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Classical Music is stupid.
THE OSTENTATIOUS ELITIST LIST OF 50 1. Eminem 2. Stanley Kubrick 3. Georges Bataille 4. Mikai no Hoshi 5. “Yuasa Masaaki is such an insular imbecile. A magnified hax he is.” (and yes Christopher Nolan, you too, I'm not gonna bypass you) 6. "WAR IS PEACE. FREEDOM IS SLAVERY. IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH." (indisputably bodacious, let's be honest here) 7. Andrei Tarkovsky 8. *Literally every classical music composer ever* (Beethoven intensifies) 9. I know I said every classical composer, but if you’re into Paganini or Brahms type shit, then I respect you, you pretentious cunt. 10. Takahata Isao 11. Some European cucks: Ingmar Bergman, Carl Theodor Dreyer and Federico Fellini. 12. School Days 13. Sátántangó 14. EarthBound (or Halo, or some old CoD shit... idk, I'm no expert in games) 15. Shoujo Kakumei Utena 16. *Afraid of being called an elitist lmao get rekt* 17. Legend of the Galactic Heroes 18. Kanashimi no Belladonna (a highly esthétique hentai that probably won't get your animal dick inflated) 19. “Fuck Requiem For A Dream, that sneaky son of a gun got into top 100 wtf smh” 20. Mein Kampf 21. Reddit (wannabe elites and intellectuals who enslave own-selves for imaginary internet points; also have an everlasting yearning fetish of fucking people's career, or just life generally) 22. 4chan (disabused self-proclaimed-connoisseur internet elitists with supererogatory chromosomes that have little to no irl utility and weaponized autism; also are extremely fond of the term "faggot" and the hard R african american slang, sometimes even illiterate uneducated shit such as "moar", "purdy" or "newfag".) 23. The trio - Kobayashi, Kurosawa & Ozu 24. d e p r e s s i o n 25. mf Griffith (from Berserk) 26. Recondite phraseology + Amphibology yet with self-attested faultlessness = Every right for complacency due to peerless intelligence. 27. Foie Gras, qui a bon gout, bon, bon appétit. Moralité... qu'est-ce que c'est? 28. Wong Kar-wai 29. *Search "Greatest writers of all time", then with intense hostility exclude Hemingway, Harper Lee, Melville and fucking, bloody Fitzgerald (srsly how tf this mf even got in here)* 30. The opaque pack: Texhnolyze + Serial Experiments Lain + Angel's Egg 31. Fritz Lang (or expressionists in general) 32. *Having a K-On! character on favorite list, specifically dem Ritsu-fags* (no offense I’d fuck all K-On! bitches if u kno what i mean) 33. “Retro is unrivaled, literally all the classics are contemporaneously spawned. I’m literally so mad that I couldn’t be in the literally same eon with The Mothers of Invention or Dog Faced Hermans wtf smfh literally, I’m literally so disappointed of this literally peasant generation, I mean I am literally superior to literally everyone.” 34. Thighs Edit: I see, in an ever-changing society, thighs get outdated in a blink of an eye. Now it's cockroach insertion. 35. Philosophies (existentialism n epistemology or some extremely meta shit like 'pseudophilosophy') 36. Psychological complexity (sounds terrific but u actually don't have to understand anything, just think that you do and that's more than enough to outclass those miserable Psychology PhDs) 37. Offensiveness = Optimal modus operandi 38. Friedrich Nietzsche 39. Salò (jk even the most acquired taste elitist could not digest this one) 40. Air on the G String (no more nice boat, shut up, fuck.. I said no mor- SHUT UP) 41. The Alexandria Quartet 42. Saibi (wtf is this Korean shit, seriously tho y do all the elitists have this in their fav) 43. *After having all these obscure and weird ass shows/movies/... as favorites, remember to have at least one mainstream and widely adored show/movie/..., it’s indispensable* 44. Not comprehending anything at all = aesthetic magnum opus 45. Not comprehending anything at all but normies liked it = pretentious overrated trash 46. "O', mine, how gauche yond welhwilc feorh mayhap misprise graciousness apropos Renaissance's heathenism." 47. Asano Inio 48. *Making this list so no one thinks ur 1 of them* 49. "Haibane Renmei is a masterpiece/pile of turd" 50. Abstruse political ideologies with constant use of queer lines such as "Heil, mein Führer!" * Random notes: 1. Favorites are not in any order and may be changeable. 