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Oct 14, 2021 8:28 AM

Nov 2011
Welp, there's Kukuru still working hard to make the world a better place. It looks like she got even fired up than usual.

Episode had an exhibition showcase and sea slugs. It's great the anime has such a variety of aquatic life, with sea slugs being featured this episode. Definitely not the easy type to breed but at the same time, it was interesting to learn more about them. I hope the aquarium and its crew can keep up the momentum going.

Oct 14, 2021 8:28 AM

Jul 2017
Things are still business as usual at Aquarium Tingaara, though for people from Gama Gama, they still need some time getting used to, as such with Kai.

Improving the customer experience about sea life has always been Assistant Director Suwa's goal, and he WILL drill Kukuru no matter how far she goes, either written or verbally.

The exhibit on dangerous sea creatures, and the sea slug debate is on for a good acceptance rate. At least Kukuru is working on something that she'd be keen to do. It's funny how Eiji just straight up misunderstands the relationship between Kukuru and Kai, while on the expedition to harvest various and specific sea slugs off from the coast. It's no matter that Kaoru gruels Kukuru on how to handle sea slugs, and all communications are still a breakdown between teams, just like corporate work.

The Gama Gama faction has definitely irked both Kaoru and Chiyu, and Kuuya definitely has realized that Kaoru is a woman after hibernating in his own world lols. Kukuru needs an avenue to dish out her rants, and Kai is there for her, so that's good at the very least. The ideaologies between Kukuru and Kaoru are naturally different on what aquariums should be, but for Kukuru, it's just a matter of personal preference.

The more she argues with Suwa, her eyebags grows, and the camaraderie with the others grow. But hey, there's progress for good interpersonal relationships.
KANLen09Oct 14, 2021 9:54 AM
Oct 14, 2021 9:17 AM

Apr 2010
Kuuya thinking Kaoru was a guy was funny tho i feel sorry for Kaoru.
And Kukuru still working hard to promote sea life to the people, and Kaoru is taking notice as well i guess things are looking good for the time being.
Now i wonder how things will continue seeing how everything is going.
AversaOct 14, 2021 2:56 PM
Oct 14, 2021 9:20 AM

Apr 2012
Aversa said:
Kuuya thinking Kaoru was a girl was funny tho i feel sorry for Kaoru.
And Kukuru still working hard to promote sea life to the people, and Kaoru is taking notice as well i guess things are looking good for the time being.
Now i wonder how things will continue seeing how everything is going.

Stop, is Kaoru a guy? But the official website wrote that it was ikemen onna...
Oct 14, 2021 9:27 AM

Apr 2016
I was a big fan of this new stage of the series, when we went past the vain effort to save the old aquarium and instead we focus on the future of the characters and which paths they take in life ...

.. But these past few episodes were kinda stale in terms of its content. You see everyone is just doing their best at their jobs as best as they can learning valuable working/life lessons, as you can expect and thats it. I'm not asking for some super melodrama or something like that, its just very basic stuff for now.

The first part of the season was about trying to save a dying aquarium, about chasing your sometimes unrealistic dreams, but that was cut down. Now we have a new stage, and again we are heading nowhere with it. Still very much enjoying the show, but i don't know, maybe i'm just impatient for something.

RobertBobert said:

Stop, is Kaoru a guy? But the official website wrote that it was ikemen onna...

And now you've done it, you spilled the beans. The entire point was that Kuuya can't stand women because of his "trauma" but put a woman in "disguise" to work with him, and he can just as easily and casually work with her, and then he realize that all that trauma is only in his head, and that there is actually no trauma at all. It's all just a surface problem, and not a deep one.

It will probably be expanded more upon in the future episodes, but it nonetheless was a nice "growing up" moment for him.
SwagernatorOct 14, 2021 9:57 AM
Oct 14, 2021 9:52 AM

Jul 2020
Big up to the studio for including less popular animals, sea slugs for all they do are vital to the eco system and the information they gave was brilliant, it's almost like I watched a documentary at points lol.

