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May 25, 2022 7:59 AM
This episode was kinda silly with the big walnut head and the witch outfit with Halloween themes. I think this episode was fun for everyone. Itsuka tripping and falling was just priceless. |
May 25, 2022 8:57 AM
Nagomu and Kanoko were a lovely couple back then. Pleaseeee, reconcile and get back together. π°π°π°π° |
δ½γγοΌζε³εγγγͺγ |
May 25, 2022 9:00 AM
Seem like Nagomu really had a good time with his band, shame they were not more popular. But his gf stayed with him .. till she left him, abruptly .. lmao, good for her, learning "the ways of wagashi". The halloween costumes were cute. |
May 25, 2022 9:04 AM
One of my favourite episodes yet. So nice to have a Kanoko themed episode after her being in the background for the past few weeks. She was adorable today. Glad to see her being honest about her feelings for Nagomu. I really want them to get back together now that they’ve had time apart and to grow. |
May 25, 2022 9:17 AM
Nagomu is very passionate about his band but it's nice of the other band members to keep in contact with him and sending those weird hats to him. Anyway Kanako needs to be a bit more honest with herself, she might have done something wrong to the main in the past but it's clear she still has feelings for him. If she wants to date him than she should go for it. |
May 25, 2022 9:22 AM
Great episode! We got to see how Nagomu and Kanoko met. She saw Nagomu playing in the chestnut manju band also xD. I don't like how she just left him because he had to go back to his parent's shop. She didn't really care for him in the first place much then did she? It seems that Nagomu lost his chestnut hat?! Looking forward to the next episode! |
May 25, 2022 10:04 AM
This was my favourite episode. Need them back together again. |
ARK-13May 25, 2022 10:23 AM
May 25, 2022 10:15 AM
May 25, 2022 10:37 AM
Rem4lifexD said: Great episode! We got to see how Nagomu and Kanoko met. She saw Nagomu playing in the chestnut manju band also xD. I don't like how she just left him because he had to go back to his parent's shop. She didn't really care for him in the first place much then did she? It seems that Nagomu lost his chestnut hat?! Looking forward to the next episode! I'm not sure you can say she didn't really care for him because she wasn't willing to drop everything on no notice and move cross country. (Although I do feel her comment, "I only like Western sweets" was just a tad vicious...) Back in the day, the stereotype was that the wimmin folk would happily move from place to place in response to the vagaries of their husband's career... the reality was that they in general weren't all that well pleased to be uprooted on short or no notice. That became even less pleasant or practicable when you move away from the concept of single income families. Especially if the one being asked to drop everything and move has the better position financially. I'm not sure how much that tied in with her initial gut decision, and how much was that he'd never overtly expressed concern or attachment to his family (other than everything seeming to revolve around their product in some way or another...) yet was willing to drop everything in response to a plea for help from them; were they of greater import to him than she was? People do dumb stuff when wondering which is more important to someone they are focused upon, them or someone/something else? Since he did ask her to accompany him, it would seem clear that he did consider her of importance... One can't say he placed his feelings for his family above his feelings for her when she did effectively cut him off at the knees, but she does seem a tad lacking in impulse control, not properly thinking things through and regretting at leisure. She did in the end travel to Kyoto. And is finding her niche there. She wouldn't have done that if she didn't realize she wanted to be around him after all. Although there are signs that the initial trip was also done with little forethought, and that she hadn't necessarily intended to move. She's young. (So says the aged decrepit geezer in his sixties... who still allows emotions to overcome sense at times) If there is any truth to the saying "with age comes wisdom," it's that you have enough life experience to form a basis for sounder decisions than you had earlier on; which implies that you are making sounder decisions than you did earlier on. She's still at the stage of making dumb decisions to form the basis for more thoughtful decisions at a later date. I did some really stupid things in my late twenties, I'm not one qualified to throw any stones in her direction. She at least seems to be trying to work around the impact of those decisions she now regrets. Change, personal and group growth as they react to stuff going on over which they have varying degrees of control, is a central theme in this story. This very clearly includes Kanoko. |
