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THE GREAT DEBATE: Is Kira/Light's view of the world correct or is killing of criminals wrong?

Nov 28, 2009 6:21 PM

Sep 2007
Hey everybody,

Sorry this debate came out a bit late. I've been a bit busy over the last few days. Happy belated Turkey Day to everyone in the US! This week's debate is a bit different: instead of comparing two separate things, we're going to dive into an ethical argument in anime, in particular Death Note.

Just some general information...
The Death Note grants its user the ability to kill anyone whose face they have seen, by writing the victim's name in the notebook. The story follows Light's attempt to create and rule a world cleansed of evil using the notebook, and the complex conflict between him, his opponents and a mysterious detective known to the world only as L. (from Wikipedia)

Here's a video showing Light's epiphany moment of using the Death Note to kill criminals, and the ensuing killing spree

Are Light/Kira's actions justifiable? Is it okay to kill criminals and "cleanse the world of evil"? Is that even possible? Are people inherently good or evil? Why am I asking so many questions? I'm going off on a complete tangent, so back to the original question. Is Kira/Light's view of the world correct or is killing of criminals wrong? Discuss!

Courtesy of sadhana
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Nov 28, 2009 6:46 PM

May 2009
Well, I'm not saying that killing is RIGHT, but there are some people that we don't need to put up with. But his way of going about it (like the police men he killed) was wrong. So, I guess I should have just said that I have no idea...
Nov 28, 2009 6:47 PM

May 2009
Criminals need to be exterminated, and Kira/Light is right! Death Note ftw!!!

I am formerly known as "AnimePrincezz" on MAL, I change my username to "Rinjii", the Japanese name for my real name.
Nov 28, 2009 6:50 PM

Jun 2008
For the society, it's wrong.
For me, I don't really care. I wouldn't worship him, but I wouldn't disagree with him either. For me there's no right or wrong, he just had the chance and did it. It's wrong for him because he lost the chance of going to heaven after death, but hey, someone like him probably would end in hell one way or another. Maybe he had some profit in the end?

Nov 28, 2009 7:54 PM

Aug 2007
well death note ftw!
but then I guess this is the whole idea of death penalty debate
haha I personally dont support killing criminals
but I like the whole idea of Light's view to the world =)
Nov 28, 2009 9:18 PM

Jul 2008
Rinjii said:
Criminals need to be exterminated, and Kira/Light is right! Death Note ftw!!!

Nov 28, 2009 9:53 PM
Dec 2007
I think some people do enough to merit their lives be eradicated BUT (and it's a big BUT) we are not all-knowing here. The jury of peers justice system was created to try to erase the injustices of previous systems. Instead of having this one guy be the arbiter of who is right and who is wrong, a bigger group would debate if the evidence supporting the allegations of crime proved he was the one behind the crime (or if there was a crime at all), everyone has the right of having a lawyer defending him, and most importantly, no person is guilty until proven so. It may not be a perfect system (none are as we are human), but it's a system I can support.

I can't support the idea of a single man deciding, as if by decree of God himself, who is good for mankind and who is guilty and should therefore be dispatched. I mean really, look at our past. Especifically, look at events like "The Reign of Terror" in Revolutionary France, to see what those kinds of systems end up doing. In the end the people that die end up being just people who were in the way of the person in charge, for the most part.

I see it this way, humans are flawed, we always need others to watch our backs and ensure we follow the rules. That is even more true to the ones with any form of power as power corrupts, so we need to watch their backs at the same time they watch ours. That's why power should never be granted to a single person, rather it should be split.

Anyway, I better not turn it into a text of wall so that's my thoughts on the subject. Sorry Light, everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

Nov 29, 2009 12:38 AM

Dec 2007
I think that criminals should be dealt with depending on the harshness of their crimes. For example, I wouldn't even THINK of killing someone that stole an apple, but I would consider it for a rapist.