The whole kaoru thing is a bit interesting? It was funny nonetheless though and turns out kaoru is a girl and I thought that as well lol, bless kuuya's heart
Check out my channel @Criticiza on Youtube to watch my vids ;)

Oct 14, 2021 10:03 AM

Apr 2014
Another tough episode for Kukuru, but that is the normal thing in the working world anyways. Kukuru seems to be happier when she was working especially when she described the sea animals. However, there were still a lot of problems needs to be solved. For example, the sea slug. Those sea slugs are very hard to take care of. I hope she will be able to find the right food for that sea slug soon and bring it to the exhibition. Anyways, the relationship between Kukuru and Kaoru is getting better from this point.
Oct 14, 2021 10:04 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Haha. Kuuya's reaction was priceless.

Cute pufferfish.

SerafosMay 28, 2024 9:20 PM
Oct 14, 2021 10:04 AM

Apr 2012
Swagernator said:
I was a big fan of this new stage of the series, when we went past the vain effort to save the old aquarium and instead we focus on the future of the characters and which paths they take in life ...

.. But these past few episodes were kinda stale in terms of its content. You see everyone is just doing their best at their jobs as best as they can learning valuable working/life lessons, as you can expect and thats it. I'm not asking for some super melodrama or something like that, its just very basic stuff for now.

The first part of the season was about trying to save a dying aquarium, about chasing your sometimes unrealistic dreams, but that was cut down. Now we have a new stage, and again we are heading nowhere with it. Still very much enjoying the show, but i don't know, maybe i'm just impatient for something.

RobertBobert said:

Stop, is Kaoru a guy? But the official website wrote that it was ikemen onna...

And now you've done it, you spilled the beans. The entire point was that Kuuya can't stand women because of his "trauma" but put a woman in "disguise" to work with him, and he can just as easily and casually work with her, and then he realize that all that trauma is only in his head, and that there is actually no trauma at all. It's all just a surface problem, and not a deep one.

It will probably be expanded more upon in the future episodes, but it nonetheless was a nice "growing up" moment for him.

You have confused me. Is Kaoru a girl or a boy?
Oct 14, 2021 10:13 AM

Jun 2015
Kukuru sure is battling hard against the paperwork huh. Though it does seem that the PR head is putting perhaps too much on her plate. Its nice that after her hard work that her proposal got accepted though. Unfortunate for Kai that Fuuka ended up being dragged along as well for the hunt for sea slugs. Still forgetting the tour completely sure was a pretty large oversight for Kukuru. Kaoru's views though sure were interesting. In the end im glad that the expedition turned out so well despite the setbacks that Kukuru experienced. Overall an enjoyable ep that while showing how much Kukuru still has to learn about running events also did well to show just how much work is actually needed to promote it and keep the place running. In terms of character development for her this was a very good first step in her evolution.
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Oct 14, 2021 10:14 AM

Jan 2017
Kukuru learnt yet another lesson in responsibility in the undertaking of the sea slug presentation, another small step for the girl to have her own aquarium ;)

Goddamnit though Kukuru, notice Kai's feelings already!
Oct 14, 2021 10:46 AM

Feb 2019
I knew kaoru was suspicious lol. Kuuya’s reaction had me dying.
Oct 14, 2021 11:23 AM
Jan 2019
Nice episode again, and I’m glad they finally mentioned the ethics of aquariums, I was worried they were going to go the whole series without ever touching on it.
Also, I do have a soft spot for sea slugs, they’re very cute (my personal favourite is the leaf sea slug please don’t go your whole life without seeing a picture of one) :)
Oct 14, 2021 11:48 AM
Ooga Booga

Jul 2020
Another episode of: How to get bullied at work but remaining somehow positive

smoochie smoochie[/center]
Oct 14, 2021 12:01 PM

Jul 2011
That was some big oof from Kuuya about Kaoru. Umi-yan look said everything without using a word.

I know is ask too much but I hope at some point they give a update about the Tambja sagamiana situation.

Kukuru made a new somewhat friend.
Oct 14, 2021 12:08 PM

Jun 2021
Ah, more power-harassment from the plankton name-calling boss. I know drama is necessary for this type of show, but they really need to tone down with the name-calling stuff. Not to mention, it's kind of weird how much responsibility they are putting on Kukuru. A new-hire should not be forced to perform this amount of tasks, even doing stuff like checking supply ordering and other.

