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Jul 6, 2021 10:36 AM
Mar 2021
Haltija said:
ulltimate_shutup said:
NOTE: the options apply to Asexuals, but in that case its only romantic attraction.

Kind of a bad take since it's not like all asexuals use the SAM anyway. Well I chose "other"
sorry if I got anything wrong, but isn't there sexual and romantic attraction? Like You can be bisexual and biromantic? I don't know much about the topic since I'm not asexual myself πŸ˜…
Jul 6, 2021 10:39 AM
Mar 2021
forgotmyadderall said:
This is one of the better posts + convo cause I was worried when I saw the question because som people on MAL are so annoying and misogynistic, homophobic, ableist, racist etc. Like i get so annoyed sometimes and these comments are mostly good. It's also about given so it prob has a lot to do with that if u watch bl ( not fetishizing) have a little bit higher probability of being decent. ( omni nb)
yeah, MAL has a lot of bad people on the website lol..these comments are mostly good, except for the fact that a big discussion about the validity of fujoshis started πŸ˜… but still, everyone here is mostly nice (also somehow I forgot to include bi/pan/omni nb's) -bi nb
Jul 6, 2021 10:57 AM
Oct 2019
ImwithRazor said:
Yiling_Patriarch said:

Y'all really take Japanese terms and apply your own definition to it. You did it with Otaku and now you've done it to fujoshi, get your own terms for the English community so you don't shut all over the Japanese ones. πŸ™„ Being a Fuji doesn't make you straight. This poll is stupid for implying so.
ok course being a fujoshi doesn't mean you're straight, but in case we're talking about the straight girls that we encounter, because personally I've never seen a mlm saying they're a fujoshi, we're just talking about how bad they are, I totally get what you mean, and you're right but keep in mind what most fujoshis do.

That's because the word fujoshi is usually specific to women, although the definition isn't super hard, so men calling themselves fujoshi is fine. Although most of the time they use fudanshi.the male specific term. KrisPNats one of my favorite anitubers is a bisexual king who uses the term himself.
I think this weird hate of elusive "fujoshis" is really a cover to smear what are originally Japanese names and concepts with your weird western connotations. It's not what fujoshis do. It's like grouping together all Fans of one show and calling the fanbase toxic. You've probably never been a part of said fanbase and are just an on looker who has seen a few people spread around some cringey stuff from said fanbase. Fujoshi are the same. Most just keep to themselves. And often there is an overlap between fujoshi and Yuri fans or shoujo fans.
I just don't know why westerners are reaching so hard to smear Japanese terms. Fujoshi or yaoi, you have made up your own definitions for these terms not based off of the worst parts of the community and then declared that there are new and purer words that must be used. No. They are fine terms. Use them at your leisure with the proper cultural context in mind.
Yiling_PatriarchJul 6, 2021 11:03 AM
Jul 6, 2021 11:15 AM
Feb 2021
Yiling_Patriarch said:
ImwithRazor said:
ok course being a fujoshi doesn't mean you're straight, but in case we're talking about the straight girls that we encounter, because personally I've never seen a mlm saying they're a fujoshi, we're just talking about how bad they are, I totally get what you mean, and you're right but keep in mind what most fujoshis do.

That's because the word fujoshi is usually specific to women, although the definition isn't super hard, so men calling themselves fujoshi is fine. Although most of the time they use fudanshi.the male specific term. KrisPNats one of my favorite anitubers is a bisexual king who uses the term himself.
I think this weird hate of elusive "fujoshis" is really a cover to smear what are originally Japanese names and concepts with your weird western connotations. It's not what fujoshis do. It's like grouping together all Fans of one show and calling the fanbase toxic. You've probably never been a part of said fanbase and are just an on looker who has seen a few people spread around some cringey stuff from said fanbase. Fujoshi are the same. Most just keep to themselves. And often there is an overlap between fujoshi and Yuri fans or shoujo fans.
I just don't know why westerners are reaching so hard to smear Japanese terms. Fujoshi or yaoi, you have made up your own definitions for these terms not based off of the worst parts of the community and then declared that there are new and purer words that must be used. No. They are fine terms. Use them at your leisure with the proper cultural context in mind.
I know it's not good to generalize, and yes I have been and I am in fandoms that are very often generalized, but like I said I'm only talking by personally experience, I've never encountered a non homophobic straight girl that calls herself a fujoshi. Of course not everyone is like that but when you always encounter the same people in that determined group, you are gonna associate the people that you've encountered to the next time you hear the name of the fandom, it just happens, and I personally have been treated really bad by a lot of fujoshis so of course if someone says to me that they're a fujoshi I'm gonna feel suspicious and uncomfortable.
Jul 6, 2021 11:19 AM

Jun 2014
Well, I'm attracted to some male anime characters, but I'm not really attracted to real life guys, so I'm not sure what that means.

