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Dec 9, 2009 5:45 PM

Jun 2009
lol asked for kurumi hate? kk. I liked the episode, but i hated it at the same time because kurumi was so fake it made me laugh..the next time she wants to pull Sawako away from Kazehaya he really just needs to tell her to get the fuck out.
Dec 9, 2009 5:54 PM

Jun 2007
I dislike kurumi but then I realized this show is about Sawako and Kazehaya so I doubt he'd just leave Sawako for that manipulative bitch. There's also the fact that he's rejected almost every women in his middle school. He only likes Sawako so even if she did follow Kurumi's plan to get him to hate her (assuming that's where this is going) he still wouldn't hook up with Kurumi.
Dec 9, 2009 6:06 PM

Oct 2009
I agree, but I don't think it will be to make kazehaya hate kurnomae. I think Kurumi will try and make Kazehaya think Sawako doesn't like him. Like asking Sawako to ignore him . . . just a guess. The plot thickens, how will Sawako respond? probably very meekly like usual and keep her thoughts to herself untill the the crucial moment. Maybe Yano will help, since she's pretty good with guessing situations (aka kazehaya's feelings :)

Next time kazehaya gets interupted he should be a man and grab Sawako's hand and walk away with her, hehe ^_^ but that probably will never happen because he's too nice :p
Moon_RiverDec 9, 2009 6:09 PM
Dec 9, 2009 6:42 PM

Jun 2009
i really don't like kurumi. she seems like a super bitch! lol
but other than that this was a pretty decent episode.
i love how kazehaya just wants to have time alone with sawako (:

Dec 9, 2009 7:09 PM

Aug 2008
Add mine to the count baby, I want to smash Kurumi's face bad. All I can think about right now is smashing Kurumi's face.
Dec 9, 2009 7:09 PM

Aug 2009
grrr... i hate kurumi..

i wanna watch episode 11!!!
Dec 9, 2009 7:33 PM

Nov 2007
Mamiko Noto vs Aya Hirano. both of them did a very well job!

Anticipating for the next episode~

Dec 9, 2009 7:44 PM

Feb 2009
Kurumi was more manipulative than I first imagined. I hope she gets rejected hardcore.

Highlight of the episode was definitely American Sawako :D
Dec 9, 2009 9:59 PM

Dec 2009
Selkaine said:
Why do I feel so offended? xD

LOL i kinda got that too...

anyway i liked this episode...some people say its getting boring but its just setting us up for the next little story, you know gotta have some chill time in there. plus i liked how sawako realized kazehaya was just as nervous lol! but the best part was chizu "i really dont care" thats exactly what i would say hehe...
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Dec 9, 2009 10:36 PM
Jan 2009
Well, first I would like to leave an opinion regarding the recent comments on Kimi, I think he is being an animet VERY overrated, I agree that it is a good anime, but I think that people are exaggerating ....

Concerning the episode, I really liked a lot especially the parts that Kurumi interrupted the two, I really like it and would much rather than Sawako, I'm rooting for it to do well in the end!

But I doubt that will happen, mainly because the anime is Sawako x Kazehaya, I think people can not empathize enough to see the situation with the eyes of Kurumi and dramatic situation it is, it must be the person who is suffering more with all this, and everyone should remember that love makes people crazy. It may still be false, but I think she saw that the only way not to lose your love for years.

I think their good points are these, and she is played by Aya Hirano my Goddess * __ *

Not that it influences me to like it, but I think if it were any other seiyu in place, I would also support it! I think she'll break your face and it will end its "redemption" and see the mistakes you made and everything, but meanwhile I twist it!

Go Go Go Kurumi-chan! * __ *
Dec 9, 2009 10:39 PM

Aug 2008
lol that's how they see Americans. Winking, thumbs up and saying yay all the time. The yay part is true though. hahaha

Kurumi is a serious witch.

Sadako is an angel
Romance comedy anime - Japan's gift to America
Dec 9, 2009 11:24 PM

Jul 2009
good ep. didn't think it was as funny as other ones but it had some good moments with KAZEHAYAxSAWAKO
looking foward to next episode!!!!
Dec 10, 2009 12:15 AM

Feb 2008
Hm, Kurumi is extremely calculating, manipulating, and very false.

Go Go Sawako!
Dec 10, 2009 12:25 AM

Jun 2007
this part make me laugh so hard xD

and i want to watch Sawako get bitchy :P
that would be interesting
Dec 10, 2009 1:38 AM

Oct 2007

I want to see what happens next.
Let's see how eveything turns out, Sawako getting bitchy, woah that would be weird xD
The Amerika-jin part was so funny ha ha.
And also, the Kazehaya & Sawako part was so sweet, like always.
It was before Kurumi interrupted, AGAIN! r___r
melieonDec 10, 2009 1:43 AM
Dec 10, 2009 2:38 AM

Nov 2009
LoL finally the tru face of Kurumi

I really hate her for allways disturbing with Kazehaya and Sawako
but Kazehaya's embarissing expression is so Kawaii ^-^
Dec 10, 2009 3:33 AM

Apr 2008
Who would accept to do such a request -.-lll

Dec 10, 2009 5:05 AM

Dec 2009
Oh well, the anime needed a little bitch :<
Dec 10, 2009 7:08 AM

Oct 2009
DeathfireD said:
I dislike kurumi but then I realized this show is about Sawako and Kazehaya so I doubt he'd just leave Sawako for that manipulative bitch. There's also the fact that he's rejected almost every women in his middle school. He only likes Sawako so even if she did follow Kurumi's plan to get him to hate her (assuming that's where this is going) he still wouldn't hook up with Kurumi.
You go that right friend!