2. Circlejerked dick-inter-sucked self-euphorically-creamed 'intellectual' anime phenomenon is worse than hate circlejerk. For example, a widely worshiped anime that got many to whip their beta dicks out flapping about each other for its "magnificent aura of intellect" like Texhnolyze is inarguably a worse case than the almost equally revolting paradigm that is the instantaneous SAO hatred. Not that it's so necessary to point out or anything, but for someone like me whose brain is mostly spent on futility of life, the amount of annoyance I'm getting from this is just unhealthy (this is conveniently my refutation for the ever meaningless "get a life" comment). 3. Average score like mine gonna get fucked by you guys, cool. 4. White people will be the frontline group of people to get affected by any kind of contagious virus if there is ever an outbreak. 5. I abhor but pity those piteous hombres who sanctify so-called "anime knowledge". It's absolutely fine to be proud of your "anime experience", but you sure have some serious issue (if not, quite literally retarded) if you ever come to think there exists some sort of aura of intellectuality amongst every anime title, or collectively. 6. I love bashing titles (not users) coz oh boy that's the most fun part about this god abysmal site. It's so fun to fuck with a title (not a user) to offend snowflakes, conservatism-tards and bogus buffoons self-proclaimed apotheoses (but... not like directly to the user u know). I'm no big fan of masochism, but their repudiation and disparagement are quite a sight to relish (oh and did I mention about not desiring to offend anyone?). 7. Why should animation be constraint by live-action's standards, or at least, adhere to such standards? Expressiveness and visuals are the fundamental disparity, and such should be embraced. Be it an odd emotional exposition from Ping Pong, or the magical Ghibli's background filled with care for details, or the bizarre color palette, or the timely relevant and thematic visual presentation of Akira, or even the iconic cannot-be-done-irl shounen choreography. Anime that can easily be replicated irl isn't worthy as much, imo. Which is why anime such as Monster or some bland 'mature' slice-of-life aren't my cup of tea. They're not bad, but watching Monster makes me wonder "Why isn't this a live-action? I'd actually prefer this to be a live-action, really." 8. In art, subjectivity and objectivity coexist. If one is to judge about the "good" or "bad", it will most definitely be established upon penchant. Don't ever tell me that words such as "good" or "bad" themselves aren't even subjective. Whereas regarding superiority, objectivity to a certain extent does exist. 9. Speaking of superiority, I like self-proclaimed superiority on the internet. It demonstrates desperation, yearnings, cowardice, haplessness and pitifulness, which is somewhat interesting to me. I do it sometimes, in a meticulously meta self-loathing way. 10. Too many English speakers on this site would instantaneously take all rights of communication away from those who err even the slightest language mistake, as though such a language should be worshiped and essayed to utmost perfection at all time, how narrow-minded and self-absorbed. Though I have to agree that English is universal, and that no matter how intelligent you are, poor language could drastically weaken your articulateness and make you sound dumb. But hey, don't aggravate and intensify it. Like it's not the smartest most accurate measurement of your actual intelligence anyway. 11. I beseech you young intellectuals to curb your haughtiness per flaunting your wonderful political discernment and ideologies. I don't give a shit just shut the fuck up and have some actual discussion. 12. Don't link subreddits. 13. If you have anything to say, be a man, get yourself some toxic masculinity and grow several balls, and come at me in the comments. Stop sending me private messages. Like how tf am I supposed to be increasing my comment count then? 14. Understanding the paradox of elitism requires great amount of brain cells that could have been used for curing cancer or heating up Mars, and I can now proudly say that I have somewhat discerned it, finally. Essentially, when there's something that is so strong of an elite cult, it will eventually be hated by elitists themselves in one way or another. In other words, being a celebrated Letterboxd veteran, elitists often denigrate one another with "The only fool here is you who have used the site for nearly 10 years, watched over 4000 films, and yet still have "A Clockwork Orange" on [pronoun's] favorite list”. You might yet to understand such absurd, erratic behavior, but don't get dampened or hastened. This, after all, is intellectually demanding and requires unyielding perseverance. 