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May 4, 2020 1:31 PM

Apr 2017
The strangest episode so far.
It looks like there are real-world counterparts in this fantasy game world or smth.
It all looks like one big metaphor.
May 9, 2020 9:49 PM
Apr 2014
Worst episode of the series, little too off the wall even for this series and worst part just flat out boring.
May 24, 2020 1:04 AM

Mar 2013
Haha, this was great! I loved the way the animation style sort of reverted back to the kind you'd see in an 80s/early 90s series, especially with all of the detective's reactions. It was definitely a little off the wall, but I feel like it works with the overall feeling of the show (delusions and all that).
May 28, 2020 5:23 AM

May 2016
Despite enjoying Millennium Actress very much which was similar to this in execution, I did not like this episode. Even though it did fit with the surreal and delusion-filled theme of the show, the infamous Shounen Bat being reduced to a chuuni dork was a lame move that dispelled all of the intrigue and mystery I had for him. It could be an impostor or all that was a lie and I hope that's the case.

There are the real-life parallels to the victims which were interesting and the detectives was given the next lead in the end but it was still a waste of time to see a glorified recap I didn't enjoy much.

Jun 17, 2020 1:56 AM

Jul 2016
The first 3 episodes were my favorites, the last 2 ones are getting kinda slow, but hopefully it gets better in the next ones.

So if shounen bat attacks people with mental issues, he attacked Usshi because he had self-esteem issues from the bullying in his last school.
Aug 3, 2020 7:00 PM

Jul 2019
yeah this episode was pretty.. not good
Aug 11, 2020 6:20 AM

Oct 2019
Lil slugger lowkey got isekai'd in this episode
Aug 14, 2020 9:44 PM

Jul 2020
That superficial story on his perspective is so annoying but it was nicely done.

I wonder if that’s what Shounen Bat really thinks, that he’s in an RPG or he’s making things up so he can get away with this.
Aug 31, 2020 9:34 PM

May 2015
This episode was off
Nov 14, 2020 10:33 AM
Jul 2018
this was so weird. i dont like this episode at all. felt like filler. i really liked episode three but it all went downhill from there. i hope theres something thats redeemable. also as stated previously in this discussion, the other guy we've seen has perfect teeth, and in this episode, they clearly showed the braces of this guy. they are probably differentpeople
Feb 5, 2021 2:51 AM

Jun 2020
What in the actual fuck was that
Feb 6, 2021 6:26 PM
Oct 2019
That wasn't good. Really makes me want to drop this show. I guess it's not what I thought it was going to be after the first 2 episodes. This is more like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas than a true mystery thriller
Mar 21, 2021 3:17 AM

Aug 2012
Well, I guess there's value in having an episode that can easily be pointed towards as the worst in the series. I flat-out did not enjoy this episode. It does seem like this could be a copycat kind of thing now, somebody mentioning that Shonen Bat didn't have braces, and while I was pretty sure Kon was just throwing us for a loop by capturing him this early, I am kind of hoping it's the case (though he statements lining up with the attacks makes it slightly less believable, I assume he's not just BSing for the sake of the granny since if he was not sure why he'd bring her into his story [and there's connections made to the old man's prophecies, so this guy is certainly in the know and can still definitely be Shonen Bat]) because yeah, this wasn't a satisfying explanation. And in fairness, the dude's going around whacking people with a bat, like logically him being insane with delusions makes sense. But it's definitely not narratively satisfying.

And look, I love Millennium Actress, the last several minutes of that movie are perfect, a total payoff to the entire narrative conceit. It's among the best endings of any movie I've ever seen but that movie is a grower for me. The 9 I gave it is because how much the movie pays-off but for a good chunk I wasn't feeling it. One of those reasons was the cameraman and Genya's involvement in Chiyoko's re-telling's, like it just takes awhile for that to not be off-putting for me. And there was more basis for it in Millennium Actress, and more variety in settings. The setting of this RPG is boring. Like, it's probably more interesting than had the episode just remained in the interrogation room but still.