Also, are they going to bring back the supernatural aspects that were explored in the first cour? Seems like they've now thrown that concept to the curbside and strictly focusing on the "working at the aquarium" aspect. I was never crazy about the supernatural aspects to begin with, but it's kind of weird to toss out a fairly important story concept like that.
Oct 14, 2021 1:46 PM

Feb 2014
Kuuya finally now knows that Kaoru is actually a girl and not a boy and his following interactions with her did make me chuckle a bit. XD

Either way, although Kukuru's work is still as harsh as ever, at least we finally get to see her foot her foot down and hold her ground with her suggestions and ideals. She was able to convince the stubborn Suwa to agree to her plan of a sea slug exhibition, but finding a way to feed the different type of slugs the right food proved to be a serious issue.

Which led to Kukuru and Kaoru having a slightly heated debate on what to do with one slug species in question. I do like how Kaoru mentions about the ethics of what an aquarium does, but it came down to what both her and Kukuru believed was the right thing to do during their argument. Eventually, Kukuru finally got through to Kaoru and both of them worked together to get the exhibition working. Suwa did chew out Kukuru since only 7 or the 8 species were on proper display, but I'd say that Kukuru had another big success here, not only because of the exhibition being a success, but also for having Kaoru finally smile for once and respecting Kukuru overall.

@Erotaku_ I can see where you're coming from about having a new recruit working on so much so soon, but not every job out in the world operates as ideally as one would want it to. Besides, it's not the first time where an anime had a main protagonist go through this ordeal, either. Check out Hanasaku Iroha, another P.A Works anime which came out 10 years ago, which also shows its main character working in a tough environment that's well out of her comfort zone. =)
Oct 14, 2021 2:57 PM

Apr 2010
RobertBobert said:
Aversa said:
Kuuya thinking Kaoru was a girl was funny tho i feel sorry for Kaoru.
And Kukuru still working hard to promote sea life to the people, and Kaoru is taking notice as well i guess things are looking good for the time being.
Now i wonder how things will continue seeing how everything is going.

Stop, is Kaoru a guy? But the official website wrote that it was ikemen onna...
I made a mistake there i meant that she is a she and that Kuuya thought she was a he.
Oct 14, 2021 3:04 PM

Apr 2012
Aversa said:
RobertBobert said:

Stop, is Kaoru a guy? But the official website wrote that it was ikemen onna...
I made a mistake there i meant that she is a she and that Kuuya thought she was a he.

Yes it makes more sense lol. Hope their relationship will develop more in the future.
Oct 14, 2021 3:14 PM

Apr 2015
The Assistant Director is really turning into the most disliked character of 2021 for me. I legit can't believe that the plankton name actually stayed and I hate to see it... Also hated his comment of fuck the attendants, customers comes first. I mean, in some sense, yeah the customers are the ones to bring in the cash, but at least be a little nice to your employees.

Kuuya's reaction to Kaoru actually being a girl was priceless. Speaking of Kaoru, it was nice to see Kaoru and Kukuru going heart to heart about the Sea Slugs and it seems that they seem to get along eventually. It's a sign to perhaps a greater work atmosphere for Kukuru.

Now I wonder when the supernatural stuff from cour 1 will return, cause the direction definitely went a bit south didn't it. I am thinking they are first letting us settle in with the new aquarium before going back into that territory. I kinda want that Gama Gama phenomena to happen to the Assistant Director.
Oct 14, 2021 3:29 PM
May 2021
I think I loved this episode. Kukuru made a huge efforts to show the sea slugs for everybody. Kai thought that he will be the only one with Kukuru collecting the sea slugs and Kuuya thougth Kaoru was a boy, poor boys, haha.
Oct 14, 2021 3:44 PM

Sep 2017
God Kukuru's boss is such a fucking dick. It's enough that he is a hardass who obviously doesn't give a shit about the animals or his employees but to keep using this degrading nickname... Kukuru is too young to know how unacceptable that is. Also it's an anime so w/e.... Kuuya is a good meme tho.
Oct 14, 2021 5:59 PM
Jul 2018
Episode with some nice dialogues with some good happenings with the aquarium and with the people who work with it.
Oct 14, 2021 6:25 PM

