The Case Study of Vanitas
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Sep 10, 2021 8:28 AM
THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- This was a chill episode with date gimmicks. Jeanne is amusingly cute this episode, almost like a fangirl lol. Noe's side of the story was more serious and I feel like they are keen on developing more of his character. They seriously bought out Jeanne's girly side to the fullest. |
Sep 10, 2021 9:52 AM
This episode was so cute Jeanne really makes my day |
Sep 10, 2021 9:55 AM
Well, a chill episode that contends with shingami bocchan for the most wholesome of the season lmao. Jeanne this episode was a whole different feel goddamn, might have a new waifu incoming Ruthven seems hell bent on ensuring vampires gain the upper hand, guys crazy, basically incapacitating noe to get what he wants |
LeviathanHWDSep 10, 2021 10:08 AM
Sep 10, 2021 9:55 AM
Vanitas getting an invitation from Jeanne...WHEW WHEW, this is a date after all along the streets of Paris! But it's more like Jeanne loathing Vanitas, and seeking Domi's advice on that...NOPE. Just let Vanitas play the Devil's Sweet Advocate while Jeanne prepares her stake...of falling even deep towards Vanitas being the astute gentleman against her charade. And all it takes is the sight of blood to render her different, and Vanitas will take Jeanne's admonishment to his grave. On Noe's side, Lord Ruthven visiting him out of nowhere to interupt his deep sleep, and inviting him out to a cafe to talk about Vanitas, Noe's own teacher and Ruthven's past as a teacher that's devoid of happiness. A walking contradiction, hmm. But it's more important to establish which side Noe is on, and he chose one that's of peace between both humans and vampires...which does not sit well with the lead antagonist. A pretty chill, funny, serious, devastating episode of 2 intriguing halves. With the 1st half coming to an end next week, I'm intrigued on how next episode will wrap this all up. |
Sep 10, 2021 10:00 AM
Man... Jeanne is such a cute girl. Such a waifu, for sure. Vanitas and Jeanne on a date and yes once again, this show has successfully managed to show her all cute features and why people adore her. Her plan was to make Vanitas hate her and she took Domi's help with that. No wonder Domi couldn't refuse her. She's just too cute to handle. But, Vanitas went along with it. She's already in love with Vanitas just can't accept it. It's so cute. :3 Then, the conversation between Noe and Ruthven was quite intriguing. Couldn't tell where they were going with it, but nonetheless, I enjoyed it. Ruthven might have it hard in his time. Noe really cares about Vanitas now. Great to see that. Still, very different halves of this episode. Just one more episode to go. huh? then we'll wait for the second season which is already announced. |
Sep 10, 2021 10:11 AM
There are actually two dates happened in this episode. Vanitas/Jeanne and Noe/Ruthven, and both dates end with bloodsucking scene. People might say that Noe and Ruthven aren't dating because they're both... vampire! |
Sep 10, 2021 10:31 AM
Again, when Noe is in trouble, Vanitas has good time with Jeanne XD Such a romantic "I will kill you" from Vanitas. Jeanne is so cute but also easy since she was a bourreau so she is not used to kindness. I really want to know more about Ruthven, it seems his memories with his students left a scar to him and also related with how he lost his eyes (because he touched it when he was talking about them). Even if this is mostly date episode, we also learn more about Noe, Ruthven, Vanitas also the reason behind Jeanne's blood addiction related with that person. I also think there will be something happen in that tower of sun later on in the story. |
Alice0006Sep 10, 2021 11:09 AM
Sep 10, 2021 10:36 AM
A pretty wholesome and lovely episode. Jeanne's reactions were adorable and she IS in love with him. Domi hiding from them was just funny as hell. Seems like she's pretty worried about her or she's just curious. Vanitas is really good with women.. |
“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!” ' |
Sep 10, 2021 10:51 AM