May 25, 2022 10:37 AM
I burst out laughing when the chestnut headgear got hit by the car! It would have been funnier if it got isekai-ed from the hit. |
May 25, 2022 10:45 AM
May 25, 2022 11:13 AM
May 25, 2022 11:28 AM
A Kanoko-focused episode, and truly one of the best episodes yet. The episode's title is very apt: Chestnut Retrospective, which goes back to the very beginning of Kanoko and Nagomu's backstory, much less their coupled journey to separation from different ideals. Coincidentally meeting out of a drunk session, only for Nagomu to casually invite her to his Chestnut Manju band founded in Tokyo with friends, to subsequently hang out together and being a solid couple. Remember, at this point, Kanoko NEVER knew anything about Nagomu's [i/]wagashi[/i] family, that is until he abruptly left her behind and flew his sorry ass back to Ryokushou in Kyoto for failing to keep up to his own expectations. And some time has past since then, and Kanoko finally understood the true Nagomu and his comfort zone back at home in Ryokushou. Haha, Nagomu sure likes his guitar, but treasures his precious chestnut helmet a lot more for the memories it carries being a lifelong memento. Everyone is connected through wagashi sweets, and though a phone call with former band member Takumi, Kanoko gravely misunderstood why Nagomu left both the band and her for his own character development of sticking true to his own beliefs and doing things with intention. What comes around, goes around, and with Nagomu's chestnut story, I really hope that Kanoko will give Nagomu another chance to get back together. These are true friends for life, and the end-credits of the band members sending chestnut helmets, haha. Really enjoyed this episode. |
May 25, 2022 12:19 PM
Really great episode, we get to know the origin story of Kanako and the mc, and how it's related to the band, and even that head gear! |
May 25, 2022 12:26 PM
Nagomu is such a nice dude. No wonder why Kanoko fell for him. And as for the misunderstanding, I still can't see why Nagomu should be at fault here. Kanoko did and said everything to assume she was breaking up with him and his band really should have talked to him the moment they split up. Not wait for another moment to address Nagomu's homesickness issue. Anyways, I still loved that after-credits scene with the other chestnut heads. Bros for life. |
May 25, 2022 12:27 PM
An flashback episode done well.. I always loved Kanako and the fact that they were actually happy together.. God i wish they get back.. A pretty amusing and cute episode all together.. Looks like next one will be a christmas focused episode.. |
May 25, 2022 12:40 PM
8 episodes in and I just realized that ED song is referring to Kanako and Nagomu. |
May 25, 2022 12:58 PM
May 25, 2022 1:18 PM
I was kind of hoping for that dumbass-looking chestnut to be lost forever... but to no avail. Holy sh*t though, it was actually a really good thing that Itsuka tripped and fell before the intersection. That car definitely wouldn't rammed right into her and this show would've gotten real dark real fast. Anyway I'm looking forward to the next episode, the preview made it look like it's going to be a good one. Ciao for now! |
May 25, 2022 3:02 PM
Nope, still don't care about Kanoko at all despite the show's best efforts. The way she dumped Nagomu was so callous and random that I don't at all care about how happy they were before: if she didn't want to commit to moving across the country with Nagomu, that's fine, but the way she went about it was utterly detestable. Basically, I don't think the show did enough to present why Kanoko was truly so unhappy about Nagomu wanting to go home that she'd dump him on the spot, so everything falls flat for me. Even before this episode, I didn't feel that there was any need for Kanoko and Nagomu to get back together, and I still hope it doesn't happen (even though that's very obviously where this is leaning): I think it's better for both to move on in the long-term, and they can still be friends anyway if that's what they both want and are comfortable with. |
May 25, 2022 3:15 PM
I think that this episode is the best that we have gotten from the series by the virtue of being actually focused on a conflict that was already presented instead of trying to fastly open and close gates. The wholesome spirit of Nagomu is still present while not being overwhelmingly positive, and the multiple perspectives about the past allowed us to understand better a conflict that seemed way more abrupt that it was. Using the chestnut as a coherent thread made Itsuka shine as a character without being the highlight, and Kanoko being the main character of the episode allowed a more introspective approach about adversity, love, and friendship |
May 25, 2022 4:32 PM