Aug 2018
ProofByColor said:
God Kukuru's boss is such a fucking dick. It's enough that he is a hardass who obviously doesn't give a shit about the animals or his employees but to keep using this degrading nickname... Kukuru is too young to know how unacceptable that is. Also it's an anime so w/e.... Kuuya is a good meme tho.
He's obviously the cliché "I'm pushing you hard because I see your potential" guy
Oct 14, 2021 6:48 PM
Dec 2020
ProofByColor said:
God Kukuru's boss is such a fucking dick. It's enough that he is a hardass who obviously doesn't give a shit about the animals or his employees but to keep using this degrading nickname... Kukuru is too young to know how unacceptable that is. Also it's an anime so w/e.... Kuuya is a good meme tho.

I only came to this thread for this exact reason.. that guy is such an asshole. 😒
Oct 14, 2021 9:06 PM

Jun 2015
Well, Kaoru had a good posture to deal with Kukuru. She is very mature and knows what she says, the arguments were correct (Chiyu should learn to deal with Kukuru that way). I definitely like her, the discussion with Kukuru was interesting.
RavenitaOct 14, 2021 9:12 PM
“The past, the future, and the present. Everything flows and all is connected. This eye is not merely seen reality. It is touching the truth. Open the eye of truth... There is nothing to fear.” -Cowboy Bebop
Oct 14, 2021 9:50 PM

Jul 2014
The moment Kuuya touched Kaoru, you could guess what was going on xD. The reveal was hilarious.

Fuuka standing there, "menacingly" at Kai's intentions with Kukuru was pretty funny.

Episodes go by and Kukuru's boss continues to be insufferable.
Oct 14, 2021 10:35 PM

May 2015
This 15. episode was one of the best this anime has offered until now, I loved it, because in the end it was not about sea slugs or the exhibition of them but the motivation of the different characters (and the perspectives of the different departments on the same thing), the reasoning they have come up with about their role in the whole and the goals they draw strength from. This episode showed the conflict of these different motivations and perpectives to work and how they can be reconciled, harmonized and then put into the same effort. What actually happening here is that Kukuru is starting to get that there are other perspectives to be considered in a project than her own, in a sense she is being trained to have the mindset of a "manager", to see the whole not just the parts she likes. In the end, I guess, that is why she has been appointed to the marketing department, to have the opportunity to see things from a different viewpoint and correct her way of thinking. It is great to have love for animals but keeping just that in mind nobody can manage a whole organization and just would lead it into ruin. Don't hate her boss, he is a rough guy, but he is doing a great job and teaching Kukuru the lesson she has to learn.
IshitatesoOct 15, 2021 5:18 AM
夏草や 兵どもが 夢の跡
Oct 14, 2021 11:48 PM

Mar 2014
no PA works don't increase kai's screen time when he's with kukuru. that's not what our audience expects.
Oct 15, 2021 3:19 AM

May 2020
So that dude Kaoru's a girl?? Really they can play a complete 180 with these kind of things whenever they want.

And more information dump about fishes, can't see myself following most of them.
Oct 15, 2021 3:48 AM

Apr 2012
ButtSlapper said:
no PA works don't increase kai's screen time when he's with kukuru. that's not what our audience expects.

It would be selfish to think that the audience for this show is composed entirely of yuri fans.
Oct 15, 2021 4:40 AM

Jun 2019
A lot of comments complaining about the assistant director (Kukuru's immediate supervisor/boss), but he's still not a quarter as contemptible as Chiyu.

He just believes in some greater good ideal and is obviously willing to push himself, Kukuru, and everyone else around him toward that end. His behavior obviously wasn't targeted or personal since he came across like a typical strict boss type who act roughly the same way and as equally unforgiving with everyone. His goal is actually more selfless as he's doing it in pursuit of realization of an ideal, not self-aggrandizement and vanity.