This whole ep was a damn roller coaster! I think we went through every genre with those cute scenes between Vanitas & Jeanne that turned shexy and the dramatic scenes between Noe & Ruthven that turned dark. Knew there was something off about that bastard! Felt like we really saw what a contrast Noe & Vanitas are too; Noe sees the good in everyone whether they're vampire or human whereas Vanitas sees everyone in as monsterous. Noe is the sun and Vanitas is the moon. I can't believe there's only 1 ep left... what joy will there be without Vanitas No Carte?! |
Sep 10, 2021 10:58 AM
Jeanne and Domi teaming up is the cutest ;_; They adapted pretty much everything with the exception of a few minor bits, noice. It's hilarious how Vanitas would indeed be averse to the idea of Jeanne loving him, but because he suspects she's BSing him he's teasing her to get the upper hand LOL Can't wait to see what happens to my boy Noé next week. Ruthven is such a shady character |
Sep 10, 2021 11:06 AM
I did kinda enjoy this episode, but man, the bloodsucking fanservice in this adaptation is getting too highlighted and redundant. What sucks is that they really dumbed down the importance of the scene with Noe and Ruthvern in favor of the fluffy stuff with Jeanne and Vanitas' "date". |
Sep 10, 2021 11:29 AM
Jeanne and Vanitas interactions were great again. Jeanne was so cute and adorable. She's hooked on Vanitas' blood. Also Ruthven bit Noé, damn. |
Sep 10, 2021 11:36 AM
Ryuseishun said: I did kinda enjoy this episode, but man, the bloodsucking fanservice in this adaptation is getting too highlighted and redundant. What sucks is that they really dumbed down the importance of the scene with Noe and Ruthvern in favor of the fluffy stuff with Jeanne and Vanitas' "date". And I loved how they paralleled the two "dates" xd Considering that Ruthven specially sent Jeanne to distract Vanitas in order to "talk" with Noe without any problems Also, surprisingly, they cut out some of the Domi / Jeanne scenes and the fact that Domi is popular with women. D: It is also a pity that they cut out the fact that Vanitas only recently began to spend the night in their room with Noe, having begun to trust him after the catacombs, and before that he slept on the roof ( |
Sep 10, 2021 11:49 AM
Ruthven, by my interpretation, made Noe his minion. Looking how Noe will kill Vanitas, makes sense. Vanitas is like a real doctor to say that he doesn't know if Jeanne is sick or not. Is a damn big book and doesn't have a check up chapter.Sad. |
Sep 10, 2021 11:51 AM
Vanitas and Jeanne on a date, well wasn't expecting the penultimate episode to have this. Jeanne really was too cute, she was trying her best so that Vanitas would hate her, but it didn't turned out that way. Lord Ruthven attacking Noé out of nowhere was a bit shocking, will be interesting to see how they will wrap this up next episode. |
Softhenic03Dec 4, 2021 1:54 AM
Sep 10, 2021 12:02 PM
I like how they balance between being funny and intriguing at the same time... Jeanne's date and Noe's conversation with Ruthven are properly placed... And at the end, it seems we are still far away from all the answers... Whether Jeanne is a curse-bearer, who forbade her to talk about it, Noe being attacked, Ruthven's connection to the Spider Charlatan... |
Sep 10, 2021 12:04 PM
Well they rearranged all the events in this one tbh and they are keeping the unmysterious things mysterious as well i suppose.(I hope they show ruthvens "Promise" in the next episode since its not really a mystery and was shown just like that in the manga THey did the fanservice so well(Why am i not surprised) All in all I am glad earphones exist lol. It was adapted very well once again One important detail which the anime missed. In the manga it was told that Jeanne is very vulnerable to kindness. Since she is a burrue in short worse then a slave, she never really recieves any form of respect, comfort, kindness or anything which is why she is attached to luca and domi(Due to their kindness). She initially thought of vanitas as a jerk and someone extremly ruthless and selfish. HOwever Vanitas to her surprise turns out to be the complete opposite since vanitas at his core is extremly kind(Even according to noe). So in other words due to vanitas extrme kindness she develops those feelings. Vanitas is not actually in love with jeanne, he mostly is in love with her reaction when he teases her though he genuinly falls in love with her later on) |