Concerning the other question of whether people are inherently evil or innocent, I believe that people are inherently innocent, the environment shapes the person. That's why, instead of keeping criminals in prisons, and possibly exposing them to an even more destructive environment, and thus, making them more evil than they have already grown up to be, we should just deal with them quickly.

Anyways, I'm probably rambling. xD

Nov 29, 2009 12:45 AM

May 2009
I can more or less understand Light's mentality, and, on some level, his intentions were noble. But the reality is what he was doing wasn't right. He never once gave consideration to the people he killed, whether they were poor or desperate men, whether they were framed, whether they had just made a mistake, whether they were mentally unstable...or had families. He was someone who believed his righteousness was omnipotent and any extenuating circumstances were meaningless. He was so twisted in his belief that he could cleanse the world that he couldn't see good in it.

Evil is different to many people, and there are many factors that contribute to what people could call "evil" Everyone has a different experience and perspective on the matter. But I know this for a fact: killing people to rid the world of evil doesn't work. it has never worked. Look at all the wars held in the past, ironically many being held because someone thought THEY could rid the world of evil, whatever it was they viewed as evil. Labeling someone as a criminal shouldn't be an excuse to strip them of any humanity you claim them not to have.
Nov 29, 2009 12:52 AM

Jun 2009
Kira is right! Criminals need to be exterminated! =)
Nov 29, 2009 1:42 AM

Jan 2009
I'd have to say he did the right thing.
In his shoes, I'd probably had done the same actually.

I mean, the only thing these criminals to is cost us alot of tax money, so personally, I don't see any problem with just getting rid of them.
Also, there are countries, not many, but there are, where they kill you for even the smallest crime, although those countries are usually ruled by a dictator, which I'm usually against. Go democracy?
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Nov 29, 2009 3:30 AM

Oct 2009
i'd say ftw.
i'd be happy, but i wouldn't worship the ground he walks on.
BUT it depends on what the criminals done, if it was something minor like shoplifting, that's fine. but if they killed someone brutually, rapist or terrorist and they got away with it then that's a different matter.
Nov 29, 2009 3:36 AM

Jul 2009
Pyro_DarkNicto said:
For the society, it's wrong.
For me, I don't really care. I wouldn't worship him, but I wouldn't disagree with him either. For me there's no right or wrong, he just had the chance and did it. It's wrong for him because he lost the chance of going to heaven after death, but hey, someone like him probably would end in hell one way or another. Maybe he had some profit in the end?

He did NOT lose a chance to go to HEAVEN. Ryuk told him "Do NOT think that you will go to HEAVEN or HELL for using the Death Note". He probably implies that their is no heaven or hell, but the consequences for using the Deathnote must be faced in one's life time.

Kamikura said:
I can more or less understand Light's mentality, and, on some level, his intentions were noble. But the reality is what he was doing wasn't right. He never once gave consideration to the people he killed, whether they were poor or desperate men, whether they were framed, whether they had just made a mistake, whether they were mentally unstable...or had families. He was someone who believed his righteousness was omnipotent and any extenuating circumstances were meaningless. He was so twisted in his belief that he could cleanse the world that he couldn't see good in it.

Evil is different to many people, and there are many factors that contribute to what people could call "evil" Everyone has a different experience and perspective on the matter. But I know this for a fact: killing people to rid the world of evil doesn't work. it has never worked. Look at all the wars held in the past, ironically many being held because someone thought THEY could rid the world of evil, whatever it was they viewed as evil. Labeling someone as a criminal shouldn't be an excuse to strip them of any humanity you claim them not to have.

I Sooooooooooooooooooooooo agree with you on the first part & to some extent the second part too.
But, here's the interesting part: When Light obtained the Deathnote, he told Ryuk that he understood fully well that he would eventually be corrupted by the power of the Deathnote & might as well lose his sanity in the process. But, he believed that the sacrifice was worth it. His original intentions were Noble (other than the new "GOD" concept), but eventually his power got to him.

