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Jun 15, 2021 9:32 PM
Jun 2008
History sure repeats itself, isn't it?

I think this ending for this series shows that Bushiroad might make a sequel starring Asahi, but it'll be the same revenge plot where she must kill Rinko and possibly the military junta if they go that far.

Yes, it's a sad ending but man, it felt anti-climactic when Sawa Yukimura didn't go for the kill against Jin Kuzuhara. Instead, Jin flees the battle and kills the now-ailing shogun in cold blood.
Jun 15, 2021 11:08 PM
Mar 2020
that's a fun ride, kinda disappointing that they killed Sawa like that, it's pretty dumb but i like the story, artstyle, sound effects, music and the animation, i enjoy watching it, it could be bad for others but for self-enjoyment im rating it 8/10, i love how the ending is something like that, idk if Asahi actually living in piece but seems like it does also that child with Asahi, is it the daughter of the blonde girl?
Jun 15, 2021 11:12 PM
Mar 2020
Ryuseishun said:

Just utterly boring, perplexing, and underwhelming. Not to mention, quite forgettable at best. Started out interesting enough but literally zero character development and just a bunch of haphazard plotting and silly dramatic beats. The aesthetics were good in areas but not all that impressive. Even without considering the low demographic, this show is just fundamentally discombobulated. For something supposedly different from the usual seasonals, it turned out even worse than just generic. Nothing felt truly resolved, more of an abridged story of sorts with no weight to make up for it. The emotions of the ending ringed hollow for me.
why you even finished it if you thought it's boring? being sarcastic tsundere?
Jun 15, 2021 11:27 PM

Feb 2010
theGodde said:
when they cut away to the credits, I thought they were going to make her death ambiguous. But no. At that point why not just show the blood to confirm? They basically were just making her death intentionally vague for no reason. They were just assholes. In fact this entire series has been full of weird decisions. Ruined every single character one by one with bad writing. In the first four episodes, it was still kinda messy but at least it made sense. After Janome died it took a steep dive off a cliff into raging rapids, full of razor sharp rocks that tore the story to pieces. This isn't an anime, this is a travesty

They did.

Her bleeding has gotten so bad by the end, it was seeping through not only the clothes she was out in, but also through the overcoat she grasped for and put on with her back to the corner while Asahi was pouring her some water.

And I'm pretty sure you'd be able to find plenty of things foreshadowing those "zomg how could this be?!" moments of writing on a second watch.

justlynn6785 said:
As for Jin - wth? Did I miss the reason he felt compelled to stay in that burning tower and die? Why didn’t he just fly out of there? He basically threw his life away for absolutely nothing, since the shogun was already doomed, and Sawa was killed the same day. What crap.

Did you miss the part where Jin was already suffering from intense pain due to Janome's drug a couple of episodes ago? He knew he was dying, it was inevitable. He managed to keep it up longer than most others, but that drug is a death sentence.

He did what he thought he had to do, both for Sawa, for Japan, and for himself. He defeated the figure he was scared of since his childhood, the one who controlled his life, gave him a degrading name, and stayed out of focus while building an unrealistic legend around himself.

Besides, had he survived, he'd still have been guilty of slaughtering the entire Karasumori village. There was no way he could even hope of living a normal life and staying around Sawa with that guilt on his shoulders, and her knowing it.
Jun 15, 2021 11:32 PM

Dec 2014
Overall a pretty average show was sad to see Sawa die at the end, but I was expecting her to die anyway. Nice to see an older Asahi during the time skip, but how has Asahi got the blue blood now?
Jun 15, 2021 11:40 PM

Oct 2016
Overall, the show can be a hit or miss but to be honest, I liked that ending. It was a shame that Sawa died but it made sense. And it made me understand Jin more, I should have thought of it already when I saw his backstory. All this time he was just atoning for his sins. This ending was hella depressing though, Sawa's final conversation with Asahi was really sad.