I identify as bisexual, but I'm always questioning whether I am or not.

March 23rd, 2022 update: I'm trans, and I'm strictly a lesbian now. I would never watch an anime like Given ever again.
_-_Sally_-_Mar 23, 2022 4:05 PM

Jul 6, 2021 11:22 AM
Mar 2021
ImwithRazor said:
Yiling_Patriarch said:

That's because the word fujoshi is usually specific to women, although the definition isn't super hard, so men calling themselves fujoshi is fine. Although most of the time they use fudanshi.the male specific term. KrisPNats one of my favorite anitubers is a bisexual king who uses the term himself.
I think this weird hate of elusive "fujoshis" is really a cover to smear what are originally Japanese names and concepts with your weird western connotations. It's not what fujoshis do. It's like grouping together all Fans of one show and calling the fanbase toxic. You've probably never been a part of said fanbase and are just an on looker who has seen a few people spread around some cringey stuff from said fanbase. Fujoshi are the same. Most just keep to themselves. And often there is an overlap between fujoshi and Yuri fans or shoujo fans.
I just don't know why westerners are reaching so hard to smear Japanese terms. Fujoshi or yaoi, you have made up your own definitions for these terms not based off of the worst parts of the community and then declared that there are new and purer words that must be used. No. They are fine terms. Use them at your leisure with the proper cultural context in mind.
I know it's not good to generalize, and yes I have been and I am in fandoms that are very often generalized, but like I said I'm only talking by personally experience, I've never encountered a non homophobic straight girl that calls herself a fujoshi. Of course not everyone is like that but when you always encounter the same people in that determined group, you are gonna associate the people that you've encountered to the next time you hear the name of the fandom, it just happens, and I personally have been treated really bad by a lot of fujoshis so of course if someone says to me that they're a fujoshi I'm gonna feel suspicious and uncomfortable.
yep. I have never met someone who identifies as a fujoshi that ISNT a homophobic fetishizer. I know it's not all fujoshis, but we were talking about the straight lesbophobic girls.
Jul 6, 2021 11:34 AM

Jun 2014
ulltimate_shutup said:
Seiya said:
Well, I'm attracted to some male anime characters, but I'm not really attracted to real life guys, so I'm not sure what that means.

I identify as bisexual, but I'm always questioning whether I am or not.
there's a thing called comhet (compulsory heterosexuality) where lesbians/nblw experience attraction towards men they can never reach/be with. That includes celebrities, fictional men..ect. They can still Basically, they identify as bisexual, when in reality they might be lesbian. You should search it up, it actually helped me discover my sexuality :)

But, I'm not a woman. I'm a guy.

Also, I'm attracted to feminine guys, but not masculine ones. I also find vaginas gross, but I find penises okay.

March 23rd, 2022 update: Lol, this post didn't age well, did it? I am a woman now, and I'm not attracted to guys at all anymore.
_-_Sally_-_Mar 23, 2022 4:07 PM

Jul 6, 2021 1:14 PM
Jun 2020
Seiya said:
ulltimate_shutup said:
there's a thing called comhet (compulsory heterosexuality) where lesbians/nblw experience attraction towards men they can never reach/be with. That includes celebrities, fictional men..ect. They can still Basically, they identify as bisexual, when in reality they might be lesbian. You should search it up, it actually helped me discover my sexuality :)

But, I'm not a woman. I'm a guy.

Also, I'm attracted to feminine guys, but not masculine ones. I also find vaginas gross, but I find penises okay.