Secondly, this episode just doesn't look good. Like, visually it's the weakest output I ever seen from a Kon thing and I don't think it could be attributed to an artistic choice like say with Ichi's delusions at the end of episode two. Some of the animation just look, kind of an incompetent to be honest, and the less detailed designs and weirdness wasn't just restricted to the fantasy sequences so it feels more like budget or time constraints.

Thirdly, the content covered isn't very informative. Once you got the basis that he thinks it's just an RPG, that's really all there is revealed outside of the like, the ending piece of information and that prophecy guy near the beginning. It's been four episodes, I don't really need his perspective on the two middle ones. There's some character etched into there, like how Harumi's split personalities is represented in the Ruby and Sapphire and while I appreciate that touch of character, it's still just summation.

Fourthly, I just didn't find it very funny. I enjoyed Ikari when he stopped partaking on every level. Like he was always verbally against Maniwa's going along with it but for most of the fantasy sequences he was still presented as physically involved with the fantasy space. Granted it worked symbolically, like when he was desperately running up the stairs trying to break through to them but or the Kawazu moment leading towards the discussion, but it still felt ridiculous in the suspension of disbelief way instead of the funny way. Probably because this is such a tonal clash from the previous episodes, and this series has definitely made me laugh before so it's not that humour doesn't work, but I guess having it so centralized, especially in a way that I didn't find funny, just caused an even bigger disconnect from me with the series.

This episode was such a buzzkill. But I still have faith in later entries, Satoshi Kon has earned that with his other works, and I think the last four episodes of this alone have earned that faith too.
Jul 29, 2021 9:04 PM

Mar 2018
I get what they were going for in this episode, but to drag it out like this for a whole episode without executing it on a entertaining level just left this one feeling mundane and lacking purpose to the point I found myself outright skipping through it to get to the main points of it.

Quite unfortunate as this show was on a nice upward trajectory until whatever this was.
Aug 22, 2021 12:51 PM
Jul 2018
Not surprised to see everyone here get so easily filtered
Aug 23, 2021 2:09 AM

May 2019
Well we already knew shonen bat was messed up. Perhaps shonen bat does* have some power to see the pain in others. Knowing the creator, though, he tends to focus on more human psychological aspects.
This got even more interesting.

Also the fish creature looks like a rabid magikarp then he obtains a red dragonball. I wonder if this is also a comment on how so many kids live in fantasy worlds that can supposedly lead to violence. (Along with video games).

It also makes sense that the older detective can't quite comprehend the fantasy as he mentioned earlier he didn't understand the 'generation' while the younger one is listening and trying to make sense of it all.

This also ties in to some of the victims as well, the designer and her imaginary fantasy plushie. Ichi's imaginary sense of self. Harumi's imaginary/fantasy 'real life' out of the grips of illness. etc.

This show has so many layers and so much commentary on humanity.

Aug 31, 2021 6:54 AM

Jun 2020
Lmao. This episode was a complete 180 from the series up till now. Let's see where they go with this.
Oct 15, 2021 4:54 AM

Jul 2016
good lord. i wanted to hit myself over the head with a metal bat after grueling through this episode...
Nov 4, 2021 6:42 PM

Jan 2015
Not exactly what I was looking for in this episode but makes sense.
A bit too silly but I get that the younger detective was aiming fully to get into the mind of Shounen Bat to work things out. Definitely the worst episode, hopefully of the whole series. Everything else was great, this wasn't actually bad but it definitely didn't hold my interest or get me really immersed like the others.
Nov 20, 2021 10:42 AM
May 2017
Just by reading the forum here, you can see the level of myanimelist at a glance. generality crippled nerd group
Nov 22, 2021 10:16 AM

Mar 2013
While watching this episode i couldn't stop thinking the entire time that Shounen bat was a drug addict on hallucinogens who played too much RPGs games and started attacking people on the streets like it was GTA game. Lol.

