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Jul 29, 2021 7:58 AM

Nov 2011
Tears were shed, Rika's awakening returns, and of course, we got the Higurashi-style drama this episode.

It looks like there was no time for fun and games this time. And honestly, it's not surprising that Keiichi once again found himself involved in all this conspiracy. The Oyashiro-sama curse is no joke. Satoko also managed to use her own gun this episode, which I thought was a pretty cool moment for her.
Stark700Jul 29, 2021 10:20 AM
Jul 29, 2021 7:58 AM

Feb 2018
Mion getting crazy, as always.... Sonozaki family is rich and mysterious. however the torture is not too sadistic when compared to some of the previous series. I like the scene of Rika being kicked and then going down into the toilet, I like that scene, it's so funny. So when Mion locks up Keiichi later, Mion have some guest, that guest are Satoko... Idk, why Mion vs Satoko, Satoko can win easily.

*Edit : I have to crop the image
Jul 29, 2021 8:00 AM

Jul 2012
Holy crap, just as fucked up as the leaks shown it to be...

I was expecting all that was coming because I got spoilered, but I was still impressed by the brutality displayed in here (nothing on Nekodamashi level just yet, but still, they only censored the fingernail ripping lol).

Tatariakashi next.

Cool episode, I'll expand my thoughts on it later (in this same comment).


Starting with Mion:
So, HS Mion is an interesting thing. She doesn't take Oryou's word for granted any longer, which was a sign of mutual trust in them to just believe in each other no matter what. Back in Meakashi, it was the sole reason she told Shion Satoshi wasn't Onikakushi'd by the Sonozaki, which was basically her words only, nothing to back it up. We eventually get to know that Oryou truly never lied, but in this case their mutual trust will crumble the moment she gets distrustful from what important people around her says or are implied to have done (which is what the virus does, RIP granny).

She WILL hyperbolize her natural reactions to psychotic, paranoic, even dellusional levels, much like the rest of the cast, and honestly it's all the reason to be distrusful from Oryou for her overall, she knows her family is up to shady business and admits so multiple times, but she usually trusts her word as her sucessor in terms of her dedicated responsibility, and her word is usually all she ever get (and was exactly what she got in Meakashi, her word on "how the Sonozakis are not involved").

Which in turn get us to what we are going for in here. Mion going after not only her household seemingly conspiratory goal, but also everyone from the main families connected to her character plot point, which is a fun change of pace and basically Watanagashi played completely straight, instead of having Shion going nuts lol

As for Rika's position in that regard, well, talk about terrible timing for her to act weird around the person Mion is obsessing with protecting atm lol, not even Satoko expected her to make her disappear Higanbana style (oooof, those are fucked flashbacks). Loved how even with the virus she never loses her good sense completely, it's very reminiscent of K1's own battle against his mental state whenever he is HS'd. Shion and Rena are much more objective with their killing instinct and calculated actions instead, few times actually triggering such humane reactions like the other two when it comes to their friend's well being (to be fair, Rena is a an emotional mess in general, the poor thing would react badly to things even if she wasn't HS'd).

As for Satoko:
When I saw the leaks, I was a bit worried on how the scene would be handled at first. Luckily, it was a badass villain moment instead. She just completely dominates the situation with this arc's infected person, and straights torture a completely psychotic Mion into saying that Rika was done for in a mad rage to trigger a reaction.... which she failed and gets killed right after LOL, that was a really good scene for this ep.

As for the episode on itself:
Honestly, we didn't really need the K1 scene trying to breakout in the narrative (in terms of chronology, which is how they are revisiting stuff here), but whatever, it was short lived. This entire episode felt like five minutes tbh, the pacing was incredibly fast in covering everything it really needed, they didn't really waste time in anything else, which I kinda was expecting (also they are still putting essential info within the narrative like Shion's fingernail torture and such, I guess they are still trying to make this standalone in an overview still, which is kind of a nice touch, but personally I think this complements more to the OG anime experience as an expansion with stuff not adapted form the VN than being a good standalone).

