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Aug 2, 2021 8:28 AM

Nov 2011
That awkward round with the metal balls was so awkward that I had to face palm. It's about damn time Akira had his chance to fight for his team.

Yuuri also got her chance to stand in and looked very fired up. Very underwhelming fights though. The girls in the bunny outfits also felt out of place this episode. Man, this show is really all over the place.

Aug 2, 2021 10:46 AM

Jul 2017
Underwhelming fights, underwhelming stakes, underwhelming characters, underwhelming tension, and underwhelming production. Perfect start for this series so far.
Aug 2, 2021 10:49 AM
Jul 2018
another pretty interesting episode, guess ill stay for this one.
Aug 2, 2021 10:52 AM

Apr 2018
Akira was actually really clever, and of course he won, Yuri's power is also interesting for how strong she can become hmm, most girls are starting to fall for Akari but he's planning everything, even for his "allies", I wonder what will happen now that they take a different path...
Aug 2, 2021 10:57 AM

Jul 2017
The 3rd round of 5 between the Trueblade Madoka and Saeko continues, but it's clear that this battle has to finish sooner or later. NGL, Madoka's ability to turn sticks into swords is quite useful, though getting ambushed and hit in the nuts is embarrassing to Saeko's win.

Finally, it's Akira vs. Kouji Kitakima, and since the loser's punishment has yet to be announced, so the Sophist plays his hands carefully, analytically with an experiment to find his powers. Giving a freak shot of a taunt to Madoka to confirm his powers, and now the duel can begin against the side character. Kouji's such a wimp, he couldn't possiibly play the protagonist role while having a power to nullify all powers while one hand is on the ground. If anything, Akira's Sophist powers should be easy to understand by now.

The final battle of Yuuri vs. the delusional Ouji Hoshino, and is someone whom she knows that tries to commit suicide with her. So, what better way than to face him in a duel. The quintupled power vs. the power of a literate Iron Man, well that was One Punch Man levels of underwhelming. YELP...

So what's the punishment? Dazing the losing team in bunny girl waitresses for the girls while the guys rest one corner, while the winning team gets a buffet treat from Mion. Talk about unconventional.

The 3rd program which separates the teams and disbands them temporarily to their own paths, it's an individual battle. I smell a rat within Akira and Yuuri's relationship, though how this show will take it far is a mystery.

This show can just be just summed in one word: UNDERWHELMING.
Aug 2, 2021 11:00 AM
Sep 2015
Kirisaki in a bunny costume!!!! I want Kumagiri and Akira too!!
Aug 2, 2021 11:17 AM

Apr 2014
One Punchhhhh!!!!!!
Poor Kirisaki, that was very hurt though. btw, that penalty was a very nice one.
Aug 2, 2021 11:21 AM

Sep 2015
Amazing how the writer finds more complex and alternative ways of how each individuals ability works, after it started out thinking it was just straightforward and simple.
August 6th 2023: Biggest upset ever, deception, selfishness, or scammed, manipulated. Heavy damage costs, and more. Days since: 15 Last updated: 8/21/2023

One Piece Episode 1041 & 1042 & 1047 & 1048 & 95.75%/1049 & 1053 were a mistake and Uta brought the salvation -AhriTheS3xyFox

Aug 2, 2021 11:31 AM

Feb 2019
Bunny suit Ringo lets goooo. Yuuri was able to get some payback on Hoshino as well. Romance already being planted with she and Akira. Slower episode this week, didn’t feel like much happened, but a cool set up for what should be an eventful ep next week. This show just has a really unique feel to it and I can’t put my finger on what exactly it is
Aug 2, 2021 11:37 AM

Jan 2021
Hmm, so the person has to consider you an enemy to use the power, I wonder if there will be more conditions 0.0

Victory for our boys, I think the bunny suits were a good punishment enough xd

Interesting episode, now back to the individual, I'm quite intrigue
Aug 2, 2021 11:53 AM

Apr 2018
Akira's clever as hell. An easy win once again. He finally understands his ability. And damn, rip those balls.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Aug 2, 2021 1:04 PM

Mar 2021
damn kirisaki got hit in the balls by a ball I felt that so bad dude.
a nice punishment but Rin is sooo hawtttt
also, Kirisaki in Bunny Outfit I would like to see that 😳 xD.
The Stalker....they met again but he got clapped immediately lol
Aug 2, 2021 1:49 PM

Apr 2015
RIP Kirisaki's balls.

