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Ya Boy Kongming!
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May 19, 2022 5:39 PM

Sep 2018
Let me just start this off by saying this isn't meant as hate for the show by any means, because I do enjoy it quite a bit so far. I simply want to ask the question as I know I'm likely in the minority:

Does anyone else dislike the way the raps sound in Kongming?

Stylistically, the sound of the raps feel very old school, but in a way that feel almost amateurish to me - As in the way people rapped before rap and freestyle was innovated. I can't quite tell if it's issue with the rhyme schemes or something, but, for some reason, the raps really don't sound good and the blending of english makes it feel awkward more than anything imo.

Please share your thoughts and opinions.
May 19, 2022 5:47 PM
Sep 2020
Im just gonna say it... I find it very cringe. Ive never liked freestyle to begin with, but here its so un-appealing I wanna mute the show anytime anyone starts to rap. What makes it worse is the blending of english with that horrible japanese accent.
May 19, 2022 5:55 PM

Jan 2013
I loved it. I’ve heard japanese rap before but that was the first time I’ve heard it in an anime. The rap battle was very entertaining and I had fun listening to their bars.
May 19, 2022 6:07 PM

Apr 2018
It was funny, incredibly it made it feel like the episode was too short.

You and the rose are connected. Know the weight of your own life
May 19, 2022 6:41 PM
Aug 2020
Glad I’m not the only who thought the rap was cringe. The Japanese language just doesn’t work well with rapping and with every Japanese word ending with a vowel, it makes rhyming so much easier compared to English.
Being fluent in both English and Japanese doesn’t help and hearing Japanese raps makes me bleed from my ears. Same thing goes to the ending rap in Love is War.

Edit: This is coming from a native Japanese speaker.
SodaPop0912May 20, 2022 8:13 AM
May 19, 2022 6:42 PM
Dec 2020
completely agree, i actually really like kabe as a character and think he’s super sweet but i can’t help but cringe when any character raps
May 19, 2022 6:49 PM
Oct 2020
The music in general has been rather painful to listen to. The only reason I’ve been sticking to the show as long as I have is because Koumei’s great. I love the guys strategy and chill attitude.
May 19, 2022 7:58 PM
Dec 2020
the music is alright but the rapping is so cringe. really brings down the score for me lol
May 19, 2022 9:08 PM
May 2022
Good thing I rarely expose myself to rap battles and evade those whenever they try. Even though we can all admit spitting out every word and rhyme that pops up in our brains can be real cringy, overall experience was still fun regardless in my case. In fact, episode 6 was by far the best for me and I would rather see more of them.
May 19, 2022 10:18 PM
Aug 2021
Freestyle, like many art forms, can be incredibly cringe if you are not involved in or are unfamiliar with how it works. I remember feeling the way you and many others here described when 8 Mile came out. It was awkward and clumsy and felt a lot like second-hand embarrassment.

But then, later in life, after I started to hang out more in public spaces where people of all scenes gathered, I was fortunate enough to experience live rap battles for the first time and I earned an unexpected appreciation for it. Not sure what changed exactly, but there was a difference between watching it behind a screen and watching it raw. One could say, I simply didn't get it before. Like you do with certain strong alcohols or cheeses, I grew into it as if it was an acquired taste.

Japanese is my fourth language and although I am nowhere close to being fluent, I could almost fully understand all of this season's unexpected anime rap battles with the exception of a word here and there.

All I can say after all that is that I loved them all. I know they were not improvised like real rap battles, but it was incredibly interesting listening to it in Japanese.

J-rap feels different. For starters, I was unaware of just how much English is mixed in. The flow is odder because of how words end in certain consonant-vowel paired sounds, so in a way it might appear like it is easier, but I find like rather restricting. The rhyming sounded more encased into the whole flow rather than just the ending of words like they would in English, Spanish or French, which are the other languages I can speak. A lot more work seems to be done in forcing odd kinds of grammar structures to help out ease the flow with those restrictions. No wonder why they resort so much to mixing in foreign words.

Maybe they may have appeared cringe to native speakers, I dunno (although online metrics seem to say the opposite), but to someone who can barely hold themselves in conversation, I enjoyed it greatly and found it fantastic how it just worked for me. I was extremely engrossed when they each took place and how they were executed with a strong emphasis on the comedic approach. There's something extremely funny and endearing to me about the idea of solving a conflict through a rap or dance battle. So my take is you just didn't get it like I didn't years ago.

