in the face!
(Then bandaged his head afterwards xD)
And wow, Ojisan used his golden axe knowledge to beat them goblins! Alicia and her party were impressed and seemed to act friendly towards him...
did he finally make friends??!!!
Until Alicia tells Ojisan she saw him cast the barrier and he erased all of their memories...
They met again when a hedgehog monster was on the loose and...
In fact, it was a huge brown hedgehog that seemed to have a love for murdering humans...
Fujimiya forgot her phone and Takafumi told Ojisan that without it, it was like playing a game with no controller! So he flies Takafumi above her and they see a suspicious man with her...
Ojisan makes a quick phone call and grants Takafumi all the magic he can use temporarily to keep him safe...
He returns her smartphone to her and Takafumi recognises the guy next to her!
'Takafumi niichan!' They are all friends!
He is still that young?!!
He doesn't recognise Ojisan's channel and the games he plays...
Takafumi tells Fujimiya he thought that the guy was her boyfriend and when she asked him how he would protect her...
He showed her the magic he received!
And wow, he is really good at using it!
Takafumi replays an old memory of Fujimiya's when he thought she was shoved to the ground so came in to save her...
However, it seems it was the exact opposite and Fujimiya pushed them!
And Fujimiya's old friend Sawae shows up...
Takafumi protective mode activate!
And now the hero Ojisan heard about from Alicia's group...
it is the shining crusader! Alicia!

Looking forward to the next episode!
Rem4lifexDSep 2, 2022 2:53 AM
Sep 2, 2022 4:50 AM
Apr 2020
Hilarious Ep with cool plot building
Sep 2, 2022 4:56 AM
Oct 2019
I adore Takafumi, he was gonna straight up glass that guy and the ground he stood on, truly taking up after his uncle.
Sep 2, 2022 5:55 AM

Jan 2021
Another great episode with tons of funny stuff and more

This is truly an awesome Isekai

Takafumi standing up against Fujimiya was awesome to see
Sep 2, 2022 6:00 AM

Feb 2019
Marinate1016 said:
Yo what the fuck are these subs lmao?

Fujimiya really carries this show. She and the nephew have the best moments.

Apparently it’s not covid that’s causing the delays for the episodes either. Seems to be some studio drama which tbh makes way more sense as the vaccine and booster is readily available at this point

Yo, I heard you like reading subs. How about a half page of them then! :P

My source for the show has the same subs too.

Fujimiya and Takafumi seem to be getting closer :D

Chiaki definitely did fit the bill of an obnoxious boyfriend, turning out to be a FOURTH grader brother?
The line below is True.
The line above is False.
Sep 2, 2022 6:45 AM

Jan 2021
That red headed guy was her fourth grade brother. They really had growth spurts, him especially. Genetics is wacky in this world.
Sep 2, 2022 9:30 AM
Aug 2021
SONIIIIC, Best episode hands down
Sep 2, 2022 12:08 PM

Oct 2017
More Takafumi x Sumika this episode, that was sweet. She looked beautiful in elf clothing. Alicia and her party's interaction with ojisan was hilarious. Also she was the hero all along.

It sux that this got delayed, hopefully it'll comeback asap.
Sep 2, 2022 2:18 PM
Feb 2022
This show kinda fell off for me honestly just same shit diffrent day
Sep 2, 2022 2:20 PM
Sep 2018
Uncle thinking of Sonic when seeing a hedgehog enemy, Takafumi acting goofy when borrowing Uncles magic and the “lookalike gangster but turns out to be a childhood friend” made this episode so bizarre man XDDDD
Sep 2, 2022 4:08 PM

Jan 2022
A very entertaining episode and it's a shame the next episode won't be broadcast because of covid
“Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.”

— Wayne Dyer
Sep 2, 2022 4:40 PM
Feb 2018
always funny, never disappointing
Sep 2, 2022 6:45 PM

Jan 2011
ok man i lol when he killed the giant hedgehog, i thought Takafumi had no interest whatsoever on Fujimiya but maybe he does even if its just a bit by now
not sure what to think of Alicia just yet

im wondering though is uncle even aware that Dreamcast was a thing? or that Sonic 06 exists?
i know that this show never had better than average animation but this time a few scenes looked particularly bad, i hope these bad news we ve been getting on the staff dont ruin it
silversaintSep 3, 2022 12:29 PM
Sep 2, 2022 7:10 PM
Dec 2020
Anyone know the sound effect that plays when Oji-san becomes incredulous when Chiaki does not recognize him as a youtuber?
Sep 3, 2022 12:02 AM

Apr 2009
Damn, Raiga's arms are all I could see.