As far as the debate is concerned, I voted for Kira's point of view. Reasons being:

About right or wrong:
Nov 29, 2009 6:44 AM

Sep 2008
Since im form colombia, and i only saw bad news all day, i can say that criminals are no longer human, and they can be killed, thats the fastest way to fix this country XD
Nov 29, 2009 7:15 AM

Mar 2009
Criminals are people too! Kira/Light is wrong! Death Note ftl!!!
Even though , I still love light-kun XD ..

Nov 29, 2009 7:17 AM
Jul 2009
think about the man who has to steal bread to feed his family...
is he also a criminal too, then?
doesn't he deserve to live?

-all criminals must have a reason to be criminals .. i mean, they can't become "bad" just like..outta nowhere ..
Say you want, you say you need; you can take it all from me.
I'll call the debt one day. Marks of blood you'll have to pay.
Lost on trails of fear and spite, unrelenting, hopeless night.
This twisted dream will die When the Cicadas Cry.

higurashi no naku koro ni <3
Nov 29, 2009 7:29 AM

Nov 2007
Kamikura said:
I can more or less understand Light's mentality, and, on some level, his intentions were noble. But the reality is what he was doing wasn't right. He never once gave consideration to the people he killed, whether they were poor or desperate men, whether they were framed, whether they had just made a mistake, whether they were mentally unstable...or had families. He was someone who believed his righteousness was omnipotent and any extenuating circumstances were meaningless. He was so twisted in his belief that he could cleanse the world that he couldn't see good in it.

Exactly, at the end, he got what he deserved. He was so self-justified he would kill members of his own family and innocent people.

bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Nov 29, 2009 7:52 AM

Jan 2009
izzyimagine said:
think about the man who has to steal bread to feed his family...
is he also a criminal too, then?
doesn't he deserve to live?

-all criminals must have a reason to be criminals .. i mean, they can't become "bad" just like..outta nowhere ..

Nope, he isn't a criminal, but the later statement.. No every criminal doesn't have a valid reason to commit crime. For example (yeah this is a pretty lousy example) if someone steals, let's say a car, because the guy thinks "Oh cool, a new car, just what I wanted, And I can sell it for quite a bunch of money too!" Reason there being greed, as with a lot of crimes these days.
Other reasons would be, say.. for example vengeance? Someone does something to you, and you retaliate, things get even worse. Crime on crime and eventually it's pretty bad.
Another reason, maybe not as often as greed, but because it's fun. There are these screwed people who think these crimes that they commit are fun. Ever considered there are those kinds of criminals too? Asking me, they definitely deserve something as blissful as death.
Sure, there might be exceptions, and maybe not every criminal deserves to die.
wakka9ca said:
Kamikura said:
I can more or less understand Light's mentality, and, on some level, his intentions were noble. But the reality is what he was doing wasn't right. He never once gave consideration to the people he killed, whether they were poor or desperate men, whether they were framed, whether they had just made a mistake, whether they were mentally unstable...or had families. He was someone who believed his righteousness was omnipotent and any extenuating circumstances were meaningless. He was so twisted in his belief that he could cleanse the world that he couldn't see good in it.

Exactly, at the end, he got what he deserved. He was so self-justified he would kill members of his own family and innocent people.


For example Light, he started out doing (in my opinion) the right thing. Then he apparantly kind of strayed from that justified path of his, without really noticing, and as wakka mentioned, he would even kill innocents and his own familymembers because of his self-justified path.

