I don't think I have ever seen such a polarising view between the reviews and the actual score of this anime
May 3, 2022 1:41 AM
Kirito said: May i know the sauce for the girl hips moving in your pfp please?Negative reviews are less common when an anime is well loved and people who don't like a hyped anime will be looking for a review they can relate to. So the upvotes from people looking for someone who is expressing their negative opinion will coalesce around the smaller number of negative reviews. |
- Akira Toriyama |
May 3, 2022 5:37 AM
tobythesandwich said: AwokenStroken said: tobythesandwich said: People with shitty hot takes get more traction and votes. A lot of people want to think they’re above “popular” anime as well. Lots of shows that do well get attacked by people who can’t let people enjoy things. Do you happen to describe everyone's opinion that you disagree with as "shitty hot takes"? Is this just how people deal with disagreements or something? I just hate the mentality that many people have that if you give a rating below 7/10 that you're basically just "attacking" and "not letting others enjoy things". Aww, you poor thing. You lack reading comprehension. Because words are hard. There are plenty of people who just hate popular things without any reason besides them being popular. So they use that stance to try and bring people down. Not every person has legitimate dislikes of a show outside of they think it’s too popular. Your condescension and patronizing aside. People need to stop acting like every time you see a negative review at the top of something that it's just "because the h8rs breh". If someone sees really high rated reviews no one ever really says "man look at these BLIND fanboys!". |
May 3, 2022 7:21 AM
Swagernator said: No, it's just that people who enjoy this anime have problems. Deep, personal problems. And those who don't enjoy it are jobless. |
May 3, 2022 7:22 AM
AwokenStroken said: tobythesandwich said: AwokenStroken said: tobythesandwich said: People with shitty hot takes get more traction and votes. A lot of people want to think they’re above “popular” anime as well. Lots of shows that do well get attacked by people who can’t let people enjoy things. Do you happen to describe everyone's opinion that you disagree with as "shitty hot takes"? Is this just how people deal with disagreements or something? I just hate the mentality that many people have that if you give a rating below 7/10 that you're basically just "attacking" and "not letting others enjoy things". Aww, you poor thing. You lack reading comprehension. Because words are hard. There are plenty of people who just hate popular things without any reason besides them being popular. So they use that stance to try and bring people down. Not every person has legitimate dislikes of a show outside of they think it’s too popular. Your condescension and patronizing aside. People need to stop acting like every time you see a negative review at the top of something that it's just "because the h8rs breh". If someone sees really high rated reviews no one ever really says "man look at these BLIND fanboys!". Bless your upset little heart ❤️ There’s plenty of nuance. It’s more than just haters. But if they’re going out of their way to leave a shitty review they usually don’t actually have criticisms they just don’t like it because it’s popular. MAL is famous for vote and review bombing. There’s a reason people say not to take the score or reviews here seriously. But keep on crying. It’s hilarious you’re this naive to understand there’s nuance and that everyone speaks in absolutes. |
May 3, 2022 7:41 AM
tobythesandwich said: AwokenStroken said: tobythesandwich said: AwokenStroken said: tobythesandwich said: People with shitty hot takes get more traction and votes. A lot of people want to think they’re above “popular” anime as well. Lots of shows that do well get attacked by people who can’t let people enjoy things. Do you happen to describe everyone's opinion that you disagree with as "shitty hot takes"? Is this just how people deal with disagreements or something? I just hate the mentality that many people have that if you give a rating below 7/10 that you're basically just "attacking" and "not letting others enjoy things". Aww, you poor thing. You lack reading comprehension. Because words are hard. There are plenty of people who just hate popular things without any reason besides them being popular. So they use that stance to try and bring people down. Not every person has legitimate dislikes of a show outside of they think it’s too popular. Your condescension and patronizing aside. People need to stop acting like every time you see a negative review at the top of something that it's just "because the h8rs breh". If someone sees really high rated reviews no one ever really says "man look at these BLIND fanboys!". Bless your upset little heart ❤️ There’s plenty of nuance. It’s more than just haters. But if they’re going out of their way to leave a shitty review they usually don’t actually have criticisms they just don’t like it because it’s popular. MAL is famous for vote and review bombing. There’s a reason people say not to take the score or reviews here seriously. But keep on crying. It’s hilarious you’re this naive to understand there’s nuance and that everyone speaks in absolutes. "But if they’re going out of their way to leave a shitty review they usually don’t actually have criticisms they just don’t like it because it’s popular." You simply read the reviews and see what they had problems with, that's why people had written them in the first place... for people to read them and to better understand the criticisms. Yeah the ocean doesn't have enough water in it to equate the amount of bodily fluid lost from my constant crying. HERE COMES THE TSUNAMI OF TEARS!!! |
May 3, 2022 7:42 AM
I mean anyone with a functional brain can see the show's flaws |
May 3, 2022 8:12 AM
Laughs in KnY: Yuukaku-Hen. Btw, most users actually don't bother with reviews so I don't think unless it's majority opinion, the reception of anime would be that much affected. |
May 3, 2022 8:30 AM