At least Elena managed to be free and live a happy life or at least I hope so. Asahi looks so good at the end though and as said in the diary the reason she was able to survive being slashed by Tsuki is because of the Karasumori blood which explains how she got Sawa's power, that was honestly pretty cool. I give the show a 6.5/10 ~ 7/10

Rest in peace Jin and Sawa.
Jun 16, 2021 12:43 AM

Nov 2007
Anime gets stage this October and November w. same main casts from the original anime
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jun 16, 2021 2:13 AM

Feb 2019
A fitting end for the show, in that it was all about telling Sawa to go sit in the corner and she wailed over her powerlessness only to go obligingly sit in the corner and die with barely a whimper. It really digs the knife in deep by having Jin go fly off to kill the evil Emperor just to show him already on death's door, pathetic, cowardly, and begging for his life while the revolution finally takes down the government, rendering the double-extra regicide absolutely pointless. But sure, it's cool that you finally got around to killing him approximately five minutes before a random mob completely unrelated to you did.

And then, because we fancy ourselves high drama, everybody pretty much spontaneously dies. Dude stands in fire out of a martyr complex and Sawa gets knifed in the kidney by whose-her-face, that mini-boss she beat last week. Yes, yes. Very tragic. Nothing says sad like milking an eight minute death scene for a character who has been checked out for the last two months real time, seven or so months in show time. Truly people struggling for life, cut down in their prime. Except for the part where she spent the last eight episodes wallowing in despair, and even at the end, was still profoundly suicidal. This show completely lost its way after the opening arc and if there were any more episodes, I would absolutely expect them to bring Sawa (and Jun) back to life yet again.
Jun 16, 2021 2:45 AM

Aug 2008
It wasnt a bad one, but could been better. I wish they made a teen asahi different it was just sawa two just having other hair color. She copy sawa in any way. Was kind of a bummer cus they change her personality at 180 degree
Her death reminded me of ash from banana fish only that there i even shared a tear here i was o well
6 from 10
The spider is watching
Jun 16, 2021 3:20 AM

Apr 2013
I wasn't ready for the feels.
Jun 16, 2021 4:31 AM

Jul 2016
justaway_neo said:
What a horrible ending. I was honestly going to forgive the bad writing if they could at least nail the ending but nah, they still went and had Sawa die. Her death just felt so unnecessary especially when Tokugawa had just died, there's literally no reason for her to be assassinated anymore.

Truly was a shitty end to a shitty show with genuine promise after the first 2 episodes.
Jun 16, 2021 5:30 AM

Dec 2020
I'm confused at how Asahi magically gained Sawa's powers when she doesn't have blue blood?
And Sawa's death was so weak, too. Overall disappointed despite the art being so beautiful. I was very confused whilst watching this but wanted to see if overall it would be worth it.

For me, it wasn't.
Jun 16, 2021 6:09 AM
Apr 2021
This series was dope I hope it comes back one day!
Jun 16, 2021 6:15 AM

Jan 2019
Ah, man... I'm legit sad now, and it's not because the ending was well executed. This show actually showed potential halfway through and only now I realize I expected something out of it. There was character development. Characters started being more likable and I could care about them. I wanted to see where the story was going, but it keep going always the most obvious route. Now it ends like this, with little impact left on my memories except disappointment.

Yes, sure, this show gave me depression by killing Sawa that way. But that's not how you make good drama for a tragic story. You can't just kill 80% of every living thing in the cast and call it a day. And killing off your MC without any real need to (all of the plot was already finished FFS) is just a cheap move for emotional value. But it doesn't accomplish anything. It didn't make Asahi any better as a character than she already was - and don't even get me started on how tf she got Sawa's skills. It didn't portray a theme that we hadn't already seen. It didn't give meaning to Sawa's life or rest to her clan's burden, on the contrary, in fact. It didn't make me cry even though the directing in the last scene itself was well done (in Asahi's last conversation with Sawa). Because it didn't carry any message. They just killed her. Unless those quotes in the ending have some deeper cultural meaning Japan that I didn't get, of course. Still, what an unsatisfying way to make a story end.

