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May 13, 2022 2:25 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Loved this episode. Having both Papagane and that Rose of Versailles reference is always a 10/10 in my book. And Fujiwara's chaotic ways are a treat.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

May 13, 2022 2:50 PM
Nov 2021
Something about this episode kinda hits deeply when it comes to finding your dreams and passions, it’s surely hard to find what you want to do in the future and be ensured with it. Mama Hayasaka and Papa Shirogane had made an appearance during the parent-student future planning conference, they're indeed interesting.

Shirogane and Kaguya sure had some deep feelings for each other here, in the beginning, the chances of them getting helped by their student council members are low because they do think outside of the box.

Chika is sure a prodigy at every instrument she was able to acquire knowledge with what she values most. Also, Shirogane is a womanizer confirmed because he’s confessing to someone else instead of Kaguya! Iino and Chika are adorable blobs in this episode because they’re against Shirogane’s way of an ikemen approach and the girls certainly do have the ideals. Kaguya definitely ain’t pitying Shirogane though :P

Yo thanks for suggesting that song that's awesome. Is that anime(Bakuman) good in which is the ending song u shared?
May 13, 2022 2:55 PM

Mar 2021
Imo best episode of the season so far, I laughed my ass off!!

Poor Miyuki lmao they really destroyed his confidence, but thankfully Kaguya and Ishigami arrived to revive him

Papa Shirogane carried as usual

May 13, 2022 3:01 PM

Apr 2018
Oh man, school interviews are a problem. Shirogane's father and Hayasaka's mother played the role of a parent for Kaguya which was hilarious and adorable at the same time. Hayasaka was so cute when she turned into a mama's child. Shirogane got the spotlight in this episode but sadly missed all his chances xD Seems like it's getting serious at this point.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
May 13, 2022 3:04 PM

Jan 2021
Bro this episode reminded me that I have to go to university soon
May 13, 2022 3:50 PM
Sep 2020
Jamk_ said:
Bro this episode reminded me that I have to go to university soon

jajaja sos muy boludo
May 13, 2022 4:04 PM

Jan 2022
Nice episode 🥰
“Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.”

— Wayne Dyer
May 13, 2022 4:33 PM

May 2021
Papagane appearances are always welcome. Its also funny how Hayasaka was complaining just last episode about being jealous of Shinomiya and in this ep, we see the opposite happen.

That side of Hayasaka with her mom is pretty cute.

Also, the countdown to peak has begun.
RioFSMay 13, 2022 4:39 PM

May 13, 2022 4:42 PM

Aug 2021
Another peak-sama epsiode. Papa shirogane really pushing the main ship.
May 13, 2022 4:51 PM
Demon of Hatred

Feb 2015
NikoBelic911 said:
Is that anime(Bakuman) good in which is the ending song u shared?
Bakuman is a great show, one of the best Jump shows out there for sure.
"Life is too bitter, so coffee, at least should be sweet..." - Hikigaya Hachiman (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatte Iru)
May 13, 2022 4:54 PM

Dec 2021
cchigu said:
Akasaka Aka had been weaving the web and spinning the gears to put what is to come in motion for a long time unbeknown to much of the audience. And these small details are one of the things that makes me love this franchise so much.

This Episode also had some foreshadowing, although not as major. The part were Mama Hayasaka says she would pay to watch papagane perform (originally Ch. 111), is what I qualify as the begining of the
May 13, 2022 5:51 PM
Jul 2014
So far these have been some of the six most perfect episodes of comedy anime I've ever seen. The editing, animation, acting, all have been on point. I feel like this season has been one of the first times I've seen insert shots used so effortlessly for the punchline to a joke in comedy anime.
May 13, 2022 6:27 PM

Apr 2022
Iino, just date Ishigami already.
To toxic fans: Atleast wait for an anime season to end before you go on tantrum.
May 13, 2022 6:34 PM

Sep 2020
Dio is a fucking chad as always
May 13, 2022 6:58 PM

Oct 2021
It's nice to see that Papa Dio is back!
May 13, 2022 7:10 PM

Apr 2017
Miyuki was really risen from the grave at the end. He was getting not only humbled, but absolutely devastated by Chika and Iino.
May 13, 2022 7:18 PM

Jul 2016
Hey! Miyuki is actually a pretty good match when you think about it. Chika just doesn't know what she's talking about.