It's understandable. This show is either a you love it or you hate it type of show, and a good majority are on the loving it side, so that's why the score is high. For people who want a quality crafted romance story or are looking for something new/unique to pique their tastes, this just doesn't fit them. I understand why a more critical audience would have problems with this, and their opinions are the ones your seeing in the front since they're more vocal about them. For the general audience, it's a wholesome well-produced anime with romance sprinkled around every corner, fanservice used to accentuate certain elements, a nice take on the cosplay world, and of course a waifu to behold. But those looking for a masterfully crafted romance plot might dislike the unrealistic aspects of the show (how a pathetic guy gets the perfect girl), the common tropes used, the show's use of fanservice, the way the main couple's relationship develops, Marin's flawless personality, the unrelatability to events in the show, and many other aspects. Putting aside hating just because the anime is popular, this anime has two sides to it so you should try to understand the other side's actual critique instead of hating on their opinions. |
PriinceYukiMay 3, 2022 8:38 AM
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ Don't try and get me to cook I can take care of anything else but not that ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ |
May 3, 2022 8:45 AM
akiramado19 said: Kirito said: May i know the sauce for the girl hips moving in your pfp please?Negative reviews are less common when an anime is well loved and people who don't like a hyped anime will be looking for a review they can relate to. So the upvotes from people looking for someone who is expressing their negative opinion will coalesce around the smaller number of negative reviews. Kirino from Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai |
May 3, 2022 8:54 AM
It says a lot about y'all how many of you view the show as a pathetic guy with a perfect girl. Besides his lack of confidence Gojo is pretty much perfect as well. He's extremely talented, highly motivated, invests himself in other people's interests, and is constantly doing whatever he can to support others. And while he's not some otherworldly hunk, he is fairly attractive and well built. Not to mention that his kindness towards Marin isn't the kind you see in all too many shows, where it's done under the expectation that it will earn him dates or sex. He's kind because that's genuinely the sort of person he is. That's part of what I love about the romance in this show - they're both bringing something to the table. Marin is bringing her endless positivity and helping build up Gojo's confidence and Gojo brings his talent, caring and support for her interests. Both of them are supporting and building the other up. |
AriaLauraceaeMay 3, 2022 10:20 AM
May 3, 2022 9:29 AM
Kirito said: Very appreciated.akiramado19 said: Kirito said: Negative reviews are less common when an anime is well loved and people who don't like a hyped anime will be looking for a review they can relate to. So the upvotes from people looking for someone who is expressing their negative opinion will coalesce around the smaller number of negative reviews. Kirino from Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai |
- Akira Toriyama |
May 3, 2022 11:03 AM
Whasz said: A significant majority of the reviews of My dress-up darling that are at the top of the page are giving it a 4/10 or lower despite the fact that they make up less than 2% of the ratings. Are the people that hate this anime really that much more vocal than the people that enjoy it? Many anime reviews have those haters in them, probably to gain attention, because they think their own personal opinion is that important, but it really sad and lousy they diss good shows. |
May 3, 2022 3:54 PM
@AwokenStroken Yeah the ocean doesn't have enough water in it to equate the amount of bodily fluid lost from my constant crying. HERE COMES THE TSUNAMI OF TEARS!!! this mentality right here is the reason why reviewer wants it for internet points in their are proud of it. If fans say some criticism about the reviews which is nothing about it. You and others labeled it as whining with tears which is not true. They just criticise the review even its negative or positive. The OP just question things which is true. And its okay to give negative review but its okay to criticize it because its subjective at the end. And review and score are easily botted its proven that why MAL has some mechanism about it and some reviewer can lose some upvotes in the past. So its not that far from reality the OP assumed. And contratian can accumalate more than positive which in the this site. And the show is popular. In conclusion its okay to give show positive and negative review its subjective in the end. But labeling fans as whining is not true. Because fans know the flaws of the show |
May 4, 2022 6:25 AM
I personally don't see it as bad, but it is terrible for people who want to watch the show. I just find the bad/terrible reviews on great anime absolutely hilarious cause the points of a lot of ones i see are just things that can be fixed by using common sense and are relatively similar to each other with some of them repeating the same points over and over like they're an angry puppy trying to chase the mail man, It is overly enjoyable to me and my favorite part of this website. Look forward to it every night before i sleep, gives me great dreams of happiness Lmao |
May 4, 2022 7:22 AM
LeoDrago said: People actually look at reviews on this site? Damn what a shock. Probably are s##t reviews |
May 4, 2022 12:35 PM
Dopamine is a hell of a drug. Coincidentally, the only people who need it so bad so as to offer their Official Critic Response™ are people who never had even a taste of teenage romance and cannot relate to the show whatsoever. That or they are literal children who have yet had the opportunity to experience it which is more likely given how poorly they're written. |
May 4, 2022 12:53 PM