And Jin's actions, too... wow. He spent years taking care of a village and growing attached to its people. But then, because of a simple possibility of them being attacked and their blood stolen, instead of protecting them (what he was assigned to do), he murdered every single one of them. No, wait, he stops at Sawa because she is the child of the woman he loved. He remembers her motherly teachings with the wolves or something and that triggers a will to save and raise Sawa, even though he surely killed other kids in the village as well as the actual person he loved the most. Then, he proceeds to put the girl he swore to protect in a gritty world of revenge and violence, as government puppet, being fully aware that she would either die trying to avenge her clan or one day arrive at the truth and rebel against him, at this point having found her entire life to be pointless. Also, he lets her grow attached to a child who he'd not hesitate to kill if she became a nuisance. Then, he brings her back to life because... anyway, he has a freaking lifetime to observe the effects of his actions on Sawa, but does nothing about it, only regretting it all in the last second. He sacrifices for her (and yes, he had to because he put her in that vulnerable position in first place) and at last lets himself get killed, leaving nothing for Sawa in return now that he made her experience pain that is beyond healing.

Does that sound like a convincing, fulfilling and well written plot to you? It doesn't to me.
SheklonJun 16, 2021 7:15 PM
Jun 16, 2021 6:20 AM

Nov 2013
well that wasn't anything special really but till the last episode i hoped/thought sawa would survive so it did make me sad a bit but otherwise it was nice to see grown asahi she's really beautiful and the little satsuki or whatever her name was it was also nice to see her
Jun 16, 2021 7:55 AM

Nov 2011
The ending of this anime took the score from a 7.5 down to a six. This was so fucking dumb dude. Like there was no reason for Sawa to be killed the damn Shogun was done so there was no reason for that assassin (name i am forgetting) to Kill Sawa. And now Asahi after escaping death TWICE has the Karasuramori blood in her??? HELLO???

I also think the anime could have given us better fights overall but whatever. Average anime at the end of the day.
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Jun 16, 2021 8:01 AM

Dec 2018
I might be the only one, but I actually liked this anime ^^, my fav episode was episode 10 :)
Jun 16, 2021 8:37 AM

Mar 2016
XyrusKun said:
Ryuseishun said:

Just utterly boring, perplexing, and underwhelming. Not to mention, quite forgettable at best. Started out interesting enough but literally zero character development and just a bunch of haphazard plotting and silly dramatic beats. The aesthetics were good in areas but not all that impressive. Even without considering the low demographic, this show is just fundamentally discombobulated. For something supposedly different from the usual seasonals, it turned out even worse than just generic. Nothing felt truly resolved, more of an abridged story of sorts with no weight to make up for it. The emotions of the ending ringed hollow for me.
why you even finished it if you thought it's boring? being sarcastic tsundere?

Lol "sarcastic tsundere". How classy.

At least I had something to care about at the time, like my curiosity in how it'll finish and if the ending would be a decent resolution, OR how the animation looked good at times especially during the action parts.
I didn't get anything of added value, sadly.
Jun 16, 2021 9:39 AM

Oct 2020
Zerity said:
End was dope but was confused on how she died unless it was the stab wound from that dude from behind

It wasn't a dude, it was the girl with the claw hands xD. Very, very anticlimatic lol

Jun 16, 2021 9:49 AM

Jul 2012
Man, that ending just ruined pretty much all the goodwill the show had built up for me over the course of the show. I'd cut it some slack when they sort of soap-opera backpedaled out of the Diabolus ex Machina they'd set up at the start of this third arc, when they undid probably the worst part of that and set up, at the end of the previous episode Saya setting out to kill the Shogun and smash the state, to create a world where Asahi would be safe even if Saya didn't survive the process...

...only for the writer and director to go "Nah" and have Jin swoop in (literally!), take Saya's sword - symbolically depriving her of her agency and of her mechanism for revenge, before also taking the act of revenge away from her, and then for good measure, Saya just get shanked in the back on the way back to the bookstore by a character who she spared as an act of compassion as her assertion of her own identity.

All of that, on its own, was bad. Having Akudama Drive have come out before this made it worse.

So that context (in terms of other series that are out there) makes this decision feel more galling.
Jun 16, 2021 10:19 AM

Dec 2013
It is a shame it ended like that, I got my hopes up but I liked a lot that final scene.
Jun 16, 2021 10:19 AM
Dec 2007
Show was alright. It sort of reminds me of Warlords of Sigrdrifa, where you had some great art, music and production values wasted on a bland story. At least with Warlords the characters were fun, the characters in this were sort of bleh.
Jun 16, 2021 11:05 AM

Feb 2016
SoraSenpai said:
And now Asahi after escaping death TWICE has the Karasuramori blood in her??? HELLO???