The sound directing was superb yet again, the animation is still a notch better presented (specially in terms of shading and color tonality choice for the presentation) than most of Gou's, like the previous eps honestly, and overall, this was a pretty fun and brutal revisit to this plot (blazing fast too, all things considered, I thought it would be padded a bit more than what it was with the recap scenes for context).

I was a tad bit disappointed with Oniakashi missing some infos I wanted clarified for the aftermatch, but this wasn't the case in here luckily. This was the better revisit so far, I'm looking forward to Tatariakashi. Sounds like THE arc that will change most things in this. going forward.

Sotsu so far is very entertaining, like Higurashi usually tries to be at its core, in Ryukishi's own words in Matsuribayashi:

Ryukishi07 said:

In the end, what was this all for?

If I were to put the answer to that question in one word, it would be "entertainment".

It's not important if you were able to answer the riddles.
After all, if you enjoyed yourself, you won.

Higurashi keeps being the entertaining thrilling fun with silly stuff in between it always was intended to be. I would tone down the blood a bit though, but alas, that was also ADMITEDLY put in there for the fun so.... I guess I'll just not take it the anime too realistically, he also is always quick to point out Higurashi is not like reality at all anyway (and the VN wasn't even as hyper-gruesome despite the raw descriptions) lol

But won't stop me from nitpicking every week about how much blood there is! Anyway, waiting for Satoko's character arc to get addressed better at last.

DanpmssJul 29, 2021 9:52 AM
Jul 29, 2021 8:54 AM

Apr 2018
Oh no, the comeback of the nail torture thing, and the "worst" thing was probably Rika being buried in the toilets, I didn't expect that at all xD anyway now that Satoko has a gun she's totally OP, destroying Mion like that was though, 3 bullets to completely kill her, and of course looping once again after that.
Jul 29, 2021 8:57 AM

Feb 2019
My second fave Higu episode all time. This was fucking amazing. Mion’s descent into madness and her paranoia were on full display, loved the way it was depicted. Even going as far as killing Rika in broad daylight at school, that was wild.

But, nothing tops Satoko pulling a reverse uno card on Mion and shooting her, then taunting her with the “you taught me how to shoot” line. Shooting her hand off was crazy and I love the cheek Satoko gave her at the end. Nothing hotter than a loli that believes in the second amendment.

Can’t wait for next week
Marinate1016Jul 29, 2021 9:03 AM
Jul 29, 2021 8:57 AM

Jul 2017
The underground bunker scene, which depicts the hidden events of Watadamashi, truly is a heinous scene that showcases Wataakashi in the most brutal, fucked up way possible, the analogy of what happened in the background in hidden view.

As expected, this parallels the fact that Mion, under the influence of the Hianmizawa Syndrome, subjugated Mayor Kimiyoshi in the bunker, while her own grandmother Oryo, Shion, Rika, Satoko and Mion's bodies...well, you know the eventual story of what Detective Ooishi had informed Keiichi of the whole post-disaster that is Watadamashi.

Keiichi and Rika's metaphorical conversation about the kitties is a throwback to the OG Higurashi Watanagashi arc, now that's an Easter egg. Of course, Detective Ooishi is on the rat's sniffing trail about this case, and monitoring the situation closely. Keiichi and us the audience getting more context about Mion's actions to protect him from Oyashiro-sama's curse, and Satoko inviting herself to Mion's doors for a cop-out gun shooting bloodbath.

THIS IS ONE DEAD-ASS EPISODE with all the gore, and another reset loop from Satoko.

Tatariakashi is next, the answer arc to Tataridamashi.
Jul 29, 2021 9:05 AM
Nov 2014
Ah, so if you get a boring enough predictable episode, then expect a predictable, but GORY episode the following week. Duly noted.