As a final note, between Aharen-san, Kaguya-Sama, and Kongming's rap scenes, MC Miyuki took the crown as the coolest one, mainly because of the whole music video format.
May 20, 2022 1:02 AM
Sep 2020
what? A Japanese animated show made for Japanese with Japanese people in it where they sing in Japanese and english(with a Japanese accent) and rap in a style that's normal for them is cringe to native English speakers? Impossible!!
In all seriousness if you're not from the US,try to hear your own country's rap,kinda the same thing as well but normal for the people in that country.
Not trying to shot on anyone's opinion but if you watch K'drama,anime,Bollywood or any Asian show/movie,you should see how white people are depicted. It's completely different irl but normal in said country,kinda like in squid game.Remember,these shows aren't made for the entire world but only for that particular country.
May 20, 2022 1:05 AM
Jan 2021
If anyone who isn't from Japan and finds it cringe, just SHUT THE FUCK UP
May 20, 2022 2:26 AM
Mar 2021
I don’t really like the rapping in the show either, but I think it has more to do with my personal tastes in music rather than the show’s rap quality. I absolutely love the songs and osts in Kongming but I don’t really care for the rapping so much.
May 20, 2022 3:43 AM

May 2021
Yeah,they havent really put much effort into them and the horrible English accent worsens it,Rap scenes in Devilman crybaby and love is war are far better..
May 20, 2022 4:23 AM
Sep 2020
Yeah,they havent really put much effort into them and the horrible English accent worsens it,Rap scenes in Devilman crybaby and love is war are far better..

Yeah the one in Love Is War actually sounded really good. Or at least I didnt feel like tearing my face off. I guess it sounds good when it actually rhymes.
May 20, 2022 4:46 AM

May 2015
A bunch of non Japanese speakers complaining about the music in a medium made specifically for the Japanese market, that's what really "cringe".
May 20, 2022 5:31 AM

Jun 2021
billybub said:
A bunch of non Japanese speakers complaining about the music in a medium made specifically for the Japanese market, that's what really "cringe".

couldn't agree more with this statement
May 20, 2022 6:09 AM

Sep 2018
billybub said:
A bunch of non Japanese speakers complaining about the music in a medium made specifically for the Japanese market, that's what really "cringe".

Simply because people are non-Japanese does not mean they aren't entitled to an opinion on something. That's like saying I can't say I dislike the foods native to other countries.
May 20, 2022 6:12 AM

May 2015
BallisticRiot said:
billybub said:
A bunch of non Japanese speakers complaining about the music in a medium made specifically for the Japanese market, that's what really "cringe".

Simply because people are non-Japanese does not mean they aren't entitled to an opinion on something. That's like saying I can't say I dislike the foods native to other countries.

You're free to like or dislike anything you want, I specifically said "complaining" about it is obnoxious. Using your argument that's akin to continuing to eat something you dislike, and bitching about the taste
billybubMay 20, 2022 6:17 AM
May 20, 2022 10:06 AM
Apr 2021
BallisticRiot said:
Let me just start this off by saying this isn't meant as hate for the show by any means, because I do enjoy it quite a bit so far. I simply want to ask the question as I know I'm likely in the minority:

Does anyone else dislike the way the raps sound in Kongming?

Stylistically, the sound of the raps feel very old school, but in a way that feel almost amateurish to me - As in the way people rapped before rap and freestyle was innovated. I can't quite tell if it's issue with the rhyme schemes or something, but, for some reason, the raps really don't sound good and the blending of english makes it feel awkward more than anything imo.

Please share your thoughts and opinions.

well sometimes its cringe but sometimes it is actually good.
May 20, 2022 3:31 PM
Jan 2009
billybub said:
A bunch of non Japanese speakers complaining about the music in a medium made specifically for the Japanese market, that's what really "cringe".