This probably has something do with how Jin managed to save her. I mean, there was a reason why they showed us those pills multiple times. They literally showed us those pills in every episode since they appeared.

I still hate the ending, though. Heroine does nothing and dies. Jin sacrifices his life to change the world so Sawa may live in peace but she dies and shogun was a senile old fart that would die either way. So he throws away his life (kinda, since he was dying anyway) and accomplishes nothing in the end.
What's even worse, "circle of hatred and vengeance" continues with Asahi. So nobody accomplishes anything and nothing changes (well, rebellion is successful but it had nothing to do with our protagonists...). Completely unsatisfactory and depressing.
Jun 16, 2021 12:45 PM
Apr 2018
I got to say ending was unintentionally hilarious for me because I could almost hear Rinko say: "heh, nothing personal kid". Serves Sawa right though, that's why you kill your enemies dead instead of showing mercy like a complete moron.

Also this makes Asahi indirectly responsible for Sawas' death since she is the one who told her to stop killing, leaving Rinko alive to stab. So ironically Asahi actually did avenge her parents deaths in the end.
Jun 16, 2021 3:10 PM
Sep 2019
Welp, first time back here after some time away

Have just finished this anime. While it isn't your nice and innocent typical 'high school harem series'...the ending was not quite what it should have been

1.Sawa dies? Admittedly, from a stab wound..from an old enemy who had reason to stab her...after all , Sawa did wreck her internal mechanism last time out sort of...but still it was upsetting.
On the other hand, Sawa, and by extension Jin , had to die. They were the last of an old system that needed to go. And in a way, with Sawa would never have ended. (Blue blood being the secret of eternal life..or something.)

2.Asahi lives, and grows up into a mature girl. But she wants to do..what? Revenge, on whom...or carry on a mission? The old enemy is dead really. Maybe there is a sequel where we learn more secrets...

It is a good show...8/10 for the fact that it isn't a 'typical' anime...but, we somehow did not get all the answers we wanted. At least that's how I feel somehow.
Jun 16, 2021 4:35 PM

Sep 2013
Reading some comments about the ending here and I think some people really should pay more attention to what you guys are reading. Some things were rushed and anticlimactic, but nothing really came out of nowhere. It was quite interesting to watch, though.
Jun 16, 2021 4:46 PM

Oct 2008
Asahi, became 17 yrs old, is now super pretty and has blue blood that Sawa has! so cool! And she's also accompanying the child of Elena!

Jun 16, 2021 4:52 PM
Mar 2021
Its now episode 12 and its good, and the last episode as well.. as i thought, once one is in the dark, one cant escape towards the light.. and history will repeat itself, as the one in the light would now sink into the dark, seeking vengeance for those which took away the love they once had.. there is always a thin line between love and hate, which is why history will always repeat itself.. as it becomes a story becomes a tragedy if one lets it become one.. and when all should have ended, some would always do something stupid just for their selfish sakes.. just like what happened to sawa, yoshinobu was indeed killed, but sawa also was killed by remnants of the darkness.. thus asahi, her light, has now turned to the darkness for vengeance.. life is short, appreciate what u really have when ur still alive.. unlike some people which doesnt have that luxury.. anyways, i rate the anime a 9.5 of 10, 9.5 for story and 10 for art.. :)
Jun 16, 2021 5:38 PM

Sep 2020
I'm not sure I like the final implication that Asahi will continue Sawa's quest, in spirit at least.
Overall I feel like this series could have been much better if Makoto had an actual character development and if certain events were shuffled or something.
Jun 16, 2021 7:19 PM
Mar 2015
RIP Onnee chan You wasted your chance to be with Ashai and Jin's sacrifice Glad Ashai carried on her life and wrote in her diary Cute that Hana was with Ashai at thee end
Jun 16, 2021 9:33 PM
Jan 2020
Seeing a lot of comments saying it was a happy ending like did no one realize sawa died seriously horrible ending.
Jun 17, 2021 12:01 AM
Mar 2020
Ryuseishun said:
XyrusKun said:
why you even finished it if you thought it's boring? being sarcastic tsundere?