Yeah, you’re prolly biromantic if so, but asexual.
Might be, you are okay with pps since u have one lmao simple as it is.
And it’s okay to have preferences regardles someone’s looks too :οΌ‰
Jul 6, 2021 2:02 PM

Feb 2010
ulltimate_shutup said:
Haltija said:

Kind of a bad take since it's not like all asexuals use the SAM anyway. Well I chose "other"
sorry if I got anything wrong, but isn't there sexual and romantic attraction? Like You can be bisexual and biromantic? I don't know much about the topic since I'm not asexual myself πŸ˜…

There are people who have a separate sexual and romantic identity, yes. But there are also a lot of people who dismiss asexuality by saying that the romantic hetero/homo/bi identity is the "real" identity and asexuality is just some "modifier" and not a real sexuality.... I've seen this so much, even in school books in my country, and it's so harmful because it sets the idea that hetero/homo/bi identities are the "actual" identities and asexuality is something less important. It becomes especially difficult with aromantic asexuals and asexuals who don't use any romantic orientation terms. Stuff like the poll, I'm sure it works for the asexuals to whom their hetero/homo/bi romantic orientation is more relevant than their asexuality and that's valid and all. But to me especially since I see asexuality as the primary identity term, it just seemed kind of odd to me that asexuals were spread all across the options.

No it's not something serious but a bit of a pet peeve of mine.
Jul 6, 2021 2:51 PM
Mar 2021
Haltija said:
ulltimate_shutup said:
sorry if I got anything wrong, but isn't there sexual and romantic attraction? Like You can be bisexual and biromantic? I don't know much about the topic since I'm not asexual myself πŸ˜…

There are people who have a separate sexual and romantic identity, yes. But there are also a lot of people who dismiss asexuality by saying that the romantic hetero/homo/bi identity is the "real" identity and asexuality is just some "modifier" and not a real sexuality.... I've seen this so much, even in school books in my country, and it's so harmful because it sets the idea that hetero/homo/bi identities are the "actual" identities and asexuality is something less important. It becomes especially difficult with aromantic asexuals and asexuals who don't use any romantic orientation terms. Stuff like the poll, I'm sure it works for the asexuals to whom their hetero/homo/bi romantic orientation is more relevant than their asexuality and that's valid and all. But to me especially since I see asexuality as the primary identity term, it just seemed kind of odd to me that asexuals were spread all across the options.

No it's not something serious but a bit of a pet peeve of mine.
Ah, thanks for clearing it up lol. I'll try to keep that in mind.
Jul 6, 2021 3:09 PM

Aug 2020
I have a lot lgbt friends and they really good people and To be honest much prefer for lgbt friends than straight. They are more attentive and approachable when you have a problem.

I’m not against being lgbt as long as they don’t do bad things and interfere with other lives.
free candies: premium candies:
Jul 6, 2021 3:10 PM
Mar 2021
Ahrum said:
I have a lot lgbt friends and they really good people and To be honest much prefer for lgbt friends than straight. They are more attentive and approachable when you have a problem.

I’m not against being lgbt as long as they don’t do bad things and interfere with other lives.
alright? I wasn't asking if you're homophobic lmfao
Jul 7, 2021 12:40 AM
Apr 2021
ImwithRazor said:
Bucketly said:
Glad there was only one fujoshi in the poll. Those mfs scare me.
exactly like, I had a conversation with one of them and they literally fetishize mlm relationships, but then find wlw relationships disgusting, like plss.
wtf that's just weird man dont get me wrong I love seeing an adorable gay couple as much as the next person but to go as fair as they do is just weird man also to only support mlm relationships and not wlw relationships is just not right
Jul 7, 2021 12:44 AM
Apr 2021
ImwithRazor said:
JadaK said:
great! bc ive watched two bls (also teh most popular, yuri on ice and given. i liked them, but they weren’t better than a good male female romance imo
and that's totally fine I prefer to consume queer content because I'm queer, but I also enjoy good romance anime regardless of the sexuality of the characters.
I agree I watch more queer content because I relate to it but I just love watching two characters fall in love
Jul 7, 2021 12:44 AM
Apr 2021
ImwithRazor said:
JadaK said:
great! bc ive watched two bls (also teh most popular, yuri on ice and given. i liked them, but they weren’t better than a good male female romance imo
and that's totally fine I prefer to consume queer content because I'm queer, but I also enjoy good romance anime regardless of the sexuality of the characters.
I agree I watch more queer content because I relate to it but I just love watching two characters fall in love
Jul 7, 2021 1:27 AM
Mar 2021
Ell16 said:
ImwithRazor said:
exactly like, I had a conversation with one of them and they literally fetishize mlm relationships, but then find wlw relationships disgusting, like plss.
wtf that's just weird man dont get me wrong I love seeing an adorable gay couple as much as the next person but to go as fair as they do is just weird man also to only support mlm relationships and not wlw relationships is just not right
yeah like, when I see two dudes outside sometimes I think "damn they'd make a cute couple" but hating wlw is just not ok. Liking Bl/Yaoi is perfectly fine, unless you hate on yuri/GL. Double standards aren't ok.
Jul 7, 2021 4:52 PM