Sep 3, 2022 7:13 AM

Feb 2018
Feel like the earlier eps were better compared to these last couple.
Sep 3, 2022 8:06 AM

Jan 2018
Not only did Netflix delay the subs by a week, but also the animation studio delayed episode 8 and beyond using COVID as an excuse. Isekai Ojisan is a great anime. It doesn't deserve all this fuckery.
Sep 3, 2022 12:03 PM
Jan 2020
Elf's existence seems solely to tease the fandom.

I really thought some of Ojisan's Golden Axe techniques would work, at least a little bit.

This hedgehog actually looks too real, lmao. I guess that might be the joke. Poor Ojisan just wanted a Sanic companion. But, god dammit, lmao. "It amuses me to stab humans and torture them." I was not... expecting that, lmao. Kill it with fire. Ojisan made the right choice.

Wow, Fujimiya sure knows how to pick em'. I can't believe she saw this dude's face and was like, "Sure, why not?" -- Uh, so wait. Now I'm confused about this exchange. If I read this right he said he was in "Fourth Grade" though he appears to be the same age as Fujimiya and Takafumi in the flash back? But it definitely implied Fujimiya and Chiaki were up all night at a hot spring the year prior? Okay, it looks like the gag is that Chiaki is just big for his age and is confirmed Fujimiya's brother.

Takafumi's inside voice was getting a little loud there at the end. He should just hurry up and ask Fujimiya out already if he's this worried.

I remember hearing the term "Shining Crusader" in an earlier episode, but didn't care about it because it seemed like b-roll essentially. But, I guess Alicia is going to round out Ojisan's pseudo-harem.
"...Is your mother worried? Would you like us to assign someone to worry your mother?"
Sep 4, 2022 10:09 AM
Jan 2019
bom pra caralho slk mano, ai calica
Sep 4, 2022 2:35 PM
Jul 2022
"You were going to leave him on the streets" Love it.
Sep 5, 2022 1:18 AM

Mar 2008
That psychopathic hedgehog lol

Takafumi was getting pretty excited with himself at end. What is he doing exactly being all indirect with Fujimiya.

JeremiahOrange said:
Alicia's groups actions are pretty bad imo.

Ojisan already faced them in new years party and told them after beating them that he aint a goblin and yet they still continue to fight him???

First I can barely forgive since it was night time and they may have been facing goblins.,

but second time WTF?? They were fighting in broad day light. They should have known better. These people are so racist and quick to fight they can't tolerate ojisan's normal face. They are just as bad as Mabel's villagers if u ask me. The isekai sucks.

I hate alicia also for mishandling Edgar's sword just because she wants to look cool in front of her crush. Smh she is all looks and no substance.

Ojisan erased their memories. Not clear how much he took.
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Sep 5, 2022 1:56 AM

Sep 2017
traed said:
That psychopathic hedgehog lol

Takafumi was getting pretty excited with himself at end. What is he doing exactly being all indirect with Fujimiya.

JeremiahOrange said:
Alicia's groups actions are pretty bad imo.

Ojisan already faced them in new years party and told them after beating them that he aint a goblin and yet they still continue to fight him???

First I can barely forgive since it was night time and they may have been facing goblins.,

but second time WTF?? They were fighting in broad day light. They should have known better. These people are so racist and quick to fight they can't tolerate ojisan's normal face. They are just as bad as Mabel's villagers if u ask me. The isekai sucks.

I hate alicia also for mishandling Edgar's sword just because she wants to look cool in front of her crush. Smh she is all looks and no substance.

Ojisan erased their memories. Not clear how much he took.

i dont think he took their memory of being beaten at ny party.

thats why edgar says deja vu twice, coz he remembers oji whooping their arses at the village.

also manga says ojisan doesnt prefer to take away long memories.

still doesnt excuse them for attacking ojisan in daylight even though he previously scolded em that he is not orc. alicia never learns.

Without change,we end up becoming the very person we hate.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was bound to lead me to a slow death.

Sep 5, 2022 3:08 PM

Jul 2016
Dude, what's the issue with Sumika's family? It seems as if every member has a stage of their life when they become fucking ugly lmao.

Overall, pretty good episode after a few so-so ones.
Sep 6, 2022 7:39 AM
Oct 2020
funny and enjoable
Sep 7, 2022 6:06 AM
Sep 2022
was a very good episode
Sep 7, 2022 11:03 AM
Sep 2015
I love Raiga!!!!!!
Sep 7, 2022 11:11 AM

Feb 2007
Yeah, hedgehogs in another world look nothing like ours. :D
Sep 7, 2022 11:16 AM

Jul 2017
Hah welp, Uncle was jusy trying to get his jacket, but it embarrassed Tsundere Elf so much that she thought Uncle was gonna rape her lols.