234MannanSep 10, 2021 12:23 PM
Sep 10, 2021 12:08 PM
Sep 10, 2021 12:13 PM
Another awesome episode, this show really is head and shoulders above the usual vampire fare. Poor Jeanne, she truly is a plaything. What a deliciously fucked up relationship they have. Ruthven seems to be at the root of all things bad, I hope Vanitas gets him good. |
Quantum ille canis est in fenestra |
Sep 10, 2021 12:13 PM
Ryuseishun said: It is also a pity that they cut out the fact that Vanitas only recently began to spend the night in their room with Noe, having begun to trust him after the catacombs, and before that he slept on the roof ( Oh. So that's why Vanitas is on the roof in the OP. Considering Vanitas' behavior towards Noé in the previous episodes, I am actually quite surprised that they are sleeping in the same room. |
Sep 10, 2021 12:14 PM
Sep 10, 2021 12:14 PM
This episode made me laugh quite a bit, pretty cute episode (for the most part at least). Bones did justice to the Vanijeanne date. Great episode, can’t wait for the final episode of this cour next week! |
Pandora Hearts is the best manga ever made and deserves an anime reboot |
Sep 10, 2021 12:27 PM
I love the relationship between Vanitas and Jeanne as well as visiting Paris! |
Sep 10, 2021 12:56 PM
I can't help but love the relationship Jeanne and Vanitas have! This show got me all fired up! |
Sep 10, 2021 2:13 PM
234Mannan said: Some things stay open to the end of the episode so I do think they will adapt the rest of that part and what happened after the date(I hope they show ruthvens "Promise" in the next episode since its not really a mystery and was shown just like that in the manga (not to mention that the scene in question will probably be important for the plot at some point of the story). |
Sep 10, 2021 2:32 PM
Yes! A date between Vanitas and Jeanne. I've been waiting for this to happen 😍 The plan of Jeanne backfired on her 😅 Still, it resulted to a sweet date. They went to many places together and Jeanne ate a lot 😅 The confession scene from Jeanne was so funny hahaha. That last part was steamy 🥵 I hope that Jeanne will be completely healed from her sickness so that Vanitas will not kill her instead 😭 |
Sep 10, 2021 2:43 PM
I really liked this episode, despite the fact that I don't really ship Vanitas and Jeanne, and that I felt that some of the chibis in the beginning were a bit much for me (I don't know why it's irking me in anime format, it just does.). Also, why are they cutting so much information about the Teacher? Literally every time "he" has been bought up, they cut pieces of information. And they also cut a few other things, but that's to be expected. Anyways, Jeanne's expressions were so cute. And Dominique and Dante following them will always be funny! I also loved how the scene(s) with Noé and Ruthven were executed in general. After seeing the after-credits scene during the last episode, the tension was high. The fact that they switched back and forth between that and Vanitas' and Jeanne's date was a bit jarring at first, but fell into a comfortable pace after a little while, creating a nice parallel between the two. Something I should definitely have noticed earlier while reading the manga though, is that while Vanitas says he hates humans and vampires alike, Noé says the opposite. I love that. I'm pretty sure I know exactly where they will stop during the cour finale, and I'm sooo looking forward to it! (Oh, and also, I've seen some people elsewhere be confused about how Vanitas is not immediately curing Jeanne, if he suspects she is a curse bearer. While not explicitly stated, from the knowledge we have so far about his powers, he seems to need the Malnomen of the vampire he's supposed to cure, and without knowing that, he won't be able to cure her. It's also not stated that she IS a curse bearer, and even if she is, she won't be able to say anything because of Ruthven.) |
Cathen99Sep 10, 2021 2:48 PM
Sep 10, 2021 2:45 PM
Kobeanie said: I can't believe there's only 1 ep left... what joy will there be without Vanitas No Carte?! Wait until the second cour comes out. as this is a 2 cour show :) |
The line below is True. The line above is False. |
Sep 10, 2021 2:48 PM