I just started thinking of another thing.. what the heck is life worth really? Can it be measured in money?
Tl;dr I think the world'd benefit from having most of the criminals killed off.
From another viewpoint, the world would become richer if all criminals suddenly died, since we won't have to pay taxes for these criminals to be fed and cared for in jail and such stuff.
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Nov 29, 2009 8:19 AM

Mar 2008
Criminals need to be exterminated.
Nov 29, 2009 8:24 AM

Jan 2009
Actually, I came to think about something else, kind of related.
Either criminals are to be, as Aniira said a few minutes ago, exterminated, or they're to walk free. Nothing in-between.
What I'm saying though, isn't that I think we should let criminals out, are they stupid enough to get caught, too bad, execution next.
But if they're so skilled as to not get caught, it's pretty hard to kill 'em. Or the authorities are just worthless enough not to be able to catch them.
Either way, I think there shouldn't be anything called jail, it's kill or go free.
Thanks for reading. Don't expect this to be the last you see from me though! : D
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Nov 29, 2009 8:31 AM

Jan 2008
He was wrong.

First of all, using the Death Note slowly took control of him, causing the death of his father, the mental instability of his sister and the death of Ray Penbar's fiancee (completely innocent people, which only leads to more death of innocent people). And lastly, Light wouldn't be around forever, he is not immortal. If he really wanted to cleanse evil from the world permanently , he should have factored first that once he's dead, crime rates would just rise up again.

Unless he had a later generation carrying the deed for him, cleansing the "evil" from society. But no, he wanted to carry out that deed himself.

Bottom line, he would only be killing criminals when he's alive. It's wrong of him, because there will always be criminals in the future no matter what you do. The only solution that i can see is immortality or having later generations performing the same dirty work that he did.
Nov 29, 2009 9:55 AM

Oct 2009
it's hard for me to vote on this one

Light started out with good intentions
like only killing the ones who were set to die anyway. they were the worst of the worst
but he soon became too consumed with what he did

in my head, i can say that it's wrong to kill criminals
especially for the ones who were trying to start over, to do good, etc
these ones actually feel remorse and wish they could take back whatever they did

but then deep down inside, i can't help but think about the monsters who have no respect for life.

why do they get to live when so many innocents had either their lives taken away or the ability to live normally is taken away? how many deaths? how many serious injuries? how many in comas? how many families are destroyed because of it?

these sociopaths cause pain and grief wherever they go and they feel no guilt about it.
they live off the "power" they get from the fear that they create.
and it's not like they're dumb.
they get away with what they do for a number years before they finally slip up and get caught.
but then there are some who don't get caught. and the victims become cold cases. and there is no justice.
GenieGin13Nov 29, 2009 10:00 AM
Nov 29, 2009 10:43 AM

Mar 2008
Criminals need to be exterminated, and Kira/Light is right! Death Note ftw!!!
Nov 29, 2009 7:17 PM

Dec 2007
some deserve to die, like serial killers etc. they aint human anymore..
i see myself as better than those people, and they dont have a place in society. and really, killing them off is better for them. think of a life in prison.

but yeah, light went over the top.
Nov 30, 2009 11:54 AM

May 2009
I agree with Light about killing criminals. However I believe it should mainly stay with felons.
Church of Violence {Black Lagoon rp}: Eda | The God's World: Eris, Goddess of Discord
~Bleach Rp Club~: Ryoko Matsumoto | --BleaCH RP~: Ikkaku Madarame & Hiyori Sarugaki

Nov 30, 2009 6:59 PM
Dec 2007
I'm a little appalled by how radical most of you are. Fight fire with fire is it?

Nov 30, 2009 9:53 PM

Jan 2009
Leon-Gun said:
Fight fire with fire is it?

Of course, it's the easiest solution.
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Dec 1, 2009 8:41 AM

Feb 2009
I strongly support Light's view.
Everyone can keep saying that criminals are people too...but those "people" did'nt care for the lives of other people did they?
Then on what basis can you call them people?

If the killing of one criminal is going to save the lives of so many of his future victims then in what way can it be called killing?
Its the saving of so many innocent lives.

Thats what death sentence u call death sentence wrong as well?
Its the law right...and considered justice.
So in what way is Light's view any different?