So... here is where Kaguya-sama's greatness begins, huh?
May 13, 2022 7:33 PM

Aug 2017
Papagana is back once again! Also stanford dang

My biggest regret: Reading all 200+ chapters of Kanojo, Okarishimasu
May 13, 2022 7:43 PM
May 2021
Sure this series has a lot of "Rose Of Versailes" references right?
anyone noticed when Miko said what kind of boy she likes,the poster showing in her dreams matches with The ending poster of Rose Of Versailes?Also In the shoujo spoof of second season,the opening song of Rose of Versailes was also playing in the background.

To all who don't know,Rose Of Versailes is one of the greatest Shoujo manga and Anime of all time,being old(Manga released in 1972,Anime in 1979).
May 13, 2022 7:44 PM

Jun 2020
Counseling about the future seems boring but it isn't surprisingly, Hayasaka's mom and Shirogane's dad are there why is he like whispering that was weird

So finally progression at last so until the cultural festival we'll get some action, Missed opportunities man so the plan failed, That crossed eye looks so derpy

From confession to man whore okay we're going somewhere Iino seems pissed a bit, Being compared to tofu and your ego is harsh and a baby when you're together that's sad, that's Chikat.
May 13, 2022 7:52 PM
Jun 2019
Shirogane going to Stanford and leaving Kaguya behind? NANI!? I could've never seen that coming. Just kidding, I’m a manga reader😜

Now that Shirogane plans to graduate and attend a foreign college - Stanford, it puts a deadline or a sort before he can confess his feelings for Kaguya or vice versa. As Papa Shirogane said, “If you have any unfinished business here in Japan, now’s not the time to hesitate.”

Loving these Miyuki Shirogane Wants to confess chapter adaptations

We might expect a confession close to the end of this season, which should propel the hype and excitement for the next season, which there likely will be, seeing Kaguya-sama's popularity.
Graduated High School in May of 2022. Summer vacation has finally arrived. I have once again regained the power of a new anime fan, being able to watch multiple anime episodes in a day. Time to binge-watch every single anime I can into the night until college arrives. SADGE. SUPER SADGE... College has begun as of Monday, August 30, 2022, so you won't be seeing me much around these parks. See you on weekends, I guess... School me is back. Sigh! I'll at least try for one anime a day with all this course load.
May 13, 2022 7:54 PM

Mar 2010
Nice to see their parents making a an appearance and making Kaguya feel better lol.
Will be interesting to see who confesses first and if Miyuki decides to leave japan in the end
May 13, 2022 7:55 PM
Jan 2020
This was a really strong episode, absolutely loved it. And, even better, we are finally, actively making progress towards a relationship at this point. Shit just got real.

Shirogane studying abroad isn't exactly the end of the world though, unless he plans to stay in America indefinitely. There are plenty of people who study abroad and then return to their home country. I think Shirogane and Kaguya could pull off a long-distance though. Though, Kaguya is from a prestigious family, so whose to say she couldn't study abroad as well?

My favorite part was when Shirogane and Kaguya were going back and forth with their courage trying to justify going to the festival, capped off with an uncharacteristic high-five from Ishigami. Hilarious.
"...Is your mother worried? Would you like us to assign someone to worry your mother?"
May 13, 2022 8:34 PM

Dec 2018
So this is the beginning of the fabled cultural festival arc, let’s hope I’m not spoiled before any of it happens lol, but man this was a good one. I love seeing a new side of Hayasaka, they just keep layering on the reasons why she’s best girl, her mom is also just a milf version of her and the fact she’s a “mama’s girl” is perfect lol. We also got to see Shirogane’s dad again and he was hilarious as always, Kaguya’s reactions were also great.

It was also amazing seeing both Kaguya and Shirogane trying to ask each other out, we’ve come such a long way since season 1, I remember when this used to be a war lol, now it’s more like a race, especially now that we know Shirogane is studying abroad. Both Ishigami and Iino walking in with those stories was hilarious tho lol. And the last bit regrading Shirogane viewing himself objectively was also a great one, Kaguya saying he doesn’t need to change was sweet for sure.

Also love to see the old ED back, the one from last episode was good but I think it worked better as a one-off for the rap episode.
May 13, 2022 9:05 PM
Jul 2018
Kono Dio Da! lol
They really made parents. lol
"Nobody can look themselves objectively." Nice
May 13, 2022 9:16 PM

Dec 2013
Shirogane's father is as hilarious as ever. Even Hayasaka's mother was entertained by him.