Another answer arc, another set of episodes showing how everything can be traced back to a syringe of H173. What else should I have expected? :)
Jul 29, 2021 9:15 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
Sotsu has been such a huge improvement compared to season 1. Fantastic episode.
Jul 29, 2021 9:29 AM
May 2015
Really loved this episode. It was just so bloody yet emotional too. Especially with Master and Mion. Sotsu has been great so far. I don't know if it's better than 06 or Kai but it's definitely investing.
Jul 29, 2021 10:08 AM

Oct 2014
Stuff happened and people died, yay.

Didn't expect the nail scene, but at least it was short lived. And thanks for the Meakashi mention, Shion needs everything to make her more relevant here somehow. Anyway, I guess Mion was alright, even if this isn't the scenario of how I would've liked to see her in HS state. But alas. And Satoko did hide her gun under her skirt, secret agent style, huh? Sure.

I still don't get why we need 6 episodes to get here. Everything that had happened so far felt like 2 episodes max, maybe 3 if you want to push it. But no, we need to drag it out because why not.
Jul 29, 2021 10:13 AM

Apr 2020
Such a heartwarming SoL series.
Jul 29, 2021 10:14 AM

Jun 2017
The confrontation between Mion and Satoko was a great farce, and the timing of Rika's tonal shift and death - is Sotsu meant to be a comedy?
Jul 29, 2021 10:20 AM
May 2021
Again and awesome episode of higurashi! I didn't expected to see the nail ripping scene again, the rikas death scene was really brutal and kind of disgusting . And the brutality at the end was just, ahhh.. Satoko bitch I can never forgive you for what u are doing to ur friends 😡. Hyped for the next ep now! See ya guys later
Jul 29, 2021 10:27 AM

Mar 2021
you know, after oniakashi, i was worried that wataakashi was just gonna be more of the same - a pointless answer arc that didn't tell us anything we didn't know after satokowashi. but i was pleasantly surprised. this arc actually did have a lot of intrigue, and i enjoyed it. can't wait to see how they fuck up tataridamashi.

also, i have to say: satoko has FINALLY grown on me, not just as a villain, but as a character. she's so ruthless and sadistic, i can't help but be entertained by her exploits. it makes me even more excited for tataridamashi - i was mad when they rehashed that arc in gou, but now that i actually WANT to see more satoko... i have a feeling a lot is gonna be uncovered here. fingers crossed!
n3k0rinJul 29, 2021 11:21 AM
Jul 29, 2021 10:47 AM

Jan 2018
Wow is Sotsu doing great so far, I've been enjoying every episode.
There are still some small things that just make no sense, as we have seen in this episode for example: Keiichi breaking an iron bar door by dashing into it.
When stuff like this happens i just can't help but laugh but at the end of the day it's just an anime so it doesn't really bother me that much if it isn't realistic.
Jul 29, 2021 10:47 AM

Apr 2009
Shion: After years of emotional abuse, being considered a non person and having her identity stolen, she accidentally murders her grandmother, leading her to a warpath against her family to find out the truth of what happened to her boyfriend, leading to one of the most heart-wrenching narratives of Higurashi

Mion: My ass got injected so I'm going to kill everyone more brutally than Shion because someone looked at my 2 weeks crush funny and I also believe a conspiracy I know for sure isn't real since my whole family is the one manufacturing the rumors.

I see.

Jul 29, 2021 11:04 AM

May 2020
The leaks were right.
Ok episode, the toilet bashing scene is kinda wack to me.. it sounds like something you would find in a Kira parody.