We got a better understanding on how Akira's ability works, but I feel that the ability will have a very big disadvantage as the story progresses.

Yuuri had to face off with the stalker huh... The dude didn't stand a chance and got what he deserved, even though I was expecting Yuuri to actually kill the guy. Meanwhile, Yuuri already got the hots for Akira? That blush was cute.
Aug 2, 2021 1:53 PM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
The most interesting part was probably Akira's deduction process and how it may play out in the future. The rest was ok.
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Aug 2, 2021 1:59 PM

Jan 2020
A really solid episode this is! This shit’s continuously proving to be good!
Aug 2, 2021 2:11 PM
Aug 2018
No reaction to the fact Rin killed someone ? They are just interacting with her like it's normal.
Wondering what the "actual" loser's penalty will be.
Aug 2, 2021 3:03 PM

Nov 2016
Ffs they did Kirisaki dirty.

And damn, not getting any food is already a severe penalty imho..

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Aug 2, 2021 6:14 PM
Jul 2018
the phrase he said at the end of the episode about seed plant was something interesting for him, with victory for the protagonist's team already something good for his plans.
Aug 2, 2021 6:17 PM
Towel Attendant

Dec 2014
I remembered to turn off the sound so I didn't have to listen to Cat Lady's voice! Other than that, some of the conversation between the contestants was funny but that is about it for this bad episode. We are still under the Must Talk for 20 Seconds Between Attacks Rule. This allows the opponent to defend himself every time. Yurri was about the only one who just ran up and smacked Stalker Boy. Meanwhile Slut Puppy wearing a bunny suit was probably more clothes than she wears normally. So this is my take on this series so far:

Aug 2, 2021 6:29 PM

Feb 2020
That sword dude really need to learn his damn lesson. Seriously. But, thanks for that, Akira able to finishing up his little experiment. The requirement suited him well there, from the enemy, his mentality, his ability, the environment, Akira's surrounding, and the situations previously. Perfect for him to got that victory and figuring out the best things to do with his illusion ability. The last battle really an ehh moment, just skipped it everything still be okay. However, wth with that punishment? Mion really like to messing up with people's mind. That's good. Too bad the real punishment didn't really be shown up. I am a bit mad there. Still, the title now showed Ringo's ability. Was that the sign that whoever people mentioned in the title means that they are safe? I hope so, no way that copy ability will be gone forever in 4 episodes only, right?
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Aug 2, 2021 6:50 PM

May 2019
"Now there's a seed I hope I planted"

straight Black Airforce energy, I can already see Akira taking advantage of her feelings if she hesitates when they're enemies yikes

We don't know what kind of people we truly are until the moment before our deaths.
As death comes to embrace you, you will realise what you are.
That's what death is, don't you think?

Itachi Uchiha
Aug 2, 2021 7:21 PM
May 2016
Meh, getting boring.
Aug 2, 2021 8:42 PM

Nov 2011
Well Yuuri's fight was a little underwhelming but I thought the voice acting was really well done!
I enjoyed this episode especially with the bunny girls!
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Aug 2, 2021 8:48 PM

Apr 2020
Is it just me or do most abilities have to deal with transforming stuff into another?

Akira is as smart he always was, experimenting around with stuff. The pervert stalker is back with what I thought will be an incredibly strong defensive ability but nope, Yuri one-punched him straight to the wall. At this point, Yuri should be given the title "One Punch Man" instead of "Kijin". They do be trying to build a relationship between Akira and Yuri though, maybe that will be something important in the future.