Still an entertaining episode though.
I know your PTW list is bigger than your completed list.
Dec 10, 2021 2:18 PM
Nov 2020
Some of the previous episodes were giving heavy Perfect Blue and Paprika vibes, but this one is straight out of Millennium Actress. Satoshi Kon was such an amazing talent!
Jan 7, 2022 11:28 PM

Aug 2019
Now we are in a fantasy world of shonen bat....young detective is connecting dots...lets see whats ahead.
Feb 27, 2022 4:18 AM

Dec 2018
Ahahaha lmaooo, my man Satoshi did it. This is just bonkers. Been such a long time since I laughed so hard like an idiot. Fucking absurd shit that's impossible to wrap your head around.

This is great, because it's like them artsy stuffs going absolute bat-shit insane (pun-intended) just for the wtfs. And this is actually so unconventional and subversive that I don't even know where to begin. The assailant caught after 4 episodes in a genuinely ridiculous and ironic manner, just to go on a farcical rpg trip, effectively making the previous oh-so-serious assaults seem like a big deceptively artsy middle finger?

Dude, I fucking love Satoshi. Even if I don't always like his works, there's always something about them to appreciate. Also I can see strong Millennium Actress influence with this one.
. . .
Aug 22, 2022 3:08 AM

Jun 2020
Okay um. What?

That is not the way I expected the series to go to. I do not believe that the cliched 8th grader kid is Lil Slugger / Shounen Bat. Shounen Bat had a weird sense of charisma and mysterious air. Well if that really is Shounen bat, I guess the story of this series is about batshit crazy people impacting each other.

Well the whole cartoony exaggerated animation and the funny haha Shounen Bat loves video games he's delusional thing throws off the entire premise and build-up for him. Well, I'll just believe in Satoshi Kon. He probably knows what he's doing. He should.

Aug 30, 2022 5:24 AM
Nov 2018
One of the biggest subversions ever pulled in all of anime.

How I wished I was there when it originally aired to see the reactions. The old posts in this thread are golden.
Oct 29, 2022 9:53 AM
Jul 2021
umm it was weird....
Nov 29, 2022 11:47 PM
Feb 2022
SET ME FREE on my RPG dreams quest.
Dec 19, 2022 11:01 AM
Dec 2020
This was, overall, not very good. We didn't need a full episode of RPG parallels to the real world events, just a scene or two would have sufficed. We ended up getting practically nothing out of this episode, which is a death sentence for a 1 cour anime. I don't know who could have directed this one, but it couldn't have been Kon himself. Hopefully the series picks up the steam it once had initially, the first four episodes were incredibly engaging.

Preachee said:
Ahahaha lmaooo, my man Satoshi did it. This is just bonkers. Been such a long time since I laughed so hard like an idiot. Fucking absurd shit that's impossible to wrap your head around.

This is great, because it's like them artsy stuffs going absolute bat-shit insane (pun-intended) just for the wtfs. And this is actually so unconventional and subversive that I don't even know where to begin. The assailant caught after 4 episodes in a genuinely ridiculous and ironic manner, just to go on a farcical rpg trip, effectively making the previous oh-so-serious assaults seem like a big deceptively artsy middle finger?

Dude, I fucking love Satoshi. Even if I don't always like his works, there's always something about them to appreciate. Also I can see strong Millennium Actress influence with this one.
Kon didn't even direct this episode, Shimazaki Nanako did. Which explains why it sucks so much.
RyiebeDec 19, 2022 11:08 AM
Jan 5, 2023 11:02 AM
Jul 2016
Weirdest episode yet! but again giving more insight into seeing what exactly "Li lSlugger" is
Jan 28, 2023 9:25 AM
Jan 2023
fantasy rpg stuff was... interesting
Apr 25, 2023 2:42 PM
Feb 2019
so this ep is really a train wreck 
May 27, 2023 12:24 AM
Apr 2019
what a lame ass reveal
May 27, 2023 11:02 PM
Apr 2019
maxmur said:
what a lame ass reveal
NEVER MIND I GOT TROLLED this ep makes more sense after ep 7
Jul 21, 2023 3:51 AM

Oct 2016
This episode must have been so frustrating when it came out. Where's that armor from? I wonder, I know I've seen it somewhere but I can't remember where.
Jul 29, 2023 12:14 PM
Nov 2020
That episode was so bad I’m straight up dropping it. Unfortunate was hoping it would be somewhat as good as perfect blue
Aug 4, 2023 9:27 AM