More Kanoko is always welcome. She's getting used to her new life in Kyoto. But when someone asking, 'why exactly you here?' Its sure hits her hard. Starting out when they're first meet and how Kanoko really like making a promise to Nagomu, until Nagomu decide to return to home, its felt fast. But there's the thing that needs her to clear out, right? Yes. Chestnut manju was connecting them into telling the truth, Kanoko importantly. Because regrets always comes later, and its always good having Kanoko brave it up and saying she indeed still like it. Even though i honestly thinking about more respond from Nagomu than just that. Dude should've pat her or something xd. But oh well, that's actually the best result for them, at least for now. Because Nagomu prolly had more important things to following-up rather than stuck at something like that. Feels bad for Kanoko, however she may thinking its also understandable too. Because who could've denied that you need to give all your attention, and taken care more to the cuteness kid named Itsuka. Especially since she's being so sweet, bringing those embarrassing helmet away from her friends, even almost sacrifice her life, if she's not tripping like that. So, yeah, Nagomu, understandable.... |
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here. I'm level |
May 25, 2022 5:30 PM
Thought the first part was really good with the music and how Kanako and Nagomu met and became a couple. Very nice. Second half was pretty funny with him looking for the Chestnut and Kanako realizing that it was all a misunderstanding. God I was screaming when she didn't confess she still loved him but I LOVED how she said she "Likes Wagashi" So good. |
Listen to my podcast Follow my twitch. Winter 2525 Waifus on Profile "You can have multiple Waifus" -me |
May 25, 2022 8:25 PM
May 25, 2022 8:45 PM
Was the story of a manju a reference based on doraemon? A boy eats manju until hes too full to using a gadget and sends it to space. Yup it definitely feels like doraemon I know I may be one of the only ones who got the reference but it still felt pretty good realizing it |
May 25, 2022 8:49 PM
First off, love to see Halloween in an anime, it’s so often skipped usually but I really appreciate it being in the show, it’s my definite favorite holiday, Itsuka was cute in her witch and cat costumes too. Besides that, it was mainly a Kanoko focused episode, we learned the backstory of how her and Nogomu got together, as well as getting to see the breakup again but with more insight on why things happened the way they did. I’m glad we got to see that stuff because it definitely makes me want to see them back together even more now lol. It was also interesting to learn more about the history of Nagomu’s old band, as well as how they got the chestnut theme, funny stuff and it was also some nice backstory for Nagomu. And that final bit looked kinda like Kanoko was admitting she still liked Nagomu but our dense boy isn’t figuring that out lol, if only she could tell him straight up, but if that’s ever gonna happen it’ll probably be near the end of the season, I’m waiting tho. |
May 25, 2022 11:52 PM
It was a really great episode... It seems Kanako still has feelings for Nagomu, she always blushes when she talks with him lol But I wonder if Nagomu still has feelings for her. |
![]() |
May 26, 2022 12:24 AM
Hopefully they can reconcile in the future.. She still very much loves him but calling it one-sided love is still too early, hope she doesn't give up. |
May 26, 2022 5:29 AM
Great episode! It's nice to see how Kanoko and Nagomu met and ended up together, they're so cute. I hope they get back together soon. Bless the Chestnut Manju bros. Now Nagomu has to ship back those chestnuts though. Itsuka's adorable, and her friend's Halloween costume was hilarious. The chestnut literally flying killed me though lmao. Chestnut manju will indeed takeover the world. I kinda want to eat one too, it looks good. |
May 26, 2022 6:31 AM
May 26, 2022 8:51 AM
Weasalopes said: Rem4lifexD said: Great episode! We got to see how Nagomu and Kanoko met. She saw Nagomu playing in the chestnut manju band also xD. I don't like how she just left him because he had to go back to his parent's shop. She didn't really care for him in the first place much then did she? It seems that Nagomu lost his chestnut hat?! Looking forward to the next episode! I'm not sure you can say she didn't really care for him because she wasn't willing to drop everything on no notice and move cross country. (Although I do feel her comment, "I only like Western sweets" was just a tad vicious...) Back in the day, the stereotype was that the wimmin folk would happily move from place to place in response to the vagaries of their husband's career... the reality was that they in general weren't all that well pleased to be uprooted on short or no notice. That became even less pleasant or practicable when you move away from the concept of single income families. Especially if the one