People are entitled to their opinions but negative reviews tend to attract people who are only looking for a reason to dislike what is popular and nothing more. They don't even need to watch the series, they can just like someone else’s take without actually contributing anything themselves. Look at NGE, Bunnygirl Senpai, Kaguya-Sama for further examples of what you have noticed. Not saying everyone is like this, only that it's bit suspicious when most other “everyday man” reviews are positive. That’s why I take the top MAL reviews with a heaping fistful of salt. The overall score is far more meaningful anyway. |
-insert NGE meme here- |
May 4, 2022 1:48 PM
Surget said: Dopamine is a hell of a drug. Coincidentally, the only people who need it so bad so as to offer their Official Critic Response™ are people who never had even a taste of teenage romance and cannot relate to the show whatsoever. That or they are literal children who have yet had the opportunity to experience it which is more likely given how poorly they're written. The negative reviews had me cackling for exactly this reason. The show worked so well for me because it was so relatable and believable, so seeing all the highly voted negative reviews talking about how unbelievable and unrealistic it was is great comedy. I assume a lot of the reviewers who said that either have not had romantic relationships or have had very toxic ones that don't look like this one with two kind people supporting each other. |
May 4, 2022 3:14 PM
Reviewers on this site need to go touch some grass someday |
May 5, 2022 5:36 AM
The same rule applies to Anime as it does to games. The people who enjoy a game or anime does just that, they view / play it and by doing that pays their tribute to the content they consume and thus have no "real reason" to leave a remark on why they enjoyed it, they DID enjoy it and that is good enough. People who dislike it tho will feel the need to explain why: and the urge to explain this only grows as something gains more popularity since: A: The people who dislikes X just can't wrap their heads around why it is popular. B: They see a way to gain clout, it is kind of scary how much of a dopamine surge you get from upvotes of any kind. I know this very well as before I began watching anime seasonally in 2014 I had tried watching all the big Shounen titles from 2011-2013 and I HATED Gintama and did nothing but crap on it: I still hate it to this day but now I have come to see what people enjoy in it and have just come to terms with that "It's not just for me, and that does not mean that it needs to be bad on a technical level" Then again some of these reviews, if not most is just... Silly. Seeing people rant on about how there is "No way on earth that characters like Marine and Gojo could exists in reality" and how "This show lives off Ecchi elements" Just goes to show that some people take their basement dwelling POV as a "Fact of life" and anything they have not seen just "can't exist" apparently. I will say that MDD is not perfect as some will try to say, it has some flaws (I personally will be sorely disappointed if a confession is not made in season 2, Horimiya, Bunny Girl Sempai, My Love Story, Clannad and Wotakoi has shown that anime where there is a couple does work just fine.) but it is in no way as bad as the low rated reviews makes it out to be. And no; this is not me saying that they are not allowed to have opinions - It's just that their reviews is so narrow minded in terms of how they view this show that it is clear that hate and frustration drives the reviews more than rational thinking. |
Want to be offended, bored, angry and sad all at the same time? Come read my profile's "About me" section and you can experience a swell of emotions unlike anything else. What? All those combined is called "Being triggered?" Okay... Come be triggered I guess? |
May 5, 2022 1:22 PM
Maybe the anime is just bad mate :'). It's generic perfect girl and loser guy romcom #3,,473. I watched 2 eps, and dipped. "BuT yOU diDN't waTCH enOUgh to JuDGe". I don't need to finish a crappy meal, since ik it tasted bad after a few bites. |
*generic image of favorite characters with a sappy quote or "aesthetics"* Mecha Anime/Manga/VN Tier List Anime/Manga/VN Tier List |
May 5, 2022 3:50 PM
Pyro81300 said: but the question is about reviews and not about how you feel. Its a legit question that you can just ignored if you dont know what you talking about. Maybe the anime is just bad mate :'). It's generic perfect girl and loser guy romcom #3,,473. I watched 2 eps, and dipped. "BuT yOU diDN't waTCH enOUgh to JuDGe". I don't need to finish a crappy meal, since ik it tasted bad after a few bites. But the generic is not true, you watched 2 episode and that first episode shows you that the MC is not a loser he was just a socially inept that is timid and has some ambition in life and he is confident to it. Just the guy has no friend its not right to write him off as a loser. The girl is not perfect she has flaws and she is just a bubbly and friendly one. So watching 2 episodes that shows that is different and you dropped which means is not your cup of tea |
May 5, 2022 4:27 PM
honestly I thought it was going to be a fan service anime, but after watching it its truly one of the best, and to be blunt if you don't finish an anime even if you think it's bad how can you call yourself a weeb or anime fan, and if you can't find something in this anime that you like hand over your weeb card, this anime is gold, it's not a cookie cut same old regurgitated action anime like all the others seem to be now days, it's premise and plot maybe similar to others but it stands alone, it definitely deserves a 10/10, I believe most of the hate is from children who only watch certain anime to seem cool with their friends and haven't developed a sense for what anime is or a taste for story telling |
May 5, 2022 7:19 PM