Your complaining is what's really cringe.
May 20, 2022 4:41 PM
Jun 2021
I don't like raps or rapping genre in general but I don't know why when Kabe characters does it, I find it rather interesting, so I don't have any complaints from it, I will still give it 10
May 20, 2022 5:08 PM
Nov 2020
It's down atrocious to the point where you would think they are dissing the genre.
billybub said:
A bunch of non Japanese speakers complaining about the music in a medium made specifically for the Japanese market, that's what really "cringe".
I don't care if it's against the rules but i got to say you are very stupid my friend. I don't know how can one release such a statement without feeling embarassed.
If bringing up a point is "complaining" then you shouldn't be lurking in the forum section to begin with. And based on your logic (if i can even calling it one), non-japanese speakers, including (You), shouldn't watch anime at all. Now you see how dumb it sounds??
akiramado19May 20, 2022 5:19 PM
"I can't trust a website where csm is rated higher than hxh"
- Akira Toriyama

May 20, 2022 5:34 PM
Mar 2021
akiramado19 said:
It's down atrocious to the point where you would think they are dissing the genre.
billybub said:
A bunch of non Japanese speakers complaining about the music in a medium made specifically for the Japanese market, that's what really "cringe".
I don't care if it's against the rules but i got to say you are very stupid my friend. I don't know how can one release such a statement without feeling embarassed.
If bringing up a point is "complaining" then you shouldn't be lurking in the forum section to begin with. And based on your logic (if i can even calling it one), non-japanese speakers, including (You), shouldn't watch anime at all. Now you see how dumb it sounds??

Damn man you just murdered him O_O
May 20, 2022 5:43 PM

May 2015
akiramado19 said:
It's down atrocious to the point where you would think they are dissing the genre.
billybub said:
A bunch of non Japanese speakers complaining about the music in a medium made specifically for the Japanese market, that's what really "cringe".
I don't care if it's against the rules but i got to say you are very stupid my friend. I don't know how can one release such a statement without feeling embarassed.
If bringing up a point is "complaining" then you shouldn't be lurking in the forum section to begin with. And based on your logic (if i can even calling it one), non-japanese speakers, including (You), shouldn't watch anime at all. Now you see how dumb it sounds??

1st off "my friend" you should learn to read, if anybody should be embarrassed it's you.

2nd if you bothered reading what I said, you'd know I have no problem with people disliking anything. My problem is non native speakers, watching a medium that's not intended for them call something "cringe" because they're not fans of the music. It's just obnoxious.

3rd my Aunt is Japanese and I have a pretty good grasp on the language, so don't make assumptions, it just makes an ass out of you
May 20, 2022 5:53 PM

Dec 2018
The rapping in this anime is just normal for me, sometime, it's annoying...but I can still bare with it.
P.S The best Japanese rapper for me is Lotus Juice.
May 20, 2022 6:11 PM

Apr 2020
I haven't heard Japanese rap that often so I like the uniqueness this show has for rapping to me
May 20, 2022 6:22 PM

Aug 2020
I think people need to grow up and just say they dont like rap.

Its not cringe you basement people.
Keep scrolling
May 20, 2022 6:40 PM
Jan 2021
i loved it, mainly because it was like a blast to the past to the point where it isn't recognizable as rap to any kid of the modern gen of rap. As for the rhymes and stuff it sounded a little amateur but the subs can't do the Japanese right, and translations themselves between Japanese and English are tough enough, so the overall flow was what i think was awesome. Also it's just fun af to see Kongming rap
May 20, 2022 7:19 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
I thought the rapping in Kongming was pretty good, but then again I listen to a lot of rap music including J-rap.
May 20, 2022 7:57 PM

Dec 2020
i kinda agree with you here. its sort of a hit or miss for me
May 20, 2022 8:09 PM
Nov 2020
billybub said:
akiramado19 said:
It's down atrocious to the point where you would think they are dissing the genre.
I don't care if it's against the rules but i got to say you are very stupid my friend. I don't know how can one release such a statement without feeling embarassed.
If bringing up a point is "complaining" then you shouldn't be lurking in the forum section to begin with. And based on your logic (if i can even calling it one), non-japanese speakers, including (You), shouldn't watch anime at all. Now you see how dumb it sounds??

1st off "my friend" you should learn to read, if anybody should be embarrassed it's you.

2nd if you bothered reading what I said, you'd know I have no problem with people disliking anything. My problem is non native speakers, watching a medium that's not intended for them call something "cringe" because they're not fans of the music. It's just obnoxious.