Shirogane is actually attempting to make plot progression? Wut?
May 13, 2022 9:42 PM
Mar 2015
the boi got his ego boost but not the gril
May 13, 2022 9:43 PM

Jan 2020
Amazing. Possibly my favorite of the season

Hayasaka and her mom are pretty entertaining to watch lol. Episode was funny from start to finish

May 14, 2022 12:18 AM
Nov 2015
The clock has started to countdown. You, anime only, are not ready.
May 14, 2022 12:32 AM

Jul 2021
First part got me a bit depressed, I completely forgot that they are highschoolers and one day they all will graduate and get away from each other. Shirogane's plan to go to Stanford hit hard, though it won't be too far-fetched to see Kaguya taking admission with him if they ever confess, I mean her grades will allow and money's no problem. With this it's looking like we might get a confession soon, Miyuki was even able to ask Kaguya out on a date but well it failed miserably.

Hayasaka's mum is nice, I liked to see Hayasaka act like a mom's girl with her mum, she was even more cuter. Also Miyuki's dad lmao, he's all in for Miyuki x Kaguya.

This episode felt both long and short for some reason.


The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

May 14, 2022 1:20 AM

Sep 2020
Holy shit.

We were there, they snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. They were playing me like a fucking fiddle. I was so excited at the notion of them going to the cultural festival together, the idea Miyuki is going to try to confess himself. It was so close. That was a straight up rollercoaster for a peak that turned out only to be the end of the ride. It was so spectacular but so disappointing.

Apart from that, the parent teacher conferences were funny. Miyuki's dad is hilarious teasing Shinomiya, especially when Hayasaka's mom joined in. They made the perfect embarrassing duo, and it is nice to see someone Hayasaka fawns over. Although sad to see Shinomiya with no drive due to her family.

Bullying the president was funny as well and the part about introspection as a whole was nice.

Fantastic episode, can not wait for the next one.

May 14, 2022 1:44 AM
May 2021
Finally the count down begins sorry whenever Papa Shirogane is infront of the screen I can't focus on other characters lol.Although Hayasaka mother was also cool.
May 14, 2022 2:29 AM

Apr 2021
Alright, Miyuki aims to study abroad. Guess it's time to bid farewell for their usual mindgames which is a trademark of this series. Regardless, we'll now witness the eagerness in attempting to confess to each other.

Seeing Hayasaka's carefree faces today just brightens up the day.

May 14, 2022 3:16 AM

Sep 2018
Great episode, especially Shirogane's Father's part, haven't laughed that hard in a while lol
May 14, 2022 3:34 AM

May 2018
Shirogane is the best man UwU he may even be waifu material
May 14, 2022 4:11 AM

Feb 2022
Why no one talking about Doraemon debut in Kaguya sama😂

GreyratAnimelistMay 14, 2022 4:30 AM

"War does not determine who is right - only who is left."
May 14, 2022 4:24 AM
Oct 2019
Shirogane Dad suddenly appear scare me as well wtf

hey that was Doraemon Reference, i get that.. lol

Another Fantastic Episode from Kaguya-sama!!
May 14, 2022 4:59 AM
Jun 2017
NO TO SPOILERS please!!!

ohhh shirogane will be studying abroad... so that means, this cultural festival will be a must win for him and kaguya as time is already passing by and their high school days are coming to an end
May 14, 2022 6:52 AM

Feb 2014
Papa Shirogane never fails in cracking me up and his chemistry with Haysaka's mother was pure gold in embarrassing Kaguya. XD

Still, this part of the episode did remind us that the main cast are still high school students and it's up to them to decide where their future lies. While some will stay within the university here, Miyuki has plans to study abroad at Stanford. You can feel the tone of the whole series altering now with this in mind and it's something that I look forward to seeing more of as the series goes on. =)

The rest of the episode was still comedy gold, though. Miyuki trying to ask Kaguya out to see another school's culture festival was great, with Miyuki going with Ishigami instead. After that, it was Miyuki trying to look at himself more objectively led to him making a confessional misunderstanding with Miko (Her blushing face was so damn adorable!!) before she and Chika brutally roasted him. Thankfully, Kaguya was his savior in saying that he is fine the way he is, which was really sweet.

With half of season three done and with the manga readers in full hype mode by the looks of it, I thinking the next half of this season will be something amazing, hopefully. ^_^
May 14, 2022 7:40 AM

Nov 2016
So the arc finally started.Then the finale better be amazing.
May 14, 2022 8:18 AM

Feb 2014
How Hayasaka acts around her mom is so damn cute Best girl needs to have a best mom, hey.

We all know who Miko just described, she just doesn't want to admit it to herself.