What will really define Sotsu to me is the next few episodes. We will probably be returning to Satoko / or Teppeis persepective. Although I dont expect there to be anything to show expect Satoko faking her abuse, messing with Ooshi, and maybe setting up the end.
Jul 29, 2021 11:23 AM
Jan 2018
EP 6:
Censoring the fingernail scene: Ok

Same episode:
NOT censoring the scene where Satoko shoots on Mion's hand and she lose her fingers: WTF??
JackDSF123Jul 29, 2021 2:37 PM
Jul 29, 2021 11:49 AM
Apr 2016
I need Satoko to suffer... If it's going to end with Rika forgiving her I will lose it
Jul 29, 2021 12:00 PM

Jun 2012
Seeing Rika's lifeless body being carried around and kicked into a toilet is disturbingly funny. Satoko is pretty badass with a gun. I think it was a missed that opportunity though that Satoko didn't shoot herself first immediately after hearing Rika was dead, I would have loved to see Mion's reaction to it and it would have mirrored the scene from S1 where Rika kills herself with a knife.
Haunt-botJul 29, 2021 12:03 PM
Shoot first, think never.
Jul 29, 2021 12:20 PM

Feb 2020
great episode, very horrible but sry i found this kinda funny.

Jul 29, 2021 12:42 PM

Jul 2014
So, why was the fingernail torture scene censored, but Mion's fingers being shot off wasn't?

That aside, while this episode was yet again very light on any meaningful answers, it was interesting to see how Mion was affected by her Hinamizawa Syndrome by believing in the conspiracy that the Great Families were behind the curse and doing everything she could to save Keiichi from that fate. However, the more interesting part of this episode was the small snag in Satoko's plan, that her hands-off approach to these loops (all she does is inject someone to kickstart things differently to what Rika expects) almost ended up backfiring because of how Mion chose to kill Rika and dispose of her body. With how important it is that Satoko die after Rika to keep control of the looping, it's no surprise to see her concerned when Rika disappears and having her confront Mion at gunpoint was an interesting pay-off for Satoko learning how to use the gun.

The question now is what will Sotsu do next? I'm hoping we're done with these alternative PoVs of the Gou arcs now so we can get to actually answering the bigger questions and resolving the Satoko-Rika conflict once and for all.
Jul 29, 2021 12:50 PM
Jul 2018
A fella is gonna need to clip that last scene. The buildup, the voice acting, the animation, the irony, the gun shots, it's just too much and it's perfect. If I could somehow tattoo a video on my body, I'd have it tatted on me
Jul 29, 2021 12:51 PM

May 2020
We got all the higurashi goodness in this ep.but why was the finger nail scene censored but all the other stuff wasn't...well anyways I'm not complaining this was an amazing ep

Jul 29, 2021 1:01 PM

Jul 2015
Yandere Mion hits quite different than Yandere Shion, not gonna lie.

Jul 29, 2021 1:51 PM
Mar 2021
Finally... I see why Fingernail is censored and rushed, i can tell that since Higurashi Sotsu only has 15 episodes so far. Watching How Mion kicked Rika at toilet, also Satoko vs Mion in gun battle actually interesting one.

Overall this episode is awesome. Tatariakashi-hen looks more interesting.
Jul 29, 2021 1:53 PM

Oct 2014
Might have had something meaningfull to say about this episode but I really lost those thoughts while finishing this..

Okay so.. back to censoring stuff it is.
Lmao at people thinking Yamainu was gonna do something here. (hope you finally believe that they're packing)
Lmao at people expecting Mion to go on a rampage with the revolver. (I wonder why the police didn't find Mion's gun, lol)
This is at the level of predictability (or scratch that, that's how it was in GOU) that I can't believe how Naive some people watching this are.
But well, being Naive makes it easier to enjoy this I guess so good for them.

We're nearly half-way there and the next 3-4 episodes will be the worst time wasting we've seen in Higurashi, hurray the Child Welfare War.

OldManHands said:
The confrontation between Mion and Satoko was a great farce, and the timing of Rika's tonal shift and death - is Sotsu meant to be a comedy?
I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case.