Chiyu acts the way she does out of a sense of personal self-righteousness and superiority over Kukuru and everyone else she deems inferior. It isn't about the ultimate greater good of the aquarium, the company, the local economy, Okinawa, the ecosystem, or anything else. It's all about the compulsive need to show other, in her mind, lesser human beings their place as the thought of anyone who didn't work as hard as her, trace the exact path and steps as her, and present themselves the same way sharing her glory or spotlight sickens her to her core. It's an excessively prideful fanaticism. She's the kind of person who constantly wants to shame and police other humans lest they somehow take away from her own achievements or undermine her position by merely sharing the stage/spotlight. She has to keep other people down to as her entire identity derives from being personally fundamentally better than others and putting down any real or perceived challenger to this self-righteous image.

It's not enough to work toward something, get paid, rewarded, and praised for it. She feels even the very existence of other people getting a taste of the same success cheapens or undermines her own position somehow, so that's why she's so aggressive. She feels she's inherently a better human whose job it is to keep other humans in their place. This mentality is such a pollutant element in humanity which is so real world. She basically explicitly explains her motive in her own words in a previous episode that since she had to work so hard to get ahead, she can't stomach seeing others get through without the same by way of differing circumstances and those are people to be put down and insulted since they dilute her market value or some bullshit.
WatchTillTandavaOct 15, 2021 4:49 AM
Oct 15, 2021 4:45 AM

Oct 2007
recognized the voice. Voice actor of assistant director is also the voice for Ainz Ooal Gown.. so that's why he sounds so tough. lol

anyway, some sea slug drama. But still a fun episode... Kukuru starting to get along with the other employees.

looking forward to next week. :)
Oct 15, 2021 8:49 AM

Nov 2019
Have to say that it is really interesting to read all the thought and opinions of everybody here on these forums!

It's sweet to see that Kukuru can become an ally with an earlier fiend, you know, "Keep your friends close, and you enemies closer" =D, just waiting for the backstab.

Anyway. Regarding the marketing director, he seems rather tough, and personally, I don't like the nickname game. But I think the market head will calm down after testing Kukuru through and through.
─── ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ───

"No matter how devastated you may be by your own weaknesses or uselessness...
Set your heart ablaze. Grit your teeth and look straight ahead.
Even if you stop and crouch down, the time won't wait for you...
or snuggle you, or grieve along with you."

─── ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ───
Oct 15, 2021 9:01 AM

Oct 2016
Man, the episode ending always gets me. Here I am expecting more, and then it suddenly fucking ends lmao. Time really goes faster when you're having fun. Great episode! Kukuru's boss is still a cunt as always.

I was wondering why Kuuya was fine interacting with Kaoru, I had a feeling he was thinking she was a dude, and he actually was thinking that lmao. Also, Eiji read Kai like a damn book, but he's a bro. Kai thinking he was gonna get some alone time with Kukuru was hilarious.

Kukuru and Kaoru's conversation was really interesting. I like Kaoru and they both made some really valid points, as she said there really is no right or wrong answer here. I hope they become good friends. Looking forward to the next episode, I wish for their sea slug food finding to be a success.
Oct 15, 2021 11:02 AM
Oct 2021
If suwa touches the kukufuu ship he's so fucking dead

Jokes aside, it will be interesting to see a major reform via a backstory or something or maybe him getting fired.

RN he's a women beater to me
Oct 15, 2021 11:11 AM

Nov 2009
WatchTillTandava said:

Chiyu acts the way she does out of a sense of personal self-righteousness and superiority over Kukuru and everyone else she deems inferior. It isn't about the ultimate greater good of the aquarium, the company, the local economy, Okinawa, the ecosystem, or anything else. It's all about the compulsive need to show other, in her mind, lesser human beings their place as the thought of anyone who didn't work as hard as her, trace the exact path and steps as her, and present themselves the same way sharing her glory or spotlight sickens her to her core. It's an excessively prideful fanaticism. She's the kind of person who constantly wants to shame and police other humans lest they somehow take away from her own achievements or undermine her position by merely sharing the stage/spotlight. She has to keep other people down to as her entire identity derives from being personally fundamentally better than others and putting down any real or perceived challenger to this self-righteous image.