Uh well that was an episode!!!! Holy shit cute Jeanne is adorable!!! I thought it was just going to be the date but shit got serious at the end! Holy shit the scene with Vanitas and Jeanne was sexy af. Next week should be a doozy. |
Listen to my podcast Follow my twitch. Winter 2525 Waifus on Profile "You can have multiple Waifus" -me |
Sep 10, 2021 3:05 PM
This episode made feel all warm inside. Jeanne's and Vanitas interactions were just great (apart from the bloodsucking part that is): cute and wholesome yet not cringy. Too bad there's only one episode remaining, this has been pretty enjoyable overall. |
⠓⠥⠍⠁⠝⠊⠞⠽ ⠞⠓⠗⠕⠥⠛⠓ ⠎⠕⠍⠑ ⠎⠞⠥⠏⠊⠙⠊⠞⠽⠂ ⠎⠕⠍⠑ ⠺⠊⠇⠇ ⠎⠅⠊⠏ ⠺⠁⠎⠓⠊⠝⠛ ⠞⠓⠑⠊⠗ ⠓⠁⠝⠙⠎ ⠁⠝⠙ ⠑⠝⠙ ⠥⠏ ⠗⠥⠊⠝⠊⠝⠛ ⠊ ⠞ ⠋⠕⠗ ⠑⠧⠑⠗⠽⠕⠝⠑ ⠎⠓⠊⠊⠅⠕ ⠁⠕⠎⠕⠊⠂ ⠼⠃⠼⠚⠼⠁⠼⠓ |
Sep 10, 2021 3:29 PM
Softhenic03 said: Vanitas and Jeanne on a date,well wasn't expecting the penultimate episode to have this.Jeanne really was too cute,she was trying her best so that Vanitas would hate her,but it didn't turned out that way. Lord Ruthven attacking Noé out of nowhere was a bit shocking,will be interesting to see how they will wrap this up next episode It’s not really out of nowhere. Were you able to see the aftercredit scene during episode 10? Ruthven was revealed to be working with Charlatan and he said he will “take care” of Noé in the end. But I agree it was indeed shocking 😱 |
Sep 10, 2021 4:43 PM
Jeanne is so precious! the date is really sweet, It's sad that it is last ep next week |
» [The World's Continuation【世界のつづき】- UTA/Ado ♪] « 0:00 〇────── 4:55 ↺ |◁ II ▷| ♡ ✦ Come and Join us! ✦ Evil Club ψ FuwaFuwa Sanctuary ✿ ✿ DeaD Blossoms ✿ |
Sep 10, 2021 5:17 PM
Yoooo a wholesome episode. It was a nice try, but Vanitas could already see through her from the start lmao. That ending with Noe was wild tho, same with Jeanne, vampires going mad around here. |
Sep 10, 2021 5:26 PM
Sep 10, 2021 5:34 PM
Vanitas in the meeting with Jeanne these two are already the best couple in this show I liked Vanitas acting in relation to Jeanne in the bloodlust case. What an amazing episode. |
Sep 10, 2021 5:51 PM
I'll say it with the words of Dante: "Boring. Excuse me. This has turned into a plain old date, so I'm gonna get going" And even tho Im not gonna get going, I feel like this is an incredible mundane and uneventful second last Episode. I mean, there's maybe about 5 mins of the entire Episode that kinda sets up the final...a little bit. The rest is half funny, half boring skits about walking contradictions like Vanitas, Noe, Jeanne or Eyepatch-Guy. And I felt that the whole Season through. The Show just prioritizes these Slice of Life - Aspects of the Show. And that WOULD be okay, if it then not pretended to have this complicated and highly delicate plot-structure behind it. ...cause as it stands now: It doesnt. We have snippets but other then that -> we don't know. Cause only about 30% of the whole Anime are really about an actual written Story. The rest is about people blushing, cake and Blood-Sucking. There are so many unanswered questions and so many weird turns that I can't see the final Episode really bringing it all together. Sure, there might be a second Season but still -> I've watched 253 minutes of this, at this point and I don't really feel like a whole lot has happened. The rate of actual story parts we've got are like squeezed in between the "Sugoku-Doki-Doki" humor and Vanitas beeing schizophrenic. Also...why didn't Eye-Patch-Guy take out Vanitas, again? I mean he saw through him in their first encounter, he decided to let him go, now he's hunting him? xD This is so weird^^ |
Merve2LoveSep 10, 2021 5:58 PM
Sep 10, 2021 6:13 PM
Merve2Love said: I'll say it with the words of Dante: "Boring. Excuse me. This has turned into a plain old date, so I'm gonna get going" And even tho Im not gonna get going, I feel like this is an incredible mundane and uneventful second last Episode. I mean, there's maybe about 5 mins of the entire Episode that kinda sets up the final...a little bit. The rest is half funny, half boring skits about walking contradictions like Vanitas, Noe, Jeanne or Eyepatch-Guy. And I felt that the whole Season through. The Show just prioritizes these Slice of Life - Aspects of the Show. And that WOULD be okay, if it then not pretended to have this complicated and highly delicate plot-structure behind