JackDSF123 said:
EP 6:
Censoring the nail scene: Ok

Same episode:
NOT censoring the scene where Satoko shoots on Mion's hand and she lose her fingers: WTF??
At this point I think that instead of censoring, they're just adding some unlockable DLCs around the show. Better the buy the Bluray for Full content.

Intelligent gets through situations which wise avoids.
Jul 29, 2021 2:13 PM
Oct 2020
What a shitty way to die... lol
Jul 29, 2021 2:14 PM
Apr 2021
How it was in Gou:
Kei-chan, I've seen something on the roof
Keichi gets ladder, start climbing, Mion start screaming weird things and shake ladder

How it was in Sotsu:
Mion killed Rika in the daytime, no one seen this(neither does Rika seen Mion. Does writers know about Peripheral vision? I mean, Rika should've seen Mion, when she was bullshitting Keichi) everyone start searching Rika on the whole territory of school grounds
Keichi wanted to check toilet, Mion said "I've seen something on the roof"
Keichi went to get the ladder
Mion went to Rika's body, drag it on herself in the DAYTIME right across school grounds and NO ONE SEEN THIS
They she threw the body in the toilet and star almost screaming
Cut out. We didn't get the ladder scene as if it's never was there.

Yeah, tell me about "Answer arcs" that just contradicts question arc like this

Also: Mion know how to shoot, and is a good fighter. She almost pulled the trigger, but Satoko(whose hands were holding just a bottle) somehow pulled the gun from her... somewhere and shoot before Mion(she almost pulled the trigger remembe), and then kicked her in the face, and shoot out her fingers

Also, we haven't seen how Mion shocked Kimiyoshi, because... dunno.
Fingernail rip scene was censored, almost dismemberment wasn't. Yeah, that's definitely logical use of censoring

Also, Mion killed Shion, Oryou and Rika even though she wanted answers, but she tortured Kimiyoshi.
But when Satoko showed up Mion "TAKE THE GUN!!! SHE'S DANGEROUS!!!", do I need to remind you that:
a) Mion doesn't have any reason to suspect Satoko of all people?
b) Shion had reasons to have a grudge against Satoko, and it was shown
c) Mion have no reason to not shock Satoko and ask questions like she did with Kimiyoshi

Also, in Gou Oishi(detective mind you) haven't told us that:
Kimiyoshi was tortured and kinda dismembered
Mion had her fingers shot out by the gun
There was revolver close by

And don't even get me started on "It wasn't Yamainu it was police", even though Oishi said that "someone just happened to hear a gunshot and police appeared later", because we've been shown that police was ready to break in, and they were waiting for something. So they couldn't NOT KNOW that it was Satoko who did the shooting.
Oh, and "It wasn't Yamainu, Mion just said some bullshit and it's just coincedentically was close to Yamainu"

What a bullshit writing
Jul 29, 2021 2:16 PM
Apr 2021
Hulio said:
We're nearly half-way there and the next 3-4 episodes will be the worst time wasting we've seen in Higurashi, hurray the Child Welfare War.

Next five episodes, btw. Tatriakashi will be 5 episodes long. So... residentsleeper mode: ON
Jul 29, 2021 3:27 PM

May 2018
Mion seems unusually "calm and collected" under HS, unlike other characters that usually look completely crazy under it...
Satoko is irredeemable at this point, I cannot stand her. And Rika will most likely forgive her in the end.

Jul 29, 2021 3:44 PM

Sep 2016
of course passione nails the sound design perfectly this season. the animation was relatively well done as well and i really enjoyed the editing and shot composition. the payoff at the end of the episode was immensely satisfying. can't wait for the next episode.
Jul 29, 2021 3:55 PM

Sep 2020
Wait, didn't Mion in the OG know that the curse had nothing to do with the Sonozaki family (or with any of the 3 great families)? Man, this is getting kinda lazy at this point. This arc has just been Meakashi without any of the nuance that Meakashi had.
Jul 29, 2021 4:00 PM
Apr 2021
NekoArc666 said:
Wait, didn't Mion in the OG know that the curse had nothing to do with the Sonozaki family (or with any of the 3 great families)? Man, this is getting kinda lazy at this point. This arc has just been Meakashi without any of the nuance that Meakashi had.