Jan 2021
Why is fujoshi a option now??? Is it a sexuality??? Didn’t know that
Jul 7, 2021 4:57 PM

Aug 2017
Yeah, I'm gay, male, fudanshi and I love Given.

BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. ζ—₯本
Jul 7, 2021 11:57 PM
Mar 2021
xershey said:
Why is fujoshi a option now??? Is it a sexuality??? Didn’t know that
nope, just wanted to see how many straight female "fujoshi" there are
Jul 9, 2021 9:34 AM
Jul 2018
why... why do i have to be lgbtq to like mlm? genuine question. i've just gotten into the bl fandom and it seems that straight people aren't allowed to be fans (especially if you're female for some reason) can someone please explain why? T•T is it the same for lgbtq people supporting hetrosexual relationships?

that's all. i would appreciate your answer. thanks :)
Jul 9, 2021 9:44 AM
Mar 2021
cornniblitz said:
why... why do i have to be lgbtq to like mlm? genuine question. i've just gotten into the bl fandom and it seems that straight people aren't allowed to be fans (especially if you're female for some reason) can someone please explain why? T•T is it the same for lgbtq people supporting hetrosexual relationships?

that's all. i would appreciate your answer. thanks :)
No, you're allowed to like it. But fetishizing it is wrong. People seem to think that being straight and liking BL=fetishizing it. This was specifically applying to straight female fujoshi.
Jul 9, 2021 9:55 AM

Dec 2016
Wow, that's a lot of Bi women.
Jul 9, 2021 10:35 AM
Jul 2018
I'm a lesbian, for the sexuality part, although I'd call me panromantic.
However you call it, I try every kind of romance, if I think that I could like it, because it's quite close minded to avoid romances because of their gender.
I also have seen queer people, who avoid straight romances at all cost and I think that's equally dumb as homophobes avoiding queer romances.

Btw. I really liked Given; the series. The movie on the other hand ... meh. I don't want to spoiler, but there were scenes that I didn't like at all.
removed-userJul 9, 2021 11:17 AM
Jul 12, 2021 11:40 AM

May 2017
Bob-o-Dominador said:
Wow, that's a lot of Bi women.

I was predicting it, For me, the main reason is I can't find good GL anime like Given. most of the Shoujo-ai/yuri animes have a weak plot or full of fanservice for male Audiences. and in some cases, there is the main male character between the couple or watch them!
Lesbians in the anime are like what men like to see them.
I watched many romances and dramas, and I found the New BL animes have a good plot. sometimes I think maybe cause of their female Author and the way she narrates drama that many women watch BL.
Jul 12, 2021 11:45 AM

Jan 2020
I'm a straight female, and I'm glad all of us from all different sexualities are enjoying Given. It's a great show.
I sometimes forget to finish my sentences.
Jul 12, 2021 11:58 AM
Aug 2019
tf is omni ban pin min tin im living in a simulation
Jul 17, 2021 7:07 PM
Mar 2021
Is it me or I rarely see LGBTQ people watch LGBTQ anime? Most of the people who watch it are fujoshi
Jul 22, 2021 11:43 PM

Jun 2020
Why is this a thread over anime?