it. ...cause as it stands now: It doesnt. We have snippets but other then that -> we don't know. Cause only about 30% of the whole Anime are really about an actual written Story. The rest is about people blushing, cake and Blood-Sucking. There are so many unanswered questions and so many weird turns that I can't see the final Episode really bringing it all together. Sure, there might be a second Season but still -> I've watched 253 minutes of this, at this point and I don't really feel like a whole lot has happened. The rate of actual story parts we've got are like squeezed in between the "Sugoku-Doki-Doki" humor and Vanitas beeing schizophrenic. Also...why didn't Eye-Patch-Guy take out Vanitas, again? I mean he saw through him in their first encounter, he decided to let him go, now he's hunting him? xD This is so weird^^ I'm not sure what your complaint is. Are you complaining that a story with a slow plot, a deep mystery, and a wide cast is handling its plot slowly, presenting us with mysteries, and spending time with us getting to know our cast? This isn't some 12-episode-cour-and-done series, there's going to be 24 episodes devoted to it (and maybe Season 3 later) because they understand that it's a work that has a slow pace and takes time to build. We've been slowly getting more hints about what's going on, seeing the different sides to the world, and getting to know our characters better. You don't feel like a whole lot has happened, because not a whole lot has happened. This isn't some "defeat boss -> next boss" battle series, it's an intrigue. This is how intrigues work, slowly and with care. |
Sep 10, 2021 6:17 PM
MugenNoShirayuki said: Merve2Love said: I'll say it with the words of Dante: "Boring. Excuse me. This has turned into a plain old date, so I'm gonna get going" And even tho Im not gonna get going, I feel like this is an incredible mundane and uneventful second last Episode. I mean, there's maybe about 5 mins of the entire Episode that kinda sets up the final...a little bit. The rest is half funny, half boring skits about walking contradictions like Vanitas, Noe, Jeanne or Eyepatch-Guy. And I felt that the whole Season through. The Show just prioritizes these Slice of Life - Aspects of the Show. And that WOULD be okay, if it then not pretended to have this complicated and highly delicate plot-structure behind it. ...cause as it stands now: It doesnt. We have snippets but other then that -> we don't know. Cause only about 30% of the whole Anime are really about an actual written Story. The rest is about people blushing, cake and Blood-Sucking. There are so many unanswered questions and so many weird turns that I can't see the final Episode really bringing it all together. Sure, there might be a second Season but still -> I've watched 253 minutes of this, at this point and I don't really feel like a whole lot has happened. The rate of actual story parts we've got are like squeezed in between the "Sugoku-Doki-Doki" humor and Vanitas beeing schizophrenic. Also...why didn't Eye-Patch-Guy take out Vanitas, again? I mean he saw through him in their first encounter, he decided to let him go, now he's hunting him? xD This is so weird^^ I'm not sure what your complaint is. Are you complaining that a story with a slow plot, a deep mystery, and a wide cast is handling its plot slowly, presenting us with mysteries, and spending time with us getting to know our cast? This isn't some 12-episode-cour-and-done series, there's going to be 24 episodes devoted to it (and maybe Season 3 later) because they understand that it's a work that has a slow pace and takes time to build. We've been slowly getting more hints about what's going on, seeing the different sides to the world, and getting to know our characters better. You don't feel like a whole lot has happened, because not a whole lot has happened. This isn't some "defeat boss -> next boss" battle series, it's an intrigue. This is how intrigues work, slowly and with care. First Part: Not really complaining. Not having an Issue with a good slow Burn. But I just detailed how this isn't even really progressing, in my Opinion. Second Part: I also mentioned that I get that there will be a second Season, so this is kinda just you not reading what I actually said^^ Last Part: You agreeing with me there? Okay. Cause that's all I said. Not a lot has happened. And it has been 253 minutes of Anime. I don't think that's a good thing :) Thank's for the reply. |