It will be nice if the creepy stalker got more screen time, he seems more interesting than literally everyone else on the enemy team.
Aug 2, 2021 9:25 PM

Oct 2016
Another really solid episode. Akira really don't want Yuuri to be his enemy lmao, he be planting seeds. Though I hope he's not just a manipulator and he eventually cares for someone else in the future, give me that character development. Really glad stalker-kun got clapped.

I am assuming Ringo knows Akira from before they got brought there or she found out Akira's ability with her copy ability or maybe even both. I do wonder how it would work if Ringo copies Akira's sophist, like what is 1/10th of sophist lmao. I liked the wholesome chinese eating time, I honestly hope they don't die like Kirisaki's balls, but we'll see. Looking forward to the next episode.
Aug 2, 2021 10:19 PM

Jun 2014
That was quite the way for Kirisaki to take an L lol. I liked seeing the strategy that Akira used during his match, it's always nice to get a protag that calmly analyzes the situation and acts based on that, instead of just being a wild card that does whatever he wants. I'm looking forward to continuing to see how he puts his intellect to use during these programs.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Aug 2, 2021 10:35 PM

Sep 2019
I've said it many times before but I'll say it again, bunny girls are amazing
Aug 2, 2021 10:56 PM

Sep 2013
Maybe I'm the only one, but I found this episode to be kind of cringe. A cheap nut shot win that didn't even seem plausible just to force all 5 fights. Stalker dude randomly shows up some how, could have become a sleazy villain but just gets comically destroyed within 2 seconds. Losing team receives a penalty that seems straight out of Master Chef and the males get a pass because who wants to see dudes in bunny suits? Protagonist brushes off psycho slut and gives girl his own age some cheesy lines. Like they went from depraved rapists, child beaters, heartless murder and stalkers to whatever the fuck that was supposed to be.
There's no need for all this tension.
Aug 2, 2021 11:27 PM

Jan 2020
I know it's not perfect but I find this series to be pretty entertaining. It's cool that our protagonists won the battle but that punishment though..

Aug 2, 2021 11:31 PM

Jun 2019
Some fights took place and Kirisaki lost in the stupidest manner. LOL. Other fights were alright. I'm glad Yuuri punched the shit outta that guy. Nothing out of the ordinary but I wasn't expecting them to do a punishment like that for the losing team. And now they're ready for the third round.
Aug 3, 2021 6:22 AM
Aug 2018
Majikkusesu said:
Losing team receives a penalty that seems straight out of Master Chef and the males get a pass because who wants to see dudes in bunny suits?

Unless the subs were wrong, it's not the "actual penalty".

At 20:00 minutes of the 4TH episode : "Bunny dress-up time was just a little bit of fun. The losing team's penalty is still coming up".


If the bunny cosplay is just a cheap joke/fanservice, ok, but, the problem is that it's difficult to have "tension" when you don't actually know the cost of losing.

After the first match, we should have a penalty. So, we would know (roughly) what to expect if they'd lose the group battle...

If penalty are too soft, everything is meaningless. Just concede.

Rukodaime91Aug 3, 2021 6:26 AM
Aug 3, 2021 9:11 AM

Jun 2021
OK episode. The pacing is fast so that was refreshing. Don't like shows that do these battle arcs slowly.

I felt that the part where Akira explains what he was doing during the battle was pointless. I think most viewers knew what his strategy was and it really wasn't necessary for them to explain everything. I also didn't get why they re-introduced the stalker guy, only to have him get one punched and disappear (maybe he comes back later in the story?)
Aug 3, 2021 12:30 PM

May 2018
Not a bad episode....................................though.
Aug 3, 2021 1:11 PM

Mar 2012
I wonder what Nonon's the real reward and punishment are.
Also I feel bad for Zoro's balls.
Aug 3, 2021 3:24 PM

Apr 2020
Gamer Guy showing off his intelligence again^^

Loved that part where the Anime actually rewinds, cause it got to make sure we stupid fks REALLY get it right. Akira is a badass! Look how smart he *tested* everything xD .....*Eyeroll*

As soon as Punishment was announced I just KNEW it's gonna be something sexually awkward. It really is this kind of Show.