the anime is just not very good, thats why it has negative reviews. i mean idk if people are hating on it because they are jealous of the main boy or whatever, but if that was the case, thats kind of stupid, but i feel like the main reason is just that the show itself is bad. like, can anyone here actually tell me that the one scene where some loli entered the main boy's house, takes a shower, slips and falls and is completely naked in front of the main boy, is a good scene? the rest of the anime was already not that good but this scene was horrendous. there is absolutely no reason for this to happen, like maybe its supposed to act as an interference to the main boy and main girl's relationship? but honestly it doesnt, and ends up just being stupid, and then i feel like the reason is fanservice, which in that case its really bad fanservice, i hope no one watching the show, even all the people rating this a 10 and calling it a masterpiece, enjoyed that scene because it is one of the worst scenes in anime i have ever watched. i dropped the show after that and if it doesnt get amazing after that point in the show i dont see how this show is an 8.40 |
May 5, 2022 7:53 PM
Well the minority will always be the most desperate for validation of their opinions, especially here on MAL. That's why top reviews often are complete opposites of the rating. |
My Queens |
May 5, 2022 8:03 PM
BossVal said: because you just watched a few animes and being a ecchi just not means its bad. And the review itself are just there because its popular and that shows the minority upvote it. Which is normal in MAL. And your reason about it making no sense because one scene does not equate to your saying thats is bad and that scene is not that overbearing its a trope i give you that. But that scene is your judgement aboit whole when its just a passing is close minded. And the question is the ratio about the quality of the series which is good and not a bad like the reviewer are saying. So being high score is determine that it is good. And thats the reason why it has low reviews because its popular and they believe it. In the end you are just correct from dislike it by having ecchi but it does not bad because it has it. And ecchi is just a another charm of the series about cosplayingthe anime is just not very good, thats why it has negative reviews. i mean idk if people are hating on it because they are jealous of the main boy or whatever, but if that was the case, thats kind of stupid, but i feel like the main reason is just that the show itself is bad. like, can anyone here actually tell me that the one scene where some loli entered the main boy's house, takes a shower, slips and falls and is completely naked in front of the main boy, is a good scene? the rest of the anime was already not that good but this scene was horrendous. there is absolutely no reason for this to happen, like maybe its supposed to act as an interference to the main boy and main girl's relationship? but honestly it doesnt, and ends up just being stupid, and then i feel like the reason is fanservice, which in that case its really bad fanservice, i hope no one watching the show, even all the people rating this a 10 and calling it a masterpiece, enjoyed that scene because it is one of the worst scenes in anime i have ever watched. i dropped the show after that and if it doesnt get amazing after that point in the show i dont see how this show is an 8.40 |
May 5, 2022 8:34 PM
chriskor022 said: its not just that scene, the whole anime is just not good. the romance is uninteresting, the characters are boring, basically the whole show revolves around the fanservice, the cosplay aspect literally does not matterBossVal said: because you just watched a few animes and being a ecchi just not means its bad. And the review itself are just there because its popular and that shows the minority upvote it. Which is normal in MAL. And your reason about it making no sense because one scene does not equate to your saying thats is bad and that scene is not that overbearing its a trope i give you that. But that scene is your judgement aboit whole when its just a passing is close minded. And the question is the ratio about the quality of the series which is good and not a bad like the reviewer are saying. So being high score is determine that it is good. And thats the reason why it has low reviews because its popular and they believe it. In the end you are just correct from dislike it by having ecchi but it does not bad because it has it. And ecchi is just a another charm of the series about cosplayingthe anime is just not very good, thats why it has negative reviews. i mean idk if people are hating on it because they are jealous of the main boy or whatever, but if that was the case, thats kind of stupid, but i feel like the main reason is just that the show itself is bad. like, can anyone here actually tell me that the one scene where some loli entered the main boy's house, takes a shower, slips and falls and is completely naked in front of the main boy, is a good scene? the rest of the anime was already not that good but this scene was horrendous. there is absolutely no reason for this to happen, like maybe its supposed to act as an interference to the main boy and main girl's relationship? but honestly it doesnt, and ends up just being stupid, and then i feel like the reason is fanservice, which in that case its really bad fanservice, i hope no one watching the show, even all the people rating this a 10 and calling it a masterpiece, enjoyed that scene because it is one of the worst scenes in anime i have ever watched. i dropped the show after that and if it doesnt get amazing after that point in the show i dont see how this show is an 8.40 |
May 5, 2022 8:43 PM
@BossVal its not just that scene, the whole anime is just not good. the romance is uninteresting, the characters are boring, basically the whole show revolves around the fanservice, the cosplay aspect literally does not matter thats wrong it has slow but interesting romance going on it has some developments that ita gonna take time because of how it develops the main MCs. But if you find it not to your liking thats ok. Characters being boring is not a criticism that justified your claim being it bad anime tho. And another one is being a fanservice only which is not true. You just watch the Juju scene and ignoring episode 1 and 4 that its not ecchi anime. Its about cosplaying so changing clothes and cosplay as lewd characters are in universe in that story. So your complain does not make sense. Like you watch it with the premise of cosplaying and expecting not finding some ecchi shots or scenes when its the part of it |