15. I am vehemently disallowed to express my genuine interest in any case. After gathering all courage... I will do it: I love art films, classical music and, well... you know, the good old-fashioned medievals prejudices. In such a reclusive and over-sensitive world filled with “the aim to progressiveness and equity”, one ought not to express the genuine love for art and prejudices. What about the good gracious Beethoven, the unmatched auteur Dreyer, or the so-called ‘natural’ dominance of single and solely single societal party? *Sigh* How terrible. 16. Getting banned is not fun, but considering everything happens prior to it makes it all worth it. 17. Migrate to Anilist before it's too late. 18. I feel like I should make my own "Best Forum Posts by me" to jerk off to my own redpilled-ness. No seriously, sometimes the thoughts I exhibit there are so natural that I find it hard to believe how imprudent I can be to yet create such a list. Will do soon, whenever I feel so. 19. I suppose I am obliged to remind you this, albeit obvious, once again for the forty-third time. The notion of "shit taste" should, or dare I say, must exist on any platform, for it merely demonstrates one's discontentment with someone else's penchant, being so obviously subjective. I might have to bring all of you folks readers back to the prehistoric times of human. Let's talk about human evolution, shall we? From the very dawn when we're all simplistic innocent apes, we categorize specie and tag them with stereotypes. Then there's the notion of big penis and small penis corresponding to a flat brain and a full-fledged intellectual cerebral in the ancient Greek and even the Roman medieval. Fast forward there's racism. And now, no lesser in importance, there's a greater of taste and the more menial, viz shité le goût, as well. Humans are despicable, sheeples. Beyond any doubt, humans need prejudice to survive, otherwise their minds will be absolutely lost and everyone will apparently become unfunny. So, what do you say? Respect (or not) others, but be mindful, bashing the person's taste is perfectly acceptable. You have my approval, dear reader. 20."Favorite Nietzsche quotes" that even I can come up with: - "Without music, life would be a mistake." (I love music too) - “It is hard enough to remember my opinions, without also remembering my reasons for them!” (Apparently even emos have a sense of humor. well not that i noticed or anything i just saw the tag 'humor' so yeah) - “In heaven, all the interesting people are missing.” (lol, no way this dawg said this) - “Man is the cruelest animal.” (bruh fax) - "If you look down upon long enough into an abyss then the abyss will look up back at you..." I don't remember but it's pretty corny and overrated. 21. Speaking as a minor, I am to hold every right to self-expression in its quasi-unmitigated stamp of postmodern anarchistic liberalism. Therefore, contradicting to my own disbelief in total freedom of speech enunciated above, I have come to realize the benefits as well as the ultimate power of being a young boy. That is, to be in a privileged position in which any form of political expressions are highly welcomed, for however controversial or foolish will it even matter one bit. Here are some definitive contentions: -- I am a minor, and therefore I have the rights to lewd, eat, perform in-and-out actions, lewd and be beyond the realm of social respectability as well as laws and restrictions to another minor of any category. -- I can be a lolicon without being called a lolicon (which is essentially the same point, just want to make that clear). -- I can be racist, because kids are stupid and no one should take me seriously. -- I can dodge all responsibilities and my own folly with "it's just a joke bro". -- I can call anyone whom I have come to dislike a pedophile and society will believe me. -- Pedophile discontentment is overrated. Free the pedos. Embrace Monogatari. I just want to make that clear, and that anyone who's planning on messing with me is advised to cease their actions or just the mere thoughts of doing so immediately. This is for your own sake. 23. If you're friends with me on MAL, you should send me a message or sth if you ever follow me on Letterboxd. Otherwise there's simply no way I would notice. 