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Days: 232.6
Mean Score:
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- Completed540
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- Total Entries766
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Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su 2nd Season
Jan 13, 9:40 AM
· Scored
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 61.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries172
- Reread0
- Chapters10,265
- Volumes551
All Comments (21) Comments
I saw an episode or two; diggin' the mecha theme to it, and I know about the sequel (Astral Ocean, right?) Should be interesting and it might get me into finishing the first series faster. xD
I wanted to give you this awesome personal invite to this great forum community: Dunno if you'd be interested but there's no harm in checking it out, right?
And I see Eureka 7 is in your fave anime; is it that good? I still have to watch it. T.T
how did you like and why or why not no reason for asking this just curious about how you feel please respond if you want ok also if you want to ask me a question look at my anime list and ask about one i am watching or have already seen and ask about if i like one or not if you want.
If you do please join this club ^_^
and yay i caught up to newest ep for soul eater!!!! SHINIGAMI CHOP!~@~~!!@!@!@#~
wow im watchin alot of anime lately =S