Chapters are being adapted out of order, I wouldn't give up that we will still see some of the skipped chapters animated. But for now, the countdown begins... Can't wait for "that" to happen.
May 14, 2022 8:35 AM

Apr 2020
Miko still dreaming for that ideal shoujo man makes me laugh and sad at the same time, you'll get your love girl, even if he's not what you're expecting ;)

Ah Daddy Dio is back and Mommy Ai is here as well, this is just perfect! The way DD teases Kaguya if they made advances is too funny, and Hayasaka do love her mom, call it mama-con but that's genuinely wholesome. But yeah Shirogane is going to Stanford, Cali so that confession theme, it's going to be full swing from this point on.

People never look themselves objectively, and as much as we try, we will never achieve that question, so for yourself take what you can and try to mold it to better yourself, yes it might take tribulations and offset, but with great dedication to self-improvement, you can reach that atleast get near to that top you. You might be wondering why I'm saying this, of course I'm referring this to Shirogane...or maybe submilinally, I'm referring to you, a person I may not and never know.
May 14, 2022 8:37 AM

Apr 2020
OrangeRafi said:
Chapters are being adapted out of order, I wouldn't give up that we will still see some of the skipped chapters animated. But for now, the countdown begins... Can't wait for "that" to happen.

Maybe we'll see them in some OVA bundle after this season ends, although with "that" happening, some of us may look at it awkwardly since "that" is for real going to blow up the community by next month.
May 14, 2022 8:48 AM

May 2016
@Fmmatron episode went so fast :/

Fujiwara realizing that Shirogane is his type was the highlight for me in the latest episode.
May 14, 2022 10:16 AM

Mar 2018
I really hope we get to see the school festival this season, which I assume we do as they are bringing it up.
May 14, 2022 10:41 AM
Apr 2021
vF_Wackiier said:
I really hope we get to see the school festival this season, which I assume we do as they are bringing it up.

I just looked at the manga and especially what happened at the school festival ^^ Hyped af to look at it in the anime !!! And I'm sure they'll make it in season 3 since on one of the promotional poster (the one with Kaguya with a green background), there are foreshadowings about it... 😊
May 14, 2022 10:44 AM

Apr 2021
I haven't read the manga, so this is basically just my opinion based on what I've watched.

This episode is one of my favorite (beside episode 3, and eventhough still half cour was aired), and I've gotta say how they keep everything balanced, interesting, and yet fun to watch and laughable.

Start off with a bit of laugh with Hayasaca's mom and Shirogane's dad come in, and then the tense got serious, with Shirogane's mind on going abroad, and how's his relationship should be with Shinomiya.
However, call-to-action or the story progress based on that serious scene -- how to say it, they made it a hell of a laugh.

Seriously, they continue (or progress) the serious scene, with a really really funny story, even to continue that kind of serious tone (because.. that's basically what this story wants to shoot right? about Kaguya and Miyuki relationship).
It's really funny, entertaining, I could'nt help but laugh out loud half (or maybe from one third of the episode finished) until the end.
It's a basically 10 out 10 for this episode.
belttrgMay 14, 2022 10:49 AM
May 14, 2022 10:47 AM

Apr 2021
belttrg said:
I haven't read the manga, so this is basically just my opinion based on what I've watched.

This episode is one of my favorite (beside episode 3, and eventhough still half cour was aired), and I've gotta say how they keep everything balanced, interesting, and yet fun to watch and laughable.

Start off with a bit of laugh with Hayasaca's mom and Shirogane's dad come in, and then the tense got serious, with Shirogane's mind on going abroad, and how's his relationship should be with Shinomiya.
However, call-to-action or the story progress based on that serious scene -- how to say it, they made it a hell of a laugh.

Seriously, they continue (or progress) the serious scene, with a really really funny story, even to continue that kind of serious tone (because.. that's basically what this story wants to shoot right? about Kaguya and Miyuki relationship).
It's really funny, entertaining, I could'nt help but laugh out loud half until the end.
It's a basically 10 out 10 for this episode.

One of the best highlight of this season: How quick Kaguya's voice tone turn from "There's no need for you to go out of your way like that, Prez" to "Are?"
May 14, 2022 11:16 AM

Mar 2014
This ep is really the funniest thanks to Miyuki's Dad and Ai Mom, they are the most funniest character in the show I've seen. And the second half was pretty good

I'm really grateful for this ep coz the last ep kinda leaves me a bad taste
May 14, 2022 12:42 PM

Apr 2021
Dio is back and in a amazing form. The confession seems to be close, hope we get it in the next few episodes. Fujiwara being a insensitive it's seems it will never change same with Miko and her fantasies. Fantastic episode as always.
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