3rd my Aunt is Japanese and I have a pretty good grasp on the language, so don't make assumptions, it just makes an ass out of you

At this point it's useless to put some sense in you but i will try again.

First off, I don't really care if you speak japanese or have japanese siblings. It is not a flex and is clearly not the issue here. I have assumed you wouldn't because in case you didn't know, the majority of the people on this ENGLISH-based website don't speak japanese. Also, the way you put it is like being a non-japanese speaker is an insult, which is laughable btw.

You say you have no problem with people disliking something; However you retaliated because there is something disliked by some. Isn't it contradictory?

Coming back to the first point; If a japanese person were to watch a Marvel movie and find the plot boring; Since the movie is made and intended for americans, does that mean the japanese person shouldn't have the privilege to express their appreciation of the capeshit?
"I can't trust a website where csm is rated higher than hxh"
- Akira Toriyama

May 20, 2022 8:22 PM

May 2015
akiramado19 said:
billybub said:

1st off "my friend" you should learn to read, if anybody should be embarrassed it's you.

2nd if you bothered reading what I said, you'd know I have no problem with people disliking anything. My problem is non native speakers, watching a medium that's not intended for them call something "cringe" because they're not fans of the music. It's just obnoxious.

3rd my Aunt is Japanese and I have a pretty good grasp on the language, so don't make assumptions, it just makes an ass out of you

At this point it's useless to put some sense in you but i will try again.

First off, I don't really care if you speak japanese or have japanese siblings. It is not a flex and is clearly not the issue here. I have assumed you wouldn't because in case you didn't know, the majority of the people on this ENGLISH-based website don't speak japanese. Also, the way you put it is like being a non-japanese speaker is an insult, which is laughable btw.

You say you have no problem with people disliking something; However you retaliated because there is something disliked by some. Isn't it contradictory?

Coming back to the first point; If a japanese person were to watch a Marvel movie and find the plot boring; Since the movie is made and intended for americans, does that mean the japanese person shouldn't have the privilege to express their appreciation of the capeshit?

Once again you are either ignoring or missing my point. For the 3rd time, you can like, dislike, find boring anything you want. However calling something that wasn't intended for an non Japanese speaking audience "cringe" is obnoxious. How hard is this to understand?
May 20, 2022 10:33 PM

May 2015
NoriEst said:
billybub said:

Once again you are either ignoring or missing my point. For the 3rd time, you can like, dislike, find boring anything you want. However calling something that wasn't intended for an non Japanese speaking audience "cringe" is obnoxious. How hard is this to understand?

these dudes have the right to find it cringe. the engrish fucking sucks and it's aight to feel cringe about some dude mispronouncing basic english terms for the sake of cool factor to accompany freestyle rap that is fucking trash. move the fuck on.

also the rap fucking SUCKS. aside from the rapper being an absolute loser who also takes away screentime from kongming and eiko, the lyrics and flow suck, and his rap does not mesh well with eiko's singing. i physically cringed when that other loser kid getting bullied used the power of freestyle rap to escape his bullies. my god. it's like those shitty 00s live action teen movies where the kids used the power of song and dance to end world hunger or some shit. absolutely awful

Just out of curiosity how does one "physical cringe"? Did you bend over and have a fit, or did you just spaz out and decide to write this nonsense. It's ok kid you'll live
May 21, 2022 3:17 AM
Oct 2020
I thought it was very impressive and enjoyable. Just a taste thing I guess.
May 21, 2022 3:22 AM
Oct 2020
Animaticide said:
Freestyle, like many art forms, can be incredibly cringe if you are not involved in or are unfamiliar with how it works. I remember feeling the way you and many others here described when 8 Mile came out. It was awkward and clumsy and felt a lot like second-hand embarrassment.

But then, later in life, after I started to hang out more in public spaces where people of all scenes gathered, I was fortunate enough to experience live rap battles for the first time and I earned an unexpected appreciation for it. Not sure what changed exactly, but there was a difference between watching it behind a screen and watching it raw. One could say, I simply didn't get it before. Like you do with certain strong alcohols or cheeses, I grew into it as if it was an acquired taste.

Japanese is my fourth language and although I am nowhere close to being fluent, I could almost fully understand all of this season's unexpected anime rap battles with the exception of a word here and there.