This is trash^^
But it's entertaining trash for now.
Aug 3, 2021 5:16 PM

Dec 2016
This show should've been renamed to "Yap in 5 minutes". All they do is just infodump with inner monologues and repeat part of their monologue after they beat their enemy in just a flash (it almost makes me feel this is some kind of american reality TV with 50% padding using replays)

The only reason I'm sticking with it, is because it's so laughably bad and because of morbid curiosity regarding the planners of this silly tournament.
Aug 3, 2021 8:47 PM

Oct 2008
another balls crushing EPIC fail for Madoka!! bwahaha that hilariously them balls! nyahaha
another easy effortless win for Akira!
bwahahah stalker-kun Ouji Hoshino was One Punched by Yuuri!! that was satisfyingly EPIC!!
misunderstanding by Ringo Tatara was cute and adorable! lolz chuugakusei but she actually a 3rd yr highschool lolz sorry for being underdeveloped!? you call that underdeveloped but her bunny suit clearly has oppai huh!?!?

Aug 4, 2021 4:13 AM

Sep 2015
Akira roasting Kirisaki is soooo good lol
Aug 4, 2021 9:22 AM

Dec 2016
I really thought that marble one would lose but damn Kirisaki had the most embarrassing defeat. I'm amazed how he can have that winner pride after that incident...Even though Kirisaki was supposed to be that cool type of guy but he literally has no pride left now XD

Yuuri was cool. Now she will never dare to help any miserable dude she finds crying in the street.

It's so unfair that they let those two guys just sit there and drink water.

That would've been a sight to behold XD
Aug 4, 2021 10:06 AM
Mar 2021
Yo I had so much fun watching this episode. Finally getting into the groove of this show. I am excited for next week. The animation is sub par, but not terrible either.

Bumped from a 5 to 6/10
Aug 4, 2021 3:59 PM
Jun 2013
Majikkusesu said:
Maybe I'm the only one, but I found this episode to be kind of cringe. A cheap nut shot win that didn't even seem plausible just to force all 5 fights. Stalker dude randomly shows up some how, could have become a sleazy villain but just gets comically destroyed within 2 seconds. Losing team receives a penalty that seems straight out of Master Chef and the males get a pass because who wants to see dudes in bunny suits? Protagonist brushes off psycho slut and gives girl his own age some cheesy lines. Like they went from depraved rapists, child beaters, heartless murder and stalkers to whatever the fuck that was supposed to be.

That wasn't the penalty, cat girl literally said when they were split that it was just a joke and their penalty would start now, personally i think is more cringe when someone doesn't pay attention to the subs and dialogues and make a attempt of criticism, and a lazy one btw.
Aug 7, 2021 6:26 PM
Jul 2013
Anyone noticed that their cuffs were green while eating? I wonder if the servers like Rin planted poison in their food or drink.
Aug 7, 2021 10:49 PM
May 2019
So far I'm enjoying this show. I would like it a lot more though if they make the protagonist seem a bit more human. I get that there going for a smart character, but he kind of feels like the typical smart guy power fantasy.
Aug 7, 2021 10:56 PM
May 2019
Rickydory123 said:
I really thought that marble one would lose but damn Kirisaki had the most embarrassing defeat. I'm amazed how he can have that winner pride after that incident...Even though Kirisaki was supposed to be that cool type of guy but he literally has no pride left now XD

Yuuri was cool. Now she will never dare to help any miserable dude she finds crying in the street.

It's so unfair that they let those two guys just sit there and drink water.