24. Unique, most iconic personalities on MAL: -- "If you hate anime so much, why do you even watch it?" -- "Honestly fuck off you lil shit you just hate on anime. If you hate anime so much, why do you even watch it??" -- "You shit you hate all anime. If you hate a-" ok so it's basically the same thing. -- "OMG this retard gave [my favorite anime] a ["low" numeral]. How can you be this retarded?" -- "Ew anime has lolicon lol imagine liking Meruem... That poorly dévelopéd character literally likes a little girl, how can you be such a degenerate? Yes I have the high moral ground, you filth pedo." "I said it didn't I? He is a poorly dévelopéd character, do you actually need reasons for that? Like do I really have to present rational arguments for that? I said HE IS A PEDO!" -- "I am superior." -- "Listen here you piece of subhuman shit, stop spreading toxicity you fuck, else I'll legitimately kill your family no cap." -- 4chan descents -- PhDs in teaching you how to watch anime, as well as how to kill yourself. -- Unfunny, i.e. "Anime is trash and so am I". -- "You literally rate hentai so your opinion is invalid" (that's just what happens to me most frequently, you may change 'hentai' to anything else as you see fit.) -- Anti-elitists -- Valedictorians in politics. -- Twitter simulator -- "I can't imagine how anyone can possibly dislike my favorite anime" yes you can. -- low-quality troll -- low-quality anti-troll, i.e. "Ah, just another sad troll who has nothing better to do with his life. Nothing to see here folks." -- Deleting comments after unironically arguing over an already old conversation that makes oneself seem like a sperg. After all, it is important to preserve your status on MAL. -- "These are the types of people that I will refuse to have a discussion with: 1. Those who won't ever admit they're wrong; and 2. Trolls." Note: This is actually a great strategy for all, and is always applicable under any circumstance. Since all you have to do is be as presumptuous as possible and deem the other 'unapproachable' due to said reasons and that'll solve the case every time. Like, you can't be wrong then can you? -- When you have 1k+ forum posts and are always active, the reasonable thing to say is "I actually have way better things to do in life other than posting comments on MAL. Therefore, despite having posted this comment publicly on a forum site and having expected differed opinions, I will refuse to discuss with you". With this strategy, it is also feasible to place yourself in the 'correct' position at all time, at least in your own head. The downside is you would look stupid, retarded, self-contradicting and quite possibly mildly contemptible. -- "I think [whatever] does exist, but only when it suits my own narrative and liking." |
All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 153.8
Mean Score:
- Watching11
- Completed485
- On-Hold22
- Dropped28
- Plan to Watch136
- Total Entries682
- Rewatched44
- Episodes9,733
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 75.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries141
- Reread3
- Chapters12,232
- Volumes973
All Comments (516) Comments
I been wading through One Piece this year, on and off. I feel like having smth long to be continuously invested in is the only way I've even kept up with watching tbh. It's good stuff though, hopefully I can really catch the hook and move through it quicker this summer.
You been digging anything you watched/read recently?
MLE is def a good career path in general, I still prob don't know enough to have a fully matured opinion on it. I been taking a lot of systems and low level classes (C and Rust) and it's j been so much cooler than my theory classes so I'm prolly biased.
Yeah dude honestly things are going well and j gotta keep it pushing, glad to hear ur stuff going well too.
I've been alr, managed to break into faang swe this summer for my second internship so that'll be cool, dunno what to expect tho. Also tryna actually enjoy watching sm stuff this summer. Everything anime-related has felt like a drag lately.
I see the 2008 gaslighting is still working ⌄⌄⌄, lmao.
Anyways, mind if I ask you what you found so appealing about Un coeur en hiver/A heart in winter?