It's not enough to work toward something, get paid, rewarded, and praised for it. She feels even the very existence of other people getting a taste of the same success cheapens or undermines her own position somehow, so that's why she's so aggressive. She feels she's inherently a better human whose job it is to keep other humans in their place. This mentality is such a pollutant element in humanity which is so real world. She basically explicitly explains her motive in her own words in a previous episode that since she had to work so hard to get ahead, she can't stomach seeing others get through without the same by way of differing circumstances and those are people to be put down and insulted since they dilute her market value or some bullshit.

Eh.......Where did you get the part "She's the kind of person who constantly wants to shame and police other humans lest they somehow take away from her own achievements or undermine her position by merely sharing the stage/spotlight." from?

All I see is she wants to work with skilled people in a good company. She is very willing to accept anyone if they prove/show themselves to be competent. So far, most Gama Gama people left bad impression on he. She disliked Kukuru for how she treated her back then and how Kukuru made mistake or did something that hindered her work.

On the other side, Chiyu is ok with Fuuka. She doubted Fuuka skill and experience at first but after Fuuka showed that she can work just fine, Chiyu accepted her.

Oct 15, 2021 12:22 PM
Jan 2019
I really like this show. The characters don’t have perfect lives and yet I long to live such a life myself. But enough of that lets get to the important stuff.

It got pretty clear that Kai is in love with Kukuru. He was disappointed when Fuuka also came to help gathering sea slugs and when Kukuru was punching his hands, he grabbed one of her hands. Also Kuuya thinking Kaoru was a guy was *chefskiss*
Oct 15, 2021 2:05 PM

Jun 2019
Marina2 said:
Eh.......Where did you get the part "She's the kind of person who constantly wants to shame and police other humans lest they somehow take away from her own achievements or undermine her position by merely sharing the stage/spotlight." from?

All I see is she wants to work with skilled people in a good company. She is very willing to accept anyone if they prove/show themselves to be competent. So far, most Gama Gama people left bad impression on he. She disliked Kukuru for how she treated her back then and how Kukuru made mistake or did something that hindered her work.

On the other side, Chiyu is ok with Fuuka. She doubted Fuuka skill and experience at first but after Fuuka showed that she can work just fine, Chiyu accepted her.

I would implore you to revisit the first episode when she debuts in the series (I don't remember the exact episode number off the top of my head right now). She had a very aggressive, unprovoked, condescending and derisive attitude toward Gama Gama Aquarium and everyone there and associated with it before she even arrived, before she even met Kukuru and Kukuru had even said a word. Not even just toward Kukuru, which someone can hand-waive away by saying she is younger (I think she's supposed to be 16 - 17 years-old) and Chiyu is older, so it's a typical "adults looking down on kids" mentality (which I don't approve of, agree with, or excuse one bit at all, but that's the logic people will use) so it's more forgivable and understandable. She even showed the same arrogant contempt and superiority complex toward Kukuru's grandfather from the word go - a man decades her senior who had owned and operated an aquarium for decades. She's like this to everyone, but people shouldn't have to "prove" themselves to her not to be actively treated like garbage.

There's a difference between thinking you're more knowledgeable and a better worker than someone and actively going out of your way to openly treat them with such hostility. Many characters in this show and in other series, as with many, if not most, people in our real/physical world, think themselves better than others at least at their specialty. That is fine. Kukuru also initially behaves arrogantly toward Fuuka in the earlier episodes. The difference lies in the motive and the scale. Kukuru does it because she genuinely is an empath who places the welfare of the animals of the aquarium even above her own safety, let alone decorum or courtesy. Chiyu does it because, as she effectively says in her own words, she can't stand to see other people get ahead if they haven't walked the same path as her. The sight of it enrages her.
WatchTillTandavaOct 15, 2021 2:20 PM
Oct 15, 2021 7:24 PM

Oct 2008
haha! don't make your b0ss mad!! PLANKTON!!! bwahaha
Kukuru is still oblivious about romance...she isn't really detecting anything about Kai nyhahaha!

Oct 15, 2021 7:54 PM

Oct 2012
Futter said:
ProofByColor said:
God Kukuru's boss is such a fucking dick. It's enough that he is a hardass who obviously doesn't give a shit about the animals or his employees but to keep using this degrading nickname... Kukuru is too young to know how unacceptable that is. Also it's an anime so w/e.... Kuuya is a good meme tho.