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 10, 2009 8:34 AM

May 2007
Kurumi pissing me off!! >~<
I mean, we need character like this for the drama, but she's a really annoying one!
She knows that Sawako doesn't know anything about love and that she'll step out and give her Kazehaya, but she did saw how cute they are together and how much they want each other (sure they are not aware of it right now).
This is so obvious that if he turned down all of the girls in middle school he will turned Kurumi down as well, and this is so clear that he's just thinking about her as a friend, plus he might talk to her less afterwards.
In short- She did something that will only screw her up. XD

I just hope that after this they will be together, I don't want this to be like other Shoujo when the main characters end up together and we need to imagine how they are like when they're couple...
AyechanDec 10, 2009 8:39 AM

Dec 10, 2009 9:12 AM
Aug 2009
I really hate how Kurumi always interrupt, when Sawako and Kazehaya are having a sweet moment. >_< I really hope she dies from a heart-attack in the next episode.
And as always the SawakoxKazehaya was perfect! I almost smiled through it all! :D Oh yearh, except that part with Kurumi confessing. Why can't she realize, that she doesn't stand a chance against Sawako? >_<
Dec 10, 2009 1:07 PM

Nov 2009
I can't say I liked Kurumi before this episode, but now I can say that I definitely dislike her, to put it nicely.
Dec 10, 2009 7:13 PM

Jan 2008
can kurumi gtfo now? Dx

that hair cut.... *still waiting on it*
Dec 11, 2009 1:25 AM

Aug 2008
The devil reveals her hand! Sawako's invulnerable shield of innocence and kindness fends off the first few attacks. How long can she last!

I just want Kazehaya and Chizu to tagteam beat the crap out of her!

Dec 11, 2009 1:52 AM
Apr 2009
Why you guys playa-hating on Kurumi?
Dec 11, 2009 2:20 AM

Jul 2007
Kurumi is going to get owned by Sadako and Sadako will have no idea she owned Kurumi.

Dec 11, 2009 3:06 AM

Jul 2009
Hahaha Kurumi feels irritated entire episode because of Sawako constant clueless XD
Sawako totally owned her without knowing it. Kurumi should learn her lesson & consider Sawako as greatest threat ever. Go Sawako Go!!!
Next episode what will happen to Sawako & what other Kurumi plans to deliver?
I LOL at this:
Kagura89Dec 11, 2009 3:14 AM
Dec 11, 2009 5:40 AM

Nov 2007
And so the drama begins! can't wait for next week!
Dec 11, 2009 10:11 AM

May 2008
It was quite interesting, Kurumi's true personality shows up finally. Really, these kind of girls are the most frightening enemies.
Still the heaven of cuteness this series, always makes my day brighter...
Dec 11, 2009 11:07 AM

Apr 2009
Haha, Kurumi is tame compared to the typical female antagonist from live action asian dramas that I was subjected to while growing up. Still they make for interesting stories even if they tend to follow the same framework.

Anyway this episode was funny, but I can't wait for the next one.
Dec 11, 2009 11:29 AM

May 2009
Kurumi is starting to show her true colors.. (:
Dec 11, 2009 12:47 PM

Jun 2007
This show is quite predictable, but still so very enjoyable. (:
Dec 11, 2009 1:41 PM

Dec 2007
Kurumi finally shows her true color to Sawako at the end, and I wonder how Sawako is able to handle it without depends on Chizu and Ayane. I am pretty positive that Sawako will forgive Kurumi and asks her as friend again in next episode or so. I don't understand why does Kurumi uses such methods for manipulate people, though.
Dec 11, 2009 2:54 PM

Apr 2009
Why do you guys keep saying that Kurumi 'finally' shows her true colors? She's been the queen of evil since episode 3 or 4 when she started spreading those rumors D:

Anyways it's very agitating that she keeps popping up everywhere, and that Sawako is too dumb to realize what's going on T_T. Yoshida needsa get in there and knock her into the hospital or something :D
"Don't believe in the you that believes in me. Don't believe in the me that believes in you. Believe in the you that believes in yourself."
Dec 11, 2009 3:23 PM

Feb 2009
I hate Kurumi.
Nah not really, but she should just admit defeat and get off Sawako's back. Stupid $*@%^(@&$!!!
Dec 11, 2009 3:47 PM
Nov 2008
_Aniki said:
Why do you guys keep saying that Kurumi 'finally' shows her true colors? She's been the queen of evil since episode 3 or 4 when she started spreading those rumors D:

It was never truely shown until this episode. They never confirmed who actually started those rumors. Her evil side has been hinted at more and more as the series has been going, but it wasn't until this episode that her evil nature was actually shown.
Dec 11, 2009 4:38 PM

Mar 2009
I hate Kurumi she's so manipulative and sour. Now would be a good time for Sawako to get supernatural powers and get rid of her or curse her.