being asked to drop everything and move has the better position financially. I'm not sure how much that tied in with her initial gut decision, and how much was that he'd never overtly expressed concern or attachment to his family (other than everything seeming to revolve around their product in some way or another...) yet was willing to drop everything in response to a plea for help from them; were they of greater import to him than she was? People do dumb stuff when wondering which is more important to someone they are focused upon, them or someone/something else? Since he did ask her to accompany him, it would seem clear that he did consider her of importance... One can't say he placed his feelings for his family above his feelings for her when she did effectively cut him off at the knees, but she does seem a tad lacking in impulse control, not properly thinking things through and regretting at leisure. She did in the end travel to Kyoto. And is finding her niche there. She wouldn't have done that if she didn't realize she wanted to be around him after all. Although there are signs that the initial trip was also done with little forethought, and that she hadn't necessarily intended to move. She's young. (So says the aged decrepit geezer in his sixties... who still allows emotions to overcome sense at times) If there is any truth to the saying "with age comes wisdom," it's that you have enough life experience to form a basis for sounder decisions than you had earlier on; which implies that you are making sounder decisions than you did earlier on. She's still at the stage of making dumb decisions to form the basis for more thoughtful decisions at a later date. I did some really stupid things in my late twenties, I'm not one qualified to throw any stones in her direction. She at least seems to be trying to work around the impact of those decisions she now regrets. Change, personal and group growth as they react to stuff going on over which they have varying degrees of control, is a central theme in this story. This very clearly includes Kanoko. I mean she obviously didn't care much for him as she instantly broke up with him as soon as he told her. She could have at least tried to work something out with him if she really loved him. Kanako is just an annoying person imo and I hope that Nagomu doesn't reciprocate her love this time... |
May 26, 2022 3:49 PM
nagomu is a real brudda. kanoko didn't want to go and help run the wagashi shopvnd that valid so nagomu left. bro ain't stubborn to be trapped like that |
May 26, 2022 7:43 PM
I love we're getting some really interesting points of view on adulthood and following dreams here. It's a good mix of bittersweet, just the right amount. |
May 27, 2022 3:27 PM
I’m hoping that they’ll get back together They were such a fun couple |
May 28, 2022 3:31 AM
i really hope the two get back together! it's gonna be sweet if that's gonna happen! 5/5. |
May 28, 2022 10:36 PM
Nagomu and Kanoko's meeting and relationship was so nice. Nagomu is such a good person - outgoing and thoughtful. Even in the past episodes, there was a mention of misunderstanding about their breakup that I do not understand because what Kanoko did seemed so clear??? But yes, "I've overestimated myself", she went back to their place thinking that Nagomu was still there. That part of the sports festival flashback with the additional scene of the chestnut headwear is so funny to me www. And I thought it would break when Itsuka tripped and it fell down, but it bounced instead HAHA Seeing the band members was nice, I hope they'll have a reunion as they got to reconnect. Kanoko wants to be with Nagomu again, but from the other end it is not so clear if he still thinks about it - maybe it's a case of don't assume anything (even if the ex flew from another region and stayed in your hometown haha) |
May 29, 2022 3:24 AM
chestnut helmet head piece costume thingy was kinda silly but it held a big meaning for him. i like how we dived into the past a lil bit too. kanoko and nagomu's band both, and even with his bandmates' pov. them sending nagomu their chestnut helm thingy was hilarious |
May 29, 2022 9:07 AM
Nagomu and Kanoko better KISS at the end of the series or I'll be mad! |
May 29, 2022 7:41 PM
literally the best episode so far, I WAS DYING OF LAUGHTER WHEN THE CHESTNUT GOT ISEKAID |
Jun 6, 2022 11:09 PM
Jun 9, 2022 12:25 PM
Aww I kinda wanted him to play back music by forming a band with Itsuka's dad lol. But it seems his real desire is something else. |
Jun 22, 2022 12:46 AM