Lol "sarcastic tsundere". How classy.

At least I had something to care about at the time, like my curiosity in how it'll finish and if the ending would be a decent resolution, OR how the animation looked good at times especially during the action parts.
I didn't get anything of added value, sadly.
well I'm glad, I thought you hated the whole thing
Jun 17, 2021 3:08 AM
Jul 2018
I liked the End but it was an average show for me but the fights were really lively and I liked that 6/10.
Jun 17, 2021 10:18 AM

Jan 2019
(English) Jouran ends very well, surpassing my expectations. Sawa is now free, she will be reunited with her family and can sleep in peace at last. Life is cruel, Jouran never hid it. A tragic end, but at the same time comforting. An anime that touched me for sure

(Portuguese/Portugues) Jouran termina muito bem, superando as minhas expectativas. Sawa está agora livre, ela irá reencontrar sua família e pode dormir em paz, finalmente. A vida é cruel, Jouran nunca escondeu isso. Um final trágico, mas ao mesmo tempo reconfortante. Um anime que me tocou, com certeza.
Jun 17, 2021 4:52 PM

Sep 2013
A happy ending turned into a sad one, sawa's kindess in the end killed her by letting the bladed woman live.
Asahi is hot now.
Jun 18, 2021 1:45 AM
Apr 2021

as to Asahi around 17 y/o basically turning herself into a photocopy of Sawa, yukata, long black hair not tied up like Sawa had it when she died

Asahi has brown hair. And she wears Nana's feather, stained with Sawa's blood.
So that's what kind of huge crow killed Makoto.
TobimarooJun 18, 2021 1:52 AM
Jun 18, 2021 1:56 AM
Apr 2021
At that point why not just show the blood to confirm?

But they showed blood. When she and Asahi were sitting on the porch at the end, the final shot showed that Sawa's yukata was blue with blood. In addition, in the ED, Sava lies in a spray of blood, having let go of the sword. And then the blood turns into commeline flowers. Beautiful and imaginative.
Jun 18, 2021 2:36 AM
Oct 2019
Sad end and it was fun to watch .
My theory on how Sawa died even with her super healing is because Rinko the wolverine girl stabbed using her bendable blades and rupturing all of her organs ( remember how she wanted to see her suffer and be tormented everyday when getting karate chopped by Sawa) .Sawa was holding in all of her pain and we see the stab wound was on her right when Rinko was seen stabbing Sawa on her left, probably implying she was stabbed with her curved bendy blades.
Painful end and History repeats itself.
6/10 it was good , like a telenovela...
Jun 18, 2021 7:28 AM

Mar 2014
This anime had a potential. It has a great artstyle ( I love more hand drawn animations), nice soundtrack, unique setting during modern Shogunate.

Sadly after first few episodes the charm of all things I mentioned is not enough to justify really plain and messy story.

We never really get any explanation and rules of the world. We don't know what is this special resource and why Shogunate depends on it desperately. If this resource is so crucial for the country would government change really make a difference?

Also those powers, people turning into monsters, special blood of some particular clan - all those thing are not properly explained. Felt like bunch of things just thrown together.

Other that that rest of the story is also no good - characters make strange decisions, their motivations are unclear like this woman who was dressed as a man etc.

Disappointing anime. Wasted potential becouse of poor writting. 4/10
Jun 18, 2021 8:21 AM
Dec 2018
Well, this series just goes to prove (as if that was necessary...) that I seem to live in a parallel universe to the rest of the anime fandom. I found it sublime from the first episode to the last post-credit scene in the last one. Not only truly beautiful to look at (and listen to) but also with a strong, compelling story and characters that I won't be forgetting any time soon. A true masterpiece and one of the best 1-cour series I've ever watched.

Easy 10/10 for me
Jun 19, 2021 2:41 PM

Jun 2017
Man, this was some mess. Why did Sawa have to die like that and at the hands of that particular executioner, of all people? Is this the reason why the anime staff decided to keep her alive? Whatever the case, I'm very disappointed.

Kuzuhara ended up solo-ing his way to the Shogun. We never really got a power level set in the show but surely, it couldn't have been that easy! He could've done the deed immediately after gaining that power then.

