MAL has always been reliable, and they added a few new things to the site too like that episode names and descriptions. I'm too far beyond to abandon MAL entirely at this point. Been on here for too many years.
I'd recommend watching some kind of obscure OVA series. They are quick to get through and are really good sometimes. Plus most people don't watch them so you'd be shedding some light on some underrated stuff.
I pretty much migrated back to MAL. Hummingbird is still sorta bad. I update the anime I complete on there as well though just in case it become awesome or something in the future.
I finally started getting back into anime bro. Been a loooooong time since I actually watch more than one episode at a time.
Was looking through Beck reviews, noticed yours, clicked your name, and saw you are from Wilkes-Barre. I live in Kingston which is like a few minutes away. Lol small world huh
Dude, Sanctuary is such a good manga series.
Best series I've read that involves Yakuza and Politians. There is some crazy stuff happening in that series.
You need to check it out bro!
Sorry for the late reply...Too long of an excuse to explain lol. Mostly been busy and lazy...Well you know us anime fans, we have a tendency of being lazy.
Yeah, I heard of Redline before. One of my friends were over-hyping it. Even said it tops Gurren Lagann to an extent. But I highly doubt anything could top Gurren Lagann's ridiculousness, even to an extent. I heard about Guilty Crown too. Seems like a Code Geass knock off. But if there's a naked girl involved, then i'm in!
Ah Skyrim. Was planning to get that but then I heard about all those glitches the PS3 ver had so I hesitated. Might reconsider, I mean it did win the best game of the year award after all. And I played a little RDR in one of my friend's house. It was cool how it allows you to skin animals.
All Comments (315) Comments
I'd recommend watching some kind of obscure OVA series. They are quick to get through and are really good sometimes. Plus most people don't watch them so you'd be shedding some light on some underrated stuff.
I finally started getting back into anime bro. Been a loooooong time since I actually watch more than one episode at a time.
have a good one.
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Best series I've read that involves Yakuza and Politians. There is some crazy stuff happening in that series.
You need to check it out bro!
Yeah, I heard of Redline before. One of my friends were over-hyping it. Even said it tops Gurren Lagann to an extent. But I highly doubt anything could top Gurren Lagann's ridiculousness, even to an extent. I heard about Guilty Crown too. Seems like a Code Geass knock off. But if there's a naked girl involved, then i'm in!
Ah Skyrim. Was planning to get that but then I heard about all those glitches the PS3 ver had so I hesitated. Might reconsider, I mean it did win the best game of the year award after all. And I played a little RDR in one of my friend's house. It was cool how it allows you to skin animals.
Are you into the the uncharted series?