May 5, 2022 9:54 PM
chriskor022 said: no, im not just talking about the loli scene. like, you know episode two? the measuring scene? that was literally just a massive fanservice scene. like sure, it has to do with cosplaying, it makes sense to do the measuring, but you don't need to spend that long on the process. its clear they only dragged it out for that long for the fanservice. i was fully expecting ecchi scenes coming into this series, and i got way more than i asked for, and its just not good. the romance is not interesting, it has a high rating on the site because of the fanservice. and the characters are boring. namely, the blonde girl. idk why she is so popular she is very uninteresting, and also kind of annoying.@BossVal its not just that scene, the whole anime is just not good. the romance is uninteresting, the characters are boring, basically the whole show revolves around the fanservice, the cosplay aspect literally does not matter thats wrong it has slow but interesting romance going on it has some developments that ita gonna take time because of how it develops the main MCs. But if you find it not to your liking thats ok. Characters being boring is not a criticism that justified your claim being it bad anime tho. And another one is being a fanservice only which is not true. You just watch the Juju scene and ignoring episode 1 and 4 that its not ecchi anime. Its about cosplaying so changing clothes and cosplay as lewd characters are in universe in that story. So your complain does not make sense. Like you watch it with the premise of cosplaying and expecting not finding some ecchi shots or scenes when its the part of it |
May 5, 2022 10:06 PM
BossVal said: because its the same as the manga and that is the half of the episode that its on story in universe. So its okay that it has that scene it has ecchi but its not a big deal that you can just said its bad because reasons. And fanservice makes it popular is not true. If it was then WEH is more popular than this. And many more examples of "that because it has ecchi its popular when its not true". And more than usual ecchi scenes is not true at all its episode its a little about excessive ecchi and not that all bad and more on tropey scenes that its not weird because its about cosplaying. So i dont know what is too much when that is mild or those scenes are little at all. But episode 2 and 6 are unconfortable its fair but its not that bad because, like said its passing and episode 2 case is on the story like measuring.chriskor022 said: no, im not just talking about the loli scene. like, you know episode two? the measuring scene? that was literally just a massive fanservice scene. like sure, it has to do with cosplaying, it makes sense to do the measuring, but you don't need to spend that long on the process. its clear they only dragged it out for that long for the fanservice. i was fully expecting ecchi scenes coming into this series, and i got way more than i asked for, and its just not good. the romance is not interesting, it has a high rating on the site because of the fanservice. and the characters are boring. namely, the blonde girl. idk why she is so popular she is very uninteresting, and also kind of annoying.@BossVal its not just that scene, the whole anime is just not good. the romance is uninteresting, the characters are boring, basically the whole show revolves around the fanservice, the cosplay aspect literally does not matter Rimance being not interesting is subjective and not a fact because majority of it like for slow but rewarding in the future. But its okay if you are not a fan of it. But it has high rating because it has fanservice are delusional and nonsense because ecchi and famservice anime even mild. You are the example of it. Its hated in the site and has low scores. So idk how you justified as because it has fanservice that is the reason of high score |
May 5, 2022 10:10 PM
chriskor022 said: no, the fanservice is most definitely the reason. like, 8.40 is a really high score, especially for a "romcom". or idk if its even a romcom there isnt much comedy. you cant tell me that the romance is 8.40 worthy. like, what is interesting about the romance at all? nothing. its the fanservice. and no, not just because the fanservice is abundant, its also high quality compared to most anime. which is why this has a high rating. no one actually cares about the romance, they just justify their love for the anime by saying the romance is good when in reality its nothing special.BossVal said: because its the same as the manga and that is the half of the episode that its on story in universe. So its okay that it has that scene it has ecchi but its not a big deal that you can just said its bad because reasons. And fanservice makes it popular is not true. If it was then WEH is more popular than this. And many more examples of "that because it has ecchi its popular when its not true". And more than usual ecchi scenes is not true at all its episode its a little about excessive ecchi and not that all bad and more on tropey scenes that its not weird because its about cosplaying. So i dont know what is too much when that is mild or those scenes are little at all. But episode 2 and 6 are unconfortable its fair but its not that bad because, like said its passing and episode 2 case is on the story like measuring.chriskor022 said: @BossVal its not just that scene, the whole anime is just not good. the romance is uninteresting, the characters are boring, basically the whole show revolves around the fanservice, the cosplay aspect literally does not matter thats wrong it has slow but interesting romance going on it has some developments that ita gonna take time because of how it develops the main MCs. But if you find it not to your liking thats ok. Characters being boring is not a criticism that justified your claim being it bad anime tho. And another one is being a fanservice only which is not true. You just watch the Juju scene and ignoring episode 1 and 4 that its not ecchi anime. Its about cosplaying so changing clothes and cosplay as lewd characters are in universe in that story. So your complain does not make sense. Like you watch it with the premise of cosplaying and expecting not finding some ecchi shots or scenes when its the part of itRimance being not interesting is subjective and not a fact because majority of it like for slow but rewarding in the future. But its okay if you are not a fan of it. But it has high rating because it has fanservice are delusional and nonsense because ecchi and famservice anime even mild. You are the example of it. Its hated in the site and has low scores. So idk how you justified as because it has fanservice that is the reason of high score |