At least some of the action scenes were good though. And the ED theme was nice.

4/10 from me.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Jun 19, 2021 11:38 PM

Dec 2016
The way Sawa died was unnecessary. Reminded me of how Ash died in Banana Fish. Sawa died by a character who appeared for like just 2 or 3 episodes...I don't even remember her name. What was her reason to stab Sawa? Did she find it really infuriating to lose against Sawa, did she like Jin or something. If she had no life but to follow Yoshinobu's orders but still wanted to get away from it like how she mentioned back in that train then now that Yoshinobu's dead, now just live your life. Sawa didn't do anything to you but instead she was kinda enough to let you live. Sawa should've listened to Hana and killed her back then.

And how did Asahi gain the same powers as Sawa. I thought it was only people from the blue blooded clan who could have those powers.

Like what was written on the diary “History repeats itself” so now Asahi is going to take revenge against that person who killed Sawa...? Kinda boring.

Anyway, it was going fine, would've given an 8 if Sawa returned home without getting stabbed and lived with Asahi like how they were planning to but because of that bland ending I'll give it 7/10, mostly because of the beautiful animation and ost and some of the fight scenes were actually good.
Rickydory123Jun 19, 2021 11:42 PM
Jun 20, 2021 2:01 PM

Jun 2019
It stayed a mess till the end.

Yuki dies for no reason and it made all of Jin’s actions completely pointless. Asahi being healed by Yuki’s blood doesn’t make sense either because she has the blood and she died from being stabbed in the back. Why is Asahi taking care of the blonde girl now and what would she have to fight? Was everything everyone did worthless? Looks like it.

I’ll give it a 3, but it’s very close to a 4 because of the character designs, art, and surprisingly solid animation during fights.
Jun 21, 2021 10:33 AM

May 2015
It was solid timekiller for me, but i expected more.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Jun 23, 2021 10:45 PM
Jun 2021
She died because stabbed from back? NO she's just surrender from life,,,
Jun 30, 2021 11:45 PM
Dec 2014
This anime took such a fucking nosedive.

Most if not all the characters had no proper motives that just went back and forth as the show went on and essentially all of it was a massive nonsensical clusterfuck.

Holy shit.
Jul 4, 2021 1:41 PM

Apr 2017
They seriously pulled a GoT and gave the fulfillment of Sawa's journey to someone else.
Hana and her husband seriously left Asahi, a kid, behind when they didn't know if Sawa would return or not.

I'm not that upset at Sawa dying since it's kind of a trope with characters who dedicate their lives to revenge. At the same time, having your protagonist die after they've achieved their goal and finally found an oasis of peace and incredibly overdone. And Asahi having the Karasumori powers was just...I didn't even care about her anymore at that point because the whole "thing can't be stopped ever after so many deaths" is also incredibly overdone.

This show had a lot of potential, good music and good animation. Too bad it was brought down by the writing.

6.5 - 7 / 10

Shimotodesu said:
She died because stabbed from back? NO she's just surrender from life,,,

I don't think she was just stabbed in the back, I think Rinko stabbed her with a poisoned blade. Hence why she could still move for a bit and then gradually lost her sight.
Aug 4, 2021 12:27 AM

Feb 2014
you can´t be fucking kidding she died because that random girl she spared stabbed her on the back?


That was really ridiculous. Too bad.

Also, most characters are all over the place and always contradicting themselves for the sake of melodrama

It had a good potential and it started intriguing despite confusing, but in the end it was a waste of nice art and animation, it´s a shame.

I was ready to give this a 5 or 6; but now I am very angry and dissapointed so here take my 3/10
Vi-Aug 4, 2021 8:05 AM
Aug 6, 2021 2:08 AM

Jul 2015
Sad end but Sawa managed to die peacefully (although strange that she couldn't heal a simple stab compared to all previous injuries). After Janome's death I expected this to go downhill but suprisingly it wasn't so bad. Overall, plot felt average but the visuals were really nice.

Aug 9, 2021 12:11 PM
Jan 2018
It’s clear that Hana probably took Asahi in and raised her along with her daughter and they sister like relationship

Still they didn’t give any reason for rinko to kill her she was free
Mattinator95Aug 9, 2021 12:21 PM
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