That would've been a sight to behold XD
[quote=Rukodaime91 message=64022945]
Majikkusesu said:
Losing team receives a penalty that seems straight out of Master Chef and the males get a pass because who wants to see dudes in bunny suits?

Unless the subs were wrong, it's not the "actual penalty".

At 20:00 minutes of the 4TH episode : "Bunny dress-up time was just a little bit of fun. The losing team's penalty is still coming up".


If the bunny cosplay is just a cheap joke/fanservice, ok, but, the problem is that it's difficult to have "tension" when you don't actually know the cost of losing.

After the first match, we should have a penalty. So, we would know (roughly) what to expect if they'd lose the group battle...

If penalty are too soft, everything is meaningless. Just concede.

Rukodaime91 said:
Majikkusesu said:
Losing team receives a penalty that seems straight out of Master Chef and the males get a pass because who wants to see dudes in bunny suits?

Unless the subs were wrong, it's not the "actual penalty".

At 20:00 minutes of the 4TH episode : "Bunny dress-up time was just a little bit of fun. The losing team's penalty is still coming up".


If the bunny cosplay is just a cheap joke/fanservice, ok, but, the problem is that it's difficult to have "tension" when you don't actually know the cost of losing.

After the first match, we should have a penalty. So, we would know (roughly) what to expect if they'd lose the group battle...

If penalty are too soft, everything is meaningless. Just concede.

if your gonna make a death fight anime you gotta have some stakes. When I watch shows like this I at least wanna see someone deserving get thier head bashed In with a baseball bat. Like Pedo guy for instance. I feel the nut shot would have been more satisfying on him.
Aug 7, 2021 11:54 PM

Sep 2013
Shinuki_n_Reborn said:
Majikkusesu said:
Maybe I'm the only one, but I found this episode to be kind of cringe. A cheap nut shot win that didn't even seem plausible just to force all 5 fights. Stalker dude randomly shows up some how, could have become a sleazy villain but just gets comically destroyed within 2 seconds. Losing team receives a penalty that seems straight out of Master Chef and the males get a pass because who wants to see dudes in bunny suits? Protagonist brushes off psycho slut and gives girl his own age some cheesy lines. Like they went from depraved rapists, child beaters, heartless murder and stalkers to whatever the fuck that was supposed to be.

That wasn't the penalty, cat girl literally said when they were split that it was just a joke and their penalty would start now, personally i think is more cringe when someone doesn't pay attention to the subs and dialogues and make a attempt of criticism, and a lazy one btw.

Is it more cringe for someone to write a hot take on an anime episode, or for someone to attempt to insult another person because they think a silly battle royale anime deserves the utmost attention?

In the context of the episode, that was the perceived penalty. You can care about those details but IDGAF about that cartoon minutiae. Would it improve everyone's comprehension if I wrote "Losing team is butt of joke, which wasn't the actual penalty, that seems straight out of Master Chef". No, it wouldn't.
There's no need for all this tension.
Aug 8, 2021 12:16 AM
Jul 2020
RIP for Kirisaki's balls, they did him dirty LOL

Aug 8, 2021 10:58 AM

Jun 2016
I can't take any of this seriously, no matter how hard I try. At least the 'team battles' have concluded. Not entirely excited to find out what happens next tho...

Aug 9, 2021 6:11 PM

Aug 2011
Yeah it's kinda hard to take it seriously but hopefully the next episode convinces some people even though it gets even wackier later in the story.... lol.
Aug 11, 2021 5:21 AM

Sep 2016
I love how sarcastic & sharp Akira is. The image of Kirisaki wearing a bunny costume caught me off guard, lmao. It’s nice to have some creative punishment even though it’s not the real one.

The production looks sloppy from time to time, but I can see something unique about this anime. Glad that I gave it a shot after watching the introduction.
Aug 14, 2021 11:08 AM

Jul 2008
Akira is far ahead of the game for the most part, but I do want to see when something goes against his predictions.

It's not the most well written show but I am still enjoying it for what it is, nothing is bothering me about the show.
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