Dec 11, 2009 6:42 PM

Aug 2008
noteDhero said:
I see exactly where this is going. Kurumi is making friends with Sawako so that she can confess to her about liking Kurumi, and probably even ask her to help them be together. She knows Sawako is too nice, and the only way she could possibly be with Kazehaya is to cut to the chase with Sawako. I envision some type of confession from Kazehaya where he tells Sawako he likes her (or at least beats around the bush about not being sure whether or not he should go out with Kurumi), Sawako, looking down, tells him that she and Sawako would be perfect together, not wanting to ruin her friendship with Kurumi.

Hopefully though, it will have a bitchier slant on it. Kurumi seems like she could do that and make it more entertaining for me. I'm anxious to see where this goes.

Woo hoo! I called that bitch out for just what she is...and I love it. I wasn't really expecting her to do it so quickly, but after the super fail on the bench, she clearly got desperate. Oh. It. Is. SO. Good.

I'm also really happy Yano caught on to Kurumi's game so quickly. It's absolutely in her character, and would have been bothered if she didn't notice. This will only mean that once Sawako starts feeling really trapped, Yano will be there to help her out.

This show really is brilliant. It's so predictable, but since the characters are so good, I just get caught up. This episode was particularly hilarious, also.
Dec 11, 2009 7:58 PM
Jun 2009
blond chick is an asshole.
Dec 11, 2009 8:29 PM

May 2007
Kurumi needs to DIAF ASAP. D:
Also the "Americans?" scene was hilarious. XD

Dec 11, 2009 9:04 PM

May 2007
Why are we suppose to root on Kurumi, she is a manipulative person who is only out for herself, my hate for her does not come from her voice actress or even her faux personality, it is her real personality.

As for the episode, hilarious that Sawako was too dumb to get manipulated by Kurumi, even funnier that Kurumi was her last name.

I look forward to seeing the next episode, Sawako is going to face her first real conflict of friendship vs. love and it should be interested to see which she chooses (and agonizing for us viewers because we know Kurumi stands)
My anime list
Dec 11, 2009 10:10 PM
Mar 2009
Damn, that Kurumi-chan is one hell of a conniving bitch. Every time I see her, she just rubs me the wrong way.
Dec 11, 2009 11:03 PM

Oct 2008
This episode was great. Yano already knows what's up. She'll step in at some point.

And even though Kurumi is evil, she seems like she'd be a good time for a while. Kazehaya should tap Tiger Woods style.
Dec 12, 2009 12:04 AM

Jul 2009
Wow..this show is awesome to make you compliment on it..

Yano is indeed sharp..that's why i like her, it's a matter of time before she pulled the string on who spread the rumors, especially with Chizuru on her side XD
Dec 12, 2009 4:11 AM

Jan 2009
So Kurumizawa Ume is finally showing her true colors.... That Bitch!

Dec 12, 2009 5:34 AM

Jan 2009
My favourite bit from this week's show:

Dec 12, 2009 7:04 AM

Aug 2007
'Americans?'... that was hilarious. Ha, Kurumi started to twitch. Well, it was quite obvious that she was scheming to get Kazehaya since earlier episodes. The start of 'everyone's Kazehaya' is explained, haha. That circle... Yay for Maru. Kurumi sure has a weird name.The dark aura Kurumi is pretty funny, but I still think it's mean of her to interrupt Sawako and Kazehaya.
Dutch anime blogger with a love for Ikuhara's antics and proper storytelling.
Dec 12, 2009 7:11 AM

Aug 2009
Go die in a hole Kurumi, although I admit that she's really cute and her voice is also cute, I still hate her. I mean, double personalities? Man, I hate those types of people.

It's good to see Kazehaya and Sawako getting closer and closer but someone needs to interrupt them everytime, maaaaaan.

Ending was good too. CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT EPISODE AAAAAA. Oh and that American scene was damn hilarious lmao.
Dec 12, 2009 1:07 PM

Oct 2007
noteDhero said:
Woo hoo! I called that bitch out for just what she is...and I love it. I wasn't really expecting her to do it so quickly, but after the super fail on the bench, she clearly got desperate. Oh. It. Is. SO. Good.

I'm also really happy Yano caught on to Kurumi's game so quickly. It's absolutely in her character, and would have been bothered if she didn't notice. This will only mean that once Sawako starts feeling really trapped, Yano will be there to help her out.

This show really is brilliant. It's so predictable, but since the characters are so good, I just get caught up. This episode was particularly hilarious, also.
Oh and don't forget the HINT we got last time from someone. And it seems to be the case here LOL.

Personally I don't particularly hate her but I don't like he either. And as you said, I wasn't expecting to see Kurumi saying that so early either maybe it was due to the clueless Sawako.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Dec 12, 2009 2:57 PM
Mar 2008
Aw man, low blow from Kurumi :O
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