Uncle's "Wild Talker" translation ability is named, and yet even so, his Golden Axe ability didn't help him much from even joining an adventurer party and facing against goblins. Like hello Uncle, playing Sega games won't help you get better in your swordsman skills, what a nonsensical but hilarious relative whom is still seen as an orc at face value with a name taken from Alien Soldier. Fighting a hedgehog that ain't Sonic the Hedgehog but a massive one, and somehow Wild Talker seems to work that initiate a BIG destruction, no questions asked for being ruthless.

But Fujimiya's in trouble, and there's a creep harassing her in school. Friend or foe, Takafumi only will know at face value, and he turned out to be Chiaki, his childhood friend. And the meeting between YouTubers, there is clearly a disconnect between youngsters and oldies, but it's Takafumi utilizing his Uncle's magic to save Fujimiya out of this situation. And when he tries to playback her memory, he figures out that the bullied ain't all that but a bully.

But all of this has an upside: I wouldn't mind if both Takafumi and Fujimiya got together. Though her friend Sawa definitely caught them on scene, it's nothing more than just friends having conversation. And the destined hero Alicia?

With the delays now, it's gonna get worse as this show will be forgotten.
Sep 7, 2022 1:19 PM
May 2022
Sep 7, 2022 5:04 PM
Feb 2019
Every moment had me cracking up. From Chiaki's introduction to the way Takafumi interacted with Sawae was just absolute gold. I also really love how the show doesn't have to rely on stupid gags/cliches to be funny
Sep 8, 2022 2:57 AM

May 2015
Takafumi is giving off red flags. Who casually tells their female friend that they imagined guys sexually abusing her, recording the whole thing and posting it online? Not to mention the power trip he had as soon as he had access to superhuman abilities.
Sep 8, 2022 6:00 AM

Dec 2018
I’m a week late to this one, but man what a great episode. Opening up with the Elf scene was amazing, some nice fanservice and she has now claimed ownership of Ojisan’s hoodie lol, and Fujimiya in the Elf outfit was really hot too. I also loved the Golden Axe and Sonic references, too bad the Golden Axe moves didn’t work and the “sonic” was just a giant realistic porcupine who loves brutally killing humans lol.

And the last bit with Chiaki was great, I don’t think anyone expected him to just be her brother who got the bad end of the puberty stick lol, and Takafumi using Ojisan’s powers with Fujimiya was cool, loved their moment in the classroom together, and now we meet Fujimiya’s friend who Takafumi immediately makes uncomfortable with his protectiveness of Fujimiya lol.

It’s such a shame this has been delayed indefinitely, but it’s been such a fantastic show, without a doubt a favorite of mine from the Summer season this year, I’ll be patiently waiting for its return, whenever that is, hopefully early Fall season.
Sep 8, 2022 11:29 AM

Oct 2019
Cute episode 😄
Sep 9, 2022 4:12 AM

Jul 2021

at 13-3 :
the name of the main girl is 藤宮 澄夏 , Fujimiya Sumika , and the kanji 夏 = summer .
the name of the one who is calling is 藤宮 *冬 , Fujimiya Mifuyu , and the kanji 冬 = winter . this is probably the mother , or an sister of main girl .
btw , the name of the little brother is 藤宮 千秋 , Fujimiya Chiaki , and the kanji 秋 = autumn .

at 15-21 : chiaki-chan is only 9-years-old , but he pierced his ear and wears an ear-ring ? how dare he ? lol .

near the end : the nephew has watched too much "special" doujinshi manga-s , lol : " in a freshmen welcoming party in a college , a male student will get a female student totally drunk , then he will bring her inside a love-hotel , then he will **** her , and he will record everything , and then he will blackmail her , and then ..... "

bad translations of netflix :

at the start :
- oji-san : ... give back my jacket ...
- WRONG . he clearly says "my parka" . and oji-san , it is bad manner to step on a clean bed with your dirty shoes .

at 9-33 :
- oji-san : i was suddenly be able to communicate with a normal beast / normal animal .
- WRONG . he says mamono = 魔物 = magical creature / demonic creature . not a "normal beast" .

daywithoutgamesSep 9, 2022 4:17 AM

Hello everyone , please check out and subscribe to my youtube channel , DayWithoutAnime 2.0 DayWithoutGame , that has many meme , funny anime / manga videos , thank you :
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