Weasalopes said: Rem4lifexD said: Great episode! We got to see how Nagomu and Kanoko met. She saw Nagomu playing in the chestnut manju band also xD. I don't like how she just left him because he had to go back to his parent's shop. She didn't really care for him in the first place much then did she? It seems that Nagomu lost his chestnut hat?! Looking forward to the next episode! I'm not sure you can say she didn't really care for him because she wasn't willing to drop everything on no notice and move cross country. (Although I do feel her comment, "I only like Western sweets" was just a tad vicious...) Back in the day, the stereotype was that the wimmin folk would happily move from place to place in response to the vagaries of their husband's career... the reality was that they in general weren't all that well pleased to be uprooted on short or no notice. That became even less pleasant or practicable when you move away from the concept of single income families. Especially if the one being asked to drop everything and move has the better position financially. I'm not sure how much that tied in with her initial gut decision, and how much was that he'd never overtly expressed concern or attachment to his family (other than everything seeming to revolve around their product in some way or another...) yet was willing to drop everything in response to a plea for help from them; were they of greater import to him than she was? People do dumb stuff when wondering which is more important to someone they are focused upon, them or someone/something else? Since he did ask her to accompany him, it would seem clear that he did consider her of importance... One can't say he placed his feelings for his family above his feelings for her when she did effectively cut him off at the knees, but she does seem a tad lacking in impulse control, not properly thinking things through and regretting at leisure. She did in the end travel to Kyoto. And is finding her niche there. She wouldn't have done that if she didn't realize she wanted to be around him after all. Although there are signs that the initial trip was also done with little forethought, and that she hadn't necessarily intended to move. She's young. (So says the aged decrepit geezer in his sixties... who still allows emotions to overcome sense at times) If there is any truth to the saying "with age comes wisdom," it's that you have enough life experience to form a basis for sounder decisions than you had earlier on; which implies that you are making sounder decisions than you did earlier on. She's still at the stage of making dumb decisions to form the basis for more thoughtful decisions at a later date. I did some really stupid things in my late twenties, I'm not one qualified to throw any stones in her direction. She at least seems to be trying to work around the impact of those decisions she now regrets. Change, personal and group growth as they react to stuff going on over which they have varying degrees of control, is a central theme in this story. This very clearly includes Kanoko. So... I found... one of the founders. I always wondered if people simply stop watching anime as they grow older, and you, just by merely existing, brought me so much happiness. Thanks for being you. |
Jun 28, 2022 4:58 PM
A lot of flashback and memories especially for Kanoko this episode, I liked to see how she first met with Nagomu and Nagomu's relationship with his chestnut band, which is also why he treasures that chestnut hat so much, but now Kanoko and Nagomu really need to get back together, especially now that Kanoko understood the misunderstanding. |
Jul 2, 2022 5:17 AM
Jul 9, 2022 9:27 AM
Jul 17, 2022 5:11 AM
Aug 11, 2022 10:06 AM
This episode did nothing to change my opinion of Kanoko. If anything, it makes me feel even more angry at her for not owning up to her mistake and apologizing to Nagomu. There’s no excuse for an adult to ditch someone they still love the way she did, even if she’s somewhat emotional. Nagomu was doing nothing wrong and was only caring for his family’s situation, but she completely dismissed that and put herself above everything. Her flying to Kyoto doesn’t change anything because she still hasn’t acknowledged that it was her ego that got the better of her and she made a mistake. It was a blown opportunity for her to apologize to him this episode. I know people can make mistakes (something like this may not be forgiven by some people), but she made no attempt to own up to it, and the “I like western sweets too” doesn’t mean she apologized and admitted her mistake. Either she apologizes and tries to win him back or she should just live with her mistake and stop thinking about him. At this point she’s just doubling down on her stupid mistake. I wish Nagomu finds someone better but obviously Kanoko will end up with him again, though she shouldn’t. |
AnimillionAug 11, 2022 10:16 AM
Sep 4, 2022 3:31 AM
It was lovely for me, and i enjoyd it becaus of the backround story of nagomus band. I hope nagomu and kanoko end up together again. |
Sep 9, 2022 6:37 AM
I hope that once broken love can reunite because Kanoko and Nagomu still look close. |
“Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.” — Wayne Dyer |
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