Even If We Painstakingly Piece Together Something Lost, It Doesn't Mean Things Will Ever go Back To How They Were - Guts

Jul 28, 2021 12:38 PM

Oct 2014
nic0_chan said:
Is it me or I rarely see LGBTQ people watch LGBTQ anime? Most of the people who watch it are fujoshi
There are not many anime targeted at LGBTQ people. Good representation is hard to find. These days it is getting better with anime such as Given, Stars Align, Bloom Into You, and Moriarty the Patriot.
Aug 2, 2021 2:15 PM

Sep 2017
Sadly there aren't many great LGBT anime out there, Junjou Romantica kinda scares me so the only ones I've watched are Given, Doukyuusei and Umibe no Etranger, and they portrayed gay relationships quite realistically (except that part in Given where every man is gay, what a dream world it is), nothing like JR for example

And to answer the poll, I'm a gay cis man
I'm surprised to see the amount of bi women in this poll though
Aug 19, 2021 11:49 PM
Jun 2021
a0t3a said:
Yo fujos I just want you to know if you are not a Japanese woman you aren't a fujo you're just a weirdo πŸ’— no one likes you
hay let's not do that now if ever they cross the line or anything we'll stop them if they're just watching yaoi behind closed doors or in their own comfort zone I'm happy so let's just respect that.....I guess??
Aug 20, 2021 5:30 AM
Apr 2020
Nurguburu said:
Yeah, I'm gay, male, fudanshi and I love Given.

Gay men stay showing why no one likes them 🀞
Aug 20, 2021 5:31 AM
Apr 2020
kim_tina_4404 said:
a0t3a said:
Yo fujos I just want you to know if you are not a Japanese woman you aren't a fujo you're just a weirdo πŸ’— no one likes you
hay let's not do that now if ever they cross the line or anything we'll stop them if they're just watching yaoi behind closed doors or in their own comfort zone I'm happy so let's just respect that.....I guess??

hun... What I said was an objective fact. Fujoshi is an east asian woman who consumes bl and content with queer men. White women can not be fujos
Aug 20, 2021 5:33 AM

Mar 2015
I'm super straight, where does that fit in?
Aug 21, 2021 8:31 AM
Jun 2021
a0t3a said:
kim_tina_4404 said:
hay let's not do that now if ever they cross the line or anything we'll stop them if they're just watching yaoi behind closed doors or in their own comfort zone I'm happy so let's just respect that.....I guess??

hun... What I said was an objective fact. Fujoshi is an east asian woman who consumes bl and content with queer men. White women can not be fujos
I know but thanks for the reply (this is for everyone)

If u watch or fetishist gay or lesbian ppl do all u want but please don't give us ur options I myself am a bi girl but when I read a comment or a opinion about fetishism on lgbtq I can't help but get chills do whatever you want but don't be homophobic and don't share ur opinions....bye?
Aug 23, 2021 7:06 PM
Apr 2020
Mirai said:
I'm super straight, where does that fit in?

Dead joke. We all know youre gay
Oct 27, 2021 9:05 AM
Dec 2017
I'm fudanashi basically in my case.

Dec 5, 2021 12:30 PM
Jul 2018
a0t3a said:
Nurguburu said:
Yeah, I'm gay, male, fudanshi and I love Given.

Gay men stay showing why no one likes them 🀞
the fuck is wrong with you πŸ’€
Mar 4, 2022 3:29 PM

May 2015
I’m panromantic asexual (specifically agensexual) and agender.

Someone give it to me straight: do these two end up together in the end? I know there’s apparently a happy ending but is there one relationship-wise? Because I am a very weak-willed ho and will cry if there is a breakup.

ETA: I just binge watched it all. We good.
SuranaMar 4, 2022 10:19 PM
"It's a tragic misunderstanding that could have been easily avoided if he just finished his sentence in time!"

— Richard Watterson (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Mar 4, 2022 3:31 PM

Aug 2020
Well i'm bingender, so like,

yeah i'm kinda everything yet not lol

Has a 8.60 mean score
Akasaka > Other Mangakas

Mar 4, 2022 3:35 PM

May 2018
I think I watched one or two episodes of this, it's been on hold for a while. I am a lesbian.
Apr 1, 2022 12:33 AM

Jul 2021
Bucketly said:
Glad there was only one fujoshi in the poll. Those mfs scare me.

Hello!! nice to meet you :)
Jul 26, 2022 8:17 AM
Jul 2018
I came back to this thread, I don't know how long It was since I gave a response but its fun to lookback at my answer (Straight) while I'm currently going through a phase of not really being sure.
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