If you are stopping by in concerns of your member card(s) then I ask for you to please be patient. My life is rather hectic atm & I will deliver them when I get the chance. Thanks for your patience & understanding. I'm sorry for all delays.
I am further behind on my deliveries due to my car accident on May 1st. It was a really bad accident & I am still under doctors' care because of it so I am unable to sit at my computer for too long at one time. I am working as fast as I possibly can. If you cannot understand the reason for my delays because of this then please post a comment & I'll hold off on delivering yours this year.
I love animes. This list is those I actually remembered to add here. Hopefully I will have my list completed as to everything I have watched & am watching right now. To know more about my love for animes then I'll just have to see you on the [as] boards for now. I'll try to become very active on here.
As for my mangas ... don't trust my list on here lol I forgotten many of what I've read over the years because honestly I love animes better >.>
What I look like in person:

~My name is Miranda but they call me Mandy usually. I have several other nicknames like Lady Death Cat, Catalunah, Kitty, Cat, Yoda, etc. Most people call me LDC when I'm using the nick Lady Death Cat
~I'm currently 34yr & I share my b-day with one of my fav Bleach characters, Ikkaku Madarame.
~I'm a divorced single mom. My son is currently 12yr.
~I live out in the country side. We own horses mostly but we have other animals here too.
~I'm currently a student & do band pr on the side. I was taking Criminal Justice but am in the midst of changing majors. I am wanting to get into Computer Alternatives: Gaming to learn how to make video games & proper way of testing them.
~I'm a scholar, wish it paid. I love learning. No such thing as too much knowledge, to bad I have memory probs.
~My health is a constant battle. I have my good days as well as my bad days. I have died a total of 3 times already & have been brought back. Hence why they call me Cat or LDC. Most my friends claim I have 9 lives just like a cat does ... guess I'm down to 6 =^.^=
~Note this is just a very teeny tiny bit about me. I have 2 profiles that tell more of myself: myspace & Vampire Rave.
~I spend most of my online time gaming or chatting away on Adult Swim or [as] for short. I try to stay somewhat active on the 200+ sites I am a member of.
~I am an amateur photographer. One of my photos is in this past years Who's Who in Amateur Photography.
~I know how to do some webpage design. I have taught myself HTML, CSS, & BBC. I am currently trying to learn how to use PEARL & Flash.
~Want to know more then ask me anything. I am hard to offend.
All Comments (3022) Comments
I hope you plan on watching it, since you seem like a fellow Itachi fan^^ Seems pretty cool.
Have a nice day.
(Sorry, I'm just excited and like informing people now. lol)