May 5, 2022 10:24 PM
BossVal said: you keep saying its not special when its all subjective. And majority of it is deserved the high score. And the romance is good like others it has good progression about them. The dynamic amd the romance is interesting to watch. The boy has some development to go before some drastic progression but its just good as it is and the viewers see it as slow burn romance. And with abundance of mediocre romcom this is better than the rest. And more so it has not always romance focused and has some good character development and cosplay storyline which the viewers appreciate. Its not stale of possibility and more to come in the future about it. Its just the start. And whats is worthy? Because you are not a fan of it, does not means others are like you. They are fans of cute interaction and Marin being gushing to her crush Gojo endearing. chriskor022 said: no, the fanservice is most definitely the reason. like, 8.40 is a really high score, especially for a "romcom". or idk if its even a romcom there isnt much comedy. you cant tell me that the romance is 8.40 worthy. like, what is interesting about the romance at all? nothing. its the fanservice. and no, not just because the fanservice is abundant, its also high quality compared to most anime. which is why this has a high rating. no one actually cares about the romance, they just justify their love for the anime by saying the romance is good when in reality its nothing special.BossVal said: chriskor022 said: no, im not just talking about the loli scene. like, you know episode two? the measuring scene? that was literally just a massive fanservice scene. like sure, it has to do with cosplaying, it makes sense to do the measuring, but you don't need to spend that long on the process. its clear they only dragged it out for that long for the fanservice. i was fully expecting ecchi scenes coming into this series, and i got way more than i asked for, and its just not good. the romance is not interesting, it has a high rating on the site because of the fanservice. and the characters are boring. namely, the blonde girl. idk why she is so popular she is very uninteresting, and also kind of annoying.@BossVal its not just that scene, the whole anime is just not good. the romance is uninteresting, the characters are boring, basically the whole show revolves around the fanservice, the cosplay aspect literally does not matter thats wrong it has slow but interesting romance going on it has some developments that ita gonna take time because of how it develops the main MCs. But if you find it not to your liking thats ok. Characters being boring is not a criticism that justified your claim being it bad anime tho. And another one is being a fanservice only which is not true. You just watch the Juju scene and ignoring episode 1 and 4 that its not ecchi anime. Its about cosplaying so changing clothes and cosplay as lewd characters are in universe in that story. So your complain does not make sense. Like you watch it with the premise of cosplaying and expecting not finding some ecchi shots or scenes when its the part of itRimance being not interesting is subjective and not a fact because majority of it like for slow but rewarding in the future. But its okay if you are not a fan of it. But it has high rating because it has fanservice are delusional and nonsense because ecchi and famservice anime even mild. You are the example of it. Its hated in the site and has low scores. So idk how you justified as because it has fanservice that is the reason of high score Nope fanservice even it has better animation and production it has lower score and more hated. Ecchi is the most hated genre because of how it is. And this anime is not that at all. And the viewers cares about the main romance story and cosplay aspect. And ecchi is just cherry on top. Like I said your statement is not true fanservice is not the only reason this anime is popular. It has more to it than fanservice like I said above. And the general consensus is the same they just like the characters and story |
May 5, 2022 10:29 PM
chriskor022 said: that is not true at all, yall foolin yourselves. its a fanservice show. i swear the creator of the show made a manga about cosplay for the sole purpose of having lots of fanservice opportunities. and you say that my opinion on the romance is subjective, which is true, but means nothing. like im just not sure how you find the romance interesting or special at all. if you enjoy the romance in this show, you probably enjoy the romance in most other romance anime. which is fine, but doesnt make this anime better than all the others. it doesnt do anything different with the romance. no one is interested enough in the behind the scenes of cosplay to watch an anime about it. nothing about this anime makes it stand out from the rest except its fanservice, so i think it makes sense that fanservice is the reason for this animes success.BossVal said: you keep saying its not special when its all subjective. And majority of it is deserved the high score. And the romance is good like others it has good progression about them. The dynamic amd the romance is interesting to watch. The boy has some development to go before some drastic progression but its just good as it is and the viewers see it as slow burn romance. And with abundance of mediocre romcom this is better than the rest. And more so it has not always romance focused and has some good character development and cosplay storyline which the viewers