If a mugger or a murderer were to assault you on the road or kill someone u love, will you be all saintly and say he should not be punished?
And if Kira were to kill him then, won't you be greatfull?

Also Light did'nt kill just about any criminal...he only killed the worst of the lot, murderers, rapeists etc.
Also he used mostly the painless method of heart attacks to kill them.

Light had to do it as the law was inefficient.
Corrupt and dominated by politicians.
Kira had to protect the weak, since the law could'nt.

Compare Hiduchi and Light.
Did light use the death note for money or fame like Hiduchi did?
He could have if he had wanted to.
So whos evil?

And as for him killing innocent people like Penbar, Naomi Misora etc...he only did it as they tried to stop him.
Sacrifices must indeed be made for a grander cause.
So many people died in World war 2, to bring us peace.
Will you deny that peace, because so many lives were lost?

The same here, people had to be killed to bring justice.

I don't know if I did manage to convience anyone.But as far as I'm concerned, theres no better person to pick up the death note than Light.

And thanks for choosing my topic suggestion :))

Winners and Victims stand alone!!
Dec 1, 2009 8:46 AM

Jan 2009
You're great sadhana : D
sadhana said:
But as far as I'm concerned, theres no better person to pick up the death note than Light.

I could've picked it up, sure would've spiced things up a little : >
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Dec 1, 2009 4:45 PM

Feb 2009
Oosran said:
You're great sadhana : D
sadhana said:
But as far as I'm concerned, theres no better person to pick up the death note than Light.

I could've picked it up, sure would've spiced things up a little : >

Hey for once, we both do agree on something..he he..

Winners and Victims stand alone!!
Dec 2, 2009 12:33 AM
Apr 2008
When he starts by killing criminals ok but then he doesn't know if they're all guilty and en he starts killing just about evry1 then of course its wrong
if he killed those who he had proof that they committed serious crimes then ok
Dec 2, 2009 7:29 AM

Jan 2009
vizardouglas said:
When he starts by killing criminals ok but then he doesn't know if they're all guilty and en he starts killing just about evry1 then of course its wrong
if he killed those who he had proof that they committed serious crimes then ok

Then there'll always be those sneaky bastards who commit crimes but leave next to no evidence at all, what about them? : )
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Dec 3, 2009 1:57 PM

Apr 2008
As much as it's true that there are people who would be better of dead, I think killing them youself is wrong.
Dec 5, 2009 5:07 AM

Nov 2007
Hello everyone. I watched Death Note about two years ago and i don't remember the exact details and Light's personality, so I apologize if I misinterpret something from Death Note.
in my head, i can say that it's wrong to kill criminals
especially for the ones who were trying to start over, to do good, etc
these ones actually feel remorse and wish they could take back whatever they did
then if i'd stab someone in the street and apologize afterwards. it would be quite acceptable?

some deserve to die, like serial killers etc. they aint human anymore..
Wouldn't have Light also said then some deserve to die, while others don't; didn't he also see himself better then "those" people?

And about killing people in societies: If we'd agree to play of four and one of us declared himself the winner, wouldn't you drop such person from the play; and if he persisted to cause disturbance for the other ones playing and refused to leave, wouldn't you get rid of him?

Feb 7, 2010 9:33 PM

Feb 2009
Is killing right when using it as random? No.

However when Light first starts out and he's only using it on murderers, I would have to say that I agree completely. Why on Earth should those who have never shown mercy recieve any in return? Why should the people who died have to suffer the torment while the perpetrator still lives on, whether in a cell or not?

Kira FTW
Mar 13, 2010 5:27 AM

Jul 2009
The act of killing Criminals in itself isn't wrong.

What is a problem is that such power is not meant to be wielded by a single human, as the human will be corrupted by the power. Light himself thought that the power would corrupt him.
Jun 9, 2010 1:16 PM

Nov 2009
Personally I think his ideals in the beginning were right, but the power corrupted him, making him do the right thing( killing criminals) for the wrong reasons.