Sep 10, 2021 7:09 PM
Jeanne realizing she’s in love with Vanitas was cute af. |
Sep 10, 2021 7:50 PM
Merve2Love said: The Show just prioritizes these Slice of Life - Aspects of the Show. And that WOULD be okay, if it then not pretended to have this complicated and highly delicate plot-structure behind it. ...cause as it stands now: It doesnt. We have snippets but other then that -> we don't know. Cause only about 30% of the whole Anime are really about an actual written Story. The rest is about people blushing, cake and Blood-Sucking. Well, that's because this story really has complicated story. The author said she prioritized world building and characters and that's what she did in this season. We were introduced a lot of characters, we were introduced about the world and what is going on. All of that to make us understand until the truth revealed. If people don't have strong foundation, people will be confused later on. And if she dump a lot of information from the beginning, people will be confused too. And actually there are already some people who are confused with just this amount of information. We actually always get new information every week so I don't know where you get 30%. I do agree what you said this anime not really balance with the comedy, blood sucking and the serious part because I don't feel like that when I am reading the manga. Merve2Love said: Also...why didn't Eye-Patch-Guy take out Vanitas, again? I mean he saw through him in their first encounter, he decided to let him go, now he's hunting him? xD This is so weird^^ Ruthven said that normal reaction at that time is to be angry because Vanitas insulted the queen. Ruthven is not stupid or a child like Luca that's why his reaction is exactly that. He won't make suspicious move like Luca. And I don't understand what do you mean with "hunting him"? From previous episode, we already know Ruthven's target was Noe not Vanitas. You see what I mean with people maybe confused? You are complaining about this anime doesn't have many story but now you are asking about something already in the anime maybe because you don't pay attention/confused. If you don't even pay attention/confused with this amount of information, what if the author dump more information until this point? |
Sep 10, 2021 8:15 PM
This show.. I have no words to describe it. The art is mesmerizing. The mystery keeps getting more intriguing. Not that the other episodes weren't entertaining, but this particular one is outstandingly good. There's one more episode left, but I already feel like I'm starting to miss it. 10/10 episode. |
I sometimes forget to finish my sentences. |
Sep 10, 2021 9:08 PM
The sexual tension between Vanitas and Jeanne is astronomical. |
Sep 10, 2021 9:33 PM
Have to give it a 5/5 just for the animation and voice acting. The background animation was perfect in this episode. Really the only show that can stay on par with Maidragon. Even the attention to details (like the pie crust sticking to the fork) was phenomenal. The acting was great too. Minase/Hanae duo is simply amazing. The voices they make during the blood sucking part is pure gold. |
Sep 10, 2021 9:50 PM
Merve2Love said: I am glad that you shared your genuine issues even though you like the show.I'll say it with the words of Dante: "Boring. Excuse me. This has turned into a plain old date, so I'm gonna get going" And even tho Im not gonna get going, I feel like this is an incredible mundane and uneventful second last Episode. I mean, there's maybe about 5 mins of the entire Episode that kinda sets up the final...a little bit. The rest is half funny, half boring skits about walking contradictions like Vanitas, Noe, Jeanne or Eyepatch-Guy. And I felt that the whole Season through. The Show just prioritizes these Slice of Life - Aspects of the Show. And that WOULD be okay, if it then not pretended to have this complicated and highly delicate plot-structure behind it. ...cause as it stands now: It doesnt. We have snippets but other then that -> we don't know. Cause only about 30% of the whole Anime are really about an actual written