Yep, she knew that Sonozaki(as well as whole Gosanke) has nothing to do with the curse. But SotsuGou writers never bother to learn that syndrome don't make you imbecile that forget any logic and info that you know. Shion had reasons to suspect all three families and Sonozaki's especially, but Mion can't have any reason to do so even under syndrome
Jul 29, 2021 4:02 PM

Jul 2011
'What would happen if Mion developed the syndrome' is actually a nice and intriguing premise. But.. why have her develop it in the exact same way Shion does in the original? Just to make the series newcomer-friendly and follow the 'everything is almost the same but not really' pattern?..

I mean, I see where the decision comes from (and I doubt anyone intended to put much effort/budget in the writing of the loops anyway), but it's just.. a lost opportunity. And the result is pretty dumb because why would Mion even create a conspiracy theory about her own family when she's more or less aware of it's - and village's - affairs, unlike Shion is? (I'll omit my whining about how Shion's character was absolutely damn ruined in the previous episode...)

They could've taken Mion's "I'm too tomboyish and Keichi would never like me the way I am"-complex to the extreme, even despite the doll, or played with the 'sisters exchange' fact and made Mion suspect Shion of wanting to take her right to be the family head back or.. literally whatever else that would be different from Shion's original motivations, really. Sigh.
Jul 29, 2021 4:07 PM
Jan 2021
<you live until rika dies - then you can do it yourself
<you can make red eyes at any time - and look into the shard where she is now
<you don't pay attention to her exactly at the moment when she 1 on 1 with her killer
<she is dying, her corpse has been hidden, the search is underway
<you make your red eyes just for fun - and go to prepare for a trip to the killer's house
<you want to find out personally from the killer what happened to rika
<apparently you expect that rika is being tortured by a killer
<you shoot at the killer, thereby giving the signal for the police to act
<this means the end for the killer in any case and, if rika is alive, ensures that rika is no longer in danger
<if you had just waited - rika would have died under torture or been found dead, in any case-your work has long been done
<you asking a mentally ill person who is seeing hallucinations, what happened to rika
<she says she killed her
<you believe her - and FUCKING SHOOT YOURSELF IN THE HEAD.
Jul 29, 2021 4:35 PM

Jun 2017
When Rika's corpse was stuffed into the toilet....LMAO THAT WAS HILARIOUS!

Also that was a nice callback to the nail ripping in the OG too.

I am not very enthusiastic about the next arc, there is no way we need an answer arc how Satoko got "saved", talk about a huge waste. That arc was was ultra boring in I am not sure they can make it interesting from another POV.
Jul 29, 2021 5:12 PM
Jan 2021
Cumiyoshi? She-on? Orio? - shocker is enough.
don't care, if I could take her in prison and start torturing instead,
don't care, if this make a lot of noise - I don't care.

I was taking a bloody bath all night, and did anyone even noticed the urging fucking smell that I bring with me? - NO. Because ama fucking Michael Myers, nobody can't take me. Shoker in da face - don't care, bleeding neck - don't care, cops on ma tail - don't care. I have the only mission - to protect Key-chi. which means - taking him hostage, locking him without food, and taking key with me.