All I can say after all that is that I loved them all. I know they were not improvised like real rap battles, but it was incredibly interesting listening to it in Japanese.

J-rap feels different. For starters, I was unaware of just how much English is mixed in. The flow is odder because of how words end in certain consonant-vowel paired sounds, so in a way it might appear like it is easier, but I find like rather restricting. The rhyming sounded more encased into the whole flow rather than just the ending of words like they would in English, Spanish or French, which are the other languages I can speak. A lot more work seems to be done in forcing odd kinds of grammar structures to help out ease the flow with those restrictions. No wonder why they resort so much to mixing in foreign words.

Maybe they may have appeared cringe to native speakers, I dunno (although online metrics seem to say the opposite), but to someone who can barely hold themselves in conversation, I enjoyed it greatly and found it fantastic how it just worked for me. I was extremely engrossed when they each took place and how they were executed with a strong emphasis on the comedic approach. There's something extremely funny and endearing to me about the idea of solving a conflict through a rap or dance battle. So my take is you just didn't get it like I didn't years ago.

As a final note, between Aharen-san, Kaguya-Sama, and Kongming's rap scenes, MC Miyuki took the crown as the coolest one, mainly because of the whole music video format.

Thank you for one of the only wise takes here
May 21, 2022 4:09 PM
Apr 2015
Anything with the japanglish feels kinda cringe but that azalea music slaps imo.
May 21, 2022 5:49 PM
Aug 2020
I think there's an Overarching issue with the show here, and it's the fact that it's a Japanese show that's either not intended to be watched by people who speak langauges other than Japanese, or it's trying way too hard to impress people who don't speak Japanese.

It results in all of the songs, at least to me, jsut feeling... off. Characters are pouring their hearts out, singing in English... yet the singer is very clearly either not fluent in the langauge, or is fluent, but so heavily accented that the it ends up sounding like they aren't. For anyone who wants to attack me for that statement, consider english-speaking people who don't know a word of Japanese attempting to sing covers of Japanese songs, and it's the same issue.

More power to them, do whatever makes you happy, so long as it isn't hurting anyone... but in a professional production like this, it really damages my immersion when all of the side characters insist that Eiko is an incredible singer, but I'm listening to it and it just... doesn't sound all that great, because I know how the words should sound, snd they do NOT sound like that. It creates a distracting disconnect. It's funny, because when the singer who does her songs in place of the VA actually sings in Japanese it sounds great!

I think the rap scenes have a similar issue. I've heard some amazing Japanese rap just going through YouTube, the best stuff tends to be very raw and guttural, good Japanese rap to me, the stuff that I think sounds the most authentic, is the stuff that sounds either really angry, or really chill. This show's rap just sounds... bland. It doesn't have the smooth, easy on the ears vibes that the calmer stuff gives off, and it lacks the aggresion and sincerity that more guttural voices bring.

That's just my opinion anyway, I don't know anything about music.
May 25, 2022 1:44 PM
Jun 2021
I think it was fun. That's all that matters :3
May 26, 2022 6:26 AM

Oct 2019
BallisticRiot said:
Let me just start this off by saying this isn't meant as hate for the show by any means, because I do enjoy it quite a bit so far. I simply want to ask the question as I know I'm likely in the minority:

Does anyone else dislike the way the raps sound in Kongming?

Stylistically, the sound of the raps feel very old school, but in a way that feel almost amateurish to me - As in the way people rapped before rap and freestyle was innovated. I can't quite tell if it's issue with the rhyme schemes or something, but, for some reason, the raps really don't sound good and the blending of english makes it feel awkward more than anything imo.

Please share your thoughts and opinions.

Rap as a genre is 90% cringe imo so if anything I liked this way more than normal rap, since it was both funny and had some good story beats.

I don't like rap in general, and this didn't really seem to be exceptionally bad or anything

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May 26, 2022 7:24 AM
Jan 2018
Never cared for rap so I find any forum cringe

It could just be cause the different language or it’s the way they do it or it’s the song
Mattinator95May 26, 2022 8:10 AM
May 26, 2022 11:05 AM
Jul 2014
The music during the rap is exactly the same repetition ... and I find the rap itself very cringe

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