I only came to this thread for this exact reason.. that guy is such an asshole. 😒

The name calling is a bit harsh but isn't he actually pushing Kukuru because he cares about her development in the organization? I know it's humbling for her but she really does have a lot to learn. Curious what people will say about the boss at the end of the run.
Oct 15, 2021 10:22 PM

Jan 2008
Kukuru and Kaoru both made some valid points so it was nice to see.

bethxxx said:
Nice episode again, and I’m glad they finally mentioned the ethics of aquariums, I was worried they were going to go the whole series without ever touching on it.
Also, I do have a soft spot for sea slugs, they’re very cute (my personal favourite is the leaf sea slug please don’t go your whole life without seeing a picture of one) :)

I've seen it before but it's way too cute. :3
Oct 16, 2021 8:19 PM
Oct 17, 2021 4:21 AM
Mar 2012
Kukuru amazing hard worker, lol she starting to get 'dates'. I like the Kai & Kaoru developments.
Kaoru's partly wrong & stubborn, that case Suwa actually has a better overview of aquarium's purposes. Ok both are hardasses but finally starting to understand Kukuru.
Sea slugs so colorful, and i want those cute hats.
ED still so beautiful.
Oct 18, 2021 7:55 AM

Feb 2020
Just the usual hardworkship from Kukuru under Tingaara roof. This time she's holding an exhibition to attract more guests. But, ofc its not proceeding pretty well smooth even though the proposal get accepted pretty fast. Because there's always an issue correlated with every succession. Though with that whole dire situations actually able to manage in the end, then Kukuru learn to finally cooperated with that 'guy' fish attendant supervisor, after such a long rough time previously and now. Its just a win-win solution for everyone.

The great sea slugs debate is over. Many things progressed around the coworkers. I can't help but laugh my fuckin ass off with how Kuuya mistakenly identify Kaoru as a guy (yeah, dude, i honestly think there's something wrong with him, why he could act normally around her. Were they know each other? related by the family? Then, it turned out he's got some misunderstanding. But somehow some people thought the same, like seriously?). His reaction always gold, same with the poor woman in charge responding him. Hoo boy! Hopefully they can get more of solidified works, no matter where you comes from. Lets see...
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Oct 18, 2021 7:16 PM

Jul 2019
As always, the interactions were great--even better in this episode. Different characters getting their useful screen time.

It was a another great treat.

-[ ~♫~ ll Credit ]-
Oct 19, 2021 12:18 PM

Aug 2021
The Aquatope on White Sand is turning out to be a very nice series about growing up and trying to keep joy even after failure. Beautiful stuff, well done stuff.
Oct 19, 2021 11:34 PM

Sep 2015
nice animated detail on Kukurus computer screen as she types.

Tetsuji Suwa as always makes Kukuru look bad, but I guess Kukuru is still a teenager anyway.
August 6th 2023: Biggest upset ever, deception, selfishness, or scammed, manipulated. Heavy damage costs, and more. Days since: 15 Last updated: 8/21/2023

One Piece Episode 1041 & 1042 & 1047 & 1048 & 95.75%/1049 & 1053 were a mistake and Uta brought the salvation -AhriTheS3xyFox

Oct 21, 2021 10:34 PM

Feb 2019
Great to see Kukuru slowly acclimating to her job and getting better and better at it! Her proposal actually got accepted. And kudos to her for standing up to the assistant director (but of course if you keep doing that that's not good either).

But most of all, I'm glad she managed to make a connection with Kaoru. Finally, another workplace acquaintance she's on friendly terms with besides that girl in the marketing division! Happy for her.

Finally got back Kuuya's classic "muri muri muri muri" lol can't believe he thought Kaoru was a dude
Oct 22, 2021 4:56 AM

Apr 2018
Kukuru had some really interesting idea for the exposition with the different slugs but of course she had a little struggle with it, I still hope that she'll be able to change her field... Kaoru is more interesting than before but I still don't like her so much (and yes, she's a girl xD)
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