Mar 2022
I don't see why so many people hate this episode. I felt like it was pretty easy to understand what it was trying to say and that those things would be more important later. Like it's only episode 5 ofc this isn't all the show has to offer.
Nov 11, 2023 5:47 PM
Jul 2018
Just some mad guy and some fantasy fighting. Thats all
Feb 1, 2024 5:04 AM
Jan 2021
Wtf did I just watch LOL

I audibly laughed when he started celebrating beating the life out of Ushi with a bat. Even in the fantasy world you can hear him groan in pain 🤣

I can't say I was a huge fan of this change of pace, and it did kinda pull me out of the dark atmosphere, but this episode does seem to set up a more serious continuation. We saw the motive through the eyes of a child, but if you pull the core ideas out of his interrogation, you realise that (IF this kid is SB):
1. He was guided by the elderly to do the hits, and even if his story sounds silly, it was just how he was convinced to carry out the crimes.
2. The elderly duo of this series have an unnatural sense of 'dark energy' haunting people. Perhaps their main goal is to rid the world of this energy, through whatever means necessary.
3. If he was just a child who was falsely guided by a sense of adventure, who is to say that he's the only one that they are able to convince? In the prophesy, the old man says 'being called here and there, where will the shoes of gold go?'. For me, this clearly means that they're going to pass the mantle. It's just a shame that they let the mystery of the shounen bat loose so quickly, as even if there is a new one, it's not that intimidating anymore knowing that they're just regular children (if that is the case).

I'm beginning to wonder whether it was multiple children this whole time, now that I think about it. This one has braces and smaller lips compared to ep 1's SB, but not everything shown on screen has been reliable so far.

Questions still remaining:
1. What do the numbers scrawled by the old man mean?
2. How do the elderly duo know who to target?
3. Why does assaulting someone constitute as healing? lol
4. In the prophesy, we see the bag that the officer from last episode stole, and presumably either his child or the child of the family he robbed (can't remember). Does this mean that he's about to get caught?

Also, I've just started looking at the opening more closely. Everyone is standing in the midst of natural disasters. Tsukiko is about to end her own life (shoes off on the top of a building). In the shots where there isn't the aftermath of a natural disaster, the people are in places where they don't belong at all. The bad policeman is in a hawaiian shirt on top of a snowy mountain. SB has roller skates on in the middle of a plain. The elderly lady is standing on top of a table in a fancy restaurant, but she's poor and carrying bags of trash to be recycled. Is the misplacement of the characters a metaphor that the character's are far from where they truly belong in life, and SB is their way of being rescued? Are the natural disasters a sign of worse things to come (full scale paranoia tearing the city apart possibly)? No clue.
lkj509Feb 1, 2024 5:19 AM
Jun 11, 2024 9:38 AM

Mar 2016
oh this i thought this was a crazy show but i actually had no idea.
Jul 11, 2024 10:00 PM
Jan 2024
Umm... What the hell did I just watch!? I can't even find the words.
Aug 4, 2024 5:11 PM

Aug 2019
Wtf just happened...? I kind of didn't like that lol I actually started to fall asleep a little halfway through, but at least they're moving on... And apparently the old lady might have something to do with this, not that it matters because Shonen Bat has already been caught... Idk how to feel about this. It just feels kind of disappointing. Like where do you even go from here? Shonen Bat was caught, unless that really wasn't them? I've never gone from being so excited and interested in a show to immediately wanting to drop it between two episodes. What happened...
AlkimiaAug 4, 2024 5:14 PM
Jan 8, 3:57 PM

Aug 2022
Wtf was this episode xd. It's definitely the weakest one so far. Kind of a slog to get through too.
Mar 2, 2:08 AM

Aug 2019
I don't know what's happening anymore lol
Mar 6, 2:19 AM

Feb 2023
This was funny but it felt more like an Osomatsu san skit than a Paranoid Agent episode. I could argue that the entire RPG fantasy sequence was a portrayal of escapism but it's actually really hard to defend this episode other than the fact that it was really funny if you are a fan of absurdist humor à la Osomatsu san.
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