appreciate. Its not stale of possibility and more to come in the future about it. Its just the start. And whats is worthy? Because you are not a fan of it, does not means others are like you. They are fans of cute interaction and Marin being gushing to her crush Gojo endearing. chriskor022 said: BossVal said: because its the same as the manga and that is the half of the episode that its on story in universe. So its okay that it has that scene it has ecchi but its not a big deal that you can just said its bad because reasons. And fanservice makes it popular is not true. If it was then WEH is more popular than this. And many more examples of "that because it has ecchi its popular when its not true". And more than usual ecchi scenes is not true at all its episode its a little about excessive ecchi and not that all bad and more on tropey scenes that its not weird because its about cosplaying. So i dont know what is too much when that is mild or those scenes are little at all. But episode 2 and 6 are unconfortable its fair but its not that bad because, like said its passing and episode 2 case is on the story like measuring.chriskor022 said: no, im not just talking about the loli scene. like, you know episode two? the measuring scene? that was literally just a massive fanservice scene. like sure, it has to do with cosplaying, it makes sense to do the measuring, but you don't need to spend that long on the process. its clear they only dragged it out for that long for the fanservice. i was fully expecting ecchi scenes coming into this series, and i got way more than i asked for, and its just not good. the romance is not interesting, it has a high rating on the site because of the fanservice. and the characters are boring. namely, the blonde girl. idk why she is so popular she is very uninteresting, and also kind of annoying.@BossVal its not just that scene, the whole anime is just not good. the romance is uninteresting, the characters are boring, basically the whole show revolves around the fanservice, the cosplay aspect literally does not matter thats wrong it has slow but interesting romance going on it has some developments that ita gonna take time because of how it develops the main MCs. But if you find it not to your liking thats ok. Characters being boring is not a criticism that justified your claim being it bad anime tho. And another one is being a fanservice only which is not true. You just watch the Juju scene and ignoring episode 1 and 4 that its not ecchi anime. Its about cosplaying so changing clothes and cosplay as lewd characters are in universe in that story. So your complain does not make sense. Like you watch it with the premise of cosplaying and expecting not finding some ecchi shots or scenes when its the part of itRimance being not interesting is subjective and not a fact because majority of it like for slow but rewarding in the future. But its okay if you are not a fan of it. But it has high rating because it has fanservice are delusional and nonsense because ecchi and famservice anime even mild. You are the example of it. Its hated in the site and has low scores. So idk how you justified as because it has fanservice that is the reason of high score Nope fanservice even it has better animation and production it has lower score and more hated. Ecchi is the most hated genre because of how it is. And this anime is not that at all. And the viewers cares about the main romance story and cosplay aspect. And ecchi is just cherry on top. Like I said your statement is not true fanservice is not the only reason this anime is popular. It has more to it than fanservice like I said above. And the general consensus is the same they just like the characters and story |
May 5, 2022 10:41 PM
BossVal said: which is not true at all and you dont know about it when you watched in probably episode 6. And say that its fanservice when the story is not revolves around. Its not an exchi show. Yes your statement is proof of it its subjective and its minority thay hated ecchi which is okay because it is what it is. But the romance is interesting that the anime is popular and you cant deny and you care thats why we are having some discussion. Unfortunately this anime better than other romcom. And thats okay so your statement is subjective. And we can agree to disagree about it.chriskor022 said: that is not true at all, yall foolin yourselves. its a fanservice show. i swear the creator of the show made a manga about cosplay for the sole purpose of having lots of fanservice opportunities. and you say that my opinion on the romance is subjective, which is true, but means nothing. like im just not sure how you find the romance interesting or special at all. if you enjoy the romance in this show, you probably enjoy the romance in most other romance anime. which is fine, but doesnt make this anime better than all the others. it doesnt do anything different with the romance. no one is interested enough in the behind the scenes of cosplay to watch an anime about it. nothing about this anime makes it stand out from the rest except its fanservice, so i think it makes sense that fanservice is the reason for this animes success.BossVal said: chriskor022 said: no, the fanservice is most definitely the reason. like, 8.40 is a really high score, especially for a "romcom". or idk if its even a romcom there isnt much comedy. you cant tell me that the romance is 8.40 worthy. like, what is interesting about the romance at all? nothing. its the fanservice. and no, not just because the fanservice is abundant, its also high quality compared to most anime. which is why this has a high rating. no one actually cares about the romance, they just justify their love for the anime by saying the romance is good when in reality its nothing special.BossVal said: because its the same as the manga and that is the half of the episode that its on story in universe. So its okay that it has that scene it has ecchi but its not a big deal that you can just said its bad because reasons. And fanservice makes it popular is not true. If it was then WEH is more popular than this. And many more examples of "that because it has ecchi its popular when its not