Jun 14, 2010 6:40 AM

Aug 2009
I'm gonna be blunt here. Kill 'em. If someone has committed a crime that alters someone's life in a drastic way, then they have no reason to be considered human. if it weren't for the eighth amendment, I'd be out there doing it myself.

And if you haven't done anything wrong, what do you have to worry about?
Jun 15, 2010 5:59 PM
Jun 2010
Meh, I'm pretty neutral to this, but I'd rather not waste my time killing people if I were Light.
Jun 15, 2010 6:01 PM

Feb 2009
Gotta say, I really agree with Light... before he went absoloutly insane and killed you-know-who.

I mean, I believe it is deeply unfair for people who have only murdered and raped people be allowed to live. These people deserve to die a slow and miserable death, not allowed to live, no matter what existence it is.
Aug 16, 2010 7:07 AM

Dec 2009
Punish criminals? Yes.
Kill them? No.
Sorry, fangirls

code geass s2 : darker than black : free! es :
haikyuu!! : inaire : kurobas 2 : mikagura : znt

Aug 13, 2012 1:54 PM

Aug 2012
Killing is wrong, but Light's intentions are good. He wants to punish all criminals, but still, I don't think it's a good idea to punish others by killing them. Light has no right to do that. But, I don't disagree with him. I vote for BOTH! Killing is wrong, so he shouldn't kill & criminals should be punished because they make others suffer! So he's right and wrong! Does that make sense...? 0.o
Nov 10, 2012 4:50 PM

Sep 2012
There are many criminals that don't deserve to live, but there are others that they regret about the crimes they did, so i believe... i can't decide xD
Jan 3, 2017 11:39 PM
Jan 2017
Kira had nothing but a safer world in mind when first using the death note. Its super easy to say well murder is murder hardeeharhar. But no kira eliminates dangerous people. Dangerous people. Thats like me burning all poisonous plants. Is theres any harm done ? No kira aka light was the perfect person to have that power. A true genius and responsible. Who else would have thought of it ? Or been able to carry it out ? No one.
Jan 23, 2017 4:52 PM
Aug 2013
I d probably worhip Kira while rationally knowing I m probably wrong.
The problem is even with his power, crime d still be present, the cruel reality is that death penalty scares some criminasl off, but most not. There are countries with various forms of torture and death that follow after crimes, yet ppl still commit them. Some coz they just want to, some coz they belive they have the right to, some coz they think they wont be caught...some coz they have to.
Kira s world d never exist until humanity d be present, because every single one of us is in the end capable of commiting a crime in a certain situation. And Kira has no chance of always knowing the person behind the crime...which d lead to injustice.

In the end the question is killing an inocent person worth it? Isnt just locking away from society enough so we dont have to go through with the risk of killing an innocent person-have more time t confirm all the facts? Kira d have to kill many innocent people who d oppose him and people who were reported criminals, yet they were not really criminals or weren t as bad as reported. Since we were shown that Kira does mistakes it leads to the fact he s just like the legal system innocent people d die since Kira doesnt know everything. But is anoyne innocent? Aren t we all potentional killers? And aren t potentional killers more dangerous than the ones that alredy commited them and are in jail?

In reality I m gonna choose a legal system without death penalty, but if Kira did exist I d probabyl go the ideologist way, take it as a sign from heaven and just accept Kira as a God...since if I only looked at him as a person I couldnt accept his actions knowing people do mistakes and that his mistakes could cost innocent lives.
"Do you think you are special?
That s not true, we are all the same ... "

"When does the path we walk on, lock around our feet?"
Jun 1, 2017 7:59 PM
Jun 2017
Realistically,speaking,what light did was,in the eyes of the media,wrong,however,the crime rate did go down and criminals,started thinking the were next.I mean i would not have the guts to do this.But in my opinion,for someone to have the balls to do this is pretty brave
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