Story. The rest is about people blushing, cake and Blood-Sucking. There are so many unanswered questions and so many weird turns that I can't see the final Episode really bringing it all together. Sure, there might be a second Season but still -> I've watched 253 minutes of this, at this point and I don't really feel like a whole lot has happened. The rate of actual story parts we've got are like squeezed in between the "Sugoku-Doki-Doki" humor and Vanitas beeing schizophrenic. Also...why didn't Eye-Patch-Guy take out Vanitas, again? I mean he saw through him in their first encounter, he decided to let him go, now he's hunting him? xD This is so weird^^ There are some things that i would like to state according to some of your issues Jun Mochizuki uses Drip feeding writing technique(I dont know if you are familiar with this technique). IN other words she reveals randomly and slowly and everything in the world of vanitas from characters to plot is basically a mystery.IN other words she drip feed you which means slowly giving the info. And i can see your issues with the comedy since the comedy can be a hit or a miss but this season is basically the build for everything. The author prioritizes the characters and their dynamics alot, so she has a habit of making her audience familiar with them with revealing just a little of what is actually going on. Even though the comdey too is done for this purpose, it can be a hit or a miss. WIth that being said, the 2nd cour will adapt the first major story arc(There are only 2 major arcs in the manga till now and the 2nd isnt complete yet so you can guess that the next arc is going to be pretty big). However i can understand why someone can find it to be boring sometimes. However i would urge you to focus on the dialouges and expressions of the characters. THey are very important since other then the story, its actually about how each character has a different mindset and how each of them are not necessarily wrong or anything.(Well if you have read PH then you might be able to see the similar pattern here though the story is completely different) Other then that I hope you can stick around till the end of 2nd cour Also the eye patch guy doesnt have a reason for hunting vanitas because he is irrelevant to him.(ALso he knows vanitas doesnt really care if he dies and that would actually be a waste of time and resources for him considering he will get nothing out of it) If anything NOe is much more important to charlatan and him considering he is the adopted child of the "Shapeless One"in other words his Teacher.(The manga cut that part but he is basically one of the most powerfull if not the most powerful vampires and a mystery no vampire has been able to crack) However there are alot of things which can end up as spoilers as well due to the writing technique. Have a great day |
234MannanSep 10, 2021 10:13 PM
Sep 10, 2021 10:50 PM
Eh not my favorite episode, but the directing is as beautiful as always. I'm still not fond of the Vanitas x Jeanne pairing and I find it a bit hard to believe that Jeanne's someone who's killed over a thousand vampires considering how ditzy she seems to be, but whatever. I just hope she grows more as a character outside of a female tsundere who blushes all the time. The Ruthven and Noe parts were the most interesting parts of the episode, although I had a bad feeling ever since Ruthven said he reserved the whole cafe. Ruthven definitely seems to play a part in Jeanne not being able to reveal anything about her symptoms, so I'm guessing Ruthven's going to use Noe in some way as well since he's obviously not going to kill him. |
"As promised, all that you seek, all that we desire, is prepared up there. On top of the Tower." |
Sep 11, 2021 12:17 AM
An episode full of romance between Jeanne and Vanitas. What an idea it was for Jeanne to ask Dominique for her opinion on how to annoy Vanitas, but out of annoyance she made a meeting between two pigeons: Leaving their love aside, what happened to Noah. |
Sep 11, 2021 1:26 AM
I know they went to a tea salon, but still all I could think of was the scene from "Spongebob" when he was trying to write an essay. Best episode so far, the characters have never been so likable. |
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