true". And more than usual ecchi scenes is not true at all its episode its a little about excessive ecchi and not that all bad and more on tropey scenes that its not weird because its about cosplaying. So i dont know what is too much when that is mild or those scenes are little at all. But episode 2 and 6 are unconfortable its fair but its not that bad because, like said its passing and episode 2 case is on the story like measuring.chriskor022 said: no, im not just talking about the loli scene. like, you know episode two? the measuring scene? that was literally just a massive fanservice scene. like sure, it has to do with cosplaying, it makes sense to do the measuring, but you don't need to spend that long on the process. its clear they only dragged it out for that long for the fanservice. i was fully expecting ecchi scenes coming into this series, and i got way more than i asked for, and its just not good. the romance is not interesting, it has a high rating on the site because of the fanservice. and the characters are boring. namely, the blonde girl. idk why she is so popular she is very uninteresting, and also kind of annoying.@BossVal its not just that scene, the whole anime is just not good. the romance is uninteresting, the characters are boring, basically the whole show revolves around the fanservice, the cosplay aspect literally does not matter thats wrong it has slow but interesting romance going on it has some developments that ita gonna take time because of how it develops the main MCs. But if you find it not to your liking thats ok. Characters being boring is not a criticism that justified your claim being it bad anime tho. And another one is being a fanservice only which is not true. You just watch the Juju scene and ignoring episode 1 and 4 that its not ecchi anime. Its about cosplaying so changing clothes and cosplay as lewd characters are in universe in that story. So your complain does not make sense. Like you watch it with the premise of cosplaying and expecting not finding some ecchi shots or scenes when its the part of itRimance being not interesting is subjective and not a fact because majority of it like for slow but rewarding in the future. But its okay if you are not a fan of it. But it has high rating because it has fanservice are delusional and nonsense because ecchi and famservice anime even mild. You are the example of it. Its hated in the site and has low scores. So idk how you justified as because it has fanservice that is the reason of high score Nope fanservice even it has better animation and production it has lower score and more hated. Ecchi is the most hated genre because of how it is. And this anime is not that at all. And the viewers cares about the main romance story and cosplay aspect. And ecchi is just cherry on top. Like I said your statement is not true fanservice is not the only reason this anime is popular. It has more to it than fanservice like I said above. And the general consensus is the same they just like the characters and story Majority of viewers are interested in technicalities of cosplaying its unique in its genre and so far this is only anime thay delves around cosplaying in general so ita freshness is one of the reason why this is popular. Albeit it has ecchi but because it is to the character which she cosplaying for. And im repeating that fanservice is not the reason why it is popular. If that is your stance its okay. But majority of viewers sees it differently |
May 5, 2022 10:44 PM
Cyrus234 said: but its not bad imoDress up darling isn’t good imo |
May 6, 2022 5:16 AM
waifu bait anime, substract 2-3 points because its most popular bait of the season, and you get real rating wich is solid in my opinion |
May 6, 2022 4:26 PM
Whasz said: A significant majority of the reviews of My dress-up darling that are at the top of the page are giving it a 4/10 or lower despite the fact that they make up less than 2% of the ratings. Are the people that hate this anime really that much more vocal than the people that enjoy it? BRO THANK YOU FOR THAT No seriously. I got no hate by this anime is way hyped... Too much hype is off putting |
May 6, 2022 9:25 PM
For me at least, if I like an anime I don't really go read the reviews and just rate it and move on. If I don't like an anime, especially if it has a high score, I go read the reviews just to see if I am the only person who felt that way or if it's just me being weird; not for validation but just to see if I'm the only one. Of course with popular animes there are legit haters, but with a light-hearted romance anime like this one it's usually not that serious.. |
May 11, 2022 2:05 AM
Jun 26, 2022 8:21 AM
Agreed. And it's not just this. Komi-san and this season's Shikimori isn't just a Cutie are also victims of this. Then again, I guess it's the same with movies. Nobody gives a damn about what reviewers have to say. Well, to be fair I tried to read the top review and couldn't get past the first three paragraphs. Better to just ignore them. Though, I do wish this site has an option like in Amazon where you can toggle between the top positive and critical reviews. |
Jun 27, 2022 4:46 AM
Whasz said: A significant majority of the reviews of My dress-up darling that are at the top of the page are giving it a 4/10 or lower despite the fact that they make up less than 2% of the ratings. Are the people that hate this anime really that much more vocal than the people that enjoy it? Let haters be hater, they actually did a great job of balancing the score. A lot of people are giving the score 10/10 as well, if it wasnt because of them a lot of anime would have overrated score. |
Aug 18, 2022 4:11 PM
You should never take seriously reviews on MAL especially for very popular shows because targets of bandwagonning of haters everytime. But with here when 4 most voted reviews are all negative I smell work of bots. This site has loon who keeps making over 5k accounts just to boost Itsuki Nakano over Miku every few months. |
Aug 21, 2022 1:43 PM
I blame the devs of this site, imagine if we could downvote reviews to be able to remove the shitty ones from the top :) |
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