Some may say - that I already know, that 3 big houses didn't have anything to do with deaths on festival........yes.......about that.....and that fact, that I act exactly like She-on in the original.....and She-on didn't act like in original....she can't use shocker, she don't care about Satoshi, she didn't have any sign of syndrome...the answer is simple.......don't care lol
Jul 29, 2021 5:13 PM

Aug 2019

btw Kumagai aged af
Jul 29, 2021 5:18 PM

Jan 2021
That's a wrap folks on to the next loop.

dame what an ep. Mion did all that b/c she loved keichi
Jul 29, 2021 5:36 PM

Aug 2020
Wow that was a great ass episode, I was not expecting it to be so gruesome. I’m excited to see what else this show has in store😌
Jul 29, 2021 5:38 PM
Jul 2018
Mio even went crazy in relation to Maebara I never imagined she really liked Maebara, this episode was more tense and heavy with events.
Jul 29, 2021 5:44 PM
May 2016
Danpmss said:
Holy crap, just as fucked up as the leaks shown it to be...

I was expecting all that was coming because I got spoilered, but I was still impressed by the brutality displayed in here (nothing on Nekodamashi level just yet, but still, they only censored the fingernail ripping lol).

Tatariakashi next.

Cool episode, I'll expand my thoughts on it later (in this same comment).


Starting with Mion:
So, HS Mion is an interesting thing. She doesn't take Oryou's word for granted any longer, which was a sign of mutual trust in them to just believe in each other no matter what. Back in Meakashi, it was the sole reason she told Shion Satoshi wasn't Onikakushi'd by the Sonozaki, which was basically her words only, nothing to back it up. We eventually get to know that Oryou truly never lied, but in this case their mutual trust will crumble the moment she gets distrustful from what important people around her says or are implied to have done (which is what the virus does, RIP granny).

She WILL hyperbolize her natural reactions to psychotic, paranoic, even dellusional levels, much like the rest of the cast, and honestly it's all the reason to be distrusful from Oryou for her overall, she knows her family is up to shady business and admits so multiple times, but she usually trusts her word as her sucessor in terms of her dedicated responsibility, and her word is usually all she ever get (and was exactly what she got in Meakashi, her word on "how the Sonozakis are not involved").

Which in turn get us to what we are going for in here. Mion going after not only her household seemingly conspiratory goal, but also everyone from the main families connected to her character plot point, which is a fun change of pace and basically Watanagashi played completely straight, instead of having Shion going nuts lol

As for Rika's position in that regard, well, talk about terrible timing for her to act weird around the person Mion is obsessing with protecting atm lol, not even Satoko expected her to make her disappear Higanbana style (oooof, those are fucked flashbacks). Loved how even with the virus she never loses her good sense completely, it's very reminiscent of K1's own battle against his mental state whenever he is HS'd. Shion and Rena are much more objective with their killing instinct and calculated actions instead, few times actually triggering such humane reactions like the other two when it comes to their friend's well being (to be fair, Rena is a an emotional mess in general, the poor thing would react badly to things even if she wasn't HS'd).

As for Satoko:
When I saw the leaks, I was a bit worried on how the scene would be handled at first. Luckily, it was a badass villain moment instead. She just completely dominates the situation with this arc's infected person, and straights torture a completely psychotic Mion into saying that Rika was done for in a mad rage to trigger a reaction.... which she failed and gets killed right after LOL, that was a really good scene for this ep.

As for the episode on itself:
Honestly, we didn't really need the K1 scene trying to breakout in the narrative (in terms of chronology, which is how they are revisiting stuff here), but whatever, it was short lived. This entire episode felt like five minutes tbh, the pacing was incredibly fast in covering everything it really needed, they didn't really waste time in anything else, which I kinda was expecting (also they are still putting essential info within the narrative like Shion's fingernail torture and such, I guess they are still trying to make this standalone in an overview still, which is kind of a nice touch, but personally I think this complements more to the OG anime experience as an expansion with stuff not adapted form the VN than being a good standalone).

The sound directing was superb yet again, the animation is still a notch better presented (specially in terms of shading and color tonality choice for the presentation) than most of Gou's, like the previous eps honestly, and overall, this was a pretty fun and brutal revisit to this plot (blazing fast too, all things considered, I thought it would be padded a bit more than what it was with the recap scenes for context).

I was a tad bit disappointed with Oniakashi missing some infos I wanted clarified for the aftermatch, but this wasn't the case in here luckily. This was the better revisit so far, I'm looking forward to Tatariakashi. Sounds like THE arc that will change most things in this. going forward.

Sotsu so far is very entertaining, like Higurashi usually tries to be at its core, in Ryukishi's own words in Matsuribayashi:

Ryukishi07 said:

In the end, what was this all for?

If I were to put the answer to that question in one word, it would be "entertainment".

It's not important if you were able to answer the riddles.
After all, if you enjoyed yourself, you won.

Higurashi keeps being the entertaining thrilling fun with silly stuff in between it always was intended to be. I would tone down the blood a bit though, but alas, that was also ADMITEDLY put in there for the fun so.... I guess I'll just not take it the anime too realistically, he also is always quick to point out Higurashi is not like reality at all anyway (and the VN wasn't even as hyper-gruesome despite the raw descriptions) lol

But won't stop me from nitpicking every week about how much blood there is! Anyway, waiting for Satoko's character arc to get addressed better at last.

yep, the blood is as excessive as before. As someone who pays attention to details, it bothered me and still is but of course, I won't hate it just because of that. It's more, annoying than something to hate the whole thing for.
Jul 29, 2021 5:53 PM

Mar 2014
Lol she basically turned into Shion, but without the slow descent and actual genuine reasons to suspect everyone... Cba.
I almost died laughing at Mion stuffing Rika's body into a toilet, what the actual fuck.
To be honest, Mion and Satoko's confrontation and whipping their guns out and shit was kinda cool. Especially with Satoko having no hesitation blasting Mion's fingers off lol. And the red lighting, idk if that was the sunset or whatever but it was so cool, really added to the atmosphere. I don't want to admit this but it kinda gave umineko EP 7 tea party vibes ever so slightly, when all the parents were whipping guns on each other. Don't wanna give it too much praise though.

Jul 29, 2021 5:54 PM

Mar 2014
Jin_uzuki said:
Shion: After years of emotional abuse, being considered a non person and having her identity stolen, she accidentally murders her grandmother, leading her to a warpath against her family to find out the truth of what happened to her boyfriend, leading to one of the most heart-wrenching narratives of Higurashi

Mion: My ass got injected so I'm going to kill everyone more brutally than Shion because someone looked at my 2 weeks crush funny and I also believe a conspiracy I know for sure isn't real since my whole family is the one manufacturing the rumors.

I see.

Yup my thoughts exactly

Jul 29, 2021 5:54 PM

Aug 2019
Hulio said:
(I wonder why the police didn't find Mion's gun, lol)
As Rena says, you can't really trust the police lol
Jul 29, 2021 6:03 PM

Mar 2012
The production quality on this is so high. Even if you don't like you way this is written, you cant deny it's artistically impressive, especially the use of colors
Jul 29, 2021 6:12 PM
Jun 2020
I actually thought Mion was going to be the smartest and calculative one if ever she gets the syndrome. But here she just went crazy and kinda dumb.
Jul 29, 2021 6:16 PM

Dec 2008
Mion is just not consistent. Not even talking about this arc vs. other series, but within this episode itself. Does she have a moral core, or not? Her crying while doing horrible things seems so insincere. Not to mention all her "oops" moments that she quickly moves on from. Does she think she's doing the right thing to keep Keiichi safe, or does she do things despite knowing it's wrong? Doesn't seem like Sotsu can decide.
Jul 29, 2021 6:19 PM

Apr 2013
I'm doing a little social experiment by sending people screenshots of Mion's butchered hand asking them if it's a right or left hand, and only two of them got it right, but that's because they literally guessed. Quite a few people wondered if it was a hand with two thumbs, the animators screwed it up that bad among other things wrong with this episode.

Then again, these are the same animators who colored in a rib cage pink. I don't know the kind of quality I should've expected from them.
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