Anime has taught me a lot about stories, but more than that it has shown me the different characters that make up this world. We are all together in this magical, animated experience. Let us enjoy and tell our stories.
My Top 10 Anime
1. Inuyash
2. Fruits Basket
3. Ranma 1/2
4. Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni
5. Neon Genesis Evangelion
6. Berserk
7. Violet Evergarden
8. Fullmetal Alchemist
9. Cowboy Bepop
10. Vinland Saga
My Top 10 Manga
1. Berserk
2. Vagabond
3. A Silent Voice
4. The Flowers of Evil
5. Goodnight Punpun
6. Bitter Virgin
7. Inside Mari
8. Sundome
9. Umineko No Naku Koro Ni
10. Ranma 1/2
My Top 10 Anime Films
1. Castle In The Sky
2. Grave of the Fireflies
3. A Silent Voice
4. Whisper of the Heart
5. Only Yesterday
6. Your Name
7. Princess Mononoke
8. Howl's Moving Castle
9. Kiki's Delivery Service
10. Arrietty
All Comments (17) Comments
Thanks for your message.
Yes, as you suggested, this anime has stirred quite a lot of deeper feelings in me in a way not many anime do. I don't regularly write reviews, but I felt I had something to share on this that wasn't in anything else I was reading. Most reviews out there focused on how the whole anime was about 'time', but I really feel it is about that element of time which we know and recognise as regret. I like both Vinland Saga and Violet Evergarden, but this presented the sentiments of relationships in a way that was less tragic, but underlaid with a sentiment of 'I had so much time but didn't use it in a way I now realise I should have', and it is something of a different kind of journey in how Frieren comes to terms with those feelings; someone who has been largely emotionally inert, but is now awakening emotionally.
Overall I suppose its a bit more SOL and less drama or action. It doesn't have the intensity of VS or VE: it has subtle details in both visuals and dialogue that hit you in the guts when you don't expect it to. To me, it is actually more similar to Bloom Into You (yagate kimi ni naru) because the focus is actually all about the relationships and the layered complexities that contradict, conflict yet interweave, as you peel each away from the last. Or perhaps as well a bit similar to Grimgar of Fire and Ash (gensou no grimgar) - set in a fantasy setting but very much focused on the relationships (except with fan service that then really detract from the deeper parts).
Anyway, I'll end up writing another review if I'm not careful! :)
You could check out any of the manga on my favorites or on my list itself.
Specifically I'll recommend the Bokurano manga. I saw you gave the anime an 8 so you didn't hate it. The manga is the best version of the story as it goes into much more detail for character backstories and the robot battles are much different. However, it is also more depressing and disturbing so be aware of that.
Another recommendation would be for you to check out more of Shuuzo Oshimi's manga since Aku no Hana is on your favorites list.
I also recommend be Onanie Master Kurosawa, I was reminded of it when reading Sundome. Its not as explicit but uses a similar plot device to convey a life lesson.
So even though I didn't like it as much as I hoped I would, I still appreciate you encouraging me to read it!
I highly recommend Macross but freely admit I am biased in favor of the show. Its a product of its time (1982) and far from perfect. It went through quite a few development problems ranging from delays to poorly outsourced animation on some episodes. I'd describe it best as a space opera. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_opera
Its a good mixture of sci-fi mecha action and romance. Its mostly serious though some aspects of the plot are difficult to take seriously but the show operates on its own internal logic rather than logic of our real world. Also if you like music in anime that is another thing its famous for. Japanese singer Mari Iijima became a super star for her role as the Idol character Minmei. Her songs are very catchy and I still listen to them from time to time.
When you do watch Macross I highly recommend you also watch the Macross movie. Macross Do you Remember Love? Its an alternate retelling of the series but with much much better animation. Many people prefer it to the TV series (I don't but it certainly is a sight to behold)
Thanks for explaining Sundome, I'm not at all discouraged. I was just somewhat confused by people saying it was highly sexual but also made them cry. That's a strange juxtaposition (though I have read Shindo L's "Emergence" which gave me a similar reaction) I'll check it out soon!
You also seem to have a mix of some older material and newer shows, that's good. I had a college roommate who refused to watch any anime made before a certain year.
On the subject of dubs. Like a lot of anime fans I started out with dubs and then transitioned to watching subs almost exclusively though I find some dubs are better or at least more enjoyable than the Japanese.
Anyway I'm interested in one of your favorite manga, Sundome. It was already on my plan to read list but maybe with a little extra encouragement I'll get around to reading it. How highly would you recommend it?
Also you have Macross on your watching list!? That was my gateway anime so I love it dearly!
You said "One of the Greatest VA's in Dub Anime History. Shufflle, Rumbling Hearts, Gankutsuou, Haibane Renmei. All amazing performances."
I wholeheartedly agree. You have good taste sir! I tend to watch anime subbed but I make exceptions for Shuffle and Rumbling Hearts due to her roles.
Anyway, according to MAL we have quite a few shows in common as well.
If you're open to it I hope we can become friends. I'm always looking to find likeminded people to discuss anime and manga with.