"The manga and LN does not mean sh*t. If it does not have color, animation and sound, it may as well not exist in my world. Does that mean I do not appreciate source-creators? Of course not. Glory too them. Just don't expect me to give a flying rat's a*s about how the Anime "compares" to it's source, because it really does not matter"
Welcome to the Profile of a propper degenerate who rates anime like this:
10: I could marry this anime.
9 : Twas a damn solid anime.
8 : I really enjoyed this anime.
7 : I had a good time watching this anime.
6 : I got some good things out of this anime, but it was lacking in ways.
5 : I mostly finished this anime just be able to review it.
4 : I finished this anime because Anime is Trash and so am I.
3 : I tortured myself trough this anime in order to have legal rights to sh*t on it.
2 : Death March.
1 : An anime would need to lack Sound, Color and Animation to drop this low, and I would never watch that til the end so this score will never be used.
About me:
Some gamer gone gamer-weeb during Spring of 2014 when No Game No Life and Black Bullet brought me into anime. I have watched anywhere from 8-22 shows per season since and I heavily enjoy the medium as source of entertainment; more than I ever did with all my years prior to anime which was mostly filled with American shows (Anything from Family Guy to Special Victims Unit)
A note about my way of reviewing an anime - Unlike many others who will compare the source material to the adaptation and look at comparisons and how "This can be related / put in contrast to that" - I rate each individual anime as a stand-alone project and contain my ratings. I pretty much have a checklist of things "I want to see in an anime" that ignores the type of anime it is - Depending on how much and how well it executes / fills in elements to my liking, the higher it can get.
While say Toradora has NO Action in the usual sense of the word; it makes up for it with it's comedy, slice of life and especially character growth aspects.
Apart from that... There's nothing else really. Go check my Completed